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Priceless #3

Priceless Fate

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They say when a man embarks on revenge, he should dig two graves.
But what about a woman?

I swore I’d destroy Sebastian Wolfe, no matter the cost. I surrendered my innocence - and my heart. But now, his secrets could be both our undoing.

Is he the monster I’ve been chasing?
Or the only man who can save me?

204 pages, Kindle Edition

Published February 21, 2023

About the author

Roxy Sloane

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Roxy Sloane is a romance junkie with a dirty mind. She lives in Los Angeles and loves writing sexy, complex stories about pushing the boundaries and risking it all.

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Displaying 1 - 30 of 50 reviews
Profile Image for Ashley Shea.
391 reviews73 followers
November 29, 2023
What a ride!!

So, I take issue with the fact that these two were thrust into literally every deadly scenario possible and should be dead a bunch of times over. I don't like Sebastian as much as Saint. And I didn't need a billionaire, vïrgin, or age gap angle...


This trilogy was nuts!! Kudos to Roxy Sloane for creating true enemies and somehow at least semi-believably turning them into lovers. I'm still floored at how toxic their relationship was at times, but man it made for exciting reading!! When a character says they're going to get revenge, man, they get revenge! None of that ninny 'oh nevermind, turns out I love him too much!'

Also kudos for making it exciting without making it one of those bad-guy-comes-way-out-of-left-field jawns. Yes I knew who the bad guy was, AND THAT'S OK!! I didn't need to be shocked with it! The rest of the plot was shocking enough!

And aside from *certain words and phrases* getting quite repetitive, THANK YOU for all the spice! I could definitely have used a repeat Saint-Avery-Sebastian interlude, but I guess our MCs had more important things to take care of.

This was what it was. A quick, easy, smexy and exciting read. Treat yo'self!!
January 23, 2024

Wow, this last book in the series had me in the edge. Even after everything that they’ve been through they both managed to get their happy ending. They finally got to the bottom of all the lies and mystery.
223 reviews1 follower
February 17, 2023
Priceless Fate continues right where Priceless Secret left off, as the jet they’re on crashes and they brace for impact. (Can I reiterate how devil that cliffhanger was for us to stew on for months?! Downright devious, especially because of the lead-up to that crash.) I was so excited for all the forced proximity and the needing the other to survive scenario, and this did not disappoint.

Nothing better to cure any negative feelings toward each other than making the two of them be around each other for days and revealing how much they still want each other and care about each other and love (!!!) each other, for real this time. Without any pretenses and with Avery’s thirst for revenge behind her, it was so good to see her be honest with herself. The life or death stakes really helped to put things in perspective and brought all their true feelings out (and Sebastian getting to see that despite Avery lying about a lot of things, she really did develop feelings for him and saw the good in him). The way Avery nursed Sebastian back to health and stressed over him being feverish… 🥺 I love a good taking care of the sick person trope. There’s so much tenderness and softness in the love they have for each other, underneath all the mess of their twisted history.

Avery’s character growth and new understanding of the world, admitting to herself that the world is not so black and white and that nothing is as simple as it seems made me appreciate her character a lot more. I got frustrated with her in the previous book because of her need to have right and wrong be so clear cut, although I understood her inner conflict about Sebastian (his business practices were truly ruthless and made me unhappy with him as well), so it was amazing to see Avery acknowledge the shades of gray that our reality is painted in. And the way Sebastian can’t help himself from wanting the best for Avery and loving her despite everything she did to him melted my heart. I love a ruthless character exposed to be a true softie for the person they love, and Sebastian would really do anything for Avery. (And Avery would do anything for Sebastian, too. I love them.)

i loved getting to see Avery and Sebastian’s story through to their HEA. Their HEA was hard won, with all the revenge plotting and reluctant feelings and lust and hate-to-love and forgiveness. Priceless Fate brings their story to a satisfying close, and seeing both of them finally let go of the past and be vulnerable and honest with each other is so satisfying. I’m a sucker for those vulnerable moments. And also justice being served. Nothing better than seeing the true villains get what they deserve.

