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The War of Lost Hearts #2

Children of Fallen Gods

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No war can be fought with clean hands. Not even the ones waged for the right reasons. Not even the ones you win.

Tisaanah bargained away her own freedom to save those she left behind in slavery. Now, bound by her blood pact, she must fight the Orders’ war -- and Max is determined to protect her at all costs.

But when a betrayal tears apart Ara, Max and Tisaanah are pushed into an even bloodier conflict. Tisaanah must gamble with Reshaye’s power to claim an impossible victory. And Max, forced into leadership, must confront everything he hoped to forget: his past, and his own mysterious magic.

All the while, darker forces loom -- far darker, even, than the Orders’ secrets.

As Tisaanah and Max are ensnared in a web of ancient magic and twisted secrets, one question remains: what are they willing to sacrifice for victory? For power? For love?

636 pages, Kindle Edition

First published March 30, 2021

About the author

Carissa Broadbent

16 books29.6k followers
I've been concerning teachers and parents with mercilessly grim tales since I was roughly nine years old. Since then, my stories have gotten (slightly) less depressing and (hopefully a lot?) more readable. Today, I write fantasy novels with a heaping dose of badass ladies and a big pinch of romance.

When I'm not writing, I'm working at my day job in cybersecurity marketing, watching too many movies, or drawing. I live with my fiance, one very well behaved rabbit, one very poorly behaved rabbit, and one perpetually skeptical cat in Rhode Island.

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Profile Image for Lucie V..
1,136 reviews3,076 followers
July 13, 2024
“Creating is harder than destroying. In the end it’s always worth it.”

✅ Gorgeous cover
✅ Strong, resilient and badass main character
✅ Other characters
✅ Plot and pace
✅ Action
✅ Sweet romance ❤️
✅ Villains and morally grey characters that we love to hate
❗️❗️ Cliffhanger


"We are children of fallen gods and lost empires. We are the memories of bones in the plains. And we are more than they ever thought we would be."

Wow, this book took my breath away! IT. IS. AMAZING.

I think I even found it better than the first one because of the more emotional way the characters' struggles and actions are described. It's packed with non-stop action, secrets, betrayals, and twists.

I had made a deal, after all. The Orders gave me the power I needed to topple the Threllian Lords and save those I left behind. But in exchange, I sold myself back into slavery. Except now, I would wield death, instead of light touches and pretty words.

Children of Fallen Gods takes up soon after the ending of Daughter of No Worlds, as Tisaanah and Max quickly realize that new turns of events will make their journey harder than they originally anticipated. The plot gets more complex in this book as new characters are introduced, we went from Tisaanah's quest to save the slave in exchange for her services, to a war fought on many sides at the same time and where the power players are ruthless.

We are introduced to new characters in this book: Faes from another land, trying to find out why humans are randomly slaughtering hundreds of them, and those faes were so intriguing! There are chapters from Tisaanah, Max, and Aefe's POVs. The two different storylines (Aefe's and Max/Tisaanah's) were woven together very nicely and I quickly fell in love with Aefe, Caduan, and Ishqa. I ADORED Aefe's chapters, she and the other Faes were a really great and compelling addition to the story (and we also get to learn more about Reshaye's story!).

Tisaanah is still as badass as ever, and I admire her determination and her resilience. Some moments in this book were heartbreaking, but she still continued to go on, and believe that she could make the world a better place. Max is also an important part of this book, and I love how he is willing to do anything to help Tisaanah.

“(...) of course you will want to make a better world than they did. You will build upon what they gave you. You will draw from their strengths and confront their mistakes. You will make something better because that is what you do. You dream, Max. And I love that in you.”

Home. The word caught and settled, deep in my chest. But home wasn’t Korvius, or the Towers, or even a cottage in the middle of nowhere, surrounded by flowers. Home was a pair of mismatched eyes, an accented voice, and a heartbeat that followed the same cadence as mine. And I was so, so homesick.

Their romance is also perfect, they complete each other so well, and they are always there to support, reassure and love each other, and fight their demons together. I also love that they make mistakes, they are not trying to be perfect heroes, but despite everything that happens to them, they stay true to their beliefs and their values, even when revenge and violence seem quite appealing. Max's strategist side is also more evident in this book, he was involved in this conflict even though he didn't want to, but he decided to do it on his own terms and to take the lead.

