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Welcome to Nevermore, Texas, population 503, where witches and wizards live side by side with humans. Small towns like Nevermore are vanishing in America—and in this case, that could be the work of a freelancing witch...

Cursed and Double Cursed

Lucinda Rackmore never would have been caught dead in a town like Nevermore. Of course, that was before the "great reckoning" drained the family finances and her former lover, ruthless master wizard Bernard Franco, snuffed out Lucy's magical abilities.

But can Lucy really expect protection from the Guardian of Nevermore, her ex-brother-in-law, Gray Calhoun? Gray wants nothing to do with her—and Lucy can't blame him. Not after her sister sacrificed him to a demon lord. Still, with everyone in town looking to settle a score with the Rackmores and Bernard bent on dragging Lucy back into his clutches, Gray might be her only hope for survival.

290 pages, Mass Market Paperback

First published March 1, 2011

About the author

Michele Bardsley

249 books1,447 followers
New York Times and USA Today bestselling author Michele Bardsley writes humorous paranormal romances and funny paranormal mysteries. Michele likes to write, read, crochet hats, drink wine, and eat chocolate!

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Displaying 1 - 30 of 145 reviews
Profile Image for Catherine.
522 reviews568 followers
August 8, 2011
I usually don’t bother summarizing the plot in my reviews because I find it rather tedious and awkward, but I have to point something out about the back cover. To me, the back cover blurb reads like Lucinda is kind of sassy and spunky but is in a bind and needs her ex-brother-in-law’s help. It gives the impression that there is more action than there actually is by mentioning all the people out to get Lucy. The book didn’t read that way to me at all.

For one, Lucy is not spunky. She’s been through some really tough times lately and is pretty beaten down. She’s not all emo, but it was hard not to feel bad for her.

He opened his senses wider, and emotions filtered through his shields: desperation, relief, panic.


"Where did she go?

"Don't know." She shook her head. "Sometimes, when people are damaged, dey view tings from upside down."

Gray's brows went up. "What does that mean?"

She sighed, as if he'd disappointed her. Irritation flashed through him. He wasn't a damn novice, and he hated that she made him feel like one. Battling his own impatience, he kept his gaze on her and waited.

"You ever play the opposite game?" she asked.

"Sure," said Gray, "when I was a kid."

She nodded. "Right. So everything you say and do during the game is the opposite of what you mean. But for Lucy, it's no game. She freed herself from a bad situation. Bad people. She learned to believe she has no worth. So, when someone is kind to her..." She trailed off and looked at him.

Gray felt like Ember had punched him in the stomach. Lucy had expected him to be a jerk, even though some small part of her had hoped he would be different from everyone else who'd rejected and shamed her.

"You were nice to her," he said softly, "and she couldn't handle it."

"Opposite game," Ember murmured. "She need some time to figure out how to right her world." She looked at him, one dark eye visible through the single purple lens of her weird glasses. "Maybe she not the only one."

Two, this book isn’t really that action packed. Even at the end when things started coming to a head, I never really got the sense that it was meant to be action-y. This didn’t bother me, but I wanted to give a head’s up.

I really, really enjoyed the beginning of this book. Lucinda’s struggle to survive—the fact that she had no pride left—really broke my heart for her. Pair it with Gray’s struggle with shame and you have some very compelling characters. At least for me.

I liked that Gray wasn’t willing to help Lucy at first. Who could really blame him? His struggle and eventual change of heart made his decision seem more realistic. It also said a lot about his character. I liked that Lucy never backed down from accepting the wrong the Rackmore’s did him. She also didn’t spend a lot of time bemoaning her fate as a Rackmore. I’m a lot more apt to sympathize with a character when I don’t feel like I’m being beaten over the head with how much I should pity them.

I found the setup very intriguing. I liked the idea of all the magicals living beside the mundane in a magically open society. I particularly liked the town, Nevermore, and all the characters we met there. Lucy’s power was actually really interesting as well. I particularly liked all that I discovered about the curse she was under.

I also liked a lot of the side characters, like the sheriff and his brother and the female character that popped up toward the end. I’m hoping that we’ll get to see more about them as the series continues.

