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Dragon's Heat #2

Hidden Embers

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He committed a dangerous act of love: He gave his heart to a human.

Deep in the New Mexico desert there is a secret race on the brink of extinction—the pure-blood shapeshifters of the Dragonstar clan. And they have one last, desperate hope for survival…

Quinn Maguire is a powerful Dragonstar healer at a tragic loss, unable to cure the insidious disease killing off his people. Yet even in such dire circumstances the conservative Quinn is secretly disapproving of the alternative: Dr. Jasmine Kane, enlisted by the head of the Dragonstar clan to help abort the virus. She is a wild card. She is an outsider. She is human.

Decked out in black leather and a tough attitude, Jasmine clashes with Quinn in more ways than one. And when destiny chooses her for his Mate, he doesn’t know whether to rejoice or rebel. Because while Jasmine makes him burn hotter than any woman—dragon or human—ever has, their differences make a relationship impossible.

But when a rival infiltrates the clan and attacks Jasmine, Quinn becomes desperate. Jasmine is now the first human to be infected with the disease—and Quinn must do everything he can to find a cure, and save the woman he has grown to love.

317 pages, Paperback

First published April 5, 2011

About the author

Tessa Adams

11 books265 followers
Pseudonym for Tracy Wolff

Tessa Adams lives in Texas and teaches writing at her local community college. She is married and the mother of three young sons.

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Profile Image for Catherine.
522 reviews568 followers
April 19, 2011
Wow, this book was not what I expected from reading the back cover. I didn’t think it would be anywhere near as dark as it was. Also, the back cover gives the impression that the hero, Quinn, is desperate to cure the disease because of the heroine, Jazz. Wrong! He’s desperate to cure it because he is the Dragonstar clan healer and all his friends and family are dying around him.

Hidden Embers does not pull its punches when it shows you the horror of the disease that Quinn has spent years trying to cure. There is one part of the book (toward the end) where I thought the villain (we get to see a few clips of that pov) was going to change his/her mind and wouldn’t infect a particular dragon because of some pictures that were shown. Nope. I guess there went that change of heart! I cringed knowing what was coming, but I’m also pleased that the author showed the devastation the disease brings. It’s not just us hearing about it in the past, we get to see it and hope for a cure right alongside the doctors.

When this book opens Quinn is not in a good place. He has spent years trying to find a cure, and blames himself for failing again and again. His brother just died and that is pretty much the last straw for him. He is broken and close to suicidal. If he felt less responsible for his people’s welfare I think he would have passed all the way into suicidal and found a way to end it. He’s searching for something to help him forget and he finds that in a stranger he meets at an out of the way bar.

Jazz is on her way to Quinn’s home (unbeknownst to either one of them) when she meets Quinn in a bar and is immediately attracted to him. They both don’t usually indulge in one night stands, but can’t resist this one time. I’m not usually a fan of books with one night stands, but this author pulled it off pretty well. The attraction was easy to see and the sex was hot. Plus, watching Quinn try to push aside his grief was sad. The connection between them is great, and I was very eager to see how they would deal when they both realized they were going to have to work together when they got back to Quinn’s home. What I didn’t count on was Jazz.

Jazz was such a piece of work. I liked her in the beginning, but the more I got to know her, the less I liked her. She was all about the Girl Power and her default setting seemed to be, ”No man will ever control me!” Because when a guy wants to be closer to you he only wants to control you, right? I felt bad for her childhood, but that didn’t give her an excuse to be so psycho without cause. I’d understand her spiel if Quinn was Feehanesque, but he wasn’t. She criticized Quinn for trying to control her, only to turn around and revel in her own control over him. It was really irritating. At one time she thought:
"She wondered if she'd been wrong the night before. Maybe he'd had some reason, besides wanting to be Mr. Macho, to insist on taking her to Phoebe's house. Maybe she shouldn't have fought him so hard. Maybe he had just been trying to protect her--and protect himself from losing someone else.

The thought freaked her out, and her self-preservation instincts kicked into overdrive. She wasn't that woman, she reminded herself frantically, the one who worried about why her man did what he did or how her words and actions affected him. she didn't pull her punches, didn't try to fit herself into the boxes men tried to put her into."

And that really pissed me off. He told her that she had a big ass target on her back and she was in an unfamiliar dragon town where she didn't even know who was friend or foe. She’s an idiot for jumping to the conclusion that he was trying to control her instead of help her, just because he was a man. She did crap like that all the time.

I was whining to one of my Goodreads friends, Lethal, about the heroine and she mocked the heroine in a way that was particularly apt. I’m going to share it—although I’ll change a few of the curse words—because it was perfect.

"Will you let me take you to dinner?"
"Screw YOU! I do what I want to do!"
"You have Queso in your hair. Do you want me to help you get it out?"
"Screw YOU! I will have Queso in my hair if I want to f’ing have Queso in my hair! You don't tell me what to do!"

And that’s pretty much Jazz in a nutshell.

I liked the sex scenes in the beginning of the book, but I was getting really tired of it toward the end. I had a couple Why is there so much sex in this frickin’ book??? moments until I looked at the back cover and spied “Erotic Romance” there on the bottom left corner. *sigh* I’m an idiot. That’s why. I guess I missed that when I was checking this book out. So FYI for anyone unobservant like I am.

I liked a lot of things about this book--the fact that they were dragons, the darkness and grief shown, and Quinn. But the super freak heroine and the convenient way she was saved at the end really muted those great things. I definitely think I’ll backtrack and pick up the first book and see if I like that heroine a little more. I liked the world setup enough to be eager to try again.

Favorite Quote:
There was another long silence. Then Ty said, "That's it? That's the best you've got? Don't worry about it, he was too insane to miss you, anyway? You think that's supposed to cheer me up?"

Quinn smiled a little at Ty's incredulous tone. "Why not? You said you felt bad for not being there for
him. I told you he didn't even notice that you punked out."

"You know, your bedside manner sucks ass."

Review originally posted on Fiction Vixen.
Profile Image for Lynsey A.
1,865 reviews
December 24, 2018
Not too much to say about this one. I enjoyed it but had trouble staying interested in the story at times. Also, the love scenes went on forever. I felt like I was reading a Christine Feehan scene. LOL At the very end, I just skimmed the last one. It was like 5 pages.

Enjoyable series. I read the little novella that is after this one and I'll read the last one, too.
Profile Image for Julie.
535 reviews140 followers
May 20, 2011
Posted at http://yummymenandkickasschicks.com/?...

Hidden Embers by Tessa Adams is the second book in her Dragon’s Heat series, stories about a clan of dragon shifters. I did not read the first book and can’t say that I felt lost or confused at all. But I did feel as though I may have felt more for the clan and their current situation if I had witnessed it from its beginning. All this to say if you are planning on giving this series a try, I would start at book one.

