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The One to Hold Your Hand

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Reese James’s life was never easy. Trying to stay upbeat and positive while her twin sister battled cancer took its toll on her. The one thing getting her through was her relationship with her lifelong best friend Bette Mitchell. Unfortunately, constantly blurring the lines between friendship and something more was destined to blow up at some point, and that’s exactly what happened when Reese hit her rock bottom.
After losing her father, Bette Mitchell didn’t know how she would ever feel okay again. The thing she did know was there was one person who understood exactly how it felt to lose someone close to her. The problem was she and Reese had barely spoken after Bette broke her heart three years earlier.
But now Reese is back in town for the funeral and willing to do anything to help Bette smile again. Well, almost anything. She can’t let go of what happened the night everything fell apart between them.
A look back on Reese and Bette’s relationship through the years shows what brought them to the point they are at today. Is their history enough to lead them into a future together or is there too much heartbreak between them to move forward?

203 pages, Kindle Edition

First published January 23, 2021

About the author

Erica Lee

47 books746 followers
Erica Lee finished writing her first book, Dear Santa: I’m Gay, in December 2016. Erica currently lives in Pennsylvania with her wife, dog, chinchilla, and bunny. She spends her days working as an optometrist and her nights snuggled up on the couch with her furry family, binging on netflix or youtube.

Librarian note: There is more than one author in the Goodreads database with this name.

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Profile Image for pipsqueakreviews.
588 reviews454 followers
January 28, 2021
An emotional rollercoaster ride, but I loved it.

I swear this felt longer than 203 pages and I don’t mean this in a bad way. I think it’s amazing how much can be put to words with such little ink. This book spans across a 20-year period and watching the characters develop over such a long time felt oddly fulfilling.

Family is a huge theme. In particular, it’s about dealing with illness and death within a family and Erica Lee handled this so beautifully. I love how Lee made Reese’s twin sister Rachel a significant side character instead of just a character in passing because we get to understand her take on life a little and just how different she and Reese are. I love how the family celebrates each time the cancer goes into remission. I love how Reese is always in denial but finally says goodbye. These tiny details are what makes me love Lee’s writing so damn much.

This book is a very long romance novel (referring to the length of the romance, not the novel) and the MCs Bette and Reese have been in love with each other since forever. They become best friends at seven when Bette offers to hold Reese’s hand through her sister’s cancer treatment, and this so naturally progresses to romantic love. They are meant to be together but they have an on/off relationship and it is dramaful and heartbreaking at times. Reese believes that everytime they get together, something would come in their way. But the fact is, a lot of the heartbreak has to do with Reese having communication issues and making dumb decisions when she’s triggered and that’s her character flaw. But Bette and Reese are bonded because they are each other’s special person to lean on in bad times. And I love, love, love how Bette is there for Reese every single time and how Reese makes Bette smile again after losing her father. And that is the exact reason why I have a love/hate relationship with Lee’s books. Many times, it’s an emotional rollercoaster ride and I get exhausted but I always come back for more.

Special thanks to Statum who gifted me with this Amazon e-book. It’s amazing how friendships can be forged in the world of online book reviewing.
Profile Image for Sandra.
481 reviews96 followers
February 25, 2021
My second novel by Erica Lee is a wonderful story about friendship, family, love, illness, loss and so much more. It is an entertaining, beautiful, joyful, sometimes sad, and painful journey of two women who met when they were seven years old.

Reese and Bette have been friends since childhood, best friends even, “being the one to hold your hand” is what they promised each other, forever and ever, no matter what. But it’s far more than friendship, it’s love, but they have to fight a few battles before they find a HEA.

Reese has a twin sister, Rachel, who plays the most important and tragic supporting role. She is diagnosed with cancer when she is only seven years old. An absolutely devastating diagnosis for any family. The little girls certainly didn’t fully understand what was happening. But far too quickly, they had to learn what it meant. When Bette, like a ray of sunshine after a storm, brings light back into Reese’s life with the cheerful manner of a seven-year-old, it was almost like a gift from heaven. And a friendship for life begins.

