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Divlji konj

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Animalistički roman Divlji konj Božidara Prosenjaka nagrađen je dvjema uglednim nagradama - "Ivana Brlić-Mažuranić" i "Grigor Vitez". No najveća mu je nagrada i priznanje što je stekao brojne čitatelje, djecu i odrasle. Među kojima ima i onih za koje možemo reći da su postali njegovi prijatelji. U romanu pratimo odrastanje divljeg konja kao njegovo prepoznavanje, odbijanje, analiziranje i prihvaćanje životne filozofije utemeljene na Zakonu.

200 pages, Hardcover

First published January 1, 1989

About the author

Božidar Prosenjak

12 books3 followers
BOŽIDAR PROSENJAK je rođen 19. kolovoza 1948. godine u Koprivnici. Djetinjstvo je proveo u podravskom selu Kuzmincu. Tamo je započeo svoje školovanje, nastavio ga zatim u Koprivnici, Parizu i Zagrebu, gdje je diplomirao romanistiku na Filozofskom fakultetu. Zaposlio se u Velikoj Gorici kao novinar i urednik kulture u listu i na radiju.

Godine 1980. pokreće i više od šesnaest godina uređuje biblioteku "Albatros" u Velikoj Gorici. Uređije također Časopise Matice hrvatske u Velikoj Gorici i Društva hrvatskih književnika u Zagrebu. Od godine 1984. djeluje kao slobodni umjetnik. Član je Društva hrvatskih književnika i Republičke zajednice samostalnih umjetnika Hrvatske, gdje je niz godina i član Upravnih tijela.

Objavljuje prozne, pjesničke, dramske i kritičke tekstove u dnevnom i periodočnom tisku, na radiju i televiziji. Surađuje u časopisima za djecu "Modra lasta", "Radost", "Smib", "Zvrk" i dr. Radovi su mu uvrsteni u zbornike, antologije, školsku lektiru i školske udžbenike. Neki su mu tekstovi prevedeni na vise od 20 svjetskih jezika.

Djela su mu: "A", zbirka pjesama i kratkih proza za djecu ("Osvit" Karlovac, 1980.); "Divlji konj", roman ("Mladost" Zagreb, 1989., 1990., 1991. i 1992.); "Decka radost" Skopje 1991., "Znanje" Zagreb 1995. i 1998. (Academia cravatica, Zagreb 1999., bibliofilsko izdanje). "Kralj", pjesme za odrasle (Matica hrvatske, Velika Gorica, 1993. i bibliofilsko izdanje 1993.); "Sijač sreće", zbirka priča za djecu ("Nova stvarnost" Zagreb 1997.); slikovnice: "Isusovo rođenje" ("Teovizija" Zagreb, 1995. i "Ognjišće" Koper 1999.), "Golub i sokol" ("Teovizija" Zagreb, 1995.), "Legende o sv. Nikoli" ("Teovizija" Zagreb, 1996. i "Ognjišće" Koper 1999.) "Miš" ("ABC naklada", Zagreb, 1997.), "Kućni ljubimci" (MTG consuting, Velika Gorica 1997.) "Sveta Lucija" (Narodno Sveučilište, Velika Gorica 1998.) "Divlji konj" scensko djelo (Prvoprikazba: Velika Gorica 1998.) Dramski program HRT-a Radio Zagreb, Prvi program, izveo je nekoliko njegovih radio drama. Autor je scenarija za igrane i dokumentarne filmove i tekstova za mjuzikle, strip i popularnu glazbu.

Za svoj književni rad Božidar Prosenjak je primio više uglednih nagrada, a najznačajnije su "Ivana Brlić-Mažuranić" i "Grigor Vitez" (Zagreb, 1989. za roman Divlji konj")

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Displaying 1 - 30 of 44 reviews
Profile Image for Irena BookDustMagic.
689 reviews822 followers
November 22, 2015
Dear friends,
I wish you had the fortune to read this beautiful, BEAUTIFUL book.
I feel so lucky that such a wonderful piece of work has been written in my native language and I only wish that, one day, it will be translated into every possible language there is, so people around the world would be able to experience it's amazingness.

Told from one horse's perspective, Divlji konj (translation: Wild horse) is a huge metaphor about man's search for meaning of life.
Full of life advices and long memorable quotes, it will touch everyone's hearts.

This is a required reading in middle school, and back then when I read it, I fell in love with it.
Now, when I'm older, I can understand it wholeheartedly and, because of that, I appreciate it so much more.