Quinn is the clan’s main healer and is feeling responsible for the hundreds of Dragonstars who have died from a mysterious disease that is sweeping through is clan. He can’t seem to get ahead of it and it’s driving him to thoughts of suicide. I can appreciate why Quinn would feel blue. I can understand why he is terribly sad and dejected, especially when he loses his brother to this illness that Quinn just can’t seem to find a cure for. But he really takes his sadness to the extreme. He brings it to the point of moping. Yes, we get it. You blame yourself. But it’s not your fault, so stop saying it is. Because unfortunately his constant “I suck and everyone is dying horrible disgusting deaths because of me” really rubbed me the wrong way. In fact, the prologue is all about how Quinn is thinking about ending it all but decides against it. Okay, that part was not overly fun to read, but I read though it thinking that that would be the end of that. But it wasn’t. Boy wasn’t it. Through the whole book this comes back, which is too bad because it really caused me to feel annoyed with what could have been a great main lead. I mean, Quinn is a dragon shifter with vibrant green eyes, a perfect body, slightly too long black hair and a doctor with spiffy super healing powers. And he’s brilliant. Yum! But he whines like a seven year old girl. *sigh*

Jasmine was a fine character. I didn’t love her but I didn’t dislike her. She’s a very smart woman who likes to take charge and who happens to be falling for a very alpha man. I did like the little spin of how Jasmine and Quinn first meet not knowing who the other was. That was fun. There was definite chemistry between these two, and the love scenes were smokin’ and very well written. I actually quite liked them, especially the part in front of the mirror…*fans herself* They were hot without being crude. I always appreciate that in an erotic title.

Just as Jasmine was a fine character, so were the others in this book. I wasn’t overly wooed by any of them, but they didn’t rub me the wrong way either. They each had their place in the story and that was that.

One aspect of the story that I really did find well done was the mystery sub-plot. Every once in a while a chapter would be told from the perspective of…we didn’t know who. But this person was on the bad guys’ team. She was responsible for all the evil that was going on with the Dragonstars. She was not the mastermind behind it (which I found to be a nice touch), she was the minion who was promised wonderful things should her missions succeed. And once you find out who this person is…wow. I didn’t see that coming at all. Tessa wrote that part of the book wonderfully!

This book held tons of potential, and did deliver on some of it. Unfortunately, I need to feel connected to the characters in a book in order to connect with the story. And for me, that didn’t happen. I really did appreciate the mystery in this book though. I said it before and I’ll say it again: I did not see that coming at all. It was my favorite part of this book.

The next chapter in the Dragon’s Heat series, Forbidden Embers, is coming out October 4th 2011. This is Logan’s book. I did enjoy Logan in this book. He kept things light even when situations were dire. So his should be a good addition to the series.

2.5 stars
Profile Image for Josephine McNabb.
Author 3 books26 followers
October 21, 2014
A great sequel to Dark Embers. This is the story of Quinn and Jasmine and their race to beat the virus that's spreading within the Dragonstar clan. Jasmine is a tough woman, she's independent almost to a fault. She takes to the idea of dragons just a bit too easily for me.

The relationship between them is a little more refined than that of Dylan and Phoebe in the previous book. Quinn is a very dominant kind of dragon and this need to dominate and protect Jasmine causes quite a bit of friction between them.

Jasmine is a likable character, she has chemistry with Quinn that's not just physical. The sex scenes were not over the top (well not all of the time) and the passion is conveyed well.

I really enjoyed the book especially as the traitor has a POV. There wasn't much of Dylan in this book, Phoebe has a slightly larger role than her mate as she is part of their mission to find out how the virus is infecting the dragons. I don't see a lot of actual character in her (if you know what I mean) she seemes very one dimensional in this book.

This book was very enjoyable, with parts that melted your heart and other parts where you just wanted to read with one eye open.
Profile Image for Sandy M.
669 reviews34 followers
August 15, 2011
Ah, dragons. What’s not to love about such creatures, especially when they’re written as alpha and sexy as Tessa Adams writes them. She paints a wonderful picture of the beautiful New Mexico desert and night skies, along with graceful, soaring dragons, all surrounded by an evil that is killing these magnificent creatures one at a time.

But the way this book starts out is how I wish more romances would, instead of stringing the reader along until the hero and heroine finally come together. Now, that’s not to say that being strung along isn’t the way to go. There’s just more of that out there than there is of bringing the characters together right off the bat and using sexual tension and conflict in a totally different way. In this case, it works like you wouldn’t believe.

Quinn is his clan’s healer, and he’s been fighting a sickness that’s getting the better of him with every death of friends and family. The most recent victim is his youngest brother, Michael, who always wore a smile, joked and laughed, made life bright and fun for those around him. Michael is the last of Quinn’s family to be taken by this unknown disease, and when Phoebe, the heroine from the first book and the clan’s soon-to-be queen, suggests bringing in another doctor to help, it’s just too much for him at this point in time. Shifting into his dragon, he takes to the skies at breakneck speeds, flying until he just can’t anymore. Finally coming down from his flight of grief, Quinn goes another route to drown his guilt and sadness, in the bottom of a glass at a bar who knows where. Quinn sure doesn’t.

Jazz is still recuperating from injuries suffered in a bombing that occurred at one of the sites she was working at in her capacity with the Center for Disease Control, but she’s going stir crazy. Jumping at the chance to do some kind of research and work, Jazz heads to New Mexico to help her friend Phoebe with an intriguing and dire problem. One last stop before her destination changes everything for her, however. Instant attraction to the handsome man in the bar where she goes for help when her car breaks down smacks her silly, and she ends up spending the night with him. One hot, sizzling, raw, and intense night. The likes of which she’s never experienced before.

What makes these first scenes between Quinn and Jasmine even more enjoyable to read is the fact they don’t know who each other is, not until it’s too late for Quinn when he realizes Jazz is his mate and too late for Jazz when she bugs out early the morning after, scared witless of her reaction to this man who pulls at her in more ways than one. Also scared to allow a man control over her ever again. That only leads to heartache and pain. Of course, once Jasmine reaches New Mexico and she’s thrown in the middle of the clan’s medical crisis, she learns her Quinn is the same as the healer who’s at the end of his rope, she’s flabbergasted, amazed, and turned on. And she pretty much stays that way most of the time when the man is near. But Jazz does have her moments, instigating a few lovemaking sessions of her own.