I really liked how the story is set up and we get to follow Bette, Reese, and Rachel over twenty years. It’s an emotional roller coaster and the twins, in particular, go through more difficult times than some adults do in their entire lives. I liked Reese and Bette as adults, but they stole my heart as little girls. The evolution of their relationship from friendship to love is wonderfully told and the intimate scenes are emotional and soulful. But the road to the happy ending is a constant up and down and time and time again life throws them curveballs. But although cancer is a big theme in this story, above all, it’s a book about friendship, cohesion, and love, no matter what. The romance is beautifully told and we virtually grow up with them and experience with them how the feelings for each other change from friendship to love.

The secondary characters are very well developed and involved and are also very important to the story. Rachel in particular impressed me with her always positive attitude, despite the unfairness of life and her big fighter’s heart.

Some of you already know that my sister-in-law and my best friend have both battled breast cancer, fortunately with a happy outcome, and so this story got very close to me and stirred me up. More than once, I cried along with Reese and Rachel. Through these experiences I could understand Reese’s reactions very well, I too often felt absolutely useless and helpless. I’m not a twin myself, but we all know that they have a closer and usually stronger and special bond than other siblings, so I can only guess how much it hurt her to see her sister suffer so much.

An emotional and but also an enjoyable slow-burn young adult love story, beautifully written by Erica Lee.

My rating 4.5 stars
ARC kindly provided by the author and lezreviewbooks.com
Profile Image for Jacob Proffitt.
3,198 reviews1,929 followers
January 29, 2021
This whole story is based on a lie. The first four chapters are all about Reese coming to support Bette when her father dies. Only she has to be coerced by her mother to be there at all and she spends the whole time thinking about how Bette hurt her in such a devastating way that they can never recover from. But still, Bette was there for her four years ago, so return the favor is the name of the game.

And we get Bette's perspective, too, where she's all "I regret hurting her so badly." so the implication is that Bette really did something bad. So when the story steps back and we get a replay of their lives leading to this point, I'm all along to see how these two got to where they were so painfully apart despite an obvious love between them (however strained).

And then we get a whole novel full of Reese being this giant boo and hurting Bette over and over and over again. And Bette being so willing to forgive and take her back and moving on. And she does so in deference to Reese's obvious grief over losing her sister to cancer.

And Lee's talent is so great at showing us Reese's long, drawn-out grief. Because the first diagnosis happens at age seven but it's another 17 years before she finally succumbs with two remissions before the final loss. So yeah, this is really hard on Reese and that engages my sympathy. So I'm really glad that Bette is as strong as she is to weather the hell that Reese puts her through. And yeah, that's not too strong a term. Reese's response to every setback is to withdraw into herself and leave Bette hanging.

So I'm all wondering what it is that Bette finally does that was so incredibly terrible that Reese can't return the favor and be the one to forgive for once. I mean, it must be something truly outrageous if she can't muster the forgiveness to balance all the times Bette has given her another chance, right?

Nope. That's the lie. Because it turns out that their final break was also Reese's fault. Not only for the stupidity of the lead-up, but for the compounding idiocy of freezing Bette out afterwards. Seriously, Reese is an abusive partner at this point and I'd almost prefer to have Bette find a healthy relationship with someone not devastated by the long-rolling grief.

My only hope for their future, and the only reason I'm giving this a second star, is that Lee shows the strength of a good therapist in helping Reese as much as she could be helped. And yeah, I have to admit that at least Reese had the excuse of the extreme stress of such a long process of fear and anger and hurt in losing her twin sister. But that was a lot of negative motivation* to lard into a story and having that same pattern play out over and over again was just too much for me.

A note about Steamy: There are a handful of explicit sex scenes that come to the middle of my steam tolerance. They were charming, even when they were laden with other potentially overwhelming emotional payloads. Lee does an excellent job making them an integral part of the emotional and intimate arc of the story and that worked out very well.

