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One storm. One Santa Claus. One stalker. One secret. One surprise. One question. One answer.

Christmas is meant to be a jolly time of year, right? So, why is everyone acting like the plague is around the corner? Every year, I’m always the grumpy guy. Yet, this year, I might as well be sunshine personified.
Conner is definitely hiding something from me, River is unusually moody, and the townspeople have clearly lost their minds. Unfortunately, I can’t arrest everyone in my life and demand they explain themselves … can I?
Since my relationship with Conner is becoming more vital to me than ever, I need to find out what has everyone acting so strange. This Christmas will be the first for Conner and me together. I need to make it special. That means I have to ensure nothing can come between us. Not a Hollywood hunk, not a creepy stalker, and definitely not a snowstorm.
So, will we make it through our first Christmas together? Or will this end up being the worst day of the year?

163 pages, Kindle Edition

First published November 13, 2020

About the author

Jessica Frances

27 books401 followers
Reader. Author. Book Hoarder. Feel free to add me as a friend on here or email me if you have any questions: jessicafrances_author@yahoo.com.au

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Profile Image for Carol [Goodreads Addict].
2,702 reviews25.1k followers
October 8, 2020
Secrets is book four in the In Midsummer series by Jessica Frances. This is a M/M romantic mystery series. Each book is a continuing romance between the same couple, Rocky and Conner. And each book has a new case that needs to be solved. If you know me, then you know that I am completely obsessed with this series, with Conner and Rocky! I have been on pins and needles waiting for this book and it was fantastic! This one is told in Rocky’s point of view.

“I swear there is something strange going on in Midsummer. Maybe there really is something in the water here?”

It’s getting close to Christmas in Midsummer, Rocky and Conner’s first one together, and also, the first one with baby Ryder. Sheriff Rocky Green can’t help but to feel like something is off with the town’s residents. Everyone seems testy, but no one will talk to him. It’s like they are all keeping something from him. And he doesn’t like it one bit. He wants this Christmas to be special with Conner being a part of his family now.

“I love Conner with everything inside me, but there is a special place in my heart that swells when Conner smiles. His smile can destroy me, and it can also rebuild me.”

Caucasian baby boy sitting near Christmas tree - Stock Photo - Dissolve

It is clear throughout this book how in love with Conner Rocky is. I think he just doesn’t know how to deal with all of these intense feelings. Well, he has one way of dealing with them whenever he and Conner are alone. These two steam up the pages in this one. They clearly are still in the lust phase of their relationship. But, along with all the intense feelings, Rocky can’t help but to feel insecure. Conner has seemed distant lately but whenever he tries to ask him about it, he’s quick to change the subject.

Along with all of the town’s moody behavior, the town’s celebrity, Henry, has a stalker. So, along with winter storms, secrets everywhere, and someone dangerous lurking around, this isn’t turning out to be the Christmas Rocky envisioned for Conner and the kids. Will Conner finally have enough and move on? Or is this the first Christmas of a whole future full of Christmases for their family?

Related image

If you want to smile, swoon, sigh, gasp and have your eyes water at the sweetest moments, then grab this book. This series does need to be read in order, it’s a continuing relationship. I can tell you, though, that I love every word of every page of every book. Conner, Rocky and the kids have my heart. The next book in this series is Safe. This will be the final book featuring Conner and Rocky but there WILL be additional books on a couple of the secondary characters.

“Thank you.”
“For what?”
“For giving us all this, for making me and the kids so happy.”

For more about this book and so many others, come and visit me at Carol's Crazy Bookish World.

Profile Image for My Own Bookshelves.
695 reviews127 followers
March 22, 2021
So SO happy to be reading this holiday novel. Because this time of year is ALL about the holiday theme romances. When an ARC of my favorite couple from Midsummer hits my ereader - you bet I'm all over it.

This is rather hard to review without discussing the story. And I can't because of SECRETS!!

