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Come Find Me

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Draco / Hermione

Six years after the war, Hermione has the picture perfect life. She’s married to a loving husband, has the Ministry job she always wanted, and friends that are loyal to the end.
So why does she have to glamour away the bruises on her face, as she reaches for her bottle of Muggle pills?
No, her life is far from perfect.

Draco has lived his life day-to-day for the last six years. After taking over the Malfoy estate from his estranged father and spending most of his time rebuilding the Malfoy name, he realizes he’s missing something in his life.
That’s how he finds himself working alongside a certain Golden Girl, who seems to have lost her fire.

Words: 90362

302 pages, ebook

Published March 29, 2021

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Profile Image for Lucie V..
1,136 reviews3,077 followers
September 18, 2024
✅ The Slytherins
✅ Pace
✅ Angsty and dark
✅🆗 Hermione
✅🆗 Plot
✅🆗 Romance (almost felt like insta-love at times)
❗️❗️Trigger warnings: physical and psychological abuse, rape, drug abuse, alcoholism, depression, and suicide ideation/attempt

I liked it, but two aspects or details are bothering me.

First, while I understand how a seemingly normal and loving relationship can spiral into an abusive one with time, and how the victim often stays because they feel guilt, that they "deserved" it, because they still love the abuser, or because they think they must support their partner, I struggle to reconcile this idea with the Hermione I know from the original series. The author did a great job of showing her mental and emotional state, and how she got there, but I am still wondering about those first few times it happened... Before it became the "normal" daily life... There is no way the feisty and strong Hermione we know from the original series would have let that happen without hexing Ron into the next century.

I like the healing journey, and the way Hermione fought to get back the power that was stolen from her, but at the same time it's hard for me to understand how this fierce character would have let someone treat her this way, to begin with, because she never accepted to be treated disrespectfully or badly in the past, and she was not afraid to tell Ron off when he was mean to her.

Second, the fact that Hermione, and other witches and wizards, can heal incredible wounds with spells and potions, but Hermione can't do anything about her bruises besides a concealing spell is just weird. She can mostly heal third-degree burns and knows spells to heal internal traumas, but cannot heal a bruise. It just seemed to me that it was convenient this way because there needed to be physical proof for the others to discover her secret, but it was not very logical.

Theo's character in this fiction was so sweet and kind and I wanted to hug him tight. He was my favorite of them all. He had more presence than Draco, to be honest. Not that I disliked this Draco, but he just was not that memorable compared to other fanfics I read. Hermione was not bad either, but because of what I explained at the beginning of my review, I struggled to connect with this version of her. That being said, her determination and resiliency were well shown in the story, and I liked that part of her.

The other characters were there mostly to support the abusive relationship plot. Ron was nothing else than a drunk abusive husband, and he showed no depth at all. Every time we would see him, he would drink, insult, and beat, and then he was absent again for a few chapters. Harry and Ginny were only there to remind us that Hermione felt alone and that they couldn't see how bad her situation was, but again, they had no depth and no real purpose in the story.

The romance was cute, that's for sure, but it was not intense or full of sexual tension, as are most Dramione stories I've read lately. Again, it was not bad at all, but it was not amazing or very memorable either. The author skipped over many "building" moments in their relationship and because of that, it almost felt like insta-love at times. We knew that time had passed and that they saw each other every day, that they learned about each other and knew each other, but we didn't see all this development... Or at least we didn't see enough of it for me to feel the deep connection between them.

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Profile Image for Precious ✨.
585 reviews104 followers
February 22, 2023
POV: it’s 2004, you’ve just finished watching the new Harry Potter movie and now you're on your family-shared computer flying through every fanfic you can get your hands on —including the Oliver Wood BL ones.

Amazing. Fantastic. Don’t care if it’s considered fanfic I’m giving this all five baby. ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ Can't bring myself to give this the same rating as Manacled. Now that I have read more Dramione to compare it to, I'm going to knock off at least a star and a half. 3.25 because of Hermione's journey and very simp (not so canon) Draco.