“I’d tell you not to do anything stupid,” Sammerin said, “but that would be useless and outdated advice.”
“Thank you, Sammerin. I, too, treasure our friendship.”

Sammerin is such an underrated character in this series. He is so loyal and steady. No matter what Max and Tisaanah do, he is always there to support them, even if it means uprooting his whole life and risking death or imprisonment. He is the definition of a true friend and I really hope that he will be more present in the next book.

“I know this isn’t morally good,” Nura said. “I know it isn’t right. But I’ve made the hard choices before, and I’ll do it again if it means saving this country. Someone has to. You saw what I saw — what failure means. We need to be more powerful than that, no matter what it takes.”

Finally, there is Nura. I tried to feel pity for her, to understand her reasoning, but in the end, I still hate her and I think she is a bitch. She tries to justify her coldheartedness by saying that she is like that so she can make tough choices to protect everyone, but to me, it just seems that she seeks power and praise, and victory at any cost. She is willing to sacrifice anyone and anything if it means victory, and she became this ruthless and cold person because of that. I am eager to see how things will go in the third book, and I hope that Max and Tisaanah will get a chance to slap some sense and decency into her. As I said, I understand why she ended up there, I can see why she thinks she's doing the right thing, but that doesn't make her right or a good person. She's despicable and deserves to die, one cannot hurt my babies without consequences... I have to say though that I like how the villains in this book are not the generic cruel guys with only a thirst for power, they're more complex and more layered and it makes them all the more real.

I can't wait for the next book, especially after the ending of this one! I would have liked to see more of Sammerin in this book, but I have good hopes that he will be more important in the next book, and that he and Tisaanah will team up and be awesome best buddies.

“You were the one who wanted to save the world,” he said, quietly. “I just wanted to save you.”

0.5 Ashen Son ⭐⭐⭐
1. Daughter of No Worlds ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐

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Profile Image for benedicta.
422 reviews592 followers
August 20, 2023
is this happiness? 🧘🏽‍♀️

this has made me a little happy girl 😭 no, seriously. it's always a good time when all the books in a series are out and i get to binge-read them instead of waiting months/years to read the next. this book made me exceptionally glad for that continuation because i enjoyed it so much better that way.
Profile Image for Ri ♡ .
410 reviews1,359 followers
August 5, 2023
"Home was a pair of mismatched eyes, an accented voice, and a heartbeat that followed the same cadence as mine. And I was so, so homesick."

I finally had the courage to write this review and there so much shit and trauma to unload. But first I hate Carissa so much right now for what she did to all the characters in this book 😭 How dare she put them through hell again and again and still not give them a peace of mind or even a simple chance to have a happy life!?? The way she makes them suffer through this entire book is just brutal.

I knew that this book was going to be painful but I was not ready for that ending 😭💔 They've suffered so much in this book and I can't even think about what they might have to face in the last book.

Now the plot thickens. Aefe and Caduan's story was an interesting addition to the plot. It made it even more intriguing with all this human vs fey political and war tension. The plot twist in the end was mind blowing and I kinda saw it coming but still it was something else. There were so many secrets unravelling in this and so many battles were fought that it just made me liked it even more. The first 20% of this book was unnecessarily long considering it really didn't add anything to the plotline except getting rid of Zeryth in the end.

✦ Tisaanah
Why does she have to go and fight the wars again and again for all the people she made her promises to. Can't she just rest for a moment and spend her days in Max's arms in their cozy little cottage. But no these fucked up people like zeryth and Nura had to make her go through that pain again and again. It hurts to see that her power was exhausting her so much and all she wanted was peace for her people and a home to call her own. They always saw her as some weapon to fight their battles and not like a human. It hurts because she deserves so much better than this 😭❤️‍🩹

✦ Max
He is the sweetest grumpy man I've ever read about 🥺💘 because the way he loves Ti and assures her with his oh so sweet letter and little notes. He even learned her language for her 🥺 because he wanted to speak to her in her words. Isn't he the best and everything! He deserves better and so much love and happiness. Carissa if you lay single finger on my precious Max I swear I'm gonna bring hell upon this earth. The way he is doing and everything in his power to protect Ara but still that fucked up bitch Nura tried to hurt him.

Tell me you’re alright, you wonderful idiot.
Love, Max.

Your snoring was charming and you were too peaceful to wake. Early drills. Dinner later?
Love, M.