(As an aside, I’m sure anyone who’s gotten to this book knows there’s a little bit of daddy kink which admittedly is not my cup of tea, but I kind of tried to block that out lol. The rest of the smut is quite hot, as usual, which is perfect for this series. Just a personal preference thing. Sebastian being in control is hot (and I pretend he never says the word bc that’s what works better in my head lol).)

Thank you to Roxy Sloane for the ARC!
This entire review has been hidden because of spoilers.
May 11, 2023
The only reason for the one star is because you can't leave 0, although negative would be more fitting.

The audacity of the author to charge $5.99 each is beyond laughable. The utter ignorance with which a person who died by suicide is spoken about is beyond the pale. The lack of adequate research into such a sensitive subject. The blatant disregard of the importance of mental health. The sheer ignorance of taking on such a subject and not doing it the justice it deserves is shameful.

This trilogy could be told in one book; each of these is barely the length of a novella. There’s no character development, and the storyline itself is a disaster. This should be labeled erotica, and even that’s a stretch considering how cringe-worthy the steamy scenes are. There are so many plot holes that even they have plot holes.

It seemed as though there was a list of ideas, and instead of weeding through them to decide which to use, they were all just tossed in with no rhyme or reason.
BDSM, Club, sharing (it’s implied there’s a reason Sebasian is doing it, to get some answers, but of course nothing ever comes of that) Random daddy talk is tossed around like confetti, and they can’t keep their hands off one another even though they are in a life-or-death situation.

Then there’s the storyline. She was set on revenge. She blamed Sebastian for the man she loved unaliving himself. There was never really any indication Miles had any feelings for her, and not just that, but she was completely wishy-washy when it came to her vengeance. There really wasn’t anything that made me believe that her vengeance was justified. It didn’t even seem as though she and Miles shared anything other than friendship.

She was like a completely different person than the one we were originally introduced to in Nero’s book. For how protective Nero was of her, why in the world would he even go along with her half-cocked vengeance plot? None of these characters show any sort of development throughout any of the books. They are said to be one way, although nothing they say or do backs it up.

Avery and Sebastian did things that were unforgivable. He had her locked up in a mental institution, and not just that, but it’s one where his sister spent years being mistreated. Then there was Avery, who searched for something to use to destroy Sebastian and ended up taking it to the media. In reality, she didn’t have the full story of the events she had broadcast all over the world. How do you come back from that? There was barely even an apology from either of them for any of the wrongdoings. It was just all forgiven in the blink of an eye, and of course, an earth-shattering "O."

As though there wasn't enough drama, there’s a plane crash. They are in the middle of nowhere in freezing temperatures. *eye roll* Don’t worry, Sebastian has a cabin they can walk to. Avery is injured, and they both act like children, stubborn for the sake of it. Toss in more steamy scenes, and not one deep conversation even hints at the fact that either of them has grown in any way.

Now. My biggest issue is the lack of tact and utter ignorance with which very serious subject matter is depicted. Not once is anything brought up about mental illness, and more is that there is BLAME placed on the person. It was clearly not something that the author did due diligence on researching before adding it to this book. Instead, it was handled with ignorance, no empathy, and not an ounce of tact.

If you are going to tackle heavy topics, keep in mind that the odds are high that someone out there will feel some sort of connection to that topic. Don’t disrespect those who have faced devastation and traumatic events by not doing the topics justice.
1,296 reviews32 followers
February 9, 2023
Priceless Fate, book #9 in Roxy Sloane's Flawless series picks up at the cliffhanger where the previous book, Priceless Secret, ended. To say that Priceless Fate kicks off with a bang is putting it mildly, because it actually does--there's a bomb on the plane that Avery is fleeing on, after doing what she had planned all along--getting her revenge on Sebastian for being responsible for the death of her beloved Miles. But it's not just Avery escaping the huge scandal she created on the company plane, and it's not some unknown in the pilot's seat--it's Sebastian, who had been hauled from his home by Interpol. Just like one of Ian Fleming's James Bond novels, Ms. Sloane is just getting started with the "how are they going to get out of this," page-turner of a plot. Hang onto your seats, because in addition to being an excellent romantic suspense novel, Priceless Fate becomes one heck of an edge-of-your-seat thriller too, and it gets 5 stars from this reader.

