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Do not hesitate. Do not contemplate mercy.

The Lorian empire took everything from Dayne.

His family. His home. His people.

He will carve a bloody path through Epheria. He will have his vengeance, by blade and by blood.

This is his story.

The story of The Exile.

*Note: this is a companion novella to The Bound and The Broken series, not a standalone novella. Previous books in the series should be read first.*

184 pages, Hardcover

First published May 21, 2022

About the author

Ryan Cahill

10 books2,460 followers
Get your FREE copy of The Fall – a prequel novella from Ryan Cahill's new epic fantasy series, The Bound and The Broken – when you sign up for his mailing list:

Ryan Cahill is the award-winning author of the bestselling epic fantasy series, The Bound and The Broken.

Born and raised in Ireland, Ryan now resides amongst the rolling hills and hobbit holes of Middle-Earth, New Zealand. He does not own enough swords, would sell his left kidney for a dragon egg, and despises mushrooms in all their eldritch forms.

There are three things Ryan has always told himself about writing. Write the books you want to read. Write the books that your younger self would be proud of you for reading. Make sure they have dragons.

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Displaying 1 - 30 of 427 reviews
Profile Image for Petrik.
747 reviews54k followers
August 27, 2024
ARC was provided by the author in exchange for an honest review.

Incredibly action-packed, engaging, and surprisingly emotional, The Exile is hands down the best installment in The Bound and The Broken series so far.

“War is no different to peace. It is simply more honest. Do not hesitate, do not contemplate mercy. Remember everything I have taught you.”

I know that sounds crazy, especially considering how relatively small The Exile is compared to the main novels. But I have to give my praises to Cahill on this. He's one of the few fantasy authors I know who can pull off not writing not only big-sized novels but novellas as well. Technically, at almost 200 pages long, The Exile can be considered a short novel. But regardless, I stand by my point. The Exile is an impressive novella about Dayne, my favorite character in the series that appeared for the first time in Of Darkness and Light, and he immediately left an impact on me. In a way, it's even more impressive that Cahill could pack this much content and emotions as efficiently and effectively into a novella. After reading Of Darkness and Light, I wanted more of Dayne, and I certainly got what I wanted here. This isn't me saying I don't want more of him, though. If The Exile became a novel, I won't complain. But for now, I'm content with this until Of War and Ruin is released.

“We will always want for time, Dayne. That is the human way.”

The story in The Exile revolves around Dayne's vengeance against those responsible for taking everything from him. His family, his home, his people. The Lorian Empire took them from him, and Dayne is determined to carve a bloody path through Epheria to kill the perpetrators. By blade and by blood. In Of Darkness and Light, the beginning of Dayne's story revolves around him coming home to Valtara after being away for twelve years. In that novel, we never know the details of what happened to him. The Exile tells the main points of Dayne's exploits and journey in these twelve years. And yes, twelve years is a long time. It was never possible for the narrative to tell all of Dayne's past in one novella or even one novel. I mean, his story could've easily worked as a trilogy! And I will not complain about it if that end up happening. However, I think Cahill did a great job telling the main points of his exploits by dividing the novella into four parts with different timelines.

“He had not found peace in a single death, not even the slightest of joys. Though any man who took joy in killing was a man worth killing.”

Dayne instantly became my favorite character in the series despite his relatively brief appearances in Of Darkness and Light. Obviously, it's easy to say that it goes without question that Dayne was the highlight of the novella for me. Seeing the tragedy that visited him changed him dramatically has made me care for him even more. And yet, he still tries his best to stay true to his ideal of justice and virtue. Kindness for the innocents and his loved ones, no mercy for his enemies. But although this novella kinda works as an origin story for Dayne, it will be a mistake to think that you can just jump into The Exile without reading the other books in the series first. As the author mentioned, this is a companion novella, and it will be hugely beneficial for you to read the other two novels and one novella first before reading it. This is to get you interested in Dayne first, and more importantly, important supporting characters from the main series appear in The Exile. If you haven't read the other books first, I think their appearance here will lose their impact.

“Part of me did die that day. Unfortunately for you, it was the kinder part.”

