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The Worth #2

Worth Fighting For

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After avoiding his duty for five years, American Alexander Rhodes is backed into a corner. He must travel to England and inherit the title Baron de Greaves. Only his new home isn’t empty. The widow he’s meant to care for isn’t the old lady he had imagined, but a beautiful young woman.

Widowed baroness Catherine has been waiting five years to meet the new baron, but when the arrogant man arrives, she is shocked. He’s nothing like she imagined. Surely, he can’t be trusted to care for Wembley Manor, can he?

When passion flares, they decide to embark on a brief, erotic affair. It's kismet, but it can’t last. With the dangers of Alex’s past closing in on them, can he prove to Catherine that theirs is a love worth fighting for?

232 pages, Kindle Edition

Published July 21, 2022

About the author

Matilda Madison

13 books32 followers

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Profile Image for Crystal's Bookish Life.
910 reviews1,614 followers
July 25, 2022
Catherine is a widowed Baroness, who's dead husband was abusive their entire relationship. At his death she finds herself with the first taste of freedom in her life. She uses it to become a very successful horse breeder and finally is able to live her life for herself.

When the new Baron, Alex the American heir, arrives with his two nieces, Catherine is struck with his presence and an attraction she was not expecting. The two have excellent chemistry and agree on a physical affair, with of course no strings attached and no catching feelings. But Alex soon loses his heart to Catherine and must convince her that loving and trusting him wouldn't mean giving up her freedom.

I adored this! What a delight to find a new historical romance author who writes longing and passion so well. Enjoyed the background plot and hint of danger it provided, and loved how Alex let Catherine take the reins so often in their physical relationship.

Can't wait to read more from this author, she is now on my radar!

I was provided an ARC for review
Profile Image for Niki (mustreadalltheromance).
1,174 reviews96 followers
October 15, 2022
Even though he unexpectedly inherited the title of Baron de Greaves five years ago, Alexander Rhodes has neglected to travel to England to claim it until now. When he arrives at his new home it’s to find it inhabited not by the decrepit old widow he expected, but by a beautiful young woman whose welfare is now his responsibility.

Catherine, the widowed Lady de Greaves, has spent the last five years treating the barony as her pet project and turning it into a profitable estate. Though its properties are entailed and not hers she has made a name for herself, as well as her own wealth, in the horse industry. The new baron is not what she expected but she’s not impressed with the arrogant American and not convinced he can manage the estate she’s spent so much time repairing without ruining it all over again.

The initial uncertainty between Alex and Catherine blooms into a brief affair, and each feels an intense connection to the other, even while knowing that nothing can last between them. But as dangers Alex hoped to leave behind in America come to threaten him and his two young nieces, he’s even more determined to prove to Catherine that he’s nothing like the men she’s known up till now and that their connection isn’t something that can be ignored.

I really liked this premise with the proper heroine who’s made something of herself after being freed from a vile husband and the hero who’s unexpectedly inherited and needs some guidance to navigate high society. For me, however, Catherine was a bit too proper and starched, unrelentingly so, and I just found her frustrating and annoying after a while, not to mention repetitive in her dialogues and inner monologues. She was irritatingly uptight much of the time and incredibly quick to jump to conclusions. This was a much slower burn than I had anticipated, perhaps due to her attitude towards the hero, and their physical intimacy felt forced when it did happen the first time. Not that the hero is forcing the heroine or anything like that, just that the characters didn’t seem quite ready to be intimate when they were. I think I felt this way because Catherine had so very many inner monologues about her freedom being the only thing that mattered to her, and she spent a lot of time forcing herself to be an emotionless automaton. I was expecting this book to be incredibly erotic and yet, many of their encounters are mentioned in passing and occur off page, which surprised me, and I think also contributed to that feeling I got of stiltedness between these MCs. I found Catherine to be entirely too focused on society, especially given that she spent most of her time living away from it.

