15 books
2 voters
Political Economy
Political economy is the study of production and trade and their links with custom, government and law. It is the study and use of how economic theory and methods influence and develop different social and economic systems, such as capitalism, socialism and communism, and it analyzes how public policy is created and implemented. Since various individuals and groups have different interests in how a country or economy is to develop, political economy as a discipline is a complex field, covering a broad array of potentially competing interests.
Antiracism entails two fundamental tasks: first, diminishing racialization’s ability to facilitate domination, which involves deflating identarian (racist and antiracist) modes of analysis, and, second, displacing exploitation as the basis of political economy, which involves highlighting alternative idioms by which political economy is imagined.
― Asian Americans and the Spirit of Racial Capitalism
― Asian Americans and the Spirit of Racial Capitalism
I suspect that the NDP is actually a carefully crafted ideological propaganda document. This version of ideological propaganda could be called the 'ideology of targetism'. The aim of this ideological propaganda is to lull the general public, and especially the impoverished majority, into contentment until 2030
― Lost in Transformation: South Africa's Search for a New Future Since 1986
― Lost in Transformation: South Africa's Search for a New Future Since 1986
A group for Azure Beach Library Patrons interested in Australian political literature, Australia…more
1 member,
last active one year ago
This group is dedicated to reading and discussing important works in political economy.
3 members,
last active 4 years ago
A discussion group for Thomas Piketty's Capital in the Twenty-First Century.…more
2 members,
last active 10 years ago
Grupo de Paleolibertarios Hispanohablantes con el objetivo de recomendar Libros
1 member,
last active 3 years ago