* Negative Motivations: I kind of hate that the term "negative motivation" isn't widespread, yet. Since it isn't, I'm going to save off this little jag to append to my reviews that feature the term. Jennifer Crusie blogged about it a bit back (or, if that link doesn't work, here's a cache of the original) and it changed how I understand story. The problem with the term is that if you've never heard it before, you'd assume it meant motivations that are harmful or immoral. Not so. What it refers to is motivations not to do something. The thing is that many of us are motivated to not do things for a lot of different, perfectly valid and reasonable, reasons. The problem is that in a story motivations to not do things are a huge drag on the plot—particularly considering the fact that most negative motivations are overcome by the character simply deciding they don't care any more (or, rather, that they do care and are now motivated to do the thing). So not only do you have a counter to action but you also have a situation where to overcome it, all a character has to do is change their mind. Which means eventually, the reader is rooting for the character to get over him/herself already and do the thing we want them to do. Conflict drives story. Conflict between a reader and a main character drives readers away from story.
Profile Image for Sam.
797 reviews110 followers
July 27, 2021
If there is a type of story to make my eyeballs sweat it is losing a sibling to cancer. As much as this book is also about an everlasting love, it’s also about loss. Loss of a sibling, loss of a parent, dealing with emotions. For a book with just over 200 pages it does remarkable job of conveying complicated emotions and it feels much longer, not in a bad way!

I identify so much with Reese it is extremely scary. I have no idea if the author experienced the loss of a sibling to cancer, or the struggles of having a sibling with cancer, but it’s very well written and rings true for me. From Reese not wanting to burden anyone and Rachel living life to the fullest, there is so much truth behind this. Bette was there for Reese ever since they were 7, their relationship has always been more than just friend, but life gets in the way every single time.

I did find one thing a bit disturbing in this book, the talk about dating and kissing in the 12 year old chapter. I know it sorta happens at that age already but I just think it’s too young. I actually leafed back to double check if I was still in 12 years old chapter and not 15 or 16…
This might be a bit confusing but we meet Bette and Reese in present day, we are then transported through their life to learn how they met, fell for each other, lost so much but were always there for another. I really like how this was done. I was rooting for them, while also waiting for the inevitable big loss in their life and to find out what broke Reese’s heart and had them ignoring each other for the better part of three years. Let me tell you, I didn’t really expect what it was!

I can neither confirm nor deny my eyeballs sweated from time to time. This book is just so lovely. We all deserve someone to hold our hand, the significance of that line alone, I’m not crying it’s allergies.
Profile Image for Loek Krancher.
1,042 reviews56 followers
February 4, 2021
Wow, what a story!

Life, lost and love. The 3 ingredients of this emotional journey of Reese and Bette. These women are meant to be but why doesn't it go the way it should go? I felt every emotion while reading the story of Reese and Bette. It has my heart broken to pieces. Luckily the author managed to slowly put it back together. I won't go into any details. You really have to read it yourself. I can say that it is a deeply moving love story, well written and it is easy to connect with the characters. I can highly recommend it.
Profile Image for Amanda Benham.
39 reviews3 followers
January 24, 2021
Loved it! This book will tear you to pieces then put you back together again. Think this is my favourite story from this author. Grab the tissues and prepare to fall in love, get heartbroken and fall in love all over again...
Profile Image for Jamie.
200 reviews70 followers
January 25, 2021
This was a enjoyable book and pretty quick read, especially given the heavier subject material.

The formatting of the story was interesting, as it begins in present time, then about a third of the way into the book jumps into the past, then stays there until 85% through the book. Then is back to the present. So if you don't enjoy time jumps this might not be for you.

I really loved the characters and this was an interesting exploration into love and grief and long term friendship and relationships and how all those emotions can intertwine together. Reese was such a real character and I felt everything she was going through. The emotional journey in this book was great.

What I didn't love was how quick the resolution felt. I didn't at all dislike how things necessarily happened, but it all seemed so fast, I feel like Lee could have expanded how events played out. Just after we got a long, detailed exploration into the details into Reese and Bette's dynamic, it just felt rushed.

I've read a lot of Erica Lee's books, and I do consistantly enjoy them and I'm looking forward to her future books! 4/5
Profile Image for Conny B.
318 reviews47 followers
February 2, 2021
So far I loved all books by Erica Lee and all of them touched me. But this one was something more. I think it’s actually her best book even if Anyone But Her also will always be one of my favorites.
I don’t know anymore how many times I cried and thought life just isn’t fair. My heart literally got ripped out over and over again. I totally know this is just fiction, but on the other hand it’s NOT JUST fiction. If a book drwas you in so much you forget everything around, if it touches you that deeply, it means the author did everything right.

Maybe to say something about the story and not only about my feelings. It’s about Reese and Bette, best friends since kindergarten that share so much but somehow never really get to be together. It’s about being there for each other and to know when you’re needed. One decision tears them apart. And the question is if losing another person they both loved very much, will be the incident that brings them finally back together.