Will Avery and Sebastian survive the plane crash in the Swiss Alps? If they do, how will they manage to survive the freezing cold? Sebastian is now a wanted murderer, and who planted the bomb on the plane and why? Did Avery get her revenge on the wrong person? If so, how will she undo the damage she's caused to Sebastian's life and reputation? How will she prove that she might have targeted the wrong person? Some of the answers will surprise you, but I'm not giving away any more secrets since I don't do spoilers. You'll just have to read this series from the start, since each novel ends with a cliffhanger, and I think you'll become as hooked as I did.

I was given an advance reader copy of this novel by the author. The opinions stated are my own.
Profile Image for Renee.
4,521 reviews63 followers
February 21, 2023
I received a copy of this book from the publisher/author to review for Stephanie's Book Reports.

They say when a man embarks on revenge, he should dig two graves. But what about a woman? I swore I'd destroy Sebastian Wolfe, no matter the cost. I surrendered my innocence-and my heart. But now , his secrets could be both our undoing. Is he the monster I've been chasing? Or the only man who can save me?

This is the third book in the Priceless Series. You need to read Priceless Kiss and Priceless Secret before you read this book. This is the conclusion to Sebastian and Avery's story. It picks up right where Priceless Secrets left off This is where Avery has to deal with the consequences of her actions. Sebastian is trying to get his life together at the same time. However they are about to learn that whether they like it or not they are going to have to have each other around for support. We also can't forget that these two have some every strong feelings and emotions when it comes to them together. Can they even be together after everything that has happened between the two of them. Now is where I can't really say what happens in this book or I will give something away. If you have read the first two books then you already know how you feel about these two. However some things that happen in this book might just change the way you feel about them. We get to dive deeper into their story and their feelings along with who they are as people too. Filled with twists and turns this book keeps you on your toes. I loved this story. I have loved them all and it is a series that you really will want to read.
Profile Image for The Dragon Den Book Blog.
2,089 reviews51 followers
February 10, 2023
ARC Review of Priceless Fate by Roxy Sloane
* * * * *
The finale to Avery and Sebestains wild, secret filled, erotic and heavily complicated love affair as their decisions meet consequences.

Avery and Sebastain left us off with a cliffhanger after Sebastian's arrest, found guilty for past events that Avery made sure came to life. Avery had done it, she had ruined him and broken him. However, she was not free of him. After taking a plane to escape back to her life, Sebastian follows her and sets her back as his captive.
Only for them to go crashing into the Alps.
Now they are more stuck together than ever...and working to survive. With a safe hold to rest and face the elements, Avery and Sebastian finally open up their truths and their feelings. Specifically how even after all they have done to hurt each other, all the lies, all the betrayal, they cannot stop thinking about one another.
They are not out of the woods yet however. Taking their supposed death as an advantage, Sebastian considers what he is going to do with himself and Avery is going to find out who has put them in danger.
It's not over yet.
Not the danger and most certainly not them.

I have been very excited to finally read this book. The first two books had me hooked and I was demanded to see what happens after the epic cliffhanger from the previous read. The near death experiences finally have these two see how much they care for each other and how far they are willing to go. Plus, their sexual frustration is still as sizzling as ever!
Profile Image for Renee Entress.
5,346 reviews77 followers
February 21, 2023
4 star

I was pulled right into this story. This is a 3-part story so be prepared to get all 3 parts. The story has laughs, suspense, secrets, naughty fun, and heartbreak.

This is the start of Avery’s story. This is a spin off of the Flawless series. She wants revenge but can she give everything to get it? Will she have to sacrifice everything including her heart to get it? This ends on a cliffy but that is expected.

This is more of Avery’s story. This story starts where the last one left us. More suspense, lies, secrets, and heat. Can she get out of the situation that she finds herself in? Or will she lose it even more? The more Roxy gives you the more you need. Plenty of suspense and passion throughout the story to keep you turning the pages. Can’t wait for the next part of this story. This story leaves you on a cliff hanger but that is expected and should have you all ready or the next part hoping to get more of your questions answered.

