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176 pages, Paperback
First published January 1, 1966
"إلى الذين يرون بعين واحدة, ويتكلمون بلسان واحد ويرون الأشياء إما سوداء أو بيضاء, إما شرقية أو غربية"
يا للسخرية، الإنسان لمجرد أنه خُلِق عند خط الاستواء، بعضُ المجانين يعتبرونه عبداً، وبعضُهم يعتبره إلهاً، أين الاعتدال؟ أين الاستواء؟
لا يعنيني اذا كان للحياة معنى او لم يكن لها معنى. واذا كنت لا استطيع ان اغفر فسأحاول ان انسى. سأحيا بالقوة والمكر
.. railway originally established to transport troops, and have established schools to teach us how to say 'yes' in their own language ..
.. سكك الحديد أنشأت اصلا لنقل الجنود ، و قد أنشأوا المدارس ليعلمونا كيف نقول (نعم) بلغتهم ..
هل هؤلاء الناس الذين يطلق عليهم "الفلاحون" في الكتب ؟ لو قلت لجدى ان الثورات تصنع باسمه ، و الحكومات تقوم و تقعد من أجله لضحك ....
I listened intently to the wind: that indeed was a sound well known to me, a sound which in our village possessed a merry whispering – the sound of wind passing through palm trees is different from when it passes through fields of corn. I heard the cooing of the turtle-dove, and I looked through the window at the palm tree standing in the courtyard of our house and I knew all was still well with life. I looked at its strong straight trunk, at its roots that strike down into the ground, at the green branches hanging down loosely over its top, and I experienced a feeling of assurance.
He is no towering oak tree with luxuriant branches growing in a land on which Nature has bestowed water and fertility; rather he is like the sayal bushes in the deserts of the Sudan, thick of bark and sharp of thorn, defeating death because they ask so little of life.
She would tell me that in my eyes she saw the shimmer of mirages in hot deserts, that in my voice she heard the screams of ferocious beasts in the jungles. And I would tell her that in the blueness of her eyes I saw the faraway shoreless seas of the North.
Another fire would not have done any good. I left him talking and went out. I did not let him complete the story…