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Postcards from Paradise

Clay's Challenge

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Sometimes you have to get lost to find yourself...Tired of being judged by his appearance, Clay Pennington decides the time has come for drastic action. Partying and one-night stands have gotten old, but how’s a boy supposed to find someone when nobody looks beyond his surface to the man inside? A wilderness retreat seems like just the ticket for proving he’s more than everyone else believes—until he actually gets there.Everything is a lot more difficult than he expected, including the man he’s partnered with for the week. Sexy, surly Trent Raines is a puzzle Clay would love to solve, but the man pushes him away at every turn. Totally out of his element and stuck with a survival partner who barely tolerates him, it’s not long before Clay starts to wonder if he’s made a huge mistake.If Clay can get through the week, he just might find himself...and a whole lot Gay / Contemporary / Series

142 pages, ebook

First published July 2, 2011

About the author

Cassandra Gold

36 books164 followers
By day, I am a middle school teacher. I spend much of my time grading papers, filling out paperwork, and trying to get 6th- and 7th- graders to read.

When I am not at work, I can generally be found at the computer, dreaming up stories about men falling in love. When I have spare time (which is unfortunately not too often anymore!) I read romance of all kinds. Occasionally I pretend to do housework, but my hubby isn't fooled!

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Profile Image for Heather K (dentist in my spare time).
3,996 reviews6,251 followers
December 5, 2014
I adored this super sweet, adventure-style romance. This was my first read by Cassandra Gold and I was so impressed.

I loved that Clay was fem-y. I like 'em every way from uber butch to uber fem but the swishy guys have a special place in my heart. I'm always rooting for them extra hard, and I'm always thrilled when an author decides to dedicate a book to these men finding their happy endings. Clay was adorable. He was beaten down emotionally but still retained an optimistic outlook and a fierce determination. Cassandra Gold didn't make him appear weak and needy but admirably strong. It takes a lot to bounce back from what Clay had been through in his love life but bounce back he did. I also loved the close relationship that Clay had with his brother. Just wonderful.

Trent was also an interesting character. Reserved with demons of his own, he surprised me throughout the book. I also fell for him and loved his chemistry with Clay.

Now the ending... ::fuming over here:: It was so abrupt. I needed an epilogue, something to give me more closure. Don't get me wrong, this is definite HEA, but I wanted to see how everything truly played out. I honestly could have used another 100 pages of development to shoot this up to 5 stars.

Okay, one last thing. Was anyone else a little icked out by the sweaty camping sex with no cleaning beforehand? I'm willing to suspend reality a little bit but butt sex can be a dirty business. After a long day of hiking and sweating and stinking, when fingers and dicks were put in asses... well, I was bracing myself for some dirty (and not in a good way) results. I just couldn't help think of what would happen in real life and it sort of grossed me out. A bit. then the hot sex helped me to forget.

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Profile Image for Bubbles  Hunty Honest & Direct Opinions .
1,314 reviews277 followers
July 19, 2011
I was really enjoying it but the end just left me feeling unsatisfied (I think that’s how I feel)

Other than that I liked the book and liked Clay a lot and Trent grew on me (until the end).
Profile Image for Ami.
6,040 reviews491 followers
July 3, 2011
When the last man he tried to date (from online dating service that promised to match men based on their compatibility) rejected Clay on first sight and told him that "I don't date fems", it's the last straw. Clay is then determined to prove that he is more than just his slender physique. So he joins "Wilderness Adventures", which partners him with sexy and brooding Trent. The close proximity between the two while camping opens new promise of a relationship ... but what happens when the expedition is over and they need to return to each other's hometown?

Thanks to Bubbles, I was reminded that Clay appeared for the first time in Quinn's Hart. This story gives a good insight on why Clay came on too strong to Quinn at that time. I find Clay here as totally endearing as he tries to prove to people that he can do different things and what people see is not always what people get. Clay's determination to keep track with the more "butch" Trent, being in the wilderness and survives in triumps is a token to make me remember that people is more than just what's on the surface.

The love interest, Trent, is more mysterious to me though. I mean, the story is also told from his point of view -- and he does share part of his past, what drives him to do the same expedition, but I guess I'm too charmed with Clay that Trent is pale by comparison. Though after Trent opens up about why he seems so aloof and starts to make connection with Clay, I enjoy him more.

