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Disney Twisted Tales

Mirror, Mirror

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What if the Evil Queen poisoned the prince?

Following her beloved mother's death, the kingdom falls into the hands of Snow White's stepmother, commonly referred to as "the Evil Queen" by those she rules. Snow keeps her head down at the castle, hoping to make the best of her situation.

But when new information about her parents resurfaces and a plot to kill her goes haywire, everything changes for Snow. With the help of a group of wary dwarfs, a kind prince she thought she'd never see again, and a mysterious stranger from her past, Snow embarks on a quest to stop the Evil Queen and take back her kingdom. But can she stop an enemy who knows her every move and will stop at nothing to retain her power... including going after the ones Snow loves?

344 pages, Hardcover

First published April 2, 2019

About the author

Jen Calonita

96 books3,227 followers
Hi Goodreads!
I'm Jen Calonita, a MG and YA author who loves what I do because it lets me connect with all of you (and no, I wasn't intending for that to rhyme!).

I've been writing ever since I can remember, but it was fourth grade when I put my "three wishes" for a genie down on paper. They were:
#1. Buy all the Cabbage Patch Kids in the world and give them away for free (because apparently that was how I rolled).
#2. I wanted a mansion, limo, lake house, pool and speed boat (still sounds quite nice).
#3. I wanted to be an author for young readers, which I am!

I love writing novels for teens (and for savvy grown ups who know that YA rocks at any age). My first series was "Secrets of My Hollywood Life" and it followed a teen star named Kaitlin Burke who struggled with the fame game. I have also written the stand-alone novels Sleepaway Girls, it's companion book, Summer State of Mind and the Belles series.

I've been writing middle grade too and am having so much fun with my series Fairy Tale Reform School! The fourth book in this series about a school run by former villains is called Tricked and will be out March 2018. Ever wonder what it would be like if your parents got a job with someone like Taylpr Swift? My other middle grade series, VIP, follows super fan Mackenzie Lowell as she tours with her favorite band, Perfect Storm.

I promise to give book updates here, and on Instagram, Facebook, Twitter, or my website. I hope I hear from you!


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Displaying 1 - 30 of 1,398 reviews
Profile Image for megs_bookrack.
1,892 reviews12.6k followers
July 28, 2024
**3.5-stars rounded up**

Ahhhh, Snow White. I've always had a soft spot in my heart for this classic story, but let's be honest, we all know which character I relate to the most.

Spoiler Alert: It's not Snow White.

Jen Calonita's retelling is perfect for Snow White fans, no matter whose side you're on, as it is told in alternating perspectives between Snow and the Evil Queen.

There are multiple small twists to the Disney version most of us are familiar with. It was just enough to give it a new and exciting feel. While it pays fairly strict homage to the original story, you still feel compelled to keep turning the pages!

There is nothing super ground-breaking about this, but I think if you go into it looking for a fun, quick read, you can have a heck of an enjoyable time with Mirror, Mirror.

That was what I was hoping for when I picked this up and I got it.

I would have liked a bit more depth to the characters, Snow and the Evil Queen both, but I do think they had enough nuance to keep you engaged.

I also feel like this reads more on the younger end of the YA-spectrum, maybe even verging on Middle Grade, so just know that going in.

Overall, I would recommend this to any Disney fan, especially people who like to get the villain's perspective.

This is the second book I have read in the Twisted Tales series and you better believe I am going to keep reading them as long as they are putting them out!

Thank you to the publisher, Disney-Hyperion, for providing me a copy to read and review.

As always, I appreciate the opportunity!

Profile Image for Gavin Hetherington.
681 reviews7,892 followers
April 8, 2020
My first Disney Twisted Tales book and I thoroughly enjoyed it!

In this, we follow the well-known Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs story from the original 1937 animated classic - but with several deviations. Firstly, Snow is 17 in this, and she is way more three-dimensional. The Evil Queen receives a name and a backstory, as did the Magic Mirror. One of the things I loved about this is the story behind the Magic Mirror and its influence.