“For a moment she wasn’t The Golden Girl. She wasn’t Ron’s wife. She was nothing more than his, melting in arms and allowing him to take over every inch of her.”

Wish this could be made into a physical book. - I do still wish this for every fic I've read in this Ao3 spiral.
Profile Image for skye.
501 reviews43 followers
October 25, 2022
2 Stars

TW: domestic violence

First let's talk about Theodore Nott <33 his was the only character that had any life to them

Theo was the type of bloke people seemed to gravitate towards. Like he was a magnet you couldn’t avoid.

And miss hopelessravenclaw was absolutely right.

Funny, caring and perceptive while still battling struggles of his own... Theo should've been the main character if we're being honest.

And for the actual main characters, I just didn't feel any sizzle between draco and hermione 💔 Everything happened way too fast for it to develop any further than two dimensional.

Ron was declared the abusive husband and his whole character was just that. Abusive husband. Every time we saw him in the fic he was there to be drunk and raise his fist to Hermione. His sole purpose in the book was to beat on the heroine.

Next we have Draco, the underdog and the love interest. Since we already established that these characters are two dimensional, don't expect any sizzle during draco and hermione's rendezvous.

Hermione herself gets a pass because she's a survivor of abuse and dull as the fic may be, I respect her strength and perseverance.

Overall this Dramione fic was a 2/5 I couldn't vibe with it :(

March 7, 2023
Word Count: 90,453
Chapters: 37
Rating: 4 ⭐

This was absolutely heartbreaking and brutal but real. The abuse was horrible and I was glad when it was over and everything was revealed. Hermione's journey towards healing was amazing to see. Draco is totally in love with her and I'm so happy they got their HEA along with Theo and Blaise of course.
Profile Image for Macee Grisenti.
214 reviews9 followers
July 1, 2024
Tw: ab*se, r*pe, bl**d, dr*g addiction, be*tings, de*th, alc*holic

This book has some intense TWs but what drew me in was the toxic Ron. I like the toxic Ron stories a lot and this one was good.
I felt it was written well in regards to ab*se and the self blame but at times I felt that she didn’t react in the way I expected when it came to others. It is a generalization I’ve made from my experience with survivors but they tend to shy away from all touch and any tone.

That aside I did enjoy the story a lot! I liked this completely wh!piped version of Draco and Theo really stole the show. It was amazing. I had wished to see more pansy as I had hoped she found a girl friend who could help her but I loved that she was accepted by the slytherins so easily. It was adorable.

Tropes: tox!c Ron, he falls first, who did this to you, she saves herself, miscommunication(I can’t tell if I’d even call it this), they work together, forced proximity, strong FMC, he’s smitten from day one, only has eyes for her, I guess you could say cheating(but not really), multiple POVs(3)

Spice: 🌶️
Steam: 🔥
Sweetness: 💗💗💗💗
Profile Image for Sarah Elaine.
135 reviews1 follower
June 2, 2024
I feel torn by this one. The love between Hermione and Draco felt very rushed to me. It happened too fast. I felt like this had so much potential it just needed a little more time. I loved Hermione's character strength and Theo's character. I also tend not to like when a character "leaves then years later jump" plot.

But overall, it was a good and emotional story. The aspects of struggling with and overcoming abuse felt very real to me.

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Profile Image for Gabriela Mendez.
324 reviews
August 21, 2023
Dramione fanfic. After the war, Hermione works for the Ministry and is married to Ron.
Draco is assigned as her partner.

This fanfic involves the heavy topic of domestic violence. I love Ron-bashing as everyone else, but this one was dark. I tried my best to convince myself that the abusive husband was Ron, but somehow it ended as another person in my mind. Someone named Ron but not Ron ☺️

The domestic violence and subsequent trauma was well portrayed here, the hopelessness and believing you deserve it was there. I was greatly surprised that the writer included the way people around you pretend nothing is happening. Hermione’s friends and family knew something was wrong, but they didn’t take the time and courage to see past the excuses. It is exactly the same in real life.
I liked how Hermione found her strength again and took time to heal.

