„Тайната на Диор“ е роман, в който красотата и вдъхновяващата сила на модата контрастира на бруталната разрушителна мощ на войната. Главни героини в тази история са жените пилоти и тайни агенти, помагали на Съпротивата срещу нацистка Германия, рискували и загубили живота си в борбата за свобода. Техните съдби, които писателката Наташа Лестер базира на съдбите на реални участници във Втората световна война, се разкриват постепенно, нареждат се като парченца от пъзел в една епична картина на епохата, променила веднъж завинаги целия свят.
Париж 1947 г. Кристиан Диор представя своята зашеметяваща първа колекция пред свят, изтощен от война и жаден за ново начало. Една жена, преминала през ада на концентрационните лагери, преоткрива собствената си красота на модния подиум. Но зад бляскавата външност се крият дълбоко пазени тайни, изгубени мечти и неизмерима скръб.
Десетилетия по-късно модният историк Кат Журдан ще открие във вилата на баба си, на брега на Корнуол, огромна колекция почти недокосвани оригинални рокли на Диор. Известен писател ще ѝ помогне да разнищи невероятната история за това как те са се озовали там. Това е история за любов като от приказките и за брутална война.
Natasha Lester is the multi-award winning and New York Times best-selling author of THE PARIS SEAMSTRESS, THE PARIS ORPHAN, THE PARIS SECRET and THE THREE LIVES OF ALIX ST PIERRE. Her new book, THE DISAPPEARANCE OF ASTRID BRICARD is out now in Australia, and will be published in North America in Feb 2024.
Prior to writing, she worked as a marketing executive for L’Oreal, managing the Maybelline brand, before returning to university to study creative writing.
Natasha's books have been translated into more than twenty-one different languages and are now published all around the world.
She lives in Perth, Western Australia with her 3 children and loves fashion history, practising the art of fashion illustration, collecting vintage fashion, travelling and, of course, books.
What a phenomenal read!!! Outstanding, heartfelt and breathtaking, The Paris Secret might just be Aussie author Natasha Lester’s best yet!
As Kat Jourdan – fashion conservator – discovered beautiful Dior gowns in an old cottage in Cornwall she hadn’t known her grandmother back in Australia had owned, she had no idea the grandmother she’d loved her entire life had secrets. As Kat searched and investigated, she was taken back to England in 1939 where sisters Skye and Liberty Penrose were part of the British war effort, where Skye and Nicholas Crawford reconnected after being childhood friends. Nicholas was engaged to Margaux Jourdan but the friendship they’d known as youngsters continued.
Kat also learned of designer Christian Dior’s first collection in Paris in 1947 not long after the end of the war. His sister Catherine had been a big part of the French Resistance and Dior named a perfume after her. So how was Dior’s first collection; Catherine; Skye and Liberty; Margaux and Nicholas; the magnificent gowns Kat had discovered and her grandmother – all connected? Or were they connected? Did she really want to know?
I’ve loved everything Natasha Lester has written, and The Paris Secret was no exception. The massive amount of research that has gone into this book; the many facets of the story which are based on fact and the interesting Author’s Notes at the end which rounded the story made me sigh with pleasure when I turned the last page. A fascinating, thoroughly enjoyable read that I had trouble putting down, The Paris Secret is one I recommend highly.
With thanks to Hachette AU for my ARC to read in exchange for an honest review.
I have only recently discovered Natasha Lester's books, reading The Paris Photographer earlier this year and falling in love with her writing. All of her books are now on my TBR list to read soon! The Paris Secret is another beautifully written and heartbreaking story and I cannot recommend it more historical fiction readers. All the stars and more
Where do I start? This is a war story, a story of family and a love story. There are multiple timelines i Paris, London and Australia from 1939, 1947 and the present day. While there are alot of characters and alot happening it is in no way confusing.
We have sisters Skye and Liberty Penrose. Their mother was a pilot and Skye is following in her footsteps. The sisters do not see eye to eye and they clash. Both are working on the British war effort in different roles and reconnect with the background of war. Skye's childhood best friend Nicholas, who she has not seen for many, many years, is also in England for the war. He is now engaged to French woman Margaux Jourdan. Skye and Nicholas also reconnect in this time of war.
In the present we have Kat, a fashion conservator in Sydney. When in England she goes to Cornwall to check on her grandmothers cottage, a place she did not know existed until now. When she arrives she find wardrobes of exquisite Dior gowns that she has never seen before. Why does her grandmother have these dresses and how has she never heard about this cottage before. She is contacted by a writer, Elliot, who is looking for a woman called Margaux Jordan. Together they look into the past of her grandmother and those dresses. How are they connected? What did her grandmother really do in the war? So many secrets.
I absolutely loved how the characters intertwined throughout this story. Skye and Kat were my favourite characters - both strong women who know what they want. They are not content to be "what a woman should be"
My heart broke for these characters and Natasha Lester had me in tears in a highly emotional ending. A wonderful , wonderful story that will stay with me for a long time to come.
Thank you Hachette Australia for my advanced copy of this book to read. All opinions are my own and are in no way biased.
Una novela de ficción histórica que está bastante bien. Ha sido una grata sorpresa.
Se desenvuelve en dos planos. Uno, que va desde 1928 hasta el final de la Segunda Guerra Mundial y otro situado en 2010.
El plano del pasado es con mucho el más potente y el que se lleva más páginas. Nos narra la historia de Skye y Liberty Penroes, Nicholas Crawford y Margaux Jordan, cuyas vidas quedaron truncadas por la guerra. En el presente Kat Jourdan encuentra en la antigua casa de su abuela en Cornualles un armario lleno de modelos de Dior. La investigación de cómo llegaron a su poder la llevará a desentrañar lo que esta realizó durante el conflicto bélico.
Estamos ante una novela de ficción histórica que se ambienta con el telón de fondo de hechos reales. Las mujeres pilotos del transporte aéreo auxiliar británico (TAA), que tanta discriminación y humillaciones sufrieron, el batallón 161 cuyos pilotos transportaban agentes de la DOE a la Francia ocupada y la colección de 1947 (el new look), de Christian Dior. Natasha Lester enlaza los tres ejes y nos narra una historia de amor y guerra. Está bien documentada, la prosa es fluida y el ritmo vivo. Atrapa al lector y se lee bien.
No es la novela más dura, ni mucho menos, que he leído ambientada en la Segunda Guerra Mundial, pero aun así me deja con esa sensación de duelo y pena por esa generación de jóvenes que combatió y vivió sus horrores en primera persona.
