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Twenty-year-old Christopher Robin Andrews lives his life in pieces. He's a student. An artist. A loyal friend. And he's had to make a living as a prostitute. He’s barely holding it all together, surviving day by day.

But then an unexpected encounter with a gorgeous man at a Christmas party shakes up his world. The last thing Christopher’s looking for is love. But sometimes, even if you’re not looking for it, love finds you anyway. Ready or not.

Note: This erotic gay romance includes explicit language and graphic sex between men. For adult readers only!

270 pages, Kindle Edition

First published July 2, 2013

About the author

Alexa Land

56 books780 followers
Independent MM romance author. For more information, please visit Alexa's blog: http://alexalandwrites.blogspot.com/

Please note: the author does not check messages on this site. The best way to contact them is through Facebook.

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Displaying 1 - 30 of 113 reviews
Profile Image for Heather K (dentist in my spare time).
3,996 reviews6,250 followers
November 19, 2013
**3.5 stars**

I've been kind of putting off this review because, well, I don't have very strong feelings about this book. I liked it but it didn't stand out for me.

Part of the reason may be that I jumped into the series at this point without reading the books before it (yes, I know, ass-backwards) but, honestly, I had no issues following along. I think the story works very well as a stand-alone. However, I might have been a bit more emotionally invested in the characters had I read the books leading up to this one.

The issues that I had were with Christopher Robin, mainly. I don't want to get into spoilers but his relationship with his father seemed overly dramatic and blown out of proportion. Christopher is angsty and full of issues, and Kieran was a little "St. Boyfriend" for my taste.

Despite my little niggles with this one, it is a very nice story. I liked the overall storyline and I thought that the two MCs made a nice couple. I'm going to read the first two stories in the series and see if my opinion on this one changes at all.
Profile Image for Jennifer☠Pher☠.
2,916 reviews261 followers
August 25, 2015
Ugh. I knew going in that normally I avoid stuff like this but I thought for sure I knew how it would be handled and I would be ok with it. It wasn’t. So, I am totally not a fan of prostitution, porn stars, rent boys or whatever in my books. It is my thing and like I said, I knew that it was going to be part of this book I just didn’t know I would have to see it. I didn’t like seeing it, at all. I really am not a fan of the boys I am reading about being with anyone else, job or not. So, that kind of pushed my boundaries and I struggled to get over it.

That aside I also struggled a bit with the fifteen year old runaway story and the why of all that. I don’t know. It didn’t seem like enough and then the revelations toward the end of the book just made it piss me off. Like it didn’t have to happen the way it did and shame on everyone, even you Christopher Robin, for letting it happen.

So, I know these books are over the top and belief has to be really suspended and all that but they aren’t as squishy as you think they are and they kind of deal with some uncomfortable stuff. Well, uncomfortable for me.

I did like Christopher Robin and Kieran. The secondary characters are still as wonderful as they have been in all the other books and the happily ever after is of course, sugary sweet. What I don’t know though, with the next book being Hunter’s story, is if I will be able to go through what this book put me through again.
Profile Image for Ann.
1,452 reviews130 followers
July 6, 2013
There is so much gushing I want to do about this book, but it's hard to do without giving away spoilers and I just can't do that. I'm the person who clicks on the hidden spoiler before I have read the book because I just HAVE to, so I'll keep those parts to myself for now.

After reading 'All In', I absolutely fell in love with Christopher and have been anxiously awaiting his story and it is oh so perfect for him. There is a lot going on but everything that needs to be answered is and the door is open for more of this series, so that is well done.

Kieran was the perfect match for Christopher and I loved that neither of them fell into a stereotype that you would expect, again I can't go into details without spoilers, just know, they balanced each other perfectly and seeing how they matched up while there relationship grew was awesome.

This is what we call in sunny So Cal, a beach read, which for us is pretty much all year long. There is fun, love, adventure, laughs and just enough drama and angst to keep you hooked without weighing you down and breaking your summery beachy mood.

