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Lord John Grey #2.5

Lord John and the Haunted Soldier

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In November 1758, following the events of June in Brotherhood of the Blade, the surviving members of the gun crew manning the cannon "Tom Pilchard" at Crefeld are brought before a board of inquiry, including Lord John Grey.

100 pages, Kindle Edition

Published January 1, 2007

About the author

Diana Gabaldon

181 books178k followers
Diana Jean Gabaldon Watkins grew up in Flagstaff, Arizona and is of Hispanic and English descent (with a dash of Native American and Sephardic Jew). She has earned three degrees: a B.S. in Zoology, a M.S. in Marine Biology, and a Ph.D in Ecology, plus an Honorary Doctorate from the University of Glasgow, for services to Scottish Literature.

She currently lives in Scottsdale, Arizona .

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Displaying 1 - 30 of 48 reviews
Profile Image for ᗩᑎᗪᖇᗴᗯ.
489 reviews67 followers
July 4, 2020
Who killed "Tom Pilchard"?

There's a touch of Holmes and Watson in John Grey and Tom Byrd.

Diana Gabaldon pens another decent mystery and the characters are fun to visit with. It all wraps up neatly with little ongoing consequence, as can be expected in between-the-novels stories like this.

One for the fans. If you are, you'll probably enjoy it.
Profile Image for Bethany.
72 reviews
December 23, 2020
I think I am half in love with Lord John Grey. He’s just so amazingly honorable and seems to go out of his way to help so many people. He is also more approachable than Jamie, maybe a bit less high handed, more humble and admits his mistakes a little more readily. I realize he doesn’t have the pressure of responsibility that Jamie bears, but I just think John’s a bit more my style. He has a temper and is good in a fight, but I don’t think he might kill me accidentally in my sleep either. ❤️🤩
Profile Image for Jamie.
1,491 reviews61 followers
January 18, 2024
These aren't my favorite, but I do enjoy Lord John Grey. He is a rather easy character to like. The problem I'm finding is that I have a hard time staying focused on the stories. They aren't drawing me in like the main books do with Jamie and Claire. Maybe it's because he doesn't have his own love interest to make his adventures fun. I mean pining after Jamie isn't good enough for me. I will continue to push through these though, as they are part of the order in books and I'm a sucker for that.
Profile Image for Thomas George Phillips.
493 reviews33 followers
October 9, 2023
Lord John has been fighting in Prussia during the "Seven Years War." It is November 1758. A canon has misfired killing a British soldier; the man's head was severed.

Lord John Grey has been summoned back to London to give account of this tragic death. A Royal Commission has convened; and Lord John is ordered to testify. But all does not go smoothly doing the Hearing. The Commission is holding Lord John responsible.

In order to avert blame, Lord John sets out to investigate the reason(s) for the cannon misfiring.

Lord John Grey has discovered a mass conspiracy that reaches far into His Majesty's Government. It concerns copper; and those culprits who would stop at nothing at stealing it for their own gain.

Once again Ms. Gabaldon has written an excellent and suspenseful novella of her protagonist, Major Lord John Grey.
117 reviews
August 18, 2023
Lord John as detective of another mystery concerning the whereabouts of a young girl and a cannon firing inquisition.
Profile Image for Andrea Hastings.
283 reviews1 follower
March 18, 2020
Lord John and the Haunted Soldier is a decent read. It started out slow and at times slowed back down and was did not keep my attention at times. I did stick with it, and toward mid way picked up pace and by the end I was interested again. I find it hard to believe that I love Lord John's character so much in all the Outlander books but have been struggling reading his series. I will continue though.
Profile Image for Natalie.
261 reviews
July 9, 2019
Again...just another story which I felt had no real plot? It was all just a bit meh for me. The writing was great but the characters and storyline just fell flat.
Profile Image for Avid Series Reader.
1,486 reviews1 follower
September 12, 2020
Lord John and the Haunted Soldier by Diana Gabaldon is novella #2.5 of the Lord John Grey historical mystery series, found with Lord John and the Hellfire Club (#0.5) and Lord John and the Succubus (#1.5) in the collection Lord John and the Hand of Devils.

London, November 1758. Five months have passed since the cannon "Tom Pilchard" blew up in battle at Crefeld (Lord John and the Brotherhood of the Blade). John is gradually recovering from his injuries. He still has a sliver of metal embedded inside his chest. John is summoned to an inquiry. He is so offended by their insinuations, he departs abruptly.

Scientists studying the broken cannon pieces inform John that many other cannons have exploded, a fact the military keeps hush-hush. John's integrity compels him to play devil's advocate. He will privately investigate the cannon manufacturer and supplier, his half brother Edgar.

