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Let Me Out

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A queer horror OGN set during the Satanic panic, in which four friends must unravel a conspiracy involving secret government bureaus and strange rituals, while things take a turn for the hellish—literally.

189 pages, ebook

Published January 15, 2023

About the author

Emmett Nahil

6 books66 followers
Hailing from a haunted seaside town in Northeastern Massachusetts, Emmett Nahil is the author of FROM THE BELLY (Tenebrous Press, 2024) and LET ME OUT (Oni Press, 2023). A writer of horror and speculative fiction centering marginalized perspectives, Emmett's writing has been featured in THE BOOK OF QUEER SAINTS, VOLUME II, Laura Kate Dale's GENDER EUPHORIA anthology, and elsewhere. Favoring the historic, the strange, and the gory, in his other life he makes video games as Narrative Director and co-founder of Perfect Garbage Studios.

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Displaying 1 - 30 of 135 reviews
Profile Image for Alice Oseman.
Author 64 books88k followers
December 26, 2023
A queer supernatural adventure that had me gripped from beginning to end. Wanted to spend more time with these characters!
Profile Image for Tawfek.
3,111 reviews2,221 followers
January 24, 2024
Our town must square with the fact that the devil is here in Columbiana, We've seen him, and he has run through every street, every house!
He's run through every man, woman, and child, and has settled in to stay where sin is!

First of all Thank you and apology To Emmet, George, Oni Press for this Graphic novel ARC, and for delaying it this long, i actually finished 2 ARCs at least i got approved for after this, What delayed me was the trigger warnings, it felt like ugliness i wasn't quite ready to get acquainted with, I don't want to see Trans people hurt or insulted or humiliated in anyway, Sometimes i feel the best defense against ugliness is just not experiencing it, but we are living in the real world so?!
This will come out 03 Oct 2023, and This will be an honest review as usual, So bear with me!

Nothing Holy About it.

I am writing this review listening to Debbie songs! The Graphic Novel had a playlist in the end for famous metal songs, and i actually like one of them so much already, Second Skin - The Gits!
This story was about a fanatical little town, Where everyone is buying into the bullshit the preacher is saying, fear mongering, hate mongering quivering mess of a bastard.
Nobody seemed to be kind to them even their own families are misgendering them.
Nothing Holy about it man, Nothing Holy about it, you will not make anyone love your god with hate and discriminations so peddle your shit elsewhere.

I just can't imagine why he's so obsessed with me.
I'd almost be flattered if he wasn't such a blessed fucking pain, trying to trap me in summing circles.
And in a human form too!, so messy and COLD

The devil was here, and the devil has ugly tits!

Even the devil was fed up with humans i swear, it was so funny, when it shouldn't, but the devil this time wasn't the bad guy!

I don't know if you've heard, But i do love a deal!

Like the devil i love a deal! I love a good deal though, and this comic was a good deal, not the best in my opinion about trans people, not scary even though it's horror genre, But it did a great job in addressing the discrimination and it's origin, everyone is looking the other way, to be "nice"
But we know where it's coming from, even if we won't say it.
Regardless of my three stars rating this was a good read, 3 stars for me is always a good read, it's when i give 2 stars that we have to sit down and have a talk, Hope we are clear on that!

What killed this for me was actually the art, not really the writing, i have come to lose hope in reading real horror stuff long time ago, Only Jungi Ito does it for me now.
The art style while Unique, i didn't like it, that might be a me issue, But yeah i didn't like it sadly.
I think it did way better at drawing scenery than drawing people!

But George did draw the cutest dog ever! can i have him please? 🥺

When i felt my ribs crack, I knew.
I knew it was letting something out, It wasn't fear, It wasn't sadness.
It was rage leaking outta me onto the concrete.
Rage, and something else i didn't have a name for.
Not yet at least.

Rage was exactly my feeling getting out of bed, to write this review, I wish one day i ll look back at all of this, and say we are past all of that, probably we will be discriminating against Human Cyborgs, Or AI Robot slaves that we made so human and now they want their rights, Or human/alien transients!
But a promise you will never see me on the ugly people side again.
Profile Image for River.
308 reviews119 followers
August 8, 2023

When I felt my ribs crack, I knew. I knew it was letting something out. It wasn't fear. It wasn't sadness. It was rage, leaking outta me onto the concrete. Rage, and something else I didn't have a name for. Not yet, at least.