Even though I thought this was too easily wrapped up, it was a good twist on the tale and it pleasantly surprised me. I can’t wait to read more Disney Twisted Tales now!
Profile Image for Tucker  Almengor.
1,002 reviews1,683 followers
May 24, 2020

Many thanks to Disney for sending me a copy in exchange for an honest review!

Another twisted tale! This one was about if the Evil Queen had poisoned the prince instead of Snow White. It was creative and enjoyable although not super memorable in comparison to some of the other twisted tales I've read. I still recommend giving this one a chance!

Happy reading!

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Profile Image for Aliena.
347 reviews12 followers
July 27, 2019
Reading this book was like reading a bad fanfiction. The plot was copycat, with only a few minor changes from the original story. Snow White has never been my favorite Disney Princess. I’ve always found her bland as oatmeal, and while I was hoping this story would change her character up a bit and make her more exciting, it did not. Oh well. Better luck next time.
Profile Image for Alaina.
6,683 reviews213 followers
January 19, 2019
I received this ARC from NetGalley in exchange for an honest review.


OKAY, so I've definitely had my ups and freaking downs with this Twisted Tales series. I was honestly so surprised when I saw that I was approved for this ARC. There was one book before Mirror, Mirror that I had to dive into before I could even open it. Now I know that this is a series but these books have nothing to do with the other. They are all standalones basically but it would've just felt weird reading this one before Part of Your World. Thankfully, this book definitely redeemed the little mermaid retelling.

This book is obviously a retelling of snow white. Now I love a good fairy-tale retelling every now and then, and lately January seems to be my month for retellings. In it, you meet snow but you also meet her stepmother Ingrid. I was definitely intrigued from the start because I don't think we ever knew the stepmother's name?? Or maybe I was just never paying attention to the movies?

These characters were very enjoyable. Snow was just likable and okay. She was definitely independent and didn't need no man to help he with anything. However, I did have my ups and downs with this character but that tends to happen in these books. I wont go into too much detail but I wish I would've liked her a bit more than I did.

Now for Ingrid. The one thing I love about these books is when we get into the mind of the villain. I'm always a bit hesitant though because you never know what you are going to get. Whether it's an okay villain, an annoying one, or the very intriguing one - it's a gamble I hate to take but do it anyway. Ingrid was so freaking good! I loved her point of view way more than Snow's. She's probably my favorite villain out of this entire series.

Overall, I'm so happy that I took a chance on this book. It was definitely a step up from the previous book and I hope there's going to be another one for this series.
Profile Image for Jenn.
1,884 reviews316 followers
February 8, 2021
I really think it's time to give up on these books. I don't know if it's my love of Disney that keeps me from enjoying them, or if it's the stories themselves. But I am just not connecting with the tales.

For this installment, I will admit that Snow White has never been one of my favorite Disney movies. As the first Disney princess, she was very one dimensional - a sign of the times so to speak. So there was much to build on. Who was Snow White? What did she want? What were her dreams and desires? I still feel like I have no idea.

My main issue is that these stories read like fanfiction. It's basically reading the movie with a few twists. I will admit that this one veered more from the movie than others, but it still felt very light. There were descriptions about the castle and the woods, but there was no deep exploration of the characters. We got a slight back story on the Evil Queen and were able to see Snow White as a child, but everything still felt disconnected. It was very much hit this point, then this one, then this one. It lacked energy and motivation which was surprising because there's so much to build on.

I think this will be the last of this series that I read. They just aren't for me.
Profile Image for Books_and_Crafts.
402 reviews1,875 followers
January 10, 2022
✨Book Review✨

Mirror Mirror by @jencalonita made my top 4 twisted tales for a reason.

Not only did we get the twist on Snow White’s story, but we also got a really unique backstory to the Evil Queen! Kind of reminds me of the TV show Once Upon A Time with Regina’s role.

