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Daun Yang Jatuh Tak Pernah Membenci Angin

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Dia bagai malaikat bagi keluarga kami. Merengkuh aku, adikku, dan Ibu dari kehidupan jalanan yang miskin dan nestapa. Memberikan makan, tempat berteduh, sekolah, dan janji masa depan yang lebih baik.
Dia sungguh bagai malaikat bagi keluarga kami. Memberikan kasih sayang, perhatian, dan teladan tanpa mengharap budi sekali pun. Dan lihatlah, aku membalas itu semua dengan membiarkan mekar perasaan ini.
Ibu benar, tak layak aku mencintai malaikat keluarga kami. Tak pantas. Maafkan aku, Ibu. Perasaan kagum, terpesona, atau entahlah itu muncul tak tertahankan bahkan sejak rambutku masih dikepang dua.
Sekarang, ketika aku tahu dia boleh jadi tidak pernah menganggapku lebih dari seorang adik yang tidak tahu diri, biarlah... Biarlah aku luruh ke bumi seperti sehelai daun... daun yang tidak pernah membenci angin meski harus terenggutkan dari tangkai pohonnya.

264 pages, Paperback

First published June 1, 2010

About the author

Tere Liye

67 books12.7k followers
Author from Indonesia.

"Jangan mau jadi kritikus buku, tapi TIDAK pernah menulis buku."

"1000 komentar yang kita buat di dunia maya, tidak akan membuat kita naik pangkat menjadi penulis buku. Mulailah menulis buku, jangan habiskan waktu jadi komentator, mulailah jadi pelaku."

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Profile Image for Destini.
25 reviews14 followers
August 6, 2011
Pernahkah kamu merasakan jatuh cinta dengan orang yang lebih tua dari usiamu? pernahkah kamu jatuh cinta dengan orang yang menganggap dirimu hanyalah adik kecilnya yang manis? Yap, perasaan ini muncul pada diri seorang gadis cantik bernama Tania. sudah lama perasaan ini muncul, begitu membuncah dari lubuk hatinya yang terdalam. Mencintai Danar, laki-laki yang telah mengeluarkan ia dan adiknya dari dunia anak jalanan. Usia mereka terpaut jauh. Tania kecil mulai memendam perasaan cinta sejak rambutnya masih berkepang dua. Danar, seorang laki-laki yang sangat menyayangi anak kecil, itulah sebabnya ia dengan penuh kasih sayang membesarkan Tania dan adiknya, Dede, padahal tak ada hubungan darah diantara keduanya. pertemuan mereka pun trjadi secara tak sengaja, di jalanan pula. Tania tumbuh menjadi gadis yang pintar dan cantik. otaknya yang cerdas membuatnya menerima beasiswa untuk sekolah di Singapura. Namun, berlangsungnya waktu tak bisa membuat perasaannya terhadap Danar berubah. tetap seperti dulu saat pertama kali ia melihat Danar berkunjung ke rumah karsudnya, membawa sepatu dan menawarinya unruk kembali bersekolah. Tania sebetulnya tahu Danar akan menikah dengan kak Ratna, yang menurut Dede lebih cocok dipanggil tante Ratna. Apakah setelah pernikahan Danar dengan kak Ratna, perasaan Tania akan berubah? ternyata sebuah rahasia besar dibalik sikapDanar selama ini....

wuiiiih aku suka banget sama buku ini. Pokoknya yang belum baca ayo buruan baca :D recomended banget :DD
Profile Image for Mira Roderica.
54 reviews
March 24, 2013
Awalnya sedikit ga yakin sama buku ini. Judulnya sih memang menjanjikan, tapi entahlah... Di balik judul yang menarik, tak sedikit cerita yang mengecewakan. Saya pun meskipun sudah lama tertarik dengan judulnya, baru membeli buku ini beberapa hari lalu. Itu pun karena menemukannya dalam harga diskon :p

Setelah tak tersibukkan banyak kegiatan, saya pun menyempatkan diri untuk kembali membaca. Buku ini jadi pilihan karena terlihat tipis dan bergaya cerita ringan. Rekomendasi teman yang sudah membacanya terlebih dahulu pun bagus. Maka saya pun membacanya.

Baru awal-awal membacanya saja, perasaan saya sudah teracak-acak dibuatnya. Membuat saya mulai membayangkan hal buruk yang bisa saya alami, meski belum saya alami. Membuat saya membayangkan bagaimana rasanya jatuh cinta pada orang yang tak dapat saya gapai. Membuat saya berpikir apa rasanya saling jatuh cinta namun dipisahkan jurang tak berdasar. Dengan ritme yang cukup cepat, buku ini pun dapat saya habiskan dalam waktu yang relatif cepat. Kekurangan buku ini hanyalah, banyaknya hal yang sulit dimengerti dan tetap tidak terjawab. Tapi yaaahhh... Di dunia nyata toh memang banyak hal yang seperti itu. Ganjil. Tak dapat dijelaskan, dan akhirnya tidak pernah diketahui sebabnya. Itulah hal yang saya suka dari buku ini: realistis. Tidak penuh mimpi-mimpi sebagaimana kebanyakan novel anak muda sekarang. Menampar diri dengan kenyataan bahwa hidup tak selamanya indah dan kisah cinta tak selalu berakhir happily-ever-after. Nice! :D
Profile Image for An-Nisa Nur'aini.
152 reviews38 followers
May 30, 2012
Malam ini hujan turun lagi. Seperti malam-malam yang lalu. Menyenangkan. Membuat suasana di luar terlihat damai menenteramkan. Tidak deras benar. Hanya gerimis. Itu pun jarang-jarang, tetapi cukup untuk membuat indah kerlip lampu.