The mystery surrounding the lethal disease that’s hit the Dragonstar clan is insidious and everyone is stumped, having very few leads to conquer it. They do believe a rival clan is behind it all, but that theory is also at a standstill with no evidence to follow. The reader is lead through part of the story in a traitor’s POV, and finally Quinn and his dragon brothers realize the evil in their midst. When the clan is physically attacked by their enemy, the ensuing fight scenes are action packed and fatal, even to those in dragon form. I really love those scenes with dragons flying, claws slashing, and fire nearly scorching the sky.

This is one of the better dragon series I’ve read. Ms. Adams is almost as good at giving her human characters dragon/animal/beast characteristics as Nalini Singh is in her shifter books, and if you’ve read those, you know that’s not an easy fete. And the emotion coming from Quinn in his grief flows from the page right into you, baring his feelings from his core. Those scenes in which Jazz lets her guard down for Quinn and his grief are some of the best in the story.

I’m looking forward to every future book that comes along in this series.

See my complete review at http://www.goodbadandunread.com
Profile Image for Melindeeloo.
3,209 reviews158 followers
May 10, 2015
Dragonstar clan healer Quinn is pretty close to losing his will to live. After the death of his beloved brother to the vicious disease which is decimating his Clan, it is only his duty to find a cure that keeps Quinn going. When his queen arranges for an expert on infectuous diseases to help research, Quinn's dragon balks at having another in his lab, his territory, and a human at that. But sending her away is not an option when he discovers that brilliant and prickly woman, Jazz, is his mate.

I almost put Hidden Embers down several times, but I hate to give up on a book and it started to pick up about half way in. I guess what grabbed me half-way and kept me reading was the poignacy of the background story once we learn the truth about how the dragon-shifters are contracting the designer virus which causes gruesome death. The scene where we witness the next victim being infected is so sad and when the disease comes to fruition it is even sadder. It also helped, that about the same time as I got emotionally invested in the background story Quinn examines his behavior - it had kind of colored my view of him that Quinn is so overcome with sorrow about loosing his brother at the start of the book, but once he meets Jazz he gets so wrapped up in her for the next hunk of the story that he seems to have forgotten about his grief altogether.

But I suspect that a portion of my initial problem with Dragon Embers was that being a Berkeley Heat imprint (which I didn't notice when ordering it online), Dragon Embers has just as much sex as story. While I do like steamy stuff, I am happier when the story/sex balance falls on the side of story. So, I tend to prefer romances where a connection forms between the leads, there is a buildup of sensual tension, and then there's explosive sex, to ones like this where the H/h meet, explosive sex ensues before I've had a chance to get invested in the characters and then there's random bouts of sex inserted here and there in the rest of the story. Oh and for those with adult language issues - also a reason that I stick to Berkeley's Sensation vs Heat - the 'p-word' is used (which bothers me) and there is liberal use of the 'f-word' variants in and out of the bedroom (which doesn't).

Bottom line though? On the plus side: I really like dragonshifters, I liked the honorable and overly responsible dragon healer hero Quinn, and the background story -what there was of it - had some emotional moments. My nits: the power of some of those emotional moments weren't capitalized on since life affirming sex almost always occured in the aftermath, but since I am not a true erotic reader and this was an erotic story, take my bias for what it is worth. (2.5 stars - pretty good, it would have made a great short story.)
Profile Image for Candy Varty.
Author 20 books65 followers
October 27, 2018
All I can say is, Yummy..
If more doctors cared about the people they treat like Quinn the clan healer does, well there would be some very happy ladies *wink*
Profile Image for Ashley.
129 reviews41 followers
April 11, 2011
My Review:

The Plot:

Quinn Maguire, dragon shifter and healer of the Dragonstar clan, is almost to the point of no return. He's lost everything and nearly everyone he's ever loved and is facing the very real possibility that one day soon, his entire clan will be striked completely from Earth. It will all have been his fault too. It will all have been his failure for Quinn's a healer who's aged powers are useless against the disease that's ravaging his people like a raging wild fire eats through dried and brittle grass. No matter how hard he attacks the disease, no matter how fast he tries to unravel its secrets, the disease always wins in its ever evolving, ever mutating abilities to kill and kill and kill. But one little ball-busting human female is about crash through not only Quinn's necessary emotional barriers, but the elusive barriers of the disease that continually morphs its shields.

Dr. Jasmine Kane, a hematologist for the Center for Disease Control, is going stir crazy after a bomb in Sierra Leone knocked her out of commission, placing her on virtual house arrest from the CDC until her injuries have healed. Seeing as that could take several more weeks, Jasmine jumps at the call from her best friend Phoebe in New Mexico and the possibility to get back into a lab doing what she does best. However, along the way a flat tire forces Jasmine to take refuge at a bar in Texas, putting her face to face with the most compelling and sexually attractive man she's ever come into contact with. His burning gaze, strikingly tall physique and rough growl has her burning from within and falling into bed for the most mind altering one night stand of her life. But if the past has taught her anything, is that it's never a good idea to let a man be in control and Quinn poses the very real possibility of enslaving her heart forever. What's left for girl to do but run. Jokes on Jazz though because she runs not simply to the safety of her best friend but to Quinn and his lab which will serve as her home for the next several weeks.

Caught off guard by the intense night and subsequent frustrating morning searching for Jazz who absconded with the rise of the sun, Quinn finds himself facing the fact that he's miraculously mated with a woman that he can't find. The evidence is in the new purple hued tribal band encircling his arm. Lucky for fate, Jazz is the doctor from CDC that Quinn's future queen, Phoebe, recommended to help fight the disease. Quinn doesn't know who's more surprised, him or Jazz when she walks into his lab. Relief fights with anger at Jazz's sudden appearance but Quinn's still in for the biggest surprise yet. With Jasmine, he finds more than he bargained for with his mate. For one, she's human, but beyond that minor speed bump, Quinn always imagined that he'd settle down with a woman that needed him and his protection. Never once did he think that his destined mate would be a risk-taker, a fighter who subjected herself to the most dire and stressful areas of the world. But Quinn can't deny that for the first time in forever someone has looked to him not simply for answers, but to actually look and see and understand the real him and recognize his pain and defeat and strive to help him.

Jazz can't help but notice that the dragon shifters around Quinn take him and his expert act for granted. The man is in an acute amount of pain not just from using his healing gift, but an emotional pain that it unlike anything she's ever seen. Quinn blames himself for everything. For every death. For every hour that passes and a cure has not been found to save his clan. He's walking this line of guilt alone too for while he's surrounded by others who are suffering, he is the Dragonstar healer who can't heal. But it's dangerous for Jasmine to think this way about Quinn. While she's accepted that sex can't be avoided with the man for he makes her body weep in a need that can't be ignored, he still poses a threat to her heart that Jazz will not stand for. So the war rages on not only within Jasmine's heart and soul but on the streets of the small New Mexico town the Dragonstars inhabit.