I loved how the author incorporated Snow White and Prince Charming meeting at the wishing well and how their relationship developed throughout the story. I absolutely adored it 🤍

Easy 4 stars and top 4 favs

If you haven’t seen the summary of this book, it is available in the twisted tales playlist on my tiktok page!
Profile Image for Betsy.
445 reviews
March 29, 2020
Major props to Calonita for making Snow White a boss heroine who ends up saving the prince and her kingdom. The author made the evil queen's backstory interesting (and actually gave her a backstory) and gave insight into Snow White's parents. That said, this isn't my favorite story ever (sometimes the plot dragged on a little too long for my taste, and jumping chronologically didn't work for me for this story), but I give the author mad props for taking one of my least favorite Disney princesses and making her much more likable.
Profile Image for Chloe Reads Books.
1,027 reviews458 followers
January 3, 2021
I did enjoy this story, but for me it didn’t stray far enough from the original story!
Profile Image for Eva Gavilli.
423 reviews108 followers
July 19, 2022
Un pò deludente, ma probabilmente è solo perchè io avevo aspettative più alte. Il libro è scritto bene, è scorrevole, a tratti divertente, a tratti commovente; la trama è quella che conosciamo tutti, la fiaba classica di Biancaneve (ci sono solo degli intemezzi che raccontano il passato dei genitori di Biancaneve e della Regina cattiva, che spiegano coe si è giunti alla situazione attuale) e pure i personaggi sono esattamente come ce li hanno raccontati i fratelli Grimm e come ce li ha presentati la Disney: Biancaneve è candida sia in senso letterale che in senso figurato (ha l'ingenuità di una bambina di 10 anni, dalla prima all'ultima pagina), la Regina Cattiva è cativa, gelosa e tirannica, Brontolo ha da brontolare su qualunque argomento, Eolo starnutisce e Cucciolo sembra un bimbo piccolo. Ed è proprio questo, secondo me, che rovina tutto: davo per scontato che fosse un retelling della fiaba, con la trama lievemente modificata, i personaggi che evolvono diversamente (o magari, anche solo che evolvo) ed elementinuovi che si fondono con quelli classici, invece sembra più un re-writing, una semplice riscrittura della fiaba che passa dalle poche pagine dell'originale alle quasi 400 del libro. Peccato, un'occasione sprecata.
A little disappointing, but it's probably just because I had higher expectations. The book is well written, it is fluent, at times funny, at times moving; the plot is the one we all know, the classic fairy tale of Snow White (there are only some gimmicks that tell the past of the parents of Snow White and the Evil Queen, which explain how the current situation was reached) and even the characters are exactly such as the Grimm Brothers told us and how Disney presented them to us: Snow White is candid, both literally and figuratively (she has the ingenuity of a 10-year-old girl, from the first to the last page), the Evil Queen is evil, jealous and tyrannical, Grumpy has to grumble on any subject, Sneezy sneezes and Dopey looks like a small child. And it is precisely this, in my opinion, that ruins everything: I assumed it was a retelling of the fairy tale, with a slightly modified plot, characters that evolve differently (or maybe, even just that evolve) and new elements that blend with the classic ones. Instead, it looks more like a re-writing, a simple rewriting of the fairy tale that goes from a few pages of the original novels to almost 400 of the book. Too bad, a wasted opportunity.
Profile Image for TL .
2,052 reviews126 followers
December 23, 2020
I liked the extra background info/history, Snow's father still being alive and some of the bits near the end but overall it was just okay for me.

The question on the top of the book drew me in but didn't make up much of the book plot. I enjoyed myself but it left me wanting.. "more"

