Minnesota Book Awards > Likes and Comments

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message 1: by Natasha (new)

Natasha Loved this book! I hope more books will be added to the series?

message 2: by Carol (new)

Carol Brian, I just finished The Deep, Deep Snow & LOVED it. Am letting it percolate in my brain a bit and then will jump into The Ursulina.

Thank you and good luck at the Minnesota Book Awards!

message 3: by Brian (new)

Brian Freeman Thanks, Carol! Happy reading! :-)

message 4: by Nycole (new)

Nycole Love your books! Obsessed actually. Working my way to this one!

message 5: by Brian (new)

Brian Freeman I love to hear that, Nycole! Thanks…happy reading!

message 6: by Paige (new)

Paige Turner Of course you will win again, Brian. How could you not?

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