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Flying in the Face of Fear: A Fighter Pilot's Lessons on Leading with Courage

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Proven principles of leadership from a veteran fighter pilot and military leader In Flying in the Face of Fear: Lessons on Leading with Courage , former fighter pilot and retired Air Force Colonel Kim Campbell delivers an inspiring and practical discussion of leadership and decision-making. In the book, you’ll follow the author’s journey through the principles that got her through her 24-year career in the high-stakes and high-risk world of aerial combat. You’ll discover lessons and stories that will serve as a resource for you as you lead your students, employees, and others through the challenges of life and work, learning to create a positive impact and make a big difference in the lives of the people who follow you. You’ll also find: An essential leadership blueprint for business and military professionals seeking to improve their ability to inspire others to greater achievements, Flying in the Face of Fear will also earn a place in the libraries of young and mid-career professionals looking for mentorship and sound, proven advice.

216 pages, Hardcover

First published March 8, 2023

About the author

Kim "KC" Campbell

1 book17 followers

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3 reviews
March 5, 2023
Kim “KC” Campbell’s experiences and emotions are on full display in her new book Flying in the Face of Fear: A Fighter Pilot's Lessons on Leading with Courage and all for the betterment of the reader. Kim does not hold back as she shares both her incredible successes and humbling failures. Yet she always does so with one objective in mind: how can I impart some knowledge on the reader? Both the book and its reader are benefitted by this, as it frames the book’s purpose and keeps the reader engaged and coming back for more.

Each chapter revolves around a critical lesson that can be taken into anyone’s personal and professional life. Kim uses her life experiences to demonstrate just how she came to the lessons she imparts, illuminating her vulnerability at the same time as she makes her lessons relatable; one can see themselves in similar shoes. Sometimes you set your mind to something and work towards it for years, only to face failure. Or you find yourself in a relationship thinking, “how can we make this work while both supporting our own dreams?” In sharing her story Kim offers wisdom of how she was able to succeed so that others can be propelled to even higher heights.

As much as Flying in the Face of Fear is a book of lessons, it too is a memoir of Kim’s service in uniform, and a powerful memoir at that. Fittingly being released during Women’s History Month, Kim spends valuable time reflecting on the fact that she was a female fighter pilot and a mother in a profession where both were very rare. To the aforementioned point of her vulnerability, Kim admits that she found herself having to balance the reality of being one of (if not the only) female in her fighter squadron while not wanting to focus on that but rather on being the best fighter pilot she could be. The same goes to balancing building a family with not feeling that you are failing your people as a leader.

Flying in the Face of Fear is a must have on the bookshelf of anyone who is serious about their life. This applies to a spectrum of people, from young leaders in the military to mid-career mangers to the most senior of executives; not to mention anyone who wants more tips to living a fulfilling life. As someone who has the honor to call KC a mentor, I am lucky to have had someone as strong as her to kick down the barriers she faced to create the Air Force I am now a part of.
Profile Image for Steven Leonard.
Author 5 books21 followers
March 19, 2023
When it comes to good leadership writing, the best books are those written on a foundation of experience. KC Campbell's "Flying in the Face of Fear" is an incredible memoir that weaves in the lessons of leadership you can only earn through the crucible of experience. The result is a rare moment in leadership writing where the author's words and experiences paint a picture that is so rich it's breathtaking.

This book is that good. Once you start reading, you won't put it down. The lessons are familiar, the experiences all to much so. As an A-10 pilot with a career built on putting her life and plane on the line to provide support to others in harm's way, KC's experiences are as harrowing as they are meaningful. An absolute must read.
Profile Image for Rick P..
24 reviews
March 12, 2023
Flying in the Face of Fear is a fantastic resource for leaders and managers. It presents valuable leadership and life lessons from a unique perspective: fighter pilot culture. This alone is a compelling enough reason to buy this book for yourself or a leader in your life. But Colonel Campbell’s book is about way more than leadership.

- It’s the inspiring life story of a young girl who has to overcome a variety of obstacles to pursue her dream to serve her country.
- It’s an inside look at the career of an accomplished pilot and Air Force officer.
- It vividly puts the reader “inside the cockpit” during A-10 combat missions, including her famous mission over Baghdad.

So, yes, this is a book for leaders. But it’s also for anyone else who wants to learn essential life skills, needs inspiration, or just wants to read some really cool tales about our nation’s heroes.

