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Blue Ice Ranch #3

Dusk's Devotion

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Can love warm the hearts of two enemies facing the wrath of a Wyoming winter storm?

Kyle Abbott is slowly discovering that being midway through his thirties and being married to your job isn’t all it’s cracked up to be. There has to be more to life than random hookups, horses, and cattle. If only he could find a person who excites and ignites his passions like everyone else has at Blue Ice Ranch, he’d be a happy man. He hopes. Confused about his life, he volunteers to spend a month out with the cattle to sort through his bewilderment. Knowing there’s a blizzard on the horizon, Kyle sets out fully prepared and ready for anything.

Anything except the unexpected arrival of rival rancher Shep McCrary. When the half-frozen man shows up at the remote cabin where Kyle has hunkered down with the herd, his conscience demands for him to allow Shep to come inside. Offering food and warmth to another human being is the least he can do, right? Even if the man is a swaggering, hateful jerk who’s far too pretty for his own good and knows it. When the two are forced to spend time together, Kyle begins to see that there is more to Shep than he ever imagined. He might actually kind of like the pompous creep at times. Whoever said there was a fine line between love and hate sure knew what they were talking about…

Dusk’s Devotion is the final book in the Blue Ice MM contemporary western romance trilogy with enemies-to-lovers, a blizzard, lots of forced proximity, family dynamics, suspense, a mystery solved, and a happy ever after.

170 pages, Kindle Edition

Published June 17, 2022

About the author

V.L. Locey

185 books693 followers
V.L. Locey loves worn jeans, Dr. Who, Torchwood, belly laughs, yoga, reading and writing lusty tales, walking, Greek mythology, the New York Rangers, comic books, and coffee. (Not necessarily in that order.)

She shares her life with her husband, her daughter, one dog, two cats, and a flock of assorted domestic fowl.

When not writing lusty tales, she can be found enjoying her day with her menagerie in the rolling hills of Pennsylvania, fresh cup of java in hand.

Sign up for my newsletter here: http://vllocey.com/Newsletter

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Displaying 1 - 30 of 44 reviews
Profile Image for Cadiva.
3,754 reviews379 followers
June 9, 2022
Things come to a head in the final entry of the Blue Ice Ranch series and it's a doozy with all kinds of unexpected events and secrets coming home to roost.

I really enjoyed this last visit to the guys and gals of the ranch, we find out just what's been going on with the thefts, discover who's behind the missing dinosaur bones and see Kyle Abbott fall head over heels for the youngest McCrary brother Shep.

Shep is in deep trouble when he lands on the doorstep of the isolated cabin where Kyle's taking care of the herd before bringing them in to calve. He's been beaten black and blue and isn't saying anything but as the days move on, there's a slow thawing between the two men that's inflamed by their attraction.

What I liked the most about this one is how each came to rely on the other for support and encouragement, especially how Kyle stuck up for Shep with the rest of his mates - something that came with a risk given previous events between the two ranches.

The sex is chemistry filled and emotionally charged, there's good conversation between the two men and no stupid misunderstandings. I also felt the way Vicki drew the mystery to a close worked well and didn't feel like a plot point out of nowhere.

Overall this has been a really great cowboy series to get stuck into with a variety of story narratives.

#ARC kindly received from the author in return for an honest and unbiased review
Profile Image for Maria.
692 reviews35 followers
September 4, 2022
A satisfying love story. The best parts were the beginning chapters. So much better when there's tension, old prejudices, misconceptions, things like that to get over, when you're injured and stuck in a cabin during a blizzard.

I loved the descriptions of the Tetons, always nice in a good western. Went to a county fair recently and watched the pony shows. Now I get the whole cowboy regalia. Once I really thought about it, and kept reading, it's really not just for show. Hard dusty work.

The mystery is solved. Somewhat horrifically I might add.

