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Thor, the Norse god of thunder, is worse than a blowhard and a bully—he’s ruined countless lives and killed scores of innocents. After centuries, Viking vampire Leif Helgarson is ready to get his vengeance, and he’s asked his friend Atticus O’Sullivan, the last of the Druids, to help take down this Norse nightmare.

One survival strategy has worked for Atticus for more than two thousand years: stay away from the guy with the lightning bolts. But things are heating up in Atticus’s home base of Tempe, Arizona. There’s a vampire turf war brewing, and Russian demon hunters who call themselves the Hammers of God are running rampant. Despite multiple warnings and portents of dire consequences, Atticus and Leif journey to the Norse plain of Asgard, where they team up with a werewolf, a sorcerer, and an army of frost giants for an epic showdown against vicious Valkyries, angry gods, and the hammer-wielding Thunder Thug himself.

312 pages, Mass Market Paperback

First published July 5, 2011

About the author

Kevin Hearne

69 books12.5k followers
Kevin is the NYT bestselling author of the Iron Druid Chronicles, as well as The Seven Kennings, an epic fantasy trilogy, and the Tales of Pell, a humorous fantasy series co-authored with Delilah S. Dawson. INK & SIGIL, a new urban fantasy series set in the Iron Druid universe, will be out in 2020.

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Profile Image for Ahimsa.
Author 23 books55 followers
December 22, 2011
*This is my review of the entire trilogy, and there are some minor spoilers*

I'm a sucker for a good muli-pantheon tale. I think Sandman did it best, but Gaiman's reprisal with American Gods was also good. Thus I was excited to check out this trilogy.

Hounded, the first book, was a breezy book, entertaining enough, but its flaws grew as the series continued. The second and third book felt padded and stretched. With better writing and editing, they could (should) have been one book. This was made even more clear when a bevy of new characters showed up and told their stories. It worked for Chaucer, but felt out of place and forced here.

The pacing isn't enough to sink this ship, however. The main problem I have with the series is the utter difficulty in believing Atticus. It's fine to have a 2000-year old being, but he should act like he isn't just another guy. Connor Mcleod, for instance, (a similar character) is kind of odd and still in his heart a Highlander.

There was nary a page that didn't break the narrative flow with some poor prose or unbelievable situation. There are more examples than I can list, but here are some of the flaws.

A running gag is that Atticus (and the Widow) hate the British. The terminology is sloppy. The British include the Welsh and the Scots, and no one hates the Welsh. What Atticus means is that he hates the English. But even this attitude is anachronistic. Atticus is from a non-united Ireland, centuries before it, or England, was a country. If Atticus has a loyalty, it would presumably be to one of the five counties of Ireland.

Atticus frequently sounds like Kevin Hearne talking to us. His many cultural references are hard-to-believe and will date the books something fierce within the next 10 years. Worst of all, at least in my opinion, is when he talks of "squeeing" from meeting Neil Gaiman. This is shoddy character-building.

He's also way too uptight to have been an ancient Celt. Though he "cavorts" with Goddesses, attractive women make him act more like Cliff Clavin than a man who lived for two millenia. He is traumatized from seeing two Giants "cavorting." Though he is an ancient Celt, he is more excited to meet Jesus than the gods of his (or any other) pantheon.

Some of the worst writing is when he teaches an ancient vampire how to speak in slang. Poorly conceived, it's embarrassing to read.

Equally bad, Atticus and several other dieties/demigods/super powerful beings, all of whom are at least 100 years-old, act as homophobic as high-school boys. None of them are originally American, but all of them share the same thought at one point: "does this make me look gay?"

Hearne is frequently the anti-Chekov. He solves many of the problems with an element he introduces in that very scene. I would have to go into some major spoilers to elaborate, but it's something that happens far too frequently. The scale of things are quite strange as well: a werewolf or a vampire is as strong as a god.

Though I finished the trilogy, they have become the worst books I've ever finished. Again, the idea, the set-up, is interesting. But the execution is just horribly inept. I wouldn't recommend these books to anyone.

Profile Image for Priscilla.
Author 3 books75 followers
September 13, 2011
I am really, really conflicted about this book. On one hand, it has all the delightful character interaction, solid action scenes, and fun and fascinating new spins on mythology I've come to expect from Hearne. But on the other hand, as the story unfolded, a flaw in Hearne's world that's been ignorable until now was brought screaming to the surface. And something happened that turned my stomach against Atticus, and therefore the series in general. Details under the spoiler-cut:

Profile Image for Tim.
2,329 reviews271 followers
October 23, 2018
There is little worthwhile or memorable. Of all the Iron Druid chronicles, this is one of my least favorites. 1 of 10 stars
Profile Image for Celeste.
1,043 reviews2,461 followers
January 7, 2018
Full review now posted!

Original review can be found at Booknest.

Not a bad way to kick off the new year. Not bad at all.

This series is what I always wanted the Dresden Files to be. It’s funny and irreverent and action-packed, and it’s filled with interesting characters from a variety of mythological backgrounds. While the Dresden Files are well-loved and theoretically interesting, there’s something about the installments I’ve read so far that falls just a bit flat for me. Whatever that mysterious lack is, the Iron Druid Chronicles don’t suffer the same fate. This makes three out of three books that I’ve read thus far in the series that have all been a delight.

Atticus is charming and funny and is always getting into trouble on a cosmic scale. He’s my favorite male main character I’ve come across in the Urban Fantasy genre, and I don’t see his throne being usurped anytime soon. His Celtic background is fascinating, as are all of his relationships with deities from various pantheons as well as other mythical or magical beings. I love how mythologies from across the globe intermingle in these books.

As in all of these books, Atticus is faced with a challenge that he’d rather not deal with. In this case, that challenge is killing Thor. Not that he has anything personally against Thor, mind you, but it seems as though literally everyone else does. Including Atticus’s friends and others to whom he owes various favors. So Atticus finds himself on a suicide mission with a vampire, a werewolf, and three other odd men of varied magical backgrounds, including an off-brand thunder god. This group of manly men spend a good chunk of the book telling stories around a campfire; namely, they’re telling stories of why they each want Thor dead. This storytelling segment was very different, and I really enjoyed it.

