Neil’s review of This Time Tomorrow > Likes and Comments

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message 1: by Angela (new)

Angela Hi Neil, hope you’re well. Could you share what it is about this one that warrants 5 stars? I have not read Straub before.

message 2: by Angela (new)

Angela Thanks!

message 3: by Veronika (new)

Veronika If a book has Neil Gaiman's seal of approval, that's all I need to know about that book and it's going straight on my list/in my shopping cart.

message 4: by Linda (new)

Linda Thanks for sharing your thoughtful review. I loved this book and its "beautiful 'What if...' games," too!

message 5: by Neil (new)

Neil Angela wrote: "Hi Neil, hope you’re well. Could you share what it is about this one that warrants 5 stars? I have not read Straub before." Gently plotted, manages to walk the tightrope between realistic fiction and genre fiction to make points about love and family and humanity. Also funny and not afraid to be moving when it needs to be.

message 6: by Jack (new)

Jack Slocombe My eldest is having his last week at primary school and I feel I've literally just had this conversation with him. "Savour it, the good and the bad, because it's all fleeting and all we will have left is the memories we made, not the ones we wished we'd made." Not sure if that helped him during his existential crisis, but it is not, not true. Solid parenting...I think...

Added to the list!

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