Things I love:
- More Conner
- More Rocky
- More Midsummer
- It's A Christmas story

Things to consider:
- You seriously need to read the other books first

Once again Jessica Frances doesn't fail when delivering a present wrapped in shiny paper (Conner & Rocky), a very pretty bow (relationship goals when balancing baby, kid, and a brand new love relationship, and a bit of sticky tape (mystery again in Midsummer!). I love that she made the circuit to give us more of the side characters-kudos to deputies! I was entertained and delighted.

Get ready to visit your favorite small town in Arkansas and enjoy the sleigh ride.

Recommendation: Buy it
Profile Image for Jessica Alcazar.
4,190 reviews587 followers
November 13, 2020
I have enjoyed the development of this couple/series. I like that we are getting a true-life journey with these two and also a whole lot of side shenanigans lol Every instalment has had its share of mystery and this was no different. At this point in the series, it's more a mystery/suspense genre rather than romance, in my opinion, so keep that in mind when you begin to invest. It’s a great story to put you in a holiday mood, but of course this isn’t a story you can just jump into so if you haven’t read the series this far, you probably shouldn’t start here. Do with that info what you will :) lol
Profile Image for Gerbera_Reads.
1,512 reviews145 followers
March 13, 2021
The book was okay. Nothing much was happening. There were couple of sweet moments as well as a smidgeon of suspense that livened up otherwise slightly boring story. *sigh*
Profile Image for Lori R..
1,357 reviews69 followers
November 5, 2020
Hello...my name is Lori and I am an addict.
And you know what? I’m not ashamed. At all.

I’m addicted to ROCKY & CONNER and all things Midsummer! I can’t get enough. I always crave more. And I fall even harder with each book.

When I started reading this, one of my very first thoughts was...I am home. I think I might’ve even let out a happy, relieved sigh. I just feel SO MUCH love when I read this series!

Once again, I am in awe of this author’s storytelling talent. She has the ability to pull me in and make it so I never want to leave. Ever.

This was yet another perfectly penned story that brings small town cuteness, Rocky & Conner deliciousness, and heart-warming goodness.

And THE FEELS! Is it possible for me to love this book more than the last?? I think it just might be!

The chemistry is stronger.
The passion is hotter.
The sexy gets even sexier.
Rocky is swoonier, if that’s at all possible.

So many secrets, so much paranoia, it was adorable to see Rocky so nervous about the way Conner was behaving, the way everyone in town was acting. What were they hiding?! Even I was getting anxious, needing to know what the heck was going on.

More shenanigans, another crime, and another mystery solved. And just the right amount of humor to leave a smile on your face through so much of the book. And the steam? Oh hell yes...plenty.

And this definitely had loads of touching moments that will grab ahold of your heart and give it a good squeeze. When I finished, my heart was overflowing with love and flutters and so much happiness. I’m pretty sure it did all those pitter patter things a heart does when its full and so very content.

The end of Chapter 12?
And the bonus chapter?

My heart was stolen back in book one by this Midsummer gang and they continue to hold it captive still in book five. And I am more than happy to let them keep it.

Not only are Rocky & Conner amazing and sexy and good and charming and delightful, but a few other characters are on my need-their-stories-now list. I never want this series to end!
Profile Image for Beverly Southern Babes Book Blog.
434 reviews15 followers
November 12, 2020
Once again we are back with Rocky and Conner.

Christmas is in the air, along with a lot of snow. The whole town is going a little crazy and Rocky isn’t sure what’s happening. Between the kids and Conner keeping somethings from him he’s a little worried. An then a stalker decides to make a move. With some surprises in the mix.

I really enjoy this little family. They are sweet and loveable with a little drama and mystery to go with it. I mean what could possibly go wrong? I can’t wait for the next book.
Profile Image for Cathy Brockman.
Author 5 books95 followers
December 12, 2020
Here is Secrets in Midsummer EJ 14th
Cat’s gives this 5 meows with a 3 purr heat index.
This is book 5 and you do have to read in order. Each book takes up where the last let off and follows the same couple’s progression in relationship.
This book is in Rocky the town sheriff’s view.
Rocky knows the holidays makes everybody a bit crazy but his town usually isn’t so out of sorts and it’s obvious people are ignoring him or hiding something including his boyfriend Conner.
Then he finds out he has been talking to the big movie star who tried wooing him and Henry the movie star has a stalker.
The stalker is getting closer, and a snowstorm approaches will this be the surprise Conner is trying for or snowed in?