Some of my favorite aspects of this book took place during the first half. In the first few chapters, while Atticus is on a scouting trip to Asgard, Ratatosk is present. That giant squirrel is hilarious, and he’s made even mores by Luke Daniels’ narration; the voice Daniels used for the squirrel was basically the voice of Gollum, which made every word that came out of his mouth that much funnier. Also, regarding the narration, there was a point in the beginning where Atticus was imagining Captain Kirk and Mr. Spock as angels of emotion and logic on his shoulders, and Daniels’ impressions of them (especially William Shatner as Kirk) were spot on. Oberon remains my favorite character in the series, and his humor was spot on in this book. My least favorite part of Atticus’s Thor-hunting excursion was Oberon’s absence, even though I was glad he wasn’t around to possibly die a horrible death on the fields of Asgard. Speaking of Asgard, Hearne’s presentation of the Frost Giants was also hilarious. Aforementioned group of manly men singing “It’s a Small World After All” to take their minds off of the Frost Giant sex they inadvertently witnessed was priceless.

If I enjoyed this book so much, why am I only giving it 4 stars instead of a full 5? There’s one main reason: the action scenes. For some strange reason, I often have a problem staying invested during major action scenes, and that’s exactly what happened here. I just wasn’t connecting. That’s not Hearne’s fault, but it did affect my enjoyment of the story.

So far, I really love this series. The books are short and funny and fast-paced, which is exactly what I’m looking for when I pick up an Urban Fantasy series. I highly recommend the Iron Druid Chronicles both to those who love UF and those who have hesitated to dip their toes into the genre. It’s a great place to start.
Profile Image for carol. (not getting notifications).
1,672 reviews9,171 followers
September 8, 2015
A little more challenging for me than its predecessors, Hounded and Hexed. Much darker, and more clearly part of a series; the other two worked well as stand alone books but this one picks up where the last stops and has little in the way of exposition.

Character building seems a bit more uncomfortable; I'm not sure that I really like Atticus very much in this book. Officially, he is keeping both the letter of his word, to the witch Laksha and to the vampire, Leif. However, it means breaking his tenuous social obligations to his apprentice, his employees and business, and to his friend, Mrs. MacD and allies. This may be the crux of why I've started to become more uncomfortable with him as a hero. While he keeps his word nominally, frequently he does so begrudgingly, with dire consequences to those around him and at the cost of obligations to others. That forest we spoke of having an obligation to in Hounded and Hexed? Yeah, that's right--turns out he must not have given it his word.

Although I am not at all religious, I found the Jesus section of the book to be somewhat uncomfortable. Has Hearne lost his way? The serious action moments of stealing an apple and sneaking back to town coupled with meeting Jesus for fish and chips seems a little odd--should I be laughing? Appreciating that he is equating Jesus to other immortals? I don't quite know what to think of his inclusion in the pantheon.

We lost most of Oberon's humor this time, and that's a big laugh hit. Atticus does have a number of funny asides, and the bits with the frost giants are funny.

I do like the storytelling device of having each member of the party look back and talk about his reasons to kill Thor. It added dimension to the characters, and made Thor seem to be almost deserving. I confess myself confused, however, as to why the Greek and Roman gods are true immortals and the Norse ones aren't. And, of course, there's the cliffhanger ending. Yes, the fight itself is resolved, but very little fallout is covered, and the book is ended on an escape scene. I personally feel as if cliffhanger endings are a cheap play towards improving sales and increasing buzz, so I tend to think less of an author who uses them. A strong character, world-building and sufficient plot will keep me coming back, especially if there is an overarching series conflict-building as there is in Atticus' world. Using a cliffhanger just seems like he's resorting to tricks instead of skill.

Overall, I'll catch the next in the series, but I'm not sure it's shelf-worth--may just have to wait on the library.
Profile Image for Mr. Matt.
288 reviews95 followers
June 27, 2014
My ADD with the Iron Druid series continues. There were parts of the book that simply made me laugh. And those parts more or less revolved around Oberon. His natural sunny doggy disposition and sense of humor brighten up what, for me, was a very disappointing book.

Now on to my quibbles ...

First, this felt like a poorly structured book. The book felt like it really should have been broken up into two parts. There were a series of incidents in Tempe - Lief dealing with an incursion of vampires from Memphis, and Atticus dealing with the Hammer of God religious nuts outside his favorite Irish pub. And then there was the main story line - the quest to kill Thor (yes, Thor, the Viking God of Thunder). What was the connection between the two main lines? I think it would have been cleaner and made more sense to focus on one of the main lines, i.e., dealing with the fallout of the last book BEFORE going on to kill Thor.

The part of the book that I found really compelling were the stories that the companions shared with one another as they prepared to storm Valhalla. The fight that followed was more interesting because I found myself really pulling for Atticus' friends. There should have been more like this.

Next, Atticus is starting to get on my nerves. He's two thousand years old, yet he drops pop-culture references with the best of hipsters. Surely a 2,000 year old druid would struggle to pull it together so cleanly. I mean, if Lief (1,000 years old) and the werewolf alpha (300 years old) struggle to even dress in a contemporary fashion, why is it so easy for Atticus? Does being one with Gaia somehow also connect one with Star Trek? The part where this really made me cringe was when Atticus, Lief, the werewolf, and their companions actually catch two Jotunn (frost giants) bumping ugly. To get the soul rending imagery out of their minds, they decide to sing (I'm not making this up) 'It's a Small World, After All.' (Seriously. They do. Check it yourself. It's right at the end of chapter 22.) Related, for someone who is very up on his cultural currency, he seems to have no qualms about the Jotunn dragging off Freyja back to their lair and, presumably, having their way with her.

Finally, these books have a gargantuan logic problem right in their heart. It is, I fear, a fatal flaw. In the author's world Gods and Goddesses and Monsters seem to be constructed out of the zeitgeist. When people believe in Gods, they manifest, and gain in power. When no one believes in them, they grow weaker. As Perun, the (I think) Russian God of Thunder says to Atticus: 'They still weaker than before Christ, but much stronger than me. Because of words. Because now children in many parts of the world hear about them. And so they are bigger ideas.' If belief is all it takes to manifest and gain power, where then are the dark Elder beings such as C'thulu? How come random 2,000 year old Gods such as Bacchus can still manifest such power and be immortal? Presumably if he or she has few followers, they would be correspondingly weaker. Was belief at some time all it took to be that powerful? What about the belief of all those people who believe at one time of another that the world is going to end? There is something about what the author has built that I found kind of problematic.