I always adore queer horror and this graphic novel hit every mark I could have wanted it to.
It's set against the 'satanic panic' backdrop of 1980s America and invokes all the themes I hoped it would as we follow our cast of queer outcasts. They're the freaks, the outsiders, the scapegoats. So when the pastor's wife goes missing and is found with a pentagram carved into her, who else would be easier to blame?

The cast of characters are so empathetic, it's blatant to see how much they care for each other. They're so easy to connect with and to root for. I loved the representation of such a tight-knit group of queer friends in such a hateful time. Despite the world being against them—in fact, because of it—they're loyal to a fault and will always stick together.

I thought this was an amazing story with such beautiful illustrations. I desperately hope that it's continued because I want so much more of it.
If you like Stranger Things, this small town supernatural horror graphic novel is perfect for you!

To the reader who's gotten this far—queer horror is the future. Thank you for coming with us on this road to hell.

Thank you Netgalley and Oni Press for providing me with an e-arc in exchange for an honest review.
Profile Image for Inés  Molina.
382 reviews71 followers
November 10, 2023
Honestly the cover drew me in and I was glad to pick it up during spooky season. it had the twists that compel me to keep reading and it was just great how diversity was installed in it. I enjoyed the characters the most. It was a good one.
Profile Image for Brooke.
450 reviews255 followers
August 15, 2023
⭐️ 3.5 stars ⭐️

70s setting, queer horror graphic novel.

Fast-paced and thrilling plot, set during the satanic panic era — very interesting but maybe a little short.

The art style is fantastic and really well done.

I received an ARC of this book from NetGalley and am leaving this honest review voluntarily.
Profile Image for Irene ➰.
883 reviews85 followers
November 1, 2023

- Thank you to the author and the publisher for approving me a copy through NetGalley. -

I honestly hoped for something different to happenen in here.
The story is good, but it didn't fully spark in my opinion.
I have to say I got easily distracted while reading it and I had a feeling that sometimes the events weren't very well connected, I don't know, it just wasn't fully for me.

I am a horror stories lover, the art was good even if not my cup of tea, so overall all the elements to create a good story were all there, but what was missing for me was the soul of the main story...
In this first (I guess) volume, there wasn't enough space to fully get into the whole setting and what we get felt rushed and definitely too many things happened in here.
Profile Image for Chris.
321 reviews73 followers
June 2, 2024
This horror graphic novel about queer punks in the Satanic Panic of 1979 is a great premise, but the execution is a bit of a swing and a miss. Perhaps my expectations were too high? The art is fantastic, it was easy to tell the characters apart and the shading I'd excellent. The buildup of the panic and fear mongering was well done also. Where the book fails is that the characters are pretty flat. I don't feel like we really get to know them. Also, the last third of the book feels like it was rushed toward an ending that wasn't all that satisfying. If there's a second volume, I'll pick it up to see if it gets better.
Profile Image for Dana.
117 reviews21 followers
September 12, 2023
The art was great, especially the colors and lighting. The characters were expressive and I personally enjoyed George Williams' level of stylization a lot. Some panels were downright gorgeous and I sometimes lingered on a page just to take in all the beautiful color work.

Sadly, I do think the writing was not up to par. We don't really get much characterization for...anyone, really. The main cast is a group of queer teens, leaning on each other while suffering from the homophobia present in the 70s. That's really all I can say about them - it felt like they were fully defined through their queerness and nothing else. No distinctive personalities, no backgrounds we truly learn anything about. It's a short comic book for sure, but maybe it would've been better to have two fleshed-out characters instead of four flat ones.
The story itself fades into the background really quickly. Ritualistic murders, corrupt police, devil worship - all of this is present but takes a total backseat to the main characters being assaulted by homophobes, which would be fine if the finale didn't veer back to the devil-murder stuff only to end abruptly with the teens being possessed and killing the bad guy? The writing felt totally disjointed and everything was over far too quickly. I don't know if Let Me Out is the first volume in a series, but as a stand-alone it just feels incomplete.

All in all, Let Me Out is just okay. It's neither very special nor memorable, but it does feature really nice art and a cool devil design!