Los personajes son un punto fuerte. Junto a los protagonistas ficticios aparecen figuras reales de la TAA y de la DOE bien integrados en la trama.
El final adecuado. Como a Kat, me hubiera gustado otro, pero no soy yo quien ha escrito la novela.
En conclusión. Una novela de ficción histórica ambientada durante la Segunda Guerra Mundial. Trama bien desarrollada y buenos personajes. Recomendable.
Thanks to NetGalley, Hachette Australia and Natasha Lester for my copy of: The Paris Secret.
Cornwall, 1928 Vanessa Penrose is a bohemian free spirit, she enjoys holding parties, she’s a fortune teller and she can fly a gypsy moth plane. She is also a mother of two young daughters Skye and Liberty. The girls are very different Skye is kind and caring and Liberty is the type of sister who would pour water on your mattress just to get back at you for doing something she didn’t like. The girls have to deal with being illegitimate; you can imagine what school was like for both of them and being born on the wrong side of the blanket in 1928.
Skye loved exploring the beach, it’s has little rock pools full of little crustaceans and she collects sea shells. One day she met Nicolas Crawford, he’s an American boy, he’s staying with his Aunt Sophie because his mother isn’t coping, once he’s old enough he will be sent back to America, attend a private school and go to Harvard. He loves the freedom of being with Skye in Cornwall they have fun together, exploring the beach, going swimming in their underwear and they soon become best friends. When Nicolas has to return to America they’re both very upset they promise to keep in touch and write to each other.
England, 1939 Skye Penrose is a talented stunt pilot and she wants to help the British war effort and she joins the Air Transport Auxiliary. She’s rather annoyed with the regulations and rules for female pilots and prejudice. Despite her log book being better than most male pilots, she’s stuck flying open cockpit planes to Scotland, not allowed to use any navigation equipment, no radio, she has to use maps and she's basically flying blind. Skye and her fellow pilots, Pauline, Rose and Joan move over two thousand planes around England, providing a vital service as all male pilots are needed to defend the British skies and bombing raids.
England, 1942 Skye is transferred to Lavesden where she bumps into her sister Liberty she hasn’t changed a bit and is still her usual difficult self. Her long lost friend Nicholas Crawford is there he’s engaged to a mysterious Frenchwoman called Margaux Jourdan and this makes Skye feel upset. Nicholas’s and his best friend O’Farrell are pilots for the American Eagle Squadron. It’s all very secretive what they do, they fly to France, dropping off weapons, radio parts and operatives to help the French resistance. They’re actually involved in the Special Operations Squadron, eventually Skye also becomes a Secret Operation Executive, women were used towards the end of the war as they were less obvious than healthy men and they played a vital role.
Paris, 1947 Designer Christian Dior unveils his first collection of hauteur conjure gowns, no more world war II restrictions about how much fabric he can use in a skirt of a gown and he decides to introduce his new look to the world. He also creates a fragrance, called Miss Dior, a tribute to his sister, Catherine or Caro, who worked for the French resistance and spent time in Ravensbruck.
Present day, Australian fashion conservator Kat Jourdan discovers a wardrobe filled with priceless Dior gowns in her grandmother's empty cottage in Cornwall and she's puzzled. It’s a treasure trove of beautiful dresses, why does her grandmother have these rare, expensive gowns locked away in a remote cottage and she’s determined to find out why? Kat’s mother Nicolette passed away years ago, she has always had a close relationship with her grandmother Margaux Jourdan and she's determined to solve the mystery, Kat begins to doubt everything she knew about her beloved grandmother past. Single mum Kat meets the handsome Elliott Beaufort in London, he’s writes biographies, he’s trying to solve a mystery himself, together they discover what happened in the past, the terrible betrayal that occurred during WW II that binds them together and one that Kat didn’t see coming.
The Paris Secret has a dual timeline, I had no trouble following it, I read the book very slowly as I didn't want the story to end or miss a vital clue. An incredible heartbreaking detailed masterpiece about, love, fashion, secrets, sacrifice, how far people will go to hide their painful past and can love last the test of time? Five big stars from me and I loved it. I have shared my review on Goodreads, NetGalley, Edelweiss, Twitter, Australian Amazon, Kobo and my blog. https://karrenreadsbooks.blogspot.com/
O carte bine documentată, care combină ororile celui de al doilea război mondial cu rochiile lui Christian Dior.
Autoarea s-a inspirat de la ce a trăit sora lui Christian, Catherine, într-un lagăr de concentrare, dar și de la alte întâmplări reale - multe lucruri care se întâmplă în carte - femeile care pilotează avioane, care zboară cu carlinga deschisă pe deasupra țărilor nordice, cărora li se cere să se dezbrace la examene medicale… - au fost și în realitate. Intervine ficțiunea odată cu povestea de dragoste care se înfiripă între doi prieteni buni, meniți să fie unul lângă celălalt, care se reîntâlnesc chiar în mijlocul războiului.
Povestea te trece prin multe sentimente și întâmplări. Ne duce cronologic în copilăria a câtorva personaje, ne bucură cu jocuri, cu o fată făcând roata și un băiat care o privește - Skye și Nicholas, doi prieteni buni care își petrec tot timpul împreună; cu două surori care nu se înteleg, cu o mamă care ghicește viitorul, cu mult înotat… toate într-un orășel din Anglia. Apoi mergem mai departe, personajele noastre se maturizează și ni se înfățișează în fața luptei contra germanilor.
Skye pilotează avioane în Anglia, alături de o gașcă de fete, în cadrul FATA, fete care i-au devenit familie. Nicholas, cel mai bun prieten, lucrează în FAR, Forțele Aeriene Regale, și așa se reîntâlnesc cele două suflete pereche - prin războiul contra căruia luptau.
Povestea lor de dragoste e cu suișuri și coborâșuri, mai ales în contextul oribil al războiului și al datoriei lor față de țară. Se întâmpla lucruri oribile, se pierd vieți, se uită oameni, dar războiul, după cum știm, are un sfârșit. Pierderile sunt colosale și șocul post traumatic e resimțit de toți cei care au rămas în viață.
În contextul războiului, a ce a fost înainte și după el, ne plimbă Natasha Lester, într-un joc de du-te vino cu sentimentele noastre.
Am empatizat cu personajele, am ținut cu dinții de povestea de dragoste dintre cei doi, dar și de soarta altor personaje. Am iubit descrierile - au fost scrise din suflet și au transmis exact ca a trebuit.