By the time I was nearing the end of the book I was surprised that Alex was still so determined in his pursuit of Catherine after how much she pushed him away, but that persistence reflected well on him as a hero. It definitely began to feel like Catherine was just using Alex for physical pleasure and I loved that he felt that too and wasn’t afraid to call her out on it, even if her only response was a bunch of lame excuses. She was very much determined to see Alex only in terms of how he compared to other men, most specifically the two horrible ones she had life experience of, rather than seeing Alex for himself. It took her way too long and they went through way too much before she finally revealed her emotions to him for me to really like her. I did enjoy Alex’s two nieces as characters and I think I would’ve liked the plot more if their storyline and the threat to them had received more attention and page time than Catherine’s ad nauseum assertions of her refusal to give up her freedom or cede any control, even though no one ever asked her to.

Little threads of plot were dropped in various places in this story, but often not picked up again for quite a while, such that I forgot them. This didn’t necessarily detract from the story, but it did affect the continuity a bit at times. There is some clunky phrasing and choppy flow, along with several instances of wrong word usage, all of which had me itching to be the editor on this book, but which I’m sure will be polished up before the book’s official release. I did not care for this heroine much at all, but this author definitely has potential and I’d be willing to try her work again in the future.

I voluntarily read and reviewed an advanced copy of this book. All thoughts and opinions are my own. Blog link: https://mustreadalltheromance.blogspo...
Profile Image for Becky (romantic_pursuing_feels).
1,027 reviews1,213 followers
August 24, 2022
Overall: ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️
Plot/Storyline: 📖📖📖📖
Feels: 🦋🦋🦋
Emotional Depth: 💔💔💔💔
Sexual Tension: ⚡⚡⚡
Romance: 💞💞💞
Sensuality: 💋💋💋
Sex Scene Length: 🍑🍑🍑
Steam Scale (Number of Sex Scenes): 🔥🔥🔥🔥
Humor: Yes, a bit, especially when the family members are together.
Perspective: Third person from both the hero and heroine

(These are all personal preference on a scale of 1-5 (yours ratings may vary depending what gives you feels and how you prefer you sex scenes written, etc) except the Steam Scale which follows our chart from The Ton and Tartans Book Club )

Should I read in order?
It’s not necessary – there is some scenes with overlapping family members, and the hero and heroine from book 1 are in this story, but it would feel fine to pick up alone I think. But I will say this series does flow together within the family – you see family members in all the books and are given little snippets into who they are as people and the books lead into each other nicely.

Basic plot:
When Alex inherits a Baron title, he chooses to ignore his responsibilities for 5 years, letting the widow of the property do the managing. When he finally takes his nieces from America and comes to claim his property, and finds himself intrigued by the widow who’s found her independence.

Give this a try if you want:
- Early Victorian era (1839)
- Country home setting
- Widow heroine that enjoys managing the estate and horses/new Baron hero that has twin nieces to care for
- American hero/English heroine
- Mid to higher steam – 4 scenes
- Most of the book is relationship based with a hint of mystery, along with some danger towards the end

- Heroine is 21, I don’t believe the hero’s age was mentioned – would guess late 20s, early 30s?

My thoughts:
I enjoyed this second installment to The Worth series. I think it was a bit more pulled together than book 1 of the series.

Alexander is uncle to twin nieces he’s protecting and I loved that aspect to him. I just really like Alex – he was gentle and kind with Catherine too, and giving her time to heal from what she’d been through. I think they are pretty perfect together as a couple.

I loved how Catherine changed her life after becoming a widow to be successful on her own. I think I wanted her to keep maintaining that independence and strength of character when it came to Alex – especially in the bedroom like being more vocal about what she wants and needs – and she seemed a bit mild mannered with him than I was expecting.

This didn’t quite have the tension and emotional pull I really chase after in romance. The villain scenes were a bit predictable. Still I would like to keep reading the series – I’m especially curious about the next couples tumultuous relationship!

A few other notes:

Content Warnings:

Locations of kisses/intimate scenes:
Profile Image for Grisette.
448 reviews61 followers
November 28, 2022

2.2 stars

Probably a me thing, but I did not enjoy this one. I was amped up to read it based on the blurb but it all fell flat. The writing was good but there were, from my pov, dissonance issues in many parts. The main characters kept saying one thing in one moment, and in the next, not only did they do the opposite thing, but displayed irritation at the other as if they did not have a hand in the whole thing. And the internal monologues of both the H and h kept going around in unhelpful circles, which only exacerbated my impatience. I get it that period pieces can get more authentic as the story is dragged on, but there lacked charm in the romance to make it work.