- ARC provided by NetGalley -
Profile Image for Ghoul Von Horror.
957 reviews295 followers
March 2, 2024
TW: Language, smoking, homophobia, slurs, violence, blood, bullying, family drama

About the book:A queer horror OGN set during the Satanic panic, in which four friends must unravel a conspiracy involving secret government bureaus and strange rituals, while things take a turn for the hellish—literally.
Release Date:
Genre: Horror
Pages: 189
Rating: ⭐ ⭐ ⭐

What I Liked:
1. The Art was drawn nicely
2. The bond of friendship everyone had
3. Satanic panic

What I Didn't Like:
1. Art/dialog was confusing at times
2. Fell flat

Overall Thoughts:
How can you not hate the sheriff and agent?

There is so many serious subjects in this book that make it good.

When the FBI says that anyone listening to metal bands or dressing a certain way should be turned in it just made it that much easier for the police to find their next victim to take. Getting rid of the outcasts.

Why are the agents doing this though? The author shows us what and how but we don't get a why. So reading this I kept thinking it'll be explained.

The dad showing up at the cabin seconds after the but in enough time to beat the cop/agent was out of place and almost served zero point. I get it's what brought out the devil but why did he show up then? How was he able to jump around to random people? Never explained.

Final Thoughts:
I enjoyed the art design a lot and thought it was the best part of this graphic novel. For me the writing fell a little flat as well the dialog coming off cheesy at times.

There were a lot of parts I found confusing at what was happening. Some parts never made it clear to what they were showing what was happening or conversations felt pointless.

I love the way the author addressed the characters being different from society as well as their struggles with being gay an trans. The bond they had as friends was very refreshing.

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Thanks to Netgalley and Oni press for this advanced copy of the book. All thoughts and opinions are my own
Profile Image for Kit (Metaphors and Moonlight).
947 reviews145 followers
September 20, 2023
*I received an ecopy of this book via NetGalley. This has not influenced my review.*

This whole thing had such a grungy, raw feel to it.

The art had a wonderful and unique style that really suited the story! Full color. Just really enjoyable to look at.

I think it said in the comic this was set in 1979, and, listen, I wasn’t born yet, and I’m not an expert on that time period, but I felt like the late 70s small town vibes were on point.

The queer rep was great. I’m not sure exactly what rep was here, but I know some of the characters were trans. Most of them were also POC. There was a lot of struggle depicted, since they were living in a small religious town during a satanic panic, and not even their parents were accepting of them. There was verbal and physical violence against them. But there was also a lovely depiction of the bonds queer people can make. They had each other, this little group.

Everything about this book was some vibe or another. Queer vibes. 70s/80s vibes. Grungy vibes. Horror—well, it just is horror, I don’t know if you can really call that vibes? Still, vibes all the way down, in a great way.

And just a heads up, because of the horror elements, there is some gore, though only on a few occasions.

Though a bit slow, I was enjoying this, and then it sort of lost me in the end. The story was mostly build-up, the stuff mentioned in the description didn’t happen until far into the book. And once we got there, when we hit the point of, “Ooh things are really getting interesting now!” I didn’t really understand what was going on or what deals were being made, and then it was over with nothing resolved. Maybe this will be a series? I don’t know.

Overall, the ending was abrupt and I don’t know if there will be a sequel, but aside from that, it was a foreboding and vibey story with great queer rep and eye-catching art!

*Rating: 3.5 Stars // Read Date: 2023 // Format: Ebook*

Recommended For:
Anyone who likes full color graphic novels, horror/supernatural, 70s small town settings, and depictions of queer struggles but also queer friendship.

Original Review @ Metaphors and Moonlight
Profile Image for Luciano Bernaroli.
Author 6 books81 followers
September 10, 2023
I would like to thank Netgallery for sending me the ARC of this book in exchange for an honest review.

Set in the United States in the midst of satanic panic, the life of a group of queer misfits is inadvertently intertwined with a murder investigation conducted by the sheriff and a strange government agent. Given the cruelty and rituality of the discovery of the body, a curfew is triggered throughout the city and the boys can do nothing but disobey the provisions of the authorities. The group's everyday life runs parallel to that of the investigations until the paths meet and the mess breaks out. Is there really something demonic that is terrorizing the citizens or is it all the result of people's paranoia? Who will side with the "weirdos" against the prejudices and accusing looks of the community?