Cartea asta este pentru voi dacă sunteți fani ai relatărilor istorice cu un iz de romanță, dacă vreți să știți mai multe din istorie, dacă vă interesează sau dacă vreți să evadați puțin în trecut. Cartea a reușit să mă atingă și mesajul mi-a rămas puternic întipărit: nu trebuie să uităm trecutul și ce s-a întâmplat acolo- datorită lui suntem ceea ce suntem astăzi.
Cu siguranță voi mai citi de la Natasha Lester, a creat o poveste încurcată dar incredibilă.
The Paris Secret, is another wonderful book by Natasha Lester. It is extremely difficult to put down, it is one of those books that you stay up all night reading.
This is a story of romance and War. Brave women who fight for the rights and stand up for themselves in a world of men.
Skye is a pilot, she has been taught how to fly planes by her mother, a single mum, Vanessa Penrose. When Skye's mother never returns from a flight one day, Skye and her sister Liberty are sent to live with their Aunt in France which Skye despises. Skye misses her old life, by the beach, collecting sea shells, exploring the caves and swimming in the ocean.
When the war hits, Skye joins the Airforce, and ends up becoming a pilot in the Airforce, to fly planes from one location to the other so that the male pilots have planes to use in the war.
Skye, due to her talent and her fighting spirit, is given an opportunity to fly bigger planes and again Skye proves herself talented and smart.
5 Stars: It was amazing. It was compelling, well-researched, entertaining and/or moving and often complex. I will definitely want to read more books by this author.
⭐️5 Stars⭐️ Wow, outstanding! You know just when you finish reading a book and it will be one of those unforgettable ones, this is one of those books!
The Paris Secret by Natasha Lester is an exquisite story told in multiple timeframes where you are transported to Paris, England and Australia. It’s a family saga, a war story and a story of love and loss. The characters are absolutely exceptional.
Present Day - Kat Jourdan comes across a priceless Dior collection of 65 gowns that are decades old in her grandmother’s empty cottage in Cornwell when she travels to England for her work as a fashion conservator and goes to check on the cottage. Kate then discovers hidden secrets regarding her grandmother’s past and can’t wait to ask her about the dresses when she returns to Australia.
From 1928 - We follow the story of a young Skye Penrose, her not so nice sister Liberty and Skye's childhood best friend Nicholas Crawford. Skye learnt to fly a Havilland Gipsy Moth when she was just 10 years old, taught by her mother!
During World War II, Skye takes part in the British war effort, where women are not allowed in the Royal Air Force and it’s a constant battle to fly planes as a woman. We are taken into the world of these female pilots and their bravery and the outrageous manner in which they were treated.
The Paris Secret incorporates real people and events from history including Christian Dior’s sister Catherine who he named 'Miss Dior' perfume after. This book is emotionally engaging, and surprisingly it did have me in tears towards the end!
A book deserving to be in everyone’s historical fiction book collection and a top read for 2020!
England, 1928. Sky Penrose lives with her sister Liberty and mother in Cornwall. Their mother is a kind woman, who has an endearing way of dealing with children and confrontational situations. Nicholas is from NY and is under patronage of his aunt since his mother needs recuperating after the death of his father. His aunt is a cold person. He finds warmness at Sky’s house. They become close friends. When he goes back to NY and their mother needs to do something for herself, the girls go to live with their aunt in Paris. Sky inherits the love for flying from her mother. When war breaks, she enlists as ATA pilot. Later, RAF base becomes a connection for lost friendships.
Present day. At her grandmother’s cottage in Cornwall, Kat, fashion conservator, finds wardrobes full of Christian Dior gowns. Now, she is on a quest to find a connection between her grandmother and the gowns.
The story starts very strong. However at 25% I started losing interest. The present day story – divorce, juggling kids and work, meeting someone new and getting excited – this is not why I pick historical fiction. And that’s my problem with alternating stories when one is set in present time. It only spoils the atmosphere for the past time where I like to be transported. After the present day story, when it goes back to Skye’s story, there is so much romance going on and really not much is happening, only slowing the pace.
I thought the story would be more concentrated on fashion rather than them being pilots and lots of romance. I wished the story brought much more of who were Christian Dior and his sister Catherine who worked for the French Resistance.
Without the present day story, with less romance and more fashion, this would be a much stronger story.
3.5 stars
P.S. The story mentions some colors of Christian Dior’s gowns, for example “the jaw-dropping blue” and that’s what this cover needs a gown in color that contrasts with the background, instead of blending with it. It is not eye-catching.
Source: ARC was provided by the publisher via Netgalley in exchange for an honest review.
In 2012 in Cornwall Kat finds a whole host of Dior dresses. As a fashion conservator she is intrigued and stunned by the beautiful gowns. What are they doing in a vacant house Kat didn’t even know her grandmother owned until the call from London came asking Kat to check on the empty house. From there the story travels to 1939 and Skye, who like her mother has a passion for flying. With war threatening Skye wants to do something useful with her flying. But it seems only men are expected to fly. Then Skye finds a way to use her skills with the Air Transport Auxiliary. In the course of her flying career she meets Margaux Jourdan and Catherine Dior, sister of the designer Christian Dior, who works for the French Resistance. Who knew then the experiences that would connect them and the twists and tragedies they would experience? When Elliott Beaufort, a historian and author, contacts Kat wanting to know if her grandmother called Margaux Jourdan is the same Margaux Jourdan who worked as a spy gathering information from the Nazis to pass on to the resistance, Kat is dumfounded. Surely he must be wrong? But could there be two women with the same name? Her grandmother refuses to talk of France and her early years causing Kat to wonder. How much does she really know about her beloved grandmother and her life? I was engrossed in this story from the beginning. Even as a child Skye is a larger than life character and she doesn’t change as an adult. She throws herself into every experience wholeheartedly. All of the characters are interesting, though one or two are a bit harder to understand their behaviour and motivations at times. The dresses Kat finds, all sound stunning even for this person who is not concerned with fashion and especially designer clothes. I liked the way the story switches between characters and the past and the present till it all came together at the end. A couple of characters from The French Photographer make a cameo appearance. This is the third book I have read by this author and at first I was hesitant to pick it up as I had not been as enamoured of the other two as some other readers. But on the day our library re-opened I simply could not resist the shiny new copy on the library shelf, practically begging me to take it home. I am so thankful I did. I loved all of it, and read most of it quickly, though I admit to slowing down during the Ravensbruck period. So hard to read the inhumanity and brutality faced there that, at times, I just needed a breather before continuing. It is worth reading the author’s note at the end. This is a fascinating story and well researched. Yet it doesn’t feel like the information is sandwiched in, as it is always integral to the story. Beautifully written, entertaining, emotionally engaging and with characters that absolutely demand your attention from start to finish, I adored this book. This is definitely a book to fly away with. A story of war, friendship, deep love, loss and tragedy this book ticked all the boxes for emotions. It is an engrossing and involving read that I highly recommend.
