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An ultimatum can break your heart...

Every night lead singer, Sed Lionheart whips thousands of women into a frenzy with his voice alone. But the stage is the only place Sed feels any passion since he lost Jessica...

If you’re not willing to break all the rules...

It shattered her heart, but law student Jessica broke off her engagement to Sed, determined to be successful on her own terms. But no other man can ever hold a candle to Sed...

Then a chance meeting and tortuously close quarters lead to uncontrollable flares of passion and rediscovery of their unique penchant for public encounters. Now, in addition to the risk of mutual heartbreak every time they get together, they’re in danger of truly scandalous public exposure...

392 pages, ebook

First published April 1, 2011

About the author

Olivia Cunning

62 books10.9k followers
Combining her love for romantic fiction and rock ‘n roll, Olivia Cunning writes erotic romance centered around rock musicians. Raised on hard rock music from the cradle, she attended her first Styx concert at age six and fell instantly in love with live music. She's been known to travel over a thousand miles just to see a favorite band in concert. As a teen, she discovered her second love, romantic fiction -- first, voraciously reading steamy romance novels and then penning her own. Growing up as the daughter of a career soldier, she's lived all over the country and overseas. She recently moved to Galveston, Texas.

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Profile Image for Jessica ❥Chatterbooks Book Blog❥.
845 reviews3,206 followers
January 15, 2018
Rock Hard has a more serious tone than Backstage Pass. It focuses primarily on the relationships between the characters too, but don't worry, there is still a ton of steam in this one! I loved it just as much as the first, and I wouldn't be surprised if this turns out to be my favorite rock star romance series in 2018!

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In case you didn't know, Rock Hard is Sed's book. I LOVE him so much! I knew he was just a misunderstood soul from the moment we were introduced to him in the first installment. I fell just as hard for him as I did for Brian. I have a feeling that is going to happen to me with each guy in every book! Lol I'm totally enamoured with these characters. I wish the series could go on forever. 😍

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I want to point out that before now I never enjoyed this type of romance. That was confusing to me, because I love music. Every time I read a rock star romance though, I was disappointed. Apparently, I just hadn't found the right ones yet! If you have the same problem I did, you're looking for something hot, or you already love this sub-genre, I recommend this series to you!

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Profile Image for Michelle, the Bookshelf Stalker.
596 reviews393 followers
May 28, 2011
Update- I actually changed my rating to 2 stars. For some reason, 1 star seems a bit too rough for me. I mean, I did finish it so that has to be worth at least two stars!

I loved Backstage Pass. Ok, so I know it is not some literary masterpiece, it was an erotica novel with a cute "feel good" side story to it. Because of my love for book 1, I actually purchased book 2.

I cannot tell you how disappointed I am with book 2. It was plain horrible. I hardly ever give one star two stars. I usually can find something worthwhile about a book but this book was not only bad, it annoyed me.


There are bitchy, demanding girls and then there is a bitch. Jessica was a bitch. I found nothing appealing about her. If she wasn't having sex with Sed, she was bitching about being wronged, about not wanting Sed to control her, about how hard her life was. Because she was so bitchy, the last thing I wanted to read about was Jessica getting it on with Sed. She deserved some serious lonely nights. Seriously, this girl had no redeeming qualities. I cannot remember anything positive about her personality.

The story-

What story? Let's see, Brian hates Jessica because he thinks that she left Sed and that turned Sed into a man-whore which in turn made Sed steal Brian's previous girlfriends. At one point in the story, Jessica tells Brian the "truth”. Just like that, Brian takes her word as gospel and the entire issue is cleared up without Brian even asking Sed if Jessica was telling the truth.

This entire law school scenario was so laughable. First, what law school did Jessica go to? I went to law school. I graduated law school (no comments about my grammar from the peanut gallery). My books cost more than Jessica's alleged tuition. The sexual-harassment-professor-giving-blow-job-to-the-dean side story, bleh, it "sucked" (no pun intended-- ok maybe pun was intended but I know it was a bad one)


I literally hated reading anything to do with the main characters (sorry Sed, you where the unintended victim of Jessica hatred). I can't believe I finished a book where I only partially enjoyed the stories of the minor characters in the book.

1.5 stars (.5 stars for inciting me to rant- passion is good) 1.5 stars rounded up to 2 stars.

Profile Image for Elena R a.k.a. Lunies R.
120 reviews109 followers
April 26, 2011

ORGASM #4 Top notch scene in this book! Wooooo BABY! I happen to be sitting on the floor on my comfy rug,then literally rolled on the floor and laughed my butt off, ahahaha....but then couldn't help myself, I was in total bliss. Can someone wake me up? Cause I didn't want that scene to end..or...rather I didn't want the book to end,what-so-EVER!

This novel was so wicked! Truthfully? I loved the first novel to this series Back Stage Pass but I rendered speechless with this book! My Goodness! Sed and Jessica had it going on! Allllll around the city (if you catch my drift,LOL)

Let's talk about Sed Lionheart here for just a moment. *Ahem* I caught myself clearing my throat from all the dryness after a few hours of having my mouth gaped wide open. HOT DOGGIT! Sed is SEXY AND WICKED! When I say he's good with his fingers and tongue,believe me,cause I felt it all the way down town,and I was just the reader.LOL!.................When reading about Sed's character in BSPass,He was just okay,I felt bad for him,and I totally hated Jessica's guts,but not anymore. Now knowing exactly what went down,I loved both of them. All it took was Sed to finally realize,he needed to stop being so controlling and let Jessica make her own decision.If there is one thing men should know about woman "Woman don't like to be tugged around and be told what to do,we just get frustrated and do the complete opposite". It takes 2years for this Smexy-Ass couple to reunite again,after their terrible breakup,it may not have been a Honky-Dory moment,but their bad encounter is what they needed to reconcile and deal with their past.

Jessica, Although,I was wondering what the heck was she thinking,did she honestly think she could use up Sed as her own personnel sex slave and think she could give him up? Obviously not,Jessica sees a side of Sed's soft and admirable heart that she didn't see from him when they were engaged.I loved their connection,it felt like they could hear one anothers heart and knew,there was no letting go. Jessica was a strong impregnable character,with or without Sed by her side no one could tug her down and make her lose her defenses. I loved it! Did I mention she has lots of Stamina? Yeesh! I guess that's what happens when a woman doesn't have sex for two years? Gwad! I was so jealous,her and Sed rocked the bed sheets that I was under at night. LOL!

