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Auctioned #5


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Book 5 | Romantic Suspense | Hurt/Comfort | Trauma | Age Difference
The Auctioned Series is a journey packed with action, nail-biting suspense, family, and love. In Gray and Darius’s fight for freedom and a future where they aren’t haunted by the ghosts of their pasts, they’ll make you laugh, cry, possibly yell at your e-reader, and swoon just a little bit.

In a race against time, Gray didn’t allow himself to consider defeat. He refused. They couldn’t lose now. Darius had to be okay. Oh God, he had to be okay.

One minute and twelve seconds had passed since the guys in the compound had started collapsing, and Gray could hear Darius in his mind, calling him knucklehead in that sharp tone that demanded attention. Pull it together, focus, get the job done. So with his heart threatening to pound its way out of his rib cage, Gray let this final task become his one and only mission. They were gonna finish the operation once and for all, and they were gonna walk away with a bright future ahead of them. A future that promised family, new adventures, and freaking farm animals.

This was it.

This story takes place in Cara Dee’s Camassia Cove Universe, a fictional town where all books stand on their own, unless otherwise stated, and the reader can jump in wherever they want. The Auctioned Series should be read in the following order: Auctioned, Stranded, Deserted, Played, and Finished.

134 pages, Paperback

First published August 19, 2021

About the author

Cara Dee

88 books3,801 followers

I'm often stoically silent or, if the topic interests me, a chronic rambler. In other words, I can discuss writing forever and ever. Fiction, in particular. The love story—while a huge draw and constantly present—is secondary for me, because there's so much more to writing romance fiction than just making two (or more) people fall in love and have hot sex. There's a world to build, characters to develop, interests to create, and a topic or two to research thoroughly. Every book is a challenge for me, an opportunity to learn something new, and a puzzle to piece together. I want my characters to come to life, and the only way I know to do that is to give them substance—passions, history, goals, quirks, and strong opinions—and to let them evolve. Additionally, I want my men and women to be relatable. That means allowing room for everyday problems and, for lack of a better word, flaws. My characters will never be perfect.

Wait…this was supposed to be about me, not my writing.

I'm a writey person who loves to write. Always wanderlusting, twitterpating, kinking, and geeking. There's time for hockey and cupcakes, too. But mostly, I just love to write.

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Displaying 1 - 30 of 146 reviews
Profile Image for Cadiva.
3,754 reviews379 followers
August 7, 2021
Well that's how you wrap up a romantic suspense series in style!

Cara Dee can certainly prolong the agonies and I'm still not sure this needed to be a separate book given it follows immediately on from the events of book four Played

However, having said that, it does make for a powerfully thrilling read, as Gray and the remaining members of the team rush to save them from a final traitorous act.

I have adored this series from the off, in spite of the heavy subjects and traumatic events it centres itself on. Both Gray and Darius utterly own my heart, the former for what he goes through, the later for his unwavering convictions that he would find, and rescue, the younger man.

Their love is something both primal and precious, it crosses emotional divides and encompasses a multitude of feelings which all become wrapped up in the idea of not only a future, but of a family.

Jayden and Justin form the beating hearts but it's Gray and Darius' devotion to each other which is the blood that runs through all of their actions.

This series has also been brilliant at pulling in characters from Cara's expanded Camassia Cove and associated connected worlds and I'd really encourage you to read those if you haven't.

Auctioned focuses on a subject which is, sadly, an altogether more common one than we might like to think of in our modern, 21st century world - that of human trafficking. It's sickening and difficult to read at times.

But the payoff is so worth it. The villains are given the ending they deserve and the victims are given hope for a new, if different, future.

More than anything, this book shows that life isn't black and white, it's built up of shades of grey that sometimes skirt along the edges of what society would think is right and sometimes actions which blow them right out of the water.

Not one thing which occurs in this book made me think no, that shouldn't be the case. It's a powerful demonstration of the old adage - Live by the sword, die by the sword - and the vengeance wreaked here is 100% justifiable as far as I'm concerned.