It wasn't for the ages but it would make a nice Lifetime movie.
Profile Image for Love Is All Around.
2,033 reviews64 followers
January 24, 2024
Voto: 4.5
Mi dispiace che questa trilogia sia finita, anche se lo fa nel migliore dei modi, perché mi sono affezionata ai vari personaggi che compaiono nei tre volumi.
I protagonisti, stavolta, sono il secondo in comando del ranch, l’affidabile e instancabile Kyle Abbott, e il ricco e viziato Shep McCrary, il terzogenito degli odiosi fratelli confinanti con il nostro amato ranch.
Kyle sta attraversando una sorta di crisi esistenziale e, quando c’è la necessità di vivere per un mese in assoluta solitudine nel bel mezzo dell’inverno, lontano dalla civiltà e dalle comodità, per custodire una mandria nei pascoli più lontani, l’uomo si offre volontario, convinto che quel tempo da solo sia utile per fare chiarezza con se stesso e il malessere che sente.
Quello che Kyle non si aspetta è che Shep – il suo grande nemico assieme ai disgustosi fratelli – bussi alla porta del suo capanno fatiscente, nel bel mezzo di una tormenta di neve, più morto che vivo.
Continua sul nostro blog!
Profile Image for Valentina  Campi.
470 reviews10 followers
January 22, 2024
4.5 stars
Forse quello che mi è piaciuto di più della serie. Una conclusione perfetta per questa trilogia.
Profile Image for Ky.
589 reviews81 followers
July 28, 2022
* 4 Stars *

This was one of the rare occasions where the enemies-to-lovers trope was executed nicely. I think it's difficult to achieve the right feelings for both statuses, since they're on opposite sides, and at the same time make the transition feel real and plausible.

This time, Kyle and Shep were really enemies at the beginning of the story. They had bad history between them and they belonged on opposite sides of a feud. It wasn't a case of simple dislike, they truly couldn't stand each other.

Forced proximity, and especially when it has to do with bad weather that traps the MCs somewhere, is not my favorite trope. Actually, it's one of those that usually makes me skip a story. But I decided to give this one a try, mainly because of the enemies thing. And I wasn't disappointed! Nothing was rushed, the story didn't revolve around the blizzard that brought them together and the timeframe was satisfyingly wide.

The blizzard was just the start of their story, the period where they got to know each other better and change some of the opinions they had for each other. It's what kick-started their journey but it's not what kept them together.

Even though neither wanted a relationship with the other, their efforts to end it weren't very successful, and their vows to stay away never lasted for very long. They had many issues to overcome so it's not surprising that they tried so much to resist their pull.

Each book in the series focuses on a different couple but there are some general arcs that run throughout the whole series. Plus, the setting and the people are the same. With that said, I think that you can read this as a standalone if you absolutely want to but it's better if you start with book #1.

~ Copy provided by Bayou Book Junkie for my reading pleasure. A review wasn't a requirement. ~
Profile Image for SJ.
1,918 reviews22 followers
June 22, 2022
I was going to start my review with the comment, “Keep ‘em coming, author!” This is a wonderful series and it saddened and surprised me to see that this book is the last. It’s going out on top and closing out with a wonderful finale. A McCrary and a Blue Ice cowboy falling in love! That it was Kyle Abbott was surprising to me. His hatred of the McCrary’s was pretty deep. He and Shep needed that bubble of time alone in the cabin to grow towards one another. The author gave them some wonderful crackling one-liners and amusing insults in their conversations and in Kyle’s internal monologues in the one person POV plot line. I think he was most surprised that he wanted a McCrary and I especially loved the parts about his sneaking to be with Shepherd each night. Just brilliant writing and wonderful word choices. I appreciated the good word pictures of the MCs and the other familiar characters. I will miss the romance and the hot times with this group of people living at the foot of the Grand Tetons with cattle, horses, and dinosaur bones! I hope the author will consider revisiting them. All the stars for cowboy love!
Profile Image for Dan.
1,452 reviews38 followers
July 4, 2022
This one I enjoyed more than the last. Kyle and Shepherd have the same kind of vibe Will and Perry do, but they actually mesh. Maybe because they're both asses? Shepherd is pretty abrasive, but Kyle does push his buttons like he does to no one else in this series. They balance each other nicely. Plus the mystery of the stolen items is solved! Now the real question, why was the ranch (and the series) renamed blue ice instead of the prairie smoke title it had been sporting until now? And by the third book's release!
Profile Image for Vaga16.
320 reviews2 followers
January 26, 2024
La storia di Kyle e Shep è molto carina.

