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Laura has been quite content as the head seamstress at Salis House Plantation. But when it is decided that two of her brothers are to be sold, she is forced to make a decision she never hoped to make.

Sam’s greatest desire is to be free. Free from the bonds of slavery, free to choose his own path, free to become the man God created him to be. But when circumstances conspire to lead him only further into slavery, he is pressed to make a choice that will change the course of his life forever.

When Laura and Sam cross paths, they find themselves on an unlikely journey to freedom that spans the western United States and leads them on a journey that requires all of their strength.

337 pages, Kindle Edition

First published August 1, 2019

About the author

Embassie Susberry

21 books59 followers
I still remember the exact day I fell in love with reading. It was nighttime and raining. Mom and Dad had already sent me and my sister to bed. But I couldn't sleep. We didn't have cable (and I'm pretty sure the parents wouldn't allow it) and cartoons were over for the day. I remember turning on the light, looking across the room at my snoring sister and then at my bookcase filled with books. I wasn't a reader at the time, but my mother was. She was constantly buying me something. I walked over to the bookshelf and pulled my newest book off the shelf and just began to read. For the first time, I learned what it was to leave my room and go someplace else; to care about imaginary people so much, I had to turn the next page; to get so caught up in a story, hours flew by. And it is that exact feeling that I want so much to create in my readers. Enjoyment, entertainment, and feeling blessed.

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Displaying 1 - 30 of 45 reviews
Profile Image for Michele Hallahan.
260 reviews6 followers
June 24, 2020
More than surprised.

Couldn't tell you what made me notice this book. I think it was the cover, nevertheless, I'm glad I downloaded the sample. I hadn't even finished that before I was going back for the actual book. Now, anyone that knows me knows that I love steamy romance novels. Whether they are historical, contemporary, urban, sci-fi....whatever, I gobble them up. When I say that this book couldn't get any cleaner, but I couldn't put it down, I'm not lying. The excitement, adventure and family bonds were more than enough to keep me entertained. Would I have enjoyed some heat? Absolutely. Am I mad about it? So mad that I'm about to download the next book as soon as I hit submit on this review. There were a couple of minor editing issues here and there, but nothing distracting. I've never read anything by this author before, but thanks to that eye-catching cover, and a wonderful story, I'll definitely be back.
2,669 reviews23 followers
July 13, 2020
Just Great

Finally a series that is set in this time ,and we get to see the inside of there dreams and wants for one another. We also get to see the smart and inventive one as well. For some this may be hard to read but I can tell you this is one of the most enjoyable stories and you are going to.want to meet this Altan family along with the Day's.
Just Good storytelling and with good storyline.
87 reviews
May 1, 2020
This was an excellent book. I rate at 4 stars primarily because there were frequent misspellings, i.e. too rather than to. Likely, this was the proof-readers error, but that means you should have a better proofer. Possibly, it is only in the ebook format.
Otherwise, this was a really good book from a different view - that of the black slaves. I really appreciate this from Ms Susberry. This was her vision, and understandably so.
My only issue with the story line was the omission of the rest of the journey. I don't want to leave any spoilers. But, because I live in the area along the Mississippi River, I am doubly curious.
At any rate, I am happy with the book. I am anxious to read the next in the series.
Profile Image for Jorie W.
14 reviews21 followers
June 4, 2021
a relatable story about love and family and faith

I loved A Quiet Strength!

The story was well-balanced between romance, intrigue, and historical content. The faith of the characters felt like a real part of their development and choices without being forced. Sam and Laura's romance felt sensible but deep and I loved how the difficulties of slavery and escaping slavery were diversely reflected in both characters' family.

Susberry did a great job of not skating by these hard topics and complexities but molding them seamlessly into a relatable story about love and family. I am looking forward to reading the rest of the Salis Plantation series.
Profile Image for Nyasha Tarlia.
223 reviews3 followers
January 27, 2024
A Quiet Strength by Embassie Susberry —- Laura is a seamstress at Salis House Plantation. When it is decided that two of her brothers are to be sold, she is forced to make a decision she never hoped to make. Sam’s greatest desire is to be free from the bonds of slavery. He is pressed to make a choice that will change the course of his life forever. When Laura and Sam cross paths, they find themselves on an unlikely journey that requires all of their strength.

As far as slavery/ historical fiction books go, this one is pretty easy to read. It’s no where near as traumatic and graphic as others I have read. This one focuses more on hope, and the lives runaway slaves made for themselves.

I’ve always questioned Romance during slavery. From the books I’ve read, in times of turmoil love is such a key factor. The act of being willing to love another, to bare children in a time where you know your loved one can be sold the next day, along with your children is a courage I cannot fathom.