Daun yang jatuh tak pernah membenci angin. Another amazing book by Tere-Liye.


A good beginning, about the rain. Made me interested in this novel (well as I always have much interest in Tere-Liye’s books). It officially became one of my personal library’s collection.

I’m fascinated by the title. Don’t be too quick to read, my friends. Try to repeat once again, slowly. After read the title, what do you think? :) On the last page was written that the book’s title is taken from an anonymous sentence: The falling leaf does not hate the wind, which was popularized in the Japanese film Zatoichi. Somehow, for me the title is very unique and memorable, and of course, so meaningful (ah, those melancholy must know what I mean).

I’ve read this book twice or three times I guess, by my own book and one which I borrowed from Anin. I was in the peak of my boring situation so I decided to re-read the book because mine was I put in Jogja.

Overall, if I may I say this novel: beautiful. It has perfect plots (o please, you know when I bold some word or sentence, it means that it’s a serious thing. If I ever say that this book has such perfect plots, then it really is. You may prove what I say or write here by read the book and right after you finish straight away tell me what you think then), mysterious, and unpredictable ending. The story is about…err, it won’t be that great if I tell you what the book is explained about, better read it for yourself. Sad end! But that’s interesting, that’s about the perfect plots I told you before. Tere-Liye, as always, expertly brings his readers the feeling that sometimes receding flow and sometimes volatile. Suitable for a choleris like me, to hone the sensitivity.

The next review is I reflected this novel’s story with the life story of me. Like, everything fits.

Because the novel is likely the ‘answer’ of God over all the questions I asked.

Actually from the beginning also I already know the answer but I don’t want to admit that it is the correct answer. Too real. And too bitter.

But then I read this novel and really fit in one paragraph… there is a sentence that was really stabbing me. That answer, from what I thought for a long time, from what my life has been ‘done’ to me. What I‘ve actually realized from the first, but since I do not want to believe, the answer was so still apparent. But now the answers are written in this novel. Opaque black on top … (haha because newsprint type paper anyway). And guess what? I mark the sentence with a highlighter.

Bahwa hidup harus menerima…penerimaan yang indah. Bahwa hidup harus mengerti…pengertian yang benar. Bahwa hidup harus memahami…pemahaman yang tulus. Tak peduli lewat apa penerimaan, pengertian dan pemahaman itu datang. Tak masalah meski lewat kejadian yang sedih dan menyakitkan.


“Say… do you love me?” I whispered softly. Stand up. Dim-eyed. Our distance is only a step. “Say it… although it wouldn’t mean anything anymore.” Silent. He whispered something. The night wind flew a rustle of leaf, from our linden tree. Fell on top of my hair. I decided to go.
1 review1 follower
June 18, 2020
Daun yang jatuh tak pernah membenci angin is a novel written by tere liye. It has 264 pages. The first edition is published on June 2010 by PT Gramedia Pustaka Utama. Here I will give the review for the fourth edition which is published on May 2011.
I have read it more than three times but I never get bored. When seeing to the title, I got curious about what the author will tell to the reader through this book. The book is about social life and romance. It is a sad romance story where they love each other but cannot express it. The novel begins with the story of Tania and her brother called Dede who are begging in the bus. They do not wear slipper. Unfortunately, Tania steps a nail and cause her foot bleeding. Then, a man helps her by bandaging her injured foot using his handkerchief. That was their first meeting. The next day, the man gives them a pair of shoes. The day after, the man visits their hut where Tania lives with his brother and mother. The man finds that Tania is a very smart girl. He asks the mother to pay all the education tuition for Tania and Dede. Tania is really smart girl. She got the scholarship to study abroad until her college level. Since then, Tania has special feeling with the man who saves her life, but she never tries to acknowledge it. She thinks it is impossible to love a man older than her, moreover he is her savior.
The writer delivers the emotion successfully. Through the character of Tania, the reader can feel how hard the life is. She has to quit the school for working in her early age. However, when she backs to school, she does not neglect the opportunity. She becomes a very smart student. It seems like in a real life because there are so many children who beg in Indonesia especially in the big city. There are also many of students from middle to low economic class family that is smart. She also has to keep her feeling to the man that she is loved for years, but at the end, she knows the truth which I think it most hurtful for her. Trough Danar, readers are asked to be kind and being a gentleman. The author shows that there are kind people who help others in this hard life. I also find that he is a coward because he cannot express his love well and at the end he hurts two women in his life. To make the story more enjoyable, the character of Dede amuses the readers through his funny act. The character mother has characterizations wise and kind.
The author also made an epic story where the conflict goes smoothly. This novel is enjoyable and easy to be read since it is not too thick and the diction that is used is common used in our daily life. The title may attract the readers to read it just like me, but it can also make some people being lazy to read because it uses metaphor where people should interpret it. The fourth edition book is written in yellow paper. I think it is good choice because when we read it we will not be dazzled. The old cover is not attractive enough, but the newest version has been upgraded more beautiful.
I recommend you to read this novel. There are so many moral values that can be taken through the story. It is also good literature for you who love romance. Happy reading!
Profile Image for Hairi.
Author 3 books19 followers
February 9, 2017
[Berhenti sejenak menatap sekitar. Itu selalu memberikan kita : INSPIRASI!]

