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Soaring in Style

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Long before Amelia Earhart became a superstar, she was a girl who longed to touch the stars. But the dresses women had to wear at the time made those dreams seem almost impossible. Amelia didn't let that stop her. As a young aviator breaking records and expectations, she learned to fly her plane with flair. Later, she dared to create a trendsetting fashion line for active women like herself. Soaring in Style tells the groundbreaking story of how Amelia Earhart defied expectations in the air and on the ground to become America's first celebrity fashion designer.

32 pages, Hardcover

First published January 30, 2022

About the author

Jennifer Lane Wilson

3 books1 follower

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Displaying 1 - 30 of 55 reviews
Profile Image for Kay.
2,188 reviews1,121 followers
February 1, 2022
Did you know Amelia Earhart was a fashion designer? The first American celebrity designer? This is a terrific non-fiction book for children (8-10) but even for an adult, I learned quite a bit about Amelia besides her passion for flying. My favorite story was the night of April 1933. After a formal dinner at the White House, together she and the First Lady Eleanor Roosevelt, in long gloves and gowns went on an impromptu flight over DC looking at the city and stars then came back for desserts. How marvelous! 🥰

Thank you Capstone and Netgalley for this ARC.
Available February 1, 2022.
Profile Image for Darla.
4,177 reviews986 followers
June 13, 2022
Flying is much more than just a quick way to traverse space. It's freedom and color and form and style. ~ Amelia Earhart

This cheerful, colorful new picture book brings the fashion sense of Amelia Earhart to our attention. Her designs were not only attractive and fashion forward, they also included innovations that made the clothes more comfortable and lent ease of movement. Details like large pockets and washability were not common at that time. A detail I definitely did not know was that Amelia was friends with Elsa Schiaperelli, the famous French designer. Also, Amelia took First Lady Eleanor Roosevelt for a quick plane ride while they were both in evening dress in 1933.

The author of this book is a Kansas native and I happen to be reading and reviewing the book on the Kansas State Birthday -- January 29. Happy 161st birthday, Kansas! Your state motto: "Ad astra per aspera: To the stars through difficulties" certainly defined your native daughter Amelia Earhart.

A big thank you to Capstone and NetGalley for a DRC in exchange for an honest review.
Profile Image for Mid-Continent Public Library.
591 reviews237 followers
March 19, 2022
Flying is much more than just a quick way to traverse space. It's freedom and color and form and style. ~ Amelia Earhart

This cheerful, colorful new picture book brings the fashion sense of Amelia Earhart to our attention. Her designs were not only attractive and fashion forward, they also included innovations that made the clothes more comfortable and lent ease of movement. Details like large pockets and washability were not common at that time. A detail I definitely did not know was that Amelia was friends with Elsa Schiaperelli, the famous French designer. Also, Amelia took First Lady Eleanor Roosevelt for a quick plane ride while they were both in evening dress in 1933.

The author of this book is a Kansas native and I happen to be reading and reviewing the book on the Kansas State Birthday -- January 29. Happy 161st birthday, Kansas! Your state motto: "Ad astra per aspera: To the stars through difficulties" certainly defined your native daughter Amelia Earhart.
*Review by Darla from Red Bridge*
Profile Image for Laura.
3,009 reviews90 followers
August 17, 2021
This is an interesting look at a part of Amelia Earhart that most people have never heard of, that she had her own fashion line. Who would have though it.

But as this book points out, it makes sense, since she had to design her own clothes to fly in, since they were not something you could just get off the shelf, as you could for men's clothes. She was very into making sure it was easy to move around, which makes perfect sense as well.

But, brining out the fashion line in the middle of the Depression wasn't the best of ideas, and besides, she wanted to spend her time flying, so there was only one season of fashions from her.

Thanks to Netgalley for making this book available for an honest review.
Profile Image for MookNana.
847 reviews8 followers
November 20, 2021
I had no idea Amelia Earhart had designed clothing or was considered a fashion icon! Her story is absolutely fascinating and makes a great point about how women can be constrained by the clothes they wear and how they can push back against that.

