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Y: The Last Man #8

Y: The Last Man, Vol. 8: Kimono Dragons

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KIMONO DRAGONS brings the hunt for Ampersand—the monkey who could unlock the mystery of the male-killing plague— to its explosive climax, as the last man on Earth and his companions finally reach Japan and discover the truth behind Ampersand's abduction. Collects issues #43-48.

144 pages, Paperback

First published November 22, 2006

About the author

Brian K. Vaughan

959 books13.7k followers
Brian K. Vaughan is the writer and co-creator of comic-book series including SAGA, PAPER GIRLS, Y THE LAST MAN, RUNAWAYS, and most recently, BARRIER, a digital comic with artist Marcos Martin about immigration, available from their pay-what-you-want site www.PanelSyndicate.com

BKV's work has been recognized at the Eisner, Harvey, Hugo, Shuster, Eagle, and British Fantasy Awards. He sometimes writes for film and television in Los Angeles, where he lives with his family and their dogs Hamburger and Milkshake.

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Displaying 1 - 30 of 457 reviews
Profile Image for Baba.
3,812 reviews1,271 followers
March 4, 2022
Y and co. finally reach Japan, on the abducted Ampersand trail, and find out the truth about Ampersand's abduction. Now in the East, in Asia, Vaughan continues relentlessly in showing how a world without men works, and how differently it works in the East. I love how he really thinks things through. 8.5 out of 12

2017 read
Profile Image for Anne.
4,388 reviews70.2k followers
October 10, 2021
Where they meet a Canadian pop star turned mob boss and battle her with the help of an android pimp.


One of the more interesting volumes as you get Alter's backstory AND Dr. Mann's.
Guess which one is more sympathetic? Not Alter, that's for damn sure.


We run into Dr. Mann's mother and find out so big clues that might lead to...whatever is happening next.
Also, the cat is out of the bag about Rose! dun, dun, dun!
And due to those damn Israelis (thank a lot, Alter!), the astronaut's son and Yorick's daughter are on the run for their lives.

It's getting better!
Profile Image for Matthew.
1,221 reviews9,742 followers
October 13, 2019
Y the Last Man continues to entertain with volume 8. I am always glad when a series can hold my interest for this long.

This volume struck me as more of a transitional volume - lots of new information, clarification of some earlier plot questions etc. But, not really any standalone storylines that climax with the end of the volume. This was good because new info is always appreciated!

I am still loving the artwork in this one. Simple, but effective - reminiscent of earlier comic book art. Also, and I have mentioned this previously with other series, it is nice when the artist stays the same throughout the series. For me, that solid relationship between author and illustrator makes for a better book.

Side note: while I was reading this I found out that there is a TV series of this coming out. Sign me up!
Profile Image for Bradley.
Author 5 books4,536 followers
June 4, 2018
Fun discovery volume showing us China and Japan in this little hard-hitting dystopia of women, adding a very appropriate male android analog for all those sexed up women, Canadian pop-star Yakuzas, katana fights, and loving reunions.

No, Yurick hasn't found Beth, but Everyone's got something to hide, especially him and his monkey. :)

Still solid. Fascinating. I'm very glad to be reading this. Worth it on many levels. :)
Profile Image for Brandon.
964 reviews248 followers
November 4, 2011
I was beginning to worry after finishing the last book that the story was starting to decline. Believe me, I was very nervous!

Vaughan appears to indicate that some time has passed since the last collection. It's easy to tell in the fact that at the very least, everyone has slightly longer hair. Yep, Yorick is rocking some lengthy locks.

It's worth noting that some serious stuff goes down in this issue. Which is a breath of fresh air considering the non-events in book 7. We also see the return of Alter as we're treated to her unfortunate back story. Did someone say back story? Well, we also get a very intriguing one involving Dr. Mann.

The series seems to have righted itself for the time being. I'm dying to finish this up. I hope the conclusion has been worth the journey at this point.
Profile Image for Dan Schwent.
3,130 reviews10.7k followers
January 5, 2023
In this chronicle of the last man on earth, or is he?, Yorick and the gang go to Japan to find Ampersand. Lots of people die, more of Dr. Mann's origin is revealed, and more of the final pieces are put on the board.

Kimono Dragons moved things forward more than the last volume but I still feel like BKV is pumping the brakes a bit. With only two volumes left, I expect the shit to start hitting the fan at a rapid pace.

