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Legend: The Graphic Novel #2

Prodigy: The Graphic Novel

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The second book in the best-selling Legend trilogy comes to life in this vibrant graphic novel adaptation.

After escaping from the Republic's stronghold, Day and June are on the run in Vegas when the country learns that their Elector Primo has died and his son has stepped in to take his place. They meet up with the rebel stronghold of the Patriots—a large organization straddling the line between the Republic and its warring neighbor, the Colonies—and learn about an assassination plot against the Elector. Using threats and blackmail to get what he wants, the Patriots' leader, Razor, convinces June to let herself be captured by Republic soldiers so she can win over the Elector and feed him a decoy assassination plan. But when June realizes that the new Elector is nothing like his father, she must work with Day to try to stop the Patriots' plot before Razor can fulfill his own devastating plans.

160 pages, Paperback

First published April 26, 2016

About the author

Marie Lu

47 books135k followers
[Note: Many apologies, but I'm woefully bad at checking my Goodreads emails! If you'd like to send a note/msg, please catch me on Twitter: http://twitter.com/Marie_Lu . Thanks!]

I write young adult novels, and have a special love for dystopian books. Ironically, I was born in 1984. Before becoming a full-time writer, I was an Art Director at a video game company. Now I shuffle around at home and talk to myself a lot. :)

I graduated from the University of Southern California in '06 and currently live in LA, where I spend my time stuck on the freeways.

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Displaying 1 - 30 of 310 reviews
Profile Image for Jesse (JesseTheReader).
559 reviews175k followers
November 7, 2020
I loved the art in this one! The visuals were leveled up compared to the first book. There were definitely some scenes in here that I felt weren't as impactful. For example I remember the flight scene blowing my mind in the book & it felt pretty underwhelming in the graphic novel. I forgot how great of a character Kaede is. I know we don't see her too much, but she really came through for June and Day several times and saved their butts. I still prefer the novel, but this was a nice refresher.
Profile Image for Whitney Atkinson.
1,020 reviews13k followers
July 16, 2017
3.5 stars

OH MY GOSH I FORGOT HOW THIS ONE ENDED AND NOW IT'S BRINGING BACK ALL THE FEELS!! I haven't read this series in probably 3 years and it's been so much fun revisting them as graphic novels! Once again, the issues I have with this book are issues that just transferred over from the original book, which are totally just personal dislikes like overused tropes and a sloppily constructed dystopian world. but what bugs me about this graphic novel is i'm not sure if june and day are supposed to be 15 like they are in the original series, but their look is totally glamorized. June is drop-dead gorgeous and Day has ridiculous muscles. I don't mean to sound bitter, but I just don't know how feasible that is as an expectation for teenagers to have as #goals. But this series is so much fun to revisit, and although dystopia really isn't my thing anymore, I can't wait to see how book three (Antarctica!!!!!!) translates!
Profile Image for Grace (LovingDemBooks) Z..
189 reviews1,444 followers
May 15, 2016
Buy this book HERE on Amazon or buy this book HERE on BookDepository with FREE WORLDWIDE SHIIPPING

3.5 out of 5 stars (Please read my rating system further below). Thank you so much to Penguin Teen for sending me this! I'm so glad I had the second graphic novel to pick up right after the first. I had totally forgotten about Marie Lu's MASSIVE cliffhangers! I definitely enjoyed the Prodigy graphic novel more than the Legend graphic novel. Things just clicked by the time I was reading Prodigy. It was as if the Legend graphic novel was an establishing book while the Prodigy was where really action was. I loved reading this as a brain break. I was reading tons of information-dense books, so it was great to have a refresher, with pictures!!!

My rating system: (I do use half stars.)
5 - I do not use the 5 star. Not because a book might not be worthy, but because a book is never perfect.
4 - I loved it! There weren't too many flaws, and I had no trouble getting through it. (A 4 star rating is the highest rating I've ever given a book.)
3 - I enjoyed the book, but there we're flaws that made me enjoy it less.
2 - I finished the book, but there were too many flaws for me to enjoy it.
1 - I could not finish the book, and I probably did not finish it....

Profile Image for Emily.
436 reviews218 followers
February 19, 2021
Five stars because of the source material 💖

If I just read this without reading the novels first I’d say that the plot moves too quickly.

However, I have read the books first so I will love these forever 💕
Profile Image for Joanna .
459 reviews82 followers
November 19, 2017
Of the three I think this was the best one. It was the closest to the novel and I felt like you got a lot of the most important info. I even like how they kind of flipped the end a little. Telling the reader the info Day finds out after he tell June to take the job. I liked that a lot. This is a mini impromptu review. I just wanted to catch my initial thoughts right away. I will be back to polish it up.
Profile Image for Jennifer.
2,081 reviews
October 15, 2017

Prodigy: the Graphic Novel is the second graphic novel in this series. These follow the books by Marie Lu.

Oh have I missed Day and June! These graphic novels are amazing. It is a wonderful way to relive the story.
Profile Image for Violet ♡.
270 reviews141 followers
January 10, 2023
I read the graphic novel Legend months ago, and today I picked up Prodigy. AND IT IS SO GOOD!

It follows June and Day, the star-crossed lovers, and how they revolutionized their government. This is a fascinating and quick adaptation, as it only highlights the most important events in the story. I'm considering reading the novels for a more in-depth reading experience with the awesome love team and their winning battles. 