Cahill is an author that keeps getting better with each book. And one of the ways he exhibited this is through how fast he hooks his readers into being attached to a new character. It's true that Cahill's action scenes improved significantly from the time of The Fall and Of Blood and Fire. His action scenes felt vivid, brutal, and fast-paced. He's not there yet, but at the fast rate he's improving his craft, he might even reach John Gwynne's and Joe Abercrombie's level. But personally, it's worth noting that great combat scenes lack substance if an author fails to make their readers care about the characters, especially the ones involved in the combat, first. And this, similar to what occurred to Dayne in Of Darkness and Light, is what I experienced again in The Exile for the new POV character named Belina.

“What idiot isn’t afraid of the dark? Did you not hear me? Nothing good happens after dark. You’re a storyteller. You, of all people, should know this. Tell me one happy story that takes place on a mountainside at night in an abandoned fortress.”

The passage above is spoken by Belina, and I won't even be surprised if fans of the series think of her as their favorite character. Belina is a riot; not only hilarious but having her in the novella gave Dayne's story opportunities for more emotional displays other than wrath, rage, and killings. Plus, I genuinely think Dayne and Belina have one of the best friendships I have ever read in a fantasy novel. This kind of thing is what made this revenge-centered novella even more powerful. The themes of family, justice, grief, love, and friendship drove the narrative. They act as the oil that powers the vehicle of Dayne's vengeance. Similar to Abercrombie's famous "You can never have too many knives." Belina told Dayne that you can never have too many blades. But we're also accompanied by beautiful passages about love and grief. For example, this lovely quote about love reminded me of the famous quote from The Wise Man's Fear by Patrick Rothfuss. You will know what it is if you have read The Wise Man's Fear.

“Love, my son, cannot be quantified by how and why. It is the intangible tether that connects your heart to others. It holds no conditions or rules, for if it did, it would not be love, but simply convenience. It is not found in the ‘because’, it is found in the ‘and yet’. Your father is strong, compassionate, and understanding, but it is not because of those things that I love him. Rather, they are why I admire him. He is also foolhardy, pig-headed, and he always says the wrong things. And yet, I love him anyway.”

As a novella, The Exile is easily one of the best fantasy novellas published. With this, I am finally caught up with all of Cahill’s published works, and I can safely say Cahill is on his way toward becoming one of my favorite authors. On top of telling a heartfelt and epic story in the series so far, he has laid a lot of groundwork for an epic convergence in the third main novel of the series, Of War and Ruin, and I am seriously excited to find out how he will execute it. If he succeeds in transforming Of War and Ruin into a book that top Of Darkness and Light and The Exile, then you will see me praising him as one of my favorite authors. Honestly, though... it's only a matter of time until that day transpired. If you have not read The Bound and The Broken series, get to it ASAP! By the time I have access to the ARC of the next book, I will be reading it immediately.

“It is never weak to grieve for the ones you love… To hide your tears is to do them a disservice. They have earned your love. Let them have it.”

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You can find this and the rest of my reviews at Novel Notions | I also have a Booktube channel

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Profile Image for Matt's Fantasy Book Reviews.
334 reviews6,870 followers
October 25, 2023
Best novella I've ever read. Action packed from start to finish, with wonderful character development and an extremely engaging story. Quite the feat for a little 184 page book!
Profile Image for Rachael.
197 reviews246 followers
January 10, 2023
“War is no different to peace. It is simply more honest. Do not hesitate, do not contemplate mercy. Remember everything I have taught you.”

An explosive, gut wrenching, epic, bloody, revenge story.

The Exile is a phenomenal novella featuring Dayne Ateres, and a glimpse into his violent & troubled past. As soon as Dayne walked onto the page in Of Darkness and Light, I knew he would play an important role, and piqued my curiosity. Little did I know, from a failed rebellion to a brutal quest for vengeance, how inspiring, hopeful, and yet completely heartbreaking his story would be.

“Burn them all.”

I love a great revenge story or blood feud, (probably more than I should.) And damn, did Ryan Cahill deliver.

“He wasn’t done yet. There was more blood to be spilled.”

I had chills for at least the first third of this book, and couldn’t help but fall in love with Dayne, his family, and history. His dedication, and loyalty, definitely make him a great addition to the plethora of other incredible characters in this series.

“It is never weak to grieve for the ones you love. To hide your tears is to do them a disservice. They have earned your love. Let them have it.”