Cannon officer Lister was killed instantly by the misfire; his father begs John for information about Lister's wife and child. John agrees to look for them. Mr. Thackeray disowned his daughter when she eloped with Lister, and remains bitter, but John discovers a sympathetic contact.

John and his valet Tom Byrd learn a great deal about cannon manufacturing, notably that the cannons were sold by a consortium of manufacturers. John also discovers that members of the inquiry board have questionable motives. Clearly they want a scapegoat, so wrongdoing at high levels can be hidden.

John's quest for the truth leads him into a dangerous confrontation with a cannon-maker who has ties to the Thackeray family. Luckily John's recovery has restored his quick reflexes, which save several lives.
Profile Image for Brie_reads.
847 reviews26 followers
March 28, 2023
Continuing my reread, November 1758, Lord John is still recovering from his wounds and is out of commission until the army restates him. But when he goes to find out if he’s been reinstated he sees a ghost, discovers they put him at fault for the canon explosion, and that there’s a mystery that can potentially ruin his career.

Reasons I Recommend:

1) I love Tom Byrd and even tho he’s barely 18 to John’s 28, he takes such good care of him, puts him in his place, and has a suspicious mind that always helps John. He’s the Watson to John’s Sherlock

2) Get to learn more about the Grey family and his mother’s first marriage and

3) See more of Harry Quarry and the gossip he always knows while John wrestles with his feelings for Jamie and contemplates whether if would be appropriate to send Jamie a letter at Helwater despite them parting on bad terms.


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Profile Image for Emily G.
549 reviews11 followers
March 11, 2022
This novella revolves around Lord John finding out why the cannon ‘Tom Pilchard’ (who knew cannons had names?! You learn something every day!) blew up, killing most of the gunner crew and seriously injuring Lord John himself.

I liked the twists and turns as Lord John ferrets out the truth, he makes a good detective. I haven’t mentioned before but I really love the relationship between Lord John and his valet, Tom Byrd. Tom is the best person to have watching your back in my opinion. He is also very protective of Lord John, who always seems to be putting himself in harm’s way, which is very sweet.

I have to admit though that the chase at the end with the Navy on boats on the Thames had me throughly confused. I really didn’t have a clear picture in my head of which boats were where or even who was on which one! Not that it really mattered for the ultimate story but I didn’t enjoy that bit of the tale. 4 stars
Profile Image for Lyndal Simpson.
98 reviews
August 29, 2020
Not the Kindle edition. I couldn't find the normal one. I don't do Kindle. Read it as part of 'Lord John and the Hand of Devils'.
The book that I read before this one was quite long and grueling in its subject matter. This novella was a perfect follow-up. An easily digestible mystery featuring a character and world that I was already very familiar with.
I really like Lord John and the novellas, novels and short stories featuring him are all great reads. If you want a good old-fashioned mystery these books do the job, as well as providing an enjoyable glimpse into the 18th century.
I'm reading all of Diana Gabaldon's non-Outlander books while waiting for 'Go Tell The Bees That I'm Gone' to be published. Next up is 'The Scottish Prisoner'.
Profile Image for Sarah.
573 reviews
August 1, 2021
After nearly being blown to bits in the previous novel, LJ is on the mend and being brought before a committee to answer as to why the cannon he was commanding exploded. He smells a rat and goes looking for answer once it’s clear he’s being set up as a fall guy. As he is wont to do, he stumbles into another mystery that requires solving and nearly gets himself killed - again - in the process. Again, I was a little confused during the ending, but that was due to me reading rather quickly. I’m more interested in learning about LJ as a person than the nitty-gritty details of who done it and why.
Profile Image for Susan.
1,766 reviews6 followers
December 22, 2021
As I work my way thru the entire series chronologically, I appreciate the Lord John pieces more than when I just read them haphazardly.
Put together, they give a good picture of Lord John that does help broaden some of the understanding of his character in the larger series novels.
And the author puts in some entertaining, snarky, omniscient comments and thoughts that cannot help but make you laugh out loud.
Profile Image for Lynette.
389 reviews10 followers
December 31, 2020
Lord John is the new Sherlock Holmes! With how many mysteries he’s solved, he should get his own spin off series, oh wait...lol kidding. I enjoy reading more of his backstory and the many different characters he encounters
Profile Image for Elsa Maye .
142 reviews
June 23, 2022
Sur les trois nouvelles qui font parties du livre « une odeur de souffre » il s’agit de ma préférée! Effectivement, j’ai beaucoup aimé l’enquête autour de la destruction des canons. Histoire prenante jusqu’au bout !
Profile Image for Kristy.
1,185 reviews20 followers
February 16, 2020
Another Lord John mystery novella- this one concerning a missing girl and faulty artillery.
Profile Image for Dustin.
Author 2 books8 followers
July 3, 2020
In general it is an interesting story and there's even a nice twist. It is weird though, what happens to the deadly metal inside John's body…
Profile Image for Joan Maten.
310 reviews5 followers
August 9, 2020
Another fun short story mystery with Lord John Grey. Gabaldon continues to write stories that are a pleasure to read. History with a sense of humor. Love it.
Profile Image for Storm.
2,173 reviews5 followers
February 21, 2022
This is the last of 3 stories collected in Lord John and the Hand of Devils, featuring Lord John Grey, an offshoot character from Diana Gabaldon's Outlander universe, with his own Lord John Grey Series. This story takes place during Voyager following the events of June in Brotherhood of the Blade. In November 1758, the surviving members of the gun crew manning the cannon "Tom Pilchard" which exploded at Crefeld are brought before a board of inquiry, including Lord John Grey

