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Thirty-Nine Again

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Last year, Sabrina spent her thirty-ninth birthday undergoing chemotherapy. Now, it's one year later, and her friends have planned a do-over birthday celebration. But Sabrina just wants to resume her quiet life with dull fiancé Scott, and she's reluctant to celebrate her good health prematurely. She's even relieved when the party plans get derailed by an appointment with Evan, her hot, new personal trainer. However, her relief turns to fear when she discovers a masked man ransacking her apartment. And fear turns to plain old crankiness when Evan flashes a badge and spirits her away with scary talk about witness protection programs and the Mexican mob wanting her dead. Thirty-nine the first time was horrible. Does she really have the strength to do thirty-nine again?

272 pages, Paperback

First published May 14, 2009

About the author

Lynn Reynolds

5 books58 followers
Lynn Reynolds’ published fiction includes chick lit, steamy romance, a cookbook, and a ghost story. RT Book Reviews called her debut novel THIRTY-NINE AGAIN, “a first-class mystery . . . and a first-class read.” Print editions of Lynn’s novels may be ordered wherever books are sold. Her ebooks are sold exclusively at Amazon.

In addition to her full-length fiction, Lynn has written numerous well-reviewed short stories and poetry, which have appeared in a number of obscure literary magazines you've never heard of.

Lynn’s real life alter ego, Linda Reynolds-Burkins, currently works in corporate communications for a small Maryland-based defense contractor. In her previous career as a journalist, Linda wrote feature articles for the Pulitzer Prize-winning Baltimore Sun and many other regional publications. She also worked in public relations for the Baltimore Symphony Orchestra and received the Mayor's Citation for her work with the symphony's Community Outreach Committee.

A woman with a dangerously short attention span, Lynn has been a librarian, a journalist, a publicist, a computer programmer, an actress, a stagehand, a secretary, and a child model. Eventually, she is bound to run out of professions. Her real ambition is to be a wench at The Renaissance Faire.

Follow her on Instagram @wordsmithlynn or visit her website at www.wordsmithlynn.com.

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Displaying 1 - 13 of 13 reviews
Profile Image for Carrie.
1,859 reviews81 followers
July 26, 2012
TBR Challenge 2012: Personal Challenge-- I put this on my Amazon wish list in Feb 2010.

I put this book on my wish list over on Amazon over two years ago. I can no longer remember who recommended the book, but when I was given a copy of the book I jumped at the chance to read it. One more book off my ever-lengthening to-read list! Yay!

I wish I remembered who recommended the book because I'd like to thank them. This is a very enjoyable, sometimes humorous, romantic suspense novel about a woman who fines out her boring long-term boyfriend, Scott, might just be involved with the Mexican mob. Last year on her 39th birthday, Sabrina was going through chemotherapy for breast cancer. This year, she wants a 39th do-over birthday. Instead, her apartment is broken into and her her personal trainer, Evan, turns out to be a federal agent.

While the novel has a light touch, thanks to the writing, the contents aren't always light. There are references to sex trafficking and descriptions of violence. The story is told in first person, but the dialogue is well done and helps the reader get to know the other characters. The suspense plot was interesting and well paced. The writing was above average, especially the dialogue.

Sabrina is a normal person. She is smart and brave, but she's also flawed and human. I like her, and while she doesn't always make (in retrospect) the best decisions, her character was consistent and believable. I like that she is older (40) and that she's had surgery for breast cancer, so has a less than "perfect" body. Evan is 6 or 7 years younger, so this is a "older woman/younger man" romance, also refreshing for a change.

Overall a good, solid book.
Profile Image for Douglas Meeks.
886 reviews236 followers
December 26, 2013
I am not sure what I was expecting when I started this novel since I will confess I had no idea what "Chick Noir" was but the explanation in the synopsis I can say with confidence is right on the money "It's like chick lit, but with guns and dead bodies instead of shoes.", yep, that kinda covers it generally.

Sabrina is engaged to Scott who is pretty much a weak minded corporate type that has no real moral compass. She is a cancer survivor which tends to make her a survivor in general as it turns out, she is also very loyal which accounts for a couple of early TSTL moments (To Stupid To Live) but the key to those type characters being irradiating or endearing is whether they learn from their mistakes ..... boy does she learn some hard lessons.

