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Star Wars: Bounty Hunters

Star Wars: Bounty Hunters, Vol. 1: Galaxy's Deadliest

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Never betray a bounty hunter — especially if it’s Boba Fett! Years ago, Valance and Bossk joined Fett on a mission that went sideways in a bad way — thanks to a violent betrayal by Valance’s mentor, Nakano Lash! The trio barely escaped with their lives. Now Lash has finally resurfaced under mysterious circumstances, and every bounty hunter in the galaxy wants a piece. Valance is hell-bent on getting to the prize first — after all, he has a score to settle. But so does Boba Fett! What could have possibly made Lash break her word and betray her protégé? The truth could shake the foundations of the galaxy’s criminal underworld! The biggest, baddest bounty hunters of all clash in a rip-roaring tale of scum and villainy, Star Wars-style!

Collects Star Wars: Bounty Hunters #1-5

136 pages, Paperback

First published November 24, 2020

About the author

Ethan Sacks

283 books35 followers
Ethan Sacks is a writer and journalist from New York, who is currently writing the ongoing series Star Wars- Bounty Hunters for Marvel as well as other various Star Wars titles. He is also know for his Marvel works that take place in the iconic Old Man Logan wasteland, Old Man Hawkeye and Old Man Quill.

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Displaying 1 - 30 of 161 reviews
Profile Image for Chad.
9,137 reviews1,000 followers
September 7, 2022
The storytelling is muddled with way too many characters and too many flashbacks that should have used different art or coloring to denote. By the end of the arc it does all make sense but I didn't know what was happening other than random fighting for the first half of this book. It's about a bounty that went wrong years ago and now their old leader has resurfaced after FUBARing that mission.

Boba Fett and Bossk appear peripherally but it's really about these new bounty hunters that are introduced. Valance seems to be the main character. Archie Goodwin created him in the 1970's Star Wars comic. He's a cyborg / terminator. Although I haven't read it, his new origin is apparently in Han Solo: Imperial Cadet.
Profile Image for Ben Brown.
477 reviews179 followers
January 3, 2021
Harsh, action-heavy, and more than a little Zack Snyder-feeling in its tonal sensibilities, “Star Wars: Bounty Hunters” feels in more ways than one like a throwback to the gritty, “dude-bro” “Star Wars” comics of the 90s and early 2000s – and that’s not necessarily a bad thing. While series like “Darth Vader,” “Doctor Aphra,” and the mainline “Star Wars” lean heavily into the lore and character side of the galaxy far, far away, “Bounty Hunters” is more about the surface-level thrills, prioritizing loud action, big explosions, and cool-looking bounty hunters over narrative depth or thematic resonance. It’s not exactly the deepest or most heartfelt comic on the stands, but for what it is – the comic equivalent of an 80s action movie – it works well enough. There’s plenty of room within “Star Wars” for all types of different stories, and “Bounty Hunters” offers more than enough easy fun and exciting spectacle to justify its existence.
Profile Image for Filip.
486 reviews53 followers
March 28, 2021
Galaxy's deadliest? HA! More like Galaxy's Dullest, amirite?

This was originally posted over at my blog, The Grimoire Reliquary!

First off, the art in this volume is by and large fine. Props to Villanelli, good work, I enjoyed looking at this book well enough.

Sigh. Why do people at Marvel like the bounty hunter cyborg Beilert Valance so much? He’s not an interesting character. Stormtrooper who lost more and more of his body until he became nothing but a cyborg, bla-dee-blaah. Every time I see him, I think to myself, I think, “Move over, Arnold! There’s a new cyborg in town, and he’s as good as you were in Terminator 3!” Yeah, Valence…he’s not great. I will concede one point–he was marginally more interesting here than in the abyssmal Target Vader comic I read last year (though the art of that one was its one redeeming quality).

This comic, then, gives ansxwer to the ages-old Star Wars question: “Are bounty hunters vehicle enough to make a Star Wars story interesting just by benefit of starring in one?” The answer is an unambiguous “no”. There’s an attempt at painting some of the bounty hunter characters as morally complex and it even works for one of them, but far more often than not makes for a generic, by-the-numbers tale that lacks in originality and treads through every action movie cliche you’ve seen in a Willis-Stalone-Schwarzenegger feature from the 1980-90s.

