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For over nine hundred years, the Emperor Kostimon has sat upon the Ruby Throne. He bargained with the dark gods for his immortality-and now he and his kingdom will have to pay the price.

344 pages, Mass Market Paperback

First published January 1, 1996

About the author

Deborah Chester

50 books145 followers
The internationally published, award-winning author of 41 novels, Deborah Chester has written Regency romances, historical romances, young adult, science fiction, and fantasy. She is a tenured professor of professional writing in the Gaylord College of Journalism and Mass Communication at the University of Oklahoma, where she teaches novel and short story writing.
She holds a B.A. with General Honors and an M.A. in Journalism; both degrees are from the University of Oklahoma, where she studied professional writing from author/teachers Jack M. Bickham, Robert L. Duncan, and Pulitzer-nominee Carolyn Hart. Chester has been writing professionally since 1978, and has used three pseudonyms – Jay D. Blakeney and Sean Dalton and C. Aubrey Hall for some of her science fiction and fantasy works.
In 2004, she was inducted into the Writers Hall of Fame of America.

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5 stars
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182 (36%)
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152 (30%)
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33 (6%)
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13 (2%)
Displaying 1 - 30 of 31 reviews
Profile Image for Rachel.
Author 1 book6 followers
October 7, 2011
Initially this book can be hard to get into, but as with every fantasy book, once you know all the terms (eg severence, seversain etc) everything falls into place. This is the first book in the Ruby Throne trilogy so of course, the first book focuses on getting the foundation of the series set up. We meet our two main characters Caelan and Elandra, and learn about their current lives which are thrown from one extreme to the other for both characters. Caelan, who has always had it easy has been forced into slaver, while Elandra goes from being a slave in her own house to marrying the emperor.

Here's a quick background on both characters:

At the beginning of the book, Caelan and his cousin Agel are attending a school to train them to become healers. While Agel is happy with his future as healer, Caelan is not. He constantly fights against the rules of the school eventually getting himself expelled. From there, it doesn't get much better for him. He witnesses the horrific murders of his father and their household staff. Caelan then goes into slavery and becomes a gladiator.

Elandra starts off as being a slave in her own home. Her sister, Bixia is being prepared to marry the emporer. However, Elandra finds out that her destiny is to marry the emporer - not her sister. Her aunt is furious that Elandra has taken Bixia's destiny, and inflicts spell blindness on her.

From there, the foundations of the story are laid and we jump down the track to four years later. That's when the story really begins!
Profile Image for Alicia Huxtable.
1,799 reviews58 followers
January 25, 2019
Great story

Great story, great writing. Really enjoyed reading this first book in The Ruby Throne Trilogy. Loved Caelan, the underdog in this series
667 reviews98 followers
August 26, 2019
I think I have a new favorite author, seeing that this is the third book in a row by this author I loved.

Back to the novel itself - set in a fantasy version of Ancient Rome ruled by an Emperor who refuses to die for a 1000 years even as his empire falls further into decadence and brutality, the novel follows two characters - mainly Caelan but also Elandra.

Caelan is a son of a famous healer who is captured and enslaved during a raid which wipes out his family, and who eventually becomes a gladiator in a brutal arena where every match is a death match. His affinity for weapons, which is pretty magical in nature, just might keep him alive. I am unhealthily invested in Caelan, mainly because I want to see him burn the city to the freaking ground.

Elandra, who I find less interesting, but who I do like a lot, is a bastard daughter of a nobleman, who grew up mistreated by her half-sister and that half-sister's aunt, but has managed to keep her spine and who has a special destiny - to be the ancient's emperor's latest wife and maybe help end his reign. Sort of like Cinderella, if Prince Charming was a murderous devil-worshiping monster.

In short, life sucks in a major major way for both Caelan and Elandra, though more for the latter, since despite all her privations, nobody is treating Elandra like a piece of semi-sentient meat.

I am Team They Should Unite and Murder Half the Empire, but they haven't met yet in book 1 (I believe it happens in book 2 and I get my OTP goodness there.)

This is part of a trilogy which is thankfully complete, otherwise I would have lost my mind waiting for more.
Profile Image for Courtney .
63 reviews6 followers
November 15, 2012

This book surpassed my expectations a bit which is always a good thing. It starts off pretty slow with Caelan being in his teens. I got annoyed by him at times because of his immaturity and the decisions that he made. I was waiting for him to grow up and also to meet the heroine which took until halfway to get to. But once you reach the second half, which is four years later, it gets better.

The world building and character development were well written, as I would expect from a good fantasy author since the setting is one of the more important aspects of the genre.

I was upset that there was no romance at all but I know it'll be present in the second book. Caelan and the heroine don't even meet at all in this book which is a bit frustrating but it does make me want to continue the series.
Profile Image for Patti.
140 reviews2 followers
September 6, 2008
Woo Hoo! I picked up just the first book of this trilogy, and regretted it about 10 minutes later. The story is fast moving and entertaining, with characters that I related to almost immediately. A great read...I can't wait to get started on the next one.
Profile Image for Mark Nielsen.
9 reviews1 follower
July 30, 2008
This is one of my favorite books. It is very hard to find. Its very well written and I love the gladiator part. I just read it to my kids and they loved it!
613 reviews5 followers
April 12, 2021
Interesting book from an author I had heard about through Jim Butcher, but hadn't quite gotten around to reading.

It's got a very classic high fantasy feel to it, with fascinating magic systems and powers; characters from difficult backgrounds discovering powerful destinies; dark cults and evil gods readying themselves for chaos and war. All of this wrapped in something of a coming-of-age story (another classic of the genre). And it's certainly well crafted.

