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Dear Laura

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Every year, on her birthday, Laura gets a letter from a stranger. That stranger claims to know the whereabouts of her missing friend Bobby, but there’s a catch: he’ll only tell her what he knows in exchange for something... personal.

So begins Laura’s sordid relationship with her new penpal, built on a foundation of quid pro quo. Her quest for closure will push her to bizarre acts of humiliation and harm, yet no matter how hard she tries, she cannot escape her correspondent’s demands. The letters keep coming, and as time passes, they have a profound effect on Laura.

From the author of Cruel Works of Nature comes a dark and twisted tale about obsession, guilt, and how far a person will go to put her ghosts to bed.

111 pages, Kindle Edition

First published July 2, 2019

About the author

Gemma Amor

37 books673 followers
I'm a horror fiction author, podcaster, artist and voice actor from Bristol, in the U.K.

I write for the wildly popular NoSleep Podcast and various other horror fiction audio dramas. My traditionally published debut FULL IMMERSION is out from Angry Robot in September 2022.

Find me at @manylittlewords on Twitter and Insta.

Repped by Mark Falkin at Falkin Literary.

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115 (2%)
Displaying 1 - 30 of 1,010 reviews
Profile Image for Sadie Hartmann.
Author 24 books6,420 followers
August 15, 2019
And this is where I stand up on a soapbox and preach about indie/self-published horror fiction.
I don't know how I came to know about Gemma, I believe she submitted her collection, CRUEL WORKS OF NATURE to me for a review and I was very attracted to the grisly cover so I said, "YES PLEASE" and I also asked if she would send her book to our Night Worms crew of reviewers as well. She obliged.
That collection is AMAZING. I am forever singing its praises. Gemma Amor is so insanely talented. Not only does she write what I want to read but she's also an accomplished illustrator--each story has a companion illustration to go with it. So before I even go into DEAR LAURA, know that her other published work is 100% worthy of retail space in your horror collection, the time it takes to ravage it and the money required to buy it (support indie authors!!) I'm fairly certain all 6 of the other Night Worm reviewers also loved that collection.
Now for this novella, DEAR LAURA.
Holy Hell.
I binged this one in two sittings and the only reason it wasn't in one sitting is that my family was hungry and I had to make them dinner.
Where did Gemma get the idea for the book?? It's so compelling! It's so dangerously terrifying and engaging and realistic!
So our protagonist is best friends with a boy who becomes her boyfriend when they are about 13 or 14 years old.
They are neighbors, they ride the school bus together and their parents are friends.
One day, Bobby gets into a van with a strange man and never comes back.
The rest of this story is for YOU to discover for yourself.
I devoured this little, dark, twisted book.
I ate up the words like a starving thief in the night raiding the fridge.
I could read Gemma's words forever and ever and evermore. I can't wait for a full novel!! Give me a full novel GEMMA!!
Hahaha if you can't tell, I loved this story. It's gripping, it's haunting, it's horribly creepy and unsettling and filled with anxiety and tension and an overwhelming compulsive need to know what will happen. I dare you to not finish this in one sitting.