A special place in my heart, where only few of books are, is where this book is locked and will stay there forever.
Profile Image for Bruno.
281 reviews11 followers
July 4, 2022
Jako interesantna knjiga (pogotovo mi se ova izdanja iz ''Stribora'' sviđaju jer na nekim stranicama predočavaju radnju i slikama, radi boljeg razumijevanja sadržaja) koja metaforički prikazuje život i odrastanje u liku konja, dok istražuje svijet oko sebe te proživljava divne i teške trenutke. Sjećam se kako je ovo djelo u nekom predlošku bilo uspoređeno sa knjigom Richarda Bacha, ''Galeb Jonathan Livingstone'', zbog ideje o protagonistu koji želi otkriti što se nalazi izvan zone komfora i pravila. Dok uvodni dio knjige možda vuče inspiraciju, zaplet odlazi u drugom smjeru jer, kako to obično biva, život ima nepredvidive ishode (naročito u nepoznatom svijetu). U takvim okolnostima dolaze i najteža poglavlja koja su me neprestano vukla da čitam dalje, kako bih otkrio što će se desiti (ima i tragičnih scena, pa ne nedostaje uzbuđenja). Dok su posljednja poglavlja predugo razvlačila radnju (dolazi i do smjene generacije), sam kraj je bio bliski i emotivan rastanak, kao da je riječ o najboljem prijatelju ili članu obitelji. Iskreno, bilo je teško suspregnuti emocije, ali je zadovoljstvo zbog proživljenog ostalo i do današnjih dana. Ako je netko fan žanrova o životnim dramama, onda bih svakako preporučio ovu knjigu.

A very interesting book (I especially like those editions from ''Stribor'' because on some of the pages the plot and the characters are presented visually, for the better understanding) which metaphorically presents life and coming of age in the character of a horse, while exploring the world around him and experiencing joyful and harsh moments. I remember that in some attachment this work was compared to the book by Richard Bach ''Jonathan Livingstone Seagull'', because of the idea of a protagonist, who wishes to discover what lays beyond the zone of comfort and rules. While the beginning might draw comparison, the plot goes in a different direction, because, as it usually is, life has an unexpected results (especially in an unknown world). Under those circumstances come the hardest chapters which have pushed me forward to read and to know what will happen (it has tragic scenes, so there's no lacking of suspense). While the latter chapters have stretched the the plot (there's also the coming of new generation), the end itself was an close and emotional departure, like it's the best friend or a family member. Honestly, it was hard to hold on the emotions, but the satisfaction, because of everything that transpired, has remain even to this days. If someone's a fan of life dramas, then I gladly recommend this book.
Profile Image for Barb.
236 reviews
May 27, 2022
Updated 2022 review:

Nice try, but no.
Profile Image for Samanta  .
194 reviews47 followers
February 27, 2023
The Wild Horse is a novel for children, written in the first person POV, about the life of a horse known as The Wild Horse.
The Wild Horse narrates his life from its very beginning in a wild herd to his end in the Master's estate. The Wild Horse was wild from his early days, a bit spoilt, questioning everything around him. Then life started hitting him, as life tends to do. He resist the learning process for a very long time, yearning to keep the idea of unrestricted freedom alive, but eventually learns the important life lessons.

The story of the Wild Horse is actually an allegory of human life. As children we are unburdened by the rules and responsibilities, but as life goes by and we grow, we are faced with different challenges that are supposed to teach us important lessons. Some learn, some unfortunately don't. The Master in the story, an almost mythological being in horse "lore", a benevolent person (in this story, a human) that ensures a safe life with plenty of food and water, in exchange for absolute obedience and taking on responsibility, is a representation of God in human world, giving us, not what we want (or think we want), but what we need.

This book is required reading in our primary education, and I do think that young adults (13/14 years old) can find something they can relate to, but I think adults can relate more.

For those interested, the book is available in English under the title, The Wild Horse.
16 reviews
October 5, 2011
This is a beautiful touching fable about growing up and searching for the right path in life narrated by a horse. The main characters are horses and the man as the Master. Excellent plot of every action which is fabulously and logically imagined. The end of the book is too emotional and heartbreaking, because the scene of the main character dying is written too realistically. For gentle souls it may create tears during reading. Sadly, this book isn't written in English so the whole world can't experience it.
Profile Image for haralampius.
6 reviews
April 9, 2022
This book is disgusting. It is a mixture of horse bible and horse soap opera. This book is as pathetic in every way as its author.

character development: ❌️
boring book with awful writing and plot: ✅️
flat story: ✅️
stupid compulsory reading that school made me read: ✅️
Profile Image for Petra Maltarić.
17 reviews1 follower
February 24, 2023
"Neprihvaćanje vlastitog položaja nevolja je iz koje proizlaze sve ostale neprilike u životu (...). Neprihvaćanje i opiranje dva su smjera našeg djelovanja. Zapravo jurimo na neka druga mjesta za udobnostima i vjerujemo da je ondje sreća. Ne pada nam na pamet da je sreća baš tu gdje stojimo i da uzalud lupa na naše srce. Mi to svoje srce stišćemo i stežemo, tvrdo nam je kao kamen, a sreća je poput sjemenke koja traži razmekšano, vlažno od suza i toplo srce puno osjećaja. Izvana možeš činiti što te volja, tko zna kako velika djela, a ipak nećeš biti sretan, ostat ćeš jadan. Po sreću moraš u svoju dubinu. Ona je uvijek s tobom, ali su ti um, oči i srce zauzeti (...). "

Profile Image for Luka.
95 reviews
January 24, 2021
'Sinko, pobjeda u kojoj nisi vidio svoj poraz, nije pobjeda. Čuvaj je se kao otrova jer pobjeda u kojoj si nadvladao samo protivnika, a ne i sebe, tvoj je poraz. Tvoj pravi protivnik si ti sam.'