I'm not entirely sure she nails it; Caelan is a bit too bratty, especially since he's the first character we meet. While his evolution is done logically, he sucks pretty hard at the outset and it would be easy for someone to toss it aside while he's whining and railing against his lot in life (which might suck a little, but he's such a brat about it that he doesn't engender much sympathy early on). Elandra's part in this tale advances much faster; maybe a simply structural change breaking up some of Caelan's early story would have eased this?

But the setup is all here and seeing where Chester plans to take these two looks interesting, especially in light of all the other things swirling around. I suspect the second book will be even more interesting.
Profile Image for LoKat.
399 reviews2 followers
March 22, 2024
Kept my attention through the entire book, which is no easy feat. I liked how Caelan was a believably bratty teen at the beginning, but also didn't overstay his welcome that way. Shame this appears to be out of print.
Profile Image for Amber.
342 reviews5 followers
January 17, 2019
It had good elements, complex characters, but the plot seemed tied to a kite string -- it swung wildly without pattern or meaning.
Profile Image for Nina Ann.
7 reviews2 followers
August 24, 2015
To be completely honest, I was very generous in giving this book two stars. For the sake of full disclosure, I did not finish this book. I couldn’t. It was an e-book, so I’m not sure of the page number but I stopped reading at 66% of the way through.
First of all, I am SO sick of this fantasy character/story. Boy is misused/mistreated. Boy has some strange magical power. Boy does not understand the power and ends up putting others in danger because of it. Boy is immature and refuses to learn from others and is annoyingly blind to his own mistakes. Meanwhile, the world is in grave peril and the boy’s magical ability just might save it if he could only grow up and stop being a petulant imbecile. Blah, blah, blah.
Moving on, I’d like to talk about the magic in this book. Chester has some really cool ideas, but way too many of them. I like my magic subtle. Mysterious. I like magic that woos my interest. Chester’s magic hits you in the face with a bat. Over. And. Over. Too much magic makes the world unbelievable and it makes you lose interest. Just like I did.
Profile Image for Jo.
173 reviews1 follower
August 27, 2018
I read this book so many years ago, I can't really remember what happens. Although I remember loving it and wanting to read the next book, but could never find it anywhere. I finally own the trilogy and this is on my read again list!

Definitely better than I remember, changed my four star rating to five. I enjoy Deborah's writing style and wish I could find more of her books in stores. I can't buy the books new online either, I had to buy them second hand on eBay. Can't wait for the next book... to bad I have to work tomorrow...
Profile Image for Joy.
509 reviews1 follower
January 21, 2014
It's the first time I've been able to just sit and read in forever--yeah the long weekend. This book was a gift, and luckily, I got the other two as well. I've read a couple of other books by Chester, and I find her writing really intriguing. She's good at world-building and magic, two skills essential for a fantasy author, and her characterization is sophisticated too.

This story is set in a sort of alternate Rome--and if you like gladiators, fire-breathing dragons, intrigue and witchcraft, this is the trilogy for you.
Profile Image for Angela.
2,743 reviews10 followers
February 11, 2014
Caelan was a spoiled, rebellious, and fool hardy boy who could not understand his father's way of life or his pacifism which would ultimately lead to his families downfall and would leave Caelan a slave. Elandra on the other hand follows along an almost Cinderella quality but she catches on to the political environment quickly and accepts early on that her future and life is never to be of her own choosing. By the end of the first book neither of the main characters have met but I'm guessing that they will eventually meet. Either way a strong and intriguing world and great first book.
Profile Image for Susan Tietjen.
Author 10 books37 followers
April 19, 2013
I liked the Sword series better, and I had a hard time going back and forth between what I suppose will be the two main characters. This was also a more brutal series, which I have personally grown tired of. I understand making the characters face challenges, work hard to overcome them, and pay the price. But this was a little uncomfortable for me. I still liked it and I may read the others, but this is the best rating I can give it.
Profile Image for Cristine.
2 reviews35 followers
February 17, 2015
Reign of Shadows

It was very intriguing, especially for a free kindle book. The Ruby Throne's first book offers a fascinating world with magic in the strangest of places and extremely likable, relatable characters. I'm excited to see the main characters come together and understand their abilities, having a grand adventure at the same time.
4 reviews
June 6, 2015
Excellent Adventure

This isn't usually the genre I read, but I thought I'd give it a try anyway. I LOVED this book and couldn't put it down. The story is very well-written with amazing imagery and detail. The entire story with all its twists was definitely not what I anticipated. I can't wait to get started on the next!
1 review1 follower
February 17, 2015
Captivating, well written, and refreshingly clean.

I found this book among Amazon's free choices. I'm impressed by this writer. I am going to purchase the remaining two of the series and add them to my collections to keep.
Profile Image for Michael.
319 reviews5 followers
February 22, 2015
I enjoyed the first one, mainly

The book was an interesting read, with interesting characters and an interesting philosophy. However, it was just a little predictable. I found the naming practice interesting--the witch named Hecati for example.
Profile Image for Elizabeth.
28 reviews1 follower
August 8, 2011
Better than the title would suggest...I ended up liking this book.
Profile Image for Bill Tillman.
1,660 reviews76 followers
February 16, 2015
Reign of Shadows A Brilliant First Book

Treading between two tales of survival a young man and a young maiden go through trials. Do not miss this ruby gem.
22 reviews
April 7, 2015
I did like this book, but it seems to have more sequels to it than I like to divulge into. I will look more into this series at a later time.
Profile Image for I.E..
Author 13 books15 followers
August 1, 2015
Interesting, but I kept wondering where it was going. Needs to be read as a whole trilogy, I think.
Profile Image for Tiffany Adams.
114 reviews11 followers
December 13, 2015
I thought this was a rough start to the series (it seemed to really jump around for me, morally speaking) but it was well-worth reading past it!
Displaying 1 - 30 of 31 reviews

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