Personally I loved all the characters. I felt so close to Reese because I’m often handling things very similar like she does. And my heart just went out to all of them. I‘m actually at loss for the right words to explain how much this story touched me. And besides all these emotions, the love scenes were as beautiful as always by Erica (ok I know not all her books contain one, lol).

In the end, I think having someone that is always there to hold your hand, is one of the most beautiful and precious things. When you have found this person, don’t let go. The title really couldn’t be better for this story. 😍

I highly recommend this book to everyone that loves to read a story that contains all the emotions. I promise it will touch you deeply and well don’t forget the tissues. ☺️

Thank you Erica for this gift of art. 🤗
Profile Image for Carol Hutchinson.
968 reviews68 followers
July 7, 2021
Very Emotional!

Reese’s life has been nothing but a rollercoaster and meeting Bette was a catalyst in that. While Reese’s twin battles cancer, her relationship with Bette goes from friendship to something more but it isn’t without drama. When Bette loses her father, Reese and Bette are thrown back together and have to face all they went through together and alone.

A very bittersweet story but with a lovely sentiment running throughout it and there for every emotional moment, underpinning it. Reese and Bette’s story is such an emotional rollercoaster because it follows pretty much the entirety of their lives and they have been through so much, alone and together, which has really cemented all their actions, thoughts and feelings.

I just adored watching them grow as characters and their relationship changing from being childhood friends to discovering they bond went further than just friendship. Together they were so sweet and I admired Reese’s strength but I admire Bette the moment we met her. She was so confident but for someone in Reese’s position they just need someone like Bette, a kind person who just reaches out and is there for another person selflessly.

What I loved was how Erica really realistically captured the stages of life that Bette and Reese were going through. That change from being childhood friends, to confusing teenage years, to early adulthood where you are trying to find your place in the world. That loss they both suffered factored into a lot of things too and I could really feel all the emotion they were going through and expressing.

I highly recommend this sweet, emotional romance and couldn’t put it down. Everything about it, despite the heavy subject matter was just lovely and just stressed the importance of having treasured friends and relationships as they have a big impact on your life.
Profile Image for Kexx.
2,024 reviews79 followers
April 8, 2021
Oh! For goodness sake, Erica Lee - get a new editor or write books as they should be written- start middle and end. This was all over the place - started with the ending then went back, and did an end ending!!. If I'd wanted the ending first I'd start with the epilogue. Brilliant book and story ruined.
149 reviews4 followers
January 24, 2021
I loved this book! Erica Lee did a wonderful job with this heart warming coming of age romance. I was completely enamored with Reece and Bette’s story. It was an emotional journey from the first to the last page. Be prepared to laugh and cry during their journey. Reese and Bette have a special connection with tons of chemistry. This book was well thought out and is easily one of my favorites by Erica Lee.
Profile Image for Janne Magalhaes.
219 reviews11 followers
January 26, 2021
I LOVED this book SO MUCH! I LOVED both Reese and Bette, you can't imagine how GOOD this book is.

I calmly say this book is WONDERFUL. I am still ecstatic about this reading. I couldn't stop reading, only the best books do that to me!

Reese and Betty's journey was so beautiful, their friendship was so beautiful, so pure and true I felt so good reading and seeing how they were there for each other, and how true their maturity was.

I laughed with them, suffered with them, more than EVERYTHING I rooted for them.
I really wouldn't mind reading a thousand pages of these characters, I really loved it, and I wanted more, I always want more when I love the book!

I loved Rachel, I suffered for her. (I shed a few tears ..), I was REALLY moved by how intensely she lived life, you know? She loved to live. She enjoyed every SECOND. I loved how realistic she was, down to earth. Most importantly, I loved that she and Reese were capable of anything to see each other happy. It touched me like Reese was there for Rachel, ALWAYS.

Anyway, I could talk forever about why you should read this book ... I really could. But trust me, it's worth reading it, for sure you will be in my top 10 of 2021, and for my BIS list!

PS: Thank you dear author for this book, it made me happy to read it, it was cute, romantic, hot .. Well, complete, it made me even more of a fan of you and your works !!! XO
Profile Image for Aris Duarte.
288 reviews3 followers
January 26, 2021
This book has me on edge the whole time I was reading it. You get so involve with the characters that it's a surprise every time you turn the page.