I love that this book gave equal weight to both her accomplishments in aviation and her sense of style. It's great for young readers to get the message that people don't have to choose to be one thing over the other. They can enjoy things considered traditionally masculine or feminine, guided only by their interests. They can enjoy fashion and art just as much as adventuring and technology.

This would be a great read for pre-K and elementary and would make a wonderful addition to school and classroom libraries!

Many thanks to the publisher and NetGalley for the opportunity to read and review!
Profile Image for Ashley.
543 reviews27 followers
August 10, 2021
What an interesting book! Growing up you hear so much about Amelia Earhart’s accomplishments in Aviation, but Soaring in Style highlights a part of Amelia’s life that I would assume not many know about.

Amelia Earhart always wanted to touch the sky as a child. While she loved fashion even from a young age she could see how some girlish styles could become a hinderance to her. She became the first girl in her town to wear bloomers! Even as she learned to pilot, fashion remained a passion for her and eventually she launched a clothing line for women. It was important to her that women were allowed the same freedom of movement as men.

I enjoyed reading this book and actually learned from it. I think this will be a great resource for older children who are interested in learning more about Amelia Earhart’s life. It will be especially inspirational to young girls. The illustrations were bright and colorful. Overall this book was a joy to read.
Profile Image for Kathie.
Author 3 books76 followers
June 26, 2022
Most people are familiar with Amelia Earhart, but did you know she was a fashion icon and designed her own clothing line? SOARING IN STYLE introduced me to a new side of this aviator. She was one of the first celebrity fashion designers! Amelia wanted stylish yet practical, free-moving clothing to compliment her active lifestyle. Although she eventually focused on her passion for flying rather than designing clothes, she was well-known for her sense of style. I was surprised to read this story because I assumed someone who chose to wear trousers would be mocked rather than revered for her clothing choices, so I’m very glad I learned this information about her. I would love to see young readers discover that her unique and forward-thinking designs were well accepted when history often promoted more traditional clothing for women.
Profile Image for Fenriz Angelo.
444 reviews40 followers
February 2, 2022
*Thanks to Capstone Editions for giving me the ARC through Netgalley*

Soaring in Style is a beautiful short illustrated biography about Amelia Earhart, a female aviatior who set many flying records and encouraged a more active life for women by creating a women's fashion line with colorful yet practical designs aimed to the modern woman. She also promoted aviation and advocated for the incorporation of women in the field.

This is a great book for children to learn about lesser known icons of the past. I can see it being enjoyable for any kid who likes airplanes.
Profile Image for Sophia Gholz.
Author 6 books48 followers
October 20, 2022
Amelia Earhart inspired the world in more ways than one. SOARING IN STYLE is an informative and inspiring true story! Readers will love learning about Earhart’s journey as she changes the face of air travel and fashion. This is an uplifting story filled with fascinating information, innovation, and history.
1 review
August 19, 2021
A mesekönyv történelmi alapokra épít, a középpontba az első hivatásos női pilótát, Amelia Earhart-ot állítva. Ezúttal azonban nem a repülésre helyezte az írónő, Jennifer Lane Wilson a hangsúlyt, hanem a lányok szívét megdobogtató divatra. A 7-13 éves korosztály számára igazi régimódi mese, lenyűgözően stílusos, de 21. századi formába burkolva.

Amelia a leghíresebb női pilóták egyikévé tudott válni, emellett igazi stílust is tudott teremteni, neki köszönhetően kezdtek el a lányok, asszonyok nadrágot és igazán vagány ruhákat hordani. Azt a folyamatot meséli el a könyv, hogy Amelia miként szerelmesedett bele a repülőkbe, a repülésbe és a ruhák tervezésébe és vált úttörőjévé a saját stílusirányzatának.

Mindeközben remek önéletrajzi hátteret is nyújt a mese, persze csak nagyon kellemes formában, egyáltalán nem szárazon, hanem a kislányok számára igazán olvasmányosan, érdekesen.

Nagyon tetszett az írónő stílusa, a történetvezetése, az, ahogy sikerült azokat a fontos momentumokat kiemelnie Amelia életéből, amitől azt éreztem, hogy ez az asszony korának egyik igazi icon-ja tudott lenni.