But there is a cliffhanger in the ending. 😭🙈

December 13, 2019
I have read this sooo many times. And I will always love it, just as I love the original book. My love for Legend is infinite. They are the books that got me into YA and sparked my love for the genre. This artwork is so nostalgic for me. An eternal 5/5 stars.
Profile Image for Nihan Alak.
Author 9 books317 followers
August 6, 2019
seriyi çoook önce okuduğum için unutmuşum. özellikle sonunu yeniden hatırlayınca üzüldüüüm 😭 son kitap ağlatmıştı diye hatırlıyorum bakalım ne hissedicem🤷🏻‍♀️
Profile Image for Caroline.
187 reviews31 followers
February 4, 2018
I had high hopes for this graphic novel, because I loved Prodigy!! I never read the Legend graphic novel, but I was excited to read this one...and it disappointed me, a lot!

Everything was rushed--I was reading this on my kindle, and checked (multiple times) if it was skipping pages...and it wasn't. It seemed like so many scenes were missing or different. I really think they could've had a more thorough graphic novel that would have been lovely.

Although it told the story, it seemed like it was more of a recap of the novel, the graphics were great! It showed and depicted almost all the characters as I envisioned them. The graphics seemed like they could easily be mistaken for Anime/Manga art. It was fantastic.

Lastly, this was a SUPER quick read; a grand total of about 1 hour and 30 minutes to finish the book. Overall, I am glad that I just borrowed this book as a library book because I don't know if I would read it again, or at least, very often.

Maybe I just had too high of hopes for this one after reading the Wires and Nerve graphic novel duology. But this doesn't tarnish how much I love the novels by Marie Lu.

Happy reading!
Profile Image for Nicole ✨Reading Engineer✨.
275 reviews70 followers
July 1, 2018
This graphic novel rendition of Prodigy wasn't the worst thing in world, but it wasn't the best. Most of my problems with this one is the same as the one in Legend. The lack of the descriptions in this made it less enjoyable but more in others... Anyway, it wasn't the best but I'm still going to read Champion because FML.
Profile Image for Nofreeusernames Nofreeusernames.
Author 8 books1,659 followers
January 19, 2020
Sérii Legenda jsem po prvním díle vzdala, ale formou komiksu mě to baví hodně. Je stručnější, děj je zhuštěný a to tomuhle příběhu svědčí. Jsem ráda, že zjistím, jak to dopadne, aniž bych musela strávit hodiny s tunou popisných pasáží a zbytečných dialogů. U některých knih si to užívám, ale Legenda k nim nepatří. Takže komiks vřele doporučuju!
Profile Image for Melanie Schneider.
Author 23 books97 followers
June 23, 2017
Es war toll, wieder in die Geschichte um Day und June einzutauchen. Bei Prodigy fand ich die Umsetzung des Buches als Graphic Novel nicht hundertprozentig gut gelungen, da war der erste Band besser. Aber die Illustrationen sind wie immer großartig und es macht Spaß, die Geschichte zu lesen!
Profile Image for Elizabeth Aguilar.
615 reviews63 followers
January 19, 2022
I liked this volume a lot more than the Legend Adaption. While it's still fast-paced, there's not as many time-skips or moments where time feels ambigious.

I forgot how much takes place in Prodigy. The art is still amazing!
Profile Image for alina.
33 reviews21 followers
March 27, 2020
I think that this book is really good.

The drawings are REALLY GOOD. They fit Marie Lu's description perfectly. I would have imagined June and Day the same way that this graphic novel viewed.

They skip some parts that are in Prodigy. It starts off with the part where June and Day are disguised and walking around the streets.

You have to read it. It's really good.
Profile Image for Natalie.
2,992 reviews98 followers
April 19, 2018
I don’t like the graphic novels quite as well as the books themselves, but this was still good. It’s been a long time since I read the trilogy, so it was nice to revisit it as a graphic novel. The art is really detailed, and the story didn’t suffer for being shortened and changed into graphic novel form. A good read for fans of the original trilogy.
Profile Image for Joselyn  Moreno.
799 reviews33 followers
June 24, 2018
It was interesting too, the plot thickens and damn the drama it's cooking it's way up and all, for being a graphic novel I think it conveys pretty well the feeling on the books and all.

I think it was a little mean from Day not to explain things to June I mean she problaby wouldn't care and maybe just be with him but a girl can dream.
February 7, 2021
*4,5 ⭐️ Der zweite Teil war so cool! Gespickt mit jeder Menge Action, Emotionen und Gefühlen, Plottwists, tollen Charakteren und einer temporeichen Story 🤩 Ich habe mich sehr gut unterhalten gefühlt und durch die tollen Illustrationen hatte ich so richtig das Gefühl mittendrin zu sein. In meinem Kopf hat sich ein popcornwürdiger Blockbuster abgespielt und ich bin jetzt total bereit für das große Finale 🍿
Profile Image for belle ☆ミ (thisbellereadstoo).
2,188 reviews168 followers
October 14, 2023
the graphic novel had the main story line down with all the major turning points and characters involved. it's nice seeing the crew again even though the ending just made me upset once more since i've read the book. nonetheless, will continue on with the graphic novel and the actual series.
Displaying 1 - 30 of 310 reviews

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