I’ll have you know that this fanfic has zero spice. Cero,
Nein, Zero. There is one fade to black scene and that’s it. A little disappointing for me, but a good option if you’re looking for a clean read.
Profile Image for Kate Childers.
204 reviews5 followers
September 6, 2024
I am currently sick with Covid, unable to think, unable to move, I don't know if I've ever felt so genuinely miserable in my entire life. But I was finally able to read a little today, and I knew a little dramione would help. I love fics where Draco and Hermione can heal together. No, this is obviously not Canon characterization of Ron, that's why it's fanfiction. Anyway, this was sweet, I don't think all of the plot lines were fully fleshed out, and some of the timing was a bit weird, but I enjoyed it.
Profile Image for Ceilidhchaos.
Author 10 books36 followers
February 22, 2023
Dramione. Abuse. Mental health themes. Heavy Ron Bashing. Devoted Draco.
Profile Image for suneater.
71 reviews
December 11, 2023
i love a bit of ron-bashing but this fic was so flat and awful. full of useless and repetitive exposition that could’ve been written more creatively. dnf chapter 35
Profile Image for Paula Villota.
21 reviews1 follower
September 17, 2024

This took my heart, ripped apart and then put back together and gave it a kiss.

Comencemos. A pesar de lo que crean esto no es necesariamente la historia de romance gravitando alrededor de la situación x que nos presentan en el fic. Esta es la historia de Hermione, victima, saliendo de toda esta situación.

Draco en este fic en una green flag andante (lo cual lo vuelve demasiado bueno para mi gusto, no me gustan los personajes sin matices but anyway, lo tomo). Para la situación en la que estaba ella Draco es la perfecta copia de lo que necesita.

A las personas les afectan los TW y piensan que puede llegar a ser muy explicito pero a mi no. Me gusta el riesgo que tomó la autora en retratar las escenas de abuso. Sobretodo la escena después de que abusaran de ella, esta mezcla entre recordar lo que él le dijo y ella intentando quitar el rastro de él de su piel fue todo lo que mi corazón necesitó para caerse en pedacitos. Lo cual aprecié dada la naturaleza de la historia.

En general como se desarrolla la conclusión del abuso con el juicio y demás me pareció acertado pues hubiera odiado un Deus Ex Machina. Incluso aunque no aprecio el cliché de "me voy y nos encontramos en x tiempo para ahí si estar juntos" me hubiera parecido peor que ella saliera de ese trauma y comenzara la relación con Draco de inmediato, así que siento que se resolvió adecuadamente.

Ahora bien, pasando a la relación entre ellos 2. Me gustó el burn que tuvo Draco pero Hermione se sintió como si de repente ya estuviera enamorada por siempre y no pudiera pensar en nada más. Hubiera sido interesante ver un acto consecuente de sus traumas, dependencia? Ser esquiva? Asustadiza? Esto no pasó lo cual me genera dudas respecto a la congruencia de la relación de ellos. La parte hot fue super pathetic, un par de escenas escritas con rapidez y no llegué a sentir ese momento donde desaparece el mundo alrededor de ellos.

Mención especial para Theo, pues es el amigo que todos queremos y deseamos. Amé cuando se despertó y por fin estuvieron juntitos con Blaise.