A series I will read again, but maybe in a couple of years after the first couple of books' traumatic effects have faded a bit.

News that there will be at least one more visit with Gray, Darius and their boys in 2022 makes me very happy.

#ARC kindly received from the author in return for an honest and unbiased review
Profile Image for Ele.
1,310 reviews40 followers
August 28, 2021
*3.5 stars*

I loved the epilogue. I liked the rest of it too, I just got a little bit bored midway. I think splitting the finale into two books made it feel longer than it had to be, at least for me. Still, a good read.
Profile Image for Rae (semi-hiatus).
515 reviews131 followers
February 18, 2023
What a conclusion

This family makes my heart ache in the best way possible. Darius and Gray and Justin and Jayden are the greatest. I cry whenever there is affection shown between the men, I cry when there’s affection shown between the kids, and then I cry some more when there’s affection shown between the dads and the kids. It’s fucking beautiful. This whole book was.

I remember being a little scared when I saw how many books this series had and now I’m near the finish line and I don’t wanna cross over.
Profile Image for Kaje Harper.
Author 83 books2,636 followers
August 22, 2021
This book reads like the second half of the one before, and gives us the complete story. The bad guys finally get their comeuppance, the good guys get to go home, the victims get rescued. The emotional tone is a bit more muted (and I was waiting for something to have more resonance, or more consequences.)

But I love these two characters, I adore the little family they are creating, and I was happy to see the solid HEA. Gray has some plans and options on the table at the end, so it's not too solid of a bow tied on. There is life and change and growth yet to come, and that's a good thing for a guy who, we're reminded, is only now 22, no matter how much he's matured.
Profile Image for Esra.
Author 48 books85 followers
October 14, 2021
What a journey!!
We finally got to know what the numbers mean.
The author gave the good news at the end.
I look forward to seeing what the future holds for Darius and Gray.
Profile Image for Annery.
947 reviews154 followers
November 27, 2023
Reviewed together because Played and Finished are basically just one longish book.

The first part is told from Darius' POV. The preparations and richly deserved revenge that Darius has promised Grey is exacted on the POS scum traffickers with the help of friends & family. The events from The Job come into play but aren't rehashed.

The second is told from Grey's POV and deals with the fallout & cleanup from operation revenge. All of Grey's mother hen come out to play in a useful way.

Overall I think this was a satisfying end to D&G story but I understand there's one more book covering the wedding? I'll probably get to it but I'll be in no rush. This ended on just the right note.
Profile Image for Papie.
782 reviews166 followers
March 26, 2024
This was a nice wrap up, but it felt unnecessary and it dragged quite a bit.

This series did not have to be 5 books. In fact, it would have been much better as a trilogy IMO.

I do love the guys. And it was nice to revisit Camassia Cove.
Profile Image for ML.
1,414 reviews1 follower
January 4, 2023
The aftermath of their Vegas trip is felt.

Getting back on track after that takes time. I love that the barcode numbers that Darius gave Gray are finally explained. It’s very swoony.

Time marches on and Gray and Darius fall deeper into family life and we get a VERY nice surprise at the end.

Off to read the next one!
Profile Image for AussieMum.
1,386 reviews49 followers
August 21, 2021
A good ending to a great series. Though I do think this could have been 3 books, not 5, as some of the urgency and excitement waned a bit the longer it was drawn out from book 1.
Definitely something I’ll reread and binge.
January 16, 2023
This novella is basically the completion of the previous book Played with a switch to Gray's POV. I think the two really cold have been one book, but since I'm late to the game I was able to jump right in so it really didn't make a big difference.

The majority of this story is wrapping up the mission and returning home. Gray is a very different person than he was in the first book, and I do wish we got a bit more of his "unpacking" what he went through and the psychological impact over the course of the series. I do love the life he and Darius have built and the ending of this story was absolute perfection.
Profile Image for Bronwyn.
1,278 reviews28 followers
December 6, 2023
December 2023: My original rating stands. I’m still salty that this book and the one before it were split into two separate books. It was completely unnecessary especially with how short this “book” was. It’s more of a novella. While I own the other books in this series, I won’t pay full price for these two. I’ll wait until they’re combined for a cheaper price or I’ll wait ‘til they’re in KU if I ever want to reread them.