Boba Fett is his usual lawful evil self here. He never lets go of a debt unpaid, as we’ve seen in the Mandalorian – but the depth he banks on in this one is decidedly darker. If this seemed to be going the way of a solo comic book for Fett, I might’ve been persuaded; but he is left to the edges of The Galaxy’s Deadliest, little more than a plot device to induce drama and stir things up. The argument could be made that Sacks is attempting to raise the stakes of this series by centering it on Valence, an original character who isn’t wearing Fett’s plot and beskar armour; if so, it doesn’t fill me with excitement about what comes next for this conflicted, Empire-weary bounty hunter with a conscience…even if he’s joined by a sidekick now.

I will say one thing, I have no idea where exactly Sacks is heading in Volume 2. I can’t wait to find out.

No, really, I’m not capable of waiting. I lack the emotional investment in this series, and so I won’t. Thank every D&D deity I did not spend a single cent on this pretty but empty bit of glossy paper.
Profile Image for Jordan Anderson.
1,562 reviews45 followers
November 21, 2020
Good god, this was bad.

Ethan Sacks is quickly growing to be my least favorite comic book author, and could very well replace the equally terrible Jodie Hauser.

Nothing Sacks has written has ever appealed to me or made me enjoy his take on Star Wars and now that I’ve read this first volume of Bounty Hunters that definitely isn’t going to happen anytime soon.

Bounty Hunters is a mess from cover to cover. The story makes no sense because while it’s bouncing around from panel to panel with zero attempt at clarity, it’s also adding more and more confusing characters and backstories. Valance’s character is stupid. Boba Fett’s appearance is pointless. The mission is non sensical. It’s just all crap.

Even the artwork, which is at least colorful, is drawn in such a way that it’s hard to follow or see exactly what’s going on.

This is gonna be a one and done series for me. I thought it would be nice to take a break from the main plot lines of Star Wars, replacing Jedi with bounty hunters and criminals. How wrong I was.
Profile Image for Ulises  Estrada.
303 reviews28 followers
March 6, 2022
La historia me intriga bastante, mi unica duda es por que cambiaron tanto a Boba Fett en su serie.
Es decir aqui y en la peli es superior en formas inimaginables.
Profile Image for Robert.
1,860 reviews150 followers
April 9, 2021
I feel this could easily have been a good comic but the helter skelter story structure that jumps multiple locales and time periods and a protagonist whose look is just a rip-off of The Terminator made it a very hard sell.

Still, I understand there’s a big crossover event coming orchestrated by Charles Soule (in whom we trust) that will likely involve some of these characters so I’ll grit my teeth and carry on.
Profile Image for Neil R. Coulter.
1,190 reviews149 followers
August 27, 2021
Bounty hunters doing bounty hunter stuff. The artwork and the corny dialogue give this book a classic Star Wars comic book feel, even if everything about it is forgettable. I appreciate that it's not trying to connect in to anything bigger in SW than just this particular little story.
Profile Image for Craig.
2,509 reviews28 followers
June 15, 2022
Not good. Story is pretty incoherent and the art is, largely, too.
Profile Image for Chris Lemmerman.
Author 7 books108 followers
November 30, 2020
Following some side characters (who I believe used to be in the original Marvel Star Wars books?), this new series looks at how one fateful event sets a group of bounty hunters on a collision course for one another many years after their last meeting.

I wasn't familiar with any of these characters (aside from Boba Fett, and even that's just in passing), but I did enjoy getting to know them. The main character seems to be Valance, although the blurb of the book seems to imply that Bossk and Fett would be playing more supporting roles although they're not in it as much as he is.

The plot twists and turns through flashbacks and a few different characters until they all come together in the fifth issue and the secrets are revealed. The conclusion feels very Mandalorian, but it has potential for something more depending on where the story goes next.

There's a lot of bombastic action, with at least one splash page per issue, ably penciled by Paolo Villanelli. His faces are sometimes a little lacking in detail, but the choreography is really well done and his backgrounds always feel super detailed.