Profile Image for Peter Topside.
Author 5 books1,245 followers
August 16, 2024
This was a chilling little tale of a madman playing games with an innocent girl. The story starts off nice and wholesome, but quickly devolves into a kidnapping and many years of a mysterious, murderous predator who toys with people in such horrible ways. So I’m a little on the fence with how everything played out, mostly at the end. I wanted more (Gosh, I feel like I say that a lot.) on Laura after everything happened and even on this person who stalked her for so long. In one way, leaving some general mystery to the perpetrator makes it more unsettling. To quote the masked killers from Strangers, ‘Because you were home.’ No rhyme or reason, no particular motives beyond just torturing an innocent bystander. That can work really well. On the flip side, having some deeper character development can show how a person turns into a nasty and dangerous beast. Doesn’t need to be a full on, drawn out background, but can maybe just show this person’s point of view a few times, totally seperate from our main character. Possibly using memories from past victims, or remembering some trauma that veered them to this point. So I’m at a standstill on what I would’ve preferred here. Not really a right or wrong method. But I did still feel that Laura’s endgame felt very abbreviated. And, again, for shorter stories, I like to see everything get its time in the spotlight, as space is so limited. But beyond that minor critique, I was surprised by how tight this story was, especially with it’s brevity. This is my first book from Gemma Amor and will definitely not be my last.
Profile Image for Peter.
3,434 reviews653 followers
February 7, 2021
Bobby enters a blue van driven by a big man never to be seen again. Laura receives a letter by the kidnapper (X) on every birthday. Why does he write her? What about Bobby? Why does he never stop tormenting her sending the letters for more than 30 years? Will there be a solution for all parties involved in the end? This is an extremely compelling novella about child deduction and a sick relationship between the girlfriend left behind and the perpetrator. You will be shocked about her "donations to a perverted gods" and the relentless story. Extremely well done and highly recommended!
Profile Image for Sarah.
518 reviews223 followers
February 5, 2021
Dear Laura is a short, mysterious, horror novella (around 100 pages) that you won’t want to put down until you reach its conclusion.
One day before school, a thirteen year old Laura’s new boyfriend Bobby gets into a van with a mysterious stranger. Then he is never seen or heard from again...
She is left frightened and bereft by this, and then on her fourteenth birthday she starts receiving hand-written, hand-delivered letters to her home from a stranger.
The story jumps between a younger Laura and her thirty years later. As she ages, she receives more and more letters from this stranger, known only as ”X”.
He demands personal items from her in exchange for some clues as to where Bobby might be. One of these items being one of her molar teeth...
Years pass and she can never seem to outrun this stranger or escape his demand-filled letters.
But will she ever find Bobby? Or find out what happened to him? Or the identity of X?

This creepy tale made the hairs on the back of my neck stand on end and gave me goosebumps. It is truly chilling and very well-written. I look forward to reading more horror stories by this author in the future. She has a natural flair for writing the genre. 💀
Profile Image for Paul Bryant.
2,319 reviews11.2k followers
November 26, 2022
I stumbled on a Booktuber called CriminOlly. He reviews horror fiction very enthusiastically and I immediately liked him. I saw that he’d given himself the daunting task of reading the Most Disturbing Books Ever. He came up with the following list based on discussions with his followers :

120 Days of Sodom by The Marquis De Sade
The End of Alice by AM Homes*
The Story of the Eye by Georges Bataille*
Exquisite Corpse by Poppy Z Brite*
Birdman by Mo Hayder*
The Summer I Died by Ryan C Thomas
The Room by Hubert Selby Jr*
The Melting by Lize Spit
Cows by Mathew Stokoe*
The Pillowman by Martin McDonagh
Pretty Girls by Karin Slaughter
Tender is the Flesh by Augustina Bazterrica
Child of God by Cormac McCarthy*
Woom by Duncan Ralston

I had already read the asterisked ones and I was most curious what Olly would make of Cows which is let us say unusual. and makes you wonder about Mathew Stokoe. He came up with a review of that one quite quickly and called it “The Least Disturbing Book I’ve Read”. Ha! He was exactly right about it, explaining why when authors try too hard to shock and disgust they end up with unintentional puerile comedy. (I would like to link these videos but GR doesn’t allow that kind of outrageousness anymore.)

So I thought CriminOlly would be a good person to get some recommendations from and I checked out another video called “10 short horror books that left me shaken” because sometimes I get tired of profound highminded literature which is good for you, and of those I picked this one first, Dear Laura, a self-published novelette by Gemma Amor. That’s the preamble. Next comes the amble.