One thing I will say about Alexa's characters, I am consistently impressed with their emotional maturity. Which may sound odd for books with the angst and the drama, but I notice that drama isn't carried on just for the sake of it. No misunderstandings are perpetuated just because someone won't talk about a topic because they simply 'can't'. I hate that. It's such a cop out and cheapens the story.

Without giving anything away, there was one point Jamie came to see Christopher and understandable so, he was concerned about his intentions. That could have gone all kinds of wrong, but didn't because the communication was good and most importantly mature.

The book is also very funny. I love Nana and Hunter. I hope to see Hunter get his story next if for nothing but to hear more about his sales pitch of bacon flavored lube - hahaha - ewwww!

September 27, 2013
This third book in the Firsts & Forever series focuses on Christopher Robin/Austin, who had a fairly large role in the second book All In. As in the previous books, there is instant attraction, lots of hot sex, lots of laughs (did someone say bacon flavored lube) and twists and turns you may not see coming. These books are basically light and fun, but Christopher's story is a lot more emotional than the others.

There are appearances by Jamie and Dmitri, Charlie and Dante and best of all Nana is back taking care of all her "gay homosexual" boys in a way only Nana can. There is also Hunter, Christopher's new friend and model, who will be the subject of the next book. Hunter was a fantastic secondary character and I can't wait to see more of his story.

We learn a lot about Christopher and how he became a prostitute and why he is so stubborn about accepting help from his friends. If you liked him in the last book you will fall in love with him in this book. He and Kieran make such a good, balanced couple as they work their way through what was supposed to be 48 hours of no strings attached fun, but quickly becomes more than the men ever expected. I love the way the two men actually talk to each other and get their issues out in the open.

I'm not going to give away any plot, but will mention that there are some story lines that remained unfinished at the end of this book (not a cliff hanger or abrupt ending) that will likely be continued in Hunter's book.
Profile Image for Susan.
2,288 reviews438 followers
March 10, 2016
For the first 50% I really wanted to DNF this. I just wasn’t feeling it.

Where the other two books in this series were so cheesy it was funny, this struck a more serious note. But hurt/comfort needs to be done well, and this was a bit meh.


Christopher Robin is a rent boy. He knows it’s not ideal, but he doesn’t know how else to get himself through art school.

He meets Kieran at a Christmas party. It is lust at first sight and the two share a kiss. This sounds really hot and intense, but it was actually kind of weird.

They meet again at Charlie and Dante’s wedding. Kieran asks Christopher to spend the weekend with him. Uhh… what? Isn’t that a bit fast? And when Kieran explains he has never been with a man before it got even more unrealistic.


Why didn’t the author ease into things a bit more slowly? I could not get a good handle on Kieran at all because of this.

After this weekend, the two kind of start dating. Christopher explains he doesn’t do relationships, but Kieran tries to convince him otherwise. Kieran just doesn’t understand why Christopher is so reluctant, since he doesn’t know anything about Christopher being a rent boy.

Since the two start dating without really knowing each other it comes as quite a shock when Christopher finds out Kieran is a cop. And when Christopher gets arrested Kieran finally finds out what Christopher does for a living. This could have created some major angst, but I was actually glad Kieran didn’t really make a fuss.

After this their relationship kind of stabilizes and the rest of the book is more OTT shenanigans of the Dombruso family and the issue with Christopher dealing with his food phobia (which I would have loved to see more of but it didn’t really focus on this).

I felt the relationship needed to have a better foundation when stuff started happening around them.

I actually liked the second half much better than the first because it focusses less on the relationship and more on the rest of the characters.

The relationship was definitely the weak link for me in this book. It was too underdeveloped and I never connected with Kieran. I had no idea where he was coming from most of the time. And the fact that he wanted to be submissive in the bedroom just didn’t clash with what I had in mind for this book.

What saved this from getting 2 stars is Nana. She kicks ass. I love her.