The part towards the ending is probably a bit rushed. But it's just a small niggle for me. I'm glad that Clay gets his happy ending.
Profile Image for Heather C.
1,480 reviews218 followers
March 30, 2012
Loved this!! This was such a sweet, simple, little story. I just adored Clay! I loved that he was fem, but he was always a lot stronger than he ever gave himself credit for. Trent was great, too. And he loved Clay no matter what.

Great comfort read that will make you smile. A lot of hot sex with little angst.

4 stars because of the rushed ending. This story would have been 5 stars if it was longer.
Profile Image for Gigi.
2,148 reviews1,033 followers
February 11, 2013
I loved this book about a frustrated effeminate gay man, Clay, looking for a long term relationship. He decides to take a wilderness vacation to boost his self esteem and during his vacation he meets and falls in love with a tortured and lost undercover FBI agent, Trent, who is coming off a messed-up undercover-op gone horribly wrong. Their week long journey of falling in love is absolutely magical and I was rooting for them the entire way and had pit in my stomach the whole time, wondering how they could possibly have a HEA with everything they were up against once they made it back to their real lives after vacation. But, of course, the author finds a way and I'm a happy camper, just like these two cute boys.

If you love male bonding in the great outdoors, hot fems boys, big, beautiful FBI agents with a bad attitude, great sex in the great outdoors and a romantic love story, I can recommend Clay's Challenge to you.

I did have to knock a star off for the rather abrupt ending. I felt a bit cheated. If you read it, I think you'll see what I mean.
Profile Image for Macky.
1,949 reviews230 followers
February 17, 2013
I actually found this quite a sweet story. It's mainly about not judging a person by looks alone and automatically stereotyping them, in this case it's two gay men - one whose looks categorise him as more feminine and one who is Bi but who's looks are totally the opposite, more manly, therefore making it more likely that people would class him as straight. The two of them meet at a wilderness training camp that they have gone to as a form of retreat for their own reasons ( that are obviously explained in more depth in the book), Clay - who I had a soft spot for - to try and toughen up his image because he has been made to feel inferior by stupid judgemental people who have made him think he is less of a man because of his persona and Trent because he has just had a traumatic time in an undercover assignment, the rest of the story is no surprise but its certainly no hardship getting through it. I found this a pleasant easy read and found the romance endearing as these two opposites connect during their wilderness exercise, then at the end you get to see the proverbial bully's get taken down a peg - and if that's cheesy then I like cheese! This story was what it was, a lightweight, non taxing m/m romance that filled a couple of hours nicely. Rounded up to 4, because for me, even though it wasn't particularly original, it was much better than 3 stars which in amazon terms is "just OK " . 3.5*
Profile Image for Chris.
2,875 reviews209 followers
July 9, 2011
3.5 stars. Good m/m romance about a guy going through a crisis in confidence about how he looks after someone he met online isn't interested in dating him because he's "too fem." So he decides to go on a wilderness adventure and prove to himself that's not the case. (Main character Clay was actually a minor character in Quinn's Hart.)
Profile Image for Td.
690 reviews
December 24, 2011
Another feel good, sweet, tender, realistic romance from Ms Gold...sexy, too. Clay's self-deprecating musings and insecurities, as understandable as they were, almost became too much to bear bordering close to the pathetic line for me but thankfully he didn't cross it and pulled through. I was left happy for them both, there might even have been a happy tear.
Profile Image for Ro.
3,072 reviews16 followers
April 26, 2020
4.5, and with a slightly less rushed ending, it would have been a 5. Absolutely loved Clay. Always choosing the wrong guy, or else scaring guys off by becoming too clingy, but in the end, just wanting someone to love and love him for who he was. The online date, Mike, who supposedly got to know him and like him, then brushed him off with a "I don't date fems" was a complete asshat. Clay questions everything about himself then, and comes up with a negative. Too fem, too weak, too small, too nothing. He signs up for the Wilderness Adventure to prove to himself that he is more than that, even though, Clay, you always were. Having Trent, another confused and wounded soul, as his partner was the best thing that could have happened to him, though it doesn't seem like it at first. Trent is surly, uncommunicative and rude.