There was also some misinformation and other stuff that bothered me. Why didn’t Cara Dee research how chicks are hatched before claiming 2 chickens laid so many eggs? The scenario presented was completely wrong. (A hen only lays one egg per day. It takes 24-26 hours to produce one egg. Rarely, a hen may lay two eggs in a day, but again. It’s rare. Add to that the fact that incubation time is around 20 days per egg.) Also, considering we have completed our pandemic phase, I was surprised that Darius states that “All pandemics are global.” That’s an inaccurate statement. Pandemics are multi-regional, but not necessarily global. They affect multiple countries/regions. The Black Death wasn’t global, yet it was a pandemic.

Overall, I was disappointed in this book.

***Told exclusively from Gray’s POV***

August 2021: 2.5 stars — This is so hard for me to review. I finished this book yesterday and I’m still struggling with it. I love Cara Dee. Her MM stories are some of my favorite books that I’ve ever read. Darius and Gray are a wonderful couple whom I’ve enjoyed getting to know. That said, I feel really let down with these last two books in the Auctioned series. They felt rushed, and Finished even felt disjointed and clunky to me. Were fans putting pressure on Ms Dee about when the next books were coming out? I would have rather waited another 6 months (or more) for these books and had them written to the same caliber as books one through three. I understand that Gray and Darius do indeed get their HEA here, but the writing wasn’t up to par.

My absolute favorite part of this book was when Darius FINALLY explains the significance behind the numbers he carved into Gray’s neck under his barcode in book one. That was so emotional and I loved the way Ryan was brought into the way it was revealed to Gray.

I still feel that books four and five (or 5 and 6 if you count The Job as book 4) should have been combined. Overall, I’m really disappointed in the way this series Finished.

Thoughts before I read this for the first time: I can’t tell you how apprehensive I am to read these last two books. I fear that I will end up being very mad at Cara Dee, an author whom I love. These last two books are so short, it feels like a money making strategy on her part. Drag the readers along, charge full price for novella length books. We knew this was going to be a 5 book series, but I think the readers expected 5 full length books. It seems like these last two books should have been published as one full story. Marketing strategy? Idk. It disappoints me.
Profile Image for BevS.
2,811 reviews2 followers
August 20, 2021
Still not sure why this and book 4 Played needed to be published as two separate stories to be perfectly honest...perhaps money played a part 🤔. Without a doubt, both this one and Played lacked the raw intensity of the first 3 books in the series, as everything that needed to be discovered was out in the open at the end of book 4. We didn’t get any more betrayals although the best thing that could've happened to the traffickers did happen in this instalment, thank goodness...

The ending was lovely, and looking forward to more Gray and Dare in 2022. 3.5 stars rounded up.

Profile Image for Thamyres.
58 reviews34 followers
August 20, 2021
Oh my god, I'm overdosing on happiness.

This book is everything!

The perfect ending for this series and I loved every minute of it.

They get their happily ever after and is glorious!!!!
Profile Image for Evelyn220.
457 reviews26 followers
March 11, 2023
4.5⭐️ loved how this action-packed series wrapped up. This book had the most romance too and I reveled in it. I adore Darius and Gray and their little family on the homestead.
It’s crazy that a series about human trafficking and torture ultimately left me feeling so light and happy, but here we are. 🤷‍♀️ Cara Dee is a gem.
Profile Image for Dan.
1,452 reviews38 followers
August 21, 2021
It feels so odd to know the end has come. I've been following this series since the first one was released and I really love it. It is raw and painful and hopeful all at once. I'm kind of glad it doesn't go the cliche "going back to normal" route and takes into account that trauma really changes people forever. It is a really good conclusion to a really good series
Profile Image for Ellie.
612 reviews58 followers
April 27, 2023
3.5 stars

A brief, somewhat scattered conclusion to the series that is nonetheless very satisfying.