Profile Image for Shannon.
2,163 reviews40 followers
April 24, 2014
I'll admit that this entire series has become a guilty little secret for me. Well, not so secret but I really love them. That said, you really have to suspend belief or at the very least make up your own back story or explanations for things and that is kind of driving me nutso. We met Christopher (Austin) in the last book when he became Charlie's BFF after being handcuffed to him for all of 2 days. My main sticking point in this book is that Christopher would rather be a prostitute, scared every day, feeling shit about himself than use his father's money. But....he's living in Charlie's apartment, using his furniture, happy about a show thrown for him with money from the same type of activity!! What?!? Other than that (which is the whole book, remember, suspend belief here), I did love these two together. And I got weepy more in this one for some reason. And yes, I'm moving on to the next book in the series because like I said, for some reason, I'm loving these! Go figure. :D
Profile Image for AliciaJ.
1,329 reviews106 followers
February 5, 2018
7/24/15 REVIEW:
Two years later, and I still adore Christopher Robin. This series is timeless, it touches on issues that have been around for ages and will probably continue to exist even way into the future. In this story, Christopher Robin is a prostitute trying to put himself through art school. He is also haunted by a traumatic event in his past that has left him with some serious psychological issues that he struggles with on a daily basis.

The author does a great job of putting the reader inside Christopher's head. And honestly, it's totally impossible not to love this guy. He's got to be the most adorable character in this series (next to Nana of course!). And watching him fall for Kieran, who's a cop of all things, was swoonworthy. And I looooove a good swoon!
7/27/2013 REVIEW:I fell in love with these characters, so much so that I had to go back and buy the first two books in the series just so I could find out more about these guys. I adored Christopher Robin, I think he was my favorite out of all the guys in the series.
Profile Image for Kaje Harper.
Author 83 books2,636 followers
February 12, 2014
I enjoyed this story of Christopher, who had run away from a demanding, homophobic father as a teen and made a living turning tricks while studying art. He meets Kieran, who is his ideal guy, until he finds out that they have a serious incompatibility problem. The style of the story leans a little to soap opera, between the mafia types who are larger than life, the level of Christopher's art, his issues with his father, his eating disorder and its source, and so on. The real-life consequences that would have emanated from so many of those just kind of disappear.

But it's well done, resulting in a page-turner with characters I cared about. It's one of those books that is fun to be immersed in, even if I occasionally wished it had touched down to earth just a little more. The characters and writing style pulled me in enough to send me immediately looking for the next one, since it really fit my current escapist mood.
Profile Image for Katrina Passick Lumsden.
1,782 reviews12.9k followers
May 4, 2015
I'm really over the m/m Pretty Woman stories romanticizing prostitution. This shit is painful to read, and finding out that Christopher was prostituting himself when he didn't even have to? Yeah, that pissed me off. There are men and women out there selling their bodies and putting their lives on the line for it every fucking day just so they don't starve, and this little shit acts like his life is so awful because he won't take blood money...just...gah. Most of the stories in this series I enjoyed, but Christopher pissed me off.
Profile Image for Wendys Wycked Words.
1,581 reviews3,922 followers
March 7, 2016
Another nice read in this series.

This time it's Christopher's turn to find his true love. Christopher is Charlie's (book 2) best friend. He's in art school and spends his free time as a rent boy, to pay for those expensive classes.

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He ran away from home when he was 15 and has been playing tricks ever since. He's been treated pretty badly by clients, but still he continues on...doing his job.

At a party, he meets Kieran, a cousin of Jamie (book 1). They share a kiss under the mistletoe. Ofcourse we have instant sparks going off !!

They start a friends with benefits relationship, because neither of them is looking for more. Kieran, because he's still not completely out and Christopher because of his job...

Ofcourse Kieran finds out about Christophers job...in a pretty shocking way. However he does not push Christopher away, he actually helps him.

Feelings come into play...as they always do and these boys fall madly in love.

Again, this was one big love fest. Once one of the MC's starts saying "I love you"....they keep repeating it every single page.

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Christpoher has some more secrets up his sleeve, that eventually come out. This doesn't jeoparidise his relationship with Kieran however, because there is a rule in these books : Once in love...always in love ;)

I liked Christopher and Kieran, but I didn't like this story as much as the previous book. This one was a bit more serious, less funny and it irritated me a bit more.

