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Army of Roses: Inside the World of Palestinian Women Suicide Bombers

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When Yasser Arafat in January 2002 called on Palestinian women--his "army of roses"--to join in the struggle against Israeli occupation, even he was surprised by their swift and devastating response. Later that same day, Wafa Idris would become the first female suicide bomber of the Intifada. Tragically, she wasn't the last. In Army of Roses , Pulitzer Prize-nominated author Barbara Victor profiles Wafa Idris and the other young women who have followed her violent lead toward a martyr's Paradise paved with personal desperation and deadly political maneuvering.

In this astonishing exposé of the political and cultural forces now pressing Palestinian women into martyrdom, investigative journalist Victor identifies what she calls "a new level of cynicism" that has destroyed normal, everyday existence in the Middle East, along with the possibility for lasting peace. Tracing the roots of the women's resistance movement back to so-called personal initiative attacks and a brief period of empowerment in the 1980s before religious leaders clamped down, Victor shows how the current generation of Palestinian women has been courted and cajoled into committing these self-destructive and murderous acts.

By presenting the intimate personal histories of the first five female bombers who have succeeded in blowing themselves up, as well as the troubling stories of some of those who've tried and failed, the author reveals not only the crushing poverty and religious zealotry that one might suspect as motivating factors in their fall, but also a startling emotional component to their death their broken dreams and blighted inner lives. Victor shows, without dismissing or diminishing the horror of their actions, how far a person can be pushed when she is convinced she has nothing to lose.

320 pages, Hardcover

First published January 1, 2003

About the author

Barbara Victor

35 books3 followers
Barbara Victor, a former Middle East specialist for the U.S. State Department, has worked in television and radio for many years.
Currently a freelance journalist, she has interviewed such Middle Eastern leaders as Menachem Begin, Ariel Sharon, Yitzhak Rabin, Colonel Muammaer Quaddafi and Abu Lyad (sic) of the PLO. She lives in Paris.
Penguin has published her novels Lovers and Enemies (later republished as Friends, Lovers, Enemies), Absence of Pain and Misplaced Lives.

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Profile Image for Margaret Sankey.
Author 9 books240 followers
January 29, 2018
Victor, after interviewing imprisoned would-be suicide bombers and the surviving families of those who completed their missions, arrives at the far end of the spectrum of explanation--that the women who do this are fundamentally damaged in some way. While male suicide bombers express religious excitement, the women have been manipulated or broken down in some fundamental way--they're divorced for infertility, accused of adultery, molested by family members, humiliated at a checkpoint, some external shame which requires redemption in the form of sacrificial action.
Profile Image for Dina Abdalla.
6 reviews77 followers
November 6, 2014
I read this book cover to cover and went back to it several times because of the ethnographic fieldwork and the interviews with the families of the most prominent suicide bombers. However, Barbara Victor makes several false/derogatory statements on the role of martyrdom and suicide bombings in Islam. I believe that Victor does not mean to be Islamaphobic in her claims as other Western academics, journalists and analysts are, but rather is extremely uneducated on Islamic jurisprudence on suicide bombings and Islam in general. On page one hundred eighty-four, Victor claims that the five pillars of Islam are “martyrdom, the declaration of faith; zakat, charity; sawm, fasting for the month of Ramadan; hajj, the pilgrimage to Mecca, required by all Muslims who can afford it; and salah, ritual prayer five times a day.” First, these are six specified commandments while Islam has five specific pillars however; martyrdom or jihad is not one of them. Victor directly links martyrdom to declaring ones faith. The declaration of faith in Islam is simply stating ones belief in a monotheistic God who does not take partners and the prophet Muhammad was the last messenger. Relating to this, on page one hundred Victor symbolizes the second suicide bomber Darine Abu Aisha as a woman whose “destiny was to become the bride of Allah.” Blasphemous statements such as this illustrate Victor’s lack of knowledge on some of the most basic aspects of Islamic thought. Among other borderline blasphemous statements, Victor quotes Dr. Eyad al-Sarraj a prominent Palestinian psychiatrist who says to her “martyrs are like prophets in our culture, they are holy people, not ordinary soldiers who fight to defend their country.” (page 29) Barbara Victor interviews the friends and family members of the suicide bombers and officials from Hamas, seeking to equate their version of Islam with the actual tenants of Islam regarding jihad. Victor seeks to balance the viewpoints of Hamas members and delegates by interviewing members of the Israeli Defense Forces and various Palestinian and Israeli psychologists and counter-terrorism experts. There are no independent credible expert testimonies on Islamic jurisprudence regarding suicide bombings.
Profile Image for Lena.
2 reviews9 followers
May 26, 2009
This book was absolutely terrible. It was grossly inaccurate -- especially with respect to Islam. The author actually stated that martyrdom is one of the five pillars of Islam! (p. 184) She confuses the word 'shahaada' (the first pillar of Islam, which refers to the declaration of faith: "I bear witness that there is no god but Allah, and that Muhammad (S) is his messenger") with 'shaheed' (which translates to 'martyr', or one who sacrifices himself in defense of one's country or religion).