➙ Max and Tisaanah's relationship

I love them so much and the way my love gets deeper and deeper for them with every book. Their realtionship development was so beautiful in this one and I liked that now Max is trying to open up more to Tisaanah about his past and everything. This book definitely had some of the most adorable precious moments of them 🥺💘 I just can't get enough of them!!

“If you can do it, I can do it.” His hand lifted to brush my cheek, then he said, more softly,
“I don’t care what we’re walking into. You’re not going to do it alone.”

“You deserve everything,” I murmured. I bowed my head, breathing in the scent of her hair, her skin, and swept my lips over her cheek, right where tan skin met white. She gave a weak laugh.
“Everything.” My lips traveled to her jaw, and I felt her let out a little breath.

Their banter, their flirtatious moments, their love, their promises, their sweet adorable moments, the way they both are ready to die or kill for each other and them. Everything about them is beyond perfect. MAX and TI are ✨️ SOULMATES ✨️ and nothing less 🥺❤️‍🩹

"It was always so easy, after all, to feel Max’s love. It radiated from him like the warmth of his skin. He didn’t need to say it. A brush of my hand. I love you. A conspiratorial half smile. I love you. A wrinkle of concern between his brows. I love you. And even here, even now, with him half a country away. I felt it here, in the words he did write and the ones he didn’t. I love you, you wonderful idiot."

“You were the one who wanted to save the world,” he said, quietly. “I just wanted to save you.”

✦ Aefe
I loved her from the very first moment and I knew her story was gonna end with a painful ending. I adore her strength and resilience and the way she will go to any lengths to save her people but that betrayal in the end hurts so bad 😭 her confusion over her own existence 😭❤️‍🩹

✦ Caduan
I liked him more when he was with Aefe and how he tried to save her and help her. But the way he turned out in the ending made me question his choices now. I don't care if he did all that for Aefe and all but that was too much and to call it love? Nah it was not love just some toxic level obsession.

➙ Aefe and Caduan?

In the past timeline? Yes I freaking ship them. In the present? I don't think so. They are okay but I think that present Caduan is toxic for Aefe and right now Aefe deserves someone who accepts for what she chooses to be and not just what they want her to be. But their relationship is past was so precious. They cared and even were ready to die for each other.

He dropped to his knees, bowing his forehead against mine. One hand brushed my cheek. “What happened?” he whispered. “Tell me what happened.”

✦ Reshaye
I knew that Carissa would definitely give us an insight to Reshaye's past and even though that thing was a monster who destroyed Max's life but the way its story started and progressed throughout the book made me feel bad for Reshaye. I was even crying when it died and I knew who was it but still that hurt like a bitch.

✦ Nura: Fucking die you white hair bitch 🔪

✦ Ishqa: Just wait you goldy creepy owl I'm coming to kill you 🔪

The ending? Fucking brutal and painful 😭💔 I was bawling my eyes out seeing Max's torture, Tisaanah's agony and Aefe's confusion over why she is what she is now. They all deserve the world and I don't even how to read next book without crying 😭

— More more more beautiful quotes —

➸ "It began with a whisper and it will end with a scream. What comes between is a dance of fate’s tangled threads."

➸ “Do you know what power is?” he said, leaning back in his chair. “Power is sitting here alone in a room with four people who want to kill me, and knowing I’ll walk out alive.”

➸ “No war can be fought with clean hands,” he said. “Not even the ones waged for the right reasons. Not even the ones you win.”

➸ “Creating is harder than destroying. In the end it’s always worth it.”

➸ “The family we choose is just as important,”

➸ "Humans will follow a sweet lie to the ends of the earth. They will die for it, and they will kill for it."

➸ "There will be no revenge without victory, and no victory will be meaningful without revenge. And that is a dark, dark place to be.”

Krys my beautiful bestie thankyou for always being there when I'm ranting to you in your DM 🥺🫂🫂 Love You <33

Buddy Reading book 2 with bestieeeeee krysssss <333
We are already too scared to find out what this book have for us 😭 so Carissa you better not break our hearts 😃
Profile Image for Carissa.
109 reviews1 follower
August 19, 2021
I struggled to get through this book. The only thing that helped me get through it was the introduction of the Aefe POV and storyline. The plot is perpetually depressing and there was no comedic relief or witty banter to break it up. The little romance there was felt just as melancholy and provided no reprieve from the anxiety and despair vibe. It has an interesting storyline but sadly this series is just not for me.
Profile Image for Paige ♠.
303 reviews1,055 followers
October 3, 2021
This is definitely becoming a new favorite series of mine, it's utter perfection!