The last time I read these trades, I was reading them as they were released. Now that I'm wolfing them down like a surprisingly thin guy at an eating contest, it's easier to see all the groundwork laid early on and the character development every issue along the way to the end. This really is a great series.
Profile Image for Melody.
542 reviews61 followers
June 15, 2017
NOOooo I am almost done with this series. I don't want it to be over but at the same time I WANT TO KNOW!!! So good. I am taking my time with this series. Cherishing it as much as I can.
Profile Image for Darthy McDarthface.
1,010 reviews
January 28, 2016


And so begins the slow decent into idiocy, ignorance, cliched writing, and really atrociously racist artwork.

So, a white lady is in charge of the Yakuza y'all. Because poor backwards Japanese people!

I saw this won three Eisner awards and I mean, like, thanks comics industry. Thanks for continuously awarding anything that at all upholds the stereotypes of patriarchy. (BTW I actually looked up Eisner award winners (for writing) and counted NO FUCKING FEMALE WRITERS (then again that makes sense because most men would *never* read a comic written by a female)).

I mean consider this: this is a story about a "gendercide". All men, poof, dead. This is a world FULL of women. Full of them. And yet, they can't fly the planes, or keep the power grids running, or do, you know, any of that manly man stuff. This is a world where feminist means a crazy (literally crazy) woman who cuts off her left breast and goes around destroying sperm banks and any trace of men. This is a world where the single most important, main goddamn character, is a twenty something year old white male. And the other most important character, is a skeevy fifty something year old Japanese male. Oh wait, I forgot the third most important character, the monkey who--you guessed it--is a dude as well.

This isn't a story about equality of sexes. This is a story trying to prove women *need* men and men make the world go round.

Thanks, men. Really. Thanks.

Profile Image for Shannon Appelcline.
Author 25 books150 followers
November 29, 2017
Slightly better than the weak vol. 7, but the comic really needs to kick into gear to have a great finale.

Kimono Dragons (#43-46). In Japan we get action, adventure, and tension, characters with their lives in danger, some hints about what caused the plague, and interesting dynamics between Yorick and 355. It's all around a good story that moves along nicely [7/10].

The Tin Man (#47). Dr. Mann's backstory is more interesting than most because because it's got emotional resonance. There's also more hints at the story of the plague and a pretty horrid modern situation [7/10].

Gehenna (#48). Alter claims she's not a monster, but she is. I don't really care about the sob story that made her that way [4/10].
Profile Image for Nuno Ferreira.
Author 33 books84 followers
March 25, 2019
Quem leu as minhas opiniões anteriores a esta série gráfica sabe que, apesar de ser fã confesso do trabalho de Brian K. Vaughan, Y: O Último Homem não correspondeu às minhas expectativas. Ainda assim, o desenvolvimento das personagens e várias reviravoltas na trama, mas sobretudo a melhoria da arte e um maior foco na sexualidade das personagens tem ganhado algum do meu apreço. Daí que tenha pontuado melhor as últimas publicações que as iniciais.

O sétimo volume, Bonecas de Papel, vem na mesma toada. Apesar de ser mais lento, focando-se nas relações entre as personagens e no desenvolvimento de Rose e da sua relação com a Dr.ª Mann, mostra algum amadurecimento e traz alguma reflexão e consistência à trama. E o oitavo volume faz aquilo que se pede quando as águas se acalmam. Dragões de Kimono oferece muito ritmo e agitação, pecando pelo excesso de flashbacks que me deixaram com uma sensação Lost. Quem conhece o autor sabe do que estou a falar.

O último homem no planeta, Yorick Brown, alcança finalmente a Austrália, onde procura pela noiva Beth, com quem perdera contacto. Mas para além de não a encontrar, nem nas ruínas de Sidney, cai nas mãos de uma jornalista com más intenções e descobre outras pistas que o conduzem na peugada de Ampersang, o seu macaco de estimação que fora raptado. Da Austrália viaja para o Japão, levando consigo as suas amigas, agente 355 e a cientista Allison Mann.

Ampersand foi raptado por uma mercenária japonesa e Yorick encontra-lhes o rasto. Em Tóquio, o último homem na Terra e as suas companheiras enfrentam gangsters da Yakuza, que pretendem lucrar com uma suposta resposta para o generocídio que aniquilou a esmagadora maioria da população masculina mundial. Entre adolescentes mal resolvidos, um homem robótico, estrelas Pop e um reencontro familiar pouco feliz para a Dr.ª Mann, o reencontro com Ampersand pode estar próximo.

