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Xarc'n Warriors #1

Claimed by the Hunter

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My name is Alice, and I live in the Bugpocalypse.

I survived my first post-apocalyptic winter, hiding out in an abandoned hardware store with my cousin, Natalie. But spring is here. And that’s bad news! With warm weather comes the endless swarms of deadly bugs.

Natalie is injured, and it’s up to me to forage for food. But there’s just one little problem. Okay, so “little” isn’t the best word to describe the fierce Xarc’n warrior who is obsessed with me. Kaj’k is freakin’ HUGE! And his sharp claws, pointy fangs, and massive horns are scary AF.

I reject his gift of food and flowers, but my massively muscled alien hunter doesn’t get the hint. He tosses me over his shoulders and carries me to his shuttle. I expect the worse, but all he does is purr at me.


I’ve spent my entire life fighting the swarm. Genetically engineered to hunt the scourge across the galaxy, Xarc’n hunters are the ultimate predator. It takes a lot to take one of us down. Then, I meet the little human female who brings me to my knees.

My Alice is full of fire, and I have no doubt she could survive on her own. But she’s my mate, and she’s mine to protect. When cannibals and scourge threaten my female, I toss her over my shoulder and carry her to my ship.

Now that I have my mate in my arms, I’m never letting her go!

191 pages, Kindle Edition

First published January 21, 2021

About the author

Lynnea Lee

49 books388 followers
Lynnea Lee is a recovered serial monogamist who now lives in her forever home with the man of her dreams. Still hopelessly addicted to the feeling of falling in love she now feeds her habit with a routine prescription of romance novels and rampant imagination. When she is not dreaming up fantastical stories of love, lust and romance, her hobbies includes talking to her plants, putting on a full face of makeup to stay home on Saturday nights and hugging her dog longer than is appreciated.

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Displaying 1 - 30 of 354 reviews
September 19, 2022
Alien insects invade Earth!

The following ratings are out of 5:
Narration: 🎙🎙🎙🎙
Romance: 💚🖤💙❤️💜
Heat/Steam: 🔥🔥🔥🔥
Story/Plot: 📕📗📙📘📔
World building: 🌏🌍🌎🌏🌏
Character development: 😚🙂😁😍

The heroine: Alice - lives in an old hardware store with her younger cousin Natalie. She has learned to survive when the deadly alien insect swarms invaded Earth. She is able to get around and forage for supplies by covering her scent.

The Hero: Kaj’k - he is a Xarc’n warrior (hunters), an alien race that traveled the galaxies hunting the scourge (alien insect swarms that devastated planets and ate all the life as they went). The Xarc’n hunters came to Earth and offered to help in the fight. Most governments didn’t trust aliens after the scourge came.

The Story: Alice had a healthy fear of the huge Xarc’n warrior. The government warned that the Xarc’n may have sent the scourge only to come in later and clear them out and take over. Though Alice and Natalie know that probably isn’t true, there is still the fact that women seemed to disappear when the hunters are seen in the area. When she first sees Kaj’k all she knows that he is huge, muscular and pretty scary.

This book was told in dual points of view via dual narration. The narration was done by Troy Duran and Kiera Stevens. I love Troy Duran, who has a super deep and sexy voice which is perfect for the huge alpha alien male. Kiera Stevens has a pleasant feminine voice which is age appropriate sounding for Alice.

This was one of the few alien romances that takes place on earth and I liked the concept of this one. The Xarc’n race didn’t lose all of their females like in so many alien romances, but they are clones that were made specifically to hunt the scourge and so only males were created. Human women tended to waken their dormant mating instinct and Alice was that woman for Kaj’k.

Profile Image for TP.
1,024 reviews40 followers
June 16, 2021
I love romance. Actually, a book without one isn’t that interesting to me lately.
But I still want a complex plot, world building and interesting characters with some depth to them.
And not “I detest” the alien to “fall in love” with it a day later and declare “my undying love” a few days later.

610 reviews2 followers
March 18, 2021
Ineterssting world and enjoyable read.
Profile Image for Katie.
682 reviews643 followers
October 12, 2023
Picked up this book on a whim and was surprised to find an alien romance about a post apocalyptic world where flesh-eaten bugs have taken over and alien warriors have come to wipe out the scourge. We follow one such warrior when he recognizes his human mate. Honestly, the coolest parts of this story were the post apocalypse survival aspects. The concept and the world were interesting and the flesh eating bugs were CREEEEEEPY. The characters and romance were just alright.
September 30, 2021
This book perfectly fits the rating of "it was ok." There was nothing particularly good about it. It was just there and I read it and I will completely forget about it in a few days because it was forgettable. It wasn't enjoyable but I didn't hate it. It just exists.

⭐️ The bug apocalypse world building is different. Haven't seen this in sci-fi romances before.
⭐️ Natalie (she's not the protagonist 👀) was intelligent and witty and the best character.