THERE ARE 3 POVS and I normally hate multi-POV books but I was so in love with each perspective here. I didn't have a favorite and I was so excited for each new chapter to start

AEFE WAS A NEW POV we got introduced to and her storyline was amazing! It felt a little out of place and jarring at first, but it expanded the world and the plot so much. Her storyline was so exciting and I was so shocked at how everything connected in the end

SO IN HINDSIGHT SOME of the twists and reveals seemed a bit obvious now 😅 but I was a big idiot and totally did not see most of them coming until the very end when I was like...


ALL THE CHARACTERS were so well defined and believable. It was so amazing watching them change and see their arcs play out. I especially loved that the villains were believable and I could understand why they thought they are doing the right thing

TISANNAH AND MAX were perfect and amazing and totally couple-goals 😍 It was refreshing how their relationship was the one stable thing in this story while everything else was falling apart around them

Overall, I am so happy I started this series! While the plot is super exciting and engrossing, the characters are also amazing and have such great depth. If you are looking for an exciting fantasy that feels adult but still has a super sweet and steamy romance then you 10000% need to pick this book up right now!!

Steam Scale: 🔥🔥🔥/5
Swoon Scale: ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️/5
Profile Image for manas.
62 reviews100 followers
September 21, 2024
➳ 5 ☆

“you were the one who wanted to save the world. i just wanted to save you.”

well, fuck.

➼ i am beyond surprised that i loved this more than book one. this series reads like a fantasy (i have no clue if that makes sense), and the setting and scenery is so perfect. nura and ishqa are getting on my last damn nerve. i'm sick of those clowns. however, i am so glad we got the introduction of aefe and caduan. the last one hundred pages of this gave me actual whiplash, and carissa will be paying for my therapy for what she did to max.

➺ tis~ she is my queen. i love her so much. she reminds me of aelin in a way, but i really like her overall resilience and determination. she needs to live happily ever after with max in this next book or i am suing.

➺ max~ what. the. fuck. no spoilers but bitch.... why??? he deserves so much better, i cannot. he better get his happy ending with tisaanah or she will be hearing from my lawyers. the way he learned a new language for tis, always had her back, and was so protective and dependable. max is such a green flag man. i stan.

“you make me selfish. you make me want. and nothing has ever been enough, except for you.”

i am used to being bamboozled by reading sjm, but she (for the most part) gives her characters HEA. if that is not the case here, i will be going into hibernation for the immediate future.
Profile Image for SHOMPA.
471 reviews266 followers
June 13, 2024
The book is way too long, boring, and super depressing. All the pointless wars just get repetitive, and I end up skipping most of them. The main issue is that the author focuses so much on the plot that the characters feel lifeless. But, the Aefe point of view was the only thing that kept me going.
Profile Image for ♥︎ Heather ⚔ .
736 reviews1,764 followers
April 30, 2024
“It began with a whisper and it will end with a scream. What comes between is a dance of fate’s tangled threads.”

Moving along in the series... while I did have a better time with book 1 after 3 tries. I really hope this one is just good the first time lol 🤞🏻🙏🏻😅❤️
Profile Image for Warda.
1,263 reviews22.1k followers
July 29, 2023
“It was always so easy, after all, to feel Max’s love. It radiated from him like the warmth of his skin. He didn’t need to say it. A brush of my hand. I love you. A conspiratorial half smile. I love you. A wrinkle of concern between his brows. I love you.”

My mind is too tired to write a proper review right now - because life and the emotions this book sucked out of me - so all I can say is that I loved this.

Carissa Broadbent is reminding me that not all hope is lost in the fantasy romance genre.

She is just doing it for me. She’s writing the kind of fantasy romances I like, that cater to my taste, that has the kind of storytelling quality I enjoy.

This was the wildest of rides and I enjoyed every second of it. I can’t wait for the day I reread this series.
Profile Image for cyra.
188 reviews640 followers
September 21, 2023
If you’re looking for a more exciting thing than this book, I’d suggest watching paint dry.

What. The. Fuck.