I've upgraded form a Sinners Fangirl to their Body Guard! LOL! I can't believe how much bad luck the Sinner's Band has, every time they try to work on their new album, one of the band members gets hurt. *sighs* What I loved the most about this book,it was more then just about Sed and Jessica.The Band Members Rock! Trey played a major role in this story,along with Eric,Brian and of course I can't forget Jace That man makes my mind flicker with naughty pics to drool over.ahahaha.....for instance,I went batshite during this scene “That is hotter.” Jace nodded at the leather-clad, black-haired woman brandishing a whip on the left-hand stage. His entire body jerked with excitement every time her whip cracked."...... *Elena Shudders* Y'all can make fun of me,but I'll rock and rob that cradle any day! Mmmmmm......Nice!

Olivia Cunning did a marvelous job writing this book. It was what I expected plus some! The concert scenes were off the charts It felt as if I were on stage with them and seeing them Rock On Hard Core! If I knew my family wouldn't look at me as if a "weirdo" I would've squealed like a crazed fan. LOL! Great Job Olivia! BTW,Now I understand the meaning to the book title "Rock Hard" Cause Sed is always "Rock Hard" hehehehe.....

Profile Image for Jilly.
1,838 reviews6,475 followers
April 4, 2016
In our last book, we learned that Sed, the lead singer, was pining after his lost love, Jessica. So, of course it was exciting to meet this magical girl. She must be some sort of sweet angel from heaven, right?

Um.... not exactly:

The real song that Sed wrote for her...

Jessica is a law student who is so beautiful that her life sucks. Yes, beauty doesn't help in this world... Anyway, she doesn't get why all the girls hate her and all the men want her. It's so hard to be beautiful. And, she's so tired of being judged by her looks alone!! Can't people see that there is so much more to her than her amazingly beautifulness?

good motivation - bad idea

She needs money for next semester's tuition. So, being a law student, with quite a bit of brains and wanting to be taken seriously for her mind, what should she do? Work for a law firm? Get a job that has to do with the court system, police department, or anything at all relevant to her future aspirations? Naaah, she becomes a stripper. There is no better way to get people to stop judging you for your appearance than to strip for a living. Good choice, Einstein!

And, with Jessica being a stripper now, and Sed being a guy who likes watching strippers, they were bound to be reunited! It's so romantic! But, he gets her fired from her stripping gig! Oh no! What's a poor unemployed stripping law student to do?

foreboding music...

Myrna, from the last book, hires Jessica to work as her assistant for the summer. This means she will be on tour with the band. So, when Sed brings back three groupies to have sex with, things get slightly awkward. Jessica doesn't like that for some reason. So, she decides to "take one for the team" and has sex with Sed. For revenge. Yes, that's why. Revenge.

And, Sed and Jessica's thing is public sex. But, oh no! Someone gets them on tape and posts it to the internet! Who could have ever guessed that something like that would happen? It's not like people are walking around with magic devices that can record anything at anytime!! ... oh right....

Poor bitchy Jessica's life is ruined now because of her sex tape. All she wanted to do was be a stripper, have public sex, and be respected for her mind instead of her body. Is that asking too much?

Profile Image for Shawna.
3,655 reviews4,712 followers
January 11, 2015
3 ½ stars – Erotic Contemporary Romance

Thoughts before reading:


Thoughts after reading:

I read this for one main reason...SEX SED! And it he mostly delivered. Overall, I didn't enjoy Rock Hard quite as much as Backstage Pass, but it's a smokin' hot, entertaining read. I'm still a Sinners groupie.

Profile Image for Mimi Smith.
558 reviews117 followers
July 16, 2014
2 stars

Confidential file.

Subjects: Jessica Who Gives a Damn and Sed Lionheart

Jessica: suspected schizophrenia and a severe case of reappearing bitchiness.
Prognosis: no cure. Terminal.

Sed: confirmed occasional jerkiness and a constant loss of IQ points when in contact with Jessica.
Prognosis: too grim for words.

The funny thing? I kind of feel like seeing a shrink after reading this book, too. All that head banging can't be good for my psyche. Can anyone please tell me what the HELL happened to all those deceptively smart characters between book number one and...this. I mean, Sed for Chrissake. Yes, we did see his occasional outbursts, but here, oh man. Here, read this:
"You’re not going to law school. You’ll be far too busy keeping me entertained in the bedroom. When that gets boring, you’ll pop out five or six kids and take care of them while I tour with the band and make us all rich and famous.”

Huh? Did we regress to the Middle Age? Where the hell did it come from, this...whatever. And when Jess suddenly goes from I HATE YOU to NEVER MIND, I WANT TO JUMP YOUR BONES it is not suspicious AT ALL. Because that's normal human behaviour. Really

And what's with Jess? Her mood swings and her revenge plans are so... Agh! You do not want to hear her plan to use and discard the hero for almost half the book, in between and during bouts of creative sex in weird places. Or maybe that's just me. And then she decides to just let that all go, you know, clean slate all of a sudden. Very real. Really.

Moving on...Brian and Myr. Brian's hatred of Jess and then she tells him something and he just lets that all go, instantly believing the woman he claims to hate. Oh, and the ignoring and enabling of a drug addiction. Very cool. Really.

The plot is befuddled, too. Feels kind of directionless and all over the place. And in the course of it, things and injuries just pile up without rhyme or reason. And two injuries befalling two members of the band which may prevent them from performing a month or so apart. Statistically possible. Really.

I still like the idea of the band and I did like interactions between band members, and I DID like and enjoy Backstage Pass, so I'm choosing to believe this is an anomaly. I know this series will never get a Nobel, but getting back to rational thinking would be good for me. The last twenty percents got my hope up. What else...the humor was still there and still worked well. The smexy wasn't so smexy to me because of all the other stuff. So, that is all. Really.

Conclusion: better experience next time, I hope. Trey's up! Hope it doesn't get too Brian-angsty.