There is a lot a praise attached to Natasha Lester’s work from the media and publishing industry. It is all warranted, as somehow Lester has managed to produce a novel that tops her previous books, which have all been absolutely outstanding. The Paris Secret is imperial!
Natasha Lester’s latest is a story of war, love, survival, fashion, friendship and above all, secrets. Much of the action is based during the World War II, involving a fearless young woman named Skye Penrose. Skye is recruited to support the war effort as a female pilot, as part of an exclusive branch directly supporting the RAF. Joining Skye in contributing to the war effort is her childhood friend Nicholas Crawford and her difficult sister Liberty. Tensions arise as these figures fight to survive during these perilous times. The Paris Secret also situates the reader in post war times. During this time frame the emphasis is on fashion, via the fascinating history of one of the world’s most respected designers, Christin Dior. As many countries found themselves exhausted by the war, Christian Dior was beginning to delight shoppers around the world with his gowns and a new fragrance line. But a tragic history involving Christian Dior’s dear sister Catherine, whom he named the perfume Miss Dior after, reveals itself. Finally, The Paris Secret travels forward in time to 2012, as we are acquainted with a successful Australian fashion conservator. When Kat Jourdan uncovers a secret stash of Dior gowns at her grandmother’s cottage, she becomes enraptured in a family mystery involving closely guarded secrets held by her grandmother. Natasha Lester’s brand new offering is timeless, heartbreaking, revealing and effecting.
Natasha Lester includes all the things I love when I am selecting the perfect book to read. When I was searching for an ideal Mother’s Day read I knew that Natasha Lester was not going to disappoint. She absolutely dazzled. I loved the multiple time frame approach, along with the combination of themes presented in The Paris Secret. Natasha Lester’s latest release incorporates the war, the Holocaust, female air pilots, spies, the resistance, fashion, love, secrets and so much more. To say I adored this novel is an understatement, I worshipped The Paris Secret.
Lester introduces us to quite an amazing cast. A discussion of the character set must begin with Skye, our central guide for the war sequences. I don’t know where to begin with Skye, but what I can tell you is that I loved her. Skye is fascinating, brave, fearless, admirable, stoic and genuine. I really enjoyed following her journey, through the bright times and the plunging dark times. Along with Skye we have Liberty, who is Skye’s estranged sister. What a piece of work this character was, but Liberty provides plenty of colour, as well as tension to the narrative. Then there are Skye’s colleagues and friends, who she encounters during her war time escapades. A particular standout was Nicholas, Skye’s love interest and childhood confidante. I loved the interactions between Skye and the characters I have outlined above. We also have Christian Dior, in the post war time frame and the links to his brave sister, who are perfectly placed on the pages of this novel. Finally, the present day characters have a strong role to play in the proceedings of The Paris Secret. Kat Jourdan was simply fantastic, I loved her approach. Likewise, Elliot was a great addition to the novel. Finally, Kat’s grandmother added an essential air of intrigue to this novel as a whole.
In terms of the setting, Lester has absolutely nailed it. I urge you to take the time to read through the eight page Author’s Note contained at the end of the book. It provides concrete evidence of Lester’s efforts to achieve a high level of authenticity and historical accuracy in The Paris Secret. It truly is outstanding. Lester’s knowledge and passion for her subject matter is infectious. I certainly learned a great deal more about yet another unknown cavity of women’s history and the war effort. The sequences involving Skye’s work with the Air Transport Auxiliary Service was riveting and exciting. Likewise, the spy based sections and the resistance links provided knife edge based narrative episodes. While the heartbreaking focus on the concentration camp sequences exposed me to more untold information about life, death, survival and liberation from these horrific holes in history. When we make it back to the present day sequences, I was reminded about how much I loved the Cornwall region. The spectacle offered by this picturesque British locale was a joy to read. I enjoyed meeting Kat, Elliot and Kat’s grandmother in the present day areas of the narrative.
In The Paris Secret there is a splash of romance for readers to revel in. I loved the nostalgic, old fashioned courting sequences involving the World War II cast. Lester fills this section of the book with moments of loyalty, friendship, joy and elation, but also crushing heartbreak. There are plenty of obstacles for the characters to negotiate and the tension level in the love stakes is set to a high bar. As for the present day protagonists, they also get their fair share of love and romance. I definitely warmed to these sequences, as much as the wartime love focal points.
Lester makes some wonderful links to fashion in The Paris Secret, with a focus on the world renowned designer Christian Dior. The hidden history involving Christian Dior and his sister during the war was mesmerizing. What a story to uncover! Lester is a fashion icon herself, as I have noted in her social media posts and it shines through this novel. Lester’s passion, as well as her insider knowledge of the world of Dior was remarkable. However, it was my inherent desire to discover the true identity of Kat’s grandmother and her past secrets that implored me to read The Paris Secret with a high level of enthusiasm. I was very touched by the end.
There is no doubt in my mind that The Paris Secret very easily secures a position in my top reads for 2020. The Paris Secret has excellence written all over it.
Thanks is extended to Hachette Australia for providing a free copy of this book for review purposes.
The Paris Secret is book #54 of the Australian Women Writers Challenge
In 1928, the Penrose sisters are living in Cornwall, England with their unmarried mother, a true independent woman. She is a fortune teller for the wealthy, throws parties and encourages her daughters to be adventurous. She has even taught her older daughter Skye how to fly a gypsy moth plane. When Skye meets her neighbor Nicolas Crawford, the children become great friends enjoying the beach and exploring the outdoors. Younger sister Liberty feels left out. When Nicolas heads to the U.S. to attend school, they vow to stay in touch but he never answers Skye's letters.
Skye grows up to be a talented pilot. In 1939, she joins the British forces in the war effort and soon becomes part of a small group of elite women flying planes. As she continues to prove herself as a valuable asset, she is sent to Paris where she reunites with Nicolas who is engaged to Frenchwoman Margaux Jourdan and also reconnects with her sister Liberty.