Two stars out of five. I remain hopeful for the other books in the series.
Profile Image for Lyn.
1,933 reviews17.1k followers
July 14, 2016

I’m hooked, Kevin Hearne has created in Atticus a character with whom I can relate and about whom I am interested in reading more and more adventures. I usually don’t follow series but Hearne’s Iron Druid books have me bound like an Irish druid. Star Trek, Smokey and the Bandit and other pop culture references, a fun and witty Irish wolfhound companion, fresh new connections to mythic and animistic legends, an endless supply of possible adventures and themes, what’s not to love?

Hammered, Hearne’s third novel length installment in the series has been foreshadowed since the first book, Hounded. A showdown with a very different vision of Thor from the Marvel manifestation has been on the horizon from day one. Hammered, in that sense, does not disappoint.

Hearne delves into Norse and other world culture myth and pantheon systems in clear allusions to Gaiman’s American Gods and with enough charisma to make Neil Gaiman blush (there is even a brief homage to Mr. Gaiman).

But …

There were passages where I felt that Hearne became too informal, where he lost the quality edge of his earlier works; he seemed like he was reaching, sometimes in almost a jump-the-shark half-assed inventiveness, like he was bowing to some unknown advisor who was leading him down a bad path.

Also, from the early pages to the somewhat disappointing end, this is clearly a part of a series. The earlier books, Hounded and Hexed, though connected, also worked as stand alones, something that I was very excited about and that I lauded Hearne for creating.

Hammered was missing something the earlier two, and the short stories, had in spades, and I cannot exactly put my finger on it, this was just not as well put together. The subtle humor and personality that ran smoothly through the first two seemed here more forced, and many of the quips and intentionally funny scenes came out campy or farcical. In some ineffable way, Hammered lacked the charm of the earlier two (pun intended).

This is still substantially good, if not always procedurally, and there is still much to enjoy: a Shakespearean quote battle during a high-speed chase in a rented Ford Mustang, and a tribute to Chaucer where the different characters told their stories of how they came to hate Thor was probably the best part of the book.

Again, I like that he can use and borrow from an almost inexhaustible supply of heroes and gods (my favorite Dungeons and Dragons text was brought out Deities & Demigods: Cyclopedia of Gods and Heroes from Myth and Legend to check out the Finnish hero Vanamoinanmom).

The old saying about pizza and sex applies here: when it’s good it’s great; when it’s bad, it’s still pretty good.

Profile Image for TS Chan.
766 reviews926 followers
September 15, 2018
I think I'm having a small crush on Atticus O'Sullivan. These Iron Druid books provide the perfect blend of light-hearted fun, and some dark and serious moments. And I adore how Atticus is equal parts cheeky, cocky, charming and compassionate. He is my favourite urban fantasy lead character right now and I don't see that changing any time soon.

As the title suggests, this volume is predominantly about the Norse pantheon, and in particular, Thor, as Atticus has to deliver upon his promise to the vampire, Leif Helgarson, in return for the latter's assistance in dealing with the German witches in the previous book. Given that Thor had been a major asshole throughout the centuries, it appeared that quite a few other supernatural personalities have a score to settle with the Norse god of thunder. One of them was Gunnar Magnusson, the alpha werewolf of the Tempe pack. As Atticus, Leif and Gunnar got together to journey to Asgard, the ensuing interaction between the three of them had me giggling, chuckling and even laughing out loud. While the humour in these books can be a tad childish at times, it is mostly witty in my opinion, and laced with both pop culture and literary references.

Before departing for the suicidal mission to Asgard - in spite of an ominous warning from an omnipotent and very important Deity, Atticus had a few goodbyes to say and these made for some touching moments. For a dude who has lived for about a couple of millenia, I can only imagine how it feels like to be emotionally attached to the more ephemeral mortals.

There are certain encounters that one knows will never be repeated so long as one lives.... Other times escape our notice, slipping by while we are preoccupied, and we do not appreciate their enormity until it's too late to do anything but regret that we had not paid more attention in the present.

In this book, we finally learn about some of the horrible things that Thor had done to warrant the vengeful hatred that so many harboured against him. Definitely not the heroic and honourable Thor we know from the Marvel comics and movies.

With a significant part of the narrative taking place away from Tempe, everyone's favourite Irish wolfhound, Oberon, was unfortunately absent for a large chunk of the story. This was compensated somewhat by some of the most amusing moments in the series so far when the avenging party landed in Jotunheim, the land of the Frost Giants. Let's just say that I will never ever view the song "It's A Small World" the same again.

Thanks to the Norse/Icelandic language, this book contains words with the hardest pronunciation I've seen or heard in the series. Try saying the name of this Icelandic town out loud 'Kirkkjubaejarklaustur'. And of course, Luke Daniels nailed it. I don't know how much practice he needed to get in though.

In short, I'm loving it!
Profile Image for ☕️Kimberly  (Caffeinated Reviewer).
3,293 reviews734 followers
May 6, 2023
Hammered picks up almost where Hexed ended, and Atticus is traveling to Asgard to retrieve steal a golden apple promised to Laksha. Ratatosk, the squirrel, gods, and Ravens made for exciting travels.  Once back in Tempe, he is faced with honoring Leif's request. Leif wants to travel to the Norse plane of Asgard to kill Thor, the Norse god of thunder. Despite warnings and Atticus' advice, Leif will not be persuaded, so off they travel along with the Tempe Alpha wolf and Atticus' trusty wolfhound.

As we travel Hearne shared how Leif became a vampire, gave insight into Atticus' past and reminded us once again how long this druid has lived. We even learn a little about our alpha. Others join them on their journey and share stories of their encounters with Thor. Prepare yourselves because the Thor in Hearne's world is not at all like the god portrayed in Marvel and other tales. What a great twist seeing a darker version of this character. I loved the fireside chats, Russian vodka and different characters they encounter. Hearne is a brilliant storyteller.

Visits from gods, and of course the Morrigan made for some interesting listening before the climatic, ruthless battle began. Though Atticus' was reluctant he stepped up but not before we suffered loss. Hearne weaved in humorous moments to offset the darkness, and I found myself bursting into laughter. If you are a proud geek like myself you will love all the references to fandoms weaved into this tale. There is no doubt Hearne is a proud flag flying member of many fandoms.

