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Island of the Aunts

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When the kindly old aunts decide that they need help caring for creatures who live on their hidden island, they know that adults can't be trusted. What they need are a few special children who can keep a secret-a secret as big as a magical island. And what better way to get children who can keep really big secrets, than to kidnap them! (After all, some children just plain need to be kidnapped.) Don't miss this wildly inventive and funny read from master storyteller Eva Ibbotson.

281 pages, Paperback

First published January 1, 1999

About the author

Eva Ibbotson

61 books2,299 followers
Eva Ibbotson (born Maria Charlotte Michelle Wiesner) was a British novelist specializing in romance and children's fantasy.

She was born in Vienna, Austria, in 1925. When Hitler came into power, her family moved to England. She attended Bedford College, graduating in 1945; Cambridge University from 1946-47; and the University of Durham, from which she graduated with a diploma in education in 1965. Ibbotson had intended to be a physiologist, but was put off by the amount of animal testing that she would have to do. Instead, she married and raised a family, returning to school to become a teacher in the 1960s. Ibbotson was widowed with three sons and a daughter.

Ibottson began writing with the television drama 'Linda Came Today', in 1965. Ten years later, she published her first novel, The Great Ghost Rescue. Ibbotson has written numerous books including The Secret of Platform 13, Journey to the River Sea, Which Witch?, Island of the Aunts, and Dial-a-Ghost. She won the Nestlé Smarties Book Prize for Journey to the River Sea, and has been a runner up for many of major awards for British children's literature.

Her books are imaginative and humorous, and most of them feature magical creatures and places, despite the fact that she disliked thinking about the supernatural, and created the characters because she wanted to decrease her readers' fear of such things.

Some of the books, particularly Journey to the River Sea, also reflect Ibbotson's love of nature. Ibbotson wrote this book in honor of her husband (who had died just before she wrote it), a former naturalist. The book had been in her head for years before she actually wrote it.

Ibbotson said she dislikes "financial greed and a lust for power" and often creates antagonists in her books who have these characteristics. Some have been struck by the similarity of "Platform 9 3/4" in J.K. Rowling's Harry Potter books to Ibbotson's The Secret of Platform 13, which came out three years before the first Harry Potter book.

Her love of Austria is evident in works such as The Star Of Kazan and A Song For Summer. These books, set primarily in the Austrian countryside, display the author's love for nature and all things natural.

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Displaying 1 - 30 of 454 reviews
Profile Image for Ann.
530 reviews
July 17, 2010
I'm still not entirely sure what I thought of this book... part of me really liked it, and part of me didn't. I suppose if half stars were allowed, I’d award this 3 and a half, but since there aren’t, I’ll err on the plus side.

First of all, I very much enjoyed Ibboston's style of writing. She definitely has a flare for words and a wonderful way with unique descriptions. She's also able to give one a feeling of a character in just a few phrases, something it seems few authors are able to do. I think this lead to some of my disappointment, however, when after some great initial introductions to characters, there really wasn't follow-up or growth. And, sometimes Ibbotson's wonderful descriptions were redundant and got in the way of the flow.

Also, while this was a fun book about various creatures (both mythical and not) that gravitate to the Island of the Aunts for care, the book was still not entirely what I'd expected. Like "Fablehaven" I hoped that this would be a book about caring for magical creatures, and (like "Fablehaven") while it this was one aspect of the book, it wasn't the focus (though I enjoyed this book much more than I did "Fablehaven").

Some of this book was incredibly predictable, and some of it wasn't at all. Most of my concerns arise from the premise of the book, that the Aunts kidnap the children. Now, I feel Ibbotson tried throughout the book to justify this, and to show that the Aunts were not bad, and that they were actually doing a good thing. And while some of this may be true, I could never get over the fact that they did take three children without their explicit consent. I also wasn't pleased that the one child that did his best to escape was portrayed as mean and that he should have wanted to stay. Unfortunately, the good messages Ibbotson seemed to want to convey were undermined because of these two issues (at least for me).

Also, many of the messages seemed inconsistent (especially a parent's love for his/her child).
And one of the most disconcerting issues came when what we were supposed to think was one of the best characters, was going to leave our other heros to perish because he had failed to acquire correct information (and didn't seek it out either)... hrm....