I officially have a vendetta against Carissa Broadbent’s sequels because I can’t believe she made me give the first book of a series a five-star rating only to put me through a horrifyingly painful torture on the second book. I also can’t believe she has done this TWICE now. (I hate The Ashes and the Star-Cursed King with a passion.)

First of all, all of the people who gave this abomination five stars, I’m gonna need you to delete your GoodReads accounts and go to therapy. Seriously.

I don’t even know where to start. This was boring, unbelievably long, and just a mess. It was very repetitive and all the characters were running around in circles. The author thought, by overcomplicating the magic system and everything else in between, she'd make a good plot but she failed. Sometimes, less is more.

This plot had the rhythm of the heart of a forty-day-old corpse. None of the chapters were filled with action or something exciting.

Aside from these, the characters were not enough to make this book bearable either. Tisaanah was more shallow than a fucking baby pool. So was Max, who lacked critical thinking for the most part of this book. They were so hellbent on being “morally right heroes” that they did not notice they had become weak and frankly, pathetic. It was also very annoying that Tisaanah and Max kept getting separated. For the love of god, their chemistry was already lacking in this book, and putting a distance between them made it worse.

Speaking of these two, they almost died one too many times. Multiple times. I got bored of the constant danger. Make it make sense. It was so repetitive that the life-threatening things they went through became unremarkable.

Max had a chance to become a proper character with Moth but guess what? Moth was only used as a plot device and nothing else. He just appears at the right place, at the exact right time to make Max have some sort of character development then just disappear. He could’ve been so much more, he could’ve made Max something but the author just missed her chance.

This book was exhausting to read. I had to physically force myself to finish it. I almost gave up multiple times. I only finished it, with skimming I may add so that it would count towards my reading goal and a whole month wouldn’t go to waste.

I’m so angry and frustrated I can’t even crack my usual jokes.

The rest of this review will involve big and small spoilers. You should never, ever, read this book so it’s okay to read the spoilers anyway.

I’d like to talk about the death curse first which was not explained properly at all. That spell also had no place in this world or magic so the author made Zeryth somehow create it. No explanation, nothing. He just somehow did something impossible. (I also would like to say that I don’t understand how Zeryth did not become the Oppenheimer of his time with this talent? He created an impossible spell, a spell no one believed that could exist, just for it to disappear with him.) At this point, I honestly believe that curse was an afterthought that was added to the story way later because Max needed a motivation to take part in the war and therefore the storyline.

Now to Aefe or Reshaye or whatever. It was so easy to guess Aefe was Reshaye but I’m not annoyed with that. Even though they were more intriguing and written better, I still found Aefe’s chapters boring and dragging. I couldn’t care less about the whole group. The author bent over backward to make us like Reshaye but it just didn’t work for me. I’m sorry about her past and shit but I can’t forgive her. She killed innocent people, she made Max slaughter his whole family. I don’t give a fuck that she sacrificed herself, which was a part clearly written for her redemption arc. She was still a bloodthirsty whiny little bitch.

I did, however, liked and understood Nura, probably more than Tisaanah and Max. Nura had depth and personality. She was interesting. While Tin Tin the traumatized MC was running around crying about peace and slaves, Nura was out there, actually doing something. I don’t care what she did was wrong. She was looking at the bigger picture while Tisaanah was only focused on “her people.” And no, it does not and will not justify her invading and controlling Max’s mind to kill people. It wasn’t her call to make. It’s a very good backstory and makes every damn thing she does believable though.

Towards the end, the author shitted on “show, don't tell” rule by making us read through events from Nura's point of view. It wasn't only lazy writing either. One, it was boring. Two, I didn't really care about it since we already knew Nura's motivations for what she did since she told us those every five minutes. Third, we already knew all of these events! We learned nothing new! So why did we have to suffer through them again? The book was already long enough!

I won’t pick up the third book because I still have some dignity left but if I was to ever do that, I’d do it for Nura.


Profile Image for krys ~♡~ (scarlett's version).
97 reviews12 followers
July 20, 2023
I now have a personal very intense hatred toward owls of any kind 😃🔪🔪


Continuing this one with my bestie and the most amazing reading buddy/simping partner Ri 💕

Praying to the ascended we both love this one!! 🤞🏻
Profile Image for Crystal's Bookish Life.
911 reviews1,613 followers
January 29, 2023
This is how you write fantasy romance 6/5 stars. Incredible in every way.