Without spoiling anything in The Exile, I can’t imagine a better duo of assassins, or the jaw dropping moments when my favorite characters finally crossed paths!

I swear each book just gets better. But one thing that hasn’t changed, is how honest and heartfelt he writes these extraordinary characters. The character development, humor, and interwoven plot was excellent. I’m in awe of his ability to write incredibly heavy scenes, yet lightens them with the perfect dose of humor.

I’m beginning to understand you should always expect bloody chaos, and your heart to be at least a little broken after one of Cahill’s novellas.

“By blade and by blood.”

Thank you to Ryan Cahill, I am so grateful to be honored with an ARC copy of this incredible book!
Profile Image for Library of a Viking.
243 reviews5,014 followers
May 9, 2022

If you have been following me, you will know that I am a big fan of The Bound and the Broken series by Ryan Cahill! I have read all of Cahill’s published books, and he has become an auto-buy author for me. What makes The Bound and the Broken series so compelling and enjoyable is its clear inspiration from classic fantasy told with a modern voice! I have been looking forward to reading The Exile for a while, so I was ecstatic when I received an e-arc. So what did I think?

The Exile is a companion novella, so it is highly recommended that you read the previous books in this series before reading this book! This novella follows Dayne, who was introduced in Of Darkness and Light and tells the story about some of the events prior to ODAL. If Dayne wasn’t your favourite after reading Of Darkness and Light , he will become your favourite after reading The Exile!

There are so many aspects of this novella that deserve high praise! Firstly, The Exile is different from Cahill’s previous works since this is a much more focused story. The Exile is a single POV story that follows and is split into four parts! Each part tells a significant event in Dayne’s life, and this novella spans a period of 7 years (I believe)! It was incredibly refreshing to see Cahill’s take on a character-focused story. While Cahill’s previous books have been epic in scope with a massive cast of characters, The Exile primarily focuses on Dayne. I am pleased to say that Cahill absolutely nailed it with The Exile.

Cahill does a phenomenal job at fleshing out Dayne and giving the reader insight into his traumatic and dramatic past. Moreover, the pace and grim tone of the story truly makes The Exile a memorable read! I read this novella in two sittings and was left craving more. I am thoroughly impressed by Cahill’s ability to write such a compelling and heart-wrenching story in such few pages! Can a novella give you a book hangover? The Exile emotionally impacted me, leaving me with a sense of joy, excitement and agony. I need War and Ruin now!

It has been a great joy to see how Cahill has evolved as an author over the past two years. The Bound and the Broken series has been hyped up in the indie community, but I believe this series deserves all the hype! Each book in The Bound and the Broken series has increased in quality in terms of story-telling, characterisation and prose. The Exile is arguably Cahill’s best work to date!

As with any novella, some readers will not appreciate the short format. However, I love that Cahill uses novellas as a way to explore new stories and characters!

The Exile is an engrossing tale about vengeance, love and persistence and is an excellent addition to the already great The Bound and the Broken series. The Exile will pull you in with its vivid characterisation, suspense and compelling plot! War and Ruin can’t come soon enough!

5 / 5 stars

Thanks to Ryan Cahill for an e-arc in exchange for an honest review!

A special thanks to my Patreon’s DentTheArtair, Erin, Blake and Mel!
Profile Image for William Gwynne.
437 reviews2,522 followers
July 25, 2024
BookTube channel with my awesome brother, Ed - The Brothers Gwynne
My personal BookTube channel - William Gwynne

I finally dived back into The Bound and the Broken. In this novella, Ryan Cahill instantly reminded me what a page-turning author he is, as we follow one of my favourite characters of the series, Dayne.

This is a story with a crazy amount of action, but Cahill finds a way to create a compelling relationship between action and character growth, so that we are invested in the big and small events unfolding. From epic battles, assassinations to a TERRIFYING final sequence, Cahill displays his ability to write the whole scope of action. We see some characters reappear from previous instalments, but I also really enjoyed the new characters. But, of course, the highlight of The Exile is Dayne. The more of him the better!

Profile Image for Ryan Cahill.
Author 10 books2,461 followers
March 16, 2022
Each part of The Exile is set at a different point in Dayne's life before his appearance in Of Darkness and Light, each exploring pivotal moments that crafted who he is. Dayne's exploits pre ODAL could take up an entire trilogy in and of themselves, but by making this a novella I am able to explore the truly big moments for him, providing you with some extra lore, without eating into the time of the main series.