"People like you an me -we-we put bandages on bullet holes and pray for the best."
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90 reviews
November 2, 2022
It's hard to read and dark but with the light at the end of the tunnel. When I embarked on this journey, I kind of expected it to be painful, but reality was so much worse. I feel so sorry for Hermione for being alone and having no one to talk to about what was happening in her life, for upholding a facade when it was almost impossible to do and for breaking and gathering the pieces time and time again.
Although this Hermione is not the one I have in my mind, this story is another praise to her endurance and strength of character.
And of course, Draco, a knight in shining armor. The stories with the already redeemed Draco appeal to me slightly less than the ones where I witness the process of changes, but nevertheless, he's really good here: caring, not prejudiced bigot, and ready to go to great lengths for the ones he loves.
I send warm greetings to hopelessravenclaw for going through this. Can't imagine how difficult it must have been. Please mind the trigger warnings.
Profile Image for Paula Hernandez.
612 reviews33 followers
August 16, 2023
It’s definitely a character-driven plot, nothing much happens besides Hermione’s journey. Characters are a bit one-dimensional and only there FOR Hermione’s character growth.

I am all in for a bit of Ron-bashing but this characterization was somehow a bit too off, there was nothing of Ron in this version of Ron. I get it, it’s part of the story but his character is at least owed some dimension even if it is used to further paint him as the villain.

There’s almost no tension between Draco and Hermione. I don’t need spice, I don’t, but give me tension and a reason to root for them. I just wanted Hermione out of the marriage, I didn’t even care if she ended up with Draco.

Harry would have noticed. He was abused his whole life, he would’ve known, right? I just can’t deal with a Harry that didn’t realize what was happening.
Profile Image for Penny.
499 reviews1 follower
May 31, 2024
So so bad. The writing was very surface level. Every character was OOC- to the extreme. I love Ron bashing, but in other fics it’s done in a way that makes sense for the character. It’s not that this was too extreme, it was that Hermione’s reaction to it made little sense. I read an abusive fic where Ron treated Hermione like shit because he magically could because he tricked her in his marriage contract. Even then, Hermione fought hard to get away and herself out of the situation. In this fic, everything is surface level and not flushed out. From Hermione’s relationship with Draco to her addiction, nothing felt authentic. The writer relied on being overly dramatic to create shock value that was irritating. So much internal monologue and flashbacks. Pass on this on folks.
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Profile Image for vsel.
42 reviews
February 16, 2023
This story seemed so personal and you projected the feelings and emotions so well and it really made me feel something.

I could feel her pain, her thoughts, and feel my chest compress while scanning the lines.

I literally screamed when Ron was in her parent’s house and when he appeared in the living room after the Gala with a smirk. I could picture it so perfectly and the image of it haunted me.

Also Draco responding to the judge with “Because I love her.” So cute.

Thank you for sharing this story. I wish you all the best, and happiness.
Profile Image for Becca .
36 reviews
April 10, 2023
Aha.... Ahaaaaaa.... THIS MADE ME SOB A LOT so for that I'm giving it 4 stars. Purely because it was able to make me cry many times 😂😭✋🏻
Definitely on the dark side.
Sort of insta-love, but not. It felt like it because of time jumps, but it happened over a few months, instead of a week lol.
The domestic violence/abuse was intense, at least for me anyway. It made me cry a lot.
If you're looking for a smutty Dramione fic, yeah don't look this way. It was pretty clean in that regard.
Overall 4/5 stars. I do love it, and think it shows the victim's side of abuse perfectly.
8/10 recommend
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Profile Image for Claire.
31 reviews34 followers
May 23, 2024
[5/22/24] Redacted.

[5/23/24] overall, it’s a captivating story. I finished it in on sitting, in one night. It reads as the wish fulfillment of an author who perhaps went through similar things as the characters. That casts a different light on many of the aspects of consider “problematic” or “irresponsible.” All in all- entertaining, thought provoking, and well written. I loved that the side characters were fully fleshed personalities.

Honestly this was so dark and graphic, I think I’m going to be processing this for a long time.
Profile Image for Hannah.
43 reviews
June 12, 2024
Probably a 3.5 star in my book.

A heart-wrenching read which I struggled to put down. Hermione is so strong going through years of abuse to begin to heal and forgive herself, Draco is so kind and caring, and I love that he helps bring Hermione back to herself. I loved Hermione's relationship with Theo (tbh I always love a chaotic Theo in pretty much any fan fiction - he ends up being one of my favourites every single time).