In 1947, top fashion designer Christian Dior presents his breakthrough “new look” which revolutionizes fashion for the post-war woman. Margaux is his top model. Christian’s sister Catherine had also been involved in the war effort and is friends with Margaux.
The story brings us to 2012 and Margaux, having settled in Australia, is raising her granddaughter Kat. Kat is a fashion conservator and discovers that her grandmother has a treasure trove of rare Dior gowns kept in her cottage back in Cornwall. Her grandmother offers no explanation as to why she has this valuable collection and refuses to discuss her past. When journalist Elliott Beaufort contacts Kat about her grandmother, as he is researching the Penrose women, Kat realizes that he might be able to help her solve the mystery of the gowns as well as uncover her grandmother’s hidden past during the war. The stories and fates of Skye and Liberty Penrose and Nicolas Crawford start to unfold as well.
This well-researched book brings us deep into the war and the heroic efforts of the men and women who worked to deliver arms and supplies by air as well as the covert SOE (Special Operations Executive.) We are also taken into Ravensbrück, the tragic German concentration camp which was exclusively for women.
Natasha Lester is a wonderful storyteller. The Paris Secret offers a compelling story with interesting characters, insights into the war efforts, the world of Paris fashion and a beautiful love story.
Historical Fiction, which take place during WWII, is one of my favorite genres and having read most of the best ones, it takes an excellent book to fully engage me and tug at my heartstrings. If you seek books that truly transport you, this is one not to miss.
Many thanks to NetGalley, Forever/Grand Central Publishing and the author for an advance copy.
Tai buvo stipru. Ir retai kada taip nutinka, kad gali net nesusimąstydamas knygai duoti šimtą iš dešimt, nes net mintis nekirbtelėjo, kad gal kažko trūko ar kažkas neįtikino. Įtikino viskas! Skaitydama ašarojau ne kartą, o pabaigoje nužliumbiau kaip reikiant, nes geros knygos požymis, bent jau man, yra tas, kad skaitant širdį užspaudžia taip, kad regis pritrūksta oro. Nuostabi knyga.
England, 1939. Talented pilot Skye joins the British war effort where she encounters her estranged sister Liberty, and childhood soulmate Nicholas who is now engaged to enigmatic Frenchwoman Margaux. Paris, 1947. Designer Christian Dior unveils his extravagant first collection to a world weary of war and grief. He names his debut fragrance, Miss Dior, in tribute to his sister, Catherine, who worked for the French Resistance. Present day. Australian fashion conservator Kat discovers a secret wardrobe filled with priceless Dior gowns in her grandmother's vacant cottage. As she delves into the mystery, Kat begins to doubt everything she thought she knew about her beloved grandmother. An unspeakable betrayal will entwine all of their fates.
I really shy away from historical fiction set in world war times; I over read it when I was younger and so am reluctant to get into it most of the time. BUT. Every Natasha Lester book I've read has completely hooked me in. I love them! When I hear she's got a new book coming out, it goes on my TBR list immediately!! This novel is yet another winner. Skye and Kat are fantastic lead characters. Intelligent, strong, beautiful, brave, kind-hearted...what's not to like about these women? I love that this author specialises in highlighting the roles women played during the war years despite the opposition they were up against. This book will make you smile, frown, laugh and cry; bittersweet is the perfect word for how you'll feel after you finish. If you are a historical fiction fan, you truly are missing out if you don't read this book. 100% recommend this fantastic novel.
There is a quote in this novel that had me chuckling as soon as I read it and I want to share it up front as it really does set the stage for what I want to say about Natasha Lester after having read her latest release, The Paris Secret.
‘He took historical events people thought they knew about and retold them from the perspective of someone unexpected or overlooked.’
One of the characters in this book is an author and this is a description of his writing. But honestly, this is exactly what Natasha does! In her case, she’s been writing about WWII, and in particular with her last two novels, The French Photographer and The Paris Secret, her unexpected and overlooked perspectives are those of women and the extraordinary ways in which they contributed to the fight to save humanity. The Paris Secret takes us into the world of female pilots in England during WWII, and goodness, what a world it was. The astonishing bravery of these women, the hideous manner in which they were used and discriminated against; it truly beggars’ belief.
‘She supposed they couldn’t have known it would be the worst winter England had seen for decades. But the RAF did coordinate the ferrying movements and so could dictate what the women flew and where. And they flew those Tiger Moths right the way through the record-breaking winter to Scotland. Two thousand planes. Two thousand arctic journeys in all.’
Natasha Lester’s work has evolved into a more feminist outlook with her last two novels. Her research is deeply focused, sadly, I think it has to be in order to uncover the atrocious manner in which women were so casually treated across the board in the many and varied roles they fulfilled throughout WWII – hidden histories, so to speak, and no doubt difficult to recover facts on. Even so, there is a meticulous attention to detail that gives her work credibility. There is, quite literally, no stone left unturned. A read through the author note at the end of this novel proves the lengths of her commitment to portraying her story with accuracy. On account of the many cases of injustice and misogyny she has no doubt uncovered over the course of her research across all of her novels set within this era, Natasha’s focus seems to have narrowed, and is consequently sharpened onto portraying these injustices, minus the sugar coating. She has a distinct talent when it comes to characterisation, crafting strong women who are not brash and crass, but rather strong-willed, intelligent, fiercely brave and loyal, while still retaining their femininity. In short, she doesn’t see the need for having her women constantly swear out of context or act in distasteful ways, mimicking the violence of men and exacerbating casual sexism, as is sadly, a common trend in novels that feature ‘strong’ women, particularly in military settings. There is a grace to Natasha’s characters that instantly ignites empathy.
‘Every one of her worst experiences at the ATA scudded across her vision: the test flight she’d had to undergo to prove she could fly, despite her logbooks; the medical examiner asking her to remove her clothes; the freezing flights to Scotland in open cockpit planes; the ten circuits she’d had to do in her Halifax just because she was a woman.’
There are so many layers to this novel, the story laced as tightly as a web, spun out in the telling over three eras. Whilst most of the story unfolds during the war, there are several vignettes set just after the war and these were particularly sad, weighted with all of the horrors that had not long passed, but were not yet tempered with the passage of time. I did very much enjoy the present-day sections, both the story and the characterisation. This is a somewhat ambitious novel, huge in scope, and many layered in its story, but it works. Natasha Lester has, in my opinion, demonstrated once again, that she can not only build incredible worlds and people them with a magnificent cast, but she has the ability to execute it all with well-timed precision and historical authenticity. Throughout the entire novel, she consistently achieves the right balance of heartache and hope, whilst still retaining a real-world impression. As we approach the ending, the story takes a very grim and distressing turn, and while much is conveyed about the characters situation, it is never done in a gratuitous manner. Sensitivity to what hundreds of thousands of women went through remained paramount throughout this entire part of the story.