Christopher didn't have to be a prostitute....so many people wanted to help him out, but that stubborn ass wanted to do everything by himself. Then he still felt like a worthless piece of shit, because he was letting men use him. He gave away all his money to help a homeless shelter, but he himself didn't want to except help when in need....how weird is that. Also, there is an unresolved crime in this one and that just pisses me off !! What the hell happend with this part of the story, why even bring it up if it wasn't gonna be fixed !!

Still enjoyed reading it though and I actually look forward too Hunter's story (the pornstar friend), he was really funny in this book...hope he still is in his own story.

3 stars ;)
Profile Image for BWT.
2,214 reviews241 followers
March 9, 2016
All of the stories in the Firsts and Forever series (so far) have been at least a touch over the top, full of cheesy, schmaltzy goodness, has at least one virgin, and has a whole load of humor. In Pieces has all of that, but it also sucker punched me in the feels.

right in the feels

We already knew the bones of part of Christopher Robin's torment from All In. In Pieces gives the whole backstory and all the other horrors from this poor kid's life. Poor Christopher Robin has been through so much, and it made me so sad, and yet PROUD of him, then sad again, and then proud again.


Then he finds Kieran, and Kieran is wonderful, loving, caring, and terrific. The two of them together are so great - and I'm not even talking about the super hot sexy times - I mean just as characters who are superbly right together.

Sure, it was a bit cheesy in parts. Sure, it was a little OTT in parts. But, man, do I have such love in my heart for this story.

heart boner


This review has been cross-posted at Gay Book Reviews.
Profile Image for Gustaf.
1,442 reviews166 followers
August 3, 2021
5 gay homosexual stars!
As expected, this was totally over the top crazy and I loved every single minute of it. I fell in love with Christopher Robin the first time I met him and I haven't stopped loving him since. However, knowing his very sad backstory I was hesitant starting it... I shouldn't have been. It was a surprisingly light story.

I've read this series very much out of order but I really do recommend reading it. Even though there's like 16 books in the series. It's great!
Profile Image for Sara .
1,516 reviews154 followers
August 24, 2015
This so far is my favorite of the series. No, it's not perfect and it's still completely over the top, but it was wonderful.

It was so much fun to catch up with everyone from the first two books and see them happy and Nana is off the wall entertainment.

I loved Kieran, he was great and sure, all of the Nolan boys are coming out as gay but who the cares. I'm taking this series for what it is but this one, it made me cry a few times because it was just, intense and emotional. But, I knew this one would be.

What really sold me though, was Christopher Robin and I just want to tell that boy-

"If ever there is tomorrow when we're not together, there is something you must always remember. You are braver than you believe, stronger than you seem, and smarter than you think.

Profile Image for Deanna.
2,654 reviews65 followers
December 28, 2016
A light read which seems a crazy statement when the book's MCs have some serious problems. Christopher's refusal of honest help while hating how he was earning money made me want to scream a few times.

I live my life in pieces. There are all these different parts of me, parts I can’t bring together. There’s the hooker, the student, the artist, the best friend. The lost boy. Will the real Christopher Robin Andrews please stand up? Nah, then again, don’t. This is my life right now. It doesn’t matter which of these is the real me. I’m a collection of fragments, bits of something broken, loosely scooped together in an open hand. And that’s the best I can hope for right now. The only way I can be. Yes, I exist in pieces, but I’m holding them together. I’m holding me together. And I’m getting through today.
Profile Image for namericanwordcat.
2,438 reviews434 followers
January 7, 2018
If you are looking for realistic fiction, this book is not for you. The plot is crazy sauce.

However, I adore Christopher Robin and Kieran. Writing this review, I want to read it again. I love the talking between them and the full development and arc of each hero.

I love the secondary characters and how much time we get with this couple. I am a huge fan of couple time and we get so much.

A pleasure. Can't say too much or plot will be given away.
Profile Image for Anna.
1,789 reviews319 followers
October 26, 2020

Holy trauma. There's a shit ton of trigger warnings for this one.