Pernahkah merasa berjodoh dengan sebuah buku? Saat begitu ingin memilikinya dan ketika berada di toko buku menemukan buku itu tanpa keraguan sedikitpun langsung mengambil buku itu dan membawanya ke kasir. Setidaknya itulah yang sy rasakan pada buku ini, merasa sangat ingin memilikinya, padahal judul2 sebelumnya dengan penulis yang sama gagal merebut perhatian sy. Karena itulah ketika suatu siang menjelang sore sy menerima sebuah telepon dan suara di seberang mengatakan : “Ti, aku lagi ada di Gramed nih. Mau buku apa?” Seketika ada taman bunga yang bersemi di hati saya. siapa sih yang ga berbunga2 ditawarin buku? Hehe.. Maka buku pertama yang sy sebut adalah buku ini : “Daun yang jatuh tak pernah membenci angin” karya terbaru dari Tere Liye. Thanks ya ka buat 2 bukunya. Benar2 nyesal Cuma nyebutin 2 buku. Hihihi…

Resensi Tentang Kamu : http://www.hairiyanti.com/2016/12/men...

"Membujuk hati berdamai dengan harapan.."

Tak perlu waktu lama buat menyelesaikan buku ini. Sy hanyut dalam ceritanya. Atau bisa dibilang terjerumus. Cara Tere Liye mengupas sebuah cerita sungguh menarik. Sy bahkan sempat berpikir, kok bisa ya penulis cowok sebegitu mengerti tentang sebuah rasa yang sy rasa hanya bisa dirasakan oleh wanita yang memang lebih perasa ketimbang cowok. Yah, novel ini tokoh utamanya adalah seorang wanita bernama Tania.

"Yakinlah, mengenang semua perasaan itu tidak sesulit yang dibayangkan"

Seorang wanita yang bersama adik dan ibunya pernah menjalani masa-masa sulit sepeninggal ayah mereka. Masa-masa harus meninggalkan sekolah, tinggal di rumah kardus, mengamen dan makan tak teratur. Sampai ada satu malaikat yang muncul di tengah kehidupan mereka. Seorang malaikat yang Tania bersumpah akan menuruti semua kata-katanya, keinginannya dan sumpahnya pada ibunya, Tania hanya akan menangis karena seseorang itu.

"Kebaikan itu memang tak selalu harus berbentuk sesuatu yang terlihat. Tak selalu dalam bentuk uang dan materi."

Karena itulah saat sang ibu tiada, Tania menahan jutaan sesak di dadanya dan menahan agar air matanya tak tumpah. Semakin keras Tania berusaha, semakin sy larut dalam haru dan terisak sendiri.

"Tuhan, semua takdirMu baik.. semua kehendakMu adalah yang terbaik.."

Hari terus berlalu dan tumbuhlah Tania dengan kecemerlangannya. Menjadi gadis yang cerdas dan cantik. Tapi di hatinya telah tumbuh sebuah perasaan yang tak bisa dia kendalikan. Sebuah rasa untuk seseorang yang telah menjadi malaikat penolong keluarganya. Tapi, Tania tak pernah bisa mengungkapkannya dalam kata-kata tentang perasaannya. Walau dalam tingkahnya rasa itu sangat jelas tergambar.

"Dalam urusan perasaan, di mana-mana orang jauh lebih pandai “menulis” dan “bercerita” dibandingkan saat praktik sendiri di lapangan."

"Orang yang memendam perasaan sering kali terjebak oleh hatinya sendiri. Sibuk merangkai semua kejadian di sekitarnya untuk membenarkan hatinya berharap. Sibuk menghubungkan banyak hal agar hatinya senang menimbun mimpi. Sehingga suatu ketika dia tidak tahu lagi mana simpul yang nyata dan mana simpul yang dusta."

Dan seseorang itu selalu menghindar ketika Tania mencoba meraba perasaannya. Sy sampai menyimpulkan seperti ini : ketika seorang pria selalu menghindar untuk membicarakan perasaannya maka waspadalah.. dia tak punya perasaan apa2 terhadap kita. Benar begitukah? Entah.