Gostei bastante da diferença de ritmo entre um volume e o outro. O que Bonecas de Papel ofereceu em consistência e numa crítica consciente aos mass media, Dragões de Kimono trabalhou acontecimentos e volte-faces muito bons. Ainda assim, Y: O Último Homem continua sem me fascinar. As guinadas narrativas podem até parecer imprevisíveis e cheias de ritmo, mas tenho sempre a sensação de deja vu. Onde é que eu já vi isto? Há aqui um défice de originalidade, mas sobretudo a sensação que as personagens andam em círculos e não chegam a lugar algum.

E depois há Yorick. Sempre armado de piadas e referências musicais e cinematográficas, o protagonista está longe de me agradar. Na verdade, é a pior personagem da série, muito abaixo de personagens riquíssimas em conteúdo como Alisson Mann ou 355, como exemplo. Porém, apesar de não gostar muito, gosto, e parece-me evidente que a série tem melhorado a pouco e pouco. Y: O Último Homem não acrescenta nada, mas não posso dizer que não tem qualidade.

Profile Image for Andrei Stoian.
496 reviews8 followers
November 20, 2019

Romanian review: Sfârșitul este din ce în ce mai aproape și chiar dacă atunci când am auzit prima dată de serie mă așteptam la ceva destul de diferit (pot spune că sunt puțin dezamăgit) ce am primit este destul de ok, mai ales ultimele câteva volume pe care le-am citit care mi s-au părut mai bune decât primele, inclusiv acesta.
În acest volum aflăm că boala care a ucis aproape toți bărbații de pe planetă este făcută de un om (nu m-aș grăbi să afirm că este făcută de o femeie pentru că dacă cel care a creat-o este bărbat cu siguranță are un antidot), nu este naturală. Presupun că era destul de evident că este făcută de un om și aceasta este probabil cea mai bună abordare pentru ca finalul să fie mai interesant. Fiind făcută de un om trebuie să fie un personaj pe care îl cunoaștem sau care a fost doar amintit, nu și introdus, altfel nu ar avea sens păstrarea misterului.
Teoria mea este că a fost creată de tatăl doctorului Mann, deși nu știu ce motiv ar avea un bărbat să omoare restul bărbaților de pe planetă (m-am gândit să ascund acest ultim paragraf ca spoiler, dar este doar o teorie, nu ni s-a oferit până acum vreo dovadă că acesta este în viață sau că el ar fi făcut ceva, tot ce știm este că studia clonarea, este doar o bănuială nu un lucru confirmat).
Tot în acest volum .
Se pare că israeliencele sunt ca Schwarzenegger și se întorc întotdeauna (are mult mai mult haz în engleză) ca să intru în spiritul glumelor lui Yorick.
Sunt curios cum se va încheia seria și, în ciuda faptului că mă așteptam per total la mai multe de la ea, probabil că îmi va fi dor de personaje.


English review: The end is getting closer and even though when I first heard of the series I was expecting something quite different (I can say I'm a little disappointed) what I received is quite ok, especially the last few volumes that I have read which seemed better to me than the first ones, including this one.
In this volume we find out that the disease that killed almost all the men on the planet is man-made (I wouldn't rush to say that it is made by a woman because if the one who created it is a man he certainly has an antidote) not natural. I suppose it was quite obvious that it was made by a man and this is probably the best approach in order to make a more interesting end. Being man-made it must be created by a character that we know or that was just mentioned, not introduced, otherwise it would make no sense to keep the mystery.
My theory is that it was created by Dr. Mann's father, although I don't know why a man would kill the rest of the men on the planet (I thought about hiding this last paragraph as a spoiler, but it's just a theory, no evidence that he is alive or that he would have done something was given so far, all we know is just that he was studying cloning, it's just a guess, not a confirmed thing.)
Also in this volume .
It seems that the Israelis are like Schwarzenegger and they'll always be back, to get in the spirit of Yorick's jokes.
I'm curious how the series will end and, despite the fact that overall I expected a little more of it, I'm probably going to miss the characters.

Profile Image for Hiko.
281 reviews8 followers
March 26, 2021
Ayzner mükafatına layiq görülüb-filan. Sadəcə marketinq deyimi kimi gəldi mənə. Reytinqlər də onu deyir elə. Ümid eləyirəm ki, son 2 kitab qat-qat daha yaxşı olacaq. Çünki ideyası yaxşı olan, qəşəng başlayan bu qrafik silsilə qəşəng epiloqa doğrudan da layiqdir. <3
Profile Image for Brenda.
1,517 reviews44 followers
August 3, 2011
Maybe it's because I just finished some amazing epic fantasy (A Dance With Dragons), or maybe I'm just not in the mood, but this volume just felt silly to me. Like I couldn't figure out why I'm still reading this series, even though I've enjoyed it for the most part.