Edited to add
One thing that came to me out of the blue last night. In reunion stories(such as this) it's common to show or tell the readers how the couple met, fell in love, etc... Here-nada. We're told they were engaged, but nothing before that. Seems the idea of a marriage sprung out like Athena:fully formed.
I just thought it was weird. Kind of like the fact I was even thinking of this book before I fell asleep. Must be the work of sandy people.
Profile Image for Lo Bookfrantic.
808 reviews591 followers
February 24, 2018

Jessica kind of annoyed me a little... OK a lot 🙄🤔😂... Sed wasn't that better either but overall I enjoyed it lol

Time to read Sed 's story... And because the series is based on Avenged Sevenfold and this is the lead singer so I'll be pretending this is my baby M. Shadows the entire time while I read 😂😆😆😆

Profile Image for Karla.
987 reviews1,105 followers
April 3, 2011
Ahhhhhh, Olivia Cunning, thank you, Sed has left me quite satisfied. Ok…I’m in love with an overbearing, pompous ass, who just happens to have a hard exterior, everywhere…and is soft and mushy on the inside. Like a hard-filled candy…you suck on it until finally you reach that creamy delicious center, and then really get to taste the candy and see how good it is. Now I’m just being naughty. Oh poor Sed, so unappreciated. We get to see him for who he really is. His approach to a situation isn’t always tactful, but his heart is in the right place. He has a horrible case of foot-in-mouth disease, and his demanding ways, or better yet, his take control personality, just rubs everyone the wrong way. This is especially annoying to his true love Jessica. She’s been out of his life for two years and they meet again. Sed’s reaction when he sees her is quite comical and sets the stage for the book. These two have an insatiable sexual appetite for one another, and when an opportunity presents itself, they are willing to go for it. SMOKIN…SSSSSSSSSS!! When a band mate has a life threatening injury and far reaching after effects, it’s Sed who realizes what’s happening, and sets about to make it right. Jessica is right by his side, and they see each other for who they really are. Sed even sheds a few tears…I love a man who can cry!!

Although the heart of the story is about Sed and Jessica, you really get a taste of what the other characters are about. They were all introduced to us in Backstage Pass, but in Rock Hard, Olivia Cunning delves into their personalities a little more, and how they interact with the other band mates. Very discretely, and through observations of the other characters, she is setting us up for some interesting follow up books. Eric has so much more intelligence then we were initially led to believe. He is not just a drummer, his musical abilities are about to shine. Eric is the consummate voyeur. Although he doesn’t hide the fact that he likes to watch, can he ever find someone to love and not always be on the outside looking in? Jace…sweet shy Jace…this boy has some secrets, one rather LARGE one that has been revealed, and frankly I can’t wait to see what he is really all about. Trey doesn’t really know what he wants. He seems to adore Myrna, but yet Brian and her relationship, or now marriage, has him out of sorts…why? Is his bromance with Brian really a yearning for something more? Maybe three's company for him, one of each gender. Now that would be interesting. Brian is still his exuberant, adorable self, and a very happily married man. I love the direction that his life has taken.

We have a perception of the rock star life; and in Rock Hard Olivia Cunning chips away at that stereotype and we get a backstage look at the real people. People who in their everyday, over the top, unconventional lifestyles, still want to love and be loved. You can write the about the steamiest sex, but if you as a reader can’t connect with the characters, then why bother. These boys have me hook, line and sinker. I want to know what is going to happen, I think about them when I’m done reading, and I am excited to see what the future holds. So again, this Sinner’s groupie has her lighter lit (now I think they use cell phones…I’m showing my age) and is waiting for the next installment in this terrific series.
Profile Image for ⚜️Charlotte⚜️.
441 reviews256 followers
February 5, 2017
4.25 Stars!

Another Hit for me...Sed & Jessica!
Formerly engaged to Sed, Jessica finds
Herself needing a job to further her education, Myrna offers her an opportunity she can't refuse, going on tour with the Sinners, entering Data from Myrna's interviews, however her
Sexual Attraction to Sed is as strong as ever...can she resist him? Or has fate stepped in to bring these 2 back to each other...Sed has 3 months to win her back and prove that they belong together! But real love isn't always easy, Jessica needs to see Sed for who he really is on the inside...not his stage Persona...

I Loved this couple, ❤ their sexual chemistry is off the Charts...both have an affinity for Risqué public sex, and wow its Smokin HOT, sexually descriptive scenes, sensual, Captivating, this ticked all my boxes! ;)

Profile Image for Holly.
439 reviews339 followers
October 8, 2012

I fell in love with this amazingly fun and sexy group of men known as the rock band SINNERS almost instantly when reading
Backstage Pass and I can honestly say their stories just get better and better!!! OK, I know we were all supposed to believe that Sed was a complete and total A-hole, but I never believed it! I knew there was pain, and a woman, behind his jerk off act, and boy was I right!!

Sed and Jessica may have had a rough go of it in the beginning put their love and passion EXPLODES off the pages! But IMO, the rest of the band plays as much a part in this story as the main characters. The interaction between the band members is amazing, emotional and sometimes makes me laugh right out loud! Each one of the band members is so uniquely interesting that I cannot wait for each individual story! I thought Trey would be my favorite story to get to but after learning a little more about each of them in this book, I am kind of excited to get Jace's story too!!

An incredibly hot and sexy rock band, smokin' hot sex that makes you squirm in your seat and a HEA - What more could you ask for??
Profile Image for ♥  Sam ♥.
348 reviews9 followers
May 3, 2011


I just finished Rock Hard, the second book in the Sinners on Tour series and I think I loved it even more than Backstage Pass. I thought I would find myself comparing the two stories but both Sed and Brian are such different characters that in the end it wasn’t even a comparison.

This is the offical photo of Sed, used on the Sinners web site -


After a freak encounter Sed runs into his ex fiancée, Jessica and both are not happy about seeing each other. Without spilling the beans the two end up on tour together for two months. In true Olivia Cunning style the passion between the two...um...reignite and freaking combust!

In the beginning I wasn’t sure how I was going to react to Sed. In Backstage pass he came off as a jerk and a major player but as per usual I found myself very wrong. We got to see all aspects of Sed; he is an Alpha to the max! He likes to tell everyone what they should be doing and sometimes doesn’t know how to filter it so the people around him don’t get hurt. But in his heart he is just trying to protect the people he loves.

Jessica is very much into PDA (Public Displays of affection), I won’t spill any spoilers but let’s just say that I will be looking at lot more closely when I hit the water parks wave pools next time I’m out. Jessica is very independent and wants to make it in life on her own without the financial aid of Sed.

These two make an explosive pair. I absolutely tore through this book in about 24hours. I couldn’t help myself falling in love with the two of them and how together they worked through their past issues and looked forward to the future. The character development for each band member makes you feel connected to each and every one of them.

I cannot wait for the next instalment!!!

For those of you who haven’t discovered it yet -
http://www.sinnersontour.com/sinnerst... - check this Sinners site out! It has all character bios and information – it’s fantastic! Brings the band to life!
Profile Image for Jennifer.
374 reviews619 followers
August 6, 2013
4 ROCK STARS!!!!!!