One thing that always stands out to me in slavery book is the slaves use of religion for strength. Religion can be a very conflicting and controversial topic. As much as I believe in God and see faith as a form of strength… I’m very aware is also a social construct and used as a form of control, especially during slavery.

“it did seem stupid at times… to hear about a God who at times didn’t always seem to be listening. But Sam knew it would be worse to give up. It would be worse just to except that it was Gods will that this was his lot in life. (P.g. 29)
Profile Image for Natasha C.
20 reviews
February 11, 2022
I absolutely fell in love with these characters and now I can't wait to read more. Sam is an absolute sweetheart. Too good for this fictional world quite honestly. I fell in love with him right away. (My only complaint is I wanted more description about him so I could visualize him). Then there's Manny (Manning, love his name. It suites him because he's very mannish). The bad boy, pessimistic twin. Can't help but love him too just in a different way. Gid is a little sweetheart and the quiet wise one Sol. Then there's the loving father Amos and his baby girl Laura. I absolutely loved them as a family and their adventure to freedom. Lots of twist, turns and even a murder mystery along the way but I loved the ride. The little hidden surprise was Prince. Quite and interesting character and I look forward to his story. This was an excellent read with great character development and I loved the touches of faith and God. I would have liked a little more spice but I get it and it still didn't take away from a well written story. Can't wait to read more.
Profile Image for Rachel Wesson.
Author 58 books313 followers
October 2, 2023
Fell upon this book by accident and so glad I did, I read the entire series over the weekend. The writer is incredibly talented and brings you back to the horrific days of the Civil War. You feel just like you were there.

As a white Irishwoman, I can never truly understand what it meant to be a slave or to have your ancestors enslaved. However, the author's talent allowed me to empathise with what the characters endured. The books vividly portrays the real horrors of life as a slave, even for those owned by "kind" masters.

Unlike some books in this genre, the religious elements were seamlessly woven into the story and remained relevant throughout. I highly recommend it to those interested in reading about real history.
I have suggested these books to my readers group as I think they will enjoy them also.
32 reviews1 follower
July 28, 2020
I gratefully stumbled upon this book and it did not disappoint. Full of mystery and suspense, character development and a some romance, “A Quiet Strength” was one I couldn’t put down. Although I’ve read from this time period before, this book offered a fresh perspective of the challenges slaves escaping for freedom face. It didn’t shy away from the ugliness of slavery but also offered a glimpse into the the education required for slaves to learn to live as free people. Simple skills and knowledge I take for granted were the very things that made them feel human. I’m looking forward to reading the next book in this series.
Profile Image for Pavlina.
70 reviews3 followers
February 5, 2023
This is it.

I get so tired of antebellum history where the slaves are always happy. We hear about the entitled house girls, the happy go lucky cook and the “field hands”.

This book really puts upfront just how the slaves we considered just above a dog. Their owners treated their horses better. You know the pain of families being separated. You see how quicksilver the live off slave can be, just surviving and suffer and the hands of the evil overseers. How when they tried to escape they could be ripped apart by dogs, whipped until unconscious and treated like the worst of the worst.

These were real people with real real lives.
1,057 reviews2 followers
January 4, 2020
Another excellent historical Christian romance and mystery by this author this time about a slave family who dares to escape after threats about being split up and sold. In the process, Laura meets twin brothers, Sam and Manny, who inadvertently becomes involved in a murder mystery with a Pinkerton detective. Well-written and researched using the correct dialects of the time makes the reader become directly involved in the suspense and danger. Highly recommended for those who enjoy a multi-faceted novel.
Profile Image for Peg Kroonenberg.
10 reviews
June 10, 2021

I am a recently graduated historian. I understand the frustration of trying to find the true opinion of black women & men. While this book is not a true rendition I think it is probably a very close likeness of what life was like for black runaway families. My heart felt their pain as they ran, as they hid, lost friends, as they spoke of losing parents to sales. I love that they hold family close. Some of them hold religion close, too. This is a must read to help understand the life of these people!
Profile Image for Martha.
1,881 reviews53 followers
April 6, 2020
It is a unique book when the book is set in this time period from the perspective of the people that were enslaved. I felt like there were many hard things in this book, but something was missing a bit.

I struggled to connect with Laura, while I did connect with Sam. Overall, I liked the story, the mystery, but felt like I wanted a bit more in the end, which I think was leaving me wanting to get the rest of the serious.

