Millions adored Daphne Fields, for she shared their passion, their pain, their joy, and their sorrow. But America's most popular novelist remained a closed book to the world — guarding her life with a fierce privacy no reporter could crack.
Her life hides a myriad of secrets. The husband and daughter she lost in a fire. The son who barely survived it and would be deaf forever. The victories, the defeats, the challenges of facing life as a woman alone and helping her son meet the challenges of his handicap. A strong woman, she would not accept defeat, or help from anyone... until she found she could no longer face it alone.
Ca fait plus que 4 ans que j'ai lu cette roman Et je rappel bien J'J'encourage a lire.
لي 4 سنوات منذ قراءتها و اتذكر كل شخصيات. الحبكة كل احداث من اجمل م قرات. ليس رواية رومانسية حالمة خيالية. ايه نعم فيه جانب من ذلك.لكن هي قصة معاناة امراة و ام من اجل ابنها.بعد فقد زوجها و ابنتها في حريق ليلة راس سنة. حكاية امراة وصلت لحدود انهيار و ألغت ذاتها من اجل ابنها الذي يعاني من صعوبات صحية . ثم عادت لتكتشف ذاتها عن طريق الحب. حين يكون الحب هو علاج و هو الالم عن حقيقة العيش بعد فقدان الزوج و الحبيب. عن صراع بين ذلك سؤال هل ياتي حب مرة واحدة في حياة ام لا ؟ عن ماهية الحب الحقيقي؟ عن التمييز بين العشق و الحب الصادق الذي يبقى.؟ كلها تجده في هذه رواية من اجمل م قرأت لها.
I decided not to rate this book. The only reason why I decided to read this book is because a friend of mine told me that the author writes good. The author does write good,but this book just didn't do it for me. I had so many expectations and to tell you the truth I got a little disappointed. The story was good.I liked the plot,but still...
P.s:I thought the reason why this book is titled "Once in a Lifetime" is because the character falls in love(true love) only once,not 4.
Every girl needs a Danielle Steele now and again and this didn't disappoint. All the expected ingredients were there to make a rich cream sponge of a novel.
...از این فرصتهای طلایی فقط یک بار در زندگی پیش میاد و حالا که اونو بدست آوردیم باید نگهش درایم ... چیزهای دیگه ای هم اتفاق می افتن ولی هر لحظه و هر تجربه چیز متفاومتیه ... هر کدوم فقط یکبار اتفاق میافتن و اگر ای لحظه ها ازدست برن دیگه برای همیشه رفتن ..............( از متن کتاب )
debía esta reseña desde hace tiempo, pero no lo había escrito antes. es un libro que sencillamente me ha encantado. Es tan bueno como yo pensaba que sería, e incluso más. es fuerte, dramático, vemos por todo lo que tuvo que pasar Daphne para sobreponerse a las tragedias de la vida, y cómo inesperadamente llega un angelito que sería su sostén ante tanto sufrimiento: Andrew, su niño, que nació siendo sordo. Daphne se encarga en cuerpo y alma de él, queda al principio devastada como toda madre, pero nos damos cuenta que la aceptación de su discapacidad es el mejor camino para poder ayudarlo, y no negarte a recibir ayuda especializada. este libro creo que nos pega a muchos porque aunque es una discapacidad difícil, me hace identificarme un poco con la situación, pues yo que soy ciego, tengo mucho que agradecer, principalmente al cielo y mi familia, porque gracias a eso el logrado hacer todo lo que yo hago y porque mis padres consiguieron esa fortaleza, resignación y aceptación de mi condición, pues si no fuera por eso sería otro, y gracias a un triángulo entre mi maestro, mis padres y yo mismo pude y puedo hacer bastantes cosas. Y sinceramente, hoy diría que ser sordo sería una de las discapacidades más terribles para mí, y bastante difícil. pero bueno, nos desviamos un poco jaja. ahora bien ¿qué sige ahora en la vida de la prolífica escritora? Pues que necesitará aprender a volver a vivir, a abrirse a esas oportunidades y disfrutar, en especial de amar de nuevo, pues la vida sólo se vive... "una vez en la vida". Libro magnífico realmente, lleno de drama pero también que nos muestra lo que es luchar ante una situación de discapacidad con entereza. como una madre, ninguna.