Evan is a bit of an enigma at the start of this novel but becomes a much more fleshed out character as the story goes along but his real thing here is the reader trying to figure out his real motives/feelings.

The fact people are seriously trying to kill them makes romance a bit hard to come by for a good portion of the novel but it does keep you on the edge of your seat since this is not a series, people can get killed. The unexpected suspense is the best thing I got from this novel since I really was not expecting it, I was grabbing a book that might be slightly entertaining that I could put down easily during Christmas, this was not the best decision since this was a "I can't put it down novel". It does have a surprise twist towards the end you never saw coming, nice touch.

Bottom Line: This was a great reading experience, great characters and a surprisingly great story. My only minor complaint is that after all the dust settles the novel kinda stumbles around for the ending couple of chapters but that is not a buzz kill by any means, enjoyed the book and highly recommend it.
53 reviews
October 14, 2012
It's always great when you download a free book from Kindle that is written by an unknown author and it turns out to be such a wonderful book. The main character, Sabrina, is smart, witty, and charming, yet the author also let's you see her vulnerability as a breast cancer survivor. I hope to read more books by this author.
Profile Image for Susie.
343 reviews9 followers
May 6, 2013
I flew through this book. I started it Friday and finished in Sunday, despite a very busy weekend.

It's Sabrina O'Hara's 39th birthday. Ok, it's actually her 40, but since she had breast cancer on her 39th, she's giving herself a re-do. Her life is very normal - she's an accountant, her live-in boyfriend is a lawyer. They have a very vanilla lifestyle. That night of the birthday, while she's sleeping off a bottle of wine, she wakes up to someone stealing her boyfriend's computer and her sexy personal trainer comes to save the day. Turns out her boyfriend is wanted for a human trafficking ring and the Feds aren't convinced that Sabrina wasn't in on it, too. Sabrina has to clear her name and try to overcome the betrayal of the men in her life and not die in the process.

This book is fast paced, action packed and fun. Sabrina is funny, smart-mouthed and courageous. Agent Double-0-Sexy, aka Evan, is dreamy, caring and strong. I loved him. But despite the great characters Reynolds has written, she's also brought to light the difficulties post-mastecotmy/lumpectomy women go through, not only with their self image, but with their relationships. This is set in Baltimore, which is fitting since Maryland has the highest breast cancer rate of the country. Yep, you heard me right. What is up with that? Also, the rate of spouses cheating/leaving their partners after the diagnosis of breast cancer (not just any cancer, breast cancer) is incongruously high. Again - what is up with that? Reynolds touches on this, which lends it an authenticity which I appreciated - particularly because she is not a breast cancer survivor.

Anyway, I loved this book and I look forward to her next "chick noir" novel. I definitely recommend it to fans of strong female characters and mysteries/thrillers.

On a side note, the only thing that confused me was Evan's age. He's 33 in 2008 but was in the first Gulf War? If I read that wrong, someone please explain it to me, but I was 31 in 2008 and the gulf war happened when I was in 8th grade...which would have made Evan a sophomore in high school and too young to be in the military.
Profile Image for Jane Stewart.
2,462 reviews925 followers
September 5, 2010
Fun, clever, witty, intelligent style. Breast cancer survivor gets caught up with criminals and a hunky government agent.

Sabrina spent her thirty-ninth birthday undergoing chemotherapy and had part of a breast removed. It is one year later. She’s been living with Scott for six years. He won’t commit to a wedding date or give her a ring. Sabrina has low self esteem, partly due to Scott’s reluctance to look at her scarred body. While Scott is away, an armed burglar breaks into her home. Sabrina fights him. Evan (her personal trainer) surprisingly shows up and helps her. Sabrina ends up fleeing, evading and creatively outthinking Mexican mob bad guys and U.S. government agents.

I love this author’s clever, witty, intelligent style. I had a smile on my face and was chuckling many, many times. It’s not snarky; it’s better than snarky. I was intrigued with the heroine’s attitude and brave creativity. She made up some on-the-spot-lies (to get out of tough situations) that were really good. The author spent a little less time developing the romantic relationship than most romance novels, but the relationship was good and fulfilling. The sex scenes were warmly touching.