The book was also extremely biased and one-sided. The author interviewed the families of the suicide bombers and members of Hamas (making sure to equate their understanding of Islam with the actual laws of Islam)-- and "balanced" this viewpoint by interviewing Israeli soldiers and psychologists. She never interviews a single credible authority on Islam regarding suicide bombing.

Overall, this book was an utter waste of time, and I can't believe that this woman actually works for CBS and US News. I give it an "F".
Profile Image for Brett C.
886 reviews201 followers
May 2, 2021
Here I read the intimate personal histories of the first five female bombers who have succeeded in blowing themselves up, as well as the troubling stories of some of those who've tried and failed. The author reveals not only the crushing poverty and religious zealotry that one might suspect as motivating factors in their fall, but also a startling emotional component to their death wishes: their broken dreams and blighted inner lives. She writes about, without dismissing or diminishing the horror of their actions, how far a person can be pushed when she is convinced she has nothing to lose. Some heartbreaking stories about these women living in a chaotic world.
Profile Image for Maxine Beecroft.
33 reviews1 follower
September 14, 2018
Excellent look at the psychology of the Palestinian female suicide bomber along with a dissection of the different Palestinian organisations.
Profile Image for Yayuk.
8 reviews
March 13, 2023
I dont know that this book will be this interesting. Kinda underestimated this book at first. Provides many perspectives on suicide bombers. Such an eye opening book! five stars!
Profile Image for Rahmadiyanti.
Author 13 books170 followers
February 21, 2011
Perempuan selalu menarik untuk ditulis. Konflik Palestina-Israel tak habis untuk ditulis (juga tak habis menghias media massa. Bagaimana bila kedua hal tersebut menjadi satu? Buku ini jawabannya. Sebuah buku yang cukup emosional dan sarat fakta.

Army of Roses alias Pasukan Mawar, adalah sebutan Yasser Arafat untuk perempuan pelaku bom syahid. PAda 27 Januari 2002, perlawanan rakyat Palestina terhadap penjajah Israel memasuki babak baru; majunya perempuan sebagai bom syahid. Wafa Idris, perawat dari Bulan Sabit Merah Palestina, meledakkan dirinya di pintu masuk sebuah toko sepatu di jalan Jaffa, pusat kota Yerusalem. Satu orang Israel tewas dan seratus lainnya luka-luka. Sontak, Wafa pun menjadi pahlawan. Di kemudian hari, aksinya diikuti oleh Darine Abu Aisha, Aayat Al Akhras, dan Andalib Suleiman Takatka.

Darine, mahasiswi Jurusan Sastra Inggris Universitas An Najah, Nablus, meledakkan sabuk bom di pos pemeriksaan Maccabim, dekat Yerusalem, hanya selang sebulan setelah aksi Wafa Idris. Tidak seperti Wafa, Darine adalah pelaku bom syahid perempuan pertama yang meninggalkan pesan dalam bentuk kaset video. Dia juga perempuan satu-satunya yang menjadi bom syahid atas dukungan Hamas.

Sebulan kemudian, tepatnya 29 Maret 2002, giliran Aayat Al Akhras, gadis kelahiran Dehaishe, dekat Bethlehem, melakukan aksi bom syahid di Supermarket Supersol, Yerusalem. Menewaskan seorang gadis Israel bernama Rachel Levy dan satpam supermarket, dengan ratusan orang terluka. Andalib adalah bom syahid berikutnya. Hanya setengah bulan berselang setelah syahidnya Aayat, Andalib Suleiman meledakkan diri di halte bus, tepat di sebelah pasar terbuka Mahane Yehuda, Yerusalem. Enam orang tewas dan lebih dari empat puluh orang terluka.

Sangat beruntun memang keempat syahidah tersebut melakukan aksinya. Namun sebenarnya ada banyak perempuan Palestina yang juga melakukan aksi bom syahid. Tapi tak semua sukses. Ada yang tertangkap sebelum melakukan aksi, tak berhasil meledakkan bom, dan sebagainya.

Barbara Victor, jurnalis yang meliput Timur Tengah untuk televisi CBS dan US News and World Report memaparkan tentang perlawanan perempuan Palestina sebagai bom syahid dari berbagai sisi: politik, kultural, psikologis, dan sosiologis. Lengkap dan cukup komprehensif. Barbara juga berusaha seimbang, mewawancarai berbagai belah pihak. Datang kepada keluarga pelaku bom syahid, mewawancarai orangtua, teman, dan saudara. Barbara juga mewawancarai dan menulis tentang korban ledakan (warga Israel). Mewawancarai tokoh Palestina (dari berbagai faksi; PLO, Hamas, Jihad Islam), juga tokoh Israel.