*Note: this is a companion novella, not a standalone novella. Previous books in the series should be read first.*
Profile Image for Andrei(Drusca).
282 reviews77 followers
June 7, 2023
The author has a special style in which he describes the world and the characters, which makes you, the reader, once you enter this world, never want to leave
Profile Image for Maddie Fisher.
201 reviews3,255 followers
August 9, 2024
I enjoyed Dayne's back story, and feel more connected to his point of view in the main series after reading this. It certainly helps to show how the Empire cannot be allowed to continue, though the main series shows their moral ambiguity, and there are certainly redeemable characters under their sway. It was helpful to see Dayne's parents as characters and to see how Aeson has been so involved in the uprising and rebellion all the way back to The Fall.

Definitely worth a read for those entrenched in the Bound and the Broken saga. Cahill does an amazing job with the novellas!
Profile Image for Hamad.
1,179 reviews1,528 followers
September 27, 2022
The Fall ★★★★
Of Blood and Fire ★★★★
Of Darkness and Light ★★★★ 1/2
The Exile ★★★★

Of Darkness & Light introduced us to Dayne but we never got to discover his past and The Exile is exactly that. A Novella covering the most important points in Dayne's life and it tells us how he got to become the man we met in ODAL. At its heart it is a vengeance story and I love those (Lists of people that need to be killed is just exciting like in Best Served Cold by Abercrombie or Seven Blades in Black.

The writing and formatting is excellent and that is not surprising to me at this point. Cahill proved himself as an extra-ordinary writer whether it is a full novel or even a novella. Despite it's length -which is always my biggest turn off from novellas- the story provides everything that the reader needs. The stories are so easy to get into and care about and The Exile follows the same rule.

I don't do long reviews for novellas because it is just easier to read them without knowing much. All you need to know is that if you read the previous books and liked them then you will love this and that Cahill once again did not disappoint. I am so looking for the next book in the series.
Profile Image for Arundeepak J.
117 reviews62 followers
May 24, 2022

The Exile by Ryan Cahill is a meticulously crafted tale of vengeance that showcases Ryan Cahill's brilliant writing.


The Exile is a story about Dayne, the man with a mysterious past we meet in Of Darkness and Light. The novella gives us a much closer look at the failed rebellion in Valtara that was mentioned in ODAL and Dayne's quest for revenge for what the Lorian Empire did to his family and country.


Since it's a novella we didn't get to see a whole array of characters we saw in ODAL but the few characters we meet in The Exile were intriguing and distinctive and written with such care they might become your favourite characters in this series.

The relationship between Dayne and Belina is a pure joy to witness. The banter, emotional conversation everything worked perfectly.

The pacing was fast and steady but i wouldn't say it's breakneck pacing. The action sequences and emotional scenes are balanced to a perfection.

I also love how Ryan filled so much of contents in this 170 page novella. Yes, it's a story of vengeance but The Exile offers a lot more... Love, Hope, Sacrifices, this story has everything.


Of War and Ruin is not yet here 😂😅

I honestly couldn't find anything wrong with this one.

FINAL WORLD: The Exile is a bloody brilliant novella. No doubt about it.
Profile Image for Dom.
Author 1 book549 followers
May 1, 2022
It's bloody. It's brutal. It's brilliant.

I loved this bit of backstory to one of the really interesting characters introduced in Of Darkness and Light, and Cahill manages to cram more action, suspense, and emotion into its 170-odd pages than many authors will manage in four times as many.

This may be a tale of revenge that follows a fairly typical formula, but it doesn't feel like a typical story at all. As a companion novella, it does a fantastic job of expanding on the world of The Bound and the Brokem, but more importantly, expanding on the story of Dayne Ateres.

Dayne was already one of the highlights of Of Darkness and Light for me, and here, we see so much more of his character, really getting to the root of his motivation in a way that works much better than just the simple words we previously had.

I also loved that we got to see some other characters from the series, including everyone's favourite blood merchant, and another great character who has been an ever-present in Ryan's stories so far.

There's some absolutely gut-punching emotion here as well, particularly involving that latter character, which was as appreciated as it was unexpected.