A good story with important real-world themes, just beware that the heavy TW's may not be for everyone.
Profile Image for steph_readssometimes.
158 reviews5 followers
August 26, 2022
CW: domestic violence, substance abuse, r*pe

This was extremely heartbreaking. We follow Hermione and her deteriorated marriage to Ron who beats her, threatens to kill her if she leaves him, while she struggles to appear picture perfect to the world.

It's an extremely sad story and I love that Hermione takes the time to recover and care for herself in the aftermath.

It is Dramione endgame, but I will not lie and say that what really stayed with me about this story was Hermione's journey.
Profile Image for Kristin.
298 reviews1 follower
October 22, 2022
“Finite Incantatem.”

Such a heartbreaking and frustrating story. The writing is beautiful, and Draco is just the best. But Ron is an absolute villian and while I love a good Ron bashing, at times, this felt over the top OOC. Theo though, *chef's kiss*. He is a sweet baby angel that needs protected at all costs.

"..I ran out during the second course. She wasn’t Granger.”
“Granger-Weasley,” Theo whispered again.
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Profile Image for Jo Hoffman.
123 reviews
July 27, 2023
The only reason this one is getting more than one star is because it was a super easy read, I read the whole thing in a day. Everything else? Literally terrible. People don’t act like that,, there is no logic behind any of the decisions. Everything is just so,, dramatic??? It reads like what I imagine a Coll**n H**ver book would read like. It did have some pretty romantic moments and a good plot, but the details just ERG
Profile Image for Hannah Stob.
168 reviews147 followers
October 20, 2023
Ugh, I think fics where Ron is the villain are my favorite 😂

This was a great and easy fic! Easy for the fact that it was only 400 some pages, not for the content within. Please make sure you read the trigger warnings before reading, it could be a hard read for some!

I do wish it was a little less on the insta-love aspect but I love a protective Draco so it all works out 🥰
Profile Image for Kelli.
31 reviews2 followers
November 10, 2023
I usually really dislike the “horrible Ron” trope but let it go just this once and felt this was well done. I do still struggle to reconcile the submissive and apologetic hermione at home with the strong, argumentative, independent one at work. Did seriously no one else notice Ron drunk all the time?
Profile Image for vivalalex.
99 reviews16 followers
May 11, 2024
🦮 🐍 it’s giving golden retriever Draco 🦮 🐍

…. But I’m here for it!

I'm really into Dramione fanfics. I'll read any I can find because I love how they can be so different yet similar to each other. This fanfic delves into heavy topics like domestic abuse and others that might be triggering. The writing quality is good, and I absolutely love Theo in this story. 🥹🥹 I wish I had a friend like him.

We see a golden retriever version of Draco in this fanfic, unlike our usual sneering, cold, calculated Draco.
I LOVE an enemies-to-lovers trope, but in this one, there was no initial hate, just instant friendship. I was slightly disappointed. But this softie Draco was different, and I liked it.

I hated Ron in this book. 🖕TEAM Draco all👏 the👏 way 👏

I recommend this to all Dramione lovers who don't mind heavy topics!

✨ guaranteed HEA ✨

No spice 🫣
Profile Image for Riri Bee.
13 reviews
May 9, 2024
Difficult to read at points due to the explicit violence descriptions. The story is lovely though and reading it from the point of view of the victim makes it more engaging.

I found the character of Draco and Harry to inconsistence therefore the four stars, but altogether a great read. I would recommend and/or read it again. ☺️
Profile Image for Katelyn.
53 reviews2 followers
June 26, 2024
I really liked the beginning and very end of this book! It was heartbreaking and kept me so hooked I read the first half in one sitting.

But…the second half of this book was so annoying. There were so many ways to prove what was happening and they’re acting like draco can’t just show Harry his memories??? And then even when Ron is DEAD they still don’t tell the truth??? Thank god for Katie bell
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Displaying 1 - 30 of 73 reviews

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