Nagyon tetszettek az illusztrációk is, amelyek remekül illettek a történethez, szinte önállóan elmesélték azt. Az illusztráció Lissy Marlin munkája.

A könyv végén pedig az író jegyzeteit is olvashatjuk, amelyek további remek kiegészítéssel szolgálnak a történet hátteréhez, igaz ezek kevésbé meseszerűek, de nagyon hasznosak voltak.

Nagyon szerettem ezt a könyvet, gyorsan olvasható, bájos és az angol nyelv gyakorlásához is kiváló.

"Flying is so much more than just a quick way to traverse space. It's freedom and color and form and style." - Amelia Earhart

The storybook builds on historical foundations, focusing on the first professional female pilot, Amelia Earhart. This time, however, the focus was not on flying, writer Jennifer Lane Wilson, but on fashion that beats girls ’hearts. A true old-fashioned tale for 7-13 year olds, impressively stylish but wrapped in 21st century form.

Amelia was able to become one of the most famous female pilots, she was also able to create a real style, thanks to her the girls and women started to wear pants and really fancy clothes. The book tells the story of how Amelia fell in love with airplanes, flying, and dress design and became a pioneer of her own style.

Meanwhile, the tale also provides a great autobiographical background, of course only in a very pleasant form, not dry at all, but really readable and interesting for the little girls.

I really liked the writer’s style, her storytelling, the way she managed to highlight the important moments from Amelia’s life that made me feel like she could be one of the real icons of her woman’s age.

I also really liked the illustrations, which fit the story perfectly, telling it almost independently. The illustration is the work of Lissy Marlin.

And at the end of the book, we can also read the writer’s notes, which provide another great addition to the background of the story, though they were less fabulous but very useful.

I really loved this book, it is quick to read, charming and also excellent for practicing English.
The book thanks to the Netgalley!
Profile Image for Rob Smith, Jr..
1,245 reviews26 followers
January 11, 2022
A contrived excuse for a book of someone who accomplished important points involving aviation and happened to create her own clothing to better able to get around, as did many over the centuries. This did aid her getting posted throughout the media at the time which also aided her financing her endeavors. The financing part is mentioned as if only reasoning for starting a soon-failed fashion line. Not that she saw the opportunity far earlier. Other trail blazers of that time period looking for funding that fashion alterations wouldn't have aided well. Would Edison have found better funding in his search for filament if he wore a dress or a scarf? :)
A line of Earhart being "the first celebrity fashion designer" dashes those a hundred years earlier. The text is short and well focused to the subject.

The artwork is dominate and could have been a stand-alone portfolio. The illustrations are fine.
The illustrations of plane flight are excellent. The stylized humans portrayed are very good, as is the portrayal of Earhart herself. Do I note a slight sign of editing involving the illustration of Eleanor Roosevelt? The art of her is mighty far from Mrs. Roosevelt.
As is the case with current published work there is the odd effort of "diversity" that works for today, but ridiculous for the period of Earhart's life. Also, only girls are portrayed. As has been noted in history, Earhart motivated boys, too. Not that boys need to be added, but if diversity is such a hand-wringing mandate, shouldn't all be included?

This continues a run of recent written history for adults and children I'm finding warping the actual history to create a book of some sort. I keep hoping I find more empirical data and not emotion driving these volumes. This entry is better than most (Most all being formal depictions of history for adults) but grabbed for an accurate angle and rewrote history for their wants.

I need mention that my access to this is for an honest review of the book via the NetGalley.com site. Concerning that I'm continuing to see a nearly 100% approval rating of books from that site. The deal was honesty and here that is from me.