Profile Image for Dusty Juhl.
19 reviews3 followers
May 1, 2023
I wanted to be impressed with this book...but I was not. This entire book is built on one singular, life-changing combat experience in the life of then-Captain, now retired Colonel Kim "KC" Campbell. Her 24 years of active duty service to the Air Force and the nation are impressive enough, and her leadership talents are self-evident. However, I can't say I learned any new leadership concepts that I haven't heard elsewhere, or can't read from any of the books she cited. "Aviate, Navigate, Communicate" sounds just like "Shoot, Move, Communicate" for shooters on the ground. She frames basic leadership lessons from the view of a fighter pilot in the cockpit as if we could all relate. The "wingman culture" she writes about sounds a lot like the "swim buddy" system Navy SEALs develop during BUDS. I've also heard the pilot training culture described much differently from people I know who experienced it firsthand, around the same time she did. It's a highly competitive environment, made up of Type A people, everyone trying to get the best plane when they complete their training, and it often isn't a very supportive environment. In fact, it's rather cutthroat and not brotherly at all. This book reads like some sort of doctoral thesis or academic endeavor. In the end, if you want to learn more about the leadership lessons she shared, study her source materials.
Profile Image for Chris.
644 reviews7 followers
April 4, 2023
I read the book and it is awesome. It is a fast and easy read packed with leadership lessons in each chapter and some life lessons too.

The book includes real combat stories that provide the adrenaline rush found in other combat books that are tempered with human stories and challenges too, and I especially loved the story about Kim being the stay-at-home spouse and Mom while her husband was deployed since in most circumstances the spouse is not also an active-duty military spouse and my heart broke for her, her children and her family when I read this portion.

While many of the leadership lessons stem from Kim's aviation experience and making split second and life or death decisions, she also provides other non-aviation and non-combat leadership lessons she learned while serving as Squadron and Wing Commander and all can be applied to the civilian world too.

I highly recommend this book and I believe that you too won't want to put it down and keep reading in one or two sittings until you finish.
March 21, 2023
Not what I expected but it was a good story. I was expecting a self help book with details on leading well and instead it was a book on self accolades which was hard to digest. Definitely more of prideful/exalted memoir.
Profile Image for Joe.
217 reviews6 followers
February 27, 2023
The Book of 2023

I’m very happy to review this masterpiece of American literature. Thru the tales of a retired US Air Force Colonel with A-10 wings… one can learn about life and leadership under stress. Not just the stress of combat but also administrative responsibilities and family duties. There are many life lessons I will take from this book and apply to politics, writing, open government advocacy and more.
Profile Image for Ken Murray.
Author 1 book1 follower
December 23, 2023
"Flying in the Face of Fear" by KC Campbell is a captivating and inspiring journey that takes readers into the heart of the skies and the depths of human resilience. KC Campbell, a retired USAF Colonel, and A-10 pilot, effortlessly weaves her extraordinary experiences into a narrative that not only honors her remarkable career but also imparts invaluable life lessons.

From the adrenaline-pumping moments in the cockpit to the poignant reflections on life's simple yet profound moments, Campbell's storytelling prowess keeps readers hooked from the first page. The book not only appeals to aviation enthusiasts but also strikes a chord with anyone who has faced challenges and fears in their personal or professional life.

One of the book's standout features is its ability to evoke a sense of nostalgia for those with a military background, drawing parallels between Campbell's experiences and the shared camaraderie of the armed forces. However, the universality of the lessons presented transcends military life, resonating with readers from various walks of life.

Campbell skillfully illustrates the transformative power of preparation and training as a potent antidote to fear. Her insights into how competence breeds confidence serve as a universal truth applicable to diverse fields, from the cockpit to the corporate boardroom. The author's ability to draw parallels between seemingly unrelated aspects, like a homemade pencil holder or a lost shoe, adds a relatable and human touch to the narrative.

The book goes beyond the thrills of flying, delving into the core of fear and stress management. Campbell's analogy of stress as a "vaccine for the brain" is both profound and practical. Her experiences serve as a guide for readers, offering them a roadmap to navigate stress and emerge stronger on the other side.

In essence, “Flying in the Face of Fear” is not just a memoir; it's a guidebook for facing challenges head-on, conquering fears, and emerging resilient. Whether you're a parent, a leader, a manager, or an aspiring Air Force Academy cadet, this book is a treasure trove of wisdom. Campbell's storytelling is not just about flying—it's about soaring above the clouds of fear and uncertainty, and her book is a testament to the indomitable human spirit. Order your copy today and embark on a journey that will linger in your mind long after the final page is turned.