Overall, I love how just a short addition to the series can give so much, building on some already great characters and making them truly special.
Profile Image for Brent.
505 reviews69 followers
May 18, 2023
The Best Yet In The Series

I'm loving everything about The Bound and The Broken. It's giving me all of those heroic fantasy vibes that I felt when I read Wheel of Time and Faithful and The Fallen, but in a lot of ways I'm liking it more. Every character is interesting and the world, politics, and villains are complex. And these novellas fleshing things out between novels are the icing on the cake.

This gives you Dayne's backstory after meeting him in Of Darkness and Light. And it's a story that is gripping from page one. It gives you added context for the overall story, gives you more insight not just into Dayne but other characters as well, and adds to the world building as we get more info about Valtara. Also some incredible action here as well. These 180 pages absolutely flew by. This is my favorite entry in the series so far.
Profile Image for Graham.
271 reviews70 followers
May 29, 2024
“War is no different to peace. It is simply more honest. Do not hesitate, do not contemplate mercy. Remember everything I have taught you.”

It is definitely my worst-kept secret that Ryan Cahill’s The Bound and the Broken series has been one of my absolute favourite breakthroughs in fantasy of recent years, so when Ryan sent me the ARC of The Exile, his latest novella set in this series, then of course I had to drop everything and read it in one sitting. The Lorain Empire took everything from Dayne. His family. His home. His people. He will carve a bloody path through Epheria. He will have his vengeance, by blade and by blood. This is his story. The story of the Exile.

This is a story, and series, that just simply deserves to be seen and praised to the high extent of its content. Cahill has treated us time and time again to a beautiful world filled with fascinating wonder and insanely gripping action that constantly fills the story he has set out to create. He has mastered the craft of showing a character’s moving growth and takes us on a trusted journey from Dayne in the Exile to the man we meet in Of Darkness and Light. The dynamic interactions between Dayne and many familiar characters was fun to read and that’s what Cahill has managed to do most; grip the reader into being invested in character cameos and lore so that we feel fabulous excitement at each little interaction. There is a familial bond that is shown here and it’s so hard to talk about this story without spoiling it but fans of the series should just snatch this right up. I’m just utterly amazed by how Cahill can get such investment in characters in such a short page count; albeit main, side or returning characters yet still keep us enticed and ever-wanting of a story.

This year has been an amazing year for fantasy novels but Ryan Cahill keeps delivering yet another staple in the genre that I will read and re-read to digest every single detail. Once again, a series high on my recommendation list for those that want to read a breath of fresh air in fantasy that will be talked about for years to come, and many years after that. This has thrust my excitement for book three of the main series to the forefront and I cannot wait to dive back into this meticulously crafted story once again.

Thank you to Ryan Cahill again for the opportunity for me, a massive fan, to become lost in a world that makes me feel like I'm reading a classic series in the making.
Profile Image for Margaret.
171 reviews917 followers
June 29, 2024
Officially done my reread and it’s FINALLY time for Of War and Ruin ✨

I loved this even more on reread. Reading these in such quick succession shows how much Cahills writing has improved with each instalment. I loved the single pov in this, getting such an intimate look into Dayne’s psyche has made me more attached to this world than ever.
Profile Image for Andrew Rockwell.
260 reviews116 followers
July 17, 2023
5.0 stars—-

One of the best novellas I’ve read. Starts out a little slow to give you vital information and helps fill in some blanks from the main series, but once it gets going you’ll be left wanting more. Dayne is one of my favorite characters from book 2.
This series is great and should get more recognition for being self-published by Cahill.
Profile Image for Joel.
36 reviews
April 1, 2023
A great revenge story that stars a character that was introduced in the second novel and a couple familiar side characters. Some great fight scenes and powerful emotional moments make it a great companion novella to the main series. It helps to flesh out some background of our heroes and grants some additional perspective to events currently unfolding. Fast-paced, at times brutal and features a bit of an emotional gut punch of an ending.
Profile Image for Arlena.
44 reviews29 followers
May 21, 2022
Do you remember that guy, Dayne, from Of Darkness and Light who just kinda appeared out of nowhere and you felt like you were supposed to know him? Well...this is his story, and your chance to get to know him, by blade and by blood.