Very topical, funny, macabre, this story is truly one of the most beautiful I've read in recent times. The devil hides behind the most innocent look but man is the real evil.

Absolutely recommended, if you drop a tear you'll know you've really made it yours.
Profile Image for Brandon Scott.
288 reviews29 followers
August 15, 2023
I would like to thank One Press for sending me a galley of this graphic novel in exchange for an honest review. This novel is slated to be released on October 3rd, 2023.

This was such a fun read, and it was exactly what I needed at the moment I read it. I have been on a hunt for queer horror, and this delivered on all fronts! With a nearly exclusively queer cast of characters and the amount of horror (both supernatural AND real), what's not to love?

I zoomed through this graphic novel because it was just under 200 pages; not to mention, the plot and the characters really draw you in. The illustrations were STUNNING! The colors and art style used were some of my favorites from ANY graphic novel I've ever read!

These characters and their reactions also seemed very authentic, which I appreciated; I cared for them almost immediately, and I couldn't wait to see how the story would unfold.

The only reason that I'm deducting a star is because it felt a little unfinished, and that could be because they're planning on making this a series; however, it just felt like it ended SO abruptly. I was wanting a bit more resolution of some sort to feel like this book hit it out of the park for me.

Other than that, I highly recommend this graphic novel. It was a short, fun story with beautiful imagery, characterization, and heart. Definitely check it out when it's released on October 3, 2023.
Profile Image for alex.
412 reviews35 followers
September 14, 2023
Let Me Out is a bloody, nostalgic, subversive queer horror set amidst the satanic panic of the 1970s that doesn't shy away from the real-life struggles facing the LGBT community. Instead, it leans into them, and the all-too-real threat of violence from those in power supplements the supernatural in service of a story that truly scares.

The art featured in this graphic novel is also just brilliant. In particular, the use of colour is what really pushed it to a 4-star read for me. Even when the plot/writing faltered, the art remained stunning, dynamic, and vibrant. This is the first ARC I've been so excited to see on IRL shelves. Thanks to NetGalley and Oni Press for providing me with a digital ARC in exchange for an honest review.
Profile Image for Tyler.
322 reviews2 followers
September 1, 2023
Thank you NetGalley, the authors, and publisher for the arc of this book. This review contains only my opinions and is left completely voluntary.

Queercentric graphic novels are among my favorite things to read and this one did not disappoint. The pace was very fast and at times I wanted more detail which is the reason for 4 instead of 5 stars. That being said this was awesome! It was gorey and unapologetically queer. Each of our main characters are somewhere in the community and I love that. The story itself was incredibly engaging and the art style is gorgeous. I'm hoping there will be more after this!
Profile Image for Alexx Laramie.
59 reviews
August 19, 2023
This book follows 4 queer teens in the height of the satanic panic and honestly couldn’t have been more up my alley! I found the story and art to be very fun and enjoyable! The only reason this wasn’t a 5 star for me though is everything felt very surface level. We don’t really get to know any of the characters or our antagonist and their motivations. I also didn’t love that the devil character was only involved for the last 20 pages and the ending felt very rushed and underwhelming. I do hope this ends up being a series though because I will eat it up!

Thank you NetGalley for a E-ARC in exchange for my honest opinion!
Profile Image for Books and Roller Coasters.
240 reviews5 followers
August 14, 2023
This was a fast paced, quick and fun horror read! I liked the drawing style and the gang of friends were likeable and easy to root for. I love to read more stories set in the satanic panic era, so this story was an easy draw, especially it being one of not many in the queer horror genre. I hoped this would fully quench my thirst, and it did, in part. I felt it was too short and a bit too easy in terms of plot and character development. But maybe that is just due to the graphic novel format. I feel like a story like this would work better novella form, or as an ongoing series.

I want to thank the author, the publisher and NetGalley for sending me an eARC for review. I'm leaving this review voluntarily.
Profile Image for ania | hellishreads.
233 reviews10 followers
August 9, 2023
Let Me Out is a great mix of 70s satanic panic, queerness and small town spookiness.