Rock N Roll

Sed is the lead singer of the Sinners, a famous rock band. He is impulsive, arrogant, and intense. Sedric Lionhart definitely qualified as an asshole. Sed has been in love with Jessica even after she left him/he pushed her away. No woman can compete with her. He wallows in his love for her. She is the one that got away.

Just looking at her hurt. When he couldn’t see her, it hurt. When he thought about her, it hurt. When he tried not to think about her, it hurt.

My Sed:


Jessica loves Sed whole-heartedly. She is high-spirited, smart, and beautiful. After trying to pursue a law degree, she runs into a financial wall and the story brings her and Sed back together (loved how they run into each other!). She hates Sed. She loves Sed. There are so many feelings for Sed and I feel it!!!!

My Jessica:

There are so many miscommunications in their relationship. Sed and Jessica are both strong individually, but they are highly sensitive when it comes to each other. Jessica definitely got on my nerves but I understood her because it was her personality to be so hurt by every little thing Sed would say. Sed can be really insensitive, not thinking before he speaks.

He could be such a pig. She wasn’t sure why it turned her on.


Despite their flaws and weaknesses, passion ignites when they are together! They are HOT!!!! They are both exhibitionists when it comes to sex so there are several steamy scenes in dark corners, balconies, water, etc. It seems like the sex is what keeps them together at first. When they finally get past the misunderstandings, they begin to see why they really love each other. It was frustrating and satisfying to see them come together at the end. I know I will see more of Sed and Jessica in the next books!

You fuckin’ rock, baby.
You rock at fuckin’, baby.

I cannot get enough of the Sinners!!!!
Profile Image for maura delaney.
435 reviews79 followers
June 22, 2020
I really enjoyed this! I'm going to marathon the series now and I'm so excited for the next two books. I liked the first one a little better than this one, but it was still enjoyable. I thought that it was both realistic, yet frustrating that these two were communicating in ways the other person did not understand. Overall, this series has been such a pleasant surprise. I haven't heard many people talking about these books, but they're great!!
Profile Image for Kristen.
842 reviews4,984 followers
June 16, 2012
3 to 3 1/2 stars

I didn't enjoy Rock Hard as much as I did the first book Backstage Pass. However, I still had a blast reading this book. Especially, the last few chapters. The ending was fun and funny and fantastic!
Profile Image for KatLynne.
547 reviews589 followers
April 27, 2011
[image error]
Sedric Lionheart - Lead Vocals-
picture taken from Sinners website.

Hot – Sexy – Romantic

Let me start by saying that the romance I didn’t feel in Book #1 was certainly felt here. There is no doubt of the love between sexy hot lead singer Sedric Lionheart and Jessica Chase. And while I had a hard time rating the first, this one is an easy 5 stars for both romance and hot, steamy luvin’!

We were given a glimpse of Sed and his playboy activities in BSPass and it appeared he was hard, selfish and uncaring. For two years he has suffered the pain of a broken heart from his former fiancée, Jessica Chase. Even with all his shortcomings, he was my favorite and I was anxious to get his story! And now that I have, I enjoyed discovering more of what makes this hot, smelting Rocker do the things he does. And I discovered he does have a heart, and it’s a tender, caring one!

Due to some unusual circumstances, Sed & Jessica are thrown together for two months and the pages sizzle! This was a great read from beginning to end. We learn why they broke up and what each have been feeling and doing with their lives. There's lots of intense emotional feelings between two people who love each other and just can’t keep their hands to themselves! And while there is hot sex and a lot of it, I liked that there was no major sharing and very little voyeurism. They experience strong territorial feelings that often results in jealousy; not a sick kind of possessiveness, but an “I love you and you’re mine” feeling.

I liked how the author involved the other band members in this book, included humor, surprises and even major drama, but still made me feel this story's focus was Sed and Jessica. We even meet again Trey’s older brother and get a small glimpse of his band. (possible future books)??

I liked this book so much better than the first and I’m sure it is due to the romantic element. There is a story here with a hot, sexy hero that I loved and a heroine that I liked.

Here is an Easter short story involving Sed and other excerpts you will enjoy. Also, you will find pictures and more info on the band

Bio on Sedric Lionheart taken from Sinners website
Occupation: Lead Vocalist, Lyrics Composer
Vocal Styling: Baritone but ranges into higher octaves
Other instruments: Violin
Born: August 10
Vitals: Black hair, blue eyes, 6’4″ tall
Sinners was Sed’s brainchild and he is the unquestionable leader of the band. His vision for Sinners’ direction and drive to succeed pushed the band toward fame. Known for his unique vocal sounds, growls, and screams, Sedric ”Sed” Lionheart sings with surprising richness and smoothness when a song calls for melody. His talent is entirely inherent. He’s never employed a vocal coach. Sed’s family moved from Minnesota to California when Sed was three, so he claims California as his home state. He has two younger sisters and a close relationship with both parents, who have been married for over thirty years. Sed is a high school graduate, but never aspired to anything but Sinners’ ultimate success.
Hobbies: Bodybuilding
Sed was once engaged, but is currently single and has no children.
Previous bands: None
Profile Image for ~IreneOust~.
509 reviews776 followers
July 9, 2013

July, 2013 re-read ...

This is Sedric ”Sed” Lionheart, the lead singer of the band called "Sinners"

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This book is about Sed (in case you missed it, see pic above), the lead singer of the band called "Sinners" ...

Why are you still looking at this review when you should be downloading "Rock Hard"? Is the pic above not displaying properly??

Or do you need a few more reasons why you have to pick up Olivia Cunning's "Rock Hard", which is a book about Sedric Lionheart, the lead singer of the band called "Sinners" who just happens to be in the pic above?

Fine ...

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Are you still here????

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Didn't think so ...
Profile Image for Shurrn.
560 reviews896 followers
August 31, 2016
Book two of Sinners on Tour placed focus on Lead Singer Sed and his old flame Jessica - Their up and down love story was only acceptable if you consider that they both have huge egos and it must be really difficult for an ego to date itself.