There are two possible answers: Yes or No. If Yes, then I’ve been sadly misled all my life. If No, then why do thriller & horror & crime writers write about people who act like nobody really would? Movies love to give us ridiculously contrived situations and brilliant evil geniuses like the Jigsaw guy in the Saw movies or John Doe in Se7en. There are no such people in real life. No Jokers or Batmen either. In Dear Laura the bad guy is no kind of genius but still quite unbelievable. So this pedophile guy charms away a 15 year old boy in front of his 13 year old girlfriend Laura. This leaves her unsurprisingly traumatised. The boy vanishes off the face of the earth but on every one of Laura’s subsequent birthdays she finds a creepy note apparently from The Killer asking her to do stuff and dangling a CLUE in front of her. So far so unlikely. Years roll round and her whole life is blighted by this creep. She is obsessed with Wanting to Find Out. What happened to Bobby? She must know. (I mean, she realises he must be dead, but still, she must know.) And on the one occasion she collects up all the creepy letters and decides to go to the cops, The Killer is right there to conk her on the head and put a stop to her police visiting activities. Because The Killer is obsessively watching her every move, morning noon and night. For year after year.

I didn’t buy Laura and I especially didn’t buy the pedo guy. Nobody is like this, at least, not in the very many true crime books & docs I have shamefully consumed. Nobody plays these elaborate teasing mind games so beloved by so many authors. Sorry, Olly, and even more sorry Gemma.
Profile Image for CYNDI.
403 reviews57 followers
April 17, 2022
Creepy, traumatising, profound and unbelievably emotional. Damn, I loved it so much I can’t even keep a straight face after the last few lines. Wow! And this is only a novella? How freaking remarkable!

This book is too powerful. Laura’s grief and misery over the loss of her bestfriend is laden with intense meaning. Her anguish and guilt drove her into a downward spiral of self-loathing. The not knowing ate away her soul. A knife stuck in her heart, twisting at the slight memory of a loss she couldn’t move on from.

Dark and sinister, yet, the end broke my heart and made me cry because of how beautiful the journey with Laura was. Her childhood marred by a traumatic event, her adult life tormented by a menace without a name. Saying goodbye was the kind of peace she was looking for.

Profile Image for Steph.
679 reviews421 followers
January 6, 2022
She waited, and disappointment became another rock to carry, a rock painted a different colour, but a rock the same size and weight as the rocks she already bore: those smeared with the colours of guilt, and grief, and shame.


dear laura is dark, mysterious, intensely emotional, and creepy as hell!! i picked up this novella because of the strong twin peaks vibes from the title and cover. the story itself isn't very lynchian, but i still loved it!

the premise is fascinating and the book itself is extremely readable. the laura of present day stumbles through the forest to meet her penpal and tormentor. her chapters are interspersed with chronological flashback chapters, which make it easy to tear through the book to learn how laura came to take this journey through the forest.

the mystery is thrilling, but oh, but the writing is so lyrical. it's a beautiful examination of grief, trauma, manipulation, and survival.

And now, like a little brown bird, flying north, she continues, walking on, in a straight, true line through the forest, always on, and never back, because that is not how we survive.
Profile Image for Rachel (TheShadesofOrange).
2,603 reviews4,015 followers
October 13, 2021
3.5 Stars
This was an engaging novella that told a life story of lifelong obsession. The mystery letter writer was definitely a creepy persona that made for an uncomfortable, yet compelling read.
Profile Image for Vicki Herbert .
599 reviews112 followers
April 6, 2024
X Marks the Cardboard Spot...

DEAR LAURA by Gemma Amir

No spoilers (yet), but I will give ample warning when you're reaching spoiler territory...

I gave this novella 2 stars for the idea... as far as execution, I would suggest the author spend some time interviewing a homicide detective...

The characters sorely needed some development to give this story a little umph!... also, what was the reason the victim Bobby got in the killers vehicle?...

... the answer might have helped readers care about Bobby and inject some much needed fear and empathy into the plot...

It was really a stretch to ask us to believe that a 14 year old girl would try to meet with a killer who sent her pictures of the boy's body without at least telling her parents...

... much less, give him a tooth in exchange for a dead body's location...

...and to carry on this behavior into adulthood was something I just didn't buy into. The story was extremely unbelievable, and I don't understand the 5 star ratings.

SPOILER ALERT AT THIS POINT: When Laura goes on trial for killing the child killer, she is convicted of second-degree murder and the jury and judge are unhappy about the verdict... well, if THEY were unhappy, WHO CONVICTED HER?? It's little details like that that can ruin a story for me. It's like expecting me to suspend reality and logic.