Kyle si ritrova uno dei fratelli McCrary, suoi nemici da quando ha messo piede al Blu Ice Ranch, bussare alla porta del capanno nel quale si è rintanato per lavorare mentre medita sulla sua vita.
Shep arriva al capanno dopo essere stato cacciato e pestato a sangue dai fratelli perchè hanno scoperto la sua omosessulalità.
Nonostante l’atteggiamento arrogante e snob di Shep, Kyle inizia ad intravedere in lui qualcosa di più, oltre quel muro d’indifferenza che spesso usa come scudo. E non sarà facile per lui convincere i suoi colleghi e amici delle buone intenzioni di Shep, ne convicere se stesso che tra loro sia solo sesso.

È una storia enemies to lovers, anche se enemies, in realtà, lo sono stati per pochissimo tempo😂

Sarà che questi due insieme fanno scintille, sarà che Kyle è veramente una testa di caxxo, ma quest’ultimo libro credo sia il mio preferito.
Apprezzo molto l’autrice e il suo modo di scrivere. È anche se non sono letture impegnative o di quelle che ti fanno palpitare il cuore, le trovo comunque piacevoli e deliziose.
Profile Image for ButtonsMom2003.
3,278 reviews29 followers
June 19, 2022
My favorite of the series!

This is a series that needs to be read in order for best enjoyment. Dusk’s Devotion is the final book in the series and boy it was a great one. It has V.L. Locey’s trademark wit, snark and great metaphors along with suspense and more than a few surprises.

The mystery that started in book one is finally solved and I sure didn’t see it coming. I also didn’t ever think that anyone at the Blue Ice Ranch would become friendly with one of the McCrary’s. While Kyle is away from the ranch tending to the cattle, staying in a cabin with only basic accommodations, he lets a half-frozen man inside during a storm. He is shocked to find that man is Shep McCrary.

I don’t want to give away too many details but I will say that all is not as it seems with Shep. While hunkering down during the storm Kyle and Shep forge a bond that will surprise everyone and cause more than a little upset for the folks at Blue Ice Ranch.

This series has closed with a bang, in more ways than one, and I loved everything about this book!

A copy of this book was provided to me at my request but my review was voluntary and not influenced by the author.

***Reviewed for Xtreme-Delusions dot com***
Profile Image for Amy.
341 reviews5 followers
June 15, 2022
The covers in this series should be able to draw a reader in, and then the writing of the stories is enough to make you stay. Dusk's Devotion is the third book in the Blue Ice series and there is some character overlapping and a mystery that continues throughout, but each book centers around a different couple.

I enjoyed the slow burn romance of Kyle and Shep with a side of enemies to lovers trope and some forced proximity to move the steamy part along. The enemies to lovers path has to be done in a certain way for me to enjoy it, and I did so here; but Locey has proven to be a writer that knows how I like for stories to go. When I started the book, I felt myself easily fall back into the Blue Ice ranch setting with characters I know and a certain feel that made me click with it right away. The banter was very good between the MCs as well as with previous characters, especially grumpy Nate. Be prepared for single POV through Kyle's eyes, who is a character that is going through a patch of feeling unsettled. As much as I liked Kyle, there were a few times that I would have liked a little insider knowledge of Shep. But that usually happens for me in single POV stories. I don't read a lot of rancher romances, but this has put me in a mood for more. (4.5 stars)
Profile Image for Kk.
1,836 reviews14 followers
June 25, 2022
4 Stars! What a sweet ending to the series...

Kyle Abbott loves being a cowboy and seriously hates the McCrarys next door. Well, he does until Shep McCrary falls in his lap literally due to a brothers' bashing. The next three weeks see two men who really don't like each other at close quarters due to Shep's healing body and Kyle's commitment to the herd.

But once Shep heals.... a blizzard snows them in.

Shep is gay.. His brothers find out thanks to his jerk of a brother peeking in his computer. The beating that ensues leaves Shep low. He stumbles to Lone Pine to lick his wound but finds Kyle there who will do the licking just fine..