The main characters were missold right off the bat as they were supposedly disliking each other but that hardly came up once they came to live together. Again, dissonance that grated me the wrong way. I was a bit entertained by the mysteries surrounding the H's arrival in England and the h's sister's woes, but there were too much dallying these that I lost interest. Even the sex which should have been hot in theory, was sparse and 'meh' in final.

It is a trivial technicality but I kept wondering about the barony's state of finance since it was revived by the h's business efforts and whether the H had to refund her of the profits she injected (he should from my pov). It was never explained clearly enough. Also, the H's own American inheritance was murky with the little imparted pointing at seemingly the nieces inheriting everything. It shows how little the romance was engrossing for me to be puzzled by these details.

I wanted to like the book better. The writing was decent but the pace was too slow and unequal for me. The romance was a honest story but ultimately lacked charm and was boggled down by too much inconsistency in atmosphere and the lack of spice.

P.S. What was this bit about the overhead convo in the garden? Why would the h think she found the voice familiar and then we get nothing more on the subject? Is this linked to another book?
This entire review has been hidden because of spoilers.
Profile Image for Jill booksandescape.
637 reviews54 followers
July 23, 2022
I received an advance ebook copy of this book from the publisher in exchange for review.

Worth Fighting For by Matilda Madison is the second book in the Worth series. American Alexander Rhodes has been ignoring his duty in inheriting the title of Baron de Greaves for five years. When he discovers the Widow de Greaves is not an old woman—but a young woman he is very attracted to, Alex is surprised. Catherine has spent the last five years waiting for the new Baron to show up. She has done her best with Wembley Manor in the meantime, and her best is quite good. The pair are initially frustrated with each other, but soon they give into the passion between them. But danger from Alex’s past is creeping up on them.

I liked the backstories for both Alex and Catherine. I enjoyed the writing style. I will definitely read more from Matilda Madison.
Profile Image for Meghan.
568 reviews11 followers
October 28, 2022
I really enjoyed Catherine and Alex’s story! I may have liked this one better than the first on. I love Catherine, Edward and Lydia, they are such great siblings. I love how each one has a very different personality.
This story follow’s Catherine after her husband dies (dusty, old Baron) and the new Baron (super handsome, young American) comes to claim his title. He brings his two nieces with him and then begs Catherine to stay at the estate and help with the girls. This is an excuse to get in her skirts but I approve.
Personal drama and some other crazy drama ensues and I loved it! Highly entertaining! I also loved how Lydia’s story is weaved into this one. Now I can’t wait to see what happens to Lydia and Lord Davies 😏
Profile Image for Amanda books_ergo_sum.
445 reviews60 followers
August 12, 2022
My mood-reader picker knocked it out of the park with this one. It was exactly what I needed!

The setup of this book was 👩‍🍳💋 Catherine is the young widow of the previous Baron de Greaves. She’s spent years diligently managing the estate and completely turning it around while people search for the new Baron de Greaves—enter our hunky Bostonian and the American versus peerage culture clash of my dreams.

Okay, call me crazy but this had Rhysand from ACOMAF vibes?? Catherine wanted to maintain her hard-won freedom and Alex was trying to balance giving her space to show how un-controlling he was but also Falling. So. Hard. for her. And kneeling in front of her 😉 was one of his favourite moves.

Catherine was so capable and intelligent, the competency porn of her managing the estate while preparing to hand over literally everything to Alex was making me feel so many feelings. I loved how she was a Boss and also 100% traditionally feminine. She was such a great character!

And Alex!! I’ve been reading too many ‘alphahole grows a heart’ stories and Alex was the perfect antidote. He was a such a vibe—intense, physical, and cool, without being a rake. He was immediately drawn to how independent and successful Catherine was and the way he felt like he didn’t deserve her 🥺 He had that bottled up intensity thing (you really ~feel~ how much he stared at her) but he was trying so hard to prove that he wouldn’t be a domineering partner. I loved how Catherine held all the cards and he was borderline solicitous? Basically begging? The tension in this romance plot was so hot 🥵 And widow heroine = right to the good part!