"Pria selalu punya ruang tersembunyi di hatinya. Tak ada yang tahu, bahkan percayakah kau, ruang sekecil itu jauh lebih absurd daripada seorang wanita terabsurd sekalipun."

Puncaknya adalah ketika pria itu memutuskan menikah dan Tania kembali terjatuh dalam masa-masa sulit kehidupannya yang kali ini bukan karena kehidupan ekonomi mereka tapi karena PERASAAN.

"Otakku sedang benci, maka aku selalu berpikiran negatif sepanjang hari.."

"Kesibukan-kesibukan itu akan membuatku lelah berpikir. Dan jika aku sudah lelah berpikir, pelan-pelan semuanya akan berlalu. Kalau aku sedikit beruntung, mungkin bisa melupakannya."

Terakhir, benar kata Ibu lewat komen beliau di MP. Sy suka endingnya bu.. duuuh.. ibu sama anak kompakan terus. Hehe.. intinya.. Jangan pernah menyerah. Hidup akan terus berjalan. Dan tidak semua perasaan harus diperjuangkan. (kesimpulan sendiri)

"Menikah tidak selalu harus dengan seseorang yang kita cintai. Menikah adalah pilihan rasional. Ketika sudah menjalaninya, masalah terbesarnya bukan cinta atau tidak cinta lagi. Masalahnya adalah KOMITMEN."

*yang dalam tanda kutip diambil dari novel ini* ^^
Profile Image for D.A.P..
8 reviews16 followers
May 25, 2017
This is my first time reading up Tere Liye's work. I fell in love with the book by the synopsis. I found out that the book's exactly my cup of tea.
Usually, I don't read book from Indonesian author. It's not because I look down on them but there're so many author from Indonesia and some of them wrote the same type of story. The majority were about high school girl that fell in love with basketball club captain who is kind of bad boy but handsome, smart, and popular. The story will start with them bickering and then suddenly fell in love. I don't really like that kind of story. I prefer adult genre from Indonesian author. I sick about the young adult genre. But this book is different.
The story brought out dark concept about homeless family that living on the street. The girl with her brother got money by singing in public transportation. One night, they found a young man on his way home. Their life never be the same after that.
The young man help them to get back at school, help their mother to open her bakery shop. He gave them future. The little girl, found herself fell in love with the man who over ten years older than her.
Because the norm and how wrong it sounds, she never told him her feeling, and she started that unrequited love.
What I love about this book is that the book didn't bother to force happy and perfect ending (like mostly young adult Indonesian authors did). The book told a realistic story, about the pain from love, about a little girl tries to find herself. I like how the man characterized as calm, tender, attentive, and smart, just like a fatherly figure that created another dilemma for the girl.
I even love the realistic ending.
The author use such a beautiful word to illustrated his story, that's the best thing about this book.
Profile Image for Nur Khamdah.
50 reviews
August 22, 2015
Told me to again learn that love doesn't mean have to be with someone I love. Some parts really portray my experience, that I have to cut down the feeling once it started to grow. So painful. N I ended up crying once I finished this book saying 'love doesn't mean have to b with someone I love'
Profile Image for Yoella.
8 reviews2 followers
February 12, 2015
i have read this book when i was in senior high and it was one of my favourite book from my school library. i love how tania narrate the story of her life.

when i finished the book for the first time, i just don't understand that kind of ending. i know that tania would hold her feeling and if danar even have that feeling he would never tell her. but at that time i'm just so confused because the event under linden tree and everything dede told her change nothing. but i still like the story and everything.

but few years later after i read it again and then i realise that the ending is just perfect the way it is. what tania choose is the most mature form of her and i saw her developing as a character and that is what i love the most in this book.

this book may tell how a girl fall in love with a man. but for me, this book is about how a girl with all the misery turn her into a strong lady and even a strong woman has a flaw.
This entire review has been hidden because of spoilers.
Profile Image for Danang Priabada.
10 reviews1 follower
October 21, 2019
Please read the book first, before you read a review here. Cuz each person has a different perspective, so I suggest you, read first then you can compare you're thought with the other one.
Profile Image for aru.
954 reviews35 followers
September 8, 2020
I don't consider this a review; more like a venting thread. Or an essay.



Truly, I must have been a complete idiot the first time I read this book. A double idiot for respecting the author. A triple idiot for commenting that this book understood me. Bottom line: I was an idiot when I was seventeen. I am still an idiot now, but I'd like to think that I'm now smarter. Or, at least, I'm now someone who knows better.

The first time I read this book was probably back in 2011. Or 2010. I don't remember. Anyway it was the first year this book came out. I hadn't known what it would be about, I hadn't had the slightest clue, before I read it and back then, buried deep under all my bravado and anger and bitterness, I was actually a romantic. I wanted romance in my life. And I'd had it at the time with someone I'd thought I might have actually deserved.