‘Le dernier convoi that train was later called: the last train out of Paris. It arrived at Ravensbruck concentration camp on the twenty-first of August 1944. Paris fell to the Allies just four days later.’
So, what about the fashion? Where does that fit in? The fashion angle, particularly the sixty-five gowns, offers an ode to friendship and survival. I really liked what Natasha did here, especially the symbolism of those two brilliant blue dresses, it was very moving. Kat’s career was fascinating, the science of it and the way in which history can be conveyed through the fashions of the time – and not just in terms of how people looked, but also about society and its values. I’ve always had a keen interest in this area and this novel allowed some indulgence in that without minimising the gravity of everything else that was going on.
‘The dresses in her grandmother’s mysterious cottage were not just a random selection: there was one gown for every year from 1947, when the House of Dior opened, through to the present. Sixty-five gowns in all, chosen carefully to represent the best and most timeless pieces.’
I don’t cry much over books anymore. A tear here and there maybe, sometimes a welling in my throat that forces me to hold the tears back until it passes. Honestly, when you have to wear glasses to see, crying becomes a pain. I can count on one hand the books I’ve properly cried in and still have fingers to spare. But this one, I had to stop reading because I couldn’t see for the tears and the wet glasses and I couldn’t breathe for the blocked nose. It made me ugly cry and that is a very rare thing! This book, it’s exceptional. I can’t even possibly articulate the exquisite mix of beauty and sorrow that is evident throughout. I’m not sure how Natasha Lester plans to top this one, but as always, I will be at the head of the line when the time comes to find out.
Thanks is extended to Hachette Australia for providing me with a review copy of The Paris Secret.
Реална оценка 2.5★ Книгата е приятна, но нищо особено. Самата тайна на Диор е нещо съвсем малко, което се случва в края на романа и общо взето не влияе на историята. Героите бяха средно-интересни. Имаха страхотен потенциал, но не успяха да го разгърнат достатъчно добре. Иначе сърцевината на книгата е много интересна и вълнуваща - жените в авиацията по време на ВСВ.
Не, че книгата НЕ ми хареса, просто не успя да ме впечатли с нещо специално... Може би защото в последно време се появиха страшно много романи за Втората световна война, написани сякаш по един и същ модел... Задължително има любовна история, която завършва сладко-горчиво, и задължително присъстват тежки моменти от концентрационен лагер...
Не знам защо пазара се напълни с романи, споделящи тежки истории на/от жертвите на ВСВ, но някои от тях просто не успяват да уловят нито трагедията, ужаса и безсилието... нито надеждата и вярата на хората...
There is an amazing story to be told about the female pilots of the Second World War, but sadly this book is not it. If it hadn’t been my September read for book club, I would not have got past the first 50 pages - actually, I probably wouldn’t have got past the blurb on the back - seriously a woman pilot in the 1930s called, of all things, Skye? Some of the writing is overblown: darkness drops “like the long fall of a dramatic evening gown” - and oh, those excruciating sex scenes. And yet other bits seem underwritten: towards the beginning of one chapter ( seven if you want to look it up) we are told two years pass by - between 1940 and 1942 in wartime, when the lead character is a woman pilot, nothing worth writing about happens. And don’t get me started on the modern day Australian fashion conservator mother of two, who can nevertheless fit perfectly into 1940s couture dresses made for victims of wartime starvation with 20 inch waists, wear them out for a dinner date and then let them fall carelessly to the floor when the romantic moment arises. I have a list of other rants that I shall save for the book club, but suffice to say, this was not one for me.
Įtraukianti jautri istorija apie II pasaulinį karą, apie drąsias moteris lakūnes ir šnipes, o taip pat įdomiai įpinta istorija apie K. Dior nuostabias sukneles. Lengvai skaitoma knyga, rekomenduoju! 4,5⭐
Part love story, part mystery and part war story, ‘The Paris Secret’ involves two separate timelines, the unravelling of a secret, and several memorable characters.
England, 1939. Skye Penrose is a talented pilot who has worked hard to be one of the few women to then join the Air Transport Auxiliary, supporting the British war effort. This brings her into contact with her estranged sister Liberty, her childhood friend Nicholas Crawford and his fiancée Margaux Jordan.
Paris, 1947. Christian Dior unveils his first collection of haute couture gowns to a world wearied by war. He names his debut fragrance, Miss Dior, as a tribute to his sister Catherine, who worked for the French Resistance.
And in the present, Australian fashion conservator Kat Jourdan discovers a wardrobe filled with priceless Dior gowns in her grandmother’s cottage in Cornwall. As Kat tries to discover the story behind the gowns, she learns that there is far more to her grandmother’s life than she knew. This novel held my attention from beginning to end. I read about the vital role female pilots played in the British war effort and the work undertaken by members of the Special Operations Executive.
I worried about Skye, became annoyed with Liberty and wondered about Nicholas and Margaux. And in the present, I hoped that Kat would both find happiness and find out more about her grandmother.
This is a beautifully detailed historical novel, blending fact and fiction into an unforgettable story about love and sacrifice.
Highly recommended.
Note: My thanks to NetGalley and Hachette Australia for providing me with a free electronic copy of this book for review purposes.
I have just finished this book and wow, I am feeling so many emotions at the moment and I am not sure where to start, I have loved every one of MS Lester’s books that I have read, they just have so much heart and feeling in them the characters are so real and historical events are described with so much truth that she makes you feel that you are back in these eras going through what the characters are at the time, this is a must read set over three timelines, I loved getting to know Skye, Liberty, Margaux and Nicholas and I hope you will as well.
Skye and Liberty Penrose live on the coast of Cornwall with their mother, growing up without a father, their mother teaches Skye to fly a plane at a young age, Skye is filled with so much energy, she is bright and lovable, when she is a young teenager she meets another young teenager Nicholas Crawford and after a cartwheel they become firm friends. But life moves on and Nicholas moves away and Skye and Liberty are sent to France to stay with an aunt, but after the death of her mother Skye wants to get back to her beloved Cornwall.
In 1939 Skye is flying planes for the war effort, were she meets up again with Nicholas and her estranged sister Liberty, Nicholas is now engaged to a French woman Margaux but her feelings for Nicholas have grown stronger but she must turn her back on him. Times are really hard and there are a lot of secrets being kept for the war effort, Skye shows her strength and caring nature at all times and does what she must to help the war effort.
