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The 39 Clues #4

Beyond the Grave

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Betrayed by their cousins, abandoned by their uncle, and with only the slimmest hint to guide them, fourteen-year old Amy Cahill and her younger brother, Dan, rush off to Egypt on the hunt for 39 Clues that lead to a source of unimaginable power. But when they arrive, Amy and Dan get something completely unexpected - a message from their dead grandmother, Grace. Did Grace set out to help the two orphans . . . ore are Amy and Dan heading for the most devastating betrayal of them all?

190 pages, Hardcover

First published June 1, 2009

About the author

Jude Watson

147 books595 followers

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Profile Image for Ahmad Sharabiani.
9,563 reviews369 followers
June 7, 2019
Beyond the Grave (The 39 Clues #4), Jude Watson
Beyond the Grave is the fourth book in The 39 Clues series first published in June 2, 2009 and written by Jude Watson. Thematically the novel uses Biblical knowledge, prophecy, and spiritual topics to explore the afterlife. Amy and Dan head for Cairo, Egypt, with their au pair Nellie Gomez, to find a clue, hidden by Ekaterina founder, Katherine Cahill. They were tailed by Irina Spasky, but escape to a store with an Egyptian goddess statue, the Sakhet. There, a man, Theo Cotter, shows up and convinces them it's a fake. Discouraged, they go back to Nellie. ...
تاریخ نخستین خوانش: روز هفتم ماه می سال 2014 میلادی؛
عنوان: آن سوی گور (فراتر از گور) - کتاب چهارم از 39 سرنخ؛ نویسنده: جودی واتسن (واتسون)؛ مترجم: دلارام کارخیران؛ تهران، ویدا، چاپ دوم 1392؛ در 183 ص، شابک: 9786002910486؛ موضوع: داستانهای نویسندگان - سده 21 م
فراتر از گور (آنسوی گور)؛ جلد چهارم از مجموعه 39 سرنخ، اثر «جود واتسون» است. بر اساس شایعه ای «کاترینا کاهیل»، سرنخ بعدی را در مصر مخفی کرده است. بنابرهمین شایعه، «دن» و «امی»، باید برای یافتن سرنخ بعدی، به مصر بروند. آنجا باید در آثار باستانی، به گشت و گذار بپردازند. اکنون علاوه بر افراد خاندان، باید از خطرهای باستانی نیز دوری کنند...؛ ا. شربیانی
Profile Image for Exina.
1,252 reviews405 followers
July 12, 2017
The story is still adventurous and imaginative, but now it is totally predictable. I’m really interested in Irina’s character, and I hope we’ll meet Ian and Natalie again.

He stood in front of three vitrines lined up in a row. Each held an identical statue of the lion-headed goddess Sakhet. The statues were only about eight inches high and appeared to be made of solid gold. Only their eyes were different. One glittered with green stones, one with red, one with blue.
"Sakhet. The most powerful goddess of them all. Goddess of divine retribution and vengeance. Legend says that Ra once sent her against his enemies and she nearly destroyed the entire human race."
"Whoa, that's one Rambo goddess," Dan said.
Profile Image for Zenki the Pixie.
195 reviews108 followers
May 29, 2019
Beyond the Grave Grocery List

☐ 1 big box of fake Egyptian sculptures
☐ 5 plane tickets to Cairo
☐ 3 classic Islamic domestic architecture
☐ 1 secretive grandmother whose best friend is a crazy driver
☐ 1 handsome Egyptologist (must be a Cambridge graduate)
☐ 3 Egyptian goddesses
☐ 1-pint betrayal
☐ more betrayal
☐ maybe just a pinch more betrayal

Ratings of previous books:
Book 1: The Maze of Bones ★★★★★
Book 2: One False Note ★★★★☆
Book 3: The Sword Thief ★★★☆☆
Profile Image for Lila.
769 reviews195 followers
February 13, 2023
Truly be wary of anyone, even those who may present themselves as friends.

Egypt is such a rich country, steeped in mystery. Who hasn't heard of Ancient Egypt and their riches and secrets? Amy and Dan find themselves in the modern day country, searching for clues left by their long ago ancestors - and some by their very own grandmother, the baffling Grace.

Who can they trust at this point? Alistair appears to be alive, but hasn't bothered to let them know. He is hunted by his hateful uncle, Bae Oh, who doesn't have any sympathy to a couple of orphaned children, as long as it gets his branch, Ekaterina, to the front of the race.

What are Irina's motives? At times, she appears to be kind and helpful, but mostly she seems to want to stop them at any cost, even their lives.