Someone is betraying the Dragonstars to the rival Wyvernmoon clan. The smaller clan with territory in Northern Middle America, has been seeking for decades to steal the rich land of the Dragonstars. Presumed to be the clan that created the disease preying upon the Dragonstars, the Wyvernmoons also seek to infiltrate Dragonstar territory to take down Dragonstar sentries themselves and someone is giving the Wyverns easy access across the Dragonstar magical safeguards. Until the betrayer is caught, no is safe. When Quinn, Phoebe and Jazz make a huge break through in understanding the disease that's ravaging their people, notice is taken and the Wyvernmoons make their big move to strike at the very heart of the Dragonstars.

The Heroine:

Fearless, intelligent, and a woman that never backs down from a fight, Jasmine Kane is not one to be trifled with. Quick to attack but also quick to save, Jazz gives every fight her all. But what she doesn't have is patience for men trying to dominate her or the situation in an effort to be macho. She's survived enough overbearing control from her father to know that a man can't help but turn into a possessive cavemen when faced with a woman they've claimed as theirs. Jazz is her own woman and she'll keep that way. But Quinn Maguire makes all her "I'll never need or want a man" defenses crumble. He's a man that's clearly in need a woman's comfort and care but she's not that kind of woman. Right? Quinn softens the harsh points of Jazz's heart and despite all her efforts to fight his allure, she can't stop her heart or body from wanting his touch or his love.

The Hero:

Strong, intelligent, and in possession of a heart bigger than he knows how to handle, Quinn Maguire has been on a decade's long losing streak with a disease that has left him the sole survivor of his family. He's a broken man dedicating the last of his strength to his people. Sharing Jasmine's soul deep desire to heal, Quinn recognizes his own tenacious strength in Jazz. And while she may be the exact opposite of what he thought he wanted in a woman, Quinn soon discovers that Jasmine's perfect for him in every way and he'll not let her run without a fight. Like a boon from fate, Jazz breathes life back into Quinn's wounded soul and he'll do everything in his power to keep her.

My Final Thoughts:

HIDDEN EMBERS is a no holds barred epic romance where no emotion is left unscathed. Hope and passion war with death and heartbreak and no one is safe, not from love nor from disease. I must say, Tessa Adams took some big risks with this second installment in her Dragon's Heat series. For one, Jasmine is fearless and incredibly independent and she approaches each of her decisive actions with absolute confidence...except for when it comes to matters of the heart. The woman walks - runs rather - knowingly away from the best thing in her life, she purposefully denies her true feelings and focuses on the superficial to drive Quinn away. Lucky for her, the man is not giving her up. Anyone else and Jazz would still be alone. While I admit to experiencing frustration with Jazz, the woman does own up to her faults and for that, I liked her.

Adams herself is fearless as she rains down acute tragedy upon HIDDEN EMBERS. I've read some tragic scenes in romance but I'm thinkin' that Adams takes the cake here. Girl had me in tears! She doesn't joke around with the dire situation the Dragonstars are facing either. In addition, Adams excels beautifully at making this complex disease she's created believable and better yet, its understandable. She gets the reader involved too for I felt like a scientist right along with Quinn and Jasmine, analysing and breaking apart this killer disease. You feel these shifters and their desperation to survive. You feel the injustice and the need for revenge against those that are attacking you so ruthlessly. Gotta love that!

Finally, the romance truly was a delight as well. Quinn is pure hero and I absolutely loved everything about him. Again, Adams seamlessly meshes plot and sex with HIDDEN EMBERS. Despite the complex plot layers surrounding the war and the disease, the romance takes true center stage and nothing about Quinn's and Jazz's relationship is sacrificed. From beginning to end, I was in love with this story!

For paranormal romance fans yearning for an intensely emotional read, a sexually explosive romance, and the action that only a sinister villian can create, get your hands on HIDDEN EMBERS!! Enjoy!

4.5 Stars

Profile Image for Theresa.
3,701 reviews13 followers
October 12, 2020
Still unable to get a handle on the disease that’s killing their dragon clan, Phoebe calls in a genius friend of hers that specializes in blood disorders hoping she can help. But before she can get there, Quinn’s youngest brother dies of the disease. Trying to get away from the pain, he mindlessly flies off into the desert and end up in a bar in West Texas.

After barely surviving a bomb in Sierra Leone, Jasmine is on medical leave from the CDC, so when she asked to help on a mysterious disease by a good friend of hers she jumps at the chance. But on the way her car gets a flat in a small town in West Texas.

This storyline is also almost all explicit sex scenes with very little real action. A lot of missed potential in the storyline, but great if you just want to read about sex. Since I am more interested in the dragons I skimmed through it a lot.

Footnote: 1) I’ve always wondered how a change, something that’s supposed to natured to the person, be so painful. I can see I little bit but the way it’s described is awful.

Fave scenes: Jasmine taking on the drunks on the road, Jasmine & Quinn working on Tyler and Michael’s paintings.
Profile Image for Gowri.
521 reviews
February 25, 2018
3.5 stars.

Judith’s fatalistic attitude was a bit of a downer for someone who is supposed to be a dragon and has worked in the Navy.
Profile Image for Nyssy.
1,820 reviews
June 11, 2019
This series went from awesome first book to this one, “what the crap is this?!” It was terrible, hope it gets better. 🤞🏼
Profile Image for iamGamz.
1,545 reviews46 followers
June 1, 2015
Hidden Embers tells Quinn and Jasmine's story.

Quinn is the healer of the Dragonstar Clan and one of the top advisors to the King, Dylan. As the book starts, he is watching his youngest brother, Michael, die if the disease that have killed thousands of his clan. Although working round the clock and a brilliant doctor and healer, he can find no way to stop this disease.

With Michael's death, Quinn's entire family has been wiped out by their enemy the Wyvernmoons, a rival clan. The Wyvernmoons created this disease and has somehow been infecting Dragonstar clan members. With he help of Phoebe, Dylan's mate, they realized that the disease was manmade and that it mutates with every person that has it, making it impossible to create a vaccine for it. Needing help, Phoebe calls in her friend and one of the CDC's highest experts in infectious diseases, Jasmine.

Jazz and Quinn meet unexpectedly at a bar in Texas. They share what was supposed to be an incredible one night stand of scorching hot sex. Quinn awakes the next morning to find Jazz gone and realizes that his dragon has chosen as his mate. In shock, Quinn tries to track her down with no luck. So imagine his surprise when the new doctor from the CDC that Phoebe called in to help turns out to be Jazz.

The sparks fly, and not in a good way. Quinn is angry, Jazz walls and shields are up and keeping him out. They snip and snipe at each other constantly, until they are alone, then it's just dirty, dirty sex! Now I have no issue with a book filled with good old fashioned dirty sex, but not when it hampers the story line. And in this book it did.