Angst aside, the book was still as steamy as book one in the series Backstage Pass (While Brian & Myrna had a thing for sexual experimentation, Sed & Jess have a thing for

Good on Olivia Cunning for including the original breakup from Jessica's perspective at the very beginning of the book. Readers were already familiar with Sed's broken heart from the previous book, and we probably were predisposed to take his side if not for the opportunity to see things from the other side.
“All he had to do was admit he was wrong to try to control her life. Wrong to think of her as an object instead of a person. A person he supposedly loved enough to be his wife. She waited. Wanting him. God, she always wanted him. As overbearing and arrogant as he was, she wanted him. She did not, however, need him.”
In summary, Book Two was not as awesome as Book One in the Sinners on Tour Series, but it certainly had its moments - steamy sex, lots of laugh out loud scenes, some cringe-worthy encounters with the Dean, etc. - It was definitely good enough to make me download Book Three.

Some of the best parts about the book were actually about Trey Mills rather than the main characters... Can't wait for Trey to get his own book. Having some very non-fictional feelings about the fictional character.

Some of my favorite moments:

My Other Reviews in the Sinners on Tour Series:
(I will update links as they become available)
1. - Backstage Pass - My Review
2. - Rock Hard - YOU'RE READING IT
3. - Hot Ticket - My Review
4. - Wicked Beat - My Review
5. - Double Time - My Review
6. - Sinners at the Altar - Anxiously Awaiting Publication
7. - Sinners Rock the Cradle - Anxiously Awaiting Publication
8. - Sinners in Paradise - Anxiously Awaiting Publication

An Update for you: October 24, 2013
I stumbled across a Sinners website created by Olivia Cunning for the "band" complete with fake tour dates, bios, discography, and the infamous fan ink page. If you're a fan of the series its definitely worth checking out.

In addition, Olivia Cunning's Website has a selection of Short Stories and Deleted Scenes if you need to get a little Sinners fix.
There is a Deleted Scene from Rock Hard called Psycho-Fan-Chic Loves Sed
A Short Story called Wabbit Trouble that takes place between books 2 & 3 featuring Sed & Jessica.
Profile Image for Jacqueline's Reads.
2,949 reviews1,523 followers
August 27, 2016

4 Lead Singing Stars

Sometimes you just need that steamy read to get you going.

I liked Rock Hard more than Backstage Pass and I think it’s because I found Sed and Jessica’s storyline adorable. Sed is the lead singer who is notorious for having multiple girls at the same time. Jessica and Sed are each other’s first love. At the time Jessica was aspiring to go to Law school and Sed wasn’t the famous rocker he is now. Because Sed didn’t want Jessica to leave him to go to Law school, he refused to let her go. Jessica didn’t want to be held back and left Sed.

Two years later, both meet up and never really got over each other, but both are very hurt from the breakup and there are plenty of issues coming in between them.

The beginning was top notch for me. I really liked reading how Sed and Jessica had their fall out. It kind of showed me where they stood two years ago and when they run into each other later, well it was too funny and I laughed out loud.

As always Olivia did not disappoint with the steam and I’m beginning to think each book has its own theme. This one would be public sex. As much as I enjoyed the steamy parts, I felt like it could have been steamier and kinkier, but that’s my personal preference and it may be just right for you.

I really enjoyed the Sed and Jessica parts of the read, but when I got glimpses of the other character’s storyline, I got a little distracted. I wasn’t really interested in those parts, and again this is my personal preference and if you are a true fan of the Sinners on Tour, then this probably would work for you.

Overall, Rock Hard was an enjoyable steamy read. I enjoyed the characters and there was plenty that went on to keep me interested. I did feel like I couldn’t quite connect with the characters 100%, but I’m not giving up on the series and will move to Hot Ticket soon.

Backstage Pass (Sinners on Tour, #1) by Olivia Cunning REVIEW | AMAZON
Rock Hard (Sinners on Tour, #2) by Olivia Cunning AMAZON

For more reviews, please visit Jacqueline's Reads
Profile Image for Simply Love Book Reviews.
7,046 reviews859 followers
April 8, 2011
Sed...he's alpha, he's an ass, he's sexy, he's sweet....he's an ass...I didn't want to like him, but I love HIM!!!! Jessica doesn't take his crap and stands up to him, but she is so into not being taken care of by a man that she doesn't realize he is not trying to rule her life, he's just trying to show her how he feels. For all Sed's ASSlike ways this book takes you through all the emotions he and Jess go through trying to figure out their relationship. I wanted to cry with Jess at one point, at the same time my heart was breaking for Sed.

Trey, what a sexy sweetie....can't wait to read his story. Eric is still mischeivously sexy. Jace.....something about him just gets to me.

In Rock Hard you get to see more interactions of the Sinners and Myrna, not to mention Trey's brother Dare (I really hope he gets a story somewhere down the line). There are a couple of bands introduced in Rock Hard, hopefully we will see more of them in the future.

Word of Warning - have a fan, ice cold water and your partner or BOB close by for this one.....man oh man the restaurant, the Eiffel Tower, Wave Pool, so many hot scenes.
Profile Image for Nicole.
29 reviews3 followers
March 15, 2011
I admit it, I enjoy a good erotica now and then. The problem with that is that it's hard to find a GOOD erotica. Most are bad, some are just okay and the percentage of erotica that's actually good is extremely small. In most cases, the characters are thin and the plot is almost nonexistent. I've been asked why I don't just give up on the genre altogether and this author, this book, is the perfect reason why.

I admit it, I discovered this author about a week ago. When I read Backstage Pass, I was in awe. The instant I finished it, I wanted to read it all over again. I moaned and groaned because I hated to wait almost a month for Rock Hard to be released. When I saw that it was shipping early from Amazon, I jumped on it so fast my head spun. And when it came in the mail, I picked it up and didn't put it back down until I'd finished it.

Rock Hard is, in a word, amazing. Not just amazing for an erotica book, but amazing for the romance genre as a whole. It drags you in from the first sentence and it just doesn't let you go. The entire book is a roller coaster of emotions and the drama factor is extremely high. I feel like I know these characters, they're so three dimensional for me that they're practically tangible. I left the book feeling utterly satisfied and yet still yearning for more. I loved Sed and Jessica, I felt like I was a cheerleader on the sidelines, cheering them on. They both had their problems and had their faults, but they were just perfect for each other. I'm glad that their book was one of the first in the series, so that I'm sure I can expect a lot more of the two of them in the future.

Olivia Cunning has a serious talent, something that's extremely rare in a fairly new author. Though I suspected it after reading Backstage Pass, this time I know: This author is going places. She's going to be someone big. I'm just happy that I've discovered her so early on so that I can share the love. It might be a long wait until we finally get the next book, but at least I have this book to read over and over again while I wait.
Profile Image for Riverina Romantics.
427 reviews28 followers
March 19, 2011
Holey, holey moley. How sexy are the Sinners??? You all know what i'm talking about. Whilst reading this book I stalked the Sinners website often....well a little more then often, but nothing that would be considered unhealth (I hope).