I'm still really not sure which messages Ibbotson wished to convey, but I did enjoy the book and her style. The book created many wonderful visuals, and overall I'd recommend it - just with a few cautions attached.
Profile Image for Mike (the Paladin).
3,147 reviews1,973 followers
August 6, 2014
Once again I find myself in a "startlingly small" minority about a book. I find myself wondering if it's something generational here? Now, my children are all grown, but given the opportunity, I'd probably not have read this one to them... (but to quote one of the Aunts in the book "you know how men are." Really? What would be the reaction if I said "you know how women are"? That's a phrase we don't use anymore because it's deemed to be demeaning. Apparently "men" can't be demeaned. To be fair, the boy in the book does take umbrage to the phrase.)

The book of course is not all bad nor totally negative (or I wouldn't have gone 2 stars). While some of the responsibility taught in this book is a good thing, and I applaud it, the context in which she attempts to teach it leaves much to be desired. I mean should we really tell kids that if they have inattentive parents "they need to be kidnapped"? No, not really (in this world, not even in fantasy. In a world where you can't turn the TV on without daily accounts of child kidnapping is it really a topic for whimsical fantasy?) The book (in places) also tends to be more a volume of "propaganda" geared to indoctrinating kids into a certain mode of thinking than a thought provoking story that will "delight and teach".

I see all the "high ratings" on this book, I see that many here seem to think highly of it, I'm cognizant of your feelings, but I've got to step back away from these vaguely sinister aunts and say...not a book I'd steer my kids (or grand-kids) toward.
Profile Image for Kathryn.
4,609 reviews
July 8, 2010
Having read and loved Ibbotson's The Great Ghost Rescue, I had high hopes for my journey to the Island of the Aunts. And I must now consider myself an Ibbotson fan! I love her style. For me, it is the closet thing to JK Rowling's that I've found in terms of characterization and humor and blending magic with "the real world" but Ibbotson also has her own flare and it just makes me smile to read her work.

That said, I must say I was a little disappointed with "Island of the Aunts" Maybe my expectations were too high, as I know it's one of her most popular titles, but I finished the book feeling a bit unfulfilled. I felt it walked the line between being a book about fantastical creatures and being a book about the real-world problems faced by the characters and I'm not sure either was fully developed in consequence. It's fun to meet all the "magical creatures" on the island and I love the idea of taking care of them but again there wasn't too much focus on that. I also think it's important to show a story where children don't have a happy family life but somehow find fulfillment through the natural world, through other people who care about them, and through becoming more aware of their own potential and worth--which Ibbotson does. But I also didn't feel that the children grow as much as they could have. And there were some plot threads that never quite cleared up what is "right" and "wrong"--not that I think all kids' books should be clearly black and white, but again I think stories like Harry Potter do a wonderful job of showing the variations in people (such as Dumbledore not always being "perfect" but ultimately choosing to do right) while still allowing that there are universal truths, "good" and "bad" ways (if we must label them) of dealing with situations and I felt that was lacking in "Island of the Aunts" I was left a bit unsure of how I was supposed to feel; again, I appreciate a story that doesn't put a neat little bow on a Hallmark card moral-of-the-story, but, I just felt it could have been a bit stronger since it seemed to be a book with a "message."

Complaints aside, this is still a charmingly written, humorous story that should appeal to both boys and girls. There is an underlying message of caring for the natural world, and especially its creatures, and this is a great novel if you are looking for books with an environmental theme. And, oh how I wish that the Kraken could swim past our shores these days, spreading his message of peace and harmony!
Profile Image for Jonathan Peto.
266 reviews51 followers
October 17, 2020
I just finished reading this book to my son, who is nine, and he expressed curiosity about whether there was a sequel, which surprised me. He never complained while I read it, which surprised me first, because Island of the Aunts is not like the books he reads on his own and I myself had some mixed feelings about the story.

An appreciation of Eva Ibbotson in the Horn Book a year or two ago convinced me to pick this up. Like other reviewers here, I loved the author's writing style, which was lyrical and enjoyably precise, wonderful to read aloud, because it was impossible not to read it with expression, even when tired.