Dylan and his team came to the conclusion that the attacks and spread of the disease meant there was a traitor within their clan. Someone who has been letting the Wyvernmoons in to attack Dragonstar clan members and who has been injecting this horrible disease into innocent clan members. The author gives the traitor a voice and i needed to know who this person was. I read like a crazy person, making guesses and threats at the fiend! I know it was a female, and that she was a sentry and worked in the clinic. I had a good idea who it was, but needed to have it confirmed and all that damn se kept getting in the way of me continuing the story line. It got to the point where I just skimmed the sex scenes to get back to the story. It was frustrating. The book could have been much more intense if Jazz and Quinn didn't need to jump each other every other page.

Anyway, in spite of the gratuitous sex, I really enjoyed the story. Quinn and Jazz made great characters and really did zing together when they weren't horizontal. They understood each other and respected each other medical knowledge and positions. Jazz was a bit of a hard-ass and needed to tone the attitude down a bit, but she had to be a tough cookie to accomplish what she did in her life and survive all that she had. I completely respected that. I mean, the woman became one of the CDC's top researchers and she entered college with a GED. That's impressive!

So yes, I enjoyed this book. Even loved the hot sex scenes, just wish there were a few less. Loved the main characters and their wacky relationship. My only complaints, the traitor wasn't killed painfully enough for my liking. Spoiled little byotch should have been torn limb from limb for what she did to her people/ My other complaint, the way Jazz was healed. I understand that Quinn is a dragon healer and has magic for that, however, I thought it was a bit too simplistic for such a complicated disease. But what do I know? Read the book and see of you agree with me and let me know.
Profile Image for MsRomanticReads.
742 reviews189 followers
December 24, 2014

The second book in this series had more plot going for it than the first book. This is Quinn's story, and it tells of his struggle to find a cure for the virus that is quickly driving his clan to extinction. Neither he nor Phoebe are any closer to a solution, so she decides it's time to bring in another expert and her close friend, who works for the CDC, Dr. Jasmine Kane. When Quinn's younger brother falls victim to the illness, he leaves the clan to escape his pain. His retreat takes him to a bar somewhere in Texas.

Jasmine is still recovering from a car bomb incident. On hiatus from work at the CDC, she jumps at the intriguing case presented to her by Phoebe and makes her way to New Mexico. A flat tire somewhere in Texas leads her to her first encounter with Dylan. He reacts intensely and immediately to her presence and what do you know … a long night of passion ensues. By the next morning he knows exactly what she means to and for him, but his fated mate has given him the slip, or so she thinks.

Jazz had sass and she was a smart-ass. I quite liked her for speaking her mind and cracking jokes that were actually quite amusing. I couldn't fault her for the way she felt about men given her family background, but at times she was a harsh shrew when it came to pushing Quinn away.

Quinn may be a dragon and a total alpha male in the vicinity of his mate, but his compassionate side as a healer and scientist was always the more predominant feature of his character (totally swoon-worthy). He was the perfect mix of hard a** but vulnerable, self-flagellating but courageous.

The funniest scene was when Jazz drove away in a bad temper and he decided to fly after her in dragon form, only to shed his invisibility cloak alongside her car which left her cussing like a sailor. That was such a funny visual. There were quite a few funny moments between those two stubborn lovebirds.

The suspense was aped up by the POV of the traitor amongst the Dragonstars. It wasn't difficult to hate the individual responsible for the tragedies. Talk about cold-hearted and delusional! We also finally find out more about the virus and the secret is revealed as to how it works.

When the inevitable happens, the confrontation between Quinn and Jazz left me not liking Jazz one bit. I didn't warm up to this heroine and her bristly nature. At least Phoebe kicked some hide.

The main battle scenes in this book and the last always seem to end too quickly for my taste. For all the talk about wanting revenge, the bad guys get off way too easily. I'm giving this 4 stars for darling Quinn and for the fleshing out of the plot, along with the horror and emotion evoked by the death of a young family. Oh, and for the hot dragon schmexing.

The next story is Logan's, and secretly I've been looking forward to hearing that warrior's story the most.
Profile Image for Book Binge.
838 reviews155 followers
July 29, 2011
There is a horrible virus that is spreading through the Dragonstar clan. Quinn has been working for years to try to find a cure but so far hasn’t had any luck. When his brother dies from the virus he can’t take it any more and heads off a flight that ends up taking him to Texas and a one night stand with an incredible woman.

The incredible woman is Jasmine Kane, a friend of Phoebe’s (from book 1) who works for the CDC but is currently on medical leave. She’s on her way to New Mexico to help the Dragonstar clan – at Phoebe and Dylan’s behest - when she gets a flat and heads to a bar to wait for the repair truck. When she meets Quinn she’s instantly attracted and they decide to take their attraction to the next level…and the motel next to the bar.

Quinn’s not happy, at all, when he wakes up and Jazz is gone but is shocked and thrilled when he finds her walking in to his lab. He wants to keep matters professional but finds that he just can’t do that – especially when he discovers that Jazz is his mate.

Jazz, Phoebe and Quinn work together to try and discover an antidote and/or immunization to the man-made virus that is wreaking havoc on the Dragonstar’s. While they do discover some interesting properties about the virus and know that they are on the right track they realize they can’t do anything until they find the one traitor in the clan who has been dosing the clan members in the first place.

I’ll start off by saying that I had very mixed feelings about this book. It was definitely much darker than book 1 which was ok to a point because the virus itself is getting worse so I understood that in order to show that the author had to have some events happen to prove it. Unfortunately those events (and I can’t tell you what they are without spoilers) just didn’t sit well with me. I think it was an issue with what I personally find acceptable in my romance novels so others might feel differently about the darker occurrences in the book.

While I liked Quinn quite a bit I really didn’t care for Jazz all that much. Don’t get me wrong – I admired who she’d become from where she had grown up and she was brilliant, but her stubbornness and independence really rubbed me the wrong way. I will say that she did think about her actions after the fact and find that maybe she overreacted but she wouldn’t think first and act later she would fly off the handle and then have to apologize. Once is fine but several times was getting annoying. I just wanted to shake her and say, “Think before you speak!”

There were also some incidences that weren’t dealt with, imho. After the traitor was discovered and unveiled very little was mentioned about it. It was almost like it was decided that they were glad they found the person but they weren’t going to talk about it. I also didn’t care for the way that Jazz was saved near the end of the book – it just seemed that while very emotional it was remedied too easily.