This whole series is one big love at first sight anthology and while it's normally not my favorite trope, I kinda love them.
September 9, 2018
I’m totally stressed in real life and I’m really have a good time reading these books.
They are far from perfect.
They are far from Flawless.
I enjoyed the characters. (Christopher Robin is special.)
There is a certain thing I call pendulum writing, it swings from silly fun to serious intense.
Profile Image for Preston.
164 reviews50 followers
April 14, 2014
All of the books in Alexa Land's Firsts and Forever Series are smart, smart-assed, fun, funny, romantic, contain problematic situations and have actual interesting stories instead of the typical M/M romance standard, trite plots which aren't actual plots at all. One of the reasons I enjoy these stories so much is that they all involve gay romance with mafia guys who fall in love with men who are outside of the "family" and include an 80-something year-old grandmother mafiosi whose "boys" make sure whatever she wants she gets and if that's not enough she's got her own pistol so that she can make sure all her grandchildren and all her "gay homosexual" boys get their romantic happily ever afters.

The order of reading the books is important. Here are the books in the series in order: Way Off Plan, All In, In Pieces, Gathering Storm and Salvation.
Profile Image for Tanu Gill.
575 reviews262 followers
October 14, 2015
Gasping with surprise and joy and absolute adoration
I don't normally love books with such dark pasts, but I have been known to occasionally hoard a couple such books in my collection nonetheless!

I absolutely loved this book, from start to end. I tried to hurry reading it a bit because I want to finish this series quickly and this book looked to be quite lengthy, but after turning one page I slowed back down. And THANK GOD I did that because I would have missed a fun-filled journey.
The last chapters were simply amazing. I adored Hunter, and he reminded me of the character Ethan in Ethan in Gold by Amy Lane.
I can't wait to get started on it.
This book is so far my most favorite in the series. Hope the next ones come close to it!
I also love the concept of the next book's MC's being introduced in the present book. Its an awesome way of letting us know something about them!
Profile Image for Monika .
2,257 reviews34 followers
June 23, 2016

**3.5 Stars

I think I had a love hate relationship with this story. There were parts I really liked and some not so much. I loved Christopher and Kieran but more as individuals rather than as a couple and I absolutely adored Nana, she maked me laugh she's a character I'd love to meet in real life.

The story is good but I found myself rolling my eyes a lot in this installment. Some of the things that happen just seemed too out there. I wasn't looking for any type of reality in this series but when a story goes way over the top I just have to shake my head and that happened with In Pieces. One other thing that bothered me is there are a few too many similarities with the three books. The characters may be different but some of the dialogue and circumstances are almost identical. I hope that's not a sign of things to come.

I loved seeing characters from the first two books show up in this one and while this could be read as a stand-alone I would recommend reading the previous books first. One to the next one!
Profile Image for M'rella.
1,397 reviews176 followers
December 26, 2016
If I didn't know the author and had to guess, I would pick either Amy Lane or Mary Calmes.

- Amy Lane: the misery... The Misery... THE MISERY!!! Christopher was used and abused since the day he turned 5 (as far as I remember).
- Mary Calms: everybody loves sweet and adorable Jory Christopher, the most fragile yet charming, strong and determined boy evah ...and then, of course, there is Kier, the policeman *wiggles eyebrows*

But this is Alexa Land, thus expect mafiosi and policemen to drop their line of work left and right to become "better men" or leave the force so they won't have to uphold unjust laws. Or some such O.o

Waaaaayyy too much sex.
Profile Image for Nicole.
36 reviews2 followers
July 4, 2013
I don't want to say to much because so much happened
and I don't want to spoil it for anyone else. I love
these books and this is definitely my favourite so
far. Christopher Robin's story was really nicely told
and I love that I kind of kept finding out new
things about him from beginning to end. I have to say
though I especially love Nana. I cracked up at a few of
her antics. I also love the friendships new and old
I am looking forward to the next book.
Profile Image for Katie Townsend.
1,241 reviews19 followers
February 28, 2022

