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All the Dogs of My Life

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First published in 1936, this is the story of Elizabeth von Arnim's extraordinary life and her equally extraordinary dogs. From her Pomeranian idyll (celebrated in her famous first novel Elizabeth and Her German Garden ) to less happy days in London following the death of her first husband, from the beautiful solitude of her Swiss-mountain hideaway, to the First World War and a disastrous second marriage, the author takes us on a disarmingly witty and poignant journey of canine companionship.

212 pages, Paperback

First published January 1, 1936

About the author

Elizabeth von Arnim

174 books575 followers
Elizabeth von Arnim, born Mary Annette Beauchamp, was an English novelist. Born in Australia, she married a German aristocrat, and her earliest works are set in Germany. Her first marriage made her Countess von Arnim-Schlagenthin and her second Elizabeth Russell, Countess Russell. After her first husband's death, she had a three-year affair with the writer H.G. Wells, then later married Earl Russell, elder brother of the Nobel prize-winner and philosopher Bertrand Russell. She was a cousin of the New Zealand-born writer Katherine Mansfield. Though known in early life as May, her first book introduced her to readers as Elizabeth, which she eventually became to friends and finally to family. Her writings are ascribed to Elizabeth von Arnim. She used the pseudonym Alice Cholmondeley for only one novel, Christine, published in 1917.

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Displaying 1 - 30 of 70 reviews
Profile Image for Diane Barnes.
1,461 reviews448 followers
April 11, 2022
I loved this non-fiction by Arnim, just as much as I love her novels. It forms a mini-biography of sorts as she connects each dog with a specific time in her life. It made me want to read a more complete biography. It really is all about the dogs though, and she had some doozies!
Profile Image for Classic reverie.
1,681 reviews
May 18, 2017
There is something so deliciously wonderful in Elizabeth von Arnim's writing that catches the essence of an individual and a being in tune with nature. Having read all three Elizabeth books, is what made me a fan but "The Enchanted April" just was icing on the reading so called cake. In "All The Dogs of My Life", all the elements that were present in the Elizabeth series which are humorous, trying to have peace when visitors are at your heels and the beauty of nature with also her recollections about her dogs. She states several times in her book that this is not an autobiography but it is in reality, it was in a sense because besides telling about the dogs, we learn more about her to make this declaration seems wrong. I have many favorite authors but if it were possible to meet one in the celestial, I would choose Elizabeth, hands down because her spirit is my spirit.
Profile Image for Caren.
493 reviews112 followers
December 17, 2014
After reading "Elizabeth and Her German Garden", I wanted to find out a bit more about the author. This book isn't strictly an autobiography, since she sticks pretty closely to accounts of the dogs who had shared her life, still there are enough tidbits about her to make you wish for a more thorough book about the rest of her life. While she did seem to love her dogs, I was bothered by the callous attitude toward a few of them, most notably the dog who was neutered, grew fat, and seemed to lose his charm for her. I ask you: what is wrong with a fat, loving dog? I was dismayed when she had him put down at three years old. That doesn't make her much of a dog lover in my book. I had to remind myself that she lived in a different time period when I suppose people were more pragmatic about their pets. Much of the book recounts the time she lived in a Swiss chalet with the guests who came and went. Just as in "Elizabeth and Her German Garden", you get the impression the author really preferred a solitude that mostly eluded her. The many old, black and white photos of herself with her dogs really added to my enjoyment of the book. If you are really, really interested in the author, you may enjoy this book, but if you just want a book about a dog lover, this is not the book.
Profile Image for Masteatro.
536 reviews82 followers
November 24, 2019
4,5 estrellas
Una vez más Elizabeth Von Arnim ha conseguido crear un libro absolutamente adorable. Claro está que lo disfrutarán más todos aquellos que, como yo, sean amantes de los perros.
Estamos ante unas memorias pero son unas memorias muy limitadas puesto que circunscriben exclusivamente a lo que tiene que ver con todos los perros que Von Arnim tuvo a lo largo de su vida. En todo caso, se trata de una lectura entrañable y muy impregnada de la ironía y la aguda capacidad de observación que caracterizan a esta escritora.