In 1947 in Paris fashion designer Christian Dior releases his first collection of fabulous clothing with mannequin Margaux Jourdan, he has named the collection after his sister Catherine who worked with the resistance during the war and who is very good friends with Margaux, they have a special bond.
2012 in Sydney Australia and Kat Jourdan who is a fashion conservator is asked by her beloved grandmother Margaux to check up on the cottage she owns in Cornwall where Kat discovers sixty five of the most gorgeous Dior gowns, this starts a lot of questions from Kat as to where they came from and when author Elliot Beaufort gets in touch with her from England and starts asking questions about her grandmother, there are more questions to answer and secrets to uncover.
This is a heart wrenching story from start to finish, it shows what people will do to protect the people they love, it is a love story, a story of friendship which lasts a lifetime, a story of families, of war time, but it was a story I could barely put down. MS Lester has a magical voice with words, she knows how to transport the reader back in time and to different countries, I bow down to you the research you put into this one was awesome. I loved it, there are so many emotions, so many tears and smiles as well, this book has it all and I can highly recommend it. Thank you Natasha Lester and Hachette Aus.
Natasha Lester is a treasure and her book is like gold- a treasure too. It includes WWII, female aviators, secret agents, a concentration camp for females, fictional characters, real people, love and.... of course, SECRETS ( too many to count).
A Comment “A stirring portrait of a daring and courageous group of women willing to risk it all in a time of war, The Paris Secret is historical fiction at its best. A beautiful love story coupled with an intricate mystery, richly detailed and impeccably researched history, and an homage to the strength of the human spirit make this a poignant and powerful read. Natasha Lester has done it again!” —Chanel Cleeton, New York Times & USA Today bestselling author of The Last Train to Key
The Characters Two sisters: Skye and Liberty; Skye is a pilot, as was their mother; Liberty is Skye's nemesis Skye's Childhood Friend: Nicholas Catherine Dior: Christian's Sister Margeaux: Nicholas Fiance
Impressions Lots of complex threads of relationships between these characters. It all comes together neatly in the end.
I am now following Lester and plan to read all of her other books.
Stipri knyga, palikusi labai gilų įspūdį. Nuo nuostabiųjų Dioro suknelių iki siaubingosios moterų koncentracijos stovyklos. Du laikotarpiai. Neįtikėtina meilės istorija, nuo vaikystės iki suaugusiųjų gyvenimo - karo veiksmų sukūrio, slaptų operacijų ir įsipareigojimo elgtis teisingai. Kiek jautrumo, liūdesio, skausmo.. Nuoširdi moterų draugystė ir palaikymas, pasiaukojimas. Protu nesuvokiami įvykiai. Nelygybė moterų atžvilgiu. Neteisybė ir žiaurumas. Labai sudėtingi seserų santykiai. Darbas, kuriame kiekviena diena kaip mūšis, ir nežinomybė - ar sugrįši namo gyvas. Stiprybė neleisti palūžti artimiausiems ir nepalūžti pačiai 🤍
Net ir praėjus mėnesiui po knygos skaitymo man vis dar kyla stiprūs, graudūs jausmai. Labai vengiu knygų moterų kankinimo temomis..
🖋 Juk keista galvoti, kad jei tau paliepia ką nors daryti daug vyresnis žmogus, privalai jam paklusti. Nors ir žinai, kad taip neturėtų būti. Bet įtikini save, jog klysti būtent tu.
„Paryžietiška apgaulė“ mano lentynoje gulėjo trejus metus ir buvo primiršta, iki pateko į bibliotekos knygų klubo akiratį, kuris paskatino nupūst nuo užsigulėjusios knygos dulkes ir pagaliau ją perskaityti.
Net nustebau, kaip ši knyga mane įtraukė ir kaip buvo įdomu skaityti apie pilotes moteris Antrojo pasaulinio karo metu! Labai patiko ir stipri pagrindinė veikėja Skai.
Ir ypač intrigavo dizainerio Christiano Dioro linija – kaip, kada ir kokiu siužeto posūkiu „Dior“ mados namai bus įtraukti į tokią iš pažiūros visai nediorišką istoriją, ir ypač, kai visas veiksmas vyksta Anglijoje, o ne Prancūzijoje? Bet gaila, kad tas įtraukimas mane visgi nuvylė – labai labai pritempta viskas ten buvo.
Autorė tiesiog labai norėjo panaudoti faktą, kad dizainerio sesuo karo metais buvo įsitraukusi į Prancūzijos pasipriešinimo judėjimą, tačiau šita medžiaga panaudota labai prėskai – laukiau laukiau, kada visi mazgai susijungs, o toji sesuo atsirado labai staiga ir labai trumpam (ir dar link pabaigos), ir manęs nė kiek neįtikino jos draugystė su pagrindine knygos heroje. O juk nuo pat pradžių buvo kuriama tokia intriga dėl tų „Dior“ suknelių – žodžiu, daug triukšmo dėl nieko gavosi.
Manau, kad išmetus visą „Dior“ dalį knyga nebūtų nieko praradusi, gal net buvusi geresnė. Arba reikėjo daug anksčiau įvesti dizainerio seserį į istoriją. Bet šiaip, pakankamai daug geros medžiagos buvo su moterim pilotėm – autorė būtų tik išlošusi, jei būtų labiau susikoncentravusi ties savo antraplanėm veikėjom, kurios buvo tikros asmenybės (arba jų įkvėptos), o ne įsikibusi į tas dizainerio sukneles.
Žodžiu, knygą skaityti buvo tikrai labai įdomu, tačiau jai pasibaigus ir apmąsčius visus aspektus, supratau, kad finalas ir tai, kaip ir į ką viskas susivedė, nepatenkino sukurtų lūkesčių. Gavos, kad „Paryžietiška apgaulė“ truputį apgavo.