Reese and Bette meet at the playground cross the street from the hospital when they were both 7 years old. Reese's twin sister Rachel, was battling cancer.

I loved how the author took us on their lives journey and not just when they were adults. I loved to see Reese, Bette and Rachel growing up and how all the decisions they took affected their adult lives and when I was finally able to read what happened to pull Reese and Bette apart, my poor heart felt for both of them.

We see them back together after a tragic event on Bette's life and we see them back together, with Bette trying to make Reese talked about "the incident", Reese wanted to just be there for Bette while trying to go through what's going on.

Overall, it's a book that would make you cry, laugh and feel good.
Profile Image for Erica.
273 reviews5 followers
March 4, 2023
Must read!!

If you haven’t read this yet, you’re seriously missing out on an amazing story!! I COULD not put this down once I started. I absolutely loved the relationship between Reese and Bette. They loved each other so much but so many obstacles kept them apart. I had butterflies in my tummy the entire book 😩 I’ve read many many books since I started reading romance books around 2012 and a lot of them are good but not all of them are memorable. It’s hard to come across a memorable book and this is one of them! 5 amazing stars! ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️
364 reviews61 followers
January 31, 2021
Erica Lee is a stellar writer. The One to Hold Your Hands takes you on a journey through time of two friends and something mores.

This was a hard and difficult read for me as a parent and as a wife of a breast cancer survivor.

Spoilers within the trigger warnings.

TW: cancer, death, death of parent, death of sibling
Profile Image for Pam.
418 reviews
February 3, 2021
A lifetime is not too long to hold the hand of someone you love.

It is such a simple child like gift to reach out your hand to hold somones who looks to be lost. Reese at 7 is about to experience more than some folks ever do in life. Everyone should have a Bette to gently hold your hand through all of life's challenges. This story is full of moments that will touch your heart. Rachel is Reese's twin and her overwhelming and difficult life grounds this story. Rachel is the one who truly understands how precious life is and her attitude was something I enjoyed. The difficulty Reese had made sense but it was difficult to see her struggle. She and Bette experienced so much together. The characters are young and they journeyed through so much my heart hurt and tears flowed often. It seemed too often even when they were together their deep love was not enough. I could not enjoy the good time because it was to short before the next thing broke them. I loved the simple connection they had but/and wanted them to have more together. This is a HEA and the drama of life is real. It is such a great stormy life size story. Grab the Kleenex and read about two women brought together by the hardest part of life.
Profile Image for Cindy.
75 reviews1 follower
January 24, 2021
Wow, just finished this Jem by Erica Lee.

This one is special, because it tells the story trough live and it's struggles of Bette and Reese.
Reese and her twin sister Rachel must visit the hospital a lot because Rachel has cancer.
Which means the whole family has there worries and struggles.
When Reese is 7 years old.
She goes to a playground next to the hospital and meets Bette, they become friends for life.

At 17 they discover more than friendship, love is a difficult thing when Rachel is fighting Cancer again.

This book shows the true struggles of a family battling against Cancer and death of a loved one.
It's a page turner, you can't put it down.

I hope Erica will keep on writing.
Thank you for this Jem.
January 26, 2021
I stayed up last night to finish this one. Damn you Erica Lee. First of all, loved the approach to romance. The MCs, Reese and Bette, are best friends - a WLW trope, sure - but theirs is not a made-for-each-other story. Reese's youth is much like the swing where, at seven years of age, she met Bette for the first time: it's a constant up and down. Her twin, Rachel, dies prematurely after battling cancer for most of her life, and this drives Reese's decisions. Mostly, Reese is emotionally unable to commit herself to Bette. Their love is a young, heady creature that they only manage to tame after loss hits again (Bette's father, this time).

What I loved: the realism of two best friends who fall for each other but have a hard time balancing things out. Their physical relationship is never over the top, and makes sense to their age and situation.