This is the conclusion of Avery’s story. This story starts where the last one left us. Your questions from the first two books will be answered. The revenge that she wanted will she get it or will she get something completely different? Will they both get what they want or only what they need? The hotness and naughty times continue and will leave you wanting to cool off. Story pulls in all the heat and plenty of suspense to keep you hooked. Great ending to this 3-part story.

I recommend this book.
Profile Image for Theresa.
1,039 reviews
February 13, 2023
Finally, the conclusion to Sebastian and Avery’s tale, and it was awesome! Priceless Fate picks up where Priceless Secrets ends. Avery is dealing with the consequences of her actions, and Sebastian is trying to get his life back on track. Like it or not, they have to lean on each other to get through some tough situations. Both are also dealing with their very strong feelings for one another, and trying to decide if they can even be together after all that’s happened between them. You continue to get a deeper dive into both Sebastian and Avery, which may or may not change how you feel about them. There are so many twists and turns in this series, and I really enjoyed how everything played out in this finale. There are so many nuances to this story. If you’ve read the Flawless and Ruthless series in this collection, the stories are all captivating and quite hot! While each couple has their own vibe and separate identify, you feel the connection—be it a direct or indirect one—between them all.

This series has it all, forced proximity, very hot encounters, D/s, vengeance, family issues, and of course love. I wouldn’t be upset to see Sebastian’s best friend Saint get his own story. I truly enjoyed reading all 9 books, and I’m so glad Roxy is writing again. I can’t wait to see what she has coming up next.
Profile Image for Jennifer Pierson.
11.6k reviews171 followers
February 21, 2023
Priceless Fate picks right back up where Priceless Secret left off, and HOLY HELL! That was a mother of a cliffy so things come out of the gate with a BANG! There's been so much going on with Avery's revenge plot against Sebastian, and she really got some things cooking which has led them to this moment of intense danger. I don't want to say anything else about the general plot since it's filled with all kinds of twists coming in hot, plus I don't want to provide spoilers for the first book either so it's a slippery slope right now LOL! I will say that Avery's development for the better (please understand I still love her vengeful side), was the best part since Sebastian is perfect for her, but it's going to be an uphill battle. There's no doubt their journey is not only emotional but also a sexy, thrill ride that I never want to get off of, and I really believe you'll feel the same so hit those one click buttons for Priceless Fate AND the whole series as you can't go wrong if you love sexy, suspenseful stories like I do! HIGHLY HIGHLY HIGHLY RECOMMEND!
Profile Image for Katie MacLeod.
425 reviews4 followers
February 19, 2023
Ah! This was the perfect end to this series. Book 2 (of this trilogy set) left us on a cliff hanger the author did not disappoint with what happened next. Forced proximity and battling the elements? Yes, yes, yes! Avery and Sebastian have a lot of stuff to work through this book when really all the betrayal comes to light. I love that Avery can just be herself and not have to pretend anyone else. We also see way more humility from Sebastian this book which really helps the dynamics of them working through their relationship. Now, I wish the ending was longer/ more in depth with the whole thing with his Uncle. I feel like this was a huge plot point for this whole trilogy and I wish there was more justice/action around it all. At the end, Sebastian talks about seeing Nero and Caleb again which makes it feel like this series is coming to an end with Seb and Avery. All these books are quick reads and can easily fall in love with all these characters.
971 reviews3 followers
February 22, 2023
Priceless Fate

The story continues right where the second story ended. In the sky flying away, the plane stats to go down, A bomb sent off over the mountain range somewhere in Switzerland. After checking each other out, putting on warmer clothes, Sebastian and Avery start hiking up into the woods. Sebastian has a hunting lodge miles from where they went down. No one knows anything about their trip. Afterwards walking for a day they finally find the cabin. No electricity for them. A blizzard on it way! The next day Seb finds generator to heat the house. They finally decided to work together and stop hating each other! As I need to say this is the final book in the series, it was absolutely awesome and delicious to read. This is Roxy Sloane's M. O. Style of writing, so if you enjoy her writing, you'll love and find this story worth reading, so with that ENJOY !!
Profile Image for Emma bramley.
2,570 reviews26 followers
April 8, 2023

Priceless Fate by Roxy Sloane

This is the author's third book in this series by this author, and what a fantastic story this is. This story picks up after the priceless secret ends. This story is the continued story of Avery and Sebastian; they still have amazing chemistry between them. This story will take you on an emotional roller coaster of a ride from start to finish. This story is full of suspense, love, action, and hot and steamy.