This HEA was so satisfying—both because of how compatible this couple was and because it meant Catherine didn’t need to abandon everything she’d built. Loved it!
Profile Image for Margaret.
2,797 reviews23 followers
July 21, 2022
The widowed Dowager, Catherine Rhodes, makes a promise to herself, never let any man control her life. She had enough with the cruelty of her father and deceased husband.
Alex Rhodes, the new Baron de Greaves is American. He doesn't care about London Society, but for his twin nieces he will play the part of an English baron. Catherine is willing to polish Alex and his nieces for their arrival in London. Alex and Catherine start a passionate affair, but it will lead nowhere, until a threat from America places their lives on the line. Great plot with a steamy romance.
Heat level 4.
I voluntarily read and reviewed an advanced copy of this book
Profile Image for Rainelle.
1,891 reviews106 followers
October 11, 2022
I loved Alex and Catherine’s character. The twins Martha and Abigail, was a perfect addition to Alex character as a guardian. I think he felt more like their father. I loved the idea and determination of Catherine taking charge of her own life and affairs. The explanation and duties described during these times added to the admiration of her character from the reader. Alex was great, I like that the writer didn’t shape his character into some ego maniac with a swelled head. The two characters worked well together as a team, I thought. The romance department was a slow process. I would have liked to see a few stolen kisses in the early start of the book and progress to more than kissing.
Profile Image for Lauren.
1,264 reviews171 followers
November 8, 2022
Okay book!

Meh..nothing special. The author created a ridiculous reason for the MC to separate 5 years ago. The H overhears the h wanting a contraception and takes it as a betrayal. In return, the h hides a secret baby from him. Once he learns of his daughter ge goes to Scotland and brings them both home. The author continues with ridiculous misunderstandings throughput the book. I think the book would have been better if it had been 100 page novella. , then the author wouldn't have had to write an absurd plot to keep to keep the MC APART.

Not worth the try!!
Profile Image for i_hype_romance.
1,114 reviews47 followers
July 24, 2022
3.5 ⭐️

This was a lovely historical romance with a strong heroine and a reluctant hero.

She has managed her late husband’s estate for five years when a distant relative from America finally makes his appearance to assume the mantle of responsibility.

They immediately throw sparks off each other.

Although the author is relatively new to the genre, her writing style and characters came across as genuine and believable. There were a few grammatical and spelling errors that I’m confident were rectified in the published version.

Thank you to the author for providing me with an ARC in exchange for an honest review.
4,720 reviews37 followers
August 8, 2022
An excellent story.
An American and a widowed Baroness both souls who do not want to love find that fate has other ideas. Alex is the new Baron de Greaves and Catherine the widow of the old Baron. Alex comes to England after the death of his sister with his two nieces. Catherine has been taking care of Wembley Manor in fact she alone has brought it back from ruin and has established herself has one great business woman. Their story has it up and downs both fighting the attraction. Yes both are very strong willed and a bit set in their own ideas and that does cause some problems. Not until a worse problem shows up do things become clearer. It is a very good story and I like how the author wrote her tale. The characters were awesome, loved the girls, and in fact all the whole of cast were great. This is a book I would recommend for anyone’s library. I did receive a free copy of this book from Booksprout and voluntarily chose to review it.
Profile Image for Andrea Wenger.
Author 4 books30 followers
August 8, 2022
After five years, Alex finally moves from America to England to take over the responsibilities of the barony he inherited. The widowed baroness has been overseeing the estate in the meantime. The two are attracted from the moment they meet. But he's got secrets, and she's got no intention of remarrying. Can they engage in an affair without catching feelings?

This is a lovely story full of longing and sensual tension. The characters are well-developed and the plot engaging.

