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If being kidnapped and abandoned on a deserted island with not even the clothes on my back wasn’t bad enough, throw in vicious animals, no survival resources, and death around every corner. Fourteen other people face my fate, and we all know that not everyone will make it. It is survival of the fittest, after all.

If only that was the worst of it.

After wolves attack our shelter, I discover the existence of wolf-shifters and the real reason we’re all here.

The wolfpacks of Shadow Moon Island need fresh blood for their species to thrive. They’ve been capturing humans from the mortal world to expand their population for decades. Those who survive the bite prove to be worthy of their supposed gift. Yet, I don’t feel very lucky. I feel like prey.

Now, the wolves hunt me for being a female wolf-shifter. Some packs don’t want to blend the bloodlines. Others want me for only that purpose. As for me? I want to make it off this island alive.

It takes embracing my nature as a wolf and bonding with the surviving men to learn to fight. Coming together as a pack awakens a side of me I never knew I had. These guys will protect me at all costs, even if it means risking their lives, and I will do the same for them.

The packs will learn that they’re not in charge of us anymore. These wild wolves can’t be tamed. I’ll get my wolfpack off this island and back to the civilized world, even if I must send it to the bottom of the sea.

304 pages, Kindle Edition

First published January 6, 2022

About the author

Ginna Moran

91 books282 followers
Ginna Moran is the author of an array of both paranormal and contemporary young adult novels including the Demon Within, Falling into Fame, and Spark of Life series.

She started writing poetry as a teenager in a spiral notebook that she still has tucked away on her desk today. Her love of writing grew after she graduated high school and she completed her first unpublished manuscript at age eighteen.

When she realized her love of writing was her life’s passion, she studied literature at Mira Costa College in Northern San Diego. Besides writing young adult novels, she was senior editor, content manager, and image coordinator for Crescent House Publishing Inc. for four years.

Aside from Ginna’s professional life, she enjoys binge watching television shows, playing pretend with her daughter, and cuddling with her dogs. Some of her favorite things include chocolate, anything that glitters, cheesy jokes, and organizing her bookshelf.

Ginna is currently hard at work on her next novel.

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Displaying 1 - 30 of 107 reviews
Profile Image for Angela Hedrick.
1,086 reviews22 followers
February 19, 2022
DNF (did not finish). What made the book unfinishable in your opinion?
I'm surprised so many people rated this book so highly. The heroine confused me a bit because one moment she was weak and terrified, then she turns into some killer badass. The love interests were hard to tell apart except for the werewolf that was helping her out. I stopped at around the 40% mark because after the main character and one of her love interest murder a group of people in self-defense they decide to be intimate with each other. I can't wrap my head around the idea of wanting to be sexually intimate with someone, when just moments ago you had stabbed someone to death. I can see this type of callousness if the main character has some sort of military or police force training but from her back story she's a regular woman down on her luck With some defense classes under her belt. I really would have liked to see the characters react realistically to having to kill someone instead of brushing it off like it was nothing. Overall, I could just tell this book was not for me but since I didn't make it through the halfway point I will just give this book an average rating.
Profile Image for Lisa.
447 reviews23 followers
June 30, 2022
bloody awesome

First time reading from Ginna,
And wow I was not disappointed, wow what a ride,
Lovely take on wolves, it was action packed not your normal romance,
Totally fell in love with this storyline and the struggles they all go through on the island, bring on book 2 because I’m going to read right away,
Loved this book
Profile Image for Kassey Jordan.
455 reviews1 follower
June 3, 2023
OK so I liked the first book but started to kinda dislike the fmc in the second and now in the 3rd I for sure can say I dislike her so much. It's a good plot I won't lie but the author wrote the fmc as a selfish person not ever thinking of those around her or the ones connected to her. I'm not even finished with the 3rd book but I can tell you already there's no way to redeem the fmc for me. I dislike that lately I can't seem to read a book without the author switching up the fmc's characteristics/traits. Literally almost every single one now the authors all try to write this BA female who takes no crap in the beginning and then by the second book they start to change and become kinda self absorbed and act childish, throwing tantrums or just straight up being stupidly stubborn. Can we like not do this please it ruins it for me😪.

OK so I finished the 3rd book and gotta say it was kinda a disappointment compared to the first book. Idk it's just a me thing so I gave it 2 stars as a series.