The worldbuilding was absolutely incredible and I was able to envision Asgard, frost giants, the angry gods, and the ruthless Valkyries. Things are changing for Atticus and the Iron Druid Chronicles as we have reached a pivotal point in the plot.  Whatever happens, I know I will continue the journey on audio. Luke Daniels is amazing! Each character no matter how small their role has a distinctly unique voice that you instantly recognize. He captures the nuances of their personalities and adds another layer of enjoyment to this already epic series. This review was originally posted at Caffeinated Reviewer

Update: 2nd listen for Readalong. Campfire stories, epic battles, and awesome narration.
Profile Image for Kelly.
616 reviews159 followers
July 1, 2011
(4.5 stars) First things first: This one’s more serious.

Oh, there’s still humor here — and to butcher the nursery rhyme, when Kevin Hearne is funny, he’s very, very funny. I cackled madly as Atticus geeked out over his favorite author and demonstrated his knowledge of Internet memes. On the whole, though, Hammered is a much more serious story than either Hounded or Hexed. While giving us two books’ worth of side-splitting entertainment, Hearne has been sneakily laying the groundwork for Hammered, building up characters and friendships and subplots so that we care deeply about what happens here.

We begin in medias res. Atticus is climbing the World Tree to Asgard so that he can keep his promise to the witch Laksha by bringing her back one of Idunn’s apples. The trip becomes messier than expected, which leads Atticus to decide that he’s been in Tempe too long. He’s too visible, and it’s too easy for one of his ever-growing list of enemies to use his friends as leverage. Atticus does his best to put affairs in Tempe in order before going back to Asgard to keep a second promise, knowing he might never return. One conversation stands out as particularly beautiful; it’s the kind of conversation we all wish we’d had with a loved one before it was too late, but so often don’t get around to having.

That second promise is to help kill Thor, and he teams up with a group of allies who passionately hate the thunder god. Hearne surprised me by breaking with the usual structure of the Iron Druid books for a little while, employing a “Canterbury Tales”-type section that I loved. It fleshes out these allies, and in telling us why each of them wants Thor dead, it tells us a lot about Thor as well. When we follow Atticus & Co. back to Asgard, we’re good and mad at Thor, too.

The central theme here is the question of how to hold on to one’s humanity when one has great power and can live for hundreds or thousands of years. How do you keep from getting arrogant and seeing ordinary mortals as insects? How do you hold on to what makes you you — and conversely, is it possible to hold on too much, becoming consumed by a grudge that might not be worth all that you sacrifice to it? It’s clear that Atticus is better than most at this balancing act, and it’s equally clear that it’s often his humanity that puts him in so much danger.

Hammered is not the end of this series, but it effectively closes a big story arc. It makes a good temporary stopping point as we await Tricked, due out in 2012. Kevin Hearne is evil, though, and packs in one more spooky plot hook at the end. It’s not a cliffhanger for the plot of this book, but it’s sure going to cause some trouble in the next one!

All that said, I think it’s a little skeevy when Atticus
Profile Image for Xabi1990.
2,054 reviews1,168 followers
October 7, 2020
A ver, lo bueno de estos libros son el humor y las frases ingeniosas (una vez pasada la sorpresa del worldbuilding del primer o segundo libro). Y eso necesita de traductores profesionales en el idioma en que uno es nativo.

Aún agradeciendo infinitamente la labor de los fans traductores, son no profesionales. Y se nota. Y además al ser latinos (no distingo el país de procedencia, lo siento) supongo que una persona de su procedencia disfrutará más de la traducción, porque yo he encontrado muchos giros lingüísticos a los que no estoy acostumbrado. Comprensibles, sí, pero que me amortiguaban el disfrute lector.

Resumen: gracias mil una vez más a los traductores pero mi problema personal es que no he podido disfrutar lo que más me gustaba de los anteriores traducidos por profesionales : la finura irónica y el humor.

Ya digo que el problema es mío, creo.

¿De que va? Pues del druida protagonista de la saga que junto con los ya habituales hombres lobo y el vampiro residente se alían con otros dioses y personajes curiosos para pegarse con el malaje de Thor, que en esa saga es un mal bicho.

La cosa va sobre todo de mitología nórdica. Y sale Jesús, que como bautizado católico me hace gracia redescubrirle como un “tío” con cierto humor.
Profile Image for Stacia (the 2010 club).
1,045 reviews4,061 followers
May 30, 2012
If you'd like to read a real review which actually contains my feelings about this series, how about you Check out my review for book 1 by clicking this link.

I finished book 3 and am at a bit of a loss about what to say at this point. Kevin Hearne books are fun and full of action. Each book has its own story, so it probably shouldn't be too hard to come up with a new review for each installment, but I find myself wanting to gush about all of the things which are consistently the same with each book, so that's why I redirected you back to my review for book 1. If you're interested in possibly checking out the series, that would be the best point of reference.

For the people who are already fans of the series, they'll probably understand better why I was at a loss for words. I rarely do reviews in pictures but consider this my summary because I have nothing else to say :

*edit* pictures removed because my photobucket account broke and I'm too lazy to move pics from every review over to imgur.

Just take my word that there were pics of Atticus, Thor, a very buff squirrel, a stop sign, and a salad spinner.


...and here's a quote I liked.

"One cannot solve every problem through sheer machismo and violence."
"Why not? It works for Chuck Norris."

So that about sums it up. It's another awesome Kevin Hearne book. I missed Oberon's presence being in full force but otherwise the read was solid, if a bit confusing at first because it had been a while since I'd read book 2.

Is anyone else wanting Atticus and Granuaile to quit beating around the bush?

Profile Image for Tom.
9 reviews1 follower
January 22, 2013
The first two books of this series were interesting, but didn't make me enthusiastic to read more. I waited over six months before picking up this one while searching for something to read. Hearne just doesn't make Atticus feel like a well-developed character, and for someone who's supposed to be old and wise he acts and talks like someone with little experience. When he shows flashes of competence and power, they are jarring and out of place. That's why I didn't care so much for the first two books, and that trend continues with the third.

That's not why I rated it at one star, though. Hearne has characterized Atticus (as much as he has characterized him at all), as someone earnest and peaceful except in self-defense. That characterization is totally destroyed by this book.