Recommended if you like western MM.. There is mentions of past rape and abuse.
Profile Image for Manfred.
789 reviews48 followers
September 14, 2022
Great enemies to lovers story. Really believable and not the kind where they switch within an hour from hate to eternal love.
The main characters have to spend some weeks together snowed in in a cabin and slowly figure out that the other person might not be the bad guy they always saw him as.
I did not read the other installments of this series, but it was easy enough to follow the story and it worked well as a standalone.
It was a little dark at times and the HEA was not the most creative one, but I still enjoyed it and would rate it above average 3.5 stars
2,781 reviews42 followers
June 19, 2022
Dusk's Devotion is an amazing addition and finale to the Blue Ice Ranch series.
This is a series that needs to be read in order for best enjoyment.
I enjoyed the slow burn romance of Kyle and Shep. These two have an enemies to lovers
feel to them and some forced proximity to move the steamy part along.
As usual V.L. Locey provides all the snark and feels a reader could ask for!
Along with their romance the mystery that has run throughout this series comes to a conclusion.
I really enjoyed the entire series so much!
Profile Image for Rugby8.
112 reviews6 followers
June 21, 2022
Awesome !!!

I loved this book - just as the rest of the series !!!
V.L. Locey is such a talent! Her characters come alive with detail, and the stories flow by so quickly, you're practically done in the blink of an eye!
Plenty of heat, and some absolutely laugh out loud, incredibly clever moments!!!
Love her writing!!!!
Profile Image for Stavro .
127 reviews1 follower
November 7, 2022
Very fun 3rd book in the series. Lot of twists I didn't expect. Good wrap up to the series. The MC's were really fun. Their relationship was fun to watch grow.
Profile Image for Patti.
988 reviews7 followers
June 17, 2022
A great finish to this series. Enemies to lovers, Shepherd McCrary , has been severely beaten and kicked out of home by his brothers after they discovered he was gay.
Rescued by Kyle Abbott, second in charge of Blue Ice Ranch, Shep's neighbours and enemy. They spend a month together isolated in a small cabin on the edge of the ranch where they get to know each other. The animosity and the hate turns into something altogether different.
Real life intervenes. The sub plot running through the entire series comes to a head and the mystery of the thefts is revealed.
An awesome read that kept me turning the page.
Profile Image for AL.
1,493 reviews11 followers
June 19, 2022
I loved this book! From the picturesque descriptions, that allow the reader to imagine the settings, to great and complex characters - this story has it all. I only wish it was longer, to extend the reading pleasure!
Profile Image for Denise H..
3,116 reviews251 followers
June 23, 2022
(* has changed name to Blue Ice Ranch in April 2022 * Prairie Smoke Ranch, Wyoming, which was written in first books August 2021.)
Humor, enemies to lovers, vers, thieves mystery resolved, HEA.
Kyle, 35, brown hair and eyes, helps run the ranch.

He's the older brother of Will, from the last book. He's volunteered to go out to the Lone Vale cabin for a month of peace and quiet to decide what he wants to do in his life, while he tends to the cattle,
with water and feed in the snowy winter. He fired up the snowmobile and pulled the sled with supplies along all the way out there.
He gets settled and a day later, he finds a man half frozen, beaten half to death and his horse in his doorway. His enemy, Shep McCrary.
Shep, 36, short blonde hair and blue eyes, hard muscles,

a degree from Vassar, is the brother of the two other mean McCrary brothers, homophobes, prejudiced creeps.

As Kyle sasses and helps Shep heal up, tends his horse, they eat, talk, and try to find out what's going on. Truth eventually comes out about why Shep's brothers beat him nearly to death and kicked him out.

Kyle keeps up his snarky remarks, but then figures having a friend would be better. He and Shep end up in hot sexy times. They can't believe how great they get along together, besides the sharp tongue of Kyle.

We get their deepest thoughts, and wishes, and then when the ranch guys come up to help send the cattle down

for the calf season, we learn more.

It's a treat to watch these two men hide their shenanigans as they try to sneak around camp to see each other.

We finally get to the bottom of the thefts and then discover even more of the connection. One brother gets what he deserved for his vile life, and the rest must come to terms with the fallout.

It's a wonderful series, and this wrap up suits us just fine. The epilogue and HEA, makes us smile.