I'd thought this book was a romance. I'd thought this book was a love story. But I was too young, I suppose, to realize that thinking this book as a romance would be the same as thinking that Lolita by Vladimir Nabokov as a romance. And now that I'm much older I realize how nauseating the notion is. Maybe I want someone to blame for my naivety, because nobody else had explained to me how wrong this kind of love was, how wrong to think that this kind of story was a love story or romance at all. I was stupid and rebellious and angry. I was too stubborn to listdn to anyone. And I suppose, I just wanted to be loved.

Any love was acceptable, apparently. I wanted to be an adult and maybe this was why I could relate to Tania so much. It was all in this desperate wish to be older, faster. Because when you were younger you felt this hopelessness that never quite ended.

And me, at the time, I just wanted it all to end.



This book was in my favorite shelf back in 2011. I gave it five-star rating. I'd loved it. I went on and on about it, recommended it to some of my friends. It was pure idiocy; it was all it was. I wanted to be noticed and this book had noticed me.

It is hard, now that I'm in my late-twenties, to describe this book as anything other than a study in obsession. A pedophilic obsession of a young man toward a little girl, to be exact. And this is where Lolita differs from this book. Lolita tells the story unapologetically from the point of view of the pedophile, which makes you feel just helplessly in love and disgusted in equal measure.

This book though, oh, this book tells the story from the point of view of the little girl--which had completely fucked me up.

There was a sense of innocence inside it. After all, it is a coming-of-age story of Tania as she grows from a ten-year-old into a young woman in her early twenties. Now, thinking of myself when I was seventeen, I know I really shouldn't blame myself. I didn't know much about this topic, beside being stalked and having been an object of romantic (or sexual?) affection for men twice my age since I'd turned twelve.

I knew about pedophiles, of course, but the definition could be stretched and molded into something that I wanted, and back when I was seventeen, I wanted a lot. Being at the center of attention for adult men both disgusted me extremely and flattered me, and for a long time I'd struggled with this contradicting emotions, not understanding it at all.

Tania of this book seems more self-assured; she knows what she wants and she pursues it persistently. She is jealous and insecure. She's obnoxious and ambitious and manipulative. She's smart, but she's also viciously cunning. And more importantly she's so head-over-heels attached to this older man, her whole world crumbles without his attention.

Now, back when I was seventeen, I'd thought this was romantic and heartbreaking. I'd thought I wished I could be just like Tania. But I haven't been a teenage for a long time now and I could recognize the signs of grooming done by a pedophile or a child predator now that I've left my rose-tinted glasses on the bedside table. Now, all I feel is disgust.



Perhaps it helps that I have read many books related to this topic in the years that came between seventeen-year-old me and this current me. I have read them, I have agonized them, I have recognized it in me, I have gone through denial upon denial about it, until I finally reached this point of acceptance.

It is never easy to accept a wretched part of your life, especially when it happened when you'd been younger and stupider, with no adults around to explain the ropes for you. I felt ashamed for a long time. I hated myself a lot. I felt that I'd had years of my life being taken advantage of by someone who was supposed to be older and wiser.

This book, I'm sorry to say, just made it all worse. And really, what was the point of the existence of this book at all? I wrote an email once to this author telling him I loved this book and how it reminded me of myself. He didn't reply, but he did call out my idiocy and his sheer disgust of me in public--or on his social media, to be exact--without mentioning my name. His disgust of me made me feel disgusted of myself. But, really, why should I even be in the first place? Wasn't I, in fact, a victim in this? Why then that I am being blamed for my lack of wisdom at the time?

That email was my first ever email to an author, and the last.



I'd blamed myself a lot in the aftermath of this book, and consequently, in the aftermath of my being stupid at that point of my life. For the longest time I'd lost respect of myself. But I know better now; I know enough to lose respect for this book and this judgmental author instead.

And really, I cannot comprehend why this book is still out in public at all, what with the fact that it speaks about pedophilia and almost seeming like it supports it except in the last few pages of the book. Even then, even at the end, it doesn't address it. It doesn't matter how it ends, what matters is this book still considers this as love.

And that is the most fucked up thing of all.

This book should come with a warning, but I know Indonesia's awareness regarding this topic is still so low. Every other day or so you'll see the news or you'll read an article telling stories about 40-year-old man marrying a 14-year-old child at the guise of religion. It's disgusting. It never stops. And you'll wonder why.

But then you see this kind of book in the market, you read it, you're liking it, thinking it poetic and beautiful. You're giving it four-five-star-rating.

You don't have the right to wonder why.

Profile Image for Nurul  Iskhak.
51 reviews4 followers
April 3, 2014
“Dear, seseorang…Don’t you know? Our story is just like this book.. Remembering this is like opening the bandage of a chronic wound that almost healed. I try not to cry for this case, I try.. and failed.

Hey, but remembering this sometimes is okay, rite? A scar from a chronic wound is just like a ‘sign’ that we were galvanized to be a stronger person.Hope you’ll have a great life, then. :*”

Saya temukan catatan kecil tersebut di halaman belakang novel ini (identitas sang pemilik novel tidak saya sebutkan demi menjaga privasi, hehe :D ). Kurang lebih catatan tersebut berarti begini :

“Dear, seseorang. Tidakkah kau tau? Kisah kita seperti cerita dalam buku ini.. Mengingatnya seperti sedang membuka balutan luka kronis yang hampir sembuh. Aku mencoba untuk tidak menangis.. dan gagal.