Ken Murray, Lt. Col., USAF (Ret)
Author, “On Parr”
Profile Image for Vince Guerra.
Author 6 books6 followers
September 22, 2023
I got this book after hearing the author on a podcast describing getting shot up over Iraq. I was hoping it would be full of cool missions stuff and give a glimpse behind the scenes of pilots in combat.

Unfortunately, out of the 198 pages, only around 20 of them deal with combat. The rest of the book reads like a seminar presentation for corporate ladder climbers.

One thing that comes across is how the military dangles career advancement and juicy assignments to keep their investments (people) from prioritizing family. Is that leadership?

Promoted to the AF academy, she describes masking up in 2020. I find it ironic that a book titled Flying In The Face Of Fear was penned by someone who capitulated to tyranny and helped stoke the flames of irrational fear in students.

She had an opportunity to truly fly in the face of fear by modeling courageous defiance. She chose to play ball and keep her resume intact. No word about whether she got the vax or forced her students to.

A disappointing story.
Profile Image for Renee Beonet.
35 reviews
October 21, 2023
The author does have some decent, if generic, insights about leadership and strength. She is extremely resilient and her stories were inspirational to me, especially as a woman in an extremely male-dominated field. She was essentially a pioneer in this regard since this was back in the 90s. But I couldn’t give her a higher rating because her narration style is extremely dry. We can’t be talented at everything I guess. I also bought this book for more insights on the A-10 warthog. There is some of that in here but the focus of the book is definitely more of a “leadership and inspiration” book rather than a “here’s a detailed look into the life of a fighter pilot”. Most of the insights in this book are probably one’s you’ve heard before. I’d say this book might be good for you if you’re a woman looking for some inspiration and an insight into her amazing accomplishments. But if you’re looking for something groundbreaking, or something that leans into the technical aspects of being a fighter pilot, then skip.
December 23, 2023
Flying in the Face of Fear is a compelling read...hard to put down! This superb book illustrates how KC, aka “Killer Chick,” displayed outstanding leadership traits from her days at the Air Force Academy to flying the A-10 Warthog!

During combat operations in Iraq, KC continued to distinguish herself as a leader and was awarded the Distinguished Flying Cross (with Combat "V"). Part of the citation exemplifies KC for displaying courage under fire "…while participating in aerial flight.” Furthermore, KC is commended “FOR ACTIONS DURING Global War on Terror...outstanding heroism and selfless devotion to duty."

Thank you, KC for your dedicated service to our great nation and the United States Armed Forces…well done!
Profile Image for Steve Urszenyi.
Author 4 books148 followers
March 3, 2023
Are you ready to lead with courage? I was privileged to receive an advance copy of FLYING IN THE FACE OF FEAR by Kim "KC" Campbell, MBA, MA. Hers is not just another leadership book—it's THE leadership book.

Campbell channels her extensive 24-year Air Force career experiences flying the A-10 'Warthog' Thunderbolt II into combat (and, more importantly, home again) into practical lessons in leadership that inform, inspire and instruct. I was struck by her effortless storytelling and how she dovetailed practical experiences into leadership lessons from her life of exemplary military leadership.

Read it and adopt its lessons. Become the leader you can be!
Profile Image for Chad Manske.
1,058 reviews33 followers
June 10, 2023
I wish my own journey intersected with such a great leader as Kim KC (Killer Chick) Campbell. Kim is a retired combat-proven A-10 pilot and retired USAF colonel, wife and mother. This book details her own journey through the USAF and how she got there, finishing 1st in the order of merit of her USAFA class. Leadership messages and wisdom abound with every chapter as she weaves them through the fabric of her own story. However, in my opinion, the most powerful and appealing feature of this book is her humility and uncertainty of outcomes. Her humanity and strength communicate to readers that life is not always easy, yet persistence and preparation can eventually lead to the results one is searching. This simple principle provides the hope and will fuel the aspirational dreams readers will feel as they read these pages!
Profile Image for Kevin Arey.
67 reviews1 follower
July 28, 2024
What a great book!

I had the opportunity to see Colonel Campbell speak at work. Her presentation was great. She combined stories from her 24 year military career with leadership lessons she learned along the way.