Although I liked all that, I was kind of disappointed with the romance. I mentioned that I really liked the first part of the book, and I did, but what started to depress my enjoyment was when Lucy and Gray hooked up. Suddenly everything was happening too fast. He was affectionately calling her “Baby” and she was constantly reminding herself not to get too attached. Plus, they seemed to have sex all the time. It just felt out of place and less developed than I had been hoping for.

Also, the tone seemed to shift after their hookup into something a little lighter and cuter. I know that they both could use some happy in their lives, but I preferred the beginning tone.

Other than that, the only thing that bothered me was the caricature the exes turned into. I rolled my eyes a bit over how extreme their ‘badness’ was portrayed as. Couldn’t they have had a bit more depth and been less simple ‘eeevil?’

Despite those gripes, I still enjoyed my time reading this book. I’m already looking forward to getting my hands on the next book. The excerpt at the end of this one made the heroine seem pretty powerful.

Review originally posted on Fiction Vixen.
Profile Image for Jennifer.
Author 27 books82 followers
September 17, 2012
I enjoyed the beginning of this book and was pretty excited when I realized what the hero's journey would be. The resolution of the plot also worked very well for me. However, the hero and heroine went from not trusting one another to tender sexy-times too quickly for me. I feel like I missed the process of them falling in love, rather than being in love.
777 reviews57 followers
February 23, 2011
Never Again by Michelle Bardsley
Paranormal Romance- March 1st, 2011
4 stars

Lucinda Rackmore is witch from the House of the Raven. She is on the run and looking for help. Lucy has finally journeyed to the magical town of Nevermore. It is here she hopes to ask her ex-brother-in-law and wizard, Gray Calhoun to marry her so that she can be under his protection. However, he still has a grudge against her family since her sister betrayed him and literally took him to hell and back. So she isn't surprised when he says no. Her life is certainly dismal due to the fact that as a Rackmore, her entire line has been cursed since an ancestor made a pact with a demon for power in the past.

But trouble is brewing in the town of Nevermore and Lucy soon discovers herself in the thick of things. There’s an evil plot to undermine the power base in Nevermore. Lucy finds herself trying to save a young girl and is caught in another curse. But surprisingly Gray comes to her rescue and proposes marriage. But what will she do when she find herself falling in love?

This is a fun and clever story set in a magical and quirky little town. This is the first book in a series called the Wizards of Nevermore and I think it will be a hit with paranormal fans who love humorous stories with surprising twists. The heroine is courageous and sympathetic. I liked how she gave the hero a much needed kick in the pants. Gray is more of a beta hero, who was disappointed in love and transforms when Lucy comes. She not only changes him but also the town. I enjoyed how Lucy breathes new life and rejuvenates the town and Gray. I also was intrigued by the different Houses (Dragon, Raven, Wolf, Shark etc.) which each have their own personalities. I can't wait to read about all of the them!

Bright and mischievous, this is great book to take your mind off your worries.

Reviewed by Steph from the Bookaholics Romance Book Club
Profile Image for Brie.
398 reviews98 followers
May 25, 2011
Originally posted at Romance Around the Corner

I got this book because the synopsis sounded interesting, but it was an impulsive buy because I didn’t know anything about the author or the book. I was pleasantly surprised because it turned out to be quite an interesting book.

Grey is a powerful wizard that has been betrayed by his wife, and I’m not talking about cheating, I’m talking about sacrificing him to a demon (and also cheating on him with said demon…). Fast forward ten years later and Grey is now living like a recluse who wants to be left alone.

On the other hand we have Lucinda, she is the little sister of Grey’s wife, and is in real trouble. Her last hope is Grey, but when she asks him for help he adamantly refuses. Obviously Grey feels guilty and decides to help her but this might prove to be very difficult since Lucinda’s problems are bigger than they seem.

This book is an urban fantasy with a small town setting. It has the interesting premise of wizards and witches live among humans in a peaceful and harmonic way. The magic world has a slightly different set of rules and laws, but it doesn’t get in the way of regular humans. Now, to me the book lacked a bit on the epic-feel that I usually get from urban fantasy. The world-building was very interesting and fairly complex, but it wasn’t big on the action and the dark evil threat was missing. The book read more like a small-town romance with a suspenseful plot but with a magic twist. I liked it, but it wasn’t what I’m used to and it might throw you a bit if you are an urban fantasy fan.