This review contains spoilers for Played, book 4 of the Auctioned series.

Representation: 40+ MC, neurodivergent side characters

“Before we met, I knew you were the eternity kind of guy,” Darius said. “I placed you in the same category as my folks. You, just like them, deserved to spend your life with someone who wanted the same type of forever. And that’s why I chose the numbers my father used when he proposed to Ma. It was my mission to bring you back so you could find that future with someone.”

I enjoyed this a lot because I've grown very attached to the characters.

This instalment picks up right where the last one left off:

It was surprisingly low stress, and not quite the outcome I thought we'd get for the action portion of the book after the cliffhanger the last one served us. Revenge was had though, and that makes me happy.

I really appreciated that while this is clearly a HEA, not everything in their lives has magically fallen into place. They still have work to do with their little found family, and Gray has some ideas but is still deciding what he's going to do with his life. It felt honest and realistic. I only found vaguely too cheesy instead of painfully so.

“Somewhere along the road when we drove across the country with Jayden, it became unbearable to think of you finding someone else for that journey,” Darius admitted. “I reckon that’s when you became my forever.”

There's a conclusion/ book which I'll come back to when I'm in need for a revisit with these fabulous characters, but I would not be upset to leave the series here.

Sexual content: Explicit but brief.

◆◆◆◈◇ - Auctioned
◆◆◆◆◈ - Stranded
◆◆◆◆◆ - Deserted
◆◆◆◈◇ - Played
◆◆◆◈◇ - Finished
◇◇◇◇◇ - Prepared
Profile Image for Agalactiae.
1,341 reviews20 followers
August 20, 2021

C'est plutôt avec précipitation que j'ai démarré Finished il y a plusieurs jours, car honnêtement, on ne peut pas faire autrement que de se jeter dessus si on vient de finir Played. Mais passé le coup de stress, on se dit « mince, mais purée ça va être fini après ». Et oui...

Dans Finished, Cara Dee nous offre la fin de l'opération de choc de Darius, Willow, Ryan, les frères Tenley, entres autres. Difficile d'en dire plus arrivé à ce stade de la série...

On peut dire qu'un petit knucklehead va en surprendre plus d'un, moi y compris, mais chuuut ^^

Le seul petit reproche que j'aurais à faire, c'est le trop faible nombre de pages que les deux derniers tomes comportent. Personnellement, les deux auraient pu être largement fusionnés en un seul et même tome. Mais bon, je râle juste un peu car c'est Cara Dee et que...ben voilà ^^

Dans Finished, on aura droit à des moments de stress, forcément, mais aussi le calme après la tempête, et le retour dans notre jolie petite famille.
Il y a tellement de jolis passages dans ce roman. Je pense que le lecteur qui n'a pas craqué pour Gray mais surtout Darius jusqu'à présent, ben ça sera chose faite ! Un certain passage, quoique non deux passages, ont gonflé ma poitrine d'amour pour eux, mais vraiment.

Auctioned est une super série, vraiment. Certes angoissante avec des moments assez sombres et difficiles à lire, surtout dans le premier et deuxième tome. Mais qui vaut vraiment le coup, car on fait la connaissance de personnages très attachants, charismatiques. Des personnages que j'ai aimé dès le début, même si je connaissais Gray du fait de son apparition dans d'autres romans, que j'ai appris à connaître d'avantage au fil des pages et dont je me suis profondément attachée.
J'adore Gray, j'adore aussi Darius. Darius dégage un tel charisme, je me souviens encore de ma première rencontre avec lui. C'est un homme droit, fidèle, gentil, qui craque pour Gray, qui a d'ailleurs craqué pour lui bien avant sa rencontre. Il a une belle évolution au fil des pages et des tomes. On pourrait croire qu'il est infaillible, mais au fur et à mesure des romans, Cara Dee nous montre qu'il a une vraie sensibilité avec des valeurs fortes.