Profile Image for Edga.
1,979 reviews26 followers
November 8, 2023
I want me a cowboy like Kyle Abbot. I loved him and his salty sweet personality. He's got to be one of my favourite book characters ever. He had me smiling throughout this enemies to lovers story. The enemy being one of the McCary's, who've been the 'baddies' throughout this wonderful series.

Let's just say that the two meet in unusual circumstances, Shep especially is a little sharp at first, but quickly warms up to Kyle's charm; and he does not back down from his feelings for him. Their romance is sweet and sensual and all kinds of hilarious. It's everything you need in a romance novel.

Also, Vicki's descriptions of the Tetons are wonderful, it truly felt like I was there with them. I just love her ability to write a story that can make me cry laughing, but which can still hurt like my heart is breaking within a few lines of each other. She's such a talented writer. I honesty don't think that there's a MM book of hers I've not enjoyed.

The series carried on in the same slightly crazy but totally addictive vein as the previous books. I love so many things about it, the characters who are larger than life, quirky, and who've made one another their own. Everyone of these books, are a must read, but this had to be my favourite. A first class ending to the story.
2,411 reviews3 followers
July 30, 2022
Terrific Romance

Rating: 4🌈

Dusk’s Devotion is a terrific way to wrap up this western romance trilogy with its roots in another hockey romance series.

Locey ties up all loose storylines and manages to end the nasty ongoing feud that’s been a persistent flashpoint point of so many troubling events between the two major neighboring ranchers.

Told from one point of view, that of Kyle Abbott, long time ranchhand/irrigator and well established character from the preceding books.

It seems to be winter, the prodigious amounts of snow falling is about right for a Wyoming winter, especially around the Tetons. And the storm that blew in on Kyle as he went out to the furthest part of Blue Ice Ranch to feed and water the herd of cows pastured out that way until they could be brought in for calving and market.

I got into this section of the story. I love the Tetons, have ridden out there, and find its beauty beyond compare. Whatever the season. But to stay in Wyoming and be someone who has to work outside during the winter takes a certain fortitude. And love for the land which Locey captures very well.

It’s out at this remote cabin where Kyle’s staying, that as a blizzard arrives, so does a visitor.

What a fantastic idea and dramatic element!

It has so many different aspects to the idea of this entrance and it’s ramifications.

Shep McCrary comes from that despicable neighboring family of ranchers known for their bigotry, racism, homophobia, and actual crimes committed against the local indigenous peoples.

He’s not one readers are immediately going to get involved with, unless the conditions are right.

Well the conditions are right.

Although it takes a minute, Shep and his Dun stallion invade Kyle’s cabin, and then the blizzard keeps them all there.

I wish we actually had more of their developing relationship during the time they had alone. Instead we get a good start, then told of the passing of time, boom , someone is knocking on the cabin door with food and times up.

What should have been drawn out and intimate moments is over too soon imo.

Understandable, as there’s a bunch more exposition to get through.

It’s back at the ranch. Where multiple characters are processing feelings about seeing a hated McCrary in their midst. There’s also some sort of minimal communication about a future between Kyle and Shep because of family issues.

No spoilers.

And then there’s still major thefts going on to be solved as well as past enormous ones regarding the dinosaur digs to uncover.

So that’s quite a few storylines to process and then resolve.

Locey does, everything gets a investigation, there’s a huge dramatic development that’s potentially devastating, and a final expose’ that solves everything.

I only wish that ending and the culprits had felt more fleshed out , and believable. Not the rationale but the people. They felt too one dimensional to care about.

That’s a bit of a shame because the story is well done . It just has a lot of work to carry as the last book in the trilogy. I loved the romance! I just wish that had been given more focus.

If you love contemporary romance with a cowboy twist, this is a terrific series. Put it on your TBR list!