I liked Lucy a lot. She was very spoiled when she was younger but due to a series of unfortunate events, and a curse that runs through her family, she had to mature a lot. She doesn't dwell on her misery and is just trying to survive. She was likeable, but was more like a regular contemporary romance heroine than an urban fantasy kick-ass one. Since I don’t particularly like kick-ass heroines I was perfectly fine with it.

Grey was also likeable. He had his heart broken and it took him some time to get over the betrayal. He was bitter and cranky. When Lucy asks for his help he realizes that he was being a selfish bastard. He was neglecting the town and his responsibilities towards it, as well as alienating his friends. It was nice to see how his character developed. What I didn't like was that he goes from hating Lucy to loving her in a matter of days. Overall the romantic aspect of the book was disappointing. There wasn’t really any conflict or any emotional struggle. Grey goes from grumpy wizard to protective alpha-male in the blink of an eye, and Lucy goes from independent witch to damsel in distress and perfect housewife even faster.

The secondary characters were as interesting as the main couple. Because this is a book set in a small town you know that we are going to get a lot of quirky characters. There is the sheriff who is obviously going to be the hero of the next book. There is the crazy evil woman who runs the dinner. There are farmers, a lot of gossipers, and everything else you might expect from a small town.

I liked the book. I think this series has a lot of potential, and judging by the little sneak peek that we get of the second book I think it will just get better and better. As I said is not your regular urban fantasy, but it was appealing. And I’m curious to see what’s coming next. If you are in the mood for a quick read, if you like books set in small towns and if you like wizards, witches and magic spells, then you should definitely check it out.

Don't forget to visit my blog! http://romance-around-the-corner.blogspot.com/
Profile Image for Mandi.
2,319 reviews727 followers
March 4, 2011
Lucinda Rackmore is desperate for help which is the only reason she finds herself standing on her ex-brother in-law’s porch begging for his protection. Lucinda is on the run from her lover, Bernard Franco who has bound her powers and has outcast and cursed her. She can’t think of a single other person to help her than Gray Calhoun. But Gray was betrayed by Lucinda’s sister, Kerren in the worst way possible.

In this world, both Magicals and Mundanes (those without magic) populate this world. There are five Houses in which Magicals can belong to – Dragons Sharks, Ravens, Hawks and Wolves. Gray Calhoun belongs to the House of Dragons. When his wife, Kerren kills him (she made a deal with a demon), he goes into the depths of Hell, but eventually comes out alive. As the reader, you do not know right away how he survives or changes because of that betrayal.

Now Gray is living in Nevermore, a town in Texas. He is the head Guardian of this Dragon town, in charge of everyone magical. But he is very bitter over events in his past, and has basically let the town down over the years, choosing to be a recluse. When Lucinda shows up at his door, all he can think about is his hatred for his former wife, and slams the door in her face. But he knows Lucinda is a Rackmore, and the Rackmores are outcasts in the wizard world. He knows she is in danger walking the streets, and his guilty conscience makes him go after her.

Things are won’t be as simple as giving her protection and some money. Lucinda is being pursued by Bernard, and another is out to gain the power of a Guardian in a most evil way.

Never Again is the first book in the new Wizards of Nevermore series by Michele Bardsley. What really intrigued me in this book is the town of Nevermore. It is a small, poor farming town in Texas, yet full of people with magical abilities (to varying degrees). The Calhouns have always been Guardians there although in recent years Gray has slacked on his duties. We don’t just meet Gray and Lucinda but many of the town residents. This town and its people are far from perfect and it creates a nice dynamic in the book. People die, evil things happen – this book has a very dark tone to it which I really liked. It has a small town feel, and although a lot of people have magical abilities, that doesn’t necessarily take precedence in the book. There is the mention of demons and gremlins, but it is not overloaded with the paranormal aspect. It is more about betrayals, and the judgments passed upon others and how they are perceived. The town residents really take center stage in this one. Michele Bardsley introduces us to many people, and gives us the time to get to know them.