There's also the issue of building up a certain narrative momentum toward the big showdown, and then stopping for chapter after chapter of backstory on characters just to show why they're there. The pacing was wrecked by this.

So, the story was told badly and any empathy I had for Atticus is gone. I may read the next book, but it will be in hopes of seeing justice for what was done in this book.
Profile Image for Phrynne.
3,654 reviews2,483 followers
December 27, 2015
Another great book in this very readable series. My only criticism would be the absence for most of the story of Oberon because he is the source of most of the fun dialogue. However Atticus managed to keep laughs coming from time to time despite the fact that the book was generally pretty heavy. Lots of life forms died and there was some serious fighting going on. I am still intrigued by our young/ old main character and will be carrying on with the series asap.
Profile Image for Carole (Carole's Random Life).
1,922 reviews564 followers
December 23, 2018
This review can also be found at Carole's Random Life in Books.

It really should be no surprise that I had a good time with this book. After reading and enjoying the first two books in this series, I was really excited to dive into this third installment. Just in case you are wondering, this is a series that should be read in order. The book started out with a lot of action and really kept the pace up until the very end. I thoroughly enjoyed going on this adventure with Atticus.

Atticus has a few debts to pay in this book. The first order of business is retrieving a golden apple for a local witch. Even though this sounds like a rather simple act, it proves to be anything but. He then is tasked with leading a group to kill Thor. I wondered why this group would be so determined to end the life of Thor but as each member shared their history with the god it became quite evident.

This was an action-packed tale that kept Atticus on the move for the bulk of the book. There was a whole lot of action worked into the story and I felt like Atticus was in a whole lot of danger during several scenes. My biggest complaint with this book was that I really would have liked to see more of Oberon but that is just because he is my favorite character in the series. I love the fact that there is a lot of humor worked into the story to balance everything out.

Luke Daniels does an amazing job with this book. I think that he really does take this story to the next level and I couldn't imagine experiencing this series in any other way. He is able to handle a very large cast of characters with ease and uses distinctive voices for all of the key players. He even narrates the voice of Oberon, a dog, convincingly. I think that he was able to add a lot of excitement to the story through his reading and I found myself wanting to listen to this book for hours at a time.

I would highly recommend this series to others. I think that this book is able to combine great characters, a lot of excitement, a few laughs, and some tension very well. I can't wait to continue reading this wonderful series.

Initial Thoughts
This was good with lots of action. I wish that Oberon would have been around for more of the fun but that is just because he is my favorite character. Atticus is on the move for much of this book with a trip to Asgard to retrieve a golden apple and another trip to lead a group to kill Thor. Yep, they are off to kill Thor in this book and it is just as dangerous as it sounds. Some of the glimpses into Thor's history proved that he really deserved the revenge headed his way. Luke Daniels did a fantastic job with the narration making this a very easy book to listen to for long periods of time.

Book Source: eStories Purchase
Profile Image for Robin (Bridge Four).
1,782 reviews1,590 followers
August 27, 2014
For me….The Druid Chronicles are fun and I have a really good time while I’m reading them but they are more like the Action movie I go see with my husband. Sure I enjoy myself at the movie and it is a good time but I could have probably inserted ½ different action movies into it and felt the same. These are more filler books for me, it is the series I read in-between other books but not the book I put everything else aside for. Honestly I blame it on the lack of Romance. I know totally girly thing to say but I really want the hint of one to happen sometime in this series.

“Wisdom eludes me yet, but foolishness I captured long ago and to this day it is my constant companion, though many people consider me wise.”

Atticus used to run and hide and had done so for a very long time. But when he decided to finally take a stand and quit running he had no idea all the trouble he would bring down upon himself. It seems he gains a new and greater enemy with every choice he makes. Maybe it is time to skip town altogether. But first he must fulfill a promise and help Leif kill Thor.

Again I really enjoy the mythology and lore in this series but I’m waiting for something to really grab a hold of me and make me really invest into all of the characters. This is a series I can still take or leave. I like a few of the characters and I totally enjoy the pop culture references and Shakespearean Duels but still Atticus needs something to really tie me to him and his destiny.

There is one thing that I really love about the series though and that is Oberon, Atticus’s dog. The conversations they have are hilarious and exactly what I think a dog would find interesting.

“ What's silly is paying five bucks for hot milk and flavored syrup! But now I see what's really been going on all this time! They charge you all that money because they need it for the R & D! Somewhere on the outskirts of Seattle, there's a secret facility with higher security than Area 51, and inside there are men with poor eyesight and bad haircuts wearing white coats, and they're trying to make the Holy Grail of all coffee drinks.

The bacon latte?

No, Atticus, I already told you those exist! I'm talking about the prophecy! 'Out of the steam and the foam and the froth, a man in white with poor eyesight will craft a liquid paradox, and it shall be called the Triple Nonfat Double Bacon Five-Cheese Mocha!'

I’ll continue on with the series as I enjoy the UF from a male PoV and I do like the lore utilized but like I said this is a between other things kind of series for me.

Profile Image for HBalikov.
1,974 reviews792 followers
May 31, 2019
Book three has all the things that the previous books have coached us to expect:

Drama - "Things are already looking grim for you, my friend. You’ve unleashed a significant aspect of Fate, and it rarely chooses a more peaceful and orderly path when given the opportunity to pursue its own course. Please do not make it worse. Killing Thor will set in motion forces you cannot comprehend. The pain you feel now will be a sensual massage compared to what awaits you should you continue.” I signaled that I understood with the barest of nods. It hurt to breathe. It hurt to sit. It hurt to be conscious. “Lesson learned?” he asked me. “Yes,” I whispered. “Right. You won’t be needing that anymore, then.” Jesus stood up from his patio chair and leaned over me, yanking the knife from my back."

The mostly forgotten gods - Perun
"Yet I am weak like kitten. Not strong like days before Christ came to my lands. And reason is Odin and Thor. At first I think only Thor did this. Later I think Odin ask him to do it. Thor comes to me and say, “My people build me finer statues than yours. They love me more than your people love you. Nothing is finer than statues and stone tributes.”

Humor - "He was twelve feet tall, with skin a few shades lighter than the blue people in Avatar. His beard had real hair, but it was sheathed in ice, as were his eyebrows. His tangle of dark hair was tipped with highlights of white frost. Despite his obvious cold, he wore nothing but a fur about his loins, which made me wonder: If the frost giants figured out that a fur would keep their privates a bit warmer, why didn’t they figure out that more furs would keep the rest of them warm? Did they never worry about hypothermia?"