There are so many elements to this book that are done perfectly. I can't stop thinking about it. An amazingly talented author.
Profile Image for Lovely’s Library &#x1f380;.
117 reviews25 followers
August 24, 2023
5 million ✨ I am victory. I am vengeance. And now, I am nowhere. But soon, I will be with you.

This series has left me speechless. I am GAGGED and TIED UP. I would love to make this an elaborate review about the iron will of Tissanah, the selflessness of Max, and how I actually felt sorry for Reshaye in the end, but i want to keep this spoiler free in hopes it will encourage you to read it.

At one point i thought I knew where the plot was going, about 40% in it didn’t seem as…invigorating, forgive me because I underestimated the writing- but, everything starts to come together, past and present tie in with each other and revelations are revealed, betrayal, hurt, conflict, and chaos erupt gradually - well, as gradual as chaos can be. The end will have you hurt and yearning to read the next book. You will feel a plethora of emotions because you have no idea what is going to happen, like me right now.

The writing knows how to draw you in, leaving you hooked for more. One thing you need to know about Carissa Boradbent, is that she will mess with your emotions, and it hurts so good. 🔪
Profile Image for Deanna.
515 reviews91 followers
March 29, 2021
Wow this book took my breath away. Both in terms of swooning and with absolute shock at some of the events that happened. I've been mulling over this review because I have so many thoughts and beautiful quotes I want to share, but everyone should go into this book blind and unravel its secrets themselves!

New characters are introduced, plots are discovered, and secrets are revealed. This book is a big punch to the gut, jam-packed with non-stop action, and I cannot wait for book 3 to come out because I *need* to know what happens next…
It began with a whisper and it will end with a scream. What comes between is still to be seen.
And so I wait
Tisaanah and Max are, as always, the yin to the other's yang; there to temper one another, encourage one another, love one another, and face the demons they both have together.
"If you can do it, I can do it."--> (AN ANTHEM!)

I’m so invested in their relationship, I could read domestic novels about them, cracking up over Max trying to speak Tisaanah’s language as they plant gardens, spending happy carefree days in each other’s company... but alas, this book is much darker so don’t expect an abundance of those happy moments yet.

There are a couple new notable characters in this book (Aefe and Caduan) who I LOVED! I think sometimes when authors introduce new characters that play a primary role after the first book, I don’t get too attached to them, but really I looked forward to every. single. one. of Aefe’s POV chapters. There is pain and heartbreak, sexual tension and yearning... Caduan and Aefe’s storyline was really such a compelling addition. They added so much depth and honestly I could gush for pages, but I’ll leave my thoughts here because you really should read this book for yourself…

Overall, the way all of the storylines interwove was truly artfully done. After all the revelations and how book 2 ended, I need book 3 NOW! This book had me constantly questioning who the real villains are and honestly I love that it made things not so clear-cut. If you like new adult fantasy, healthy relationships, beautiful writing, and a book that keeps you on your toes: Read this book.


Note: I received an ARC in exchange for an honest review.
Profile Image for Hallie (thecommonroomshop).
116 reviews324 followers
August 31, 2024
FIVE STARS, FIVE STARS, FIVE STARS!!!!! I don’t think I’ve felt like this at the end of a book since Empire of Storms😭😫😭🫶🏻😫😫🫶🏻 This story took me places I never could have expected and had me blinking at the wall in complete shock like 20 different times. I am so emotionally invested that it almost hurts!! THIS is why I read.

The pacing of these books feels very SJM coded in the way that it starts slow, but has you gnawing on the bars of your enclosure by the end. Carissa Broadbent is a poet who had the ability to make me laugh, cry and experience utter rage in the last 150 pages alone.

I WHOLEHEARTEDLY recommend this series if you like:
-openly badass fmc & reluctantly badass, cranky mmc
-pure, undiluted fantasy with the PERFECT amount of romance
-experiencing the full range of emotions
-jaw dropping plot twists
Profile Image for Carissa Broadbent.
Author 16 books29.6k followers
April 16, 2022
Hey friends! Just a note that today (April 16 2022) this book is on sale for the first time ever (!) for 99c/99p in the US and UK Amazon stores! Book 1 is on sale too.