I just love this series. Each book has lots going on, great characters and plenty of action with just enough drama.
This one is a holiday book that is fun, flirty and festive.
The romance is hot enough to melt the snow.
I do like Conner’s views better since it includes more Love and they make a funny team of sleauths.
So if you like holiday romances, hot sheriffs, some drama, cute kids and a very HEA this is for you!
Profile Image for Jerri.
605 reviews3 followers
November 10, 2020
These guys don’t do anything by halves! It’s good to see them settling into their relationship. River and Ryder seem to be very happy with the state of affairs. But, of course, something has to be up. Rocky worries. Conner has his secrets. Throw in a huge storm it the most inopportune time, and who knows if things will work out!
37 reviews1 follower
November 7, 2020
Happy Family

I love how this book emphasizes how happy Rocky and Connor and River and Ryder are as a family, and the sayings on their clothes throughout the book are the best!
Profile Image for Tory.
Author 8 books40 followers
January 13, 2021
My finger is actually itching to press that final fifth star... and this is practically a Christmas story! Which I usually so rarely really like!

I was so happy when I finished that 3rd book and felt like: you know what? I am okay for now, not going to pounce on the next book just yet. Famous last words, right? I finished the second one before noon, started on the third and finished it actually (though I feel better the page count is actually not that high in this series at least) and was preparing myself for, dunno, studying? So I can pass my exam tomorrow? And then suddenly it was night and then suddenly it was almost one in the morning (which is late for me) and guess what? I just finished the book!

I don't even know precisely what made this as great AND even BETTER than the last books which is a little scary because I usually lose my ability to articulate my likes and dislikes with the real amazing, delicious and breath-taking books so... is it like this? Hmm...

What I can share (since I forgot) and it really makes the books pop is the POVs. Alternating POVs can fudge up a book quicker then you can... say some long and complicated word but this book not only aced this - it's actually the series that has alternate POVs (first bok being told by Conner, second by Rocky, third by Conner again...) and I don't know about you but I am not sure I ever encountered that before! And it was so nice! It also signaled, at least to me, that the author can write those alternate POVs well and yet does not need to repeat and tell us stuff we already saw with the other person's eyes. She chose one and sticks with it and I was just very happy with the way she made this.

(There are books I have come across that totally don't understand how it's supposed to work and every time they switch POV, they recount EVERY thing that just happened in the previous POV and their perspective is usually absolutely useless and doesn't enrich the book in any way.)

I may need to get back and maybe even press those 5 stars... we'll see how the final one enfolds.
Profile Image for Fanni's So Many Books.
469 reviews23 followers
January 27, 2021
This was by far the sweetest book in the series. I truly loved it!
We have Rocky's POV again and I felt his frustration with the secrets the whole time though it was not hard to guess what they were.
This book was full of sweet family moments, weird and scary stalker situations, surprise turned secrets and a very Midsommer feeling.
I am in love with Rocky, Conner, River and Ryder and of course Love. Small town gossip mills, sticking together and family feels are strong with this one.
761 reviews6 followers
January 13, 2021
Part 4

Yay for more Connor and Rocky. This one is back to Rocky’s POV and our gruff sheriff is definitely less grumpy but very much confused why everyone in his life is being secretive and weird. I felt bad for him the longer it went on but no irreparable damage was done. The surprises were cute. Next up - wedding!
Profile Image for Louise  O.
805 reviews7 followers
December 29, 2020
Secrets is book 4 in the ‘In Midsummer’ series, Rocky is getting a serious vibe that lies are being told and everyone is keeping something from him, including Conner.

With Christmas on the way Rocky is wanting to make sure it is the best, being their first Christmas together as a family his only hope that whatever is making the town go loco it doesn’t finally drive a wedge between them.

When everything is revealed their future is looking brighter than ever nothing will go wrong right?

I personally enjoyed this story, I was on edge wondering what could possibly go wrong now!