What unfolds at the inquest leads to more questions that Lord John Grey must investigate as it isn't just a case of an exploding cannon. Worse yet, he takes on the responsibility of finding the wife of the soldier under his command who was killed when the cannon explodes because he is a good commanding officer who owes it to one of his subordinates.

The more he finds out the worse it gets, and before you know it Lord John is embroiled in a conspiracy at the very highest levels of government.

This story kind of went all over the place and despite the amount of action thrown in and the presence of the erstwhile Tom Byrd (Watson to Grey's Sherlock) I just didn't find it very enjoyable or exciting to read.
Profile Image for BooksInTheCorner.
65 reviews1 follower
February 9, 2024
Il filone narrativo di Lord John non ha lo stesso modo accattivante di incollare il lettore alle pagine rispetto alla saga principale; tuttavia, la Gabaldon riesce a creare trame interessanti e sempre nuove, diverse e indipendenti dal nucleo originario delle sue storie in Outlander, dando spessore ai personaggi secondari e dipingendo immagini e scenari con la parole quasi fossero colori.

Grazie a questi romanzi e novelle - caratterizzati spesso dal mistero e incentrati sulla crescita morale del protagonista attraverso un arduo processo di introspezione - Lord John diventa un personaggio amabile, con i suoi pregi e difetti, aspirazioni e debolezze, tanto da non potergli negare alcunché. Attraverso i suoi pensieri e i gesti - descritti magistralmente - riesco ad immaginarlo, quasi in carne ed ossa, mentre affronta le sfide che la vita del XVIII secolo gli impone.

Un apprezzamento va a Tom Byrd, personaggio secondario di estrema importanza in questa novella così come nei capitoli precedenti della serie, senza il quale molte delle informazioni elaborate da John non avrebbero riscontro pratico. Un'accoppiata vincente, non c'è dubbio!
Profile Image for Kelly Pokrywiecki.
37 reviews3 followers
August 27, 2021
Months after a cannon explosion kills an officer, Lord John Grey is caught up in an investigation into the mysterious cause of the event. Did someone do something to intentionally sabotage the cannon? Was the cannon faulty from the beginning? Lord John is going to get to the bottom of it.

This short novella is part of the Lord John Grey spin-off series of books from the Outlander universe. I have enjoyed the other books in the Lord John series, but this one was a little disappointing. The subject really didn't pull me in and I had a hard time getting into it. Anyone interested in this spin-off series, I would just skip right over this one.
Profile Image for Shahira8826.
548 reviews28 followers
August 25, 2023
"Lord John and the Haunted Soldier" by Diana Gabaldon might just be my favourite story to-date in the Lord John series; it's got everything: mystery, wit, atmosphere, plot twists, and an amazing amount of historical detail.
Lord John might just be my favourite character, and I don't mean only in the Outlander universe, but in general, across all the books I've ever read. His unwavering sense of honor and his unrelenting loyalty even to a love that is unrequited make him in my opinion the best protagonist ever, and would make him the best man on earth if he existed in real life!
Profile Image for Allison.
105 reviews
July 26, 2020
2.75 star. I didn’t care about the overall mystery for this story to begin with. I also didn’t like the conclusion to the mystery and ending of the story either. What happened to Anne Thackeray also felt anti-climatic and we find out what happened to her through exposition of events that occurred off screen and I didn’t care for that.
30 reviews1 follower
July 28, 2020
I'm reading through the Lord John books because I LOVE the Outlander series by the same author. (Lord John is a character in the Outlander books, but the main character in the "Lord John" books). While this book is well written, story simply didn't capture my interest.
Profile Image for Annie.
89 reviews6 followers
March 17, 2021
This book took me a while to get through even though it was a rather short novella. I did not find this tale as compelling as previous ones. I'll continue to read these novellas, because I suffer a compulsion to complete series after I begin them.
Displaying 1 - 30 of 48 reviews

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