Dan and Amy are racing the clock at this point. Can they get ahead of the other teams, even while being hunted themselves?
Profile Image for Debbie.
Author 1 book6 followers
June 14, 2009
Jude Watson did a fine job of letting us in on a few more Cahill secrets, but some additional mysteries remain. Amy and Dan have found the next clue and have had a near-run-in with the dreaded Madrigals, who have smashed up the Ekat stronghold in Cairo. Allastair Oh has returned from the dead (once again), the Kabras have been led astray to Lake Tash, and Jonah Wizard and his dad are on the way to Morocco after following a false lead. Hot on their trail is bad girl ex-KGB spy Irina, and we have no idea where the Holts are. We gain a little insight into her life, too.

SPOILER ALERT: The mystery code that begins on page 39 says: Alistair was there on the night they died. I believe this statement is referring to Amy and Dan's parents who perished in a fire. This implies that either: a) Allastair is responsible for that fire, or b) Alistair knows who killed Amy and Dan's parents.
Profile Image for Tarissa.
1,464 reviews86 followers
October 23, 2013
My favorite in the entire 39 Clues series so far. I love the educational adventure that these books bring for kids. I'm quite fascinated with Egypt's history, and since Amy and Dan Cahill find themselves in Egypt for this volume, I was happy to be reading this book. Although it doesn't come from from a Christian perspective exactly, this particular book infused something Christian-related into the plot---VERY, very good, Jude Watson!

Now, there may have been a comment or two that I didn't quite enjoy in the story, but it all must be taken in stride. It will be a while before I read another 39 Clues book that excites me as much as this one!
Profile Image for C.
108 reviews43 followers
January 6, 2020
I don't care about everyone I just love Nellie. Hahaha
September 19, 2024
Now stepping farther into this series than I ever have before (mostly due to my obsession with being a completionist), has made me both more intrigued than ever for what is going to come but also being truthful a bit nervous on the books being able to continue this suspense through completion. I really hope so, with this book still given a few good twists and action pieces but all in all I was a bit more bored with the middle half of this one and it definitely doesn’t hit as strong as the previous novel did at least to me.
Profile Image for Abbie Telgenhof.
146 reviews2 followers
February 6, 2024
growing up is realizing that Nellie is insane and needs to work on some work-life balance boundaries
Profile Image for Laura.
Author 1 book125 followers
February 25, 2010
The chase continues as 14 year-old Amy Cahill and her 11 year-old brother Dan rush off to Cairo, Egypt in search of the next clue. You can feel the heat and smell the exotic spices as we catch up with the duo at the Khan market. Two new characters are introduced in this book, Theo, an Indiana Jones-type Egyptologist and Hilary, who is the childhood best friend of Grace, Amy and Dan’s dead grandmother. Instantly likable, they play an important part in the story.

Amy and Dan learn a little about Grace’s past through Hilary who gives them a card with a message from their grandmother. But the message seems so detached they begin to question why their grandmother (whom they miss terribly) would send them on such a dangerous hunt. This doubting causes pain and friction between the brother and sister, adding internal conflict as the team escape a scary crocodile encounter, a submarine disaster, being buried alive in an Egyptian tomb, and the clutches of the Ekaterina branch members. Alistair Oh makes a brief appearance, but it is Irina Spasky who is close on their tail this time.

In addition, it is Irina’s vulnerable side that is revealed in this book. She has a painful history attached to that of Grace, making the reader wonder what exactly happened. I’m getting really curious about Nellie Gomez, too, the children’s au pair who has the uncanny ability to get them out of scraps time and time again. She has very convenient talents. I am certain this isn’t coincidence, and I look forward to seeing how it all plays out in the next books. Finally, I was somewhat disappointed with the way things ended up with Hilary. I would have liked for this relationship to end differently.

I must add that the titles of the books have double significance. For example, Beyond the Grave is a good indication the next clue is somewhere in a grave, but also hints at Grace’s message coming from “beyond the grave” since she is already dead when they receive it. It's a cool play on words, which, by the way, is how the clues are discovered in all the books.

