The Vegetarian
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Read between May 8 - May 11, 2024
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Before my wife turned vegetarian, I’d always thought of her as completely unremarkable in every way.
Color me intrigued lol
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I want to swallow you, have you melt into me and flow through my veins.
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Time was a wave, almost cruel in its relentlessness as it whisked her life downstream, a life she had to constantly strain to keep from breaking apart.
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He seems worn out, trying to conceal the anger he feels toward those patients who fail to live up to his expectations.
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She’d been unable to forgive her for soaring alone over a boundary she herself could never bring herself to cross, unable to forgive that magnificent irresponsibility that had enabled Yeong-hye to shuck off social constraints and leave her behind, still a prisoner. And before Yeong-hye had broken those bars, she’d never even known they were there.
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“I need to water my body. I don’t need this kind of food, sister. I need water.”
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“I don’t need to eat, not now. I can live without it. All I need is sunlight.”
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“Why, is it such a bad thing to die?”
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Now, with the benefit of hindsight, In-hye could see that the role that she had adopted back then of the hard-working, self-sacrificing eldest daughter had been a sign not of maturity but of cowardice. It had been a survival tactic.
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The feeling that she had never really lived in this world caught her by surprise. It was a fact. She had never lived. Even as a child, as far back as she could remember, she had done nothing but endure.
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There was nothing the matter. It was a fact. Everything would be fine as long as she just kept going, just carried on with her life as she always had done. In any case, there was no other way.
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Her life was no more than a ghostly pageant of exhausted endurance, no more real than a television drama. Death, who now stood by her side, was as familiar to her as a family member, missing for a long time but now returned.
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During the past insomniac months, In-hye had sometimes felt as though she were living in a state of total chaos. If it hadn’t been for Ji-woo—if it hadn’t been for the sense of responsibility she felt toward him—perhaps she too might have relinquished her grip on that thread.
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It’s your body, you can treat it however you please. The only area where you’re free to do just as you like. And even that doesn’t turn out how you wanted.
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Hee-joo reaches out to take Yeong-hye’s wasted hand in her own rough palm, and In-hye turns her head so that she won’t have to watch.
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The writhing movements of those bodies made it seem as though they were trying to shuck off the human.
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“I have dreams too, you know. Dreams…and I could let myself dissolve into them, let them take me over…but surely the dream isn’t all there is? We have to wake up at some point, don’t we? Because…because then…”