I wasn't overly sold on the premise of the series, and it can be a bit unfocused at times with a lot of characters moving around, but it all comes together by the end so I'm hopeful for an uptick going forward, and I'm definitely intrigued enough to keep going.
Profile Image for Benji Glaab.
703 reviews57 followers
January 31, 2021

Fairly heavy handed with the action. There wasn't much plot to ground anything or to make me understand or care what was happening until issue 4. Once there was some meaning to the Melee ensuing it became a decent read. I dig the art and some of the characters could start to grow on me with some more developement. I would definitely pick up a volume 2 if there is one in the works.
Profile Image for Corey Allen.
217 reviews15 followers
December 9, 2022
2.5: I feel like I've said this a lot on here, but I'm not the biggest star wars fan. But with the release of Andor, my interest in Star Wars has grown. So when I saw this on Hoopla's free borrows, I decided to check it out. I'm now regretting that decision.

The main problem here is the way the story it told. It's all over the place! You have multiple stories from different time periods, and then a bunch of different characters to keep track of on top of that. By the end it all makes sense, but at that point, I lost all interest. The story itself was fine. If it weren't for the weird way it was told, this probably would've gotten 4 stars from me.

The art was ok, nothing to write home about. Although I loved the covers.

Not recommended
Profile Image for Dario.
161 reviews36 followers
March 5, 2021
3.5 / 5

[Read as single issues.]

This is quite blatantly Marvel trying to make the most of the success of The Mandalorian. It's like they're saying "If one badass bounty hunter wasn’t enough, well… here’s more, baby!"

I quite liked the character of Beilert Valance. He’s like the Lucasfilm answer to both the T-800 and Edward Elric.

Paolo Villanelli’s art doesn’t blow me away, but I appreciate the dynamic and kinetic style he has. Arif Prianto’s colours steal the show.
Profile Image for Shaun Stanley.
1,073 reviews
December 20, 2020
Star Wars Bounty Hunters collects issues 1-5 of the series by Ethan Sacks with art by Paolo Villanelli.

Years ago Boba Fett, Bossk, and Valance teamed up on a mission that quickly went bad after being betrayed by a team member. Now the team member has resurfaced and every bounter hunter in the galaxy has set a target. Who will be first to claim the highly valued target?

Ugh. This was bad. Extremely bad. Probably the worst Marvel Star Wars comic since the relaunch. Valance is an extremely boring character that cannot carry a book. He is also a rip-off of so many cyborg-esque characters from the early 90s with built in weapons and increased strength. The book jumps between time periods and characters at a break neck pace with little explanation of who these people are and where the story is at. There are a handful of good battle scenes but that is about it. Stay away from this book unless you devour anything and everything Star Wars. And even then, wait until you find a bargain.
Profile Image for Dakota Morgan.
2,846 reviews39 followers
August 4, 2021
A pack of bounty hunters track down a fellow bounty hunter who betrayed them on an earlier job. Galaxy's Deadliest is suitably exciting and moderately twisty - I'd call it enjoyable, if not memorable. Disney's new canon really seems to be pushing Valance as the hot new replacement for Boba Fett. I appreciate that he has a backstory that crosses several series, but otherwise, he's just kind of a stock character. No Dash Rendar is he.
Profile Image for Luke Shea.
406 reviews2 followers
April 30, 2022
I caught up on all this stuff so I'd know what's going on with all the WAR OF THE BOUNTY HUNTERS stuff and it was not worth it. There's blips of fun to be had, and lots of minor star wars characters hanging out, but this is the star wars comic that has worked the least for me. I just don't care about Valance and I'm worried someone is going to see me reading a book about a guy who looks this embarrassing every time he is on the page.
Profile Image for Joe.
1,097 reviews29 followers
January 28, 2021
I should have really enjoyed this. I wanted to. I love Boba Fett, Star Wars, and the Mandalorian but this was just...okay. First off, the artwork was quite off putting. Not for me. Second, I didn't really care about the new bounty hunter main character. The arc of job in the past gone wrong with continual flashbacks also didn't really work for me. I won't be coming back for volume 2.
Profile Image for Matěj Komiksumec.
324 reviews19 followers
February 23, 2021
Jak člověk načítá Star Wars věci od Marvelu vidí poměrně jednotný znak který ty série mají podobný, vyprávění není postupné, ale příběh se dozvídáme skrze chaotické flashbacky a přeskakujeme z jedné linky na druhou což po desáté nepůsobí příjemně. Sice jsme dostali akční jízdu kterou jsem očekával ale je extrémně komplikovaná právě tím, jak těžce se odkazuje na minulost postav kterou neznáme a musíme se jí dozvědět během jedné stránky. Nechápu motivace všech postav, přijde mi, že všichni si musí jít po krku protože si to editor prostě přál jinak si nejsem schopen vysvětlit najmutí jako scenáristy průměrného Ethana Sackse. Nudné, nevýrazné a snadno zapamatovatelné.
Profile Image for Trike.
1,713 reviews179 followers
November 25, 2022
Messy storytelling that goes on too long, yet another comic that could’ve been 1/3 the length.