Star Ratings; Plot: 4/5 Characters: 4/5 Heat: 4/5 Writing Style: 4/5 Overall: 4/5

Profile Image for Mari  Cardenas.
2,189 reviews25 followers
November 12, 2020
4.25 Stars

So, here's the thing—and if you've read my reviews for the previous three books in the series, you already know this—I haven't been Rocky's fan since book 1 and every book after that, excluding this one, had just cemented that fact. I will admit that this has played a huge part in me not liking books 2 & 3 as much as I loved book 1. In this book, though, Rocky is finally being the guy I hoped I would get to know in Separated and Stay. He's the partner Conner deserves and the father both River and Ryder need. There was balance between Rocky's work and the time he gave his family and that made all the difference for me.

I absolutely love Conner, he's just perfect for Rocky and the kids. He's just so effortlessly awesome. I loved how in sync they all are, as opposed to the chaos that was Ryder's appearance in their lives in book 3. The chemistry between Conner and Rocky is sizzling, but more than that, my favorite parts were the little moments of them as a family and of Conner and him as a couple in love.

River is the coolest kid ever and I adore her, but baby Ryder was absolutely adorbs. I missed seeing more of Love in this installment and I hope we get to see more of her in the next one.

The stalker arc was a bit underdeveloped, but I still liked it and the glimpses we got of Henry Prince and his bodyguard. The secrets plotline was enjoyable, though. I loved Conner's reasons for keeping it from Rocky and the kids. 

Overall, I really enjoyed Secrets. It was a feel-good, sweet without going overboard, entertaining read, and just what I needed after a stressful week. I can't wait for more!

*** Copy provided to Bayou Book Junkie for my reading pleasure, a review wasn't a requirement. ***
Profile Image for Jenn.
1,075 reviews6 followers
November 11, 2020
Okay, I will admit it, I am obsessed with this series! I love Conner and Rocky and this whole gang so much! Secrets is book 4 in the series and they really should be read in order as the story builds book by book. This book is Rocky’s POV so we get to take this ride with him as Christmas approaches and people are acting a little weird, even Conner.

We get back to Midsummer just before Christmas, Conner and Rocky are very much in love and not denying it. They are figuring out parenting River and new addition Ryder. Everything seems like it is just fine, but it’s clear to Rocky that Conner is keeping some kind of secret from him. He’s frustrated and on top of that, the people of Midsummer themselves are acting unusual around him. River has some issues as well, making the upcoming holiday season not feel very festive. Add in he now has to investigate some stalker after Henry Prince and he’s definitely not happy.

Once again, this book brings mystery, action, surprises, Christmas magic and so much freaking love sometimes I think my heart will just explode. I loved seeing this side of Rocky, he’s a bit vulnerable and anxious as he deals with what Conner really means to him and his kids and trying to discover the secrets around him. I feel like a part of this family now, I’m definitely attached to these characters and feel invested in their story. I absolutely freaking loved the end of this book and already can’t wait for the next one. Another fabulous read that keeps me guessing and warms my heart! This series is definitely at the top of my favorites list this year!
Profile Image for Mer.
483 reviews
November 12, 2020
Apart from book 1 this was my favorite in the series so far. ❤️💚

Holiday romances tend to make me a bit hesitant, because a lot of them are just so very... fluffy and not really my cup of tea. This, however, was still very much a Midsummer story with a great balance with the mystery, family feels, romance, humor, steam... It just happened around Christmastime. Well, there were some Christmas shenanigans, hilarious sweaters, PJs and Santa costumes... but just an excellent amount. 😂

The 'mystery feels' started right at the beginning, and I loved having Rocky's POV in this one. I was right there with him, feeling an increasing need to figure it all out as I read on. I had my hunches but the story kept me on my toes...

I really love Conner and Rocky's relationship at this point. It still hasn't been that long, but they just fit together and there's nuance that keeps it fresh and real (plus they're simply scorching together). Some pretty crafty maneuverings occurred... 👌

There was slightly less of River in this one, but she was great as always. I was also happy to see more of Reed here, as part of the family. 👏

The hustle and bustle in the end was really damn sweet... Overall this was a quick, compelling read. ❤️
Profile Image for Amy Dufera - Amy's MM Romance Reviews.
2,698 reviews135 followers
November 13, 2020
Jessica Frances' Secrets is a great addition to the In Midsummer series, which all started with Stranded. The fourth book in this series, it's definitely not a standalone.