In pieces is Christopher and kierans journey and wow its amazing

I love there connection its so wonderful you can feel it

In this story you have tears of sadness and tears of happiness its perfect

Watching Christopher and Kieran try and build a relationship is cute but you also have a lot of ups and downs but it is so worth it

You also have previous characters from other stories but meet some more amazing ones
Profile Image for Andersón..
125 reviews37 followers
November 10, 2015

Well this was good but i don't have strong feelings for this, if i would connect more with the characters it will be better but i didn't, but in other hand i really like the story
Profile Image for Jamilla Geter.
19 reviews3 followers
June 27, 2017
From the moment they shared their first Kiss i was rooting for Christopher Robin and Kieran. First off it was nice to see another Nolan in the mix, pulling Jamie and Dimitri back into the story once again. Secondly, I had fallen for Christopher when he was cuffed to Charlie for the weekend in the previous book. He intrigued me, and I was glad that his book was next.

This series has amazed me from the moment I started reading, and book three did not disappoint. There was heat, there was romance, and there was angst. Christopher's story pulls at your heart strings and, for me it made it all the more important that he got his happily ever after. I knew Kieran was just the guy to do that for him, even before he put his job on the line to protect him. He was the perfect person to combat Christopher's pride and stubbornness He was also the right person to help Christopher overcome his traumatic past.

The book had some fun filled moments too, and it was full of the friendships and family that this series has come to stand for. Nana is a hoot and its obvious how much she loves her "gay homosexual" boys. I love Nana for her big heart and her over-the-top antics. I love how her family tries to reel her in, but at the same time you can tell they love her to bits. Once more there is a list of colorful characters who become part of the ever growing family. New friends like Skye, and Hunter, and Christian make this book exciting and fulfilling. This review doesn't even do it justice because its all over the place.

In Pieces is the story of a boy who was forced to grow up too fast, who had so many identities it was a wonder he didn't drive himself crazy. He did what he needed to do to survive and in the end was rewarded with love, family and a burgeoning career. It's a story about the unconventional ways of love and endearing sacrifice. it will make you laugh and it will make you cry. And most definitely it will make you smile. I finished this book weeks ago and I'm still thinking about Christopher and Kieran's undeniable connection. They're one of my favorite couples of the whole series.
This entire review has been hidden because of spoilers.
334 reviews1 follower
May 8, 2018
This is the third book in the First and Forever series and like the others can be read as a standalone, but reading them in order is more fun as we encounter the couples from the first two books as well.
This is Christopher’s story and if you, like me, already hurt for him in the ‘All In’ – for the first half of the book it doesn’t get any better. A runaway a 15 he started working as a prostitute and 5 years later that is still his main source of income income. Christopher doesn’t enjoy the work at all but it is the only he way he can make enough money to pay for the expensive art school he’s attending. Being an extremely talent painter, his art is giving him hope for a better future.
At Jamie’s and Dmitri’s Christmas party he meets a handsome stranger in a reindeer sweater that gives him the best kiss he’s ever had. Meeting him at another event he learns that Kieran just recently admitted to himself that he is gay and wants to be Christopher to be his first. He suggest a weekend away from everything, no strings attached, no talk about their life other than the here and now. Christopher agrees and they have a wonderful weekend with one big problem: it leaves him wanting more. Plus, it turns out, Kieran is a cop. Aside from the fact that e doesn’t believe he is able to have a real relationship – how can a cop and a prostitute ever be a couple? If Kieran even wants him after he learns the truth.
I loved this couple and their story. They are so sweet together, each given the other exactly what he needs and never believed he could have. The development of their relationship is slow and believable, with Kieran helping Christopher to overcome his trust issues and Christopher finally standing up for himself, ‘outing’ himself to help the police hunt the man that hurt him so badly a year ago.
The minor characters are a blast. Jamie, Dmitri, Charlie and Dante pop up here and there. We meet Hunter Storm, who was mentioned in passing in ‘All In’ and what can go wrong when you have Nana Dombruso on your side?
Displaying 1 - 30 of 113 reviews

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