Novel ini mengisahkan ttg perjalanan romansa seorang penulis buku terkenal. Mulai dari pertemuan pertamanya dgn (kelak) suami pertamanya hingga dgn (kelak) suami berikutnya. Saya baru sadar Daphne ini hanya sekali menikah dan 2 kekasih serta 1 BFF pria.
Cerita dibuka dgn kecelakaan tabrakan yg mengakibatkan Daphne hrs masuk IGD. Lalu cerita bergulir ke masa 9 tahun sebelumnya. Alur cerita lambat dan cenderung membosankan, mungkin krn settingnya di tahun 1990an menjelang millenial.
Karakter Daphne yg bucin membuat dirinya selalu terpuruk apalagi stl kehilangan dua pria yg dicintainya ini. Hingga akhirnya dia menjalin hubungan toxic dgn seorang aktor yg anti komitmen dan hobi bertualang.
Selain itu diceritakan pula persahabatan kekal antara Daphne dgn Barbara, asistennya yg selalu merasa berutang budi pada Daphne.
Mungkin ceritanya bakal terasa bagus kalau saya baca buku ini di awal tahun-tahun millenial, dan bukan sekarang. Krn sekarang baru dibaca, terkesan basi dan betapa bodohnya kebucinan Daphne ini walaupun ya nggak tolol-tolol amat dgn yg bucin akut.
Yasudahlah, novel ini lumayan tebal 500 hlm lebih dgn font minimalis jg. Jadi maklumi bacanya agak lama. Sekian review saya.
“Other things come your way and each moment, each experience, is different. Each one only happens once. And if you let the moment pass you by, it’s gone forever.”
I really liked the part about her son Andrew. He had a hearing impairment. Danielle Steele really succeeded to point out the difficulties such children and their parents had to face. At the same time she encourages not to give up and to seek the help we need to help these wonderful children to reach their full potential!
Daphne Fields is a popular novelist with fans the world over, but she has remained a “closed book” to the world for many years. Behind that book’s cover is a myriad of secrets. The husband and daughter she lost in a fire, the son born deaf, and the truth of the fact that she couldn’t get to where she is alone. Will she be able to open her heart to anyone again when that true and overpowering kind of love only happens… “once in a lifetime”?
This is one of the first Danielle Steel books I read (especially after seeing the film with Barry Bostwick) and it remains one of (if my all time) favorite of her books. Daphne Fields is a character whom it is hard not to love, relate to, or sympathize with. After the tragedy she endures, the trauma, the survivor’s guilt, etc. it isn’t crazy that someone would be hesitant to accept anything from anyone even when her son - her last link to her husband - is born with a disability that she is not entirely equipped to handle. Due to her son’s vulnerability she is even more protective and uses him as an excuse not to let others into her life/let anyone close. She fears that anyone she lets in she is doomed to lose and she is bound to be hurt, either due to unpredictable outside forces or due to the thick walls she puts around herself. I will say that while the book is called "ONCE in a Lifetime” the main character does tend to fall in love at least 3 times. So that’s the only negative I found rereading it, but otherwise I loved it and was immersed in Daphne’s life from the first page.