WHITE PINES by this author is a much better novel.
Profile Image for Ron.
432 reviews118 followers
October 25, 2020
Give me Amor, please Gemma.

Love her writing. And the story - from the moment thirteen year old Laura watches her friend, Bobby, step into the blue van with its faceless mystery. To a day yet thirty years later, still living with survivors guilt and the continuing letters meant to haunt, as if life was a game for play. From that first letter, ”Dear Laura,...” A letter with a clue. One per year.

A letter.

A clue.

Tit for tat, dear Laura. A piece of Bobby for a piece of you.
Profile Image for Chris Berko.
472 reviews130 followers
April 1, 2020
Heartbreaking, tragic, horrifying.
This book is about lost lives, or more specifically: stolen lives and the price of not letting go.

I had seen other glowing reviews for this and had pretty high hopes, which were ultimately met, but what I wasn't expecting was something this layered. On its surface its a scary story in and of itself but underneath there's the sick desperation, the paranoia, the dashed hope, by the end of the story, which is only around a hundred or so pages, I was reeling. This was one when I finished I turned off my Kindle and just sat there. No jumping into writing a review, no instantly searching for what I was going to read next, I was sorta just floored. If you're reading this then heed my advice and buy this book, it is a powerful experience.
Profile Image for destiny ♡ howling libraries.
1,877 reviews6,105 followers
November 14, 2021
Another A+ creepy read from Gemma Amor, nobody is surprised here. 🖤 Seriously, though, I just think she's such a talented, brilliant author. This little story kept me on the edge of my seat the entire time, and the stakes felt so much higher than I expected them to based simply off of the synopsis. There's a lot more going on here than you realize at first glance. And that ending? Bittersweet, but flawless. I loved the time jumps between modern, adult Laura and her life as a teen, receiving these disgusting, twisted letters. I just enjoyed everything about this novella and I can't wait to read more from Gemma Amor!

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Profile Image for Gareth Is Haunted.
353 reviews80 followers
May 16, 2023
3.5 stars. A compelling and original thriller/mystery that kept me hooked from the first page.
'The ties that bind, she realised, did not always bind tight enough. He had slipped from her grasp. And in doing so, he had taught her a lesson, a harsh and immutable truth: that nothing is permanent. Everything can change. A life can alter beyond recognition in the time it takes to simply let go of someone’s hand.'

The author does a great job of creating suspense and tension throughout the story, as well as developing the characters and their relationships. The main drawback for me was the ending which felt a little rushed and didn't resonate with me. I wish there was more explanation and closure for some of the plot points and questions that were raised.
Overall, a well-written and interesting book that I would recommend to fans of the genre.
Profile Image for Carol.
1,370 reviews2,292 followers
April 1, 2020
OH.....K. Now this is a thriller!

Bobby is gone and even after 30 years, Laura wonders what became of him....why he got into the van....and who the BIG man was behind the wheel.

The annual coded letters began on her 14th birthday. He always wants something....nasty, personal and hurtful things. She must bring them to each mystery destination....mindful that he is always watching.

"If a woman falls in a forest and no one is around to hear....does she make a sound?"

A dark and haunting little 100 page novella.

Profile Image for Lucy'sLilLibrary.
446 reviews
October 17, 2023
There is something pretty special about a book just over 100 pages spanning someones entire life! The author managers to show the reader how something in your childhood can shape your whole future. Unlike other horror/thriller books the main character doesn't cope that well, she doesn't move on or have a happily ever after and I really appreciate it.

I did like the way this was written, however some things were over-explained whilst others were completely ignored. Part of me wishes this would have been a few hundred pages long, and yet it's shortness did have a really nice impact.

I would absolutely read from this author again - maybe something a little longer though.
Profile Image for Stitching Ghost.
1,050 reviews238 followers
May 8, 2024
I'm a little conflicted about this one, if I had read the blurb before reading it I might have realized that I wasn't exactly the right audience but I saw a messed up tooth on the cover and yeah I can't resist that stuff.