Her book builds on her presentation. She retired only in the last few years. So her stories are from modern warfare. You get lost in one of her stories and then she lays out a lesson she learned from that story you could use at work tomorrow.

It's some great stuff.

Highly recommend this one!
Profile Image for John Miles.
2 reviews1 follower
March 13, 2023
A common belief is that courage and fear are mutually exclusive, with courage being the absence of fear and vice versa. However, this oversimplification becomes apparent as Kim "KC" Campbell discusses encountering real-life situations. In such moments, Campbell demonstrates that courage does not involve ignoring or eradicating fear. Instead, it requires acknowledging fear and choosing to act despite it. A great leadership guide.
Profile Image for Mark Wenger.
6 reviews
December 30, 2023
Kim Campbell is an inspiring person, for a number of reasons. As a former Air Force officer, I wanted to read her book as soon as I heard about her harrowing combat mission over Iraq, but this book tells much more about her than that one story, and the way she weaves lessons in leadership throughout the book makes it a terrific read for anyone interested in leadership. She shows by her example how to really earn respect!
1 review
March 24, 2023
Kim did an outstanding job writing this book. She has an incredible story to tell and truly inspirational life. I met KC many years ago back at Nellis and she is one of the most exceptional people in the military. She is a real American HERO!! If you are going to read one book this year make it this one!!
April 23, 2023
Magnificent book about how Colonel Campbell applies military experience into advice for anyone in a leadership position or anyone aspiring to be in a leadership position. She is truly and inspiation and my new personal hero. Bravo! Well done Colonel.
Robert Oswald - U.S. Air Force elisted veteran. 1988-1990
June 22, 2023
Leadership, courage, persistence and overcoming the fears that creates these virtues. Most of us will never experience the kind of fear (or the training that got her to that moment) in our lifetime. Kim “KC” Campbell is inspiring as a woman, a mother and as a daughter. This book is a reminder that even in the face of dead, opposition and extreme adversity we have to keep flying the plane.
August 22, 2023
This book was great. So cool hearing the journey of KC. I wasn't the biggest fan of the begging of the book that chronicled her journey through the AF Academy. It was interesting to hear the story of her writing letters to get in. The ending of the book is what sold it for me. The decision to get out is one of the toughest choices to make, but I'm glad she became a writer.
Profile Image for Tom Henricksen.
Author 42 books8 followers
March 8, 2023
After reading this book I wonder if Kim's picture is in the dictionary next to grit. She opens with a harrowing mission over Baghdad. From there she shows other stumbling blocks that would have stopped almost all of us. Learn how to be courageous like Kim as a pilot and a leader.
Profile Image for Dave.
349 reviews2 followers
March 24, 2023
Very good memoir. Strong leadership lessons. Col. Campbell is a classmate of my neighbor. She's really showed the real sacrifices our service men and women go through. Also it really shows how much the military values it's people and their families.
Profile Image for Todd A.
49 reviews
April 14, 2023
Business book, leadership book, autobiography, and military history…a nice mix and an interesting perspective of life as a married woman w kids and many other crazy experiences.

Nice reminders about fear and leading.

Also really like the concept of the wingman In business
Profile Image for Lane.
128 reviews6 followers
June 11, 2023
I enjoy non-fiction books about military experience. So many new things to learn and understand about the life and training and deployment of servicemen and servicewomen. I also wonder how military personnel learn/remember all the acronyms! Everything had an acronym.
Profile Image for Emily.
62 reviews
March 31, 2024
Although great leadership lessons for anyone in any profession, I felt a strong connection to many of Kim's stories and examples as a former military officer and working mother. Thought-provoking read.
3 reviews
April 16, 2024
Interesting autobiographical description. But, I didn't enjoy at all the stretch from each personal story to a broad life-lesson learned, with the obnoxious kitschy aftertaste of a cheap self-help book.
88 reviews1 follower
April 25, 2023
I wanted more war stories and fewer lessons on leaderships. She sounds like a remarkable person.
Profile Image for Lex Kinkade.
8 reviews
May 3, 2023
Lot of great lessons, reads more like an autobiography vs a self help type book but recommend the read of a phenomenal leader of character, pilot, and mom!
5 reviews
August 9, 2023
Thanks to Kim for such a blunt and open book. I needed it right now. And lifetime lessons for USAF now and way beyond. Thank you!
Displaying 1 - 30 of 37 reviews

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