Bottom line: I don't recommend this book for history. I would recommend the artwork as a separate entity. 5 out of 10 points.
Profile Image for Anuradha Sowmyanarayanan.
Author 1 book1 follower
August 26, 2021
Jennifer Lane Wilson’s book “Soaring in Style” is a children’s non-fiction dealing with the theme of fulfilling the ambition and reaching great heights. “How Amelia Earhart became a fashion icon” is the story of the book. Jennifer grew up learning about the state’s hero Amelia Earhart and authored a book on her success story. The Author has given an apt title to the book.
Soaring in style is definitely an inspiration for children to come up in life by over- coming the hindrance. Amelia wanted to fly! And she did!
First in Flight, First in Fashion
These words of the Author indicates the struggle and hardship she faced to establish herself in the aviation industry which at that time was dominated by men.
The author shares that Amelia aimed for the sky and stars from the younger age. She firmly believed in herself and made herself strong to achieve her goals. Amelia remains an American hero and an icon of American style. How she became America’s first celebrity fashion designer? What made her to turn to fashion apart from being an aviator? These are put forth before the children in a simple description along with illustration by Lissy Marlin.
This book makes a great read for children and a chance to know about Amelia’s first solo ride, first bloomers and how Amelia’s designs encouraged women to move freely and be just as active as men.
Amelia’s success in both flight and fashion is a lesson to children that “success is the child of audacity.”
(The PDF of the book “SOARING IN STYLE” is provided by Net Galley in return to an honest review)
Profile Image for Sara.
288 reviews30 followers
August 11, 2021
Okay, who was going to tell me that Miss Amelia Earhart had a fashion line?? Well, a big thank you to the author for educating me. If you're like me and only ever knew of Amelia Earhart because of her flying abilities, you may be shocked to find out she was an icon in the early 1900s.

The author did a great job of telling us how Amelia began her fashion journey. Amelia always wanted to be in the air and the fashion of the time was not helping her. With all the girls and women wearing dresses and ruffles, Amelia had to start a change. She ended up being the first woman in town to wear bloomers! From there, we watch her journey with fashion as well as how it relates to her flying achievements.

I think many active young girls will be able to understand the annoyance of not being able to move because of a dress their parents made them wear. I think they'll find Amelia to be somewhat of an inspiration as she shows girls that they can do anything and still be fashionable, with or without a dress one.

The illustrations throughout the book were great! I found myself stopping on each page to look at them. They're so bright and colorful that you can't help but admire them.

The only thing that may be a downfall is how long some of the paragraphs are. Some children might have a hard time with these.

I think this book would be a great addition to the classroom and might need to add this to my own!
Profile Image for Wren.
1,073 reviews141 followers
November 6, 2022
Jennifer Lane Wilson introduces young readers to pilot and adventurer Amelia Earhart with an emphasis on her work as a fashion designer (something I did not know)!

As an active person, Earhart wanted clothes that were more conducive to movement, so she designed clothing for herself, which ended up expanding in to a line of clothing for other women to purchase and enjoy.

"'I tried to put the freedom that is in flying into the clothes' Amelia explained to a reporter."

Yes, she designed slacks for women but other separates as well. She also saw the need to create a variety of sizes and shapes to fit a variety of female bodies. The earliest manufactured clothes that were off the rack were made for one type of body, which left a lot of women with little-to-no choice but to hand sew their clothes (or pay a seamstress).

The illustrations by Lissy Marlin include a lot of sketches of designs as well as a few models wearing Earhardt's designs. Of course, the first quarter of the book first establishes her adventures as a pilot and includes illustrations of her in airplanes. I enjoyed the two-page illustration of her taking Eleanor Roosevelt on a short flight after a dinner party at the White House.

The back matter includes and Author's note, which is a brief biography of Earhardt, followed by acknowledgements and blurbs about the author and illustrator.

I can see readers interested in pilots, entrepreneurs, and/or fashion ages 7 through 10 as ideal.
Profile Image for Sharon Tyler.
2,815 reviews38 followers
January 18, 2022
Soaring in Style: How Amelia Earhart Became a Fashion Icon, written by Jennifer Lane Wilson and illustrated by Lissy Marlin, is currently scheduled for release on February 1 2022. Long before Amelia Earhart became a superstar, she was a girl who longed to touch the stars. But the dresses women had to wear at the time made those dreams seem almost impossible. Amelia didn’t let that stop her. As a young aviator breaking records and expectations, she learned to fly her plane with flair. Later, she dared to create a trendsetting fashion line for active women like herself. Soaring in Style tells the groundbreaking story of how Amelia Earhart defied expectations in the air and on the ground to become America’s first celebrity fashion designer.