Blue Ice Ranch (previously named Prairie Smoke Ranch series)

- [x] Dawn’s Desire #1
- [x] Twilights Touch #2
- [x] Dusk’s Devotion #3
Profile Image for Elyxyz Elyxyz.
Author 7 books49 followers
January 24, 2024
(Recensione su copia ARC).
VOTO: 4.5 stelle
Mi dispiace che questa trilogia sia finita, anche se lo fa nel migliore dei modi, perché mi sono affezionata ai vari personaggi che compaiono nei tre volumi.
I protagonisti, stavolta, sono il secondo in comando del ranch, l’affidabile e instancabile Kyle Abbott, e il ricco e viziato Shep McCrary, il terzogenito degli odiosi fratelli confinanti con il nostro amato ranch.
Kyle sta attraversando una sorta di crisi esistenziale e, quando c’è la necessità di vivere per un mese in assoluta solitudine nel bel mezzo dell’inverno, lontano dalla civiltà e dalle comodità, per custodire una mandria nei pascoli più lontani, l’uomo si offre volontario, convinto che quel tempo da solo sia utile per fare chiarezza con se stesso e il malessere che sente.
Quello che Kyle non si aspetta è che Shep – il suo grande nemico assieme ai disgustosi fratelli – bussi alla porta del suo capanno fatiscente, nel bel mezzo di una tormenta di neve, più morto che vivo.
Anche se l’uomo lo disgusta per tutto ciò che è e che rappresenta, Kyle non può in tutta coscienza non soccorrerlo e curarlo, dando il via a quasi un mese di convivenza forzata e vicinanza stretta.
Giorno dopo giorno, i due imparano a conoscersi e ad apprezzarsi, soprattutto quando certi grossi segreti vengono svelati…
Il ritorno alla civiltà non è indolore né facile, perché nessuno al Blue Ice Ranch sopporta la vista di un McCrary, ma noi sappiamo che i nostri proprietari sono gente di buon cuore, pronta ad aiutare chi è nel bisogno… ma i problemi e i misteri non sono certo finiti…
Ho letto con vero piacere questo libro con dinamica “da nemici ad amanti”. I due protagonisti hanno nove anni di differenza, ma l’age gap si sente perché provengono da due realtà molto diverse, cosa che Kyle sottolinea spesso, anche se la passione per i cavalli e la vita da cowboy li accomuna.
In questo volume finale si conclude anche tutto il mistero dei furti e delle sparizioni, una soluzione che ho trovato interessante e valida.
Nella trama c’è uno spaccato molto vivido e realistico della dura vita dei mandriani, le descrizioni sono davvero ben fatte e il punto di vista di Kyle, che narra l’intera vicenda, ci dà una chiara interpretazione di sentimenti e azioni.
La storia è ricca di introspezione, ben mescolata agli eventi; la parte romance è piacevole, sensuale ed esplicita al punto giusto, ma non manca neppure un po’ di dramma e azione a movimentare le cose.
Vi consiglio di recuperare i volumi precedenti, se non li avete ancora letti, e poi di godervi questo, mentre io spero che in futuro venga tradotto anche il libro dei padroni del Blue Ice Ranch, Landon e Montrell.
Profile Image for Valeria  DePaula.
952 reviews5 followers
January 30, 2024
✔ Letto! Penso che della serie, fossero uno dei più attesi, dopo quello di Landon e Marcel. Tutto quello odio reciproco e tutto quello astio quando per caso si ritrovavano uno davanti all'altro. Kyle Abbott adesso dovrà proprio spiegarmi come mai si è innamorato perdutamente di un McCrary, il più bello ovviamente, ossia Shep McCrary.

Mi racconta che ha avuto solo conoscerlo meglio, un semplice campano isolato, una tempesta violenta in arrivo e Shep che arriva pestato durante, costole rotte e mezzo assiderato e povo a poco la sua storia da raccontare. Di come è stato indoltrinato all'odio per il diverso, di com'è stato essere cresciuto dovendosi nascondere per paura di morire per mano della propria famiglia, di come si è sentito libero negli anni di università. E di come si è sentito perso quando ha dovuto far ritorno a casa.

I giorni di reclusione forzata assieme, servirà loro per scoprire i punti affini, l'attrazione evidentemente e anche il qualcosa in più.

Un romanzo molto bello, tutti i nodi finalmente verranno sciolti. I colpevoli scoperto e le coppie consolidate. Non mi piace dirlo, ma giustizia divina piomberà adosso ai cattivi. E presa di coscienza sul altri.
La vita è breve e forse, non c'è niente altro in questo mondo oltre l'amore e il rispetto.
Per me è ovviamente ❤ ❤ ❤ ❤ ❤ Leggetelo, super valido.