This book was another exciting adventure that has me waiting to read the next book in this fun series suitable for all ages.
Profile Image for cass.
70 reviews
January 11, 2021
gente, eu achei esse livro tão bem escrito
to chocada com a composição que a Jude Watson colocou na história, e em como a Amy e o Dan amadureceram
é de chorar o quanto eles estão unidos pra fazer com que a vontade da avó valha realmente a pena, e o quanto eu to afeiçoada tanto a eles, quanto à Nellie e ao Saladin
e fora toda a carga emocional que é abordada nesse 4° livro, a Jude coloca também MUITA cultura egípcia, e eu achei tão FODA toda a pesquisa que foi feita
em cada livro você conhece locais diferentes e é como se realmente estivesse lá com todos os personagens principais
Além do Túmulo não foca especificamente na 4° pista das 39, mas valeu muito muito a pena ter lido
ficou no coração real, única ressalva foi realmente o comecinho que foi meio paradinho, mas depois só muito amor
Profile Image for allison riera :).
616 reviews44 followers
April 22, 2024
ngl am loving my re-listening to this series. david pittu is killing it as the narrator. also, the scene when jonah wizard shouts "don't they know i'm the bomb?!" in an airport and then gets tackled by security is peak comedy.
9 reviews
November 29, 2014
Amy and Dan continue their look for the next clue,but find some trouble along the way.They were tailed by Irina Spasky,but escape to a store with an Egyptian goddess statue,the Sakhet. They go to the hotel Excelsior and find the Ekaterina stronghold.They find three Sakhets and get trapped by Bae Oh,who is the hotel's owner. When they escape they head for an Egyptian temple and get trapped by Irina and Theo.After Amy and Dan had escaped,they are trapped by Jonah Wizard,who leaves them on a deserted island on the Nile.After Jonah left them,they are chased by a crocodile across the island,but are saved by a local fisherman. After an unsuccessful attempt to find the clues under the Nile River with Alistair,Amy and Dan find something leading back to Cairo.After arriving,they find a store which Grace once visited.The store owner,Sami,gives them a senet board, after opening the puzzle
they identified their clue,Myrrh.The stronghold get's destroyed,and Amy and Dan find a mysterious cloth with letter
Ms in a pattern,indicating that it must have been the Madrigals.
Profile Image for Anastasia Antonova.
262 reviews21 followers
October 9, 2015
Неплохо, но мне чего-то не хватало на протяжении книги. Главный минус - много сердечных страданий Эми по Яну. Ту мач. Египет прописан отлично, я даже прониклась духом пустыни и дна Нила. Да, его самого, куда их только не заносит во время поисков ключей. Кстати, в этой части много размышлений и переживаний персонажей. Это хорошо, так как раз уже здесь со всем разобрались, то в следующих частях все буде куда более бодрее и приправлено тонной экшена. Между прочем, здесь его так же хватает, причем даже сполна, но хочется чего-то более эпичного. Мне любопытно сколько книг они будут собирать эти ключи. Вот ну серьезно. Радует хоть что мы знаем что они ищут (надеюсь "это" будет то, о чем они говорили в предыдущей книге. впрочем, с авторов там станется надумать что-то невообразимое).
Иду читать следующую. На очереди путешествие по России.

Итог: 8 из 10
September 2, 2015
A Quickie Review

Like the previous books in the series, this one features kid adventurers Dan and Amy Cahill in one predicament after another. Fans of the series up to this point will definitely enjoy this one; it may have been a quick read for me, but this kid at heart had a good time with it!

Score: 4/5
Profile Image for Lacivard Mammadova.
574 reviews69 followers
February 2, 2019
Nəhayət ki, kitabların tam versiyasını tapdıqdan sonra seriyaya davam etməyə başladım. Bu uşaq kitablarından gözləntim nədir, bilmirəm. Amma arada dincəlmək üçün əlavə vasitədir. Baş qəhrəmanların hər yollandığı ölkə barədə danışması, axtarışları verməsi istər-istəməz bizi də məlumatlandırır. good
Profile Image for Dany.
265 reviews87 followers
September 10, 2020
The series has gotten more predictable now. I loved the development on the siblings , Irina and I'm looking forward to more of it.

Egyptians facts , myths is the one more star that made my rating from 2-3
Profile Image for Armina Salemi.
Author 2 books325 followers
June 21, 2020
چه کتاب کاراگاهی ماجراجویی جالب و مناسبیه برای بچه‌ها.
Profile Image for Ashley W.
804 reviews20 followers
January 4, 2021

Format: Audio
Source: FCPL

- Egypt! I love that there was so much Egyptian mythology and history woven into the story. There were so many descriptions of museums and sites that I wanted to be there, crocodiles and all.
- Alister, we finally learn, is actually a good guy, or at least has their best interests at heart.
- It was so sweet when Amy and Dan learned that their grandmother hadn't just abandoned them or thrown them in the competition with the rest of the family. She really had just given them special clues that everyone else didn't know.

- Theo and Hilary were a bit predictable. Honestly, though, it was funny when Theo complained about his wages as an Egyptologist. Like most professionals, he really doesn't get paid enough for the work he does.
Profile Image for Somnath Roy.
65 reviews17 followers
June 21, 2022
Coming over from their journey in Japan and Korea, Dan and Amy find themselves in Cairo, lost in a city with practically no leads.

This book takes a turn from the clue-hunt thriller narrative to something that dwells more on the past. It focuses more on Amy and Dan and their relationship with Grace as they uncover new things about their grandmother. Even other competitors in the game find themselves doting on this one Cahill who has recently passed away.