Soaring in Style is a well written, and beautifully illustrated, nonfiction book. I think the narrative style make for an engaging and accessible read. I was glad to see this book, and learn something new. Like most, I had heard plenty about Earhart's dedication to flying. I had not heard about her clothing designs, although her desire for clothes that are both functional and fashionable seems to be something many of us still seem to dealing with. I thought the text and illustrations matched well, and I loved the personality that seemed clear to me in all of the images of Earhart. I greatly enjoyed the read, and learned a few new things.
7,722 reviews108 followers
August 11, 2021
Well, in a world where books that introduce Amelia Earhart to the very young are rather on the common side, this most successfully brings something new to the table. I had no idea that she worked on her own ideas about practical, unisex flying and nightlife clothing, to the extent that for a year she had a fashion line under her name that she modelled for. Yes, in these stories you can often find talk of this pilot or that cyclist or traveller (indeed almost any active female) quibbling at what society forced them to wear and look like, but Amelia certainly seemed to take it a stage further. So this piece practically combines the two different stories – how she became a world-beating pilot, and how the times were allowing more useful, tomboyish and adventurous designs in couture. The illustrations are simplified and very pleasant, as is the script. The biggest downer here is that the author has already passed away, not lost over the Pacific but through breast cancer, a concern this volume is now raising funds for. I certainly appreciate her ability to refocus the Earhart story in a successful way, and I will certainly not be alone in regretting not seeing her achieve that with other narratives. Her legacy is this volume, and the four and a half stars I'm giving it.
Profile Image for gingerfordays.
91 reviews6 followers
October 14, 2021
Thank you to the publisher and NetGalley for providing an eARC of this title in exchange for my honest review.

Oh. My. Goodness. This story blew me away (pun intended).
Soaring in Style is about Amelia Earhart’s passion for fashion and the freedom of flight. At this time, there were strict fashion rules for women, but Amelia longed for clothes that would allow her to reach the sky. She was a pioneering icon who upon discovering there was no flying clothes designed for women, decided to make them herself. Amelia designed a clothing line for women that promoted mobility and in turn, freedom. This led to it being socially acceptable for women to wear pants! She used the money she earned from making and selling these clothes to be able to afford flying lessons. One time, she even flew First Lady Eleanor Roosevelt dressed up in an evening gown and gloves.

This is a beautiful story for anyone, but especially for young girls. This teaches that you can have multiple passions and dreams and that you can pursue them all even if they seem to contradict each other.

The art style is light, bright, and adorable. I need everything in my life to look this way.

I highly recommend this book. I may have shed a few tears.
Profile Image for Dawn Michelle.
2,754 reviews
January 28, 2022
I grew up reading about and loving Amelia Earhart; she was one of those women who were hero's to me simply because they did what they set out to accomplish and they did it with flair and panache. I knew that she was a fashion icon, ahead of her time and scandalous for wearing PANTS before it was popular for women to do so, so imagine my surprise when I learned in this gorgeously illustrated children's book that she was also a fashion designer!!! Of course, that makes sense when you think about it - who, in that time, would have been able to design men's clothing for a woman to go flying in? Because of Amelia's bravery in ALL things, women's fashion was changed forever for the good and women began having way more options in regards to comfortable and easy-to-wear clothing.
As a side note, I also didn't know the story of Amelia and Eleanor Roosevelt [another one of my hero's] taking a night flight from the White House. What a delightful little tidbit in this midst of this fun story.
Kids of all ages will enjoy this book and it should encourage them to seek out more stories and book about the amazing Amelia! Well done!!

Thank you to NetGalley, Jennifer Lane Wilson, Lissy Marlin [Illustrator], and Capstone Editions for providing this ARC in exchange for an honest review.
Profile Image for Vidya Tiru.
541 reviews148 followers
January 24, 2023
Thank you to Netgalley and the publisher for the advance reading copy.