Profile Image for Nicoletta Furnari.
308 reviews8 followers
October 16, 2022
«E se questo non era ancora un “E vissero per sempre felici e contenti”, beh, ci eravamo molto vicini». Così si conclude “SPECCHIO, SPECCHIO. E SE LA REGINA CATTIVA AVVELENASSE IL PRINCIPE?”, uno dei romanzi appartenenti alla recente collana della Disney, che rivisita sotto forma di ucronia alcune delle sue più celebri produzioni.
È un libro di semplice lettura, dove Jen Calonita ci propone, con uno stile leggero, una Biancaneve decisamente più emancipata rispetto alla versione “Principessa Disney” universalmente conosciuta.
Nonostante la difformità della maggior parte della vicenda, però, alcuni passaggi richiamano fedelmente le scene del film d’animazione, conferendo ad esse una maggior completezza. Ad esempio, leggendo le pagine dove si narra del primo incontro con il Principe, oppure della fuga di Biancaneve dal Cacciatore fino al suo arrivo alla casetta dei Nani (lavori domestici compresi), mi scorrevano davanti agli occhi le storiche immagini, corredate contestualmente dalle descrizioni approfondite non solo degli ambienti ma anche dei pensieri e degli stati d’animo di Biancaneve stessa.
Ma, nonostante le apparenze possano ingannare, la vera protagonista di questo libro è la Regina Cattiva ed ho trovato interessante l’ideazione dell’antefatto: i flashback sulla sua infanzia e sul suo sconosciuto passato movimentano una trama che altrimenti risulterebbe banale e scontata.
Profile Image for Cindee.
925 reviews40 followers
September 15, 2020
These books never disappoint me ever I always love the next more than the last and I loved this book so much. I loved the characters they are much more developed in this book than in the Disney movie and I really like that I also loved the added bits to make a more cohesive story. I loved Snow and Henri the most at first Snow was just a shy girl that was so very lonely but then the plot kicked and and she found out how horrible her aunt was and became determined to save her people and defeat the Evil Queen. I liked that Henri was not just a boy who showed up once or twice he was actually developed to be such a great character and an easy one to root for. I loved the plot it started as the Snow White story that we all know and then when the plot started moving it did not slow down for long at all. I loved how the story was changed it made what the Disney movie had much better than it ever was by adding things that removed any plot holes and made for a great read. So overall I loved this book and am very much looking forward to what Twisted Tale comes next.
Profile Image for Aly.
2,975 reviews
May 5, 2021
2.5 stars

This was an okay read, I just thought it was boring. The beginning was interesting as we learned about Ingrid and Snow and their relationship. Then Snow gets chased by the Huntsman, which leads her to run away and find the dwarves. This is things slowed down. We saw Ingrid's past and how she slowly became evil and Snow gathering followers for a rebellion. I would have liked more action here to keep the plot going.

Having Snow and Ingrid related was okay, I was more interested in the prince being the one who's poisoned. It was cool to see Snow as a stronger character who leads her people and saves them from the queen instead of being helpless. Go girl, you don't need a man to wake you up!
Profile Image for Sophie Crane.
4,678 reviews169 followers
April 17, 2019
Wow! What a fantastic reimagining! What and who had been painted in broad strokes on the screen so long ago are here filled in, textured, given shading and depth, at least to the extent the length of the book allowed. Snow is given agency of her own, her usually - maligned too-passive characteristics of cleaning, singing, communing with birds, and being simply sweet, are interpreted here as subversive acts of survival and finding her own choice, her cleaning à way to brighten her prison - like surroundings and give her routine and a way to survive growing up basically incarcerated, and later a way for her to show kindness to others, her bird - connection and singing an homage to her mother, who we also get to know as an excellent agriculturist, effective and engaged queen, and guiding presence even when gone from Snow's life. I did wish we got to see more of the dwarves ' personalities beyond their stock traits, but the refashioning of the prince from simply handsome and charming to a true ally with interests in common with Snow that range beyond romance was refreshing. I also liked the addition of a female friend, something sorely missing in the older Disney princess tales. I did find the Queen's transformation from one who protects her sister from their abuser to utterly ruthless despot a bit too fast for my liking, but the mirror device did explain it, even if not to the extent I would have wished. Overall, a very well-done retelling!
Profile Image for christene_littlelibrary.
240 reviews31 followers
September 17, 2022
Mirror, Mirror! My first Disney twisted tale book and I really enjoyed it! It's the classic Snow White and the seven Dwarfs story with a twist! It brings me back to my childhood as I read the book. It's one of my fave princess back then. What I like in this book is that in reminds me of Snow White's adventure and how she found the dwarfs, also the backstory of the Evil Queen (I know we all have read more Evil Queen backstories) her childhood and how she owned the magical mirror, also how the Magical Mirror influenced the Evil Queen.