It still has the clue-hunt plot line with moments that it shines through, but for the most part, the two children are guided through the book by other agencies than their own. The book is more about the past and remembrance than it is about the present as Grace heavily influences the narrative in this installment.

Compared to the rest I've read this far, the narrative is quite slower and based far more on an emotional foundation than one of exciting competition.

Pretty good read with its own set of twists and turns.
September 22, 2017
The 39 clues: Beyond the grave is a book of adventure.4 people named Dan,Nellie, Amy,Grace arrived to Egypt and found a scroll or sign with challenge to solve the 39 clues and find Cleopatra's treasure.

My favorite character is Dan because he's funny and brave.My favorite scene is when the crowd pushed Amy's face to the glass, that's pretty funny.The scariest scene is when Dan and Amy were attacked by Nile crocodiles.

Something that i didn't like about the book when you start reading the book you get confused.Also you might get lost in the book in page 47 through 101.

I recommend people that love adventure and mystery.I think people age 9-15 should read this book because there might be scary scenes in the book.I hope you read my comment on 39 Clues:Beyond the grave and you should read it. Thx for reading Enjoy :)
10 reviews1 follower
May 30, 2017
This book was mainly that sometimes the reward is worth the risk. In this book and series the reward is nothing short of the chance of world domination, the reward making you the most powerful person in the world. This time in Egypt, Dan and Amy are still searching for more clues in the hunt for 39. They go through many dangers and as usual dodge death many times. But they still stay in the hunt, showing time and time again that they think the rewards of the hunt are worth the risks for them.
21 reviews1 follower
April 1, 2019
The story continues in the forth book in The 39 Clues series. In this book the kids continue their journey in Egypt. They meet relatives in this book that they think will help them, but might end up betraying them. The kids thought that they were working together with their relatives to find the clues but they ended up betrayed by them. This book had the unexpected twist I truly enjoyed. I recommend this book and am looking forward to continue reading the books in this series. Two thumbs up.
Profile Image for এশা.
140 reviews48 followers
May 1, 2022
একেট্রিনা ঘাঁটি থেকে এবার কোনদিকে যেতে হবে? জোনাহ কি সহজে রেহাই দেবে? ঈশ্বরী সাখেতের মূর্তি পেয়ে কি কোনো লাভ হলো আদৌ? নীলনদের দ্বীপে কোন রহস্য লুকিয়ে আছে? গ্রেস কেন গিয়েছিলেন কায়রোর সেই ছোট্ট দোকানে? – এসবের ব্যাখ্যাই আছে মূলত বইয়ে৷

সাঈদ আনাসের অনুবাদ সাবলীল ছিল। স্বল্প পরিমাণে বানান ভুল ছিল। সিরিজের প্রথম তিনটা বইয়ের চেয়ে এটা ছিল একটু বেশিই ঝরঝরে।

থিও এখনও নেলির দিকেই তাকিয়ে আছে, “আমি তোমাকে সবখানে খুঁজেছি! সত্যিই ঠিক আছো তো তুমি?”
“একদম! কেবল একটা সমাধিতে আছি, এটাই যা পার্থক্য, না হয় তোমাদের দুজনকে নাচার সুযোগ করে দেওয়ার জন্য গান গাইতাম আমি!” মুখ বাঁকিয়ে বিড়বিড় করে বললো ড্যান।
—এই অংশটুকু পড়ে প্রচুর হেসেছিলাম। :'3
417 reviews32 followers
August 23, 2020
I started this series to see whether it would be worth recommending to my best friends tween son — it definitely was and he loved them! This is an educational thriller for kids that is fun for adults too. I always learn at least one interesting new thing in each of these books. This installment is all things Egyptian.
Profile Image for Estela Corrêa.
178 reviews10 followers
January 8, 2021
Esse não foi tão lento quanto o 2, mas também não teve grandes emoções. Gostei muito da história se passar no Egito que é um local que gosto bastante de ler sobre.

A evolução da Amy e do Dan é grande e acho que agora eles vão ficar ainda mais unidos para desvendar as pistas. Fora isso estou curiosa com pra onde a história vai seguir já que não foi revelado nada.
Profile Image for Jade Melody.
262 reviews139 followers
July 26, 2022
Thank god this book was back on speed with the series. The characters acted more like themselves and the progress was more linear with the first few books.

I loved Ancient Egypt as a setting, it made the intrigue, clues, and such more interesting to me.

The only thing I really disliked was the end snippet. Usually, those are some of my favorite parts of the books, but this time it was lackluster for me. The information didn't provide anything we didn't already know and didn't leave on an exciting cliffhanger like other books.
Displaying 1 - 30 of 1,069 reviews

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