I am in love with them all - but Jace's sexy picture just won't stop flashing in my mind (Olivia if u make Jace's love interest someone called Jodie, I swear I will love u forever).

This story was very similar to Backstage Pass, so anyone that loved the first installment will definately love this one. It was hot, it was sexy and although at times u want to bitch slap Sed because he is being a tool or Jessica because she is an orgasm whore - it is still a really fantastic read.

I can't wait for the next installment!!
Profile Image for Elizabeth (Liz).
649 reviews408 followers
August 20, 2011
I think I'm a rarity when it comes to this second book in the Sinners series. I actually like this book better than the first, Backstage Pass. Not by much, mind you. But, there it is. I've read reviews of people I really respect that say they have a real issue with the hero in this book, the lead singer Sedrick Lionheart. I love him:). He's big and hot and.....just makes me sigh. I'm not at all crazy about the heroine in this book, but even with that.....I don't know, Sed just did it for me. Plus, I got quite a bit of Trey in this book......and I'm waiting with much anticipation for his book to come out. Anyway, in my opinion, you can't go wrong with this series!
Profile Image for Alyssa.
516 reviews94 followers
April 11, 2011
The more I read this series, the more I abso-freaking-lutely LOVE it!!! This was such a great follow-up to Backstage Pass and it left me completely wanting more and depressed because I'll probably have to wait awhile to get it :/ Damn this reading addiction of mine! I'll definitely be sitting in the front row pre-ordering the next one, that way it will deliver to my Kindle with a quickness!

Sed - He was written so perfectly! Ladies, how often do we come across a male who, more often than not, says the wrong things at the wrong time and ultimately sticks his foot so hard in his mouth it tickles his ass. That was Sed. Only in romance novels have I ever found a man who always knows just what to say & how to say it. Sed always meant well but the words got screwed up going from his brain to his mouth. I loved that though he was not always perfect, his actions showed that he honestly loved Jessica with all his heart. He had to learn how to interact & communicate with her so that he didn't always come off as too over-bearing. He has a very strong & protective personality and even though he was just trying to take care of Jessica, he realized that she was strong enough to handle herself and she didn't always need him to do that for her. I think it takes a stronger man to accept his girlfriend/mate/wife's strength and step back even though he feels strongly about protecting her. This absolutely endeared him to me. So much growth occured within him from the first time we met him to the end of this book.

Jessica - I really liked Jessica and the fact that she stood her ground when faced with ultimatums that were unacceptable to her. By doing that, she really brought home to Sed that if he didn't change his tactics and ways, he was going to lose her. Which he did for 2 years. She was such an independent woman and so focused on making it on her own, without any help, that I think it sometimes it hurt her more than helped her. She was so convinced that Sed was only being possesive & controlling of her, she couldn't actually see the love he had & the true meaning behind what he was trying to do. I think as women, we sometimes feel this over-powering need to handle everything on our own because we think that shows our true strength - I for one am guilty of that. Just like with Sed, sometimes it takes more strength & courage to know when you need help & then ask for it. Finding that balance is the key and Jessica eventually was able to do that. I find it SO refreshing to read about a heroine in a story that is not perfect. So often we are given these perfect examples of females in novels and it's nice to see this completely real woman, with issues no less, work through and attain a wonderful relationship with the man she loves!

The sub-plots within this book involving Trey, Jace & Eric just made it all the more necessary to have their books NOW! I love The Sinners and can't wait to read everyone of their books. Hopefully we'll also get a taste of Exodus End as well. I for one would love to read about Dare & Max!
Profile Image for Splage.
612 reviews386 followers
March 30, 2011
The rock-n-roll lifestyle...tour bus orgies, fanatical groupies willing to do anything to please, big egos, sexy and possessive men who like to experiment and get it on non-stop and lots of hot bandmates, Rock Hard has it all. I loved the book from beginning to end and I am so glad I took the chance on it after not being thrilled with the first book in the series. The whole rock and roll theme is so appealing, I love to imagine how they exist on the wild side. Olivia Cunning portrayed it beautifully and I think realistically.

What drew me in to this story were the characters, Sed and Jessica. Their personalities were explosive especially around each other. When they fought they were ruthless to each other and they loved violently too. The first 3 pages hooked me! The fireworks continue and Sed's caveman tendencies regarding Jess resurface; so does the sexual chemistry. There were definitely some very creative sexual positions, I think one time she was hanging upside down... let's just say it was very inventive and satisfying.

Even though the sex was hot and there was a lot of it, I didn't feel it was overkill as in some erotica I have read lately. The author does a very good job of giving erotic details in the beginning when it is new and exciting and then tapering the length and details later in the book where it sometimes gets monotonous. Even though it was the wild party life of touring there were many issues and conflicts to overcome in the story; addiction, sexual harassment, medical issues, as well as, foreshadowing of possible secrets that will be uncovered in future books. The ending was fabulous too! I won't give any hints except to say it warmed my heart, made me smile, it was very thoughtful and satisfying.

If you loved the first book you won't be disappointed in Sed and Jessica's story and if you were like me about Book 1 take a chance on this one. Side note- I love the rockstar names, especially the lead singers of other groups mentioned (possible stories in the future- hopefully), Sed Lionheart, Dare, Maximilian... how cool are those.

Profile Image for Diana~ (Kiss Me Books).
428 reviews157 followers
April 24, 2011
If you thought that Backstage Pass was hot, Rock Hard totally trumps that and is SMOKIN' hot. Ever since Olivia Cunning's debut, she has been an auto-buy author for me because of her steamy scenes, angst, and just thoroughly made characters. As a whole, this series is a must read for erotica and even contemporary romance fans that has plenty of spice in it. We all thought that Sed Lionheart was a complete douchebag because of his personality in the last book right? But in actuality, there was a reason behind it and in this installment, we get to find out who and why it is. I definitely can't wait to read the next character's book in the series, but I would really love it to be Trey! Although either Eric or Jace is fine with me. A BIG 5 stars for this one.

