6521. The Girl Who Disappeared by James Lingard > Likes and Comments

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message 1: by Sheri (new)

Sheri The Girl Who Disappeared by James Lingard James Lingard

Genre: 20th Century Historical Romance
Page Count: 200

Book Description: Britain in the 1930s; a fact based historical novel inspired by real events; eloping.
Emily falls passionately in love with working class Walter, despite fierce opposition from her class conscious father. She sees marriage as a partnership of equals and resolves to elope to escape such a male dominated society.
Emily’s actions will see her struggle to survive the subsequent devastation brought about by the war, as she and her four year old son are thrown into the midst of danger and death. The family experience rationing and the terror of bombing. Their air raid shelter is destroyed by a direct hit.
When Walter volunteers for the army, Emily and her son are evacuated to a rat infested cottage in a farming community near Hebden Bridge. The war changes Walter into an efficient army officer who demands to be obeyed. Emily worries that she might have a rival for his affections. How can she restore their loving relationship?
The Girl Who Disappeared is a moving love story about one woman’s enduring resilience, a story full of quiet humour and surprising twists and turns.

'Wow! What a good book' (Goodreads reviewer)
'James brought their lives to life' (Librarything reviewer)

Tags: Fiction; Historical; WW2; Home Front; Romance; Young Adult; Memoir.

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message 2: by Emmanuel (new)

Emmanuel Harbor Name: UGOCHUKWU HARBOR
Format: pdf
Can only drop a review on Goodreads. Don't have a KU account.

message 3: by James (new)

James Lingard As requested, I am emailing a PDF copy to you. Please send me a copy of your review. Hope you enjoy the book. All the best, James.
The Girl Who Disappeared by James Lingard The Girl Who Disappeared

message 4: by Emmanuel (new)

Emmanuel Harbor I would love to offer a free service for the first 5k words, and if you like my work, would be offering a paid service for a full book ranging from $20-100.(email: uarbor2007@yahoo.com)

message 5: by James (new)

James Lingard I already have an audio version of the book, traditionally published.

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