My mind kept flashing back to the TV adaptation which I think was perfect as it trims the fat and is casted perfectly. I also will say the production designers understood that when Danielle Steel writes about writers it is sometimes a self-insert character for her as the book designs in the film are very similar to the cover art usually seen on Steel’s books at the time in the 80s and 90s. It touched on something that I had to wonder about while rereading this book and all the others, how much does Steel’s own life influence the work she writes? How much of her own lived experience is in the book? She writes of tragedy and the emotions so sincerely I have to think about how close to home these things are for her. Similar to Daphne Fields - beyond the tragic death of her son, Nick (whom she wrote a lovely book about) - has been kept under wraps. I wonder if she will ever write a memoir one day as I think it would certainly be a touching and fascinating read!
honestly one of the worst she's ever written - im aware that danielle steel is meant to be escapist romance aimed primarily at middle aged women, but this one just felt like a terribly written self insert.
the main character's life isnt interesting enough to document unless there's men involved - she spent an entire four years grieving her husband and child but on paper it was only like 5 pages long?
not to mention the countless descriptions of daphne's 'childlike' appearance - she was forty but she looked twenty-five, she was twenty but she looked like a twelve year old - if i didn't know better i'd think this was written by a predator.
generally steel's characters are well written and likeable, but daphne barely has a personality besides being smart and petite and blonde.
the title of the story makes no sense, as many have pointed out - 'true love only finds you once in a lifetime', so was it not true love when her first two lovers died? the love just wasn't pure enough i guess.
i only continued reading because i was interested in the part where they make the film, but that was basically garbage too. just a lot of 'justin was manly and sexy and his sex was good' and no usage of brain cells on daphne's part.
overall a terrible read can't believe i wasted time on this.
wow... I really got involved in this story - it's a snowy Christmas in New York and Daphne decides to walk home and in such a hurry that in her preoccupation and the treacherous conditions gets hit by a car and she becomes a Jane Doe in hospital and here starts the emergence of her story! This beautiful fragile 'little one' has certainly suffered and enjoyed 'once in a lifetime' experiences that really do pull at your heart strings! Tragic fiery loss and then new hope in her beloved son Andrew and it's his health condition that leads her on a path of discovery, a gift of written prose and the companionship of men who openly grow to love her; lust her but are afraid of commitment and then there is Matt who has been her friend for such a long time, who now wonders is it too late in this tragic moment to profess his love to Daphne! Gosh, there were lots of tears from the characters in this story and I am not afraid to admit that even I shed a happy tear on the last page!
Ugh. I picked this up from a Little Free Library in my neighborhood during a time when I needed a quick distraction. This was my first Danielle Steel novel, and it was distractingly bad, so mission accomplished, I guess. I'm not just being snarky about bestselling authors; if this novel is representative of Steel's work, several dozen of them are worth one by Mary Higgins Clark, which used to be some of my favorite beach reads. The plot was a foregone conclusion, and the characters were one-note and boring. In fairness to Steel, however, this is a particularly difficult climate in which to attempt to swallow her approach to gender (e.g., "She looked up at him again and for a mad moment she wanted to fold herself into his arms, to feel the safety she had once felt, protected by a man."), so that's a big part of what I found so noxious. Lesson learned!
My last few reads were non-fiction,so I was eager to pick this book. It was a light read and was very engaging. I have always liked Danielle Steel's writing. This book was no exception. Daphne Fields loses her husband and daughter in a fire. She finds solace in her son Andrew, who is born deaf. But, she feels lonely again when her son goes away to a special school. It's all about how she finds courage and strength to live on without Andrew, how she becomes a writer and how she finds love again. The narrative starts with a car accident of Daphne Fields and everything from there on are flashbacks that lead to the accident. There are only a few characters but they are so effortlessly woven into the story that they emphasize the importance of love and friendship in one's life. It's a beautiful love story. This book was a refreshing and a romantic read for me. So four stars from me.
What a dumb book. True love only comes "Once in a Lifetime" yet this heroine found it at least three times.... so why this title?
And to add to my confusion, I read about this poor fragile yet strong-willed, independent, wreckloose woman who manages not only to win the heart of everyone she meets, but needs a man to look after her because .... (?) But she continually tries to put up walls to keep love out so she won't get hurt, yet still manages to find three perfect soul-mates (all before the age of 35) that somehow just know and understand everything behind these walls. And of course, her hard life gives her all the knowledge to become a famous writer, but really she is a totally private person with absolutely no faults to hide but yet .... oh just gag me already.
Ok, I guess I just didn't buy into anything in this story. My bad.