I REALLY loved the character designs and the art style over all. It’s what made me interested in reading it to begin with (that and that it’s queer horror) but the writing in itself and the plot really made it whole. It’s always fun reading stories with the outsiders in the centre of it all, especially when the outsiders are queer or punks. It also makes for really great designs.

The graphic novel was super diverse and inclusive, which is always a plus on my side, as it often makes for better storytelling — especially in this case, with the characters being in the middle of a small town’s satanic panic hysteria.

My only real issue with the graphic novel is that it felt too short and I can only hope there’ll be a volume two in the near future 🤞🏻

// ARC courtesy of Oni Press and NetGalley.
Profile Image for Laura.
1,982 reviews69 followers
August 10, 2023
What was that ending?! This is a wild ride of a graphic novel and woah did it deliver on the horror. Im too young to have experienced satanic panic but the way the community and the police used the group of queer outcasts as a convenient scapegoat felt very true to reality. This isn’t so much scary as chilling and disturbing with a fair bit of blood and gore. I think this was an interesting graphic novel, and I hope to see more stories from Nahil and Williams.
Profile Image for Bill Cass.
283 reviews5 followers
September 9, 2023
I feel like I'm doing a disservice to this graphic novel by reviewing it before reading the next volume (it's not out at the time of me writing this since I'm reading an ARC). I say that because I feel like I, the reader, just didn't get enough time with the characters because I didn't care. We're supposed to side with them because they're marginalized LGBTQ+ youth who get treated terribly by almost everyone. And because I'm not a monster, I did sympathize, but that wasn't enough to make me care about anyone.

Without any spoilers there's one scene when two of the characters are working and a third is just hanging out and their supervisor gives them crap about it. True, this supervisor may be far from an ally and maybe even antagonistic towards them, but dude (or the gender free equivalent), you have two friends working at a customer service job and you're just hanging out.

So it's the 70's and this small Christian town is scared because people have been murdered, supposedly by a cult, so they focus on the group of LGBTQ+ punks. On the surface this is a great idea but there's such a big scope to the story that in the 120ish page graphic novel, there wasn't enough to sink my teeth into.

Also there's a trans youth who gets misgendered and deadnamed by his parents and it's never mentioned within their friend group. The friends use he/him, which is great because it's what he wants, but I'd have liked a little more dialogue about his parents and also a better explanation about what caused the event at the very beginning.

There's a great idea here and I get the feeling that I'd really like this once it's complete and I can read it from beginning to end. But as it is, I'd just wait.

Thanks to Net Galley and the publisher for allowing me to read this in exchange for an honest review.
1 review
August 29, 2023
The handling of dead names, lgbtq+ violence along with trigger warning at the beginning of the novel were all handled very well and never once did I feel uncomfortable or that this story was indulging in lgbtq+ suffering just for the sake of it. That being said, I do understand how someone could find it uncomfortable. This genre isn’t for everyone.

The writing was excellent. Between the humor and the more dramatic moments, this novel had me turning page after page. The interactions the main gang of characters had with each other were heartfelt and funny and the moments they had with the homophobic and border-line violent characters rang true. If you haven’t gone through these things, you will be able to easily understand the sense of fear and injustice that the main characters felt.

The one thing that really surprised me about this book was how genuinely funny it could be at times. Although most of it would be considered on the darker side, I found all of the humor more than appropriate.

In terms of the art style, all the different emotions portrayed on the different characters faces, especially the towns people and their mayor were incredibly expressive, whether it be humorous or terrifying. I really loved the different angles the artist provided of the various characters and scenes.

The way the artist had text bubbles on certain pages that would extend or bleed into the other frames was something that I’m not sure I’ve seen used to such great effect, if at all. This is definitely the first time it stood out enough for me to remember it. Not only text bubbles but window panes, trails of smoke and more. It really took me on a journey through all the different panels, especially when one of the word bubble were wrapping around a character connecting the two panels.

Overall, I really enjoyed this book and look forward to more adventures with the whole gang 😈

Thank you Netgalley for the chance to read this book in exchange for an honest review!
Profile Image for Madara.
320 reviews55 followers
August 7, 2023
Quality of writing: 4
Plot development: 4
Pace: 4
Characters: 5
Enjoyability: 4
Ease of reading: 5

A quick horror read about an outbreak of "satanic panic" sweeping the New Jersey suburbs in 1979. And it's queer. Do I need to say more?