It’s impossible to imperil characters like Boba Fett and Bossk when you know they’ll show up in later things, so why even use them? The never-before-seen characters are going to die, of course, so there’s no tension.
Profile Image for Kati.
787 reviews8 followers
May 30, 2023
Other than Bossk and Boba Fett, these were entirely new characters. Some back story would have been nice.
July 24, 2022
Easily the dullest of any of the current Canon of comics. Literally the only thing that kept me going was the pretty sick character designs.
Profile Image for Sesana.
5,733 reviews337 followers
December 30, 2020
Dull. The story is bland, the apparent main character is a every cybernetic antihero ever, Aphra shows up for no reason except to attempt to tie this book in with the rest of the Marvel Star Wars comics, and Boba Fett and Bossk are both used terribly. There are four storylines at one point, and not a single one of them are interesting. Empire Strikes Back gave the extended universe an incredible gift in including a rogue's gallery of interesting looking bounty hunters for writers to play with, and this is just another failure to actually do anything interesting with them.
Profile Image for Memphis Evans.
164 reviews5 followers
July 7, 2021
After I read the first issue of this I thought “Oh, this is an unreadable mess.” And yes, keeping track of who’s who amid constant, frothy violence and shifts between different times is challenging.


I kept reading and eventually the whole story clicked into place and I really appreciated the long game the creative team was playing. I went back and reread certain key pages and it all made sense. I never knew what would happen next (in a good way) and I am eager to read further volumes.
Profile Image for Cale.
3,817 reviews24 followers
December 25, 2021
This felt very haphazard. A bounty hunt gone wrong years before gets dredged up when one of its figures reappears, and Bossk, Valance, and Fett all get involved again. The story gets caught up in trying to keep the reason the early hunt went so wrong a secret, which ends up cheapening the impact when it finally does get explained, and it doesn't really justify why these characters would get involved again. And I'm not super familiar with the timeline for Valance's life, but it seems like this might cause some contradictions? Maybe if I were more aware of Valance's story, I'd be more interested - he is definitely the central character here. There are lots of side characters, many of whom look too similar to really keep track of, and none of the action beats are distinctive enough to leave any memory once the page is turned. Nobody comes off particularly well here, and I can't really say I'm invested enough to continue reading.
Profile Image for SzaraReadsComics.
91 reviews3 followers
April 21, 2021
The plot was all over the place and confusing at times with too many characters to keep track of that weren't properly developed. Still not bad enough to make me give up halfway through the volume - but I don't think I'll be continuing with this series. I've seen some complaints about the artstyle in other reviews but for me it was actually a plus and raised my overall rating.
Profile Image for Tom Gaetjens.
818 reviews2 followers
December 19, 2022
The essential element for a Star Wars bounty hunter story are not unlike a greased-up 80s action movie: smug one-liners, broad archetypal characters, and everyone has to look unspeakably cool. This series is firing on all cylinders by those metrics. It should also be noted that the color-work here does a great job of elevated the line art.
Profile Image for emma.
287 reviews44 followers
August 1, 2022
i’ve read an ungodly amount of star wars comics in the past 72 hours but bounty hunters really surprised me with how much i’m enjoying it so far. i totally flew through this volume and i love valance now he’s my new special little guy
Displaying 1 - 30 of 161 reviews

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