This entire review has been hidden because of spoilers.
This was amazing but I definitely wouldn't read it again. It's beautiful when you wing it as you go but if you think back on all the heartbreak and hurdles, it's definitely not worth a second read for me. I'd even think twice before reading something from the same author. This of it like this, if you knew Thomas Hardy, read Thomas Hardy, cried over Thomas Hardy and loved Thomas Hardy all at once, would you really still reread it no matter how much you loved it? It's the same issue here. But it was amazing, the development, the twists, the absolute agony of a mother and wife. It was beautiful and painful and being painful made it more beautiful. Even if I don't read it ever again, I'll still love it every single day I have left to live.
"Once in a Lifetime" is a novel by Danielle Steel that explores the lives of four very different people who are brought together by chance and forever changed by their shared experiences. The story centers around Coco Barrington, a successful Hollywood producer who is struggling to find meaning in her life. After a chance encounter with a mysterious stranger, she embarks on a journey that takes her from the glitz and glamour of Hollywood to the rustic beauty of Montana. The books explores the themes of self-discovery and personal growth. Coco and her companions navigate the challenges of their journey, they are forced to confront their own insecurities and shortcomings. It is a book for those who are looking for inspiration to follow your dreams and embrace the unexpected twists of life.
Now that I know this book was actually published in 1982 (not the 1985 that my book says) things make more sense. This was not a time yet in which people with special needs had a lot of options. Still I've been lead to believe there were more options out there and there is and has been a community for quite sometime willing to help and teach.
Anyway, very interesting view on life and a mother's life-her choices once she has children to care for. The freedoms in this book are still very much a part of our culture so that's not "out of date."
Another interesting "What would you do if this happened to you" book.
I get the appeal of Danielle Steel. Definitely a writer for my mom’s generation. But my goodness this book. It was already starting to drag then around chapter twenty-seven it crashed and burned so violently and stupidly. Justin irritated me to no end. And their relationship was just disgusting and pathetic. It would’ve done the novel greater service to focus on Barb and Tom’s relationship. And did there have to be so many “beautiful blondes” !?! I grimace from the amount of times I had to grit my teeth. This one left a bad taste in my mouth. Should’ve just skipped that relationship trajectory altogether.
This entire review has been hidden because of spoilers.
É um livro fascinante. Um livro que nos deixa presos às personagens, às suas vidas, aos seus sentimentos... Facilmente nos vemos envolvidos na vida de Daphne, na sua luta pela vida após o acidente. É uma leitura muito fácil, com bons diálogos. São muitas as desgraças e as perdas retratadas nestas páginas, mas acima de tudo e o mais importantes que elas deixam transparecer é a forma como as pessoas lidam com elas... Porque perdas, maiores ou menores, todos as temos. Agora, a forma como lidamos com elas é que pode ser diferente e, consequentemente, atirar-nos para caminhos diferentes.
“Once in a Lifetime” by Danielle Steel is a novel that offers a exploration of love,loss and happiness. Steel’s storytelling makes the reader to feel deeply connected with the characters.
What i loved the most in this book was Daphne, the main character of the novel. The way that she dealt with life’s challenges made her relatable and inspiring for me.
Another thing that caught my attention was that the novel beautifully the essence of life, reminding the reader to cherish every moment and embrace the possibility of second chances.
Overall, “Once in a Lifetime” is a touching story that resonates long after the reader turns the last page. Well recommanded.
This story was filled with so much emotion, Daphne went through so much in her short life that you could only hope that she would find happiness at the end of the story. Each tragedy seems to make her stronger and more persistant to succeed and make a life for herself and her 8year old deaf son Andrew. I enjoyed this story and how much I can relate to alot of these events in my own life or my friends lives..
The first few chapters of the story is very interesting.....the loss of her husband & daughter in a fire, and later to give birth to a son that is deaf. In this story, I would like to be the Barbara character....I love her job. This story also shared on insights into the making of a film from a novel. Overall it is a nice and easy book to read, with a happy ending.