Rocky and Connor are back as the main couple in this small town mystery series. They are getting ready for their first Christmas together. The town continues to have strange things going on, and Rocky is on edge.

There's someone stalking the movie star Henry. A snow storm is coming. And everyone is keeping something from Rocky. If you've been following the series, you will adore this book. More Rocky and Connor. What's not to love? They just continue to grow closer and the romance continues to increase.

The writing is fabulous, as it is throughout the series. The characters are perfect together, with each book focusing on a new investigation, as well as a new aspect of their relationship. There's sweetness, plenty of heat, and some adorable kids.

The In Midsummer series is a must read for anyone who loves ongoing sagas that include romance and suspense. In Secrets, Jessica Frances continues to delight with plenty of humor and a good mystery. This series is just the perfect heart warming series that follows the same couple throughout.
Profile Image for ~lil maso~.
1,760 reviews44 followers
November 10, 2020
Rocky and Conner never get old and add in Christmas, some crazy locals, and a bevy of secrets and you got yourself a great story!!

Returning again to Midsummer is like coming home, and I can't get enough of the continuing love story of Rocky and Conner! These two get stronger but something or someone always seems to try to come between them.

Another fabulous story that keeps you on your toes until the very end.
Highly entertaining series that just keeps getting better.

*ARC received in exchange for an honest review*

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Profile Image for Christina Wade - BFD Book Blog.
1,465 reviews31 followers
November 13, 2020
This book picks up right where the last one left off and is therefore not a standalone. I like the Christmas theme and that the secret wasn’t what I thought it was going to be.

I like getting Rocky’s point of view because it shows how vulnerable he feels in their relationship. When we’re reading from Connor’s POV, he seems like a jerk sometimes. I also liked that they were able to find some alone time and get some traction on their relationship in this one even though there was a lot of focus on other characters. This book seemed to be more relationship-centric for these two. They communicate better and they get some of their personal issues out in the open.
Rocky is starting to mend his relationship with his brother as well which I loved.

I’d love to see the relationship develop between Henry and Bryan more. I didn’t like seeing the jerk deputy again and I hope we don’t see him in the next one.

I definitely am in for the next book, especially after how this one ended!
Profile Image for Natalie Miernicki.
730 reviews2 followers
November 8, 2020

Rocky and Conner never get old and add in Christmas, some crazy locals and a bevy of secrets and you got yourself a great story!! Returning again to Midsummer is like coming home, and I can't get enough of the continuing love story of Rocky and Conner! These two get stronger but something or someone always seems to try to come between them. Another fabulous story that keeps you on your toes until the very end. Highly entertaining series that just keeps getting better.
Profile Image for Christine Woinich.
2,479 reviews20 followers
November 13, 2020
Another foray into the town of Midsummer, and I enjoyed it immensely. Rocky and Conner have such a strong connection and a lot of heat between them. Secrets, the usual danger, surprises, and some holiday magic made this quite the journey. I had tears and smiles throughout the story. I recommend this book and the series.

I received a copy of this story through Enticing Journey Book Promotions, and this is my unsolicited review.
Profile Image for Julie.
896 reviews7 followers
February 24, 2021
Rocky and Conner ❤️

Rocky is feeling strangely distant from Conner, who has something cooking in Midsummer. Like all surprises, will it be a good one? Or one he’s dreading?
Profile Image for R.
1,974 reviews
November 7, 2020
Christmas, the hap-happiest time of the year. Except we are in Midsummer, so hi-jinks will ensue.

This made a nice Christmas story. A mystery, a stalking, and secrets made it just a typical day(s) in Midsummer. Even though the story takes place over several weeks, it feel like a vignette of of a day in small town America. All the books have felt this way.

The author continues to give the reader a good, well written, ultimately satisfying continuation of Rocky and Connor’s story.

Review Copy requested and reviewed on behalf of OMGReads.
Displaying 1 - 24 of 24 reviews

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