It was creative and enjoyable! Will definitely read the other Disney twisted tale! I'll rate this book a 4/5.
Profile Image for Kari.
289 reviews6 followers
January 6, 2020
While this purports to be a "twisted tale" and a new take on an old tale, it is definitely not, and it is tiresome. This poorly-written story is that of Snow White and the backstory of Ingrid, her aunt and evil stepmother. While some parts seemed to want to mirror the innocence of the Disney film, it was unconvincing, especially if it was geared toward a YA audience (the marketing plan indicated as such). It might have material appropriate to a middle-grade reader, but I can't imagine they'd have the patience to read it through.
Profile Image for Amber J (Thereadingwitch).
1,039 reviews72 followers
August 31, 2022
So I listened to the audio for this one. It wasn't bad but I didn't LOVE it either. I think the Evil Queen was more the MC than Snow White was in this one. The twist really wasn't a big one, it happened near the end so it followed too closely to the original story to really stay interesting to me.

I think if the author had tried to build the story starting after the Queen poisoned the prince, that would have been better maybe? With like the flashbacks being their love story. I don't know, just my opinion on this one.
Profile Image for Moony (Captain Mischief) MeowPoff.
1,648 reviews148 followers
May 23, 2023
It really felt like a written version of snow white, wich it is. but an adventure all the same. I`m glad the prince had more place here, and we got to see what happend to Snow White`s parents and how The Evil Queen became The Evil Queen. I just wish there were more, espesially of the dwarvs. I think i would have liked them to chase her to death, like in the movies. But oh well^^
Profile Image for Chloe (BrunetteBibliophile).
269 reviews90 followers
January 9, 2021
3.5 stars

I'm balancing between a 3 and a 4 star. This wasn't my favorite and it did take time to get into this book, but it wasn't terrible. In my book, it was okay and leaning towards good.
Profile Image for exploraDora.
594 reviews304 followers
May 5, 2022
The second book in the Twisted Tales series that was a bit of a miss for me. An interesting take on the story, but I wasn't very invested in the characters.
Profile Image for Charlotte.
156 reviews211 followers
January 11, 2019
TRIGGER WARNINGS: Murder, attempted murder, mention of animal-slaughter, parental neglect, poison.

Disclaimer: This ARC was sent to me by NetGalley in exchange for a 100% honest review. The following paragraphs consist of my own views and opinions, some of which may differ from yours. Please understand that me not agreeing with you on something is not a personal attack on you! Thanks!


The Disney Twisted Tales Collection is something that has been very hyped up lately, so you can imagine my joy and surprise when my request to read Mirror, Mirror was accepted on Netgalley! Speaking of which, before I actually delve into this review, I'd like to express my gratitude to Jen Calonita, Disney Press, and, of course, Netgalley for providing me with a digital copy of this novel! Thank you all very much!

With that being said, let's start with a brief synopsis for those who are not familiar with this book.

Set in the aftermath of her mother's death, Mirror, Mirror follows the story of a teenage Snow White as her kingdom falls into the hands of her wicked stepmother, commonly referred to as "the Evil Queen" by those she dictates. Shunned and condemned by the Queen, Snow keeps her head down at the castle, hoping to make the best of her situation.

But when new information about her parents resurfaces and a plot to kill her goes haywire, everything changes for Snow. With the help of a group of wary dwarfs, a kind prince she thought she'd never see again, and a mysterious stranger from her past, Snow embarks on a quest to stop the Evil Queen and take back her kingdom. But can she stop an enemy who knows her every move and will stop at nothing to retain her power... including going after the ones Snow loves?

This tale is told in alternating third-person perspectives, one being Snow White's, and the other being Ingrid's (the Evil Queen's).


I have a lot of feelings about this book. Let's start with the good--

I really loved the characters. I know I'm not alone when I say that the Snow White Jen Calonita provided us with was wayyy better than the one originally created by Disney. The Snow found in this book is an intelligent, independent young woman who is capable of defending herself without relying on the assistance of some big, strong, macho-man. But, at the same time, she still manages to retain the few valued traits of the original Snow White we've all come to know: Kindness, compassion, and generosity. And somehow, she didn't read off as a goody-two-shoes, which is actually quite surprising considering how few flaws she had. However, speaking of which, Snow's lack of even the slightest imperfection led her to have not as much depth as a reader might desire. I feel like she could have been a lot more interesting to read about if she just had a few complex qualities about her. But, nevertheless, she was still an admirable female protagonist that I appreciated very much.