The part where Laura was a teenager seemed a little messy and repetitive and I'm not sure if it was done intentionally to convey the immaturity of the character or if it needed another round of edits.

On the plus side it was a quick read.
Profile Image for Ginger.
876 reviews488 followers
April 6, 2024
Dear Laura is a short story with fantastic pacing that will grab you by the throat and not let go.
It’s brutal, psychological and so twisted! 🙌
Profile Image for Jason.
Author 8 books484 followers
July 5, 2020
Dear Laura pulls you in immediately and refuses to let go. I could have easily read this in one sitting. I wanted to read it in one sitting. Life had different plans, however. It usually does. In the end I was happy that it took me a few days to finish because I got to stay in this darkly alluring world for a little longer.

The premise itself is terrifying. Laura loses her best friend and boyfriend, Bobby, one day. He is kidnapped, never to be seen again. She was thirteen at the time, saw it happen, in fact. On her fourteenth birthday she receives a letter from someone calling themselves X, claiming to have killed Bobby. Every year thereafter, on her birthday, she receives a new letter. In these letters, X offers to give Laura clues as to where she can find Bobby’s body. Only, she has to do what he requires in order to receive the clue.

This book is about power, manipulation, psychological abuse and it’s effects on the human psyche over an extended period of time. It’s painful to watch. And yet you can’t stop.

The alluring part is Amor’s amazing skill at writing prose, at building characters, and building suspense, all of which draw you in and make it impossible to look away.

Very well done! If you’re a horror fan and haven’t read Dear Laura yet, fix that. You won’t be sorry.
Profile Image for Steve Stred.
Author 84 books643 followers
March 9, 2021
** Edited as review is now live on Kendall Reviews! **

I’ve long enjoyed that I connected with Gemma some time ago and really love seeing her releases come to life. Typically, on Twitter, she’ll share progress on her covers as well as little tidbits about what she’s working on. She’ll of course share attempts at jokes (ha!) and other parts of life’s adventures, but when ‘Dear Laura’ was released and was followed by rave reviews and a Stoker nomination, it was fantastic to see.

Now, having finally gotten around to reading this, I can see just why people loved this.

What I liked: ‘Dear Laura’ tells the haunting story, close to an biography, of Laura, as she grows up. When she was 14, her best friend and for a very, very short time, boyfriend, Bobby gets abducted. She witnesses it but unfortunately, the details she sees isn’t enough. Having to now live with the guilt of wishing she could’ve done more, she spirals into depression, until a note from the abductor shows up for her.

It’s at this point that Amor takes this from a 10 and ramps it up to a 20. We bounce back and forth between Laura on the home stretch of finding the abductor and what has led to this moment. We get some gorgeous moments, little snippets of insight into Laura and the ache she feels in her soul, but those are often bookended by a new snapshot of grief and horror.

The book itself is filled with short, snappy chapters and because of this ‘Dear Laura’ both flies along, but is absolutely dripping with dread. The tension is palpable as you move through the book, knowing at some point Laura will arrive at the final destination and hoping she gets to learn some truths.

What I didn’t like: Minor overall, but I wish we would’ve learned a bit more about ‘the why.’ Why Bobby, why was he smiling when he went with the man etc. It works well that we didn’t, but I would’ve loved a bit of insight from X.

Why you should buy this: Gemma is a fantastic writer and ‘Dear Laura’ is a stunning example of how to pull a reader along and make them develop anxiety and claustrophobia. I wanted to see what happened next and would’ve easily read this in a single sitting if I wasn’t reading so many other books at one time. This book delivers on all levels and should be read by everyone.

Well done, Gemma.
Profile Image for Phu.
752 reviews
September 12, 2023
A tooth,
said the letter. 
A big tooth, a molar. Give me what I want, and I’ll give you a clue.
Deep down inside, you know you can’t live without me, don’t you?
And I can’t live without you for much longer, Laura. If you don’t do as I say, I’m not sure I can hold myself back. No cheating. I’ll know if it’s not your tooth.  Yours with respect,

Hahaha!!! Ít nhất mình đã thấy thỏa mãn vì dành một ngày nghỉ đọc quyển này =))) Thà viết "thẳng thừng" như này, chứ "thiên về cách viết" một cách dài dòng thì lại mệttttttttt!!!!! Mình sẽ review một cách ngắn, vì đây là novella, không thì spoil mất.