As I've said before, the romance between Sed and Jessica was pretty 'delicious.' I think I have a thing for heartbroken heroes and their misconceptions. There was a lot of ups and downs in their relationship and at one point, I wanted to shake Jessica and ask why she was doing this. We first find out the reason why Sed and Jessica's relationship did not work out in the prologue because of a pretty huge misunderstanding. And I guess after they broke up... things haven't been the same ever since. My heart broke for Sed because throughout those two years that they have been separated, he has always loved Jessica. Heck, he still keeps her engagement ring and picture with him at all times! After two years, these two finally meet again during Brian's bachelor party because Brian's wedding with Myrna is in a couple of days! Remember Backstage Pass? But yeah, it wasn't a pretty sight because Jessica was working as an 'exotic dancer' at the club (since she needed some money for law school). I don't want to get too in-depth with this but she does have a few problems of her own ever since she and Sed broke up.

Things start heating up when Myrna assigns Jessica as her assistant, which means that Jessica will be living in the tour bus with Sed and the rest of the band. Heh. What do you think will become of this? Of course there will be some steamy love scenes. Jessica becomes jealous of the 'groupies' that Sed brings in and everything starts right there, again. Anyway, the ending was rather sweet and sexy so I am quite satisfied with it. I'm really looking forward to Trey's story because of what he went through in this book! His secret love for Brian is still heartbreaking... as always. But what can he do? Brian is married to Myrna now and when they were talking about having children, Trey's face literally turns into horror. I really hope he will be able to find his HEA and I will trust Olivia Cunning in that aspect!
Profile Image for Cherrie Lynn.
Author 29 books4,899 followers
April 15, 2011
Olivia Cunning is a rock star and she has another hit on her hands.
Profile Image for Angela Carr.
732 reviews82 followers
October 8, 2012
Need I say more?!!

Probably not, but here's what I think.

This book is focused on Sed, Sinner's lead singer. The rude, jerk, asshole of band mate but really just misunderderstood. Well, no, he can be a jerk but oh sooo hot! He can have any girl he wanted and at times, 2-4 girls at the same time. But really for 2 years he's been saving his heart for Jessica, his ex-fiancè.
Jessica now 3rd year Law Student crosses paths with Sed and well, let just say thier reunion is worth reading about. They are a very passionate, adventurous and always horny. LOL.
The scenes are super hot!

This book also focused on the rest of the band sort if like "a day in a life of a rockstar".
It was great to see them so involved with each other's lives.
This book is full of emotions.
And honestly it was a little tiring, I barely slept, my emotions were hightened most of the day thinking of this book, and poor hubby had to put up with my daily requests *wags eyebrows*but oddly enough I enjoyed it soooooo much!

Did I mention that I rated this book 5 ORGASMIC STARS? Just as "orgasmically" great as Backstage Pass.
I cannot wait for the next installment.
Olivia Rocks!!!

P.S. ~Don't miss out on the Sinners Website: Sinners

Profile Image for Akanksha❤ Søren♰.
654 reviews2,659 followers
March 2, 2015
I missed Brian & Myr in this book.. Barely there :(
Backstage Pass was wayh better than this book, Like the whole Brian writing music while doing her, Eric full on hitting on her, the MFM scene.. And how Myr was with them.. All that was a 100 times better than this book.. But I liked this book too! Showed an amazing side of Sed! :D
Can't wait for the next book! Its going to be mad <3

I really didn't like Jess.. She's fucking weird.. wayh wayh wayh to weird!.. :\

“Did you piss your pants, Eric?”
“Sed did it.”
“Sed pissed your pants?” Trey shook his head slightly. “Man, that takes pissed off to a whole new level.”

Hahaha, Eric and Trey are crazy ass love themmm :D
Can't wait to see what happens about the crazy bet in the next book :D
There was barely any Jace, So lets see where his story goes :P
Profile Image for Brianna (The Book Vixen).
676 reviews8 followers
December 13, 2015
Review copy provided by publisher

Why I Read this Book: This series is my new guilty pleasure. I’m new to the world of Contemporary Erotic Romance so I was a bit wary at first. But after reading Backstage Pass, I’m hooked! Rock Hard is the 2nd book in the Sinners series and it’s Sed’s (the lead singer of the Sinners) story.

What I Liked: It feels like I’m reading an autobiography of a real-life rock band. It’s scary how real these characters feel. This is the type of book that I enjoy reading because it lets me live in someone else’s shoes, if only for a few hundred pages. It’s like being a groupie except without having any of the consequences.

The book focuses on the main hero and heroine but the reader also gets to see what’s going on with the rest of the band members as well. Each band mate’s story continues from the first book to the next and we see that being demonstrated in Rock Hard. We get to see what’s going on with Brian and Myrna. It was nice to catch up with them and see what they’ve been up to. Jace was definitely enjoying himself in this book. I thought it was a nice setup to his book, which is coming next. Methinks there’ll be a little – okay, probably a lot – of BDSM going on in his book. The guy does love his “accessories”.

What I Didn’t Like: I am not a fan of Sed’s; he is my least favorite character in the group. He was an ass in the first book and he’s still an ass in this book. Sed was extremely unpleasant and at times, annoying. He means well, he just doesn’t do it in a proper manner.

I was more tuned in to what was going on in the secondary story arcs than I was with Sed and Jessica; they took a back burner for me. There was a major lack of communication between the two of them. When they’re weren’t fighting, they were having sex (and vice-versa). Lots of sex and lots of fighting.

One part I thought was a bit peculiar was that it was Sed and Jessica who knew what was going on with Trey’s…situation. Even Myrna wasn’t accepting the reality of the situation and that was a bit strange to me.

Overall Impression: Even though I didn’t enjoy Rock Hard as much as I did Backstage Pass, it was still a good read. This series has proved to be a fascinating inside look at the lives of a rock band. Fans of the movie Rock Star, with Mark Wahlberg and Jennifer Aniston, will enjoy reading this series. I gave Backstage Pass a 4/5 rating and thought it was a great debut novel. Rock Hard was good but Sed just drove me nuts. I just wasn’t feeling his story like I did Brian’s. I’m definitely looking forward to the next book, Hot Ticket, which is Jace’s book.
Profile Image for Kellie Maddox-Ward.
746 reviews519 followers
December 20, 2012
“Tears run down as I think of the days we’ve had,
And the memories will last forever,
But you and I have died and gone our separate ways.
You are the one.
You are the wrong one.
Breaking the mould.
Going your own way.
– An Epic of Wasted Time- Avenged Sevenfold.

We know that Jessica broke Sed’s heart from the last book.

We don’t know why, or how…

Until now…

We jump straight to Jessica and Sed’s break up from the first page of this book.

We find out the reason and what happened… It def wasn’t why I thought!