I also really liked reading the story in Ingrid's perspective, which is rather odd since she was THE EVIL QUEEN, one of the most despised villains amongst society today!

I thought that Ingrid's character arc was overall very well written. Flashbacks in the book reveal the hardships Ingrid dealt with throughout her past, but it is obvious that Ms. Calonita did not intend for said hardships to excuse Ingrid's wrongdoings. In fact, whilst reading this novel, I felt not an ounce of sympathy for Ingrid. In the book, she is repeatedly given chances to redeem herself after committing unrighteous acts, yet she continues to conduct herself in a cruel and wicked manner anyways. Envy, jealousy, and hunger for power darken her soul and wipe out any goodness that might have formerly resided there. In fact, these emotions end up leading to Ingrid's own self-destruction.

All this information makes Ingrid out to be an utterly hateable character, which I suppose she is, but I still found her exceedingly interesting to read about. I think it is very commendable when an author manages to create a complex villain with the ability to leave your emotions all jumbled up in such a way! Well done, Jen Calonita!

Moving on, I was also (surprisingly) quite fond of the romance. I mean, it wasn't incredible or anything, but FOR ONCE IN YA LIT HISTORY the male love interest wasn't a complete and utter dirtbag! I actually thought that Henri (da love interest <3) was a great character, for he viewed Snow as his equal and always treated her with respect, kindness, and consideration.

Okay, now let's talk about the few things I didn't like about this book.

For starters, the misleading "twist" mentioned on the cover. It wasn't the twist itself that bothered me, but the fact that by being plastered across the cover in bold, dramatic letters (What if the Evil Queen Poisoned the Prince?), it leads readers to believe that it is a major part of the story, which it really isn't. In fact, this so-called twist only occurs within the last 10% or so of the book without any build-up or development... #falseadvertising

Additionally, I disliked how the first 50-60% of the novel basically WAS the original Snow White story we've all heard hundreds of times... Maybe a bit more of a wordy version (considering the book is 350 pages long), but certainly not original enough to be deemed a retelling. Yes, in the latter half of the story the plot does expand and become more intricate, but I just wish that the former half could have been a little more interesting.

But, disregarding those few details, I really enjoyed Mirror, Mirror. It was an enjoyable take on the tale of Snow White, and I'm very glad I read it. I am eager to read more of Jen Calonita's writing, and I'd love to check out the rest of the Disney Twisted Tale series!

Once again, thank you NetGalley, Disney Press, and Jen Calonita for providing me with this lovely story!


Thanks for reading this review everyone! I know that it was an especially long one, so I'm extremely grateful if you were able to make it to this point! Anyways, I encourage you to check out Mirror, Mirror and add it to your 2019 TBR! Make sure to pick up your own copy when it hits shelves in April of this year!

Farewell (for now), and have a spectacular rest of your week!

Profile Image for Rae.
221 reviews161 followers
April 8, 2019
ARC Received from NetGalley for an honest review

You can find this review and others like it on the blog here:

I am a huge fan of fairytale retellings and so when I was granted my wish for this book from NetGalley I was sooo excited to start reading it right away!! Unfortunately it took me a while to get the rest of my books read before I could start this one but boy was I happy once I finally got to crack it open and jump into the wonderful world of Disney! And even better, the familiar story of Snow White but with a small twist... in this version of Snow White, it’s the prince who is poisoned by The Evil Queen instead of Snow, and it’s up to Snow to defeat her evil aunt and save her kingom before it’s destroyed  by The Evil Queen’s greed and lust for power.

I think when reading this retelling it was a lot different than most retellings because this series is published by Disney Hyperion so therefore the names and places and characters aren’t changed. We really do meet all seven of the dwarves: Sleepy, Grumpy, Sneezy, Bashful, Happy, Doc, and Dopey! It was also interesting because it held so true to the story we all know but in this case we get a lot more of the backstory. We learn about The Evil Queen and why she became so, well, evil and where she acquired her infamous magic mirror. We also learn a little more about Snow’s childhood and how she is related to The Evil Queen, her Aunt Ingrid. The only thing we were missing was the talking mice!!