Por supuesto, seguiré leyendo su obra, en especial todo aquello que tenga carácter autobiográfico en mayor o menor medida.
Profile Image for Arlene Allen.
1,397 reviews28 followers
September 1, 2012
I have fallen wildly in love with Von Arnim's writing this year; her stories are warm, witty, sweet and yet profoundly insightful. In her personal life, Elizabeth suffered greatly; even though she chooses not to call this an autobiography, but a biography of her canine companions, and does not touch for long on her tremendous personal loses, she was no luckier with her dogs than she was in other aspects of her life. This had moments of such intense sadness that I had to put it down for days at a time. Surely the writer of such marvelous - and under-read, and under-appreciated- stories deserved so much better.
Profile Image for Suzanna.
189 reviews40 followers
February 25, 2011
"I subsisted, so to speak, on cats."

Luminous, literary, and funny. I'm not sure why more people aren't reading Elizabeth von Arnim. Her books are among my favorites, and this is the closest thing she ever wrote to a true memoir. One life, fourteen dogs, with spaces in between for children, husbands, and cats.
Profile Image for Gina House.
Author 2 books102 followers
October 14, 2023
One of the most beautiful, but also heartbreaking books I've ever read! The more books that I read by Elizabeth von Arnim (thought that's not her name at all), the more I love and adore her. Her writing style is conversational, amusing and just absolutely clever. I'm always blown away by her insights and deep thoughtfulness about endless everyday blessings and challenges.

I've never had a dog as a companion (only cats, bunnies and guinea pigs), but dogs seem to like me. And I like them. But, I never thought I would read a book entirely about dogs. Especially a non-fiction book. All the Dogs of My Life completely changed my mind. I was hooked from the very first page and the very first black and white photograph.

The addition of the photographs from EVA's life are very touching, funny and/or illustrative of the chapter. I only wish I could zoom in to see more details. I literally used a magnifying glass to try and see more. The book would be a dream with full page, full color reproductions. Though, for now, I have to be satisfied with the darkly contrasted small photos.

Every single one of the fourteen dogs that are mentioned stole my heart, though Coco was the hands-down winner. I don't want to spoil it, but it's the most heavenly and heart wrenching section of the book. Not to be missed.

It's been a treat to buddy read both this book and The Pastor's Wife with my wonderful and talented friend @carosbookcase. We have even more EVA buddy reads planned for the future and I'm so grateful. For some reason, reading these novels is even more enjoyable when I can discuss them with my friend. There is so much more Elizabeth von Arnim joy in my future. Yay!

Highly, highly recommended, even if you don't think that you're a "dog person". If you enjoy cleverly written memoirs that are witty and speak right to the heart, you will love this book as much as I did.
Profile Image for Squeak2017.
175 reviews
December 22, 2017
An enchanting book but I would have preferred a more substantial assessment of her life and philosophy. Historical events such as WW1 and key life events such as her ill-fated marriage to Lord Russell happen offstage with only fleeting references to great grief or approaching doom. It’s as if she was grateful to pass over them in a determined attempt to produce a lighthearted read, but I can’t help but feel it was an opportunity missed
Profile Image for Teresa.
77 reviews9 followers
June 22, 2008
I love this woman's style of writing.
Profile Image for Susan.
1,482 reviews44 followers
September 9, 2019
Writing about the dogs she has owned, the author also provides an indirect (and incomplete) autobiography. (For example, one of her husbands is missing here). The author can be a charming raconteur, and I did enjoy the sections about her home in the Swiss mountains and later in Provence. But although the sad fates of her childhood dogs were beyond the author’s control, the dogs in her life don’t fare much better once the author grows up, and aside from praising their devotion to her, she doesn’t give a very nuanced account of their personalities and quirks. The idea that she could influence bad behavior with training and exercise never seems to occur to the author. And putting to sleep an overweight but otherwise healthy 3 year old dog because you don’t want it any longer seems irresponsible and cruel, however badly you feel about it afterwards.
Profile Image for Vanessa.
219 reviews103 followers
May 6, 2024
Esta preciosa autobiografía, aunque su autora se empeñe en negarlo continuamente, Elizabeth Von Arnim usa como anclajes temporales los perros que fue teniendo a lo largo de su vida.
Antes de meterte de lleno a leer el libro y, sobre todo si no conoces a la escritora, te recomiendo que leas la información sobre ella que puedes encontrar en esta edición. Te ayudará a leer entre líneas, a atisbar lo que hay tras lo que te cuenta en Todos los perros de mi vida.