⁉️ I was bored. So bored. The plot is bare bones and completely unoriginal. These space aliens rescuing humans stories need better plots.
⁉️ No chemistry between Alice and Kaj'k. None. It was as exciting as watching two pieces of soggy cardboard try to hump each other. Actually, that would have been more entertaining.
⁉️ Completely lacking of any emotional depth. I felt nothing. I don't care about this world. I don't care about these characters. I especially don't care about the romance. For a romance book, you utterly failed if I don't care about the romance.
⁉️ The heat is non-existent. The sex scenes felt rushed and almost methodical. So dull to read.
⁉️ Nothing much happens. I could summarize the whole thing in a paragraph and get every plot point.
⁉️ I almost DNF'd several times because nothing was holding my interest (except Natalie!).
⁉️ The dialogue was cheesy and sickly sweet at times
⁉️ Alice is one of the most stubbornly idiotic protagonists I've read yet.

(Mini rant about Alice being an idiot below.)

⛔️ Alice had TSTL stubbornness. This is where writers try to write a "strong, independent woman" character but fail and end up writing a stupid character who only makes bad decisions (that often put them and others in trouble) because of their bullheaded refusal to do what other characters tell them to do. Bad writers seem to forget stubbornness does not equal strength or independence.

This is often a common failing of inexperienced writers (or just bad writers) who don't know how to write complex characters. Readers want complex characters, not stubborn idiot characters. Refusing to do something that is logical and fighting the love interest doesn't make a character "strong and independent." It makes them an idiot making idiotic decisions. Thank goodness for Natalie. She was the realistic and reasonable character. The perfect literary foil to Alice's idiocy.

(End of mini rant.)

An observation below. Why am I writing so much about this forgettable book? 🤡

Am I the only one that felt like Lynnea Lee was using the IPB series by Ruby Dixon as a blueprint for some parts of this and got distracted by some of the similarities? Not the world building, but the space aliens and story stuff.

Let's check off some obvious similarities of the aliens:
📌 Glowy/bright eyes? ✅ (Sort of.)
📌 Big horns? ✅
📌 Foot with three toes in front and one toe/heel in the back? ✅ (Sort of? I kinda forgot what the back of the feet are like for the sa'khui)
📌 Skin described as having the texture of leather/suede? ✅
📌 Purring chests when they meet their fated mates? ✅
📌 Space alien language has swallowed syllables? ✅
📌 Claws? ✅
📌 Hunter love interest thinking he was going to be alone forever before he met his fated mate? ✅
📌 Needing to bone asap after recognizing the fated mate/resonance? ✅
📌 Ridges on the joystick? ✅

Similar story stuff:
📌 Vektal/Kaj'k rescuing Georgie/Alice and them ? ✅ (Maybe? This is a standard sci-fi romance plot.)
📌 Georgie/Alice ? ✅
📌 Georgie/Alice ? ✅
📌 The space aliens giving the humans the indigenous food pemmican? ✅
📌 Next book being about the sassy and opinionated character aka Liz/Natalie? ✅

The similarities were a tiny bit... distracting. You can write about literally anything in science fiction so why do something similar instead of something new? I know Ruby Dixon is not the first for these. I know several other series that share some similarities. But no series has all of these... I'm not deducting any stars for this. There's nothing wrong with this (it is not plagiarism) other than being distracting. It's just something I noticed because it was so obvious.

This book felt very bland... It was as if Lynnea Lee was playing it very safe with the romance to not lose any potential readers for this series by making the most mild and dull relationship for the first book. Nothing happened that might make readers go I don't like this relationship. The most safe bet romance relationship between two equally insipid characters. Sweet and low drama romances can work well without being boring. This one didn't.

TW: Bugs. The bug aliens are super gross. They're described as not being sentient beings. There's lots of gore and violence and descriptions that get pretty graphic. If you can't handle grossness with bugs, this is not the romance book to read. I almost DNF'd at some points because it was disgusting.

I will be reading the second book for my girl Natalie. I hope it is better than the first.
Profile Image for Kayla (onthefritz).
665 reviews123 followers
January 20, 2021
Alice + Kaj'k

Wow! We have a dystopian earth that has been (and still being) brought down by alien bugs. (Think the end of Wreck It Ralph) Other aliens, the Xarc'n Hunters (large, muscular, and horned aliens) come to save Earth by killing the bugs, the one thing they were created and modified to do.

We follow Alice who is surviving this new world with her cousin Natalie. While out looking for goods, she runs into a Xarc'n Hunter who has been looking for her since he caught her sent months ago.

This romance was very sweet! Our hero is drawn to his mate and is very protective of her, however is isn't grumpy, overbearing, or any of those things we can often see in fated mates books - he's a big teddy bear and I love that.