It has gotten a bit stale, but there was some interesting backstory from a couple different characters here. The thing is, I've realized that I don't really care about any of the characters. Yorick could die, and I'd probably be surprised since he's the last man and all, but I wouldn't be sad.

I'm going to continue on with the series, but maybe it's best in the future if I don't read any graphic novels after finishing awesome doorstopper fantasies. The transition isn't good.
Profile Image for Baal Of.
1,243 reviews64 followers
March 12, 2013
I keep hanging on at this point because I just hate leaving a series unfinished. This volume contains a bunch of backstory that seemed almost desperate, like the author was trying to prove that the stupid shit characters did earlier in the series, made sense in the light of these new revelations. But it came off to me as just empty. The Epiphany character was obnoxious to the point of being a caricature. The worst moment though, was when whatshername's mother (I can't even remember character names, that's how little I have invested in this series) says "I'm a homeopathic surgeon" - so what does she do, pretend to touch a scalpel and call it done? Fucking stupid.
Profile Image for Adriana.
3,008 reviews38 followers
August 8, 2015
The story is gearing up towards what might just be a very explosive ending. Ampersand is finally found, the truth about Yorick is out, Dr. Mann’s back-story is explored, and if that weren’t enough, we also get a look at what makes Alter tick.
Vaughan’s writing has gone back to the organized chaos that I liked so much in the first volumes. Events happen pell-mell, one after another, but they feel like part of a whole instead of glimpses of it.
Let’s hope it’s a sign that things will continue to improve.
Profile Image for Bhanuj.
204 reviews5 followers
June 4, 2016
The past. The Present and The Laugh.

Just when I thought humor is slipping away, Yorrick strikes again.
Profile Image for Saraf Tarisha.
113 reviews84 followers
September 2, 2021
After finishing the book:
What does she want to do with Yorick?? Become his savior, killer or what?
Profile Image for Licha.
732 reviews112 followers
January 21, 2015
3.5 stars. It's somewhat difficult to rate sections of one whole story. Sometimes it's really good, at times I've become annoyed with the story or characters, but my interest in the outcome of the group and their story has not wavered for me. Yorick seems to get a bad rap from several readers but I actually like him. I like that he is not a superbreed of a man but a man who's somewhat clueless and has evolved in maturity as the story progresses, someone who did not ask to be the last man on Earth. He's like a deer in headlights most of the time but that's as it should be. How would we feel if we were the last of our kind on earth? I'd imagine I'd feel just like Yorick. I love 355's loyalty to the group and I love Dr. Mann. Ampersand rounds off the group and is just as much a part of this little family that's been thrown together for better or worse.

More than do the emotional review per volume I've decided to evaluate each one individually for how it's made me feel at the moment. Answers may be provided down the line that may make me view story arcs differently. For now, I've decided to just briefly summarize important story arcs so I can remember what each volume was about. I've tried not to add any spoilers but for someone currently reading I would suggest not reading this review further in case plot elements are given away.

There's a lot going on in this volume. It starts off with the group newly arrived in Japan. There is a new addition to the group, Rose, who is the love interest of Dr. Mann.

--Ampersand ends up in a brothel where a male android is all the rage amongst the Japanese women. The owner of the brothel has sold off Ampersand to a Canadian pop Singer, who's become the new mafia boss in the city.

--Hero, Beth#2, and Beth#3 arrive in Kansas.

--Dr. Mann and Rose find Dr. Mann's mom's lab where they startle her and mom ends up stabbing Rose in fright. Mom operates on Rose and saves her but during Rose's delirious stage she reveals that she's been spying on the group.

--Toyota reappears and kidnaps Dr. Mann's mom.

--Ampersand and Yorick reunite.

--We see a glimpse of Dr. Mann's childhood and young adulthood and her tumultuous relationship with her father. Their competitiveness puts them in a race to be the first to clone a human being, which will bring consequences as a result of their pride to be the first to do so.

--A glimpse into Alter Tse'Elon's childhood and young adulthood shows how she ended up being a fighter in the Israeli army. We also see how she ended up being connected to Yorick's mother.