The Exile tells the story of Dayne Ateres focusing on four important moments of his life. The novella is a bit of an odd one out in the series as it solely focuses on a single point of view. This allows us to really get to know Dayne, feel his anger, his grief, his love and his determination. We get to experience the life-changing events Dayne goes through and watch as he slowly becomes the person we meet in ODAL. It is a journey that will have you smiling, gasping in shock, laughing out loud and tear up. It is a journey well worth undertaking.

While the novella focuses on Dayne we get to see other characters from the main series as well. I absolutely loved learning more about these characters some of which were already favourites of mine while others became new favourites. Cahill's power as a writer truly shows in how he is able to say so much in so few words. He is able to change my view of a character with just a single sentence. Literally.

The pace of the novella is excellent, never a dull moment. The action is incredibly well balanced with deep emotional moments that made me tear up and humorous banter that had me laughing out loud or rolling my eyes.

In the Exile there is darkness, there is grief, there is vengeance and there is blood. But there is also love and laughter and family. In The Exile there is hope.


**The Exile is a companion novella and as such previous books in the series should be read first.**
Profile Image for Kaylie (Review Hiatus).
86 reviews129 followers
May 10, 2024
“War is no different to peace. It is simply more honest. Do not hesitate, do not contemplate mercy.”

Amazing. Incredible. Awe-inspiring. Epic. Absolute Perfection. (Insert your favorite adjective here). I'd love nothing more than a new series just for Dayne's story. This is a story of vengeance, unlikely friendships, devastation, and unwavering compassion. Dayne is such a complex character and my heart aches for him 😭🥹 - I cannot wait to see where he goes from here! I will spoil nothing, but I'd reread this series just to read this book again.


"Love, my son, cannot be quantified by how and why. It is the intangible tether that connects your heart to others. It holds no conditions or rules, for if it did, it would not be love, but simply convenience. It is not found in the ‘because’, it is found in the ‘and yet’.”

There was something about Dayne that made me want to know EVERYTHING about him.

Profile Image for Booksblabbering || Cait❣️.
1,216 reviews327 followers
December 19, 2023
The empire had burned his people. He would do the same in return. Burn them all.

Dayne is exiled from his home after a failed rebellion led to his parents being killed and his siblings being raised as pawns for the Empire.

Do you need to read this? (Reviewed after reading book 3)
I read this in under an hour, so it’s something very fast-paced that you can tear through.
However, I picked it up and other reviews had said how pivotal it was to the main plot. I disagree. It added more depth to the world and characters that was teased at in Of Darkness and Light, but I don’t think you would miss much if you skipped it. I think you might miss some character depth and backstory, but Cahill does a phenomenal job at recapping the events of everything (including the novella) at the start of book 3.
Please can such detailed recaps be made the norm for all fantasy books.

The highlight for me was Belina who was irrational, brash, and completely unpredictable. Her perception of what was acceptable was the opposite to any reasonable person's, and she had killed more people than she had eaten warm meals. Yet she was a delight, especially compared to the more stoic Dayne.

One thing I want to point out:
Why do male authors always feel the need to write about breasts? I’ve just finished reading Brent Weeks, and there’s just such a focus on it.

”Oh, relax. They're just tits. Why do men always get so worked up about tits?"

Overall, a quick novella filled with spectacular fight scenes and a man on a mission for revenge.

Profile Image for Blaise.
418 reviews120 followers
March 19, 2022
Brilliant! Must read for fans of the series
Profile Image for Craig Bookwyrm.
185 reviews
May 2, 2022
The Exile by Ryan Cahill takes the novella from the ordinary to the extraordinary.

This novella focuses on Dayne Ateres, who we first meet in book 2 of The Bound and The Broken series, Of Darkness and Light (ODAL), and takes place over a 7 year period, with four significant events, before his appearance in ODAL.

It's safe to say that Dayne is now officially my favourite character in the series. I thought his introduction in ODAL was compelling, but this book has nailed it for me.

The writing, plotting and pacing are spot on.

There is action aplenty in this novella, but what it has in abundance, and what Ryan does so well, is pure emotion - this novella has a heart and a soul. I felt what I was reading.

For anyone who may think that novellas are optional reading within a main series, then Ryan Cahill is proving that they are far from optional with his The Bound and The Broken series. This novella is absolutely essential reading (as is The Fall).