But in the end, this is a series that may have ‘jumped the shark.”

There was a lot to like when Atticus the Druid was running a bookstore/herbal remedies shop in Arizona. His ties to the natural world and his very iconic magic were not only fascinating but also central to the plot. Now it all seems to be high drama of battles with gods and concocted missions.

I am identifying a lot with Atticus’ hound, Oberon - a dog whose perspective on life and love is simple and charming. Oberon is trying to let the druid know about a human for whom Atticus has concerns: "She’s dead, Atticus. I saw it and smelled it and heard it.” But for me, he was talking about this series. I may read further, but the level of anticipation is significantly diminished.

Profile Image for Wanda Pedersen.
2,101 reviews453 followers
April 25, 2016

Actual rating: 2.5 stars

This novel in the series was disappointing to me. I didn’t like Atticus as much as usual—and I’m often willing to cut the author some slack if I love the characters. I think that’s one of the problems for me with this one—there’s much less Oberon wolfhound extraordinaire, less of Druid-apprentice Granuaile, less of the whisky drinking widow, all of whom make these novels pleasant for me. Taking the action out of Arizona and moving it to the Norse realm left out many of the elements that allow Atticus to show himself to be a decent guy. Instead, he has been drawn into a revenge plot that he actually has no stake in besides keeping his word. Indeed, by insisting on keeping his word, he is drawn into a thoroughly no-win situation, ignoring excellent advice given to him by both Jesus and Flidais, and neglecting his responsibilities in Midgard/Arizona.

Too much of the book required tenuous connections using various “hammer” puns. Plus, the whole section with the Hammer of God zealots and Jesus was actually in questionable taste, in my opinion, despite my lack of religious affiliation. It’s risky business to poke the bear of current religions, although I think it’s fair to show them as equal to Norse paganism or the ancient Irish religion.

I did enjoy Atticus and Leif’s dueling Shakespeare quotations, as well the pop culture references. I’m almost reluctantly drawn towards the fourth book, just to see how things work out.
Profile Image for Brent.
364 reviews174 followers
February 10, 2022
This one didn't work for me as well as the previous stories. The first third of the book was filled with decisions that seemed (to me) out of character for our favorite druid. This threw me for a bit but the last 2/3 were quite good and I do wonder what is coming next.
Profile Image for Maggie K.
479 reviews140 followers
December 5, 2011
In the introduction, Kevin Hearne thanks his editor. I am really kind of mad at her, but he must have thanked her for not messing with his novel, and really, she should have.

I truly loved Hounded, and thought Hexed was pretty good, but Hearne just really lost me on this one.

It was a GREAT concept. It had so much potential...and it was just so, well, wasted! Wasted in a plethora of stupid comebacks and silly forays into snarky humor and nakedness that just really wrecked it. Example: At one point, the story had built into this momentous charge upon the denizens of Valhalla. A grand moment. WOrthy of a Led Zeppelin song even, and Hearne picks right then for the main character to say "Last one there is a rotten egg". Really??? Right now??? ( I might have that not quite. I couldn't make myself pick up the book to check the quote, it's so sad)

Yeah. I was bummed about this one.
Profile Image for Adam.
168 reviews41 followers
October 16, 2018
Review of the audiobook narrated by Luke Daniels.

The first book was entertaining. The second book was more of the same, but still ok. With this, the third book, I've had enough. I need more substance than just an endless parade of mythological characters and gods doing and saying mildly funny things. Their is little drama and depth to the characters (other than Atticus), which makes for some fun light reading, but doesn't hold up for an entire series of this length.

I think part of the problem is that I read them too close together, doing one book per month (I'm part of an audiobook club that's reading through the series). Apparently I haven't learned my lesson because I did that before with the Robert Langdon books by Dan Brown, which also suffer from little variation in the formula between books. As with that series, maybe I'll come back to this one in a year or so when it may feel fresh again.

Luke Daniels is a great fit for the series and it's no fault of his that I didn't enjoy this book.

Final verdict: 2 star story, 4 star narration, 3 stars overall
400 reviews46 followers
January 23, 2021
The most rewarding parts of this third installment in the Iron Druid series were the scenes in Tempe, Arizona, quite apart from the main quest that takes our hero Atticus O'Sullivan to Asgard and other mythical lands while so many of my favorite characters, like Oberon, Granuaile, Coyote, Malina, and the widow MacDonagh, stay behind. There was one pitched conflict scene there in Tempe, but otherwise the action-packed adventure portions of the novel take place in the Norse gods' domain of Asgard or along the way there.

Our adventurers are a band of six--three from Arizona (Atticus, Leif the vampire lawyer, and Gunnar the alpha werewolf) and three fascinating new characters whom Leif recruited: Perun, the pre-Christian Russian thunder god; Vainamoinen (please supply diacritics!), described here as a wizard of Finnish folklore whose singing has magical powers; and Zhang Guo Lao, a Chinese immortal who once traveled on a white donkey that he folded up every night and kept in a box for the next day.

Each of Atticus's companions on the quest gets a chapter to tell his story, while Atticus uses his magical vision to measure the growing bond within the group. That part, too, was pretty rewarding, as was Atticus's early escapade with Ratatosk, the giant squirrel on the World Tree that connects Earth and Asgard. I was less satisfied, however, with the interactions among Atticus, Leif, and Gunnar--two very independent individuals and a strong pack leader--I guess the word I'm looking for to describe their relationships in this novel is "static."

In the last story, Hexed, Atticus got Leif's help to defeat a powerful enemy force by taking an oath to help Leif in his mission to kill Thor. Yes, Thor, the Norse god we invoke when we say "Thursday." Leif has thirsted for revenge against Thor for a thousand years (and in Leif's story we find out why). And Atticus, the last remaining Druid, has the power to get Leif to Asgard so he can confront Thor. So Atticus has bound himself by oath to put his life on the line for someone else's revenge quest, and it turns out that the other four also have personal revenge motives against Thor.

Atticus gets dire warnings from two different powerful beings who visit him in Arizona and urge him against the killing of Thor, but he cannot bring himself to break his oath to Leif; after all, it's by keeping the oath he took to the Morrigan 2000 years ago that she prevents him from dying. Atticus knows very well that when this is over, one way or another, Bacchus isn't the only god who'll have it in for him (see Hexed) and he'll have to leave Arizona. There are very sad farewell scenes in preparation for that.