Lire l'épilogue fut difficile... On sait que la fin est proche.... Cara Dee nous offre un épilogue à la hauteur de ces deux hommes, et j'ai adoré ! Les deux dernières lignes en gras m'ont fait faire un bond sur mon canapé et m'ont redonné le sourire et, comment dire.... j'ai trop hâte ! Parce que oui, « Just remember, in Camassia, the end never means it’s over » pour citer l'auteur ^^

Merci Madame Dee pour cette superbe histoire <3
Profile Image for Ζωή Παππά.
Author 3 books28 followers
August 11, 2021
This is the last book in the series and it's not a standalone. I highly recommend this series, in fact after reading the big finale I just want to reread all the books. I already miss Gray and Darius. This book was simply amazing. The perfect ending to this fantastic story. It was all I hoped for and then more. I loved the bickering between Darius and Ryan. I loved bossy Gray. I adored the family moments and I thought that the way the storyline was resolved was very satisfying. This book was perfect, this series is perfect and Darius and Gray are like a warm blanket and hot chocolate. Well, actually they are really strong and brave and they've been through hell but they still warm my heart. I love them both.
I received a free copy of this book and this is my honest review.
Profile Image for Teeny.
1,538 reviews46 followers
May 9, 2022
Upping my rating because this time I got over my disappointed from being spoilered in the The Job.

Because earlier this week I did a re-read of Deserted I couldn't stop there and not read Played and this and because I read them back to back and they can't really be separated either way this will be the same in both books.

Those two books were really a great way to give not only Gray and the other boys closure but Darius as well.

I'm still waiting for the "first encounters" and the future glimpses of the Quinn Squadron! (that hopefully might have gotten bigger than the 4 of them. I can really see those two having like 4-5 kids!)

There isn't much more to say that you won't find in my first review but for me it's always exciting revisiting a book I loved and see that it still grasps me the same way if not more!

This is an incredible series that despite all the hurts it has comfort and love aplenty!


As I said in my review of Played the fact that I was spoilered in The Job was quite traumatic for me (as evident in my review of The Job as well) and I really couldn't feel excitement and satisfaction in how that part of the plot was handled.

Truth be told I'm glad I waited for this to read the 4th book, Played, because well this one was short and felt more like the 4th book's epilogue. I think Cara wanted to break each part of the story in different books but this one didn't work that well. In the end it felt like not much really happened when pretty much it was one heck of a closure with as much a happy ending, for the victims and everyone participating in the mission, as one can get when it's about human trafficking and betrayal.

I love all the things in Darius's Big List and I'd love to see some of them in the future come to fruition in a short story or newsletter snippets or whatever. I just can't let these four boys go! Especially with such a small glimpse to the future, even though Cara does promise for a bigger peek in their future. I want to see Jayden call Darius and Gray, Dad! I want to see Justin's first day in kindergarten or first grade! I want to see Darius gloat over being right about a certain event! And I want to see Gray dressing Darius in three piece suit with the vest and all.

I received an ARC from Gay Romance Reviews and this is my honest review.
Profile Image for Elyse.
350 reviews28 followers
August 29, 2021
”583928. He knew those digits so well by now. Older lumberjack meets younger hothead…”

A cute ending for Darius & Gray. Although like all Camassia Cove characters, they will be seen again.
I’m looking forward to Niko’s and Kellan’s books, where I’m sure Darius & Gray will be mentioned.