I received a copy of this book, and this is my honest review.

Release date - 21 Feb 2023
Profile Image for Lauren.
971 reviews2 followers
February 22, 2023
This is book 9 in the Flawless series but book 3 in the Priceless trilogy carrying on right where Priceless Secret left us hanging!
It’s safe to say I don’t cope well with cliffhangers and although this one had me obsessing over how things would play out, nothing could have prepared me for the wild ride that was about to happen.
Sebastian and Avery still have a long way to go and the secrets, revelations and self growth they go through makes them both unrecognisable by the end.
The chemistry, tension and character development is next level and you definitely see them from a different perspective in this book.
I don’t want to give anything away but this last instalment was fantastic and I highly recommend!
4,241 reviews
February 21, 2023
I really haven't been reading this author's work for very long, and this trilogy proves to me that I have to keep reading more!

Intense, fast-paced, steamy goodness!

Revenge, suspense, steamy goodness! Yep, you heard me!

Honestly, there is never a dull moment! I didn't want to put the story down!

With a Sloane novel, the hardest part is deciding, do you start one of her trilogies when they come out, or wait until the finale so you can binge them all at once!

I can tell you, the wait is so hard in between! BUT, the satisfaction after getting to the end, or wondering what epic cliff-hanger you'll be left with...chef's kiss awesome!
Profile Image for Lisa Petty (Book Bangers Blog).
1,935 reviews19 followers
February 21, 2023
Before you go any further know this is the 3rd book in this series and you will need to read the first two to understand what is going on. Sebastian and Avery have been through a lot and she has sworn to do what it takes to get what she wants. This book will take you further into their lives and their feelings it will take you beyond what you thing will happen. I will say I thought I knew where Roxy was going with this story but I was far from it. It had me on the edge waiting to see what happened. Sometimes our hearts want what we can't or don't want to have. Can these two figure it out before it's too late?
Profile Image for Brianna at Renee Entress's Blog.
3,850 reviews116 followers
February 21, 2023
4 Stars!

Roxy Sloane is back she the third book in for Priceless Trilogy and y'all, what a ride this was. Ups, downs, twists, turns, secrets, revenge, suspense.. this trilogy layout had everything packed into three thrilling books. Roxy certainly has a way with her words and this beauty right here was no different.

My lips are sealed when it comes to Avery’s story but y'all it was worth all the moments and the slight waits. I'm not a huge cliffhanger fan but for Roxy I totally am. I'm super excited to see what she gives us next.

I can't recommend this author and series enough.

Reviewed for Renee Entress's Blog.
Profile Image for Ezra.
73 reviews
November 4, 2023
I never thought I’d ever say this, but there was TOO MUCH smut. Like I am a smut enthusiast, hardcore spice fan. The first book had a good amount of it but the second and this last one, I don’t know. Avery and Sebastian could be recuperating from being on the brink of death and start attacking each other like freaks. In certain scenarios, it works out. But I swear to god at every single emotional breakdown or confession they automatically started doing it. I think they like, needed to chilax and take a break or something. Too much smut when it’s unnecessary kind of ruins the plot. There was a lot of potential. I liked the first book the most.
Profile Image for D.L. Darby.
Author 8 books165 followers
February 13, 2023
A short sweet end to the Priceless Trilogy.

I called it in the second book as soon as the plane went down—who the person was that caused the crash.

I really loved how this book started, with Avery and Sebastian being stranded. I almost wish that part had been a little longer and that there would have been more love to hate you hate to love you scenes. Not necessarily smut but just a little more meat between A and S.