The aunts of the title care secretly for a large number of sea creatures, some that are ordinary, but others that aren't, like mermaids and selkie. The aunts' advancing age worries them, and they kidnap a few children to inherit their tasks, which complicates the message about caring for the environment/ocean a bit. There are a few places where her message is, not muddled, but actually suspect. She is a careful writer, I think, and I believe she means what she says. The book could therefore inspire some good conversations about right and wrong and responsibility when taking action about complex issues, like stewardship of the environment. Two of the children they kidnap fair well; one doesn't. Like Roald Dahl, her characters are capable of outrageous acts, and her villains are shockingly mean (the aunts aren't the villains) and so real that they are, in fact, worse than evil because they are so damn human.

Despite the powerful description and the extraordinary elegance of her writing, I was disappointed that I did not end up feeling closer to the two main children, Minette and Fabio, who I liked, but whose viewpoints and personalities were never really allowed to suffuse the narrative. I was surprised my son expressed interest in a sequel because the old aunts and their concerns dominated, which is not a bad experience for children and definitely attests to Ibbotson's skills, but the lack filled me with regret because Minette and Fabio were such good kids and perceiving their wonder and transformation from the inside a little more might have been uplifting and joyous.

I know Ibbotson has passed away. It might be interesting to continue Minette and Fabio's story in fan fiction...
Profile Image for Namratha.
1,123 reviews252 followers
May 17, 2011
Island Of The Aunts is Eva Ibbotson's magical, sea-side fantasy with an environmental message.

Three oddball aunts; Etta, Coral and Myrtle live on a secret island.....caring for a wide variety of animals ranging from ordinary chickens to mystical creatures like selkies, boobries and even a family of abandoned, oil-slick mermaids. But managing the ever-increasing menagerie is a full-time job and the aunts aren’t getting any younger.

So the best option seems to be to kidnap some children and bring them to the island. Without any malice whatsoever in their hearts, the three aunts capture a child each. Initially two of the children (Fabio and Minette) are scared, but the magic of the island and the multitude of animal life soon drives away their fears. They grow to love the island as their own and are as fiercely protective of each creature as the aunts themselves.

The aunts on their part, treat the children with affection and a firm hand. But the black spot in the whole scenario is the third captive, an obnoxious brat called Lambert who refuses to chip in and generally buzzes around like a irritating wasp. Things take an ugly turn when Lambert manages to get in touch with his father Mr.Sprott, whose money grubbing nature views the island as a golden egg waiting to be exploited. A struggle between good and the downright nasty ensues.....with many an unpleasant surprise.

This is an ideal book for animal lovers and the plea for environmental protection is slipped in without any sanctimonious preaching. Eva Ibbotson’s delicious writing style is loaded with her usual nuttiness and charm. The unlikely heroines (the aunts) are lovable in their eccentricities. The animalia is rich and varied and exhibit emotions so diverse that it’s hard not to empathise . As for the villians.....they are black through and through with not a smidgen of grey. You absolutely love to hate them and can’t wait to see justice meted out.

In all…a simple story with a deep message. One of Ibbotson’s finest and a definite must-have for all you nature-friendly people out there.
Profile Image for Blessing.
153 reviews
March 4, 2009
I got this book at mom's house when she was letting us pick 5 books out.
This is a real story - meaning not fantasy, but it actually has some things that wouldn't be classified as "real". It has mermaids that have been in an oil spill and selkie seals that when you look in their eyes you can see a human spirit. There is also the Kraken....you have to read the book to find out why this Kraken is so beautifully created by the author.
Taking place from England, there are 3 aunts (they have a nephew & a niece) who live on this island in the Atlantic Ocean. They need help taking care of all the animals and creatures that have come to the island for healing and refuge (from oil spills...), since they are getting older. So, they decide to kidnap 3 children. 2 end up being good choices and one a not so good one (he just wants his cell phone and his ipod), the other 2 "enjoy" being kidnapped.

Well it all comes to a head when someone discovers the island in the search to rescue the kidnapped children. And when the aunts are put on trial for kidnapping the children, did the children really get kidnapped after all???
Profile Image for Kailey (Luminous Libro).
3,320 reviews504 followers
May 30, 2021
The aunts need help, so they decide to kidnap some children and train them up. But these will have to be special children; children who can be trusted with the greatest secret of the island.

Fantastic and imaginative! I loved it! I had me gasping in surprise, and laughing and crying and laughing some more.

Update: Reading this the second or third time is just as enjoyable and magical.