Things I loved less: the MCs names (sorry Reeses and Bettes of the world) and I am not a mega fan of flashbacks in general but Erica Lee managed to make me not hate them completely in this.
This entire review has been hidden because of spoilers.
Profile Image for Vita L. Licari.
694 reviews26 followers
January 26, 2021
OMG!! What a ride this book took me on! Reese James and Bette Mitchell met at the age of 7 on the playground. It wasn't to far from the hospital Reese's twin sister Rachel was getting treated for cancer. There's an automatic connection between Reese and Bette. This follows their lives with all the ups and downs. It is a ride you don't want to miss. Erica knocks this one through the net (you'll understand the analogy once you read the book). I highly recommend this book!
January 24, 2021
What a love story!

I have read every book by Érica and they just keep getting better. This is the best one yet. This story was beautiful. There was tragedy, but the the love and glimpse of hope throughout drew you in for more. I only wish it wouldn’t have ended. But, a beautiful ending it was with it coming full circle.
Profile Image for So.
2 reviews
February 7, 2021
I’m not usually one to write reviews but I made an exception for this book because it really hit home for me. Reese’s feelings and actions towards her sister and her family mirrored my own in a way that was almost scary. The fact that she keeps things inside because she has to be the strong put together family member and never opens up about her feelings is exactly the way I have dealt with my mom’s cancer. I just wanted to thank Erica for giving me something I could relate to during a tough time in my life.
Profile Image for Anna .
5 reviews6 followers
January 24, 2021
Wow! Just Wow! What an emotional journey that was! I loved this story so much and its now my nr 1 ex aequo with Every Slow Song.

Reese and Bette had a very special connection but I also loved Rachel and her story. What an inspiration she was!

Grab a pack of tissues, cup of tea / coffe, glass of wine and enjoy the ride.
Smile, laugh and cry guaranteed.

Well done Erica.
5 reviews
January 28, 2021
I loved this book so much. I got to know the characters well throughout the story and their missteps were very believable. I also felt like there were several points of immaturity I could really relate to.

This pulled at me in the same way that Every Slow Song did. I don't really know how Erica Lee does it, but so many of her books break out of the typical trope molds. I was not-very-patiently awaiting the release of this book after reading the blurb and it really exceeded my expectations.
Profile Image for Rolande Vien.
497 reviews1 follower
January 27, 2021
I loved the book, excellent story. Erica Lee did an excellent job with this book. Excellent writer.
1,055 reviews
February 1, 2021
Heartbreaking and Heartwarming!

There is no doubt this is an emotional book. From the young age of seven, when Reese and Bette meet and become fast friends while visiting her twin sister in a cancer hospital, you know your going to need a tissue or two. As the two families lives become entwined, Reese and Bette with Rachel become best friends and you get to see a replay of their lives as they grow. I have to say that when I first started reading this, I was expecting Bette to be this bad person who totally screws Reese, as we learn in the first chapter. However as this story takes you through their backstory it becomes clear the problem is Reese. Survivors Guilt is a real thing. As I Cancer survivor , I have lost friends around me. As much as I understood the story and where it was going I felt like they spent so much time being apart when they both really loved each other. With both families experiencing a death in family, the closeness of Reese and Bette plays an important part but it just seemed a little too dragged out and when you get to the conclusion you get a rushed ending. So I did enjoy the story but it was a little frustrating.
Profile Image for Tempe .
451 reviews2 followers
January 6, 2023
This was brilliantly written, presented in a timeline from early years to present day. Two best friends holding hands in support of the other, always being there whenever needed. They were always in love with each other, but Reese was the stupid one who drove me crazy with how she refused to deal with things. That’s that’s angst that drives readers crazy, but I always knew it was to be a HEA! My love is to both of them but more for Bette, who was the rock of the relationship.
Profile Image for Natalie Fitzgerald.
5 reviews1 follower
February 12, 2021

Probably the best book i’ve ever read! I felt every heartbreak and every triumph the MCs shared. Erica Lee sure knows how to bring ALLL of these emotions in her books. Again, read this book - it’s amazing.
22 reviews
March 13, 2022
another beautiful read...

Lee has done it again! She never disappoints!
A beautiful story, filled with every emotion.
A journey that keeps you hooked each step of the way!
Don't miss out....
Profile Image for Susan.
669 reviews2 followers
March 18, 2022

It's always a pleasure to read an Erica Lee book. Richly developed characters and riveting storylines shine brightly in this well written book. I highly recommend Erica Lee books for your reading pleasure!
Displaying 1 - 30 of 72 reviews

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