I was less fulfilled in the romance department. Gray starts off with such hatred from Lucinda and her family due to the betrayal from Lucinda’s sister (Gray’s former wife). He wants nothing to do with Lucinda. But all too soon he falls for her. Yes, he realizes she is not the same person as her sister, but her sister was such pure evil, I just think he accepts Lucinda too easily. I would have liked to see him keep his surly tone with a her little longer or even some mistrust throughout the book. But they very quickly become a couple and with no further conflict between them. It all fell into place too perfectly for them.

The villain had me guessing until the end. There are some nice twists and Michele Bardsley doesn’t give you all the information up front. She really gives us a very full, rich world with lots left to explore.

I think we have only tipped the iceberg with the amount of evil left to bring into play. I definitely look forward to Now or Never, coming out next.

Rating: B
Profile Image for Hal Evergreen.
287 reviews36 followers
September 19, 2012
This book has an interesting beginning, a moderately satisfying ending, and a long, saggy, boring middle. The set-up for the story is intriguing, and the world building is at least mildly interesting. Unfortunately, there are just too many characters to wade through, and the romance feels like an afterthought.

At the beginning of the novel, it seems like there will be plenty of interesting conflict between the main characters. Lucinda is a former pampered rich kid worn down by a family curse, a very bad ex-boyfriend, and the binding of her power. Gray is Lucinda's former brother-in-law, still scarred and pissed off from her sister's attempt to sacrifice him to a demon. But somehow, within just a few chapters, Lucinda and Gray overcome the bad blood between them and start rapidly falling in love. Conflict over, cue obligatory sex.

I got the feeling that Ms. Bardsley must have found Lucinda and Gray as boring as I did, because at least half the novel focuses on secondary characters. Which leads me to my other complaint. For some reason, Ms. Bardsley seems to think I want to know the entire life history of every citizen of Nevermore. As it happens, I don't. I couldn't keep track of all the characters' names or how they are all related to each other, and I didn't care enough to try. There was really only one character I liked in the whole novel. If she gets her own book someday, I might deign to read it, but other than that, I'll steer clear of Michele Bardsley's books in the future.
Profile Image for Ana.
344 reviews165 followers
March 25, 2011
I read this author's Broken Heart Town series and I was expecting a funny & breezy read. I was pleasantly surprised when this book turned out to be more serious.

Our hero, Gray has been betrayed by his wife Kerren (not only did she cheat on him, but was willing to sacrifice him to satisfy her lover, the demon), and has spent the last ten years as a hermit, not doing his duty as a Guardian. He should be taking care of the town Nevermore, but things got pretty bad, before he rejoined the living. When Kerren's sister Lucy shows up at his door asking for his help, he initially refuses to help, but, since he's a good guy, goes after her, and when it becomes necessary, marries her.

Lucy was a spoiled girl, who ha a nasty wake up call, when her entire family lost its standing in the society, and all of their money. Not only that but she was in an abusive relationship with a man, who later put a curse on her. She led quite a charming life, didn't she? She deserves her HEA with Grey.

I like Nevermore, and the supporting character's in the book. From Happy & Ant, Trent to Ember. And of course Taylor.

I will definitely be reading Now or Never, the next book in the series. Judging from the excerpt from the end of the book, it's going to be Taylor's story.


4.5 stars
416 reviews
September 30, 2012
I've discovered I don't like paranormals that aren't based at least somewhat on legend. It's interesting to see what an author might do with, say, a society in which a family of vampires lives in a remote and cloudy town in Washington :-). I have a much harder time getting interested in a book like this that is made up of whole cloth. I suppose that's odd, because I do like fantasy. Maybe it was her worldbuilding that just fell flat for me. Regardless, this book just did not do anything for me. I spent a large part being confused about who was who and not caring enough to go back and find out. Wouldn't have finished (or probably have even started) if it weren't for book club. It's a shame, because the premise sounded good.
Profile Image for Madison Warner Fairbanks.
2,810 reviews431 followers
January 22, 2011
Loved the humor of the new series. When Ember slapped Gray on the back of the head - laughed out loud. On the bus, no less.
Profile Image for sara.
119 reviews10 followers
January 14, 2022
⭐⭐⭐ : I liked it

° Third person perspective (switches among a series of characters)
° Other warnings: sexually explicit


I felt they fell in love too quickly, especially given everything they both went through prior to Lucy showing up at Gray's door. The first couple of chapters had a really interesting vibe. Kind of felt like a horror game, in some sense, with the rain and the unfriendly looks, event after event occurring with the protagonists reeling through them.
Profile Image for Jane Stewart.
2,462 reviews925 followers
August 28, 2011
2 ½ stars. This was not engaging and entertaining. Too much telling, not enough showing. Not a good style for me.