Hey, tapi mengingat hal ini sepertinya tidak apa-apa, benar kan? Sebuah bekas luka dari luka kronis itu seperti suatu tanda, bahwa kita pernah digembleng untuk menjadi orang yang lebih kuat. Semoga hidupmu nanti menyenangkan.”

Entah kenapa, saat saya membaca catatan kecil itu, saya menjadi lebih tertarik membaca novel ini. Sepertinya jiwa KEPO saya muncul. Tergelitik untuk mencari tau kisah dibalik dituliskannya catatan kecil tersebut, saya mulai menyusuri lembar demi lembar novel ini, Daun yang Jatuh Tak Pernah Membenci Angin. Yang saya pikirkan saat itu, semoga saat saya membaca, saya tidak malah tambah galau, hehehe.

Novel ini bercerita tentang kisah romansa seorang cewek dan cowok yang usianya terpaut jauh, sekitar 14 tahun. Bukan, bukan si cewek yang lebih tua, tapi si cowoknya. Dan lagi, kisah romansa novel ini bukan romansa menye-menye yang sifatnya ‘kriuk’—sekali dibaca, mengalir, dan tiba-tiba habis saat kita belum sempat mengambil hikmah apa-apa di dalamnya—. Kisah romansanya lumayan inspiratif, menurut saya.

Jadi, ada seorang anak sekolah dasar bernama Tania yang menyukai om-om. Tania ini anak yatim yang putus sekolah karena harus bekerja setelah ayahnya meninggal. Suatu saat dia ketemu Danar—Oom Danar lebih tepatnya—saat bekerja sebagai pengamen di bus kota. Oom Danar di sini ceritanya baik hati bak malaikat. Dan sejak pertemuan di bus kota itu, si Oom mulai membantu kehidupan Tania dan ibunya. Si Oom membantu membiayai sekolah Tania dan adiknya, Dede.Karena merasa sangat dibantu sejak awal, si Tania ini berjanji kepada dirinya sendiri untuk belajar sangat rajin untuk membanggakan si Oom dan ibunya. Akhirnya, ia mendapatkan beasiswa studi ke luar negeri. Sampai saya membaca novel ini di halaman tengah-tengah, si Tania tidak pernah mengungkapkan perasaannya, dan saya juga belum bisa menebak bagaimana perasaan si Oom ke Tania. Ini yang membuat saya gemes saat baca. Perjalanan cinta Tania sangat kompleks. Apalagi dengan kehadiran sosok ‘tante’, atau teman dekat si Oom. Juga beberapa perlakuan si Oom terhadap Tania yang sering bikin ge-er. Mirip PHP (pemberi harapan palsu) gitu kali, ya. Wah, sempurna sekali keribetan kisah cinta Tania ini.

Filosofi ‘daun’ dalam novel ini juga baguus banget –menurut saya--. Di halaman 63, dijelaskanlah filosofi ‘daun’:

“Daun yang jatuh tak pernah membenci angin. Dia membiarkan dirinya jatuh begitu saja. Tak melawan. Mengikhlaskan semuanya.”

Jadi intinya: IKHLAS. Ya, novel ini bisa dikatakan sarat akan ilmu keikhlasan. Bahwa dalam menjalani kehidupan, terlepas saat itu kita sedang dibebani ujian atau tidak, syaratnya hanya satu, ikhlas. Saat kita ikhlas menjalani semuanya, hidup akan terasa lebih mudah dan berarti. Meskipun, ikhlas itu suliit sekali. Apalagi dalam hal cinta. Saya pernah ngakak—sambil pingin nangis--saat si penulis menggambarkan perasaan Tania di halaman 154. Begini:

“Daun yang jatuh tak pernah membenci angin.Umurku sembilan belas tahun. Seharusnya tumbuh seperti gadis-gadis lainnya. Bukan terjebak dalam semua perasaan yang mengungkung. Bukan justru sebaliknya, menangisi perasaan yang sedikit pun tidak pernah kuminta.

Aku bukan daun! Dan aku tak pernah mau menjadi daun!”

Heran kenapa saya ngakak dan pingin nangis sekaligus? Kalimat itu dilontarkan di sepertiga cerita akhir, di saat-saat genting. Dan.. yang paling bikin saya pingin ngakak dan nangis itu sebenarnya karena saya telah menemukan benang merah antara catatan kecil di halaman terakhir novel ini dengan kisah teman saya. Mirip! Hehehe. Saya sangat percaya bahwa kemiripan cerita sebuah novel, kadar ‘ke-KEPO-an’ atau keinginan untuk membacanya itu berbanding lurus. Saya sangat percaya. :D (Tapi saya tidak berharap teman saya ‘itu’ baca catatan ini, saya takut disambit).