Sigue leyendo: https://www.instagram.com/p/C6jLxaqoJPp/
Profile Image for Caro (carosbookcase).
154 reviews9 followers
October 23, 2023
Reading Elizabeth von Arnim’s memoir, All the Dogs of My Life, was a pleasure.

Best known for writing The Enchanted April and Elizabeth and Her German Garden , in this book, Elizabeth von Arnim recounts her experiences with the fourteen dogs she had over the course of her life.

From the start I knew this was going to be my kind of memoir, when after describing the inevitable ups and downs of human love, she writes:
Dogs are free from these fluctuations. Once they love, they love steadily, unchangingly, till their last breath.
That is how I like to be loved.
Therefore I will write of dogs.

Hear, hear!

“Except the dogs who are living with me now, I have loved no dog as I loved Coco. His absurd name was the only foolish thing about him.”

I loved reading this book with my own dog, Clark, curled up next to me. When I read a line like the one above, I could not help but think of him. He is my Coco, but with a slightly less “absurd” name.

Although, reading this book was also difficult at times, because as those of us whose best friends are of the four-legged kind know, most likely we will out live them. Elizabeth von Arnim might avoid talking about her personal life in any great detail, but she does not spare us the details of the deaths of her dogs. Some dramatic, some less so, all nevertheless very sad.

But Elizabeth von Arnim’s humour still comes through. I found the scenes relating Coco’s behaviour with guests, particularly the dog’s overly-friendly behaviour with anyone he deemed a suitor to be especially funny.

The photos in the edition I read were an added delight. My favourites include: Elizabeth von Arnim at five years old sitting sweetly with her small puppy Bijou at her feet. In the other she is an adult, dressed for bathing and sitting on a rock by the sea, next to her is her small dog, Chunkie, looking alert and ready for adventure.

The refrain in this book seemed to be a repetition something along this lines found in the section about Coco: “Fortunately I am not writing autobiography, so that I needn’t go into that.”

As Gina (@babsbelovedbooks on Instagram) mentioned in her recent review of this book, I wish Elizabeth von Arnim had written a second volume to this memoir, or better still, an autobiography. What I wouldn’t do to get my hands on her journals, if she kept any, then I could find out all the details of those delightful personal stories that she so tantalizingly hints at in this book!

I read this book with my friend, the above mentioned, Gina. And my only regret is that we weren’t sitting it in the same room together where we could read aloud snatches from the text as we went along. It is just that sort of book.
Profile Image for Ainhoa Verdú.
169 reviews7 followers
June 26, 2024

"Todos los perros de mi vida" es una autobiografía "no al uso" de Elizabeth Von Arnim, escritora que me gusta mucho y de la cual tenía mucha ganas de indagar más, sobre todo en sus vivencias personales, ya que tuvo una vida bastante interesante. He disfrutado mucho leyendo sobre las vidas de sus perros, todas ellas de lo más diferente, pero me ha faltado un poco más de ella misma, como escritora y mujer, en sus páginas. La misma Von Arnim nos advierte que no es una autobiografía convencional, sino la historia de sus 14 perros, que era lo que ella quería escribir. A pesar de esto y siguiendo mi propio delirio, seguía esperando más anécdotas suyas, a pesar de la anterior advertencia, que no llegaban aunque de todos modos, la he disfrutado mucho.

Quiero mencionar el gran prólogo que ha escrito Elena García-Retamero, persona a la cuál admiro mucho desde hace años y que ha descrito perfectamente la sensación y el amor por los animales, en especial los perros.
Profile Image for Tosky.
10 reviews
April 24, 2024
Estaba en la librería y las huellitas de la cubierta me atrajo como una polilla a la luz. ¿Otro libro más? No, solo voy a ojear. Leo el título "todos los perros de mi vida" y de Trotralibros que es una editorial que tienen un catálogo muy interesantes, rescatando clásicos inéditos en España. Pienso en todos los libros que tengo pendientes. En realidad, me digo, puedo esperar a comprar en alguna fecha importante. Entonces hago lo de siempre, que es dejar de oír, ausentarme del exterior mientras abro la cubierta y leo la primera página. Después de leerla, lo dejé directamente en el mostrador y tenía la certeza que sería mi siguiente lectura.