For example our fmc starts off kinda scared and having a panic attack then she redeems herself by unaliving bad guys and such but then she starts falling for these guys and doesn't care what they want and is basically once again using her body to get what she wants and then the unthinkable happens and instead of thinking I have to do what's right for us all she's like nope I'm all that matters what I say goes. It's just not a writing style I like don't do a 360° on the characters it causes me to lose intrest pretty quickly because I can't change my perception of somebody that quickly. Anywho imma go back and finish the book now or atleast try too.
This entire review has been hidden because of spoilers.
Profile Image for Annette.
3,329 reviews156 followers
January 4, 2022
Every year I participate in a prompt challenge from one of the most amazing second hand bookstores I know. One of the prompts is "Book with a mythical creature in an important role". However, in the reverse harem genre werewolves and wolf shifters are that common that I find it impossible to still see them as mythical creatures. But I also find it hard to resist when I'm offered an arc starring werewolves. I was therefore quite excited when I got the chance to read this book!

Moran has an amazing writing style and I love how she focusses on the emotions, even though there is also quite some action and danger in this book. It was easy to connect with the characters, to understand how they were feeling and why they were acting and reacting the way they did, because Moran made me feel everything they felt and experienced. In this case that was also quite heavy at times, because there are not that many happy moments in this book.

That's mostly because this book is brutal in so many ways. The concept is brutal. The challenges are brutal. The political war between the wolves is brutal. And being kidnapped and confronted with all those things you can't even begin to understand is also brutal. I however quite liked the rawness of the book. Because of the circumstances all characters were gray. It was impossible to know who to trust. It was even more impossible to judge someone based on some short moments.

However, I do still think that the location is a little limiting. I know that it's a me problem. I just don't like stories set in closed spaces. About half way down the book I had the feeling that loads of things were repeating themselves and the answers to all the questions the characters asked came a little too sparsely. The book did pick up again towards the finale though and once the finale started I couldn't stop reading until the very end.
Profile Image for Andrea Green.
780 reviews7 followers
January 6, 2022
This is a shifter book with a difference and i loved it!
Think Lost crossed with one of those naked survival series but with a darker agenda and there is no escaping this island alive.
The crux of the issue is that Wolf numbers are dwindling - Females expecially and abducting and turning humans that wont be missed is the way the way the packs see as their salvation even if they are creating Mutts which are the lowest wolves in the heirarchy.
Eliana is scared but forms a bond with a couple of the guys who want to protect and breaks away from the other groups with a total of 5 men which she starts to gel with plus a couple of the Wolves also see her as their mate also wanting to protect.
Cant wait to see if all 6 of this group survive and what other curve balls the author is going to add to the mix in book 2.
The storey is complex and has some darker elements but also has some amazing character development and dynamics being built - This is a brilliant read and once teh series is finished will make one amazing binge read!
Profile Image for KT Brock.
159 reviews3 followers
January 5, 2022
Ginna Moran is a new author to me and Wild Wolves was a fun intro into her writing style. I love the new and different plot to this book! It’s like Lord of the Flies meets Hunger Games, but with spice! Eliana is the FMC and she is abducted with no one to care that she is gone. She’s dumped on a island with others that are in the same predicament as her and they form alliances as they discover there are such things as werewolves and mates. She immediately is taken in by several of the others that are kidnapped as well as the local shifters on the island. The story is quick paced and I have zero idea what to expect to happen in the next installment of the series. I don’t know who anyone should trust or who will survive. Overall I really enjoyed Wild Wolves and I look forward to the next installment in the series.
Profile Image for XxLaVampiresaAlexisxX.
1,047 reviews57 followers
January 26, 2022
Eliana was kidnapped and transported on a ship to a secluded island. She and several others fight for survival while discovering there's more to this world than meets the eye.

This was such an interesting and unique take on a shifter story. There was some wonderful character development and wonderful world building. I loved Elianna. She is tough and a survivor. I do wish we learned more about everyone's background but I really loved the guys and their personalities. Fans of Lost and other survival shows, will definitely love this story. Can't wait to read more of this series.
795 reviews24 followers
January 10, 2022
Not going to lie, this isn't the usual shifter book that I read, but I have read others by this author and decided to give it a go. Definitely didn't disappoint. Eliana is smart and cagey and willing to fight. It is an interesting story and I can't wait to see what happens next.
Profile Image for Belinda Clemons.
2,099 reviews26 followers
January 14, 2022
All I can say is that Ginna sure knows how to write a book. Eliana is a awesome take no crap lady and the men hot. All in all a good book.
Profile Image for Jennifer Soppe.
2,251 reviews12 followers
January 8, 2022
Transported me onto the fantasy island

Eliana, a woman with no connections, wakes up on a ship with fourteen other people, discovering they have all been kidnapped and are being transported somewhere over water. As the story progresses surviving the first night is questionable, an ally comes from an unexpected direction, and as she grows closer to others while the time passes the time for escape seems to slip further away. Ginna Moran transported me onto the fantasy island in Wild Wolves. The trials she faces along with the five other abductees that follow her could drown a lesser person. I guess I’ll have to wait for the next book to see how this all plays out. Reader discretion advised due to dark subject matter and/or possible triggers. The author has provided a truthful representation at the start of the book, so please read the author’s note and proceed accordingly.