Review copy provided by the publisher and NetGalley in exchange for an honest review.
Profile Image for Tess.
200 reviews1 follower
January 9, 2024
The vibes really carried here and I really wanted more out of the ending but its hard not to love queer horror lol

more like a 3.5
Profile Image for Leila.
17 reviews1 follower
May 5, 2024
Enjoyable story! Love the art style. Had some weird pacing, especially with the end.
Profile Image for Tyler.
322 reviews2 followers
September 1, 2023
Thank you NetGalley, the authors, and publisher for the arc of this book. This review contains only my opinions and is left completely voluntary.

Queercentric graphic novels are among my favorite things to read and this one did not disappoint. The pace was very fast and at times I wanted more detail which is the reason for 4 instead of 5 stars. That being said this was awesome! It was gorey and unapologetically queer. Each of our main characters are somewhere in the community and I love that. The story itself was incredibly engaging and the art style is gorgeous. I'm hoping there will be more after this!
Profile Image for Meg.
48 reviews4 followers
August 24, 2023
Let Me Out follows Mitch, Terri, Lupe, and Jackson, a group of LGBTQ punks, as their town is gripped by the satanic panic of the 1970s. The story kicks off after the pastor's wife is founded murdered, and an FBI agent and local sheriff search for a plausible scapegoat.

This graphic novel is absolutely spectacular. The story itself is tense and horrifying and brilliantly woven together. And the art style is just stunning, and really brings all of the characters to life. I found myself outright gasping as some of the panels unfolded. Overall, I had a gruesomely fun time with this graphic novel and I hope there are more stories to come for this band of outcasts.

Thank you to Netgalley and Oni Press for the arc of this book.
Profile Image for chia.
130 reviews
August 17, 2023

The things I liked were its fun, quick read, gory, and the retro vibes.
The ending was a bit disappointing. As soon as I started to get myself familiarized with the characters and understood them, the story took a turn and ended. I wish it was a bit longer and a little more complex, maybe the part 2 can fix this disappointment, and I will look forward to it.
198 reviews2 followers
December 25, 2023
Thank you for the ARC, Netgalley and Oni Press! I'm so glad to have been able to read this story early.

I loved this book! I wasn't planning on spending the morning reading a queer horror graphic novel, but when I got started I just couldn't stop. The story is absorbing and pulls you in, and you feel a sense of creepiness, disbelief (yet sadly also recognition - queer rebels have been blamed for much in the past), and hope. The art is gorgeous - the colour palette reflected a time of the past while feeling modern. The characters were spunky and relatable. I'm not a fan of gore so I wasn't sure if I'd enjoy this, but was creepily pleasantly surprised. I'm super happy I got to read this as an ARC, but think I might also dish out on a printed copy of the book - I'd love to see the art in published form.

Queer horror is the future. I'm happy to see queerness moving beyond queer stories to seep into other genres.

And also... I hope there's a follow up to this!

(slight spoilers)

Ending with a question mark is much too titillating! I also love the design of the devil with boobs. Yes please.
Profile Image for Raaven&#x1f496;.
569 reviews40 followers
August 8, 2023
Thank you to NetGalley & Oni Press for this ARC in exchange for my honest review!

I love anything spooky and queer, and this delivered on every level. This graphic novel focuses on a group of friends who are on the run during the Satanic Panic while the town is conspiring against them. Some period typical homophobia and lots of guts and gore. My only issue is there wasn’t enough explanation to the plot. I liked the characters and was able to feel for all of them and their struggles, but I wanted more from the story. The art here is very well done but some of the pages had too much text and it was hard to see everything. All in all this was a great read and I’m looking forward to seeing if there is a next volume with that cliffhanger!
Profile Image for em.
174 reviews69 followers
September 25, 2023
Thanks to Oni Press and Netgalley for the arc!
Due to be published on Oct 3 this will be a good read for anyone looking to get in the Halloween spirit. This is a quick graphic novel about a group of queer teens during the satanic panic where just being different had made them a target. I really loved the art style and am always excited to see more queer horror out there. I had a good time with this book.
Displaying 1 - 30 of 135 reviews

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