I did feel like it was a little rushed but overall I was happy with the end. And it was a good end to this series as well. Looking forward to the next one!
This entire review has been hidden because of spoilers.
Profile Image for Sissy's Romance Book Review .
8,884 reviews16 followers
February 20, 2023
Priceless Fate by Roxy Sloane is book 9 in the Flawless Series and book 3 in the Priceless series. This continues the story of Avery and Sebastian that started in 'Priceless Kiss' and continued into the book 'Priceless Secret'. So, you will need to have least read those two books before starting this one. This one does pick up where we left off. Avery is dealing with the fall out of what she had planned but now there is more danger. This series just dept me turning the pages. I hope to read more from Ms.Sloane.

489 reviews
February 21, 2023
Priceless Fate is the conclusion to the Priceless Trilogy and the series. Avery and Sebastian have been fighting their feelings for each other since they met and after the events in the previous books they are due a well deserved HEA. Unfortunately in this book their HEA does not come easy. There’s more secrets to unravel, enemies to annihilate and lives to save.

This trilogy was full of suspense, banter, smut and romance to last through the ages. Who knew the guy everyone hates can have a soul after all.
Profile Image for Erin.
44 reviews
June 30, 2023
I wanted to punch the main character in the face, so sanctimonious- blowing up other mc's life for no reason- I actually took a super long break with this one as it was too predictable and she really made me mad (she made me mad at the end of book 2, my irritability lingered) - entertaining enough as I've finished it - but... I don't know - I probably need to give these types of books a bit of a break - they are all so similar- but alas I'm halfway though some other dark romance that I took a break from so I need to finish them out (i think it's another trilogy) and then take a breather.....
109 reviews
February 14, 2023
What an explosive ending to an amazing series. I couldn’t put this book down. The constant back and forth between Sebastian and Avery at first was just heartbreaking to read cause you could tell they both still loved each other. Thank God Avery figured out the secrets of the past so they could move toward and get some closure. And as usual, the story from start to finish was packed with spicy scenes. Can’t wait for the next story line. Maybe we’ll get to see into Saint’s world next…..
Profile Image for Michelle Mulvey.
1,030 reviews13 followers
February 22, 2023
I can’t even begin to praise this author for this series. This was so good and probably one of my faves by her since Vaughn my ultimate book boyfriend….
This author brought her readers something amazing with Avery and Sebastian. Avery seemed like a sweet, girl just looking for revenge which she was but there was just soooo much more. She is such a strong character and the lengths she went through was amazing. Grab this series today!! So so good!!!
Profile Image for Carol.
3,130 reviews3 followers
February 22, 2023
Priceless Fate

This story is beautiful and exciting, emotional yet full of drama, suspense and lots of emotions. Sebastian and Avery have so much love, that they haven’t admitted to yet, but they are being pursued. Now to figure out how and who is out to hurt them. Love this story, awesome trilogy. Loved it.❤️
Profile Image for Katrina.
833 reviews13 followers
February 28, 2023
Priceless Fate is the stunning conclusion to Sebastian and Avery’s story. Picking up right from where the previous book left off, Sebastian and Avery must fight for their life after their plane crash. Will they forgive one another for their sins? Will they get a happy ending?read and find out. Priceless Fate is a fabulous read and is very steamy. Highly recommended
Profile Image for LaChante Anderson.
257 reviews4 followers
July 24, 2023
A great conclusion to this trilogy!

I really love this author’s style of writing. The story is short, but not rushed at all and it isn’t hard to follow with it being full of details in each chapter. This author just landed on my must read all of her books list lol because this series was incredible! 💖
Profile Image for Amber.
42 reviews1 follower
July 24, 2023
The main characters were good and the plot is decent and keeps pace. I enjoyed how the characters come together in this and while I seen some of the major plot points coming I didn't hate them. I did however hate the cope and paste phrases and the use of the word "mewl" numerous times. Ick. Lost a star for that alone.
63 reviews
June 30, 2023
so good!!

This was a whirlwind and I’m so happy it ended the way it did!!! I’m glad they both got over themselves and figured it out!! I read this book in one day and I’m ready for more!
Profile Image for Katelyn Sease.
279 reviews
August 17, 2023

These two are some seriously forgiving people - at least towards each other… I don’t know how they ended up together but I sure did love it!

I wanted to see a little more in this one about the aftermath of their craziness, but the love story was great!!
Displaying 1 - 30 of 50 reviews

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