Besides Quinn I loved seeing Phoebe and Dylan again from book 1. Also, the other sentries, Logan, Ty, and Gabe and enjoyed seeing their continued loyalty to their king and the clan. Their easy camaraderie was fun to read about – treating each other like family and enjoying every minute of it.

It may not seemed that I liked the book all that much but I did – I just didn’t like it as much as I’d hoped.

Rating: 3.25 out of 5

This review was originally posted on Book Binge by Tracy.
Profile Image for MARQUETTA.
1,146 reviews142 followers
April 7, 2011
3.5 stars

Hidden Embers is the second novel in the Dragon's Heat series. This is the first book that I've read in the series but the plot was not difficult to follow.

Quinn Maguire has seen too much death strike his clan and his family. Grieving over the death of his brother, Quinn is looking for a way to forget. A brilliant doctor, he has not been able to fight the virus that is slowly taking out members of the Dragonstar clan. Quinn feels like a failure and needs to drown his sorrows. While trying to numb the pain in a bottle of Patron, Quinn feels his inner beast come to life when Jasmine Kane (Jazz) walks into the bar. Jazz takes a seat next to Quinn and the attraction is instantaneous and explosive.

Jazz is more than willing to have a one night stand with the sexy stranger. She has been recovering from a terrible accident and was more than willing to drive out to New Mexico when her friend Phoebe called, asking for help finding a cure for a unique virus. After a steamy, sexy night, Jazz leaves Quinn, shaken by how intense her reaction to him was. Both are shocked when Jazz arrives at the Dragonstar property and Quinn realizes that Jazz is the doctor he will be working with in trying to find a cure.

Hidden Embers is the first book I've read about dragon shape-shifters. Who knew that dragons can be sexy? Hidden Embers started off with lots of heat. The attraction between Quinn and Jazz exploded off the page. Let's just say, I'll never look at a bottle of Patron the same way again. Quinn and Jazz constantly bump heads when working on a cure for the virus. Jazz is an independent woman who is used to working on her own and alone. She doesn't appreciate the protectiveness that Quinn exhibits towards her. Jazz's "I am Woman, Hear Me Roar" attitude grated on my nerves a little. It would pop up at times where she was in true danger. She's in an unfamiliar town, surrounded by shape-shifting dragons who are being targeted for death. She needed to let go of the reins every once in a while.

What shocked me while reading Hidden Embers, was I didn't expect some parts to be sad. The virus that is attacking the Dragonstar clan is no joke and there's one part towards the end that had me tearing up. This is no light and airy PNR. There's a lot of smex and romance but the undertone of the overall plot is very dark. I enjoyed reading Hidden Embers and it was a great introduction to dragon shape-shifters. The story for the most part was flowed smoothly. The main characters had a lot of inner dialog that dragged the story in some parts. I would have liked is there was more saying what was going on, instead of thinking about what was going on.

All in all, I enjoyed reading Hidden Embers and look forward to the next book in the series, Forbidden Embers, which is Logan's story. I loved Logan in this book and can't wait to learn more about him. Hidden Embers can be read as a standalone. Enough background information is provided throughout the book where you won't feel lost.
777 reviews57 followers
April 5, 2011
Hidden Ember by Tessa Adams
Paranormal Romance -April 5th, 2011
4 stars

Hidden Embers is the second in Tessa Adams's dragon series about powerful dragon shifters who hide from humankind. Although part of a series, it can easily be read by itself.

The Dragonstar clan has always been a powerful group of dragon shifters but other clans have been jealous of their wealth and status. Now their clan is being attacked from within. As an insidious and mysterious disease is slowly killing them one by one. The pressure is on; if they don't find a cure their clan soon become extinct. Their King's fiancée recommends outside help, a human woman named Dr. Jasmine Kane.

Their resident healer, Quinn Maguire is frustrated and depressed with his inability to find a cure. The death of his brother is almost the last straw. He is also resentful and untrusting about bringing a human consultant no matter how intelligent. But Jasmine challenges Quinn and their attraction for each other brings complications as Jasmine is not a dragon shifter. In addition, danger lurks within their clan and if they don't discover its source in time it may all be over.

This is a compelling story as the Dragonstar clan frantically searches for a cure to save themselves from extinction. The intrigue as the rival Wyvernmoons clan jostles for power and plots the downfall of the Dragonstar clan is exciting to read. I enjoyed the heated romance between the hero and heroine more in this book than the prior because I felt I got to know really the main characters. Jasmine comes from a life of abuse and values her independence. Although she is attracted to Quinn she wants her autonomy, too. She is a bit afraid of her strong attraction to Quinn and while she enjoys being with him is unsure of their budding relationship. Quinn finds an unexpected haven in Jasmine. He has suffered so much death and he feels frustrated and insecure about his lack of progress in finding a cure. Although he fights having Jasmine around initially, he soon changes his mind! I really sympathized with Quinn and cheered when he found happiness. I really liked both of these characters and found this an enjoyable read that was even better than the first in the series.

A remarkable world filled with dragons, dangerous intrigue and steamy romance.

Reviewed by Steph from the Bookaholics Romance Book Club

Profile Image for TINNGG.
1,201 reviews20 followers
May 13, 2013
More of a 2.75 actually.

First off, I really did not relate to the h at all. And to be honest, I'm tired of the whole "I've had a horrible childhood" being used as an excuse to be a raging bitch (or asshat). There are a lot of people in this world with crappy childhoods and perfectly normal attitudes toward life.

As I said, I had issues with the h. She was more than willing to use the H for sex, but would turn on him and become a raging bitch at the very hint of his having feelings for her. He had no urge to beat on her (unlike her father) yet she gave him many reasons to. *I* wanted to beat on her. Actually, I wanted to bitch-slap her into next week. The H had watched his brother die to a nasty virus less than 36 hours before they met. And even though he, in a low moment, told her as much, she was still a bitch.

Beyond that, I kept wondering WHY the culprit was even in the elite group meeting since she wasn't a sentinel or whatever they were. And apparently being in this group wasn't good enough for her; she wanted to be queen, so she was giving people custom versions of the virus to kill them off. And then there was the question of, if they knew it was manmade and suspected it was being injected, why didn't they start looking to see what the victims had in common? Yeah; a big d'oh.

Finally, there were continuity errors, such as... the h has a flat tire, gets out the jack, starts pumping it up, decides she's in too much pain, calls AAA, gets in her car to wait. Later, some douchebags approach, try to convince her to get out of the car for nefarious reasons, so she tries to run them over with her car. Yet later, in a parking lot (in the process of leaving the H because she's "scared of getting involved"), she's able to change her tire. With what? She apparently ran over her jack (which should have done major damage to the undercarriage of her car). In another scene, the H removes his clothes, yet a couple of pages later she unzips him. Not a different scene mind you.