Thanks, Booksprout and Evernight, for the ARC I received. This is my honest and voluntary review.
Profile Image for Mai .
86 reviews
August 4, 2022
‼️ARC was provided in exchange for review‼️
This is the second book to the Worth series. Catherine is current managing the Wembley estate after her husband passed. Five years after her husband passing, the new baron Alex Rhodes has finally come to take his duties along with his two nieces. Both come to an agreement to start an only physical relationship. I absolutely love the tension between Alex and Catherine. I like that Alex was the first to acknowledge his feelings for Catherine. And I absolutely love both Martha and Abigail so much. I’m so excited for the next one.
Profile Image for jakira.
1,018 reviews99 followers
July 26, 2022
3 🌟's!

📝 tropes: widow, single parent/guardian
🌶 spice 2.5/5
❌ CW: abusive past relationship

a solid historical romance from a new-to-me author! i picked this up after seeing a booktuber talk about her enjoying it/the premise sounded interesting! this second book in the "worth" series follows widowed baroness Catherine de Greaves and the new Baron de Greaves, Alexander Rhodes, an American. he finally claims the baron title by returning to the home that widow Catherine has kept up all these years. with him comes two young girls, his nieces, who make for the cutest side characters! the attraction between the MC's was definitely palpable and there was quite a lot of steamy goodness to read :) there was push and pull as the heroine has dealt with a traumatic past marriage and has a hard time with physical and emotional trusting in the hero but in the end, we do get the HEA.

overall, i enjoyed this one. nothing too crazy but just a solid read.

*I voluntarily read and reviewed an advanced copy of this book. All thoughts and opinions are my own. Thanks to the publisher Evernight Publishing for the e-ARC via Netgalley! Released July 21, 2022.
Profile Image for Michelle.
420 reviews
August 29, 2022
A good story… I love that the heroine was a beautiful, smart, independent woman… i’m sick of reading about these frumpy, shy, stammering, clumsy ninnies… I really liked the beginning of their relationship and how it was progressing. Now, this is what bothered me… When they finally agree to have an affair, we get a nice sex scene and then boom… It’s one month later!! Like, what happened in that month? Catherine had an aversion to being touched and she was only ever with her cruel husband - I would have liked to see her learning how to be touched and pleasured and I would’ve wanted to see their conversations afterwards, seeing them falling in love.. so much was missing… I also like my books way steamier…
Profile Image for Bonnie.
841 reviews11 followers
July 31, 2022
I received a copy of this from BookSprout/Evernight and NetGalley and this is my freely given opinion.

This is the second story in the Worth series by Matilda Madison. While there were some power and trust issues between the main characters in the first book I had issues with, and definitely some editing issues, I enjoyed the writing and story, and the emotional give/take between the characters. The groundwork for this story was laid out in the first book, but they do not have to be read together to enjoy this story.

Alex Rhodes is an American who has come to England with his twin nieces to claim the barony that he inherited 5 years previously. He doesn't care about the title or inheritance as he was enjoying his life of freedom, travel, and adventure in America, with a successful family shipping business. However, with the suspicious death of his sister, he decided to look towards the future of his nieces and go to England to claim his inheritance. He is rough, brash, big, and overwhelming, and doesn't care about English Society or expectations, but he knows he must do something to help his nieces marry well in the future.

Catherine is the widow of the prior Baron, and not anything that Alex expects, as she is young, beautiful, strong, and independent. In the 5 years it too since the death of the prior baron and Alex coming, she took the failing, insolvent estate, established a thriving horse breeding program, and poured the monies back into the barony, made it thrive, to save the tenants and land. She wasn't married long, but long enough for it to eradicate her notions of romance and trust of men. She values her freedom too much to trust it and her wealth to another man in marriage. She plans on leaving the estate to her own home to live independently and continue her horse breeding.
But Alex persuades her to stay to help tutor him and the girls in how to manage in Society, knowing that he must establish himself somewhat in it, for the girls' futures.

However, she and Alex are very inconveniently attracted to each other, and she only has bad memories and experiences of the marriage bed, and wonders if Alex could be different from her elderly abusive husband. She and Alex embark on a love affair while on the estate with the plan to stop it when they leave to go to London.

This was an ARC copy I received so there were some issues with some editing, such as some half finished words or inappropriate words, which I hope are gone in the published version. But as I found the same issue with the first book, which I bought, I suspect that this will not be the case. But that is a minor annoyance that did not detract overall from my enjoyment of the story.