Empieza así:


"Para empezar, me gustaria decir que, aunque los padres, los maridos, los hijos, los amantes y los amigos están muy bien, no son perros. En el transcurso de mi vida he sido todo ello -excepto que en lugar de marido he sido esposa- , y sé de lo que hablo, conozco muy bien los altibajos, esos altibajos diarios, que a veces se dan casi
a cada hora en los que son más sensibles, y que parecen acompañar inevitablemente a los amores humanos
Los perros están libres de esas fluctuaciones. Cuando aman, aman con todas sus fuerzas, sin vacilaciones, hasta su último aliento.
Así es como quiero ser amada
Por ello, voy a escribir sobre perros".

10 reviews
July 13, 2021
Truly a book from another time. ...in a good way. von Arnim is an extraordinary narrator, thankfully, given that this book is less bout the dogs -- although there is plenty about them -- than it is about how von Arnim navigated her life. It's memoir, and it's delightful.
Profile Image for Deborah.
63 reviews2 followers
September 8, 2017
If you love dogs, don't miss this.
Unsentimental, inventive, witty and touching.
A biography written through the dogs the author had.
I've read this several times and it's always brilliant.
Profile Image for Laura.
24 reviews3 followers
May 26, 2024
durísimo la verdad, he llorado a mares con la muerte de Coco (si de verdad quieres a tu perro no lo abandonas a su muerte durante años jaja 🫶🏻)
This entire review has been hidden because of spoilers.
Profile Image for Alberta.
44 reviews
August 26, 2022
Leggero ma godibile, commovente e silenziosamente femminista.
Profile Image for beesp.
386 reviews48 followers
January 10, 2018
Se amate i cani, dovreste fare il possibile per leggere questo libro.
È la storia della vita di una donna che non poteva fare a meno di condividerla con i suoi cani. È la storia orgogliosa e piena d’affetto e di coraggio, combinazione che sola si addice ai cani, di una successione di bestioline irrequiete e allegre, appesantite dagli anni e dal cibo, tutte con una loro personalità e dei loro desideri. È il racconto ironico di un’esistenza, un’esistenza che solo chi vive con un animale può comprendere a pieno. È la consapevolezza di non essere gli unici animali dotati di intelligenza sul pianeta; quella intelligenza ingenua e priva di finzioni dei cani, che li rendono dei compagni onesti e leali (anche quando sono terribili e maleducati), per cui tanto risultano essere irresistibili.
La compagnia data da un animale è incommensurabile. I cani riempiono la vita, le danno uno scopo e una direzione quando tutto il resto sembra insensato. Un cane è una responsabilità, ma è anche un onore.