Eh, while I'll read the next in the series, no way am I paying $14 for it. Maybe if I find it on the bargain table...
Profile Image for Lauren.
2,436 reviews159 followers
April 12, 2012
Hidden Embers
4 Stars

As the Dragonstar clan continues its struggle against the horrific virus decimating its members, their healer Quinn battles feelings of helplessness and despair. Luckily the solution is close at hand in the form of Jazz Kane, a hematologist who also happens to be Quinn's mate. The only problem is that she is human. Can Quinn accept both her humanity and her expertise?

Note: Although this book continues from where book #1 leaves off in terms of the deadly virus, the necessary information is provided and it is possible to read Hidden Embers as a standalone.

The characters and plot are better developed than in the first book and there is more of a balance between the steamy scenes and the story.

Quinn is vibrant, gorgeous and sexy although his vulnerability and feelings of guilt and responsibility are taken a step too far - it is difficult to completely identify with a hero on the verge of suicide who is incapable of accepting that he cannot control fate.

In contrast, Jasmine's smart, take charge personality makes her a very likeable heroine. While she has difficulty opening herself up emotionally, she ultimately accepts Quinn and lets down her barriers.

Quinn and Jazz's romance is sexy and intense but has the additional emotional component that is missing from book #1. The one night stand plot device is entertaining as is seeing the characters cope with each other later in the story. There is also a good resolution to the dragon/human aspect of their relationship.

The virus/traitor plot gets progressively darker but is well written, especially the chapters presented from the traitor's POV. They really illustrate just how vicious and diabolical the character is and made me want to strangle the person really slowly. My only issue is that the revelation of the villain's identity is anti-climactic and they do not suffer nearly enough for their actions.

Overall, a good addition to the series and I look forward to reading Logan's book next.
Profile Image for Steph.
2,080 reviews301 followers
April 14, 2015
At the beginning of Hidden Embers, Quinn, the clan's healer, is hangin' by a thread. "Four hundred and seventy-one years. He closed his eyes, leaned his head against the cool glass. And wondered how he was supposed to survive another four hundred years. How was he supposed to survive another day ..." Readers will fall in love with Quinn in this installment of Tessa's Dragon's Heat series, if they didn't already in Dark Embers.

The Dragonstar clan is facing a horrendous disease that continues to kill. There is a 100% fatality rate and Quinn can't determine the cause, find a cure or stop his friends from dying. That and "His lover is dead, and while he hadn't mated with Cecily, he had cared deeply for her." He's lost a lot and he is reaching the end of his rope. What's a dragon to do? Head to a bar where you can be anonymous and grab a drink. Sounds silly, but hey, it's better than the alternative.

While at the bar, he meets Jazz. Though it's not something they normally do, they hook up for a hot one-nighter. Only ... surprise! Jasmine Kane is the hemotologist called in by Dylan's mate, Phoebe to help crack this mysterious disease plaguing the clan.

The two go through a lot of 'Gee, I just love swimming in this river, what's it called again? Oh yeah, Denial!' And, while I didn't love this pairing initially, they grew on me.

This series is a favorite of mine because Tessa (1) makes me truly feel the pain of the Dragonstar clan's losses and (2) creates some great dragon magic. ;)
Profile Image for Rachell Nichole.
Author 33 books127 followers
November 6, 2012
This is the first time I've read Tessa Adams, and I'm ready to go right out and buy the whole batch.

Her writing is spot-on, funny, and exciting. I even had to look up two words - that never happens to me because I'm a word whore. I didn't know that there were still words in the English language that had completely escaped my notice.

At any rate, Jazz and Quinn had amazing chemistry - both in and out of the bedroom. He was the ultimate tortured alpha male. Domineering, in control of himself always (except of course where Jazz was concerned), and and sexy as hell. Smart, too. Jazz was just as alpha, just as tortured with her past, and unwilling to bend to Quinn's personality.

It made for an exciting battle of wills and wits between these two scientists. Not to mention, Quinn and all his friends are also dragons of the Dragonstar clan, which added an extra element of awesome.

There were maybe a couple of lines throughout that were repetitive, but I really only see that when I'm in the middle of my own edits. And even those couple of phrases weren't enough to make me mark this with four stars.

This was book two in the series, but I hadn't read book one and it stood on its own just fine. I'll be buying both book one and book three in the near future and look forward to following this series as it continues.
Profile Image for Hilary.
47 reviews8 followers
August 18, 2012
I gave the first book 4 stars. It was a well written book with enjoyable characters and an interesting plot that was easy to make yourself a part of. I excitedly dove right into this, the second book of the series, with abandon and the thought that it would be as good as the first. I. WAS. WRONG! This book was BETTER!

The story line continued from the first book, but it did it in such a way that the reader did not feel as though they were wading through the same water as before. It never leaves you wishing that they would "just get on with it already!" As I read HIDDEN EMBERS, I was very aware of the odd looks I was getting from those around me as I was; laughing out loud, cursing, sighing, and frequently throwing out a few choice words at one character or another, but I was so into the story that I couldn't find it in myself to care if others thought I was insane or not!

There are so few authors that can keep a continuous story going so that it doesn't get mundane or repetitive. There are even fewer authors that can write a series that doesn't lose some if it's spark or change styles between books. Tessa Adams can! Her writing style is consistent, as are the character's behavior, and the amount of steamy mixed with plot. Can't wait to read the next one!
Profile Image for Liza Lara.
7 reviews1 follower
December 15, 2012

Deep in the New Mexico desert is a secret race on the brink of extinction: The pure-blooded shape-shifters of the Dragonstar clan. and they have one last desperate hope for survival . . .Quinn Maguire, healer of the Dragonstars, has been unable to cure the insidious disease killing off his people one by one. Yet even in such dire circumstances, Quinn can't bring himself to approve when the head of the clan enlists Dr. Jasmine Kane for help. She is female. She is an outsider. She is human.Decked out in black leather and a tough attitude, Jasmine clashes with conservative Quinn in more ways than one. But when he realizes she's his destined mate, Quinn doesn't know whether to rejoice or to rebel. While Jasmine makes him burn hotter than any woman ever has-dragon or human-their differences make a relationship impossible.But when a rival clan infiltrates the Dragonstars, Jasmine becomes the first human infected with the disease. Now Quinn must do everything in his power to find a cure . . . before he loses the only woman he's ever loved.PRAISE FOR DARK EMBERS'DARKLY SEDUCTIVE.' National Bestselling Author Shiloh Walker'BLISTERING-HOT.' New York Times Bestselling Author Anya Bast