There were at least nine times that the author wrote the back story on a character (his parents, relatives, past). Those felt like newspaper articles. I had trouble concentrating and being interested in what was written. I had trouble remembering or caring about all those names and details. It might have been better for a character to say some of that through conversation. I don’t object to having back stories. I’m fine with it in other books. It’s just that in this book it affected me negatively somehow. Other telling not showing problems were: one bad guy kills another bad guy which was told by a magic spirit to Anthony. I didn’t know why or how the killing happened. There were two other killings where I needed more details, especially the motivations. Why and how Gray survived his wife and a demon trying to kill him was not explained. It was like some goddess or power jumps in to fix things.

Some of the events were not well thought out. For example, someone wants a magic item to help him get magic power which he does not have. The item is in a safe with magic spells protecting it. I didn’t understand how he could easily go to the safe and retrieve the item. A few other times I thought why is someone doing that?

My reaction at the halfway point was I’m not enjoying this. But the last 30 pages were good. I enjoyed the descriptions of how two curses were broken. One character felt “Snap Snick” several times throughout her body as a curse was leaving. That was good. But other uses of magic were not shown. They were told, for example a power saved him, or he did a spell.

Lucy asks Gray for help, but he pushes her away. Shortly after that he feels guilty and a strong desire to help her. So he turns his life around. He becomes sociable and helpful to the townspeople. He begins to do his job which he had neglected for many years. He is physically drawn to her and wants to keep her safe. It was too sudden. There was “no relationship development.” And, all of a sudden she knows she loves him. It felt like a warp speed time jump. They were apart, then all of a sudden they were an item.

Most of the characters have magic abilities. They live among humans. Ten years ago Gray married Kerren. She delivered him to a demon in return for wealth and power. She and the demon were in process of killing him, but some other power allowed him to survive and return to his life. Kerren stayed in the demon world. Gray has lived as a recluse ever since. He is supposed to be in charge of the town Nevermore, protecting it from bad influences and settling disputes, but he hasn’t been doing his job.

Lucy is Kerren’s sister. Lucy was impoverished due to a family curse. She stayed with Franco who supported her. But he turned mean, tortured her, and placed his own curse on her. She ran away. The story begins with Lucy going to Gray asking Gray to marry her which will protect her from Franco. Gray tells her to “go the hell away.”

Someone is collecting magic items, planning to do an evil deal with a demon. This deal may involve hurting Gray and/or Lucy.

Story length: 290 pages. Swearing language: strong. Sexual language: strong. Number of sex scenes: 4. Estimated number of sex scene pages: 10. Setting: probably current day small town Nevermore, Texas. Copyright: 2011. Genre: paranormal romance.
Profile Image for Nisha.
788 reviews245 followers
August 23, 2011
4.5 stars, to be accurate.

I've been hearing amazing things about this book, but I wasn't able to get a hold of it until last week. Genre-wise, it is a mix of fantasy/supernatural/western romance. Seriously! The H/h are a Dragon Wizard and something-or-another witch. They deal with supernatural occurrences and beings. And they live in a small town in Texas.

The basic set-up is Gray Calhoun, the Dragon Wizard guy, was betrayed and sent to hell (literally) by his wife. 10 years later, he's alive (though not really living) and has his ex-wife's younger sister at his doorstep, asking him to marry her, for protection, of course. Lucy, aka. Lucinda, is on the run from her abusive evil wizard lover. Not really knowing who to turn to (since her family lost it's prominent social standing once it became apparent that they consorted with a demon), she resorts to Gray in Nevermore. The story continues its focus on the people and events at Nevermore that are more than what they seem. There's a diabolical villain who wants to overthrow Gray, who happens to be a functioning member of the Nevermore population. As well as other action plots and what-not. In the end, there's a confrontation with the evil ex-boyfriend and everyone lives happily ever after... with the promise of more books about Nevermore and their encounters with evil.