I love all the weird and wacky characters! The aunts are just hilarious, Minette is utterly sweet, and Fabio is such a brave little fellow.

I love all the magical creatures, the mermaids, and selkies, and other wild creatures. It's all so imaginative and interesting. The details make it all feel real and exciting.

The plot keeps your attention, and there is always something crazy going on. Just when you think you know what is going to happen, something totally unexpected surprises you.

The writing style is powerful and whimsical. It is concise, but uses vivid words and emotional scenes to draw the reader into the magic of the story.
Profile Image for Tijana.
844 reviews244 followers
February 17, 2019
Knjige Eve Ibotson su generalno okej za svoju ciljnu grupu ali odrasli čitalac, da ne kažem ja, svako malo naleti na poneku kognitivnu disonancu. Nekad su zanemarljive a nekad su malo pregusto posejane, recimo ovde. Bez zalaženja u detalje, mogu reći da sam nailazila i na bolje tretmane što negativnih što pozitivnih likova, i na veću nijansiranost ili, sa druge strane, radikalnije pa time i zabavnije karikiranje, recimo kod Roalda Dala, ali i kod same Eve. :/
Profile Image for Lady Clementina ffinch-ffarowmore.
894 reviews221 followers
November 8, 2020
This is the fourth of Ibbotson’s books that I’ve read and once again one for children featuring both eccentric characters and fantastical creatures. But even though it is a fun adventure story, and probably more unusual than her others, at its heart (like her others) it essentially is a comment on human beings and the ills we unleash on the world around us, on our greed, selfishness—things that make so many of us rather despicable.

In this one, we have three sisters living on an island with their old father. They have been there for years and have been looking after various creatures—fish and animals who suffer because of oil spills and such; but these ‘ordinary’ beings are not the only ones they look after—there are also selkies, mermaids, and the boobrie bird. But these sisters, the aunts, Eta, Coral and Myrtle are now growing old and begin to worry about their charges. So they decide to do something very unnatural for them—kidnap some children who they’ll train to take over. And so Minette, Fabio, and unfortunately Lambert find themselves on the island. While the aunts have in their opinion ‘chosen’ children whose parents/guardians don’t seem to care particularly for them, there are consequences and attempts are made to look for them. Also, among the children, unlike Minette and Fabio who seem perfectly cut out for the purpose the aunts brought them for, Lambert a nasty, spoilt and wealthy boy is not and is determined to escape (while one can’t exactly fault him for it, his presence portends trouble). Meanwhile on the island, the children begin to learn about the unusual creatures and all that is involved in taking care of them, and soon enough become part of life there. An unusual event is also taking place bringing a lot joy to the island and its inhabitants (human and others), but sadly to spoil it, a greedy and dangerous man is heading to the island. And once he discovers all the usual beings who live there, he begins to covet them to fill his coffers some more.

This is a fun yet crazy tale of the aunts who are looking for the right people to take over their mantle but sadly choose the wrong way of getting them to the island. The aunts are quite good fun, though also very eccentric (we meet two others who don’t live on the island), and yet the only one of these sisters who chose the ‘normal’ path in life ends up coming across as the odd one. Minette and Fabio are very likeable too, and expectedly Lambert is horrid as are Boo-Boo and the Little One, children of Betty, the ‘normal’ sister. The adventure itself of how the children come to the island, and how Minnette and Fabio not only prove that they were indeed the right choices to look after their new animal and unusual friends, but also turn out to be the ones who help their new friends escape the clutches and nefarious schemes of the evil Mr Sprott. There are a few twists and surprises along the way which I thought added to the fun. And I also though the book did a good job of delivering its message on human failings and the terrible harm that were causing the world around us. Not only that, Ibbotson also manages to poke fun at many of our vanities and habits. May be not my favourite Ibbotson, but still good fun.