Of course, I knew of Amelia Earhart! Who has not heard of her, right? But I simply had no idea that she was also a fashion designer in her own right!! This book takes readers on a delightful, elegant, soaring, and vibrant journey of Earhart’s life, highlighting her achievements not only in the skies, but also on solid ground as a successful fashion designer who sought to create clothing for women that allowed for freedom of movement while being feminine and chic!

Jennifer Lane Wilson skillfully includes specific anecdotes from Earhart’s life while still giving a complete picture, and I love that she places equal emphasis to everything Earhart was. Lissy Marlin’s artwork is as chic, colorful, and elegant as Earhart herself and perfectly complements Wilson’s narrative.

Cool Fact
Earhart was the first to recommend that clothes be sold as “separates”, so that women could buy a pant or skirt in one size or color, and a shirt in another, based on their preferences and requirements..

In Summary
Well, of course, read it and be inspired to more heights!!
Profile Image for Lommie.
206 reviews5 followers
September 4, 2021
Like most active girls (like me), who goes to a bookstore to look for a book to read, I find the cover book’s illustration eye-catching. My curiosity has led me to know who Amelia Earhart was.

Amelia Earhart was well known to be an aviation icon in America. She cut her hair short to fit in with the male pilots. She was able to stand out among other aviators because she wore silk scarf or pearls and break records. She had shone bright as a star on her own little way. Apart from that, the book provided an interesting and informative story about Amelia Earhart’s love for fashion. During the 1900’s, her aspirations for women’s clothing was to encourage women to move freely and just be active as men. She designed clothes and even modeled her designs herself.

I find this book as a good resource for research about remarkable people like Amelia Earhart. It also encourages young girls who has ambition to achieve something they desire. A woman like Amelia Earhart, who embodies a defiant confidence and an influence of fashion empowering women, is without a doubt an inspiration to them.
Profile Image for Kait.
101 reviews
October 21, 2021
Fabulously illustrated and delightfully full of interesting tidbits of Amelia Earhart’s life. From her childhood antics to her record breaking adventures in adulthood. This is an easy to follow and fully rounded book for children to delve a little deeper into the history of one of America’s favorite icons. Did you know Earhart was a fashion icon and designer as well as a famous pilot?

I love how the author easily wove Amelia’s childhood together with her adult persona to showcase her groundbreaking nature. The book does not solely focus on her influence on the fashion industry and modern women’s clothing but deftly emphasis her love of flight and adventure throughout the book. The afterward gives a little more backstory to her ill-fated design label (the Great Depression was probably not the best time to start a fashion label), her unfortunate disappearance and her everlasting influence on women’s history.

Wonderful addition to any children’s library!
Profile Image for Brooke - TheBrookeList.
1,192 reviews15 followers
November 18, 2022
Often a cover is better than a book. I feel, in this case, the cover is a bit of a let-down and the story and pages inside exceeded my initial expectations. We all know who Amelia Earhart was and her basic story, but this clever children's nonfiction picture book takes a different angle on Amelia's life and looks at her interest in fashion. Amelia was breaking ground in a male-dominated profession, so it's a lot of fun to see what she wore, how it started in her childhood, and the designs she created for women to wear in practical ways. The illustrations give Amelia a fun and bold personality, leaving us with a good idea of her iconic influence on American culture.

I would have loved to see some more detailed deep-dive back matter with a few photos of her or actual clothing to ground the work.

Read as a nomination in the nonfiction book award category as a panelist for Children's and Young Adult Bloggers' Literary Awards (Cybils Awards).
Profile Image for Muskan Modi.
167 reviews
August 15, 2021
I was always intrigued by Amelia Earhart's story. I knew about her aviation adventures, but I didn't know about her clothing line. This book was both enlightening and engaging.

This is so inspiring. Even at that time, Amelia understood the importance of brining practicality in Fashion. I wish the clothing lines from this century understand it too, haha.

What I like about this book is that it will teach young kids about the prejudice against women and how much effort people like Amelia Earhart put to get the rights we have now. And we still have a long way to go.