I will check out the author's other books!
Profile Image for Shelby.
2,114 reviews5 followers
October 2, 2020

This was really good and I love history so to have this story was beautiful. Laura and Sam the bond they have is really beautiful and I love every sec of them getting along! Manny is funny and Benji needs to look inside himself and Sol & Gid are the best lil bro there’s and Amos he stole my heart the way he cared for not just his family but even let Manny & Sam stay. I can’t wait to read book 2 in the series I hope Prince does the right thing
March 31, 2023
Whew! What a read!!!

I unfortunately started book four before I even knew it was a series. I would love to have this on audible though. This was so wholesome and heartwarming, I didn’t want it to end. Of course some of it is trauma inducing, but the pure love of the characters made it worth the journey! Spectacular job Embassie with this series. I can’t wait to start Prince’s story.
January 8, 2020
What A Faith Filled Book On A Group of Slaves!

It was a perfect example of after you did all you can do. Be patient and observe when God as answered your heart felt prayers for he is on time in every situation you have asked Him to be a part of in your life. I love the book storyline and how the Author wrote it. I could not put it down.
March 1, 2021
Black history, mystery and romance

I enjoyed this book immensely. It is difficult to read of the hardships of black slaves in the United States and Ms Susberry doesn't shy away from it. The book is about determination, faith and the importance of family. It is a well written, well plotted novel with believable well developed characters.
32 reviews
May 12, 2021
Nice story

This story surprised me, it did not dwell too heavily on the atrocities of slavery but gave enough details so that the reader could follow along without cringing too much. The surprise for me was the intrigue, did not see it coming, rather fun twist. I also liked that the romance was clean.
19 reviews
December 5, 2021
Finally Black Love and Faith Win

Thank you for finally providing historical life and romance from a truer perspective of an American of African descent. It was so good to read a book full of faith and life. Love it. I love all the characters, especially Laura and Sam. Would love to read more about their love story and life together.
480 reviews
May 15, 2024
Rounded up from 3.6. It was a nice easy read. I liked that it was from the perspective of many black characters. It gave the novel a more rounded experience. I didn't realize going into the book it was Christian fiction but it was not in your face. It was very reflective of the time and people of the day.
I would read the next book if it were easily available for me to do so.
23 reviews
May 4, 2020
Loved everything about this book. It is a great story witH lots of history, just enough romance, and mystery. Great read. I would highly recommend it. I am now getting ready to start the next one in this series.
24 reviews
June 14, 2020
WOW!! I Love Reading This Book!

I found myself Hooked from Start to Finish. A Quiet Strength/Book 1 had everything from Suspense, Romance, Mystery and Especially Historical Events. Also, I Love that the Leading Female Character was a Strong Black Woman! YAAS!!!!
105 reviews3 followers
September 24, 2020
I love the book and I love the characters. It is amazing to see slaves with a positive outcome. Most stories dwell on the negative life of a slave but not the strengths that they have. Good story and I will read the rest of the series .
15 reviews
November 17, 2020
Very heartwarming and shows another side and families that were slaves.

Enjoyed the book and have bought and will read the whole series. Nice to read about black western families. Great. Five stars.
Profile Image for Nicole.
252 reviews1 follower
December 25, 2020
Really Nice

This book was a very interesting story about love on the midst of detrimental circumstances, be it slavery. The fight for freedom and the determination to keep it and have an opportunity for greater! Can't wait to read the next book.
January 13, 2021
Finding a story of whom look like me

Its nice to find historical fiction about slave life with a positive and hope when there's little reason to have it. The struggle is real and black women have amazing strength in times that are hard.
Profile Image for Barbara  Daniels Dena.
550 reviews24 followers
February 19, 2021
Will continue to read the series!

Excellent portrayal of a slave's life and the desire to escape the binds of servitude. So well written and the author gives great insights into the thoughts of the runways.
23 reviews
October 7, 2021
Nice read

I give it a 4.5. I love the mystery and the religious aspect on the book. The only thing I didn't like was it was kind of slow and not a lot of romance but over a great read.
19 reviews
December 2, 2021
This book has a great storyline, plot, and funny characters. I have reread this book several times. Each time feels like the first. I love this series. I wish I can hear it audio. This is definitely a favorite.
213 reviews
January 10, 2022
I really enjoyed this book. However, it's not quite five stars to me. It seemed to get a little bogged down with unnecessary words around two thirds of the way through. That said, I did enjoy all of the characters. I will probably read the next book in the series.
61 reviews
August 3, 2022
Leaving together

A story of the fear slaves lived in not only living on a plantation , under the rule of the master. When they ran away trying to out run the patrol and dogs. This continues until they reach their destinations.
Displaying 1 - 30 of 45 reviews

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