Profile Image for Lisa.
1,198 reviews4 followers
June 29, 2022
The Blue Ice Ranch trilogy ended on the great note and definitely saved the best for last. We've seen both of the MCs in previous books in the series. Kyle is the second in command and the irrigator at Blue Ice Ranch. He's bi, out, and rather lonely, as some of those closest to him have recently found their loves. Shep is the youngest brother at the neighboring, rival ranch that is known for its homophobia, racism, and misogyny. Shep has never participated in the ugliness, but he's also not stood up to his violent brothers. Kyle volunteers to work at a remote cabin for a month to make sure cattle are fed and watered. When a blizzard almost buries the cabin, he's shocked to see Shep show up. Attraction wars with disgust in this enemies-to-lovers, forced proximity story. This book is embedded with a lot of gruff, manly humor; rough passion; a mystery that is finally solved; and a really great HEA. Very enjoyable series!
Profile Image for Angelica Holmes.
465 reviews1 follower
July 28, 2022
Excellent Ending

Duck's Devotion is the third and final book in the Blue Ice Ranch Series. This story concentrates on Kyle Abbott who is a ranch hand on Blue Ice. One a trip out into the far reaches of the ranch, Kyle is confronted with a beaten and nearly frozen Shep McCrary. Shep, a known enemy of the ranch, is taken in by Kyle to be warmed and recoup. The close quarters during a blizzard allows them to get to know one another. They discover there is common ground after all.
This book was a wonderful ending to the series. It ties everything up nicely with the continuing storyline between all the books, as well as the HEA. It's well written, the characters very easy to identify/sympathize with. The mystery, that is the secondary plot, keeps you wanting to turn the page as well.
I recommend this book highly but not without reading the other two.
Profile Image for LeeAnn.
710 reviews
May 16, 2023

I loved everything about Shep and Kyle's story.
From their antagonist meeting, to arguments, insults and finally bath time.
These two men, once the truth was revealed , turned out to be perfect for each other.
There was anger, attraction, hotness, teasing, redemption on Shep's part , more heat. Getting hotter all the time.
As the story unfolded and things were brought into the light, a deeper understanding of how truly evil someone was was revealed.
Above all this was a love story between 2 men. A love that changed their lives for the better.
Great book.
I highly recommend it.
5/5 saddles.
74 reviews
June 30, 2022
I enjoyed this book and really like this genre of book. An enemy to lovers story between Kyle Abbot and Shep McCrary. Kyle has had previous run ups with the owners of the neighbouring ranch.Whlist taking time out in an isolated outlying farmstead a blizzard bring to his door Shep McCrary who has been badly beaten.In caring for Shep a reltionship develops. The antagonism between the two ranches
affects all at the Blue Ice Ranch based on the biggoted attitude of the McCrary clan. Several twist and unexpected events come to pass. I recommend this book
Profile Image for Arta reads at night.
336 reviews9 followers
September 30, 2023
This is a conclusion of the series. The suspense part felt like a bit of a stretch. It comes from absolutely nowhere. At least for me. On the one hand - ok, I can see how all of that came around. But on the other hand imho it wasn’t explored enough and the book should have been longer.
But I loved the romance between long time enemies.
The book had the same cozy fairytale feel. Even if it wasn’t fairytail’yish.
Profile Image for Emmaali.
2,240 reviews
January 21, 2024
Un inizio non entusiasmante ma che poi ha ripreso tutto rendendo i due protagonisti di questo libro due veri sciroccati, uno più pazzo e strampalato dell’altro. L’ironia ha risollevato l’esito del punteggio, che inizialmente per me era bello basso, e anche il fatto che sul finale siano stati risolti tutti i misteri presenti nei due libri precedenti ha chiuso la serie in maniera pulita. Non è la seria di questa autrice che preferisco, ma si è salvata sul finale da un bel scivolone
Profile Image for Lisa.
3,089 reviews124 followers
November 12, 2022
Gay cowboys, what could be better?
Kyle is going to a remote cabin to start to bring the herd in. One night after he had been there a day or so, there is a knock on the door and a man staggers in, frozen and badly beaten. Turns out the man is Shep, part of a family feuding with Kyle's own ranch.
An enemies to lovers story.
Displaying 1 - 30 of 44 reviews

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