The book is beautiful. Author Jennifer Wilson has done commendable work in this book. Illustrations by Lissy Marlin are mesmerizing. Young children can easily devour this book given how beautiful and engaging it is.

Overall, 5 stars.

Thank you Netgalley and Capstone Editions for the e-ARC of this book.
Profile Image for Summer Rose.
18 reviews28 followers
December 16, 2021
Can I just say that I love it when I learn something new from children’s books!
Sure, I knew of Amelia Earhart but not as well as I once thought. Never, before reading Soaring in Style, have I ever put Amelia Earhart in the same sentence with the title “fashion icon.” Soaring in Style: How Amelia Earhart Became a Fashion Icon surprised me so many times that I got halfway through the book and was questioning if any of it was true or not. But it is! Amelia Earhart flew Eleanor Roosevelt around in a plane wearing an evening gown and gloves! Amelia Earhart designed her own fashion line and was even an editor of a fashion magazine!! Soaring in Style proves that girls can do and be whoever they want regardless of what they do or do not choose to wear. A fantastic read about a fantastic woman. The illustrations were super cute. I highly recommend this one. 5 Stars.
Profile Image for Wafflepirates.
369 reviews17 followers
August 12, 2021
*Thanks to netgalley and the publisher for providing an advanced copy in exchange for an honest review*

I love Amelia Earhart, she's a fascinating woman. But I had no idea she designed her own clothes or had a fashion line! This children's nonfiction book gives us a different look at Earhart that many of us don't even know about (likely because all the documentaries about her are focused on her disappearance). Earhart's fashion interests were inspired by her love of flying and passion for being a pilot: it was very much a male-dominated pastime and women's clothing at the time was not conducive to flying planes. This book was bright and colorful, with gorgeous illustrations and wonderfully written.
2,713 reviews6 followers
January 17, 2022
This children’s book told me something about Amelia Earhart that I had not known. She designed women’s fashions. These were based on Amelia’s sense that clothes should not be too fussy and that they should allow for women’s movement. Amelia even modeled her designs.

The story of Amelia and fashion is interwoven with this story about Amelia’s love for the sky. This began when she was just a girl growing up in Kansas. Adults know that, from this beginning, Amelia Earhart became a barrier breaking pilot. This book offers children an opportunity to share in that excitement.

This title has bright, cartoon-like illustrations. They nicely complement the story.

Many thanks to NetGalley and the publisher. All opinions are my own.
Profile Image for Donna Maguire.
4,751 reviews115 followers
August 15, 2021
Review to be added to Amazon UK & US on 1st February 2022 – publication day!

I thought that this was a wonderful little book!

It was really interesting and full of fun facts and details – most people know Amelia Earhart for her aviation accomplishments and not her fashion but I was so interested to see what she had designed and the influence that she had for years to come.

It is a great insight in to Amelia but I loved that the focus of the book was really was still on the flying that she loved – bit show she made it more stylish – I loved the mention of her flying in an evening gown! It is 5 stars from me for this one – very highly recommended!
Profile Image for Amy Bell.
431 reviews11 followers
September 17, 2021
Soaring In Style is a children's picture book about Amelia Earhart and her love of fashion and how she became a fashion icon because of her becoming a pilot. I read this book with my 5 and 9 year old daughters. Both liked the story and illustrations. And I learned something new too. I hadn't known about the fashion line or that she flew First Lady Eleanor Roosevelt in a ball gown. I would recommend this book for young and old alike.

Thank you NetGalley for the opportunity to read this book for my honest opinion.
Profile Image for Sandy Brehl.
Author 8 books135 followers
October 8, 2022
Off the many books about Amelia Earhart that I've read, this one takes a sideways twist to focus on the ways in which her trend-setting and standard-breaking efforts as a pilot, in social settings, and as a fashion designer. her intention to lead the way for women on every front is encapsulated in the lesser-known designer role. Earhart's interest in making comfortable, practical, and sleek clothing for herself and for women meant that they could be seen as equals in society and capable of pursuing any and all activities that attracted their interest and their talents.
Displaying 1 - 30 of 55 reviews

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