This was a joy to read, and a must for fans of the series.

Thank you Ryan Cahill for the opportunity to read the eARC of this brilliant book.
Profile Image for Nicole.
260 reviews28 followers
July 1, 2023
I have a feeling the Bound and the Broken series is going to be a favorite series. I am loving every single book, even the novellas are top-tier.

This novella is best read after book 2 as it follows Dayne's story. In book 2 we meet Dayne's character when we meet him he has returned home after being gone for years. It is never revealed in book 2 why he was gone or what he did while he was gone, but Exile reveals it all. Exile covered the time Dayne was away from home, so technically the time frame of this book is before the beginning of book 1.

Is this a necessary novella to read? Technically no, but I definitely believe you should. You get to know more about Dayne's character as well as some other side characters such as Therin and Belina. I loved the interactions between Belina and Dayne, you get this hilarious sibling-type interaction that I didn't expect but loved.

This novella is packed full of intense scenes full of grief, action, revenge and loss. I was never bored reading this novella and it adds so much Dayne's character and the world.
I highly recommend reading this and reading the series in general! Every book keeps getting better and better!
Profile Image for Wolfmantula.
296 reviews39 followers
January 4, 2023

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I called ODAL (Of Darkness and Light) “A soul-punching masterpiece.” So how do you top something that I considered a masterpiece? You write The Exile, that’s what you do. This is an intoxicating story that will be remembered for ages, and I’m absolutely floored by its epicness. It just seems that Cahill has gold flowing through his fingertips because of the way he’s constantly dropping novels that just keep getting better each time, and he continues that with an amazing tale of Dayne’s life before we meet him in ODAL. Dayne is on a path of vengeance, leaving a trail of wrath and carnage in his wake to get back to his family. But it’s much much more than that, there’s sorrow, grief and vulnerability, and it gives us a deeper history of what else is going on within the realm of Ephiria.

“He had not found peace in a single death, not even the slightest of joys. Though any man who took joy in killing was a man worth killing.”

Ryan continues to deliver beautiful prose and amazing world building, I also left several quotes down below that I didn’t want to remove, they deserve to be seen. Ryan also continues his deceptive ways of dropping hints here and there for past and present situations, so keep your eyes peeled! The fight/battle scenes are truly insane. Dayne’s character development is such a fascinating ride, as we get to see him from where he starts to the man we meet in ODAL. There are several familiar faces that pop up as well as many new ones. His dynamic with one of the characters is probably my favorite of all the characters throughout the series so far. They just have a great kinship with each other and it makes their time together so much fun to read.

“I would say that it is better to die for the ones you love and for what you believe than it is to live knowing that you could have done something but didn’t. I would say that you have my sword. I would say that you have my blood. And if you can bring the empire to its knees, then I will gladly give you my life as well.”

It’s bloody, beautiful and you’re going to find yourself giggling more than once. This is my favorite read of the year so far… and I have read some pretty great books already, and more to come, including book 3 of this series. This has literally everything you could ask for and it was delivered on a Diamond encrusted plate, it’s that good! This is about as much as I can say before I start throwing out spoilers. So I’m ending this right here and reiterating that this is a story that will be remembered for ages.

⭐️ UPDATE 1/4/23 ⭐️
Just finished my re-read with the audio Whispersync’d and Perkins knocks it out of the park once again with his narration!

“War is no different to peace. It is simply more honest. Do not hesitate, do not contemplate mercy. Remember everything I have taught you.”

“You should have,” Dayne replied, rising to his full height. “But now, I am the harbinger of your death. I have come to cast judgement over you, just as you did that day.”

“We will always want for time, Dayne. That is the human way. We would die waiting for the perfect moment that will never come. There is only now.

“For a parent is to a child what sun is to a flower.”

“You ordered the deaths of thousands of Valtaran citizens. You stood and watched as they were burned alive, their lungs filling with smoke, their skin melting from their bones. You do not hold the right to draw breath.”
Profile Image for Adam.
435 reviews194 followers
July 27, 2022
Dayne’s origin story gets the “Best Served Cold” treatment in this exciting, violent tale of exile and vengeance. We become privy to what forced Dayne out of Valtara, what he did while he was away, and what allowed him back.

