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502 pages, Paperback
First published September 1, 1980
“Which books?”
Benno hesitated. “I don’t remember. What does it matter which books were spoken of?”
“It matters a great deal, because here we are trying to understand what has happened among men who live among books, with books, from books, and so their words on books are also important.”
“It’s true,” Benno said, smiling for the first time, his face growing almost radiant. “We live for books. A sweet mission in this world dominated by disorder and decay.”
In these last few years, as never before, to stimulate piety and terror and fervor in the populace, and obedience to human and divine law, preachers have used distressing words, macabre threats.
المحاور: لماذا كان آدسو في رواية اسم الوردة ينشد ” نشيد الإنشاد حينما كان يمارس الحب مع الفتاة الفلاحة؟
Song of the Songs
إيكو: كان ذلك من أجل متعة التلاعب بالأساليب الأدبية، لأنني لم أكن مهتمًا كثيرًا بفعل الجنس بحد ذاته في المشهد، بقدر ما كنت مهتمًا بوصف كيف لراهب شاب أن يختبر تجربة الجنس من خلال تعليمه الديني. فصنعت تركيبة مما لا يقل عن خمسين نصًا من النصوص الروحانية القديمة فيها وصف للذّة النشوة، وأضفت عليها بعض الآيات من سِفْر نشيد الإنشاد (أحد أسفار العهد القديم في الكتاب المقدس)
. ففي الصفحتين اللتين خصصتهما لوصف مشهد الحب، بالكاد توجد كلمة واحدة من ابتكاري. شخصية آدسو لا يمكنها فهم ممارسة الحب إلا عبر ثقافتها التي تعرفها. بإمكانك ��خذ هذا كمثال لمفهوم الأسلوب الأدبي، كما أعرّفه.
سئل إيكو في حوار لأنه لم يأتي علي وصف مشهد جنس إلا مرتين فقط في روايتين هما باودولينو و اسم الوردة فهل للجنس الادبي ليس له أهمية عندك ؟
قال: لاني أحب أن أمارس الجنس علي أن أكتب عنه
"Until then I had thought each book spoke of the things, human or divine, that lie outside books. Now I realized that not infrequently books speak of books: it is as if they spoke among themselves. In the light of this reflection, the library seemed all the more disturbing to me. It was then the place of long, centuries-old murmuring, an imperceptible dialogue between one parchment and another, a living thing, a receptacle of powers not to ruled by a human mind, a treasure of secrets emanated by many minds, surviving the death of those who had produced them or had been their conveyors.”
„A început, cu mîinile sale descărnate şi delicate, să sfîşie încet, în bucăţi şi în fîşii, paginile înmuiate ale manuscrisului, băgîndu-şi-le ghemotoace în gură şi mestecîndu-le încet, ca şi cum ar fi mîncat ostia sfîntă, şi ar fi vrut s-o preschimbe în carne din propria lui carne. Gugliemlo îl privea fascinat şi părea că nu-şi dă seama de ceea ce se întîmpla. Apoi s-a scuturat şi s-a repezit înainte strigînd:
- Ce faci? Jorge a zîmbit, dezvelindu-şi gingiile golite de sînge, în timp ce o şuviţă de bale gălbui îi curgea de pe buzele albite pe firele albe şi rare de păr ale bărbiei.
- Tu eşti cel care aştepta sunetul celei de-a şaptea trîmbiţe, nu-i aşa? Ascultă acum ce spune glasul: pecetluieşte cele ce au spus cele şapte tunete, şi nu scrie, ia-le şi devoră-le, ele vor amărî pîntecul tău, dar pentru gura ta dulci vor fi, precum mierea. Vezi? Acum pecetluiesc ceea ce nu trebuie spus, în mormîntul care devin”.
[The old Monk, William, and the narrator apprentice, Adso, are hiding out in the stables.:]
To his right, the the third animal in line raised his head, sensing our presence, and whinnied. I smiled. "Tertius equi," I said.
"What?" William asked.
"Nothing. I was remembering poor Salvatore. He wanted to perform God knows what magic with that horse, and, with his fractured Latin he called him 'tertius equi.' Which would be the u."
"The u?" asked William, who had heard my prattle without paying much attention to it.
"Yes, because 'tertiu equi' does not mean the third horse, but the third of the horse, and the third letter of the word 'equus' is u. But this is all nonsense..."
William looked at me, and in the darkness I seemed to see his face transformed. "God bless you, Adso!" he said to me. "Why, of course, suppositio materialis, the discourse is presumed de dicto and not de re....What a fool I am!" He gave himself such a great blow on the forehead that I heard a clap, and I believe he hurt himself. "My boy, this is the second time today that wisdom has spoken through your mouth, first in dream and now in waking! Run, run to your cell and fetch the lamp, or, rather, both lamps we hid. Let no one see you, and join me in the church at once! Ask no questions."
I ran into the church. William was under the tripod and was rereading the parchment with Venantius's notes.
"Adso," he said to me, "'primum et septimum de equator' does not mean the first and seventh of four, but of the four, the word 'four'!" For a moment I still did not understand, but then I was enlightened: "Super thronos viginti quatuor! The writing! The verse! The words are carved over the mirror!"
"Come," William said, "perhaps we are still in time to save a life!"
الكتب لم توضع كي نؤمن بما تقوله ولكن كي نتحرّى فيها، لا يجب أن نتساءل أمام كتاب ماذا يقول ولكن ماذا يريد أن يقول.
كي تعرف ما يقول كتاب يجب أن تقرأ كتبًا أخرى.
كم كان منظر الطبيعة جميلاً ولم تمسسه بعد يد المعرفة الإنسانية، التي غالبًا ما تكون مُنحرفة!
ولكن في اليوم الذي تبرر فيه كلمة الفيلسوف الألعاب الهامشية للمخيلة المشوشة، عندئذ ما كان على الحاشية يقفز حقيقة إلى المتن ويُفتقد من المتن كل أثر.
إننا أقزام، ولكننا أقزام نقف فوق أكتاف أولئك الجبابرة، ورغم صغرنا نستطيع أن نرى في بعض الأحيان أبعد منهم في الأفق
إن أقصى ما يمكننا فعله هو أن ننظر أحسن.