I read this one as part of my seasonal picks in October.
Profile Image for Robin Stevens.
Author 46 books2,373 followers
October 19, 2014
Eva Ibbotson will teach you how to be a better person. If this book doesn't make you want to run away to a magical island to tend to the natural world (baby krakens and baby ducks alike) and live in harmony with the universe then you probably don't have a soul.
Profile Image for Katie Fitzgerald.
Author 11 books230 followers
April 24, 2021
Three sisters, Etta, Coral, and Myrtle, have been tending to the unusual creatures on their island without help for years. Realizing that more hands would make lighter work for them as they age, the sisters pose as aunts and each one kidnaps a child. Two of the children, Minette and Fabio, are mostly agreeable and pleasant, but the third choice, Lambert, proves to be difficult and even dangerous in a variety of ways. As Minette and Fabio adjust to life on the island, and distance themselves from the troubles they left behind in their regular lives, they come to feel a strong affinity for the aunts and their creatures, but Lambert feels no such sympathy and soon brings a major threat to the island in the form of his greedy father.

I absolutely love Eva Ibbotson's historical novels for kids and teens, and I decided to read this book aloud to my kids based on that. Unfortunately, though my kids enjoyed the book, I found it to be a slog. The sense of humor puts me in mind of Roald Dahl, but the execution is both more preachy and more zany than I wanted it to be. The ecological lesson the book wants to teach, about respecting the environment and caring for animals, is very heavy-handed, and there are quite a few vaguely religious aspects to the story that seem to contradict a Christian worldview and felt uncomfortable for me to read to my kids. The story also involves a lot of brokenness in each kidnapped child's family of origin, and I felt that the cavalier attitude with which bad behavior was treated was a bit much, even for my oldest. There was also a hint at an idea I've seen in three middle grade books I've read recently: that it's okay, and maybe even heroic, for parents to abandon their kids for the greater good. Granted, the parent in question in this book is a kraken, but I still felt uncomfortable.

My kids are big fans of fantasy and I'm not, so I think some of my weariness with the book does stem from having to read aloud something so vastly different from what I enjoy myself. But had this been a great fantasy story, it would have won me over, as others have done in the past, and that never happened. Depending on the subject matter, I may not be opposed to letting my kids enjoy others of Ibbotson's fantasy stories on their own, but for myself, from now on, I'm sticking to her historical fiction.

This review also appears on my blog, Read-at-Home Mom.
Profile Image for Abby Johnson.
3,373 reviews342 followers
May 20, 2007
Sisters Etta, Cora, and Myrtle are getting older and they know that they're going to need some help taking care of the creatures that reside on their island. What they need are a couple of strong, open-minded children. Children nobody seems to want. Children who will grow up on the island and learn to love and care for the creatures that come there for help. There doesn't seem to be any other way to get such children except to kidnap them. So that's what the sisters decide to do.

When Minette and Fabio first come to the island, they don't love it instantly... but once they find out the special creatures they will be taking care of, they grow to love it. But what will happen when the future of the island is threatened?

Another hit by Ibbotson. She tells the story with wit and humor. It's funny and touching with a dash of adventure. Highly recommended for fantasy fans.
Profile Image for Serena W. Sorrell.
301 reviews77 followers
March 1, 2017
(did not finish)

I just found the tone, the writing, and really the themes and characters to be entirely too preachy about conservation. Of course we all know how important it is, but the book really managed to make me feel like I was listening to someone begin a 'save the whales' speech rather than a fiction work aimed at children.

Not to mention the whole drugging and kidnapping of children just didn't hit a chord with me.
Profile Image for Dyah.
1,110 reviews63 followers
August 8, 2018
While reading this, I keep asking myself, "Is this really written by Eva Ibbotson?"
I love her writings, I should love this one too... but I DON'T
I don't know what goes wrong, but I just can't enjoy Monster Mission. It's boring...
Profile Image for Rebecca.
239 reviews19 followers
June 7, 2022
Ok, so imagine if 1) Al Gore wrote a children’s book, and 2) he was a good writer with a British sense of humor.

Would probably be very much someone’s thing. Somehow very much not mine, though.
Profile Image for Nara.
617 reviews7 followers
September 27, 2022
"Um lugar que não fosse nenhum nem outro.