Note: I only gave 3 stars because I feel the characters were a bit rushed if that makes sense? They just didn’t feel like them, and all of their external surroundings just felt off. Almost like you were experiencing their story through a filter. I felt like it lost a bit of what Auctioned had to spark this series.
A lot of things kind of fell off the radar and the focus was on tinier, non important details.
I definitely kept asking where Abel was. His name hadn’t been mentioned since the 3rd book I think. I thought that was strange. Abel & Gray were the best of friends, even if they only had time for a text, at least it was something. It’s like their friendship and Gray’s relationship with anyone else kind of disappeared. 🤷🏻‍♀️
Profile Image for Enay QueerBooklover.
434 reviews201 followers
August 21, 2021
A perfect end to the series! All the feels & all the squees. Gray & Darius are one of my all-time fave couples, and this rounds out the development of their relationship. I’m glad I waited until Finished was out before I read the last 2, and I’m also glad I read “The Job” in between as recommended otherwise the angst would have been a lot worse. I loved the character arc of these 2, and the teasers that were planted through the books that all come together at the end, particularly about the barcode tattoo (awwwwwww!!) Their home is so richly painted I wish I could visit it. And I’ve said it in previous reviews but I’ll say it again, I love how Gray is such a nurturer, blowing away ridiculous stereotypes that only women are like that. Only negative - it was too short!
Thank you Cara 💗💗💗 I’m pretty sad it’s over though, and the book hangover is real…
Profile Image for Fateme.
15 reviews2 followers
July 24, 2024
Well, I can’t wait to read the next book in peace. I’m read to leave these boys be, they grown so much that i feel safe never to think about them ever again i have no idea if you ppl know what i mean. Hahahaha, enjoy reading everyone.
Profile Image for Isa Tis.
609 reviews10 followers
August 15, 2021
4,5* ( mais un 5 pour la série dans sa globalité, une série dans laquelle je me replongerai c’est certain)

Finished vient clore d’une très belle façon la série Auctioned qui se déroule dans l’univers de Camassia Cove (cœur). Evidemment le pincement au cœur était bien au rendez-vous même si comme le dit si bien Cara Dee « Just remember, in Camassia, the end never means it’s over ». Je sais donc que je croiserai de nouveau Gray & Darius, que les personnages secondaires qui n’ont pas encore eu leur happy end auront leur histoire dans un futur plus ou moins proche. Il n’empêche que cela reste difficile de les quitter...

Je risque de me répéter un peu avec mes avis précédents mais je vais essayer d’être brève. Commençons par le seul défaut de ce roman : il est très court, en fait il s’agit d’un épilogue à rallonge. J’ai donc dû me forcer à poser ma liseuse pour faire durer le plaisir deux jours... Certains lecteurs pourront reprocher le manque d’action, de rebondissements mais je fais partie de ceux qui adhèrent complètement au contenu de ce dernier opus. J’aurais détesté que l’autrice face dans la surenchère, juste pour ajouter du rythme ou du drama et puis merde hein, les héros ont assez morflé (oui, je radote mais c’est vrai !).

J’ai aussi adoré le fait que l’autrice nous fasse vivre l’histoire à travers les yeux de Gray (sachant que dans le tome 4, nous vivons les événements à travers ceux de Darius), d’ailleurs les premières pages voient les rôles s’inverser entre les deux hommes, c’est tellement symbolique et cela en dit long sur l’évolution de Gray. Il est ici question de vengeance et je n’ai pas honte de dire que je l’ai savourée, la boucle est enfin bouclée et les héros pourront désormais se concentrer à pleinement à leur avenir...

Dans Finished, j’ai encore eu une fois droit à des passages très émouvants ou plus intenses entre Gray & Darius (dont deux qui m’ont fait frétiller de plaisir). Ahlala ce couple est tellement parfait à mes yeux, j’aime ce que chacun représente pour l’autre, j’aime la façon dont Gray tempère les « excès » de son homme tout en adhérant à la façon dont Darius voit la vie, en mode survivaliste 😂 , j’aime cette famille qu’ils sont parvenus à fonder (et je ne me lasse pas de voir ces deux papas à l’œuvre). De la laideur et de la violence est née quelque chose de vraiment magnifique et précieux, et c’est hyper émouvant (je me répète encore une fois...).
Encore une fois, les personnages secondaires sont toujours très présents. Ryan me fait toujours autant saliver ; ma petite Willow en bave sacrément ; Jayden & Justin sont toujours aussi craquants et les petits moments de complicité entre Gray et sa maman Chloé sont juste trop mignons.