This book is full of action, which is expected when our characters are fighting to survive a

Also friends, this is the book where our hero has a unique male organ, which amped my enjoyment wayyy up (and the heroines too - wink, wink).

I received a free copy of this book via Booksprout and am voluntarily leaving a review.
Profile Image for Laz the Sailor.
1,643 reviews82 followers
June 24, 2022
This was a good story, combining an apocalypse with invading aliens who are sexy and scary. The women are strong and only a little stubborn. It helped that the setting was one small town, which kept everyone close.

There are several secondary characters introduced, which will seed future installments. This reminds me of the Fireblood series, in a good way. https://www.goodreads.com/series/1968...
Profile Image for Patricia Hoffstaetter.
3,158 reviews37 followers
January 21, 2021
I was totally fascinated by this entertaining post-apocalyptic alien romance & it is a splendid start to a new series. I found the characters to be quite well-developed & interesting. The plot is intriguing & has splendid scene descriptions.
It is about: a young but very clever human female (Alice aka little flame) is trying to the best of her ability to survive after a catastrophic event & an alien insect invasive scourge, but she is also looking after her injured cousin (Natalie) then she is confronted by a huge horned Xarc’n warrior (Kaj’k) who is quite determined to claim her.
There is: Kaj’ks friend & fellow hunter (Rajiv’k), humans, alien warriors, adventure, action, deadly dangers, threats, danger, conflict, violence, drama, suspense, mates, humour, unexpected confrontations, suspicions, determination, conflict, violence, strange attractions, disagreements, compromises, steamy scenes & a satisfying conclusion.

Profile Image for Elizabeth.
2,805 reviews239 followers
Shelved as 'did-not-finish'
July 24, 2022
It’s pretty good but the post-apocalyptic nature of this book is making me bummed out. Too dark for me right now.

DNF at 57%.
Profile Image for TT Reads.
60 reviews2 followers
January 17, 2022
Bland bland bland.

I really wish writers would stop trying so hard to imitate others and try with that same strength to make their work as original as possible.

Now let’s talk about the heroine. Again, why do writers think it’s a splendid idea to keep writing stupid females who always always make stupid decisions and always care far more about other people who don’t give one fuck about hurting them? This ideaology makes no god damn sense to me.

Alice’s cousin who she kept going on and on about is trapped by evil human men who want to do all sorts to the females because they are mated to the hunters and all she cares about is sparing their lives? Like WTF?🙄 it’s them or my cousin and mate. In times such as an apocalypse, where humans always turn to the evil side especially when they want to be top dog, my life and those I love will always trump theirs. Especially when they want to rape and all the other horrible shit they can think of to do to the females is voiced repeatedly. The world is actually better off without them it in. Why is that such a hard concept for writers to grasp and then execute on paper?🤦🏽‍♀️

For the entire book, Alice was annoying and stupid and annoying and freaking stupid. Poor Kaj’k😑

I really preferred Natalie and Cynthia. Those bitches had their heads screwed on the right way. I just hope this writer does Natalie justice and don’t write her as dumb as her supposedly older cousin who needs a damn toy to keep her shit together *inserts heavy eye roll here*

I’ll be reading the next book and ffs, I hope she did Natalie justice.😒

Alice just left a bad taste in my mouth. This book’s only getting two stars ⭐️ because of the Hunter.
2,206 reviews22 followers
January 20, 2021
I will admit that the concept of giant flesh eating space bugs has real ick factor for me so it is a testament to the author’s writing ability that I persevered with this story. Honestly, it’s well written and the bugs are spoken about factually without too much gory detail. Still... ick!

The male and female lead are amusing and chuckle worthy, even in this dystopian setting and their relationship development is cute. The story is dual POV and I enjoyed it and am looking forward to the next one.

I received a free copy of this book via Booksprout and am voluntarily leaving a review.
Profile Image for Chappy.
2,028 reviews103 followers
September 7, 2021
Bugs creep me out, so to read about an Earth invasion of insects had me cringing.

Alice is a strong survivor and it takes her a while to realize that the massive alien warriors are not the enemy. The Xarc'n are clone fighters sent to eliminate the bug infestation. They have no women so their sole purpose is to fight the scourge...until they scent their mates.

Kaj’k is a big sweetheart and he tries really hard to win over Alice's trust. Can't wait for more of this post-apo tale.
4,276 reviews
January 21, 2021
Sci-fi bug apocalyptic read. Alice and her cousin Natalie scavenge for food and necessities, but one of the alien hunters has taken a liking to Alice.
It was an okay read, there were some grammatical errors in the book and some wording that was off.

I received a free copy of this book via Booksprout and am voluntarily leaving a review.
Profile Image for Robin O'Connor.
Author 26 books126 followers
May 29, 2022
I think this is a very original take on a post-apocalyptic world. With 'cloned' alien warriors coming to earth to fight off the bugs that landed before them. And of course, tons of human distrust causing rumors about this alien warriors who are just here to help.