World building and character building was pretty straight forward since this was a story we already know. But as with all books versus movies, it’s all in the details in the book! And of course in this case the added details such as the aviary in the castle gardens where Snow’s love of animals and birds grew from her mother’s love for her winged beauties. The history behind the story brings more insight on the characters we love, and through their past we begin to realize how things came to be in the present story we already know. I love learning more of the story and what makes these characters tick. I think that’s also why I enjoyed the chapters of Ingrid (the evil queen) because through her chapters you see that she wasn’t always evil, but over time and through greed she was driven to darkness. It’s interesting that the choices made throughout the lives of Ingrid and Snow’s mother, Katherine, led to such different paths. Katherine becoming a kind and benevolent Queen who is loved by all and who instills love and kindness into her daughter. And then Ingrid who feels like she must do all the corrupt and dark deeds to protect her sister’s innocence and through this she inevitably corrupts her own heart with lust and greed. Being brainwashed by an evil mirror doesn’t help things either but power doesn’t come without a price and unfortunately Ingrid learns this the hard way.

The romance in the way of all Disney movies is definitely quite a bit of insta love but we knew that was going to be the case anyway. It was sweet and I liked the dynamic between Henric and Snow. We all secretly want our own Prince Charming to come along and woo us from upon our balcony as we look down at his dreamy face and blush and be doted upon. Or is that just me? Lol!! Anyway, it’s sweet and I like how he is loyal to Snow and driven to help her defeat her evil aunt and take back what is rightfully hers! Of course we know from the beginning that he is doomed to a sleep like death, it’s still sweet to see the relationship between him and Snow grow throughout the book.

Even though it was a lot of fun revisiting an old story, it also was one of the things that took away from the enjoyment of this book. While there was a small twist, and we did get some background to the characters that we didn’t know previously, the plot was really straight forward and spot on to the original story of Snow White. This lead to it being very predictable. I kept waiting for a big plot twist or something to surprise me and make me say wow, but other than Henric being poisoned instead of Snow, it follows the original story very closely. I also think that there were many things that were just assumed to be key details that weren’t explained or utilized any more than just in mentions here and there, such as Snow’s connection to animals and especially birds. There is a crow or raven mentioned quite a few times but we never find out why it’s following her. There also mention of deer that often show up at the dwarve’s cottage but never a reason for any mention of this.. it felt like some opportunities missed in these details.  I also feel like it really didn’t make much of a difference in the story that Henric was poisoned instead of Snow.. this was the big twist that was supposed to draw us into this retelling but I didn’t see the significance of this change. In the end the story was so similar that the plot twist wasn’t much of a twist, it was too similar to what we already knew about this fairytale.

In the end though, it’s a great story of the power of love and kindness in the face of evil and greed. How all it takes is someone to believe in themselves and what they stand for to brave what all others fear. And how you might think that going down a path that feels like your only option no matter how corrupt isn’t the right thing to do, but the easy way out. And in the end easy isn’t better. Being true to yourself will attract the right attention and give you all your heart deserves and desires. Family is what is important and to protect those we love, we must stay true to ourselves and do it with honor and trust and honesty. I love fairytales for their morals and lessons to learn and there is a big one to be heard in this story. I think that this a great addition to this series and I look forward to the rest to come!
Profile Image for Lovely Day.
866 reviews135 followers
February 27, 2022

This would’ve gotten a higher rating if not for all of the dark magic content ☹️
Profile Image for Celia Östergaard.
Author 3 books209 followers
August 16, 2021
"To tomorrow, and all the days that will come after."