Gray is a sweetheart. The man, despite his abused heart, is a really good guy. And for a hero, he's pretty flawed. For one, he's messy, to the point of grossness ("smells like socks and bologna"). He's one of those men who NEEDS to get married. You know what I mean, the affectionate men who crave to love and take care of someone else. It was sheer bad luck that he got involved with Lucy's older sister. Lucy is also a nice character. Also damaged, she has a very skewed sense of the world, or at least of herself. She's a kind-hearted person who has survived unspeakable things. I guess that's the most I got from her character. They fall in love (lust) quickly and it takes up most of the book. At least it was hot.

The action part was both abrupt and abbreviated. In fact, I felt like it was inadequate to explain or resolve the dire situations that most of the book built up on. For example,

My favorite part of the book was the secondary characters. There was Taylor, the sheriff. We get a long-winded background on many of the other characters through him because Gray is to *cough*busy*cough* to do so. Trent, a high schooler didn't do much, but he was very likeable. I started warming up to Ren (mostly for his name), but ... he was kinda crazy. I adored Ant (19), and Happy (16), for that matter. They came out of nowhere but their psuedo romance was absolutely cute. Not a real romance yet, but it was so cute to see Ant try to deal with his attraction toward Happy. This may have actually been the kicker. I loved it so much.

Overall, it's a very enjoyable book. I think many people will love it. But be warned, there is more romance and sex scenes that I had expected. If you abhor stuff like that, you may want to skip this. But if you want to read a light-hearted genre-melding fantasy/PNR, this is perfect for you.
Profile Image for Amanda Ryan.
Author 1 book25 followers
June 15, 2011
Let’s be real, here. This cover is pretty smokin’. That’s what drew me to this book in the first place. I hadn’t read anything by Michele Bardsley before, so I figured I’d give her a go.

Never Again opens with the story of Gray Calhoun and the ultimate betrayal by the love of his life. His wife tries to sacrifice him to a demon in order to become a demon herself. But Gray, a very powerful wizard, manages to survive, effectively ruining his wife’s spell and banishing her to a life as a half demon. Fast forward ten years and Gray, now the indifferent Guardian of his town Nevermore, finds the sister of his ex-wife standing on his doorstep begging for his help. What’s he do? He tosses the byatch out on the street. Duh. Can’t say I blame him. But Gray Calhoun is, at heart, a decent human being, and comes to realize how heartless he was. So he goes to collect her.

Lucinda Rackmore is a wanted woman – she’s a witch with a rare power, a power that has been bound by her psychopath boyfriend/benefactor. Lucy escaped from his clutches and he wants her back under his thumb. So Lucy enters Nevermore with the hope of finding any sort of protection. Unfortunately for her, she stumbles in at the same time some seriously weird shite is going down. People are dying, portals are opening where they shouldn’t be, and magic seems to be dangerously out of balance.

Lucy and Gray partner up to tackle the town’s problems, and Gray ultimately offers to marry her so he can fully protect her with the understanding that it is a business arrangement. *cue rolling of the eyes* Of course, business turns to pleasure, and they end up falling for each other.

First thing’s first, Bardsley is epic at creating this kick ass world of hers. I’m really digging the hierarchy of magicians and the different houses, etc. There’s a lot of potential here for some seriously kick ass stories. Unfortunately, though, Never More fell a bit short for me otherwise. I liked both Gray and Lucy as characters, but it moved too fast for me to believe. I mean c’mon – Lucy’s sister brutally tried to destroy the man. Then Gray, upon seeing Lucy at her most vulnerable, falls for her instantly. I didn’t buy it. I wanted to, but it was forced.

Bardsley also kept you guessing up to the end as to who, exactly, the bad guy in Nevermore was. Kind of cool. The supporting characters were rich. I can definitely see them in future Wizards of Nevermore books. Can I just say, though…Happy? As a name for a girl? Really? That fell into the Renesmee file for me. So cheesy.

What I liked about this book: the world building, and the history of magic and how it’s used

What I didn’t like: Love story was forced.

Rating: C+

Romance: 2/5 Raunch: 3/5
Profile Image for TheGeekyBlogger.
1,459 reviews184 followers
June 1, 2012
Read for Fun
Overall Rating 4.25
Story Rating 4.50
Character Rating 4.00

First Thought when finished: I would love to visit Nevermore but I am more interested in exactly how much more evil there is to unbury there!