Once they hit the wilderness trail, seeing Caly blossom and show his strength was a wonderful thing. Things didn't seem too fairy tale throughout, and so the ending was a bit of a disappointment, but they are SUCH a great couple.
Profile Image for Susan65.
1,607 reviews51 followers
April 4, 2012
A cute, fast read. Clay is just too adorable for words and just what a big butchy guylike Trents needs to keep him grounded.
Profile Image for Karen K.
426 reviews13 followers
July 24, 2011
I enjoyed this story and the characters were both very likeable and easy to fall for. Clay's need to be seen as less of a fem and more of a man was sort of heartbreaking because he seemed quite fine the way he was. I was happy when he went back to his preferred hair and style. The wilderness challenge was definitely way out of his comfort zone and I thought he handled it perfectly and "like a man". I'm glad he had such a great support system in Rex and his girlfriend - love to see a good brother bond in stories.

Trent was a bit of a mystery - which I suppose he was meant to be - and I really enjoyed watching him evolved and share his hardships and his life experiences with Clay. He sounded like a real hunk as well as a stand-up guy and I think he's perfect for Clay.

Though I liked the HEA or HFN ending, I have to agree with others that it seemed rushed. I think I wanted a little more angst of "is he gonna call me", "I don't want to get on with my life without him" - that kind of thing. I also would have liked to see some of the ending in Trent's POV to see how he was actually dealing with being back at work rather than just having Clay tell us about it.
Profile Image for Barb ~rede-2-read~.
3,471 reviews107 followers
November 28, 2012
This was a sweet story of Clay, who was very "fem", and Trent, who was very macho. They are partnered together on a wilderness adventure where Clay went to rough up his fem side after another bad experience with a man. Trent went to get away from the dark side of his undercover job which had torn him up emotionally during the past year.

Predictably the two get passionate then fall in love. The end was better than I thought it would be and the boys do get a HEA. It's a fairly short story, an easy afternoon/evening read that will put a smile on your face and a "feel good" vibe in your tummy.
Profile Image for Lara.
443 reviews
April 5, 2012
Cute & sweet & yeah, the abrupt ending sucked but what was there was very enjoyable. Trent is a big tough cop who's been through some trauma. Clay is an effeminate social butterfly who can't seem to find anyone to love him just as he is. Cue the meet cute on a camping trip and all becomes right with both of their worlds.

Clay was exactly who he was supposed to be, and he was beautiful. *sigh*
Profile Image for Meggie.
5,104 reviews
July 7, 2011
This story was sweet and good. Both main characters were going true their hard problems true self discovery and to find love on that path was one big plus. I loved this story!
Profile Image for Madison Parker.
Author 6 books280 followers
February 11, 2013

Full review at www.madisonparklove.com.

All Clay wants is to find a decent guy who'll love him, but experience has taught him that men just don't see him as relationship material. He's too fem. Good for a fling, but nothing more. The last guy he got close to flat out told him to his face: I don't date fems.

Hurt by the rejection, Clay cancels his beach vacation plans and opts for a wilderness retreat instead. He wants to prove to himself that he can man up, that he's more than the sissy others perceive him to be. It seems like a great idea until he actually gets there and finds out how hard it is: rock climbing, land navigation, survival training. What was he thinking?

Despite his attempts to blend in with the butch mountain men, they peg him as being a fag immediately. It seems Clay just can't escape his outer shell. Then he gets paired with gruff and broody Trent for the wilderness challenge. Just when he thinks things couldn't get worse, he discovers that Trent isn't the man his surly exterior would have everyone believe.

The POV alternates between Clay and Trent, so we get a real feel for who each of these men truly are. Cassandra Gold's writing style allows both inner and outer dialogue to flow effortlessly across the page. I felt a strong emotional connection with both of the main characters, and their actions and responses felt realistic. I thoroughly enjoyed this beautiful love story!
Profile Image for Jane (PS).
2,658 reviews93 followers
June 29, 2012
4.5 stars

This follows on in a relatively unrelated way from Quinn's Hart - Clay appears in QH but in a fairly small way. I loved this book but I wish the ending was a bit more complete... It was sort of just wrapped up.


Reread: 28 Nov 2012

The book has a bit of angst for both the MCs. Clay is questioning his persona, and undertaking steps to resolve his perceived faults. Trent is trying to come to grips on his dual-personality during an extended undercover stint. I really felt for Clay - I can so completely understand his self-flagellation (not physically) and doubts. This books will definitely remain on my reread list :)

Profile Image for Bookbee.
1,419 reviews23 followers
December 7, 2012
I have this spot set aside in my heart just for characters that are fem-y but ultimately unapologetic. Clay has moved in there right alongside of Edward.