The geography of Asgard is fascinating (a sketch map is provided, thank goodness), and there's a lot of aerial combat (Norse gods fly on magical chariots & the like). A curious note--the Greek and Roman gods (like Bacchus) can't be killed, but apparently all the other gods can; they're just very powerful. But here's the main thing for me. In the first book, Hounded, some Celtic gods are attacking Atticus and other Celtic gods help him out; then in Hexed Atticus defends humanity (or at least Tempe, Arizona) from two lethal magical hordes. But here it's all about seeking revenge for past wrongs. It's a totally different dynamic, and I found myself on the sidelines--I wasn't cheering them on this time.

On the other hand, Granuaile is really developing as a character, and some of the best scenes in the book are the ones in which Atticus initiates her into communication with earth spirits--delightfully, her conversations with the Sonora desert spirit are quite private and she just tells Atticus a little bit of what they said! His disciple is a naturally independent person--ideal for a future Druid.
Profile Image for Lee.
351 reviews223 followers
November 14, 2013
I am not sure how I felt about this one. It was kind of clunky and forced in places. Not as good as book two that is for sure. I am totally into the magical fae stuff, the planes, Asgard, Thor etc but at times this bordered on silly. Having fish and chips with Jesus just got too surreal and whilst I had no issues with a Druid, a vampire and a werewolf walked into a bar together story, I thought the throw away lines in this were too thin.

The battle with Thor at the end made up for it somewhat, the last quarter of the book was actually hard to put down. Certainly had surprised at the ending as I was expecting some deus ex machina event.

I'll stick with the series as it is about to enter a new era, but hope to get back into the four star scoring.
Profile Image for Kaila.
909 reviews107 followers
March 6, 2016
I find this series very readable. It is basically fluff, doesn't require much brain power, and it was easy to pound out in a couple of days. I love the idea of a druid as hero, and I quite like the "Gods are around but are just out of reach" idea that has become pretty popular recently. I even learned a few things about the Norse pantheon; I knew little about it, but now I know a bit more.

Unfortunately, the list of problems that I have with this series is much more lengthy. My main issue stems from the old aphorism, "You can't write smarter than you are." Now I'm not calling Kevin Hearne dumb or anything, but Atticus is TWO THOUSAND YEARS OLD. That's pretty damn old. You would think in that time he would have picked up some wisdom or something. I like that he is lighthearted about being that old, but apparently all the things he knows about occurred within the last decade or so, with an occasional throwback to Star Wars and Star Trek. Almost all of the jokes came from some faction of nerd knowledge, including movies, TV shows, and internet memes. At one point Atticus has an angel and devil on his shoulders, and they took the form of Kirk and Spock. He mentions "pulling a Yoda." But when Atticus started speaking in "lolcats" for a quick laugh, a line was crossed. I think I threw up a little in the back of my throat.

Nerds love nothing more than being in on a joke. The joke doesn't even have to be funny - a lot of memes aren't actually funny, they're only funny once you're "in the know." They are also only funny on the internet. Taken outside of that, the only people in real life that are going to laugh at your inside joke are other people "in the know." In effect, it's like any circle of friends where you look at one person and say an inside joke. Of course others are going to feel left out. It's like that guy at the party who quotes South Park/Family Guy/The Simpsons/what have you, and that's the extent of his humor. Nothing really gets added to a conversation, he's just pointing at something and hoping you get it.

It's lazy.

I used to work at a bowling alley that played music videos constantly, and the first week I worked there, the video of Rick Astley singing "Never Gonna Give You Up" came on. I cracked up and said to my co-workers, "Damn, we just got rick rolled!" They all gave me startled looks. I grinned sheepishly and mumbled, "Umm...nevermind." Lesson learned! No quoting nerd stuff around people who aren't nerds, got it. Just like you can't share an inside joke, because it doesn't make sense unless you're included on The Inside.

The thing about the internet is that it moves so fast, and memes that everyone knew last summer are no longer funny. Saying "Honey badger don't care!" anywhere on the internet nowadays will only earn you shouts of "So last year man!" Any meme is this way; they have a lifespan. A book...well, let's just say a book is forever because we all want them to last that long. If the majority of your jokes are pop culture references, or even worse, internet references, it is going to be dated incredibly fast. At one point Atticus makes a joke, saying "his voice and rugged good looks reminded me of that guy from the Old Spice body-wash commercials." (he was talking about Jesus here, by the way. page 107) That's already dated, that guy isn't the spokesperson anymore. Sure, we all get the joke now, but give it a few years and it won't be funny anymore.

So we have this 2,000 year old druid who smugly reports he must leave behind his Chewbacca action figures in the original packaging...oh and he can also defeat GODS. Not singular either, he takes care of several over the course of the series. A werewolf, vampire, or druid, should not be equally as strong as a god. Overcoming some weaknesses somewhere might have been entertaining, but instead we just get some bloody battles. Character development is given to us in the form of switching narratives instead of meaningful interaction. It was all very lacking, and I felt that the humor was supposed to make up for that.

Essentially, I feel that the Iron Druid Chronicles is not creating new content. It just points at pop culture references and says, "Hey, wasn't that funny!" It's regurgitating jokes, and while a lot of people enjoy being those people who are "in the know" and laughing at those jokes, I'm simply not one of them. There's definitely a market for this series, but I couldn't shake the feeling of reading lazy, premade content, with an exclusive sense of humor in place of character development.
Profile Image for ♥Rachel♥.
2,081 reviews898 followers
June 3, 2023
Re-read May 26th 2023-Just as good as the first time!

4.5 Stars

I went into Hammered thinking it wouldn’t be as good as the first two books, but I was wrong. Just as the first two, this was filled with action, clever humor, and a engrossing plot. While the beginning started off a little slow it wasn’t long until I was completely caught up in the story.

Atticus is delivering on his promise to take Leif Helgarson, his vampire lawyer to the Norse plain of Asgard to find and kill the god Thor. They band together with three other gods and Gunnar, the Alpha werewolf of the Tempe pack, all parties having a bone to pick with Thor. I knew Leif had a grudge against Thor, but it wasn’t explained until this book and I think one of my favorite parts of Hammered was the turns each of these men took telling their story of how Thor wronged them. Gunnar and Leif’s touched me the most, and I became more attached to these secondary characters because of it.