So even though they're a couple years into this post-apocalyptic world, the battle against the bugs has NOT been won yet, and they are proper creepy. Not to fear though, because when Alice discovers she has a purple admirer, things are about to turn out for the better for her.

I loved Alice and her care for her sister, the two girls were great and had a good dynamic. Working together to survive even after Natalie is injured.

In turn, Kaj'k was protective, capable and with a terrible translator to facilitate their communications initially there are some fairly hilarious moments. Of course, Kaj'k does his level best to win Alice over while they get into some scrapes. And once his mating instinct kicks in... he literally can't let her go. After which things turn STEAMY.

I loved this first book in Lynnea Lee's Xarc'n Warriros and will definitely pick up the rest. ;-).

I received a free copy of this book and am voluntarily leaving a review.
525 reviews6 followers
January 20, 2021
This is an alien romance that’s well written, has a sassy human female, Alice. And an alien warrior Kaj’k. There’s lots of action, a steamy scene or two and a happily ever after ending. When Kaj’k gets a whiff of Alice’s natural scent he decides to make her his. Unfortunately Alice doesn’t trust him and she won’t leave her injured cousin behind to be alien bug food. Alice ends up in a dangerous situation and Kaj’k comes roaring in to save her. He just needs to convince her to stay with him, forever.

I received a free copy of this book via Booksprout and am voluntarily leaving a review.
Profile Image for Kimberlea Richardson.
539 reviews10 followers
January 20, 2021
Oh gracious, this book was so well written that I swear it got my skin to crawling because I felt like I was actually there...sounds bad, but in a good way lol. Wonderful world building, and an original take on the whole alien takes a human mate story. I loved the characters, and stayed thoroughly entranced during the whole book. This is definitely an intriguing start to a new series, and I will definitely be reading more.

I received a free copy of this book via Booksprout and am voluntarily leaving a review.
Profile Image for Izzy SM.
420 reviews6 followers
December 1, 2023
Well, it seems I'm in my alien romance era. A first for me, but highly enjoyable.

I really liked this book: the world building and writing are great! It transported me to that place.

The characters are great! Strong, funny and sexy. As was the plot. I'm really invested in the arc plot now, so I'll probably jump immediately to the next book.

A highly entertaining read with some smut, but with lots of space for a good plot.
Profile Image for Carole.
1,303 reviews11 followers
January 16, 2021
A grand adventure taking place on an Earth decimated by an alien insectoid scourge, a tale of survival, and love which begins to unfold within this terrifying mise-en-scéne.

Well crafted characters populate the pages, among them heroine Alice fighting for her survival amidst the horror. She comes into contact while scavenging for food with Kaj’k an alien hunter, part of the Xanc’n race who have come to Earth to offer assistance in eradicating the insect scourge.
Having sensed Alice as his mate Kaj’k is determined to make her his.

A persistently riveting tale evolves filled with action, steamy romance and a fascinating intense narrative. A very enjoyable read!

I received a free copy of this book via Booksprout and am voluntarily leaving a review.
Profile Image for ~My Book Obsession~.
658 reviews63 followers
March 24, 2022
found a new author to enjoy!

This was a fun read. I like how the couple interacted with each other and the little slow burn it had. I know some are like me that like their romance off world but this isn’t the world we know. The author still puts human bias for things they don’t know or understand which makes the story more believable
May 24, 2023
The Alien his Female and Funny Business

This author has a great sense of humor. The big hunky Alien trying to convince his female to go with him was so funny. And, when he promises no funny business, but then says she has to strip down to get in the decontamination cube I was laughing out loud. I thought the scene was hysterical... Live, Laugh, Love, then get down to business... Excellent Writing - Great Story
384 reviews5 followers
January 20, 2021
Interesting read with a fresh take on aliens. I really liked this apocalyptic story with deadly bugs and alien saviors. It offered a new twist to alien stories.

I received a free copy of this book via Booksprout and am voluntarily leaving a review.
Profile Image for Serena.
136 reviews11 followers
March 17, 2023

Kaj’k and Alice were cute together, but I was very surprised with how quickly she accepted their mating. And three ridges oh my!
Profile Image for Meg.
98 reviews9 followers
August 26, 2023
Whole heartedly loved this I didn't expect to but it was so good id recommend it to everyone
4,210 reviews22 followers
January 16, 2021
I enjoyed reading about Alice and Kaj'k, the interaction and chemistry between them is wonderful. This book, has a good storyline, it is entertaining, and filled with action and adventure. I can't wait for more from this author. I received this book as a FREE ARC copy to read and I voluntarily leave this review.
Displaying 1 - 30 of 354 reviews

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