I read this book with my Kindle Unlimited subscription and I received a free copy of the book from the author. I had the opportunity to review or not.
44 reviews1 follower
February 21, 2022
A Wild Ride!

This was such a fast paced and action packed read which made it incredibly hard to put down especially with how well the writing flows. The story kept you guessing who could be trusted and made you question so many of Elaina's decisions. The villains and deceit have given me trust issues! The story line is unique to anything else I've read and the characters were perfection. You want so badly for something to go right for them and you just know they're surviving only because they're such strong characters. Just when you think there's a chance to breathe you're hit with that cliffhanger. I can't wait to read the next book and I'm really hoping Elaina gets the to watch the patriarchy burn! Definitely a must read if you're looking for a new take on wolf shifters.
Profile Image for coffeeinlibraries.
393 reviews38 followers
March 15, 2023
4.5⭐️ 1🌶️

Holy shit. I don’t think I’ve ever read anything like this!

I had SO many theories that were completely blown out of the water by the end of the book. I was 10000% sure that the guys were the alphas that Kellan was talking about and they were just playing Elle in hopes of winning her first! WRONG. SO SO INCREDIBLY WRONG.

There’s an incredible amount of suspense to this and ‘who-did-it’ vibes, I was LIVING for it! This was not the typical werewolf story I was expecting when it was advertised in a Facebook group.

I was so into the storyline that I literally wanted to by pass the smidgens of spice and I am a spice lovin’ bish lmfao. But it was nice to talk a break from the nonstop action.

No one knows who to trust. No one knows how to successfully get off the island. And now, our group is split up into different packs. Gah, I can’t wait to dive into book two!!
This entire review has been hidden because of spoilers.
236 reviews
January 5, 2022
I received an ARC of this book from the author.

So I have read many books on shifters and I have to say this one was different. Normally, shifter meets mate, they fall in love and live HEA. This is so not like that. But it was interesting how the turn of events happens in this book. So many twists and turns and it made you want to keep reading. You're not sure which characters to root for or who the female character should be with.

You fall in love with some of the leads and want everything to work out but it's hard to know which male lead you want her to end up with. However, it's exciting to know all the males and what they did before winding up on the island.

Overall, this book is great and not like other shifter books. However, be prepared for the roller coaster ride of events.
Profile Image for Charlotte.
3,439 reviews50 followers
January 5, 2022
Wild Wolves is a book thats somewhere between Survivor and The Hunger games of that was my first impression of it. Kidnapped and left to fend for themselves Eliana, Chase, Adam, Evander, Tristan and Davian ban together for security, comfort and companionship. Only this island and inhabitants are full of secrets and lies. The plot twists just kept coming all the way through this book.

I kinda lost the plot a little bit half way through with everyone biting everyone else. It was like my brain was going whoa whats happening here?? I couldnt work out who belonged to who or which pack? It did confuse me a bit. That being said i really liked the relationship between Eliana and the guys it was that that kept me gripped to this book. That cliffhanger ending was just killer!! I enjoyed reading this first book in this series and im looking forward to the next one
Profile Image for Kimberly.
1,007 reviews38 followers
February 7, 2022
This is the first book I've read by this author and I'm in love with her quitting style. This novel flows so well and it brings out a ton of feels.

When a group of strangers wakes to find that they have been kidnapped & put on a boat, noone knows what to do. They are taken to an island and left naked and to their own devices to survive.

But when Eliana sees a wolf she starts to wonder what exactly is going on. With the help of some of the others that were also left on the island she tries to figure out the what, how, & why of their capture.

Will they survive or do the Fates have other plans for them.
177 reviews1 follower
March 20, 2023
Enjoyed the story, but the book structure was confusing

The story and plot are really good, and I found this difficult to put down.