Sed is the definition of a ROCKSTAR.



He works hard, drinks harder and parties even harder than all of them! He is still going through the groupies 3-4 at a time, living the life of a rockstar but he misses Jess.
His body misses Jess.
His heart misses Jess.

Jess is living her life, well trying to after Sed… She is at Law School wither best friend.

Her Professor hands her an F on her final paper. (It should be noted that this Professor hates her and we do find out why later in the book!) Jess needed an A in that class to keep her scholarship.
She needs to make some money STAT..

Her bestie tells her about her cousin Aggie, stripping in Las Vegas and all the money she makes.

Jump to Brian’s bucks night…

Jace, Brian, Eric and Sed all head to “Paradise Found” for a bit of fun. Trey has wandered into a gay bar down the road.

Jace is instantly drawn to the Dominatrix on stage to the right. He foes to watch her.

The boys head to the left and sit in front of “Feather.”


Brian spits his beer out… Eric is speechless…

Sed is PISSED and instantly covers “Feather” aka Jess with his jacket and drags her out of the strip club.

There is a fight between the Sinners and the Security at the place. Trey who has returned is hit in the head with a baseball bat. The others are relatively OK.

Jess screams at Sed as he throws 1000’s of dollars at her. She tells him that she hates him and he always Fucks up her life. Before stalking off

Jump to Jess..

She’s just been fired after the fight last night as she won’t name name’s so that the security can sue the Sinners.
She has no money for an apartment.
Knows no one in Las Vegas and is seriously pissed at Sed always fucking up everything.

She decides to go to their concert to give the money back and tell him to leave her alone as he can’t fix everything.

Trying to get through Security she sees Dare (Trey’s brother and lead guitarist of Exodus End) and Jake (roadie) Jake helps Jess get through security. Jess then comes face to face with Myrna.

Although Myra is only 7 yrs older than Brian she does baby the Sinners at times. So she is looking after Sed. Has his best interests at heart. He just doesn’t agree with it.

She offers Jess a job as her assistant touring for 3 months so she can input all her data and study more groupies., so she can spend more time with Brian and also go on a Honeymoon.

Jess and Sed don’t even make it one day without falling into bed.




But can they fix what was broken the first time?
Or are they really only compatible in bed?

ANNNNNDDDD the story goes from there!

In between all the sex that Sed and Jessica have there is a side story. You may (or may not) be wondering why I randomly mentioned:

Trey going into a gay bar being hit with a Baseball bat.??
Well that’s because Trey is bi-sexual and the hit in the head plays a HUGE role in this story.

Also baby faced bad-ass Jace being drawn to a Dominatrix? Well why do you think!! (Can’t wait for his book now!)


Trey’s brother Dare and his band Exodus End – He plays a role in this story but more an introduction for the next book

Brian and Myrna still play a big part and so does.

Honest Opinion
Sedric Lionheart.. You can punish me with 10 orgasms as punishment anytime you want!!


I liked Sed in Brian’s book – I mean come on he is the ultimate bad boy… and as mentioned he is M.Shadows in my mind so I was crushing HARD but what he kept doing to Brian really pissed me off…

However we find out why he is the way he is… how and why he has to fix everything and we get some marathon sex scenes!

Nothing like what Brian & Myrna had.. It was more run of the mill vanilla hardcore sex (REALLY KELLIE? Vanilla Hardcore sex? Is there any such thing!? Ok what I mean is
… No Kink/Dress Up/Threesomes/etc… Still shitloads of steam, and hardcore pounding, several crazy positions, total SMUT …. Some great outdoor fun though! They are adventurous outdoors, Eiffel tower scene?! HHHHHAAAAWWWWTTTTT!


I like Jessica a lot… She sure knew how to play Sed. Could hold her own in an argument. Knew which buttons to push. She has a HUGE heart, and my heart broke for her at school. I’m so glad she got her own back!

I really liked that this had more of a plot than the first one. The plot was awesome actually… Some SERIOUS shit went down!
More involvement from each member of the band too…

The bromance was awesome!

I got my HEA so I’m happy! ^_^
Also a lot less errors!


“Tomorrow was my second chance to make things right but it never came. I’m sorry I never treasured the time we had for those regrets I take the blame. You gave everything you had. I took without giving back.” Sed paused in his song, feeling ridiculous for singing it to her while they made love.

“Baby, you realize this song is about Trey’s dead dog, don’t you?”



You don't see me
Blind to the real me
I'm not who you think I should be
But I can't be someone I'm not
I'll try to be who you need,
what you need,
I fail again
tear me, cut me make me bleed
If it opens your heart to me
Just don't leave me with nothing
less than nothing
Like the last time
use me
It's better than existing without you

~Sed's lyrics”


“Can I book an appointment for make-up sex in two hours?



“I'm in your business, Trey. I'm so far in your business, your grandchildren will call me partner.”


“Sed Kissed her on the forehead. "You know what I hate about you?"

She scowled, some strange emotion stealing her breath. "What?"

"You know me too well."

"You know what I hate about you?"



"Oh yeah?"

She nodded.

He chuckled. "Baby, if that's how you show your hatred, I can't wait to see how you show you care.”


“Without you, I'm nothing. Don't you understand that?”


“He sighed and wiped a hand over his face. If there were a Jessica Chace instruction manual, it would be written backwards in Arabic Pig Latin and twelve thousand pages long with random pages missing.”


“I love those dimples."
He hated the damn things, but if they made her happy, he'd be sure to smile like a dipshit more often.”


“Did you piss your pants, Eric?”
“Sed did it.”
“Sed pissed your pants?” Trey shook his head slightly. “Man, that takes pissed off to a whole new level.”
“I think that’s pissed on, not off,” Brian said.”


“You fuckin' rock, baby," he murmured.
"You rock at fuckin', baby.”


“Sed’s heart sank to his toes. Too late for that. He was already on the boat. Was Jessica planning to kill him and then dump his body overboard before sailing off into the sunset with his drummer and bassist?”


“He's really sweet, actually."
"I don't think we're talking about the same Sed. Sedric Lionheart. Tall guy. Broad shoulders. Blue eyes. Short black hair. Body befitting a Greek god. Sings. La la la la.”


“F. An F? She gulped air. An F! Failure. Failurino. Failurocity. Failtacular. Failpendous. Epic...fail.”


“The best day of my life used to be the day I asked you to marry me onstage in Pittsburgh, but as memorable as that was, today has been even better.”
Displaying 1 - 30 of 2,025 reviews

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