If you read Daughter of No Worlds but haven't gotten around to this one, might be a good time to nab it -- or if you're ready to binge the series, you can start with a bang with two books for 99c each. About 1200 pages of romantasy pain. ;)


Just a casual pre-release author drive-by to say that you've got a few weeks to stock up on tissues and I suggest that you do so. :)
Profile Image for Reggie Ann Geertsen.
111 reviews2,964 followers
April 20, 2024
I LOVE THESE CHARACTERS. Max is everything. There were a few moments while reading that kind of dragged & had me confused, but overall this was such an interesting plot. I wasn’t expecting to cry so much in this book. It’s definitely heartbreaking at times, but it’s also super exciting. Can’t wait to see where this story ends!
Profile Image for Kennedy Larson.
248 reviews3,583 followers
September 7, 2024
I think this was a classic case of, ‘right book at the wrong time.’ I really love the characters and the story is so compelling, but man it dragged for me. It felt really repetitive for the first 70ish% of the book, but the last 25% was great.

I was worried about the new POV in this book, but it honestly became my favorite of the three.

The love story is written beautifully. The world is wonderful. The villain is interesting. It’s mainly the pacing that felt off to me.

Such an epic cliffhanger, but I would be lying if I didn’t say the length of the third book makes me nervous with Carissa’s pacing lol

My biggest issue with this book was all the war strategy and battles just for a bigger villain (aka fey) to be introduced at the end? It made the first 60% of the book feel so pointless…

Nura I hate you. Max you’re a grumpy angel.

I really hope Aefe turns on Caduan in book three
Profile Image for Megan.
466 reviews1,190 followers
October 6, 2022
I want to preface this review by saying that the way this book wrapped up was GREAT! However, the first 70ish% of the book dragged immensely for me which is why this is only a 3⭐️ read for me. If you liked Throne of Glass, I think this is a series you will likely enjoy!
Profile Image for Al *the semi serial series skipper*.
1,659 reviews791 followers
April 26, 2021
This is by far the best book I've read this year. I checked.

It has been weeks if not months since I read the first book, I was looking forward to reading this as soon as it got released but for some reason it completely skipped my mind.

This book has 3 main POVs, I loved all 3 of them and that is usually hard for me. I usually find that when I read books with characters that have different story arcs, I tend to be more invested in only one and I'm always speeding through the less interesting characters. I had no problem in this book. Max and Tissanah are a couple so it was easy to follow theirs, Aefe on the other hand took you through a completely different journey.

I really don't have words to describe how this book was, it's something that should be experienced. It is a relatively long book and some might find some of the dialogue tedious and the pacing to be slow but it hit just the right spot for me.

I can't wait to read book 3.

Profile Image for Rachel Rowell.
179 reviews55 followers
February 10, 2022
Reread 2/10/22: Fucking BRILLIANT. How did Carissa make me hate and simultaneously cry over both Nura and Reshaye in this book...

And in Mother of Death and Dawn, if Max loses another hair on his precious head, I will personally riot



Was this even better than the first one? That’s a tall order, but maybe.

A few random observations:

- This is a long ass book. I loved every minute of it.

- Zeryth FUCKING Aldris. Nuff said.

- I did not think I would like the three separate POVs but it totally worked. Max is still my favorite...love his sarcasm and blunt observations. And his vulnerable, goddamn noble bleeding heart 💔

- I knew Aefe’s connection to the main story would be made clear eventually (and I kind of guessed it) but the twists and turns of her story surprised me.

- The cottage and the symbolism of Max and Tisaanah never being able to go back to their old life 😭 not to mention Tisaanah’s final chapter shredded my heart.

- I knew there was foreshadowing in the scene where they visited Ilyzath...I have confidence that Tisaanah will get him back, but it’s not gonna be easy. Nothing in these books is EVER remotely easy.

- And FUCK Nura and her twisted love for Ara.

I can’t WAIT for book 3. Off to read the prequels in the meantime...
Profile Image for Hannah.
576 reviews
July 9, 2023
this felt kind of all over the place for the most part. there was a twist that i was both impressed with and annoyed by. but overall i felt pretty disconnected from the story and the characters. pretty sure the ending was supposed to be emotional but i didn’t really feel anything. just kind of like “oh that sucks..” this also felt too long, didn’t need to be 600+ pages imo
Profile Image for denise.
300 reviews45 followers
April 23, 2023
"You were the one who wanted to save the world," he said quietly. "I just wanted to save you." ༼ಢ_ಢ༽

Pro tip: Don't eat while reading this book
Displaying 1 - 30 of 5,616 reviews

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