Profile Image for Cindy.
391 reviews
July 15, 2013
The Dragonstar clan of dragon shape shifters is still having unexplained deaths within their group. A horrific, unstoppable, painful disease that once started, runs it's course to the end: death. Healer Dr. Quinn Maguire is ravaged by watching his younger brother succumb to this terrible illness, with nothing he could do for him. The King of the clan is mated to a young woman who happens to know a great gal to bring in to assist with discovering what or who could be causing the deaths and why certain people/dragons are chosen. Beautiful, top of the line CDC employee Dr. Jasmine Kane(Jazz to her friends) drops everything, well sorta, she has been on medical leave because someone in a foreign country tried to blow her up, and races to assist her friend Phoebe with a problem that she says only Jazz can help with. What Jazz doesn't expect is to have a one night stand with a gloriously handsome, tortured soul named Quinn. Once Jazz arrives in New Mexico at the clinic she is going to work through she meets the Dr. in charge: Quinn Maguire! Sparks fly between these two, except when they're working to save another dying dragon. Can Jazz find the missing link, or will she become one of the statistics of the Dragonstar clan?
Profile Image for Michelle.
1,930 reviews
January 12, 2015
I accidentally jumped in to the Dragon’s Heat series by Tessa Adam with book number 2, Hidden Embers, and except for a little bit of world building I felt it read very well as a standalone. For over 400 years Quinn has been serving as the healer for the Dragonstar clan but with an unidentified virus tearing through the clan it’s all hands on deck to find a cure. This is where Dr. Jasmine Kane, Jazz, comes in. She’s been working with the CDC to identify and heal some of the worst diseases around the world but after a car bomb sidelines her from her lab she’s drafted to help the Dragonstar clan. Except she’s human being thrown in with the dragons. Quinn couldn’t be less excited for help from a human but when his dragon identifies her as his mate he knows he’ll do another to protect her. And when she becomes the target nothing will stand in his way to save her. Really sexy, fun read. Dragons are not as popular in paranormal romances so I always love finding a new series because I think they’re tons of fun. Good read!
Profile Image for PepperP0t .
4,736 reviews82 followers
August 30, 2015
Actually 3.75 starsThe virus has claimed another victim. Phoebe still hasn't found an answer and Quinn is overcome with grief. The Wyvermoon's are becoming bolder and may have infiltrated the Dragonstar clan with decimation as their end goal.

Phoebe suggests the clan take her friend, renown researcher, Dr. Jasmine Kane in their confidence to help find the answers they need. Taking a fly to help deal with his grief, Quinn has a chance meeting with Jazz and finds himself committed to her in a way he thought w impossible. As Phoebe, Jazz and Quinn work side by side to find answers and a cure. Dylan shocks his advisors with unbelievable news.

While I enjoyed the story, several crossroads were a bit coincidental and neat for my taste. I also found Jazz a bit abrasive. They had chemistry and the relationship was contentious when it could be observed and steamy when it was the two of them. At times that felt as gratuitous as the research pieces felt clinical. This readers final thought is this is a very good follow up but I wanted a better, less predictable story for Quinn.
Profile Image for Darcy.
13.5k reviews514 followers
October 14, 2011
There is nothing like having a one night stand come back to bite you in the butt, and that is what happens to Jazz and Quinn. For Quinn it looks to be a bigger thing that normal as he somehow mated to the woman he was with the night before. For Jazz, well she was just plain scared and snuck out, running away. So you can imagine their surprise when they run into each other at the super secret dragon lab. To say that these 2 had major chemistry would be redundant. It did make for great reading seeing Quinn yearning for something he didn't realize he wanted and seeing Jazz fight her feelings.

In the midst of all the romance drama was the much bigger medical issues decimating the clan. Jazz manages to discover some unique aspects to the disease, while Dylan and the sentries figure out how the enemies are getting to them. Both of these discoveries are good and bad.

With these new discoveries I can't wait for the next book to see the other dragon clan go down!
Profile Image for Sandra.
1,336 reviews85 followers
October 29, 2011
Second in the Dragon's Heat series. Quinn, the Dragonstar Healer is going crazy cause he can't figure out how the mutating virus is killing his clanmates.

Phoebe's friend, Dr Jasmine Kane, is brought in to help figure it out. But before she gets to clan lands she has a mighty interesting one night stand with, you guessed it, Quinn. When Quinn wakes the morning after it is to find out that he has mated with Jazz, who has skipped out without leaving any forwarding information.

Jazz's investigations lead to a 'how' the virus is transmitted and also that the Dragonstars have a traitor in their midst.

Top dragon battles and demise of the spy followed by dragon hawtness.

Looking forward to #3 Forbidden Embers
152 reviews2 followers
July 21, 2011
Ok - so it's official. Tessa Adams made the group with my third set of favs (I have the upper eschelon with Ward, Kenyon, Frost, Cole, etc, then the second group who I like almost as much with Briggs, Ione, Singh, Allyson James, etc then this last group of well-liked but not quite anxiously awaiting the book just yet). I am most certainly looking forward to book three and I like the overacrching plot line that times the characters and the happenings in each book together. I also really like the fact that the characters from the earlier books keep showing up in the current books. Bugs me no end when the characters just "vanish" from the story after they get their HEA - like life is perfect and no bigger plot line runs through their lives any more. I'm really enjoying this series and the sex is steamy too (which always helps) - but it is tastefully done as well.
Profile Image for Vashti.
1,194 reviews29 followers
October 9, 2011
Loved this book even better than the 1st one.The race to find a cause and cure for the deadly virus that is killing the Dragonstar clan heats up .Jazz is a Hematologist and Quinn is the Dragonstar's healer/doctor.These two meet for a one night stand and it is instant lust.To say that their loves scenes is HOT is saying it mildly.When morning comes,Jazz leaves Quinn sleeping and heads off to help her friend,Pheobe,the h from the prior book find the cause/cure for this mysterious disease that is killing the "people"of this clan.When the H/h meet again,the action starts and keeps on getting even better.There were moments of heartbreak,saddness,betrayl,love, and redemption in this book that I the reader loved.Looking foreword to reading the next installement of this wonderful series.Loving the dragon theme and the world that MS.Adams has built.
Profile Image for Michelle.
513 reviews2 followers
July 20, 2013
I actually like this series. It's different from my normal reads. A lot hotter, but still having a storyline. I appreciate that.

I'll be honest, I don't know if I liked Jasmine at first. Something about her grated at me. Eventually she redeemed herself, but I must admit- it didn't happen until almost the end.

Quinn's one of those good guys. He was a good guy in the first book and he remained one throughout this.

My only quibble with the story was with how I expected more intrigue and a lot more backstabbing and then bam it was over. I could have let it be drawn out just a little bit longer. I just felt the climax of the actual plot was wrapped up way too quickly and nicely.

Displaying 1 - 30 of 71 reviews

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