Cette série ne m’a jamais laissée indifférente et a été un vrai roller coaster d’émotions, auprès de Gray & de Darius je suis passée par tous les stades : du désespoir le plus total à la délivrance absolue ; de la souffrance la plus vive à un contentement incommensurable et des moments de swoon complet. Le thème originel de la série est particulièrement horrible et l’autrice a parfaitement su gérer son récit sans tomber dans les excès.

Finished est donc une très jolie conclusion à la série, on ressent à chaque page l’attachement que Cara ee ressent pour Gray & Darius. Ce n’est pas pour rien qu’elle leur a accordé 5 livres !

Dois-je vraiment écrire que les dernières notes de l’autrice m’ont fait bondir de joie ?

Merci Madame Dee !
Profile Image for JustJen "Miss Conduct".
2,303 reviews151 followers
August 19, 2021

This story picks up where the cliffy left us hanging in the previous book. The story continues with the second half and wrap up of the rescue and take down of the players involved.
Things continue to move along at a pretty good clip throughout with everyone on the team going their separate ways and Darius and Gray reuniting with their kids on their somewhat off-the-grid property.

This installment brings closure to a number of different angles with Darius and Gray coming out stronger than ever at the end. Gray did struggle a bit with how everyone on the team dealt with the big betrayal, and I would have liked to have seen that explored a little more.

All in all, I really enjoyed this series, and I'm a huge fan of Cara Dee and her writing. While this book read a bit better than the last for me, it didn't have quite the intensity of the earlier books. In truth, it felt as though this and the previous book could have easily been combined to pack more of a punch, but suffice to say, it was a nice way to finish the story, except it appears the story isn't quite finished after all and that we may be seeing Darius and Gray again. Maybe they will take River and Reese (from The Game series) up on their offer to visit!

As always, Ms. Dee remains on my auto-read list, as I always finish her books looking forward to reading more.

Review written for Love Bytes Reviews.
Profile Image for Miss Blattsalat.
118 reviews
August 12, 2021
“I´m so ready to go home.”

What a perfect and happy ending to Cara Dee´s amazing “Auctioned” series.
Darius and Gray ❤
Love them and will miss them so much ❤
583928 ❤ (yes, this secret behind Gray´s tattoo is finally lifted and it is oh so romantic!)

Definitely worth every single tear drop throughout the series!

“What made you think about marriage?”
“I´m thinking about steak too, “ Darius murmured sleepily. His voice was sounding more and more drowsy. “So rare that a good vet should be able to bring it back to life.”
Gray laughed under his breath and stroked Darius´s cheek. It wasn´t the first time he´s said that.
“Things are coming together, “ Darius repeated. “Marriage is missin´, innit? Marriage and adoption. Boys gotta be ours permanently, you gotta be mine permanently. Written in stone s´way I like it. Four Quinns and our home base. Cats, dogs, chickens, a few feeder pigs.”
“Oh, we have NOT discussed feeder pigs.”
“Not yet,” Darius whispered.

Those two are simply meant to be ❤
All my love for the lovely Quinn bunch, hopefully we will meet them again sometime in Camassia Cove *wink*

*I was kindly provided with an ARC by Eliza Rae Services*
Profile Image for James Berry.
Author 3 books74 followers
October 15, 2021
It's gotta be 5 ⭐️s, hasn't it! I finished Played last night, and immediately downloaded Finished because I needed to know how this story ended, and it was done so deftly, so beautifully, and really made me happy I read the entire series without any breaks.

Cara Dee definitely knows how to create a community, a sense of a group with history and background and chemistry. The world of Camassia Cove and its environs, its people, it's palpable, and she has definitely made a universe in which I wish I lived, because I want nothing more than to have a plot of land in the mountains, a 20 minute drive to civilisation, and live off the land.

The whole Auctioned series is a thriumph. I can't wait to see what the future holds for Gray & Darius (because it says there's more to come in 2022, and I hope there is!). Thank you Cara for a thrilling, romantic, grounded epic tale of drama, tragedy, family, beauty, and survival.
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