Dari wawancara berbagai pihak, Barbara menganalisis alasan dan tujuan para perempuan pelaku bom melakukan aksinya. Hampir semua perempuan tersebut melakukan bom syahid, menurut Barbara, karena kekecewaan pada hidup dan merasa tak berarti lagi hidup. Wafa adalah perempuan yang dicerai karena tak dapat menghasilkan anak bagi suaminya. Darine melakukannya karena akan dinikah paksa oleh orangtua. Aayat karena rasa malu terhadap ayahnya yang terlibat dengan jasa konstruksi milik Israel. Dan Andalib, karena ingin tenar.

Mengejutkan? Bisa jadi. Terkesan menyudutkan peran perempuan Palestina? Mungkin. Benarkah? Wallahu'alam. Toh, tak ada yang benar-benar tahu niat sebenarnya dari para perempuan tersebut, bahkan Barbara sendiri. Hanya saja, meski secara fakta dan data buku ini cukup lengkap dan seimbang, tentu tak bisa diabaikan motif Barbara sendiri. Dalam wawancara dengan Abdul Aziz Rantissi dan Syekh Ahmad Yassin, Barbara bertanya pada kedua petinggi Hamas tersebut bila anak-anak perempuan mereka menjadi bom syahid. Barbara lupa (atau mungkin tidak tahu?) bahwa tanpa mereka menyuruh anak perempuan mereka menjadi bom syahid, kepala-kepala tokoh tersebut--juga keluarga mereka--menjadi incaran Israel. Dan terbukti, beberapa tahun kemudian, Syekh Ahmad Yassin dan Rantissi syahid dirudal Israel (ya, dirudal). Anak-anak mereka pun sebagian tewas di tangan Israel.

Menurut Anis Baswedan dalam pengantar buku edisi bahasa Indonesia, Barbara berhasil mengombinasikan pendekatan kultural dan rasional dalam sebuah narasi yang ilustratif dan informatif, juga detail dan partikularistik, yang menunjukkan kekuatan Barbara, namun di sisi lain pembaca bisa terlena dan kehilangan kompas untuk mencerna buku ini secara proporsional dan kontekstual.***
Profile Image for Eza Faizah.
5 reviews2 followers
March 8, 2010
Kenapa saya hanya memberi satu bintang untuk buku ini...??

Ketika membaca sinopsisnya di sampul belakang buku, saya merasa tertarik denagn buku ini, karena itu saya membelinya. Syahid merupakan perjuangan tertinggi dalam agama islam. Yang saya bayangkan ketika seorang perempuan memilih meledakkan dirinya untuk merugikan para penjajah negerinya sebanyak mungkin adalah perempuan tersebut telah melalui saat-saat merenung, berpikir dan mencapai iman yang tertinggi. Namun yang saya dapatkan justru sebaliknya, Penulis lebih mengekspose alasan bahwa sebelum memilih menjadi martir, perempuan-perempuan tersebut mempunyai masalah atau menjadi korban agama, politik dan struktur sosial keluarga, menjadikan alasan "kenekatan" meraka sebagai buah keputusasaan atau sekedar frustrasi dari beban hidup yang dialaminya. Hingga saya merasakan penurunan semnagat membaca buku ini secara drastis sejak membaca sinopsis hingga akhir buku. lebih mengarahkan para pembaca untuk iba pada perempuan pelaku bom bunh diri dari pada mengagumi mereka sebagai pejuang yang mencoba membela negaranya.
Profile Image for Bibliomantic.
105 reviews35 followers
February 28, 2010
A careful and considered look at the psychology of exploitation of vulnerable members of society for the political goals of others. One after another is sent on the path of ultimate self-sacrifice for reasons that have virtually nothing to do with the Israeli-Palistinian conflict, but more to do with ruthless exploitation of their psychological and family problems. Victor gives us a glimpse of a little-known world and its internal dynamics. This volume has been out for some time now, but I doubt that much has changed about how these things are done, whether it's there or anywhere else this type of warfare is practiced.
Profile Image for Norhayati.
136 reviews2 followers
June 13, 2008
This book tells the story of the women who died for reasons that go beyond the liberation of Palestine.

It's interesting to read about how far a person can be pushed when she is convinced she has nothing to lose.
Profile Image for Rachel.
291 reviews
August 10, 2007
This book is too simple for such a hard topic. Basically the author only outlines who the known women are - but is unable to give us more information.
4 reviews
March 3, 2009
Keren. Wanita muslimah harusnya bisa menjadi aisyah, bukan hanya bercita-cita jadi khadijah.
1 review1 follower
June 24, 2009
This is a book about women suicide bombers that describes their reasons as well as lives. A must read for anyone interested in the Middle East!
Profile Image for Theauliasmile.
10 reviews1 follower
January 3, 2010
nice to read, nice to let us know what happened there, honestly can't believe in that case 100% sure. but nice writing.^_^
468 reviews5 followers
November 19, 2013
A brilliant, amazing and devastating look at a culture which has embraced death, due to political oppression, religious oppression and hopelessness. Heart breaking.
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