Questo romanzo è assolutamente adorabile, ironico, leggero. Elizabeth Von ARNIM ha scritto un piccolo tesoro, che spero di riuscire a conservare nella mia memoria per sempre.
Profile Image for Felicity.
287 reviews3 followers
June 29, 2022
'If this weren't a book about dogs only,' Von Arnim regularly reminds the reader of what she might otherwise have written of her life. The canine construction of the narrative, originally published in 1936, allows her to pass over without comment the dogless periods of her life, which coincided with those most likely to interest the modern reader of tell-all autobiography. It's a device that may not not appeal to those more interested in matters of human infidelity than in dogged devotion, but it conveys the vestigial charm of a seemingly charmed life in her 'German Garden' years. When the idyll is endangered she shows a veritably dogged determination to endure the inevitable: 'But it is no use dwelling on agonies ... Who wants to write, or think, of ancient griefs? Put them on one side; cover them up with silence; take out what lessons you can from them; and then turn your back, and set your face towards any happiness that may still be left.' (143). The 'ancient griefs', almost invariably the death of beloved dogs, test Von Arnim's counsel of consolation, the commitment to Goethe's conception of truth, goodness and beauty at a time when all were threatened with extinction.
Profile Image for Celia Crotteau.
189 reviews
February 16, 2014
While wandering through a used bookstore in a university town, I discovered this book, and more by Elizabeth Von Armin, on a low dusty shelf and bought several to try. I started with this memoir/autobiography, to learn more about this writer I had never heard of. She writes with a polished style that is both self-deprecating and witty and, at times, oddly forlorn. Intrigued by what she didn't say as well as what she did, I did some online research and discovered that Elizabeth Von Armin was a well-known and respected writer in her day who has fallen into obscurity. Several critics/scholars think she is ripe for a comeback, but who knows for sure? Anyway, I am about to start her most famous book, Elizabeth and Her German Garden, which actually is briefly mentioned in Downton Abbey, during the time when it would have been a run away best seller. Just as Virginia Woolf was "rediscovered" by feminist scholars, perhaps this writer will be as well. Somehow, though, I can't see anyone outside academia really reading and enjoying her writing.
Profile Image for G. Jr..
Author 1 book9 followers
September 7, 2017
What a great read. As anyone who knows me, knows I'm a dog person. I wrote book that is a dog book but not a dog book. This book is a dog book but not a dog book. It is very close to an autobiography of a very interesting person told around the dogs in her life. It is wonderfully written and not necessarily a fawning over the dogs in her life but reflects the reality of the dogs of her time. I was given this book as a gift and am forever grateful to my friend who gave me this book. Highly recommended .
145 reviews1 follower
May 21, 2024
Descubri a Elizabeth von Armin gracias a Jan y su editorial Trotalibros y tras leer Vera (libro que me habia encantado) me decidi a leer su especie de autobiografia particular.
Los perros me encantan y la pluma de la autora me habia gustado asi que sabia que iba a disfrutar este libro y asi ha sido.
En el Elizabeth nos cuenta parte de su vida centrada en los perros que tuvo dedicandoles un capitulo de cada libro
Una lectura muy tierna que tienes que leer si te gustan estos animalillos, si te gusta la autora o si te gustan los clasicos (o las tres cocas).
4 ⭐
15 reviews
February 4, 2022
I loved this book. I had heard of Elizabeth von Arnim and her famous German garden but had thought it and she sounded dull - it might be worth I go I think for this book is anything but. She is funny and warm and sharp about husbands, suitors and friends and truthful and charming about dogs. While I cried several times while reading it, it left me resolute to turn my face to the sun and get on with life. A lovely read though I think you might have to be a dog lover to properly enjoy it
1 review4 followers
January 9, 2012
This is easily one of my favorite books of all time. Written by Elizabeth von Arnim (who went on to write Enchanted April) it tells the story of her amazing life through the various dogs she owned over the years. Every person I've loaned it to has loved it, and that number is easily a half dozen or more.
Profile Image for Helena Peña.
7 reviews1 follower
May 20, 2024
Me ha encantado conocer a los 14 peludos que pasan por la vida de Elizabeth Von Arnim. He reído, me he enternecido y he llorado casi a partes iguales a largo de sus páginas. Está escrito con una dulzura hacia los perretes, bajo mi punto de vista, muy adelantada a su tiempo. La edición de Trotalibros, además, preciosa. Fue un magnífico regalo de padre perruno a madre perruna 🩷
Profile Image for Bunny.
46 reviews1 follower
October 23, 2009
Von Arnim at her best. A lovely book almost an sutobiography - I'd love to read a full autobiography - told through the times surrounding the dogs she owned, how she felt about them, what happened to them, and all of the friends, lovers and houses that they encountered. Highly recommended.
Profile Image for J.E..
Author 5 books11 followers
September 21, 2014
An amusing non-autobiography; the author gets around discussing her marriages, the First World War, etc. by writing only about the times she had dogs. Unfortunately, since humans outlive dogs, this also means a lot of sad ends.
Profile Image for Linda.
1,246 reviews18 followers
January 21, 2022
Well written and interesting, still, it’s amazing how different our reactions are to peoples actions now than when this was written. It’s off putting how she doesn’t mind exposing her feelings toward some of her dogs.
Displaying 1 - 30 of 70 reviews

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