Tias que sequestram a tristeza...
Acredito que não existe um ser humano, adulto ou criança, que já não quis estar num lugar nem outro mas num terceiro lugar. Essa autora maravilhosa consegue levar qualquer um para terceiros, quartos, quintos lugares, cheios de fantasia, fastasmas, sereias, tias sequestradoras e tudo de mais lúdico que possa existir.
Já estou com saudades querendo reler todos 7 livros novamente.
Amor pra Eva Ibbotson!
Profile Image for Treasa.
310 reviews2 followers
August 15, 2009
I am wavering between 3 and 4 stars. I really like Eva Ibbotson's writing, so I would like to give it 4 stars. But I just wasn't that excited about the book. I think the thing that bothered me most was that the aunts kidnapped children. Sure, I know why they did it. But I still didn't like it. And I didn't feel particularly tied to any of the characters, which is disappointing. The aunts were the best-developed characters, but they were also kidnappers, so I couldn't get too emotionally attached to them. The other characters that stood out were the seal (who is a great character, probably my favorite in the book) and various other magical creatures. The children were pretty flat, but likable. The message of the book was good - save the environment and whatnot. So, it was a pleasant read. If I had not been bothered by the whole kidnapping thing, I probably would have love it.
Profile Image for Lazuli.
51 reviews
January 17, 2022
I wanted to like this, but couldn't. There are definitely some promising things in it, like the writing style, whimsical magic, and general feeling of intrigue, but I just couldn't get past the bad stuff. It can't be denied that the aunts did, in fact, kidnap the children, and when Lambert was depicted as this horrid selfish child because he justifiably didn't want to be kidnapped, I knew I wouldn't be rating this book anything over 2 stars. Add in the unnecessarily disturbing descriptions of animal cruelty and all the casual racism and yeah, no. Just no.
Profile Image for Nilsson.
232 reviews3 followers
April 20, 2015
When it comes to old ladies kidnapping kids and making them do strange tasks, I think I can relate. But you have to laugh. They really do mean well, and sometimes you learn some things you never would have if they didn't kidnap you. Other times, you just have to shake your head and wonder if they're not just losing their minds.
Profile Image for Emily.
1,197 reviews51 followers
June 16, 2024
This was a fun reread! I love the conservationist angle and the author’s sense of humor.

An island full of magical creatures and the chance to run away from your dysfunctional family? I can totally see why I was enamored with this book as a kid!
Profile Image for Amanda.
840 reviews336 followers
September 8, 2020
I wish Minette and Fabio’s friendship and love for the island had been better developed to offset their initial kidnapping. Loved the aunts and their non-traditional gender performance, though, and the ecological messaging.
March 11, 2017
Island Of The Aunts is truly one of the cookiest, funniest and craziest books I've ever read. The book itself takes place on an Island where Minette and Fabio are sent to live with their three aunts, who are also caretakers of the island. As the book goes on, you learn more and more about the island, and will keep you reading until you've finished. Suspense is everywhere as Fabio and Minette learn about the Kracken, and how a rich man wants to come and build on the island. I would definitely recommend this book to young teens or preteens, as it does deal with more childish ideas and senses, but nonetheless, is still entertaining. I love this book because of the characters and the character development. All three of the aunts are hilarious in their own way, as well as Fabio and Minette. You should definitely read this if you want to pass the time and are in a goofy mood.
Profile Image for Jane.
620 reviews26 followers
June 23, 2021
I enjoyed this Eva Ibbotson fantasy story for kids. A lot of fun!

Loved the fantasy creatures and how they're part of our world. Loved the kraken and his role in the seas.

The two kids are likable and I enjoyed their journeys. Loved how hard they work and how they find meaning and support in the ways they need on the island. Loved their ending

Third kid was super annoying and seemed to embody selfishness and stubbornness. I did feel bad for him once we meet his horrid father and see how he's treated. Interesting relationships to think about as a parent

The aunts are fantastic. Quirky, loving, hard working and surprising. I loved them and how we get to know them all thru the story.

There are some slow parts. And dark elements that make this better for middle grade rather than small children. Still, I enjoyed it. Ibbotson is a favorite of mine 👍🏻
651 reviews6 followers
May 16, 2020
A fantastic middle grade with themes even adults should enjoy. There's quite a lot of allusion to environmentalism, so if that's a subject you're interested in, or want to encourage children to read, I highly recommend.
Profile Image for Madeline.
2 reviews
June 19, 2019
This was one of my favorites as a kid, it still is. Escapism, environmentalism, friendships, lessons on hard work and compassion. Love this story.
Profile Image for Chloe Klare.
177 reviews7 followers
January 20, 2021
My friend sent me this “completely happy book” because apparently I read too many depressing books...and it was so cute and wholesome
Displaying 1 - 30 of 454 reviews

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