Nakon 15-ak godina re-read. Nikad dosad nisam bio svjestan koliko je knjiga povezana s biblijom i religijom, no unatoč tome gotovo filozofski i s propitkivanjem se prikazuje, u ovom slučaju kroz životinjski svijet, život pojedinca. U gotovo svakoj rečenici čitatelj može pronaći djelić sebe. Knjiga je bogata i raznim životnim poukama, što je čini važnim štivom za djecu, ali i odrasle.
Profile Image for MARTIN!!!!.
2 reviews1 follower
September 12, 2011
I find this book very confusing and think that its poorly written
The chapters in this book are about 2 pages long.The setting changes too quickly.
In general, this book, I wouldnt recomend to people.
Profile Image for Lena.
36 reviews
October 23, 2021
I read only half of the book and still somehow managed to get an A . I won't read the other half , book isn't bad at all but I'm too lazy.
Profile Image for Jelena Fofic.
4 reviews
August 30, 2024
najveci gas ikad, procitala sam je 5 puta u 6. osnovne i plakala svaki put 😎😎💯💯💯🗣🗣🗣🗣🗣🗣🗣🗣🗣
Profile Image for ines.
357 reviews1 follower
January 30, 2018
Pročitala sam ovu knjigu u osnovnoj školi i sjećam se da mi se sviđala i zato sam joj dala 5 zvjezdica.
Sad sam od početka imala kritike i nekako mi ne sjeda...ne slažem se s većinom toga i smeta me kako pisac prikazuje konje. Na dijelove ima smisla, ali cijela priča s romansom je jednostavno...meni osobno glupa. Čovjek personificira konje i kao on zna što si oni misle i osjećaju... ova knjiga možda i ima neke pouke u sebi i djeca bi ju mogla pročitati, ali znam da kad sam kao mala čitala ovu knjigu isti dijelovi mi nisu imali smisla, a sad mi još više idu na živce.
Po mojem mišljenju, ta personifikacija konja je čudna, tj. način na koji pisac piše konje...u jednim situacijama se ponašaju kao neki ljudi, a u drugima opet kao konji s ljudskim mislima. Jednostavno način na koji je pisac odlučio prenijeti svoje misli i pouke ovom knjigom nisu mi baš sjele. Također, kroz cijeli roman konj je u potrazi za tim Gospodarom koji je vjerojatno neka metafora za boga, traženje smisla života izvan prirode itd. S puno toga o čemu pisac teži se ne slažem te mi se zbog toga, drugi put čitajući pvu knjigu, nije baš niti sviđala.
Profile Image for Ivan P..
9 reviews
December 26, 2020
I think this was the worst book I ever read.
The whole idea of the book is just so boring and there is no character development!!
Maybe it is just because I hate the genre of this book, I don't really know.
Isn't it boring to read about a horse just standing in the barn and thinking about escaping?
Wow, this book is bad, really bad.
Profile Image for ItsJustPenny.
3 reviews14 followers
February 15, 2018
I read this book. It was interesting but i didnt liked when he died. The chapters were too short and I didnt knew when the autor chainged the teme into new one, but the book isnt bad. Its interesting.
Profile Image for Ana-Marija Posavec.
Author 6 books18 followers
May 10, 2021
Izvrsna, autentično-alegorijska priča o odnosu konja i gospodara; preneseno je značenje jasno samo po sebi, a posebno zanimljivo učenicima pri tumačenju... Duboka knjiga snažnih pouka koju ni odrasli čitatelji ne bi trebali zanemariti!
34 reviews1 follower
December 12, 2021
One of the best books I have ever read. I read it first when I was 10 and recently re-read it and it's still wonderful. It reads pretty fast because chapters are short (about 3-6 pages). I would recommend it to everyone, young and old, you won't be disappointed I promise.
Profile Image for Hana.
42 reviews
January 8, 2011
I remember reading this one a few years ago, I had to read it for school. It was ok but I usually don't read these kind of books...
Profile Image for vorbore.
146 reviews26 followers
December 7, 2011
Perhaps it is just me, but I read a religious pamphlet here.
Profile Image for Toni.
27 reviews1 follower
March 15, 2022
E tu, tu je bio početak kraja; od tada sve samo ide nadolje
Profile Image for Iva.
30 reviews
April 4, 2022
Sviđala mi se jako knjiga, tako puno mudrih izreka. Zaboraviš da čitaš o konjima.
Displaying 1 - 30 of 44 reviews

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