Dayne is an absolute terminator, using the Spark to fuel his spear and knife skills in slaughtering hundreds of enemies on his path to revenge. Cahill’s combat scenes shine once again, and the pacing of this story is measured and precise.

Another winning entry into what is quickly becoming a new favorite epic fantasy series. Bring on Of War and Ruin!

Profile Image for QuestBoundReader.
64 reviews18 followers
October 4, 2023
MY rating: 4.5/5
Youtube link: https://youtu.be/12I8eGG0F3g
Discord Link: https://discord.gg/xcU7TNE5

What a wonderful novella. This is the story of Dayne and everything that goes wrong with the Ateres rebellion, ultimately leading up to how Dayne becomes who he truly was meant to be...a badass!

Story: 5/5. I thoroughly enjoyed reading Dayne's life prior to Of Darkness and Light. I think Cahill did a masterful job f including a lot of action in the short story and great character backstory.

World building: 4/5 A good amount of the world was described in this book, however not much was described in detail nor the creatures that inhabited these parts of the world.

So what happened?

OK so Dayne and the Ateres empire get mostly destroyed in this book. We see what happens when someone tries to rebel against the overwhelming force of the Lorian Empire. His parents are brutally murdered along with almost all of the wyvern riders, at the hands of the Dragonguard and battlemages. So what is this truly about? well for that you have to watch my video, link above ;-).

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Profile Image for Chelsea.
80 reviews147 followers
October 16, 2022
The man, the myth, the blinking legend. Ryan Cahill has done it again, another 5 star read in this fantastic series. I loved hearing the backstory to Dayne and where his journey took him before he appeared in Of Darkness and Light. Full of emotional moments, like usual, Ryan pulls at the heartstrings and makes you feel such strong emotions for his characters. I will be eagerly awaiting the next instalment of this series.
Profile Image for Karin (book_scent).
348 reviews34 followers
March 12, 2023
Engaging, thrilling, action packed. Another amazing addition to The Bound and the Broken series!!

I was never really into novellas - too short, not enough time for a story to unfold ... enter Ryan Cahill. He knows how to get a reader's attention and has mastered the art of intense, right to the point stories that make you connect with the characters and their circumstances within just a few pages. Learning more about Dayne was a thrilling experience and I loved how this book was able to really flesh out his character through some key moments from his past. This became an instant new favorite of mine, and I'm sooo ready to finally get to Of War and Ruin and reunite with all of the fantastic cast of this phenomenal series!
Profile Image for Zoranne.
234 reviews436 followers
July 25, 2023
the exile was exciting! this novella is DEFINITELY necessary. it follows dayne who we don't meet until ODAL. you get to find out why he's an ✨exile✨ i love little novellas that flesh out more worldbuilding and a character's back story. i feel like i could read a whole series about dayne and his house!
Profile Image for Traveling Cloak.
306 reviews43 followers
May 21, 2022
The Exile is a companion story to Ryan Cahill’s The Bound and the Broken, and the second novella to come out of the series. The narrative is broken into 4 parts and tells the background story of Dayne, who appears in book 2 of the series and becomes an important figure and fan favorite.

I love that this novella is focused on Dayne, because his past is very mysterious in the main novels. To make him the primary figure in this book and delve deeper into his history and motivations. I enjoyed learning more about him, and, not only does this add depth to the two books in the series that have already been published, but it will continue to do so as the series progresses.

I was unsure at first about the way the story was split up in 4 sections with time jumps. Honestly, the book is so good I wanted more of it. But, in the end I think Cahill made the right choice. Dayne has such a rich history, that to dig into every detail would have made this book into something it is not. As a companion novella to the main story, this book contributes to that work in a positive way without taking away its shine. And I love that about it.

I want to take a minute to talk about Cahill’s writing, as well. The writing in every book I read from the author is better than the last. I was really impressed with so many aspects of The Exile. Cahill knows exactly when to give more detail and when to back off. The characters are believable, and the storyline is adventurous. There is always a ton of emotion involved, as well. I am most impressed, though, with the pacing. That is an area where, in my opinion, the author has most improved.

If you have not started The Bound and The Broken, read it (books 0.5, 1, and 2). Then read The Exile. Come for the side story, stay for the great writing, and enjoy the ride this series takes you on.
Displaying 1 - 30 of 427 reviews

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