Oia, ngomong-ngomong, cerita novel ini khas karya Tere Liye sekali. Beberapa novel lain yang pernah saya baca seperti Kau, Aku, dan Sepucuk Angpau Merah, Matahari Tenggelam di Wajahmu, Negeri Para Bedebah, dll., juga menyiratkan satu pesan penting: Rajin-rajinlah membaca kalau ingin sukses. Seburuk apa pun kasta sosial seseorang yang diceritakan dalam novel-novel karya Tere Liye, entah itu pengamen, pengemudi sepit, pedagang asongan, anak yatim piatu, atau apa pun itu, pasti akan menjadi ‘orang’ karena mereka suka membaca. Jadi saya pikir, sepertinya ini memang idealisme si penulis yang disisipkan di setiap novel-novelnya, tak pandang genre. Entah itu genre romansa, aksi, keluarga, atau apa pun, ada idealisme si penulis tentang budaya membaca. Meskipun pada penggambaran cerita kadang-kadang terlalu over, karena dua pemeran utama novel ini menurut saya terlalu sempurna: cantik dan ganteng, kaya, memiliki IP (indeks prestasi) tinggi serta cerdas.

Overall, saya beri 8 dari 10 bintang untuk novel ini. Novel ini layak dibaca karena bukan novel romansa menye-menye dan kriuk. Dan lagi, novel ini layak direkomendasikan untuk orang-orang yang galau cinta. Anggap saja obat, biar cepat sembuh dan move on. Sudahlah, intinya, kalau jodoh itu tak akan ke mana kok. Dan kalau tak jodoh, ya ke mana-mana. Ikhlasin aja. Simpel, kan? :D

“Tak ada yang sempurna dalam kehidupan ini. Dia memang amat sempurna. Tabiatnya, kebaikannya, semuanya. Tetapi dia tidak sempurna.Hanya cinta yang sempurna.” –halaman 256—.

oke, selamat membaca!
7 reviews
September 26, 2014
This book is perfect. I wasn't expecting the ending would be like that, and I was definitely REALLY REALLY HAPPY with the ending. I Definitely enjoyed it. I actually read this like few months ago. I just LOVE this novel so bad. This is what I mean by reality novels genre thingy oh whatever I just love how it actually ended up. WE NEED MORE REALITY IN NOVELS DUH! (that's what i thought)

Profile Image for Inaya Ika.
4 reviews
August 27, 2015
It was given by someone. Someone that I thought I really on him, able to being the part of his life. Still confusing why he give that book to me, doesn't any other huh?
I really love this book, not because by the author's way to write, but because it was given by someone.
2 reviews1 follower
August 4, 2011
ah this book so gorgeous. this conflict so complicated. something that can't be explained. if i were tania, i only could release my love. i give five stars for this book
3 reviews2 followers
March 25, 2019
Oh, this is an amazing novels. I am very inspired with the storyline. I can't tell more, all of you guys have to read this book! This book will be adopted as a film.
9 reviews
August 18, 2019
Good for read
This entire review has been hidden because of spoilers.
1 review
December 23, 2019
Nice book
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Profile Image for Ranid.
26 reviews
June 12, 2020
I've just read Eng version. But yaa, both Indo and Eng was making me ugly-cryin. Loneliness, stubborn, puppylove, then letting go sincerity is pretty good. But story between Ibu and family quite common, and can be guessed hm
Profile Image for Silvia Iskandar.
Author 7 books28 followers
September 4, 2012
Baca buku ini rasanya spt baca Lolita -Alexander Nabokov (bener gak sih spelling-nya?).
Saya gak keberatan kalau si Danar dianggap pedophil, krn sebenernya ada org2 antik spt itu, well..gak jauh-jauh, Bung Karno nikah sama Yurike Sanger jatuh cinta wkt SMA, Elvis Presley dan Priscilla, pembantu saya yg masih SMP pacaran sama bapak2 umur 30-an (dan suami org!!)

Euh...cinta gak pernah mengenal umur.
Spt Lolita, yg terjemahannya keren abis, DYJTPMA (haduh singkatan aja panjang bener) juga bahasanya indah. Berhubung merantau di negeri org, saya jarang tau info buku2 Indo kebanyakan baca buku Inggris, dan taunya dari Goodreads. Dan saya terkejut, waaahh..pengarang Indo udah sedemikian tinggi levelnya.

Gayanya mengingatkan saya dg Lovely Bones, dan sama dg Lovely Bones, walau cerita ini indah, tidak ada yg bisa dipelajari dari sini. Cuma ttg emosi aja sih. Biasa saya kasih bintang ke-5 krn saya belajar ttg sesuatu yg baru dari buku itu, ttg realita yg saya gak tau, spt adat suatu negara, atau krn keberanian si penulis, ttg hal yg riil -lah, sementara di buku ini gak ada. So I save the 5th star for myself.