Реално не знам какво ��а напиша за тази книга. Ако ви кажа, че интересни ми бяха само Бележките на автора в края на книгата? И хайде да речем последните 50-тина страници. Да, последната глава ме разчувства в някаква степен, но... В книгата е разказана една много хубава история по своята същност - за жените пилоти през ВСВ. Тема, с която може би много малко хора са запознати, аз лично не бях, но поднесена по ужасно структуриран начин - до около 300 стр. беше голяма скука. Не ми хареса хрумката на авторката за завърже историята с един гардероб с рокли на Диор открити в празна къща от героинята в настоящето - Кат. Просто не виждам смисъла какво правят роклите в историята и като цяло случилото се в настоящето беше съшито с бели конци. Много по-просто, изчистено и интригуващо би било историята за започне от там, където Елиът се свързва с Кат, за да разберат какъв е бил животът на бабата и коя всъщност е била тя през войната. А както казах през войната е имало жени, които са искали да дадат всичко на страната си, но страната не е искала нищо от тях освен да бъдат машинописки или да се занимават с други подобни длъжности. Скай Пенроуз е събирателен образ на всички самоотвержени жени пилоти. В книгата тя е представена като смела, обаятелна и невероятна жена, която преди войната е обучавала мъже да пилотират, но по време на войната е трябвало да се доказва отново и отново, защото висшестоящите не желаели жените да се намесват. В Бележките има доста обяснения в това отношение, а в книгата са вмъкнати реални заглавия от вестниците по онова време, които или осмиват или критикуват жените добрали се до авиаторска позиция. Както винаги, когато има война - любовта внася драматична нотка и пиперливост към сюжета. Тук любовната линия по време на войната беше много красиво описана и сърцераздирателна. Скай и Никълъс - приятели от деца, но загубили връзка от няколко години, изведнъж се преоткриват в една от военните бази. Те постепенно осъзнават, че не са само приятели, а винаги са се обичали и се вричат един на друг, че ще изживеят живота си заедно, но съдбата има други планове за тях. Със сигурност няма как някой да остане безразличен към съдбата и на единия и на другия. Ако книгата разказваше само едната времева линия може би щях да я оценя по-високо, но авторката не се е справила с това модерно според мен преплитане на минали и настоящи събития за по-голям патос. Дори скритата самоличност на бабата не внася някаква изненада - много бързо се разбира коя всъщност е тя. Само заради последната глава ще дам по-висока оценка - 3,5*!
Another triumph from Lester, featuring her signature multi-timeline narrative. Set initially with the first female RAF pilots and the French Resistance, then weary post-war Paris, and finally the present as fashion conservator Kat finds Dior gowns and family secrets in her grandmother’s cottage.
Lester writes elegant historical fiction about love, loss and beauty. I thought not one second about COVID while swept into the story, engaged by the gutsy female characters, and dreaming of long satin dresses. Ooh là là!
One request: The cover is not as gorgeous as the Down Under market version, as has been the case with Lester’s previous novels. All her books deserve haute couture treatment!
5 of 5 Stars
Pub Date 15 Sep 2020
Thanks to Forever (Grand Central Publishing) and NetGalley for the review copy. Opinions are mine.
I was devouring THE PARIS SECRET on a turbulent flight, which--as passengers around me were gasping--I barely noticed.
Natasha Lester’s writing is wholly and intimately transportive. Every time I opened the book, I fell into the world contained within its pages, and I didn’t want to leave. THE PARIS SECRET is a dazzling marvel of storytelling, a perfect blend of action, history, and emotional depth. Unforgettable.
Logo que li a sinopse fiquei muito curiosa pois este livro tem ingredientes que me deixam logo entusiasmada, uma história passada entre dois tempos e ainda parte da acção passada durante a 2ª Guerra Mundial, em especial sobre mulheres pilotos de avião. Óbvio que fiquei muito curiosa. Iniciamos a história em 1929, onde conhecemos as duas irmãs Penrose, Skye e Liberty, filhas de uma mulher solteira e postas um pouco de lado, na localidade onde vivem, já que a mãe não corresponde aos padrões sociais. É ainda nesta altura, que Skye conhece Nicholas, e que criam uma forte amizade. Reencontramos depois estas personagens em 1939 e onde Skye é já uma destemida piloto de aviões e que contribui para o esforço de guerra. Na actualidade, conhecemos Kat Jourdan, uma conservadora de moda num museu na Austrália mas que descobre uma colecção de vestidos Dior, numa cabana vazia na Cornualha, que pertence à sua avó. Ainda nesta linha temporal, conhecemos um escritor que entra em contacto com Kat, pois procura uma mulher, com o nome da sua avó, e que teve um papel importante durante a 2ª Guerra Mundial. A história conquistou-me logo de início com as irmãs Penrose, principalmente Skye, que se tornou numa jovem mulher incrível e tão destemida. Confesso que desconhecia que já durante esta altura, já existiam mulheres piloto, apesar de não em combate, para que foram usadas para transportar aviões danificados para arranjo. E claro, adoro este tipo de histórias, com duas linhas temporais e onde temos mistérios e segredos a descobrir e que, sabemos, dependem de acontecimentos da linha temporal passada. Adorei as personagens, apesar de não ter gostado de igual modo das irmãs Penrose, mas pareceram-me todas tão reais. E foi muito fácil sentir-me ligada a Skye e Kat. Um romance histórico fabuloso! Vejam a minha opinião mais detalhada em vídeo, AQUI.
Žinot, koks yra vienas iš knygų klubo privalumų? Tu perskaitai tokias knygas, kurių nei pagal aprašymą, nei pagal viršelį gal niekada ir neimtum. Taip netikėtai per pastaruosius metus aš jau perskaičiau ne vieną knygą, kurios veiksmas vyksta II-ojo pasaulinio karo metu ir visos jos man paliko puikų įspūdį!
Šį kartą į mano rankas pateko “Paryžietiška apgaulė”. Knyga, kurios veiksmas vyksta per kelias šalis ir net kontinentus - Angliją, Prancūziją, Vokietiją, Australiją. Ir supinant istorijas apie moteris-karo lakūnes, Dior sukneles, meilę ir šeimų santykius. Atrodo visko daug ir gal net per daug. Bet autorė tikrai meistriškai įtraukia visas šias istorijas į puikų pasakojimą. Laikas skaitant šią knygą tikrai neprailgo, o dar ir suteikė naujų žinių - ne kartą googlinau čia paminėtas Dior sukneles, kilo noras daugiau paskaityti ir apie moterų vaidmenis karo metu.
This was Books With Heart Book Clubs April pick and I received a copy from them. I loved Natasha Lester's last book and The Paris Secret was even better! Set during WII, the story takes place in England and France and follows Syke Penrose, one of the first female ATA pilots. So much research must have gone into this story as it contains both fictional characters and real people so it makes for an amazing read. The parts set in Ravensbruck were upsetting but well written. This is one of my favourite books so far this year. Thanks to Hachette for my paperback copy.