The problems with the book lie in the way everything is described, and how the dialogue is presented - it all feels very disjointed - I am not even sure I know how to explain it, but it feels like we were in a hurricane and all we want is to be able to hold onto one thing at a time but more just gets thrown in the mix that really didn’t need to.
I spent half the time really confused, thinking I’d missed something because it was all just chaos

That being said I will read on - I am just not sure I would recommend
Profile Image for LolaLovesRH.
280 reviews23 followers
January 11, 2022
Ended up being really good

I’m not gonna lie, this book dragged in certain areas where I felt like I had to push through but oh man it was worth it in the end. Eliana the fmc was a fighter, she was scrappy and ruthless at times which seemed to be sharp juxtaposition from her reserved and fearful personality in the beginning.

I loved her I really did, she did what she had to do and she’s a survivor. The men were really awesome too. It was a little insta on their part, but they weren’t all tossing around the words I love you already so it’s bearable.

I’m saying that as a person who isn’t really into instalove or fast-burn. They were honestly really sweet guys who doted and gravitated towards the fmc from the start so no ow drama. The plot is very interesting and I can’t wait for the next book.
144 reviews2 followers
April 11, 2024
Only made it to 25%. Unfortunately, I just couldn't get into it.

I wanted more hardcore survival and characters with some depth, not every other sentence to be about bodies and sex. Nobody has any real conversations, there's no information about what is going on, there's insta-love and fated mates—just everything that turns me off a book, tbh.

There's also over a dozen characters at first, and they were indistinguishable from each other. It just made everything confusing and impossible to care about.
Profile Image for Krystle Schwer.
95 reviews
January 6, 2022
Survivor With Wolves

Wow, this book surprised me on how good it was. I went in not expecting what I got out of this book and that’s a good thing. I like how the author went about the MFC. She gave you bread crumbs about her through the whole book. She also went through a some major changes along the way. The over story was also very well lay out as well. I am looking forward to the next book.
Profile Image for Mikie Ross.
364 reviews
January 6, 2022
oh my hotness!!

Ok I love shifter books like everyone else. But this one is way better then I expected. The buildup and getting to know the characters was beyond expectation. Elina is not a typical female lead, she kicks butt and takes names. She doesn’t let this crappy situation rule her. By doing this she ends put with the strongest men on the island. Definitely a must read! And I can not wait for the next book.
January 7, 2022
Amazing loved it

Wow what an amazing book. loved the beginning of The Wolfpacks of shadow moon island story Eliana is strong and compassionate. She understand that some times you have to do thing that needs to be done even if it’s not nice but is necessary for the better for everyone. Can’t wait to see where ginna takes this story. It’s a must read as long as you don’t have a problem with triggers.
Profile Image for Rachel Goelz.
88 reviews
January 20, 2022
This book definitely intrigued me. I looove wolf shifters but have never read a shifter book with this type of storyline. I am super interested to see where Eliana and the males she has found herself attached to in one way or another! Will they end up as a team or be pulled apart? Can't wait to find out!
Profile Image for Rachel Stephens.
1,549 reviews22 followers
March 5, 2023
Such an original and interesting storyline.
Our FMC, Eliana finds herself and several others dropped off on some island and must survive.
I didn't want to put it down. I had so many questions.
There was a bit if action and suspense, angst, steam and more.
Told in multiple POV.
I really enjoyed it. I thought it was a great start to a new series.
Profile Image for Mona  Brown .
1,593 reviews12 followers
January 9, 2022
Wild is right

What a way to start a new serie. This book will suck you right in and just doesn't let you go. Just when you think you know what is going on, something happens that totally blows your mind. I can't wait for the next one because this one was amazing
Profile Image for Amanda M.
2,289 reviews16 followers
January 22, 2022
A different take on shifters. It all goes down on an island. With lots of twists and turns, you never know what may or may not happen. It'll have you turning pages and curious as to what's coming next. Great story and start to a new series.
Profile Image for Shannon Frugard.
297 reviews6 followers
February 21, 2022
The book is wild!!

So much action and suspense! Love the characters and how they're all bonding because of the insanity they encounter on the island. Can't wait to read book 2 to find out all the secrets the island holds!
Profile Image for Tammy Willoughby.
263 reviews7 followers
March 11, 2023
Amazing start

Wow! This is an amazing first book that keeps you turning the page looking for answers. One minute you are rooting for Kellan, the next for Chase and gang, and the next wondering if Ravi is one of the good guys. I loved this original take on warewoves.
429 reviews2 followers
January 13, 2022
Loved the characters and storyline. This book was very entertaining and enjoyable. I can’t wait to read the next book. Highly recommended.
Displaying 1 - 30 of 107 reviews

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