I enjoyed how Catherine was established as a poor, somewhat broken widow but encouraged by her brother to find her inner steel, and how she became a strong, independent entrepreneur in a time when women were not even considered to have been able to think for themselves. I appreciate that Alex respected her intelligence and appreciated her independence, though it did seem that he did overwhelm her at times (intentionally or not) when she stated clearly she would not be controlled - but then again, he was aware of this and tried to reassure and not control her. Again, another relationship give and take that I enjoyed reading about. I also liked the backstory of the nieces and his family tragedy and attempts to help them, that added a nice element of danger and drama to the story as well, and provided the family/mothering aspect that Catherine so obviously wanted.

Generally well written, but in need of better and more careful editing.

3.75 stars out of 5.
Profile Image for Paula.
492 reviews255 followers
July 18, 2022
4.5 stars
I read this book from NetGalley in exchange for a fair and honest review

The story though it is nothing new in terms of plot is so beautifully written and so compelling that I could hardly put it down. I wish I had a physical copy so that I could underline, annotate and put post-its to mark my favorite pages. Because there were pages and pages of incredibly romantic and also moving paragraphs. Not only about love and longing but also about loneliness, fear of losing control, longing and angst.

Matilda Madison is an author that is new to me. This book starts as an enemies to lovers and forced proximity story. Catherine has traumas from her very short marriage five years ago. A marriage to a controlling man who left her in a lot of debts. He was the late Baron de Greaves and he died of old age and illness leaving Catherine fending for herself and starting a business as a horsewoman with the financial help of her brother, who was the hero of the first book. Thanks to her talent and her determination she manages to set the estate, the townhouse and her horses to rights even becoming wealthy for the sake of the heir.

Alex’s sister died in mysterious circumstances leaving two young twin daughters. They’re Bostonians and he’s found to be the heir of the de Greaves baronetcy through a distant relative. For a reason that I won’t unveil it takes him and the girls five years to finally move to England and with the help, first of Catherine’s brother, then from Catherine herself they are able to settle in a completely different country and in completely different circumstances. Alex is very protective of her nieces and he begs Catherine to stay with them for a while to educate the girls in the customs of the ton. When winter leaves and the Season starts something from Alex’s past comes back to haunt him, and both he and Catherine will need all the strength and companionship they could possibly have.

This is the story of a man who falls deeply in love with a woman who doesn’t bear to be touched because of her past. He puts her needs and her desires first and lets her lead every situation so she can feel comfortable in his presence. I loved Alex so much. But of course Catherine is just as brilliant, she’s not afraid of love but she’s reluctant to let a man into her heart for fear of losing control over herself. She’s been alone for five year, fending for herself and succeeding as a business woman, she is taken as a rarity amongst the ton and the gentlemen wouldn’t court her. Ironically the reasons why she’s never been courted by these idiots are the same reasons why Alex loves her so much; she’s hardworking, witty, intelligent, knows what she wants and takes no nonsense from anybody. They both are trustworthy but what they need to finally be together is to trust love itself.
Profile Image for Mireille (readingwithmrleo).
315 reviews9 followers
July 19, 2022
Even though Alexander Rhodes despises this situation, he has no other choice but to travel to England and finally inherit the title of Baron de Greaves. He’s American and couldn’t care less about English nobility. He had not planned on finding a beautiful young woman in his manor though and sparks fly between the two of them. Catherine has been waiting 5 years for the arrogant American to come claim his title. During this time, she took care of the manor on her own, making it a wonderful place, nothing like it was before. She’s a little reluctant to leave all of her work in the hands of this rude American who knows nothing about English society, but what choice does she have?

Loved, loved, loved Catherine and Alex story! They are such wonderful characters and I enjoyed getting to know them on a deeper level. Catherine is such a strong character and I was glad to see her starting to trust people after what she’s been through. The passion between the 2 main characters is undeniable and really was amazing. I enjoyed the great banter too! It’s always a pleasure to get back to a book with a family you already love, they are an amazing family, caring about each other and I love that about them, makes you want to be part of it. 