Dear Laura mở đầu bằng việc cậu bạn yêu dấu Bobby của Laura đã mất tích, và điều đó đã trở thành một nỗi đau với Laura. Tuy nhiên, vào sinh thật thứ mười bốn, Laura nhận được một lá thứ từ kẻ lạ - hắn tiết lộ, rằng hắn biết Bobby đang ở đâu. Nhưng đổi lại, Laura sẽ phải trao cho hắn một thứ của cô ấy để đổi lấy một manh mối.

Điều mình ấn tượng với quyển sách này là cách mở đầu dễ hiểu, dễ đọc. Mình hầu như RẤT NGẠI khi đọc novella, bởi những quyển novella mình đọc đều có cách viết khó hiểu, khó hình dung. Nhưng đối với Dear Laura thì khác, diễn biến được miêu tả nhanh và gọn. Bên cạnh đó, nó lột tả sự biến thái đáng sợ, tâm lý dằng vặt của một con người. Khi diễn biến phát triển, độ "biến thái" của X (kẻ cho là hắn biết Bobby đang ở đâu) càng đẩy lên cao, đưa tâm trí của Laura đi xa và điên rồ theo nó.

Tuy nhiên, thật thất vọng khi cho tới cái kết tác giả không thực sự khiến mình thỏa mãn. Còn nhiều thứ mà mình vẫn muốn biết, chứ cái kết thì nhanh. Và cuốn sách chỉ nằm ở mức "biến thái" thôi, chứ cũng chẳng quá kinh dị đâu. Nhưng bù lại Dear Laura dễ đọc là đủ với mình =)))
Profile Image for Brittany Lee.
Author 2 books132 followers
November 1, 2021
Wow! The suspense was intense! A 5-star indie.

When horrors of childhood follow us into adulthood...

🖤 A quick read. Genre: #Horror
(That's a TOOTH on the cover, not a moth as I had previously perceived.) The cover illustration is by the author, how neat!
—Bonus points when an author's book is entirely their own!

🖤 Not spooky but suspenseful + thrilling and dark + disturbing. Vivid without being grotesque!

🖤 I enjoyed reading this the night before Halloween— no nightmares! 🎃👻🖤

This is my type of horror:
🖤 Not too bloody, although there is death, strong themes of mental health, men of monsters, tough subjects, love, justice, redemption; author Gemma here does a wonderful job of keeping the pages turning, now I want more!

🖤 I'll be checking out Gemma Amor's other works in the future!

🖤 I downloaded this title on the Amazon Kindle app for free last year... I tend to be hesitant towards horror books because I am a highly sensitive person and then some. This one was completely fine for me but the subject matter could be triggering to some SPOILER: (particularly those with a history of pedophiles).

🖤 It appears this book has won some type of award (it's too small for me to see on my device) but bravo, as it should, the writing was great! —Clean, easy sentences; I was with this story every step of the way without being overwhelmed. I just had to know what would happen in the end. I was pleased with everything about this! Well done!

I was under no obligation to write a review, my honest opinions are freely given.

Going to feature this in my Amazon storefront because it's a great book for October or a general horror leisure read! #AmazonAffiliate

See all the books I enjoy in my Amazon Store @: www.amazon.com/shop/itsblee1234
Profile Image for Karla Kay.
397 reviews68 followers
August 17, 2020
I seriously need to gather myself before I can write a full review.

Does anyone cry when reading horror? I sure did with this one! Made my heart bleed!8/16/20

Update:8/17/20 I'm still feeling the heart punch!
This is a story that's going to stick with me for a very long time.

It is very dark and unsettling, delving into the darkness and evilness of humanity.
Two young lives and families forever affected by one man's heinous crime and control.
Two young lives lost, never to be regained.

Is there redemption in the end? Yes and NO. Laura pays dearly for a predators evil deeds!