Plot: 4/5
Characters: 3/5
Language: 3/5
Environment: 4/5
Overall: 3.5/5

We all know the story of Snow White - the orphaned princess with skin as ivory and hair as the night, the princess who was locked up in a tower with a greedy queen and aunt who saught out to be the fairest of them all. And by her side, Queen Ingrid had a mirror who did not only possess knowledge of the future but dark magic. One day, the queen's patients ran out and she decided to have Snow killed. But that did not work out. And with help from seven dwarfs and a prince, she managed to get rid of the queen and take her rightful place on the throne. But that is a story we all know. So, what if the poisonous apple did not, in fact, reach Snow but the prince? What if Snow's father was alive? And what if there is more to the Disney story than we knew?

I am a massive Disney fan. Snow White is a timeless classic I grew up with and adored. We still watch it every Christmas, a tradition most families here in Sweden follows. I know this story by heart, and that is why it was so refreshing to read a classic tale with a modern twist. I was pleasantly surprised by the small changes in the plot, the new information, and especially the background stories of The Evil Queen. It is not the best book I have ever read literature-wise, but I enjoyed it. And I recommend it if you want something easy, fast, and simple that can work for adults just as much as children.

“Futures change depending on who tries to change them.”

I must admit that Snow White has always been my least favorite Disney princess. In the movie (which, we must remember, is from 1937) Snow's character is weak, stereotypical for a woman, and very boring. But she is kind and has a great heart. And she truly kept that heart of hers in this book. However, a new side of her shone through. An independent side, minted by bravery and determination. Very different from movie-Snow, but I for sure enjoyed book-Snow a lot more. It was very refreshing to meet her again from a different perspective! When it comes to Henri (whom I always thought was named Florian??) I was rather disappointed. He fell very flat for me and he was rather uninteresting. I do not really remember anything particular about him. Queen Ingrid, however, was a very interesting character. Nasty, for sure, and not someone I rooted for. But it was a pleasure to learn more about her past and how she came to be queen. Bad people can still be good characters, and that is exactly what she was! The dwarfs were pretty much the same as in the movie, apart from that we got to know Grumpy a lot more.

"'You don't know what I've been through. All because I've been afraid.' She straightened her shoulders and looked at them with steely determination. 'I'm not anymore.'”

The language was super simple and easy, it works for any age really. It felt very relaxing to read such a fast pacing and non-complicated book right after reading Circe (which I do not recommend), and even though the language was not the greatest literature I have ever read, there were no misunderstandings and my mind got to rest. And I enjoyed that. It might not work for everyone, but it did for me. And I am glad it did.

"You shouldn't be afraid to hold on to something beautiful, even if there are thorns in your path. If you want something, sometimes you have to take risks. And when you do, you reap wonderful rewards.”

I enjoyed reading about Germany's nature - the woods, the castle, the villages. It was very clear to me and it was easy to picture it in front of me. No misunderstandings, no complications. Simple, really. Yet beautiful!

"But now there would be no more waiting. Snow White's moment had arrived. And if it wasn't quite 'happily ever after,' it was pretty close.”

It is clear that this book was written to work for both children and adults, so is it the best piece of literature I read? Absolutely not. But does a book really have to fall into that criteria? God no. I enjoyed this book and will gladly continue with the rest of the series, as the true Disney fan that I am. If you are thinking of reading it, give it a shot! One is never too old for fairytales!

"It didn't feel like a home. It hadn't for a long time, but technically that's what the castle was. Or had been once upon a time.
Profile Image for Emily .
860 reviews101 followers
April 7, 2024
This book was the worst written thing I've read in a while. I would have quit 5 pages in, but I was doing a buddy read with my 14 year old niece.
Profile Image for Veronique.
264 reviews170 followers
April 1, 2020
"Mirror Mirror on the wall, Who is the fairest of them all"

How I hoped this DISNEY book would be so great... Unfortunately It was just the story of Snow White with a little bit of a plot twist. Nothing grand at all.

I had such hopes about this being evil and quite an interesting book, it fell flat for me and was more like a middle grade book for me in comparison with a YA, don't know if that is the case, because then I have to change my perspective, but still it was a bit meh for me.

Hopefully the other books in this series will be better, I have Part Of Your World already on my bookshelves so if you read it please let me know your thoughts.

Still the book was okay, but I hoped it to me more like the Lunar Chronicles (because that series was amazing loved it!).

I give this book a 2.75 stars.

Enjoy your reading!
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