What I Loved: Oddly enough I really loved the mystery in Never Again. I have been on a mystery/thriller kick and while this is a romance--the mystery was intriguing and I didn't figure it out till about the time the characters did. I love when that happens while reading! It really pulls me in and keeps me interested. The story was brilliantly crafted and played out in a methodical way that kept you pulled in from beginning to end. I loved that there was a nice balance of paranormal and mundane. I never felt like I was an outsider to the story but could be part of it if I found Nevermore.

What I Liked: The characters in Nevermore were really well done. While I didn't fall in love with the romance between Lucy and Gray, I did like them together. I would have liked a little more push/pull between them but since them getting together more quickly led to more focus on the story--I was pleased. I also liked the whole town of Nevermore and their quirky personas. I think everyone (good, bad, inbetween) added to the uniqueness and appeal of the novel!

Final Thoughts: I recommend Never Again to both PNR readers and those that like a little Suspense and Mystery in their romance.
Profile Image for Barbara ★.
3,499 reviews276 followers
June 19, 2016
This is the first book I've read by Michele Bardsley and I absolutely loved it! Gray Calhoun is hardly your typical hero - he's been killed and resurrected by magic; he's been brutally dumped by his wife whom he loved dearly; he's been hiding from life for 10 years; and he's about to get his HEA but it won't come easily. Lucinda Rackmore is one of those heroines you wish you knew in real life. She's a beautiful person on the inside (and the outside too); she's been used and abused by a man looking for power; she escaped brutal torture only to be exiled; and she found her soul mate. A truly wonderful love story with all the trimmings.

The supporting characters are wonderful too and will make excellent heroes and heroines in their own stories. I can't wait for Now or Never featuring Taylor's story. Taylor is the town sheriff whose been in this dying town forever. The women are few and far between and definitely not anyone he wants.
Profile Image for Sandra.
1,336 reviews85 followers
March 21, 2012
Great world building in this first-in-series PNR. Magicals and mundanes live side-by-side in Nevermore, Texas.

Nevermore is a town protected by the Dragon and in this case the Guardian is Gray Calhoun. He suffered a staggering emotional trauma 10 yrs ago when his wife sacrificed him to the Demon Lord Krahl. Needless to say he isn't happy when his ex-SIL, Lucy Rackmore turns up asking for help.

I really enjoyed this one, even more than Michele's other series, the Broken Heart Vampires. I'll be reading the next one soon.
Profile Image for  Shellbelle .
90 reviews115 followers
March 8, 2011
I really give this book a 3.5! I wish we could do half points:( It was really entertaining, it kept my attention, and it made me interested to read the next book in the series! It was a lighter read, but with some heavier content mixed into the story. I love Michele Bardsley's Broken Heart, OK series and I think I will enjoy the Nevermore, Texas just as much:)
Profile Image for ☽ Rhiannon ✭ Mistwalker ☾.
1,088 reviews38 followers
July 7, 2023
Abused, self-deprecating heroine, interesting world-building, neat characters. I liked this a lot. Can't wait to read more about Nevermore! Probably won't check out the author's other work though, not into the chick lit-y stuff so much.

Good for a reread but disappointed that the series seems to be dead in the water!
Profile Image for  ~V~.
1,022 reviews
May 13, 2011
A solid 4 stars!! This wasn't a comedic book like Michele Bardsley's Broken Hearts Vampire books but it was a very sweet story...a neat spin on witches with a really good murder mystery, a great romance and some great smexy scenes! This is a series i will definitely be following!
Profile Image for Anita.
2,619 reviews175 followers
June 6, 2017
This paranormal romance was fine, but it didn't really inspire me to want to read more of the series. I had to slog through it. I hated reading the bad guy perspectives, and hated even more that the bad guy had to be someone everyone knew and trusted. It detracted from the romance and from the central idea of reinvigorating a dying town where magic is commonplace. I doubt I'll read more of this series.
Profile Image for S.
484 reviews
November 16, 2018

A fast and easy read. Quite adorable really and witty too. Can’t wait to read the next in the series.
2,205 reviews
February 19, 2020
A wonderful beginning to a series with hints of more to ct. I can't wait.
Displaying 1 - 30 of 145 reviews

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