I kinda sorta fell in love with Trent too. He and Clay did develop some amazing chemistry!

Love the story all the way through until the very abrupt ending. Noooooo! I needed more! There were too many questions left unanswered. Plus, I admit it, I'm just greedy for more of Clay and Trent together after the trip!
Profile Image for Laura M.
130 reviews6 followers
July 3, 2011
Excellent story about two troubled men hoping to deal with their self-image issues in the wilderness. I like that nothing was easy - no insta-perfect-sex or insta-relationship. Their insecurities weren't healed simply by being together, but by accepting themselves and then working on the friendship. This is one I will recommend to folks who love it when damaged men find real romance.
Profile Image for Jess Candela.
624 reviews36 followers
December 28, 2012
Cute story that I enjoyed but never really got all that into. I'm not sure if I loved Quinn's Hart so much more because it was really that much better, or just so perfectly suited my mood at the moment. I think this may be an author to read as a palate-cleanser between angsty books, rather than as a stand-alone sort of dealy.
Profile Image for Danni.
168 reviews11 followers
April 6, 2012
This was a quick and very sweet read. A real feel-good book. It was all very predictable, but I really liked both Clay and Trent. I needed a light, sweet, romantic, underdog-wins kind of book and this fit the bill exactly.
Profile Image for Snowtulip.
1,077 reviews
August 3, 2012

This is such a sweet story and I absolutely love Clay. This is a perfect book for when you need a light read with a truly lovable character. Wish I got a little more at the end, but still a great read.
Profile Image for Shelby P.
1,320 reviews33 followers
January 14, 2013
I liked Quinn's Hart better than this one. It was more touching. I liked Clay but then he started to get too whiny and down on himself. Not sure if I buy the HEA.
Profile Image for OkayKim.
1,243 reviews
August 6, 2011
Aaaaaw, now I love these kind of stories, and yes, I would love to read more about Clay and Trent.
It's a 4.5
Profile Image for Kendra T.
2,683 reviews42 followers
June 11, 2020
This was really sweet. Clay and Trent had a lot of baggage that brought them to need a wilderness getaway retreat. Trent is surly and wants to be left alone, Clay is trying to prove he is not too femme. After a couple of days of being travel partners, they get to know each other better and find themselves falling in love. I loved how the relationship started quickly, but didn’t escalate too quickly not was realistic without taking too long and giving us too much angst. I enjoyed this.
Profile Image for Heather♥.
782 reviews6 followers
August 5, 2011
I adored Clay and it was a fabulous surprise for me to learn that this was the same Clay from Quinn's Hart (I LOVED that book and hope to hear more some day about Quinn and Josh!) My heart went out to Clay while reading about his interactions with the other guys in his cabin. He was already insecure about appearing too feminine and felt embarrassed when he couldn't master some of the more physical or outdoorsy activities. Poor thing felt humiliated and lonely when no one would talk to him, and when they had to pair up it reminded him of being back in school and picked last in gym class. I just wanted to give him a big hug because he was trying so hard to fit in. I'm glad Trent encouraged Clay to be himself and reassured him about his many wonderful qualities. They were really good together and despite his initial moodiness, I liked how tender Trent was with Clay once they got closer. I just wish the ending had been fleshed out a little more to give us more details about what all happened during their separation (Trent's point of view would have been welcome too). It was obvious neither of them could move on, not that they wanted to since they were pining away for each other, so I was really happy for them that they could finally work out a way to be together.
Profile Image for Dasha Drie.
15 reviews12 followers
April 1, 2013
I loved Clay - he's just the type of gay man I like most: sweet, pretty, flirty, effiminate, big eyed, but not shallow and not a slut. Clay was just adorable! I didn't understand Trent though. He knew that Clay was looking for a serious relationship, he knew how miserable he was because nobody wanted from him more than sex, but he still fucked him even though he he knew that it's just a fling. And he was so hesistant and flabby... I just wanted him to be more alpha-man'ish, I don't know... He was an undercover cop, worked as some badass mob-guy, plus he's such a Manly Man and stuff, but he's afraid to just take the man he loves? Because he lives far away from his city? Because to be outed is not good for his job? Not cool. I wanted him to decide to be with Clay right from the start... but he just made an easy choice and let this lovely little man, so lonely amd vulnerable, go... Still, Clay was just a sweetheart, I can't give him less than 4 stars!
Displaying 1 - 30 of 57 reviews

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