The author always sets things up for the next book in the series in a remarkable way. Even though you could read these books as stand-alones, the placement is always well made for the next story, making sure we are intrigued enough to look forward to the next book (which I really am!!). Can’t wait to discover Lydia’s story!

If you enjoy historical romance, you have to read this one, trust me!

Thanks to the author who agreed to give me a free eARC in exchange for my honest review.
Profile Image for Rajini.
213 reviews5 followers
July 21, 2022
I started this book, got to about 15% and had to put it down because while it worked good as a standalone, I sensed it would be better as a series and I was right! I'd strongly recommend you read Worth Waiting For prior to this, but if you don't, your choice.

I wanted to hug Catherine. Wrap her up in a warm embrace and let her have a well deserved cry. She didn't get the ability to wipe her hands clean after being widowed, she had a manor to take care of and an actual job(gasp for a woman?!) that she throughly loved. It's what had me rooting for her. Mix in Alex, five years late to inherit his title and his twin nieces and I fell in love with this story.

More so than the first book in the series.

Now, don't get me wrong, Alex had his faults. He was rude, I don't think he fully grasped the weight and responsibility on his shoulders at all times, but he also had a romantic and gentle side. He acted like a gentleman when it suited him and he knew how to be the man Catherine needed.

What more could you ask for?

Profile Image for Samantha.
105 reviews1 follower
September 28, 2022
Released last month is the second book in the Worth series, which is a dirty historical romance that doesn't disappoint.

Catherine, a widowed baroness, has been the caretaker of her husband's estate while the heir has been in America. She's really improved it financially and aesthetically, and is preparing to leave it in good shape in the hands of Alex, the new baron. Catherine's plan is to stay on for a month to apprise him of the estate - but one month becomes three as she agrees to take on additional duties. Will it become forever?

Although Madison brings the 🔥, the plot is pretty formulaic, but it didn't disappoint me at all. The happily-ever-after ending is exactly what I wanted, and the characters are both mature enough to be likable.

For my full review, visit samiamreadingandreviewing.wordpress.com.
49 reviews
July 26, 2022
*ARC Review*

Alex, a rugged American who’s been thrusted into a barony finds himself living with Catherine, the young, entrepreneurial widow of the last baron. Sparks fly as the two verbally spar, feigning dislike to cover their obvious attraction.

This was a flip on the usual heroine chasing the man. Catherine, given her past trauma, is reluctant about linking herself with another man. Alex finds himself blindsided by love and can’t let go. He’s willing to chase her, albeit gently, until she finally recognizes what they share.

This is a slightly angsty read. The heroine is avoidantly attached and has trouble recognizing it.The hero is the rugged, confident, gentle man. Masculine and emotionally accepting.

This was a fun and quick read. Will definitely be watching out for the third.
August 11, 2022
I received a free copy of this ARC from Netgalley in exchange for an honest review. This review is entirely my own opinion.
I absolutely loved this book, and Matilda Madison's writing. I've been struggling with the general way romance books show conflict between the characters. The main conflict always seem to be unbelievable, an absolutely ridiculous reason, or the reason being seemingly out of character. The reason, however for the split/conflict between these two characters was actually believable and honestly a bit understandable when you think about the time period and characters' personalities. It didn't make me angry at them or confused, but empathetic for their reasons. Yes, where there's a will there's a way, (eye roll), but I was honestly engaged and curious on how the characters were going to rectify their problem and what would be the turning point for them. THAT is good storytelling. Romance usually has a happy ending, but still wondering how the author will spin it is great writing. Then again the writing was great from the beginning. I was immediately in love with the characters' personalities. The strong capable, Catherine Rhodes, and the respectful intriguing and protective Alex Rhodes Baron De Greaves. I love a strong capable character who is the opposite of a damsel in distress. I also love a man who adores a strong woman and isn't intimidated by them or trying to dim their light, and that man is Alex Rhodes. I love the way Alex's personality is, and how he continuously cares for Catherine. There's the reoccurring theme of guilt and freedom that comes across and I love the way Matilda Madison added those and helped you to really see why the characters hold those themes close to their heart. I just really enjoyed this book overall, and smiled through the entire last chapter. I was always worried about dipping my toe into historical romance novels, but I've been swayed now thanks to this book. Also here's to hoping we get a book about the youngest sister Lydia, as I'm not ready for this series to be over!
Profile Image for Emily Pennington.
18.8k reviews320 followers
August 19, 2022
Alex and Catherine . . .