No need to explain what happens because no spoilers!

Heartbreaking and severely tragic! Despairing!

So why did I love it? It's real, it's authentic, and it's powerful!

Profile Image for Elle G. Reads.
1,731 reviews922 followers
June 21, 2020
Mini Review: Dear Laura is a well written novella of psychological horror. While the horror aspect was rather dim, it was certainly there in a psychological sense. I could feel the grief coming off Laura and could understand (although I didn't agree) her need to find out what happened to Bobby. There were a few disturbing moments (a little gore) but mostly this is a book about overcoming grief and laying the past to rest. If you're a fan of the book Penpal (which creeped me the heck out) then this is definitely a book you'll want to read. You get stalkers in both and the slow buildup is available in both.

PS: I read this book in about an hour in my pool. It's a super quick read with only 100 pages.

My Rating: 3.5 rounded up to 4
Profile Image for Ishika .
198 reviews597 followers
February 27, 2022
A good whim read that was supposed to be scary but turned out to be disturbing. I was expecting something more tbh like

3.5 stars
Profile Image for Alex | | findingmontauk1.
1,503 reviews92 followers
May 6, 2020
I honestly do not even know where to begin with this. Can I just say it was bloody brilliant and move on? Okay, okay... I guess I can say some more things about why I loved it.

Well, first of all... I have read a few things from Gemma Amor and the way she writes about loss and grieving is unlike anyone else. She can take those emotions and build any story around them I think. In this story, Laura loses her friend Bobby when they are young to a man i a van in the woods. And she never forgot it. She starts receiving letters in the mail On her birthday from a stranger claiming to know what happened and where Bobby is. But this is a game of quid pro quo - the stranger wants things in return before any information can be divulged with each letter.

Did anyone ever read the book Sophie's World? it's about a girl who comes home one day and finds a letter in her mailbox asking a couple of questions... and then we begin following her as she is in this snail mail correspondence course/letter exchange with someone who is filling her head with some of the minds of the greatest philosophers who ever existed. Okay.. so Dear Laura is like that... only with blood, terror, anxiety, panic, and fear. Sounds awesome?! YES BECAUSE IT IS!

This is a fast read but your head will be racing the whole time. Amor really knocks it out of the park with Dear Laura - 5 stars!!
Profile Image for Alex (The Bookubus).
422 reviews486 followers
September 11, 2021
Dear Laura follows Laura as she experiences the effects of a childhood trauma that takes over her life. When she was a teenager her best friend went missing and one day Laura receives a letter telling her she can have information about her friend’s whereabouts…as long as she’s willing to give something in return.

This was an excellent read filled with tension and dread along with sadness and heartache. It’s a very interesting look at grief and obsession and the things people are willing to do. I really felt for Laura and all of the things she goes through and her struggles to process and deal with what is happening. If you are looking for a quick read but one packed with feeling then I definitely recommend this!
Profile Image for Michelle {Book Hangovers}.
459 reviews191 followers
July 15, 2020
I rarely read novellas...why...I have no idea! I think it’s because I’m afraid it’ll lack a lot of things: world building, character development, a satisfying conclusion, etc...

Well, luckily, I did not experience any of that with this novella. Even though this story is a short read it’s very powerful. I could really feel the emotions portrayed in this book. The grief. The rage. And the disgust. I felt it!!!

If more novellas are like this one: packed with a punch, short and to the point, then I want more!!! I’m excited to see what novellas I’m going to read next. Recommendations welcome!!
Profile Image for Brandon Baker.
Author 3 books7,654 followers
October 21, 2022
3.5 stars. It was good!! I honestly thought it was more interesting than creepy or scary. I just wanted to know what happened, and it ended up being a fairly simple, straight forward mystery, but yeah, it was good!!
Profile Image for jenny✨.
585 reviews899 followers
May 20, 2022
3.5 stars! i really enjoy gemma amor’s storytelling, and this was no exception. however, i was hoping for something heftier, a narrative slightly more innovative and subversive - and less familiar - than what this book ultimately delivered.
Displaying 1 - 30 of 1,010 reviews

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