I did not care for the book cover. Also Evan’s tattoos described on page 202 were different from the tattoos on the cover. I was just informed that a later edition has a different cover - much better.

Story length: 272 pages. Swearing language: strong (including religious swear words). Sexual language: mild. Number of sex scenes: 2. Total number of sex scene pages: 7. Setting: current day Baltimore, Maryland area. Copyright: 2008. Genre: contemporary romantic suspense.
Profile Image for Luli.
713 reviews78 followers
August 22, 2014
Humor negro. Es lo más apropiado que se me ocurre para describir este libro. A mí no me ha gustado, no soy fan de este tipo de humor, no me parece gracioso y el suspense pierde su encanto cuando los protagonistas parecen que están en una fiesta en vez de en medio de un tiroteo.
Tampoco considero que esta historia sea un romance. Hay un beso, o dos, una escena de sexo y los (increíblemente tempranos) “te quiero”. Hasta pasado el ecuador del libro no hay interacción entre los protagonistas, con lo cual el romance, por llamarlo de alguna manera, es inexistente o demasiado apresurado, poco creíble.
La trama está interesante, mafia mejicana, trata de blancas, poder y corrupción, pero todo queda ensombrecido por la actitud cínica de la protagonista. Poco creíble que un personaje tan pusilánime con su vida personal, de la noche a la mañana se convierta en alguien con tantos recursos y las ideas tan claras de repente.
La sensación que he tenido durante toda la historia ha sido la de “esto no hay quien se lo crea, ni pies ni cabeza”.
Pero si realmente te gusta el humor negro, este sería tu libro.
Profile Image for Diane Wylie.
Author 19 books31 followers
August 11, 2013
I was not sure what to expect when I began to read this novel, described as “chick noir”. This was the first time that I’ve ever heard of this particular genre. But I have to say that Lynn Reynolds pulled it off wonderfully. I would rank this book on a par with the Janet Evanovich Stephanie Plum books. Smart and witty and funny too. This is not something easy to accomplish in novel form, much less in first person as well.

I was impressed that her first person form never slipped from beginning to end. The story was fast-paced enough to hold my attention and keep me reading long past my regular bedtime. Sabrina, Evan, and Scott came to life as realistic characters in this book. I especially loved that Sabrina didn’t end up hating the man she originally loved, even after his big secret was revealed. In short, I loved THIRTY-NINE AGAIN and I highly recommend it.
94 reviews
December 22, 2015

I have read this book before, but it's still a good read.

Sabrina has been cancer free for nearly a year, and she assumed her real battles were over. That is, until she learns that her boyfriend is in deep trouble with homeland security. Now she is running for her life and trying to justify all that's gone awry. But one of the agents, the man who had been her personal trainer, is muddying those stories and making her rethink her life and future.

It's a fun book, easy read. The ending isn't blatantly obvious, and the author doesn't try to push anything on you.
Profile Image for Cheryl.
3 reviews
January 11, 2019
i have read this book 3x now. i always think the same thing... "what about Jess and Chuck?" all the characters are well developed and interesting.
sabrina is a breast cancer survivor, but also a survivor of life. its a basic rundown girls survives, has a crappy boyfriend, meets new guy, realizes guy #1 truly is pathetic, guy #1 is envoved in shady stuff ,in comes a xool cast of character, new guy (new guy) is a fed, anger and other feels happen, new guy gets hurt, Sabrina learms shes tougher than she ever knew. girl and guys fall in love. very fast paced and a fun read.
40 reviews3 followers
November 26, 2013
I liked this book. It is about so many things - re-inventing yourself after a life changing event, redemption, learning about yourself and not to settle for things that don't really make you happy. I thought it dragged a bit in places, but for the last 75 pages or so I couldn't put it down.
Profile Image for Diana.
1,831 reviews10 followers
December 23, 2012
I read this in one sitting! It was very well-written, funny & sweet. Highly recommended. A very pleasant surprise.
Profile Image for Kim.
144 reviews1 follower
February 11, 2013
very entertaining, quick read. great suspense and witty characters.
Displaying 1 - 13 of 13 reviews

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