Alex is an American who inherits the title Baron de Greaves, yet ignores his expected acceptance of his responsibilities for 5 years. The baron’s widow, Catherine, has been taking care of the property as well as gaining her own independence and confidence as she brings the Wembley Manor estate back up from ruin. Now the new 5-year-late Baron arrives with his two nieces, Abigail and Martha, to make his claim.

Neither Alex nor Catherine were looking for love in this situation. Will their stubbornness get in the way now? Will an accusation of kidnapping from the girls’ stepfather, Garrett Smith, create legal difficulties for the new Baron? And what does the evil man really want from Alex? How far is he willing he go to get it?
Profile Image for Albi (albireadingromance).
351 reviews8 followers
August 26, 2022
Worth Fighting For by Matilda Madison

England 1830s


Widow heroine
Grumpy Sunshine
Passionate Affair


🌟 🌟 🌟 🌟 🌟

I absolutely loved this book! Ms. Madison knocked it out of the park. In the book I was really drawn to Catherine, and was so excited to get to her story. I really enjoy reading about widow romances. I love the forbidden aspect. I also really enjoyed the differences between our American hero and British widow. I loved the passion that both Alexander and Catherine produced with their love affair. I highly recommend to anyone that enjoys steamy historical romances.
Profile Image for Reader_for_LifeTLG.
2,080 reviews9 followers
August 27, 2022
Catherine values her independence above all else. A widow at 21, she is finally free to live as she chooses. Alex just wants to keep his family safe from a wolf lurking in the shadows. But a liaison with Catherine wouldn't be unwelcome. After all, she's not blinded by his wealth and trying to make him her new husband. An understanding is reached and love blossoms for the pair.

Steam, suspense, and a little family drama combine to make a good tale.

I received a free copy of this book via Evernight and am voluntarily leaving a review.
Profile Image for Mia.
283 reviews2 followers
July 20, 2022
What a story this was...
Loved Catherine - all her strength in spite of the trauma she's faced in the past.
Alex - he was perfect for her...

Interesting character development and a story well written.

We get to see the characters from previous book but this can be read as a standalone as well.

Am eager about the next in series 😁

Note: Received an ARC in exchange of honest review

Profile Image for Mishty.
221 reviews11 followers
August 14, 2022

you guysss!!!! I loved catherine and alex's story. the way they both each overcame their past traumas, how they found love and respect for each other was absolutely magical to read✨
I've said this before and ill say it again, Matilda your books are swoon-worthy, chef's kiss, adorable, sentimental and they deserve to be released in print💗 yet again, cannot wait for the final book showing lydia and davies's story!
Profile Image for Leanne Bryson.
4,627 reviews22 followers
August 22, 2022
When the American Alex inherits an English Baron title, he chooses to ignore his responsibilities for 5 years, allowing the widow, Catherine, to manage the floundering estate. The widowed Baroness Catherine learns her worth by managing the land out of ruin into a profitable estate. During her brief marriage to the older and abusive Barron, Catherine suffered both emotionally and physically, really damaging her self esteem. But when Alex and his 2 nieces arrive, he is very impressed by the estate, as well as the beautiful, intelligent, and determined Catherine. There is an instant attraction and Catherine agrees to nanny his nieces temporarily. This book has well written, compelling characters, has sizzle, steam, some drama, and more. Well paced, a solid 4 star read.

I received a free copy of this book via Evernight and am voluntarily leaving a review.
Profile Image for Flavia Karina.
666 reviews3 followers
August 19, 2022
Good story!
Alex is forced to face his obligations, but crossing the ocean he finds a surprise that he did not expect.
Catherine is very responsible and takes her obligations very seriously, so Alex's arrival is not what she expected.
Together they have an immediate attraction that unfolds into an interesting story.
I loved it.

I received a free copy of this book via Evernight and am voluntarily leaving a review.
Displaying 1 - 30 of 35 reviews

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