Profile Image for Mateen Mahboubi.
1,513 reviews15 followers
December 27, 2017
What a slog. Begrudgingly reading as I can't drop it at this point but really nothing interesting going on here. The hunt for Ampersand was pretty uninteresting and led to some really problematic stuff with the Yakuza now being led by a Canadian pop star (why????). The only decent thread was the Dr. Mann backstory but even that got into some weird Chinese/Japanese secret family levels that seemed totally unnecessary. Looking forward to finishing but my expectations are really low right now.
Profile Image for William O’Pomegranate.
203 reviews3 followers
September 13, 2021
It was just boring, but the fact that the Yakuza was led by an annoying Canadian popstar diva was idiotic. The homeopathic surgeon was also idiotic. They brought up the dominatrix therapy. I can’t think of a worse thing to do a callback to. That was one of the worst things I’ve ever read in the medium.
This entire review has been hidden because of spoilers.
Profile Image for Maria Kramer.
681 reviews23 followers
February 9, 2017
In Japan, revelations await for all out main characters - but especially Dr. Mann. I like how the two female leads in the series are more than just accessories to Yorick. They are huge parts of the story with their own character arcs and pasts.
Profile Image for Nashid.
76 reviews4 followers
February 17, 2018
Things starting to come together with more updates on key characters, some brilliant origin stories, a new setting, the same dumb, insufferable asshole.......
Profile Image for Liz (Quirky Cat).
4,709 reviews73 followers
February 22, 2018
I can’t believe how close we’re getting to the end of Y: The Last Man. I’ve just completed the eighth volume (I know, I’m insanely behind), and I’m still not sure how they’re going to end this series. I’m a bit worried it’ll be a ‘rocks fall and everyone dies’ sort of ending, but I have hope that it won’t end like that.
I’ll confess after reading the last volume (which was mostly full of short stories and not all that impressive, all things considered), but it seems like my fears have been for naught (thank goodness!). While we’re looking at the bright side of things, I’d like to point out that the writers and artists have stayed the same, which is a huge relief for me (I always worry about style changes halfway through a long-ish series).

For more reviews, check out Quirky Cat's Fat Stacks
Profile Image for Jefi Sevilay.
688 reviews71 followers
March 1, 2021
Son üç kitaba girerken henüz bir yere varamama ile hızlıca toparlama arasında bocalıyor. Biraz daha derli toplu olmasını tercih ederdim.

Bu kitabın çevirisine bayıldım mı nefret mi ettim benzer şekilde çözemiyorum. Bir bakıyorsunuz Yorick "Ananı avradını!" diyor ki her ne kadar hiç hoşlanmadığım bir söz olsa da Yorick'in ağzında absürt derecede gülünç, bir bakıyorsunuz her iki kelimeden biri "*mına koyayım" oluyor. Şu ikinci sözün gerçekten İngilizcesini merak ediyorum. Daha ergen ağzına pelesenk olmamış bir sözcük öbeği bulunamaz mıydı acaba?

Bir de "Kimono Ejderhaları" sayesinde Honen Matsuri adında bir Japon festivali öğrendim ki eyvahlar olsun: en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kanamara_Matsuri

Şu çizgiromanları da çok seviyorum ama;
1. Bu kadar kısa bir çizgiroman için 25 TL halen bana çok büyük bir rakam gibi geliyor.
2. Neden bilmiyorum aynı Kimono Ejderhaları'nda olduğu gibi ciltler o kadar dandik ki kitabı azıcık fazla açsanız (aslında tam açsanız) bütün cilt elinizde kalıyor.

Artık çok ilginç birşey katmadığı için biran evvel bitsin istiyorum ki Lone Wolf and Cub serisine başlayayım.

Herkese keyifli okumalar!
Profile Image for Ady Weasley.
1,493 reviews42 followers
July 12, 2020
El final se acerca y el grupo parece estar cerca de lograr su cometido de encontrar a Amperstand, pero aún tengo dudas sobre aquellas que buscan a Yorick, después de todo han actuado de una forma reprochable, lo que le hicieron a la madre de él me hace dudar.

Los pequeños están sanos, pero en peligro habrá que huir.

Muchos flash acá pero espero sean importantes para la historia.

Con esto de la cuarentena no sé si ya se publicó o está por publicarse la continuación ya solo quedan dos tomos por ser publicados
Profile Image for Robert.
3,733 reviews26 followers
May 18, 2021
Review is for the entire 60 issue/10 volume run (read consecutively over three days)

A series I've heard about for years but never delved into - I'm happy I finally read it and sad I waited so long to do so. Perfectly paced, balancing humor, sympathy, and action, and brought to a natural conclusion rather than living a forced and diminished existence driven by crass consumerism, this should be an exemplar for artists to aspire to.
Displaying 1 - 30 of 457 reviews

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