As with the first two books there was a lot of action, and I enjoyed “seeing” Atticus’ sharp strategizing play out. The final battle with Thor was exciting and brutal, and there were some very sad losses. One thing I did find surprising was the

I was hoping for a little more Granuaile, Atticus’ Druid apprentice, but what we did have of her was pleasing.

There were several things left up in the air and a mild cliffhanger that made me happy the next book is already released.

As with the first two books, I listened to the audio version and I highly recommend it. Luke Daniels is an amazing narrator, nailing the accents and humor! His performance breathed life into the story that surely enhanced my experience with this series.
Profile Image for Stacy.
1,335 reviews63 followers
June 25, 2011
reviewed by http://urbanfantasyinvestigations.blo...

HAMMERED felt a lot different then the first two Iron Druid Chronicles books. Everyone and everything was way more serious and intense. I had a bit of a hard time getting into it at first but after the first couple chapters I was able to connect more with the story and get back into my Atticus reading groove. Atticus is determined to accompany and help Leif and a handful of others to Asgard to kill Thor no matter how many people tell him its a horrible idea and that there will be huge consequences. We lose a few people that have grown on us, we meet some new people, and we also get some great information from Leif about his life. As with all of Kevin's books, there is some great action scenes, Humor with our favorite hound, descriptive and imaginative locations and plenty of mythology thrown into the mix. The book ends way to soon with a bunch of stuff way up in the air and major drama happening but thankfully Kevin will be continuing the series in at least 3 more books, two of which will release in May of 2012.
Profile Image for Sensei_cor.
276 reviews102 followers
September 8, 2020
En esta tercera parte la historia de centra algo más en la mitología nórdica y romana, además de retazos de finlandesa y eslava. Vuelven a aparecer personajes de mitología cristiana, que nunca había visto en un libro de ficción y me parece muy original. Y para variar respecto al anterior libro, baja la cantidad de brujas y sube la de vampiros y hombres lobo. Ou yeah...

Por lo demás, sigue en la misma línea que los anteriores, un sin parar de acción y chascarrillos graciosos que hacen que leer estos libros sea una delicia y te lo pases genial. ¿En qué libro te ibas a encontrar a un druida, un hombre lobo y un vampiro que van a matar a un dios del panteón nórdico mientras huyen por una autovía en un Mustang de un dios romano que va en un carro tirado por dos leopardos?

Ah! Y los personajes están muy bien, cómo van evolucionando (los que evolucionan) y cómo se van adaptando a las nuevas circunstancias el resto.
Esta tercera parte tiene un final más abierto que los anteriores y hace que seguir con el cuarto sea algo inmediato.

Cuando encuentras una saga original, divertida y entretenida como ésta, hay que aprovecharla!
Profile Image for Jen (That's What I'm Talking About).
1,592 reviews304 followers
April 29, 2023
Making good on his promise to the powerful witch Latcha to obtain a fabled apple from a Norse god, Atticus finds a “backdoor” into Asgard, then weaves a ridiculous tale of the Roman pantheon aiming to hurt the Norse pantheon to lay blame for the tragedies he causes while on his task. But Atticus isn’t done! He follows up these acts by heading back into Asgard with friend Leif and a handful of scorned immortals, fulfilling his promise to assist the vampire in his quest to kill Thor.

Hammered is an interesting and exciting adventure for Atticus. Honestly, I’m still a bit dumb-struck over the events that occurred. Let’s just say that Atticus makes some really, really awful decisions this time around. The story has a different feel as Atticus takes on the Norse pantheon. The author expands beyond the limited look at the Tempe area and tosses about all sorts of new-to-the-series mythology. I appreciate that the majority of the world-building is presented as fact, rather than trying to convince the reader through telling.

The book has a bit of a transition feel to it as Atticus concedes it is finally time to move on. His reflection on his reasons for always moving and never loving again are profound. We find out that he was married and experienced deep, true love for two centuries and had 25 kids! It’s been over 500 years and he’s afraid to set roots and love again. But he does love Oberon. And now he has a friendship with the Widow MacDonagh and his obligations to Granuaile (his apprentice). And he feels obligated to repair the damage to the land that happened back in the first book. It’s actually a very moving self-reflection as he makes the decision to leave Arizona.

Another reason Hammered comes off as transitional is that as Atticus says his farewells to companions and friends, everything from the previous two books makes an appearance. Things like the Hammers of God, the witch coven, his friends, the shop; they are each dealt with in a manner that is mostly permanent, yet leaving room for reemergence one day. However, it was his farewell to the Widow MacDonagh that had me in tears. It was well done and I'm glad he got to have a proper farewell.

The book then transitions to the attack on Thor. As part of the process, readers are privy to the long and painful reasons each member of the expedition seeks revenge and Thor’s demise. And while it was clear that Thor really is an ass, the whole quest felt wrong to me, especially since both Jesus and the Morrigan tell Atticus point blank what a bad idea it is.

I had very mixed feelings on the battle with the Norse gods. It felt petty and needless. I understand why all were justifiably angry. But to slaughter so many "innocents" for revenge?! I just couldn't get behind it. It wasn't a noble cause. It was a bloody, mean-spirited battle, which left me unfulfilled and sad.

On the bright side, the story’s narration was elevated to a new level this time around. Mr. Daniels expanded his repertoire of voices, adding several gods and accented characters. From a blowhard god to a whimsical wizard, from dimwitted frost giants to a gentle dessert elemental, each was unique and appropriately fit the persona of the character. And I only had to listen to Coyote for a brief time (I still don't like his voice!)

In the end, Hammered is a tough one to rate. It is probably the strongest story to date. The entire book flowed smoothly from beginning to end, even with the lengthy backstories in the middle of the book. However... While I enjoyed the connections forged between Atticus and his companions, the overall story of revenge was tough to swallow. So much bloodshed and needless death in the name of vengeance and not for some noble cause just felt wrong. Additionally, the open-ended conclusion was a little frustrating. Between all of the goodbyes and the prophesies of doom and despair, the series appears to be heading in a new direction. I cautiously look forward to discovering what happens next.

Rating: B/B-
Narration: A-
Displaying 1 - 30 of 2,527 reviews

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