Kalau utk Lovely Bones yg bestseller itu saya kasih 3 bintang, utk DYJTPMA saya kasih 4. Krn ini penulis adalah laki2, tapi bisa dan berani mengambil sudut narasi dari tokoh utama perempuan, dan nyaris gak ada kejanggalan di situ. Saya cuma membayangkan..oh my ...dia pasti ngerti banget isi hati wanita, beruntung banget istrinya!! Saya bilang nyaris, krn ada satu yg mengganggu, wkt dia bilang, "Aku tahu aku cantik, tubuhku proporsional". Aduh...JEDERR...ketauan deh ini penulisnya laki2. Secantik apapun perempuan, selalu ada yg dia tidak suka dari tubuhnya, krn ingat! Perempuan itu pikirannya sulitt..gak jelas apa maunya. Dikasih rambut lurus pengen kriting, yg kriting pengen dibonding, yg pendek pake hak tinggi, yang tinggi badannya bungkuk krn tidak pengen terlihat mengintimidasi cowok. Even kalau kita baca interview dg artis2 Hollywood, mereka juga punya ketidakpuasan akan penampilan mereka, dagunya kepanjangan, toketnya kegedean dst ds
Jadi begitu kata 'tubuhku proporsional' keluar...ARRGGHHHHHH

Saya suka sama bagian belakang, si Danar yg plintat-plintut itu makin lama makin kehilangan sosoknya. Suaranya, dialognya, gak ada. Sampai terakhir apa yg dia bisikkan ke telinga Tania juga gak ditulis. Menggambarkan betapa makin lama sosoknya makin memudar. Kalau di bayangan saya si Danar yg perfect ini makin -lama jadi tembus pandang, hilang.

Dan saya gak setuju sama review2 lain yg marah2 kenapa si Danar kok unreliable, menikah, terus istrinya dibiarkan begitu aja krn gak cinta.
Kebetulan org ini naksir dg teman baik saya, yg jauh umurnya di bawah, walau gak 12 thn sih..tapi ditolak krn temen saya gak suka, dan krn udah hampir 40, akhirnya dia dijodohkan, sama cewek yg cantik seiman dan profesinya baik. Diimpor dari Indo, sampai meninggalkan karir dan keluarganya....hanya utk ditelantarkan....gak diajak ngomong, dicuekkin...istrinya nangis2, curhat ke org2...akhirnya istrinya pulang Indo...dan cerai..

So, Si Danar itu as real as can be for me, juga cinta mereka yg begitu berbeda umurnya, biar dikata sekarang Pedofil, sebenernya Pedofil kalau udah mau berbuat tidak senonoh kan...kalau buku ini masih tahap platonis, jadi saya sih oke oke ajah

Profile Image for Miriam.
28 reviews15 followers
July 30, 2018
I choose to review this book for my assignments, so I might as well post it in here :) *makanya reviewnya pake bahasa Inggris, bukan maksud gaya ato gimana hehe

SPOILER alert!!

  First of all, I (and maybe you too) feel that the title of this novel is very famous, and I often saw it being quoted by my friends on social media. One of my high school friends even wrote it on her bedroom wall. Maybe because of those experiences, the title leaves a very strong impression on me. Daun yang Jatuh Tak Pernah Membenci Angin. It is simple, yet so very profound in its meaning. It’s amazing how the writer manages to use simple things, things that we often take for granted, to teach us about the hardships of life and how to cope with it.
While reading this novel, I felt that this story is very relatable, because somehow, I imagine Danar as someone that I used to like. Someone who is way older than me. And, just like what Tania did, I keep telling myself that I don’t deserve him, that a love between us was impossible because of our age gap. The difference is that my love was really unrequited. For this reason, I understands very well about how Tania feels, of being unable to prevent the feeling of love from growing, and the inability to express it. I also think that it is very normal for her to fall in love with Danar, since he was indeed a very amazing person. When I reached the ending, I also came to a conclusion that even the person you love the most is not perfect. His looks, his kindness, his attitude, the way his eyes glow, and the way his smile warms your heart, even with all those perfection, he still was not perfect. Even with all those perfection, he still manages to break Tania’s heart.
Last but not least, the most important lesson is about acceptance, about learning to be like the fallen leaves that never hate the wind for blowing them off of their branches. To let ourselves be carried by fate, just like how the leaves let themselves be carried by the wind. It is about accepting something that we can’t change, no matter how painful it is. To understand that things happen for a reason, and that life must go on, no matter how bad it can be.
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Profile Image for Dariant Virgi.
87 reviews1 follower
February 17, 2016
My first exposure to Tere Liye works.
it's a bit late, i know... but better late than never, right?
plot-nya bagus ! alur ceritanya juga .. -okay-
he is -kind of- meets my expectation.
walaupun awalnya rada kecewa, karna tulisan-nya gak se-inspiratif yg orang2 bilang...
but maybe it's too early for me to judge.
can't wait to read more of his work !
1 review
September 6, 2018
This entire review has been hidden because of spoilers.
September 13, 2012
after you had read this novel, don't ever think that to saying "i love you" is easy..

there's miracle.. :)
after i had finished this book at January 3rd 2012, suddenly in the next day.............................................
:') haha i'm speecless
Displaying 1 - 30 of 1,458 reviews

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