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Darling Rose Gold

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For the first eighteen years of her life, Rose Gold Watts believed she was seriously ill. She was allergic to everything, used a wheelchair and practically lived at the hospital. Neighbors did all they could, holding fundraisers but no matter how many doctors, tests, or surgeries, no one could figure out what was wrong with Rose Gold.

Turns out her mom, Patty Watts, was just a really good liar.

After serving five years in prison, Patty begs her daughter to take her in. The entire community is shocked when Rose Gold says yes. And Rose Gold is no longer her weak little darling...

And she's waited such a long time for her mother to come home.

311 pages, Hardcover

First published March 17, 2020

About the author

Stephanie Wrobel is the author of This Might Hurt and Darling Rose Gold, an international bestseller that has sold in twenty-one countries and was a finalist for the Edgar Award for Best First Novel. Her third book, The Hitchcock Hotel, will be published in Fall 2024. She lives in New York City.

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Displaying 1 - 30 of 5,729 reviews
Profile Image for Emily May.
2,089 reviews314k followers
March 18, 2020
This book just didn't sit right with me, guys. In fact, the more I think about it, the more I really didn't like what seems to be the "message". I'm not going to get all finger-waggy about it. If you enjoyed this and found it a compelling thriller, then I am glad. I just personally couldn't get on board with the narrative being sold here. A lot of my major issues are going to be under spoiler tags.

Darling Rose Gold is based on the true story of Dee Dee Blanchard and Gypsy Rose. In this book, Rose Gold Watts believed herself to be seriously ill for the first eighteen years of her life. However, it turns out her mother had actually been poisoning her for years, seeking more and more medical diagnoses, and taking money from well-meaning strangers. Patty Watts was finally caught, convicted, and sent to prison for five years.

Now she's getting out and, to everyone's surprise, Rose Gold has agreed to have her back. She welcomes Patty into the home she has bought and even lets her look after her newborn baby. This all seems a bit suspect, of course. Even Patty herself thinks so. What is Rose Gold up to? Is she planning some payback? Or is she really ready to put the past behind her?

Lots of reviews have revealed the essence of the story, but the book treats it as a spoiler so I will tag it: What we do know is that neither Patty nor Rose Gold is particularly likable. Rose Gold might be a victim but she is definitely not the sweet, innocent kid Patty left behind.

So, what's my problem?

Well, I know there's a lot of debate on this issue. I've read a few fiction books with Munchausen's (aka Factitious Disorder) and have done a fair bit of outside reading on it. Munchausen's itself is recognized as a mental disorder. Munchausen's by proxy, as of my writing this, is not. It is also not granted a medico-legal entity (it cannot be used as legal defence). Clearly, this is because a) MBP does not cause the individual to suffer themselves, and b) there is a fine line in these cases between mental illness and child abuse. People understandably do not like to make excuses for those who abuse children.

A person with Munchausen's is sent to get psychiatric help. A person with MBP is generally sent to prison. I do not know if this is right or wrong. I do know that statistically those with MBP were often victims of child abuse themselves, which to me suggests it is trauma-related. And so it just didn't sit right with me when

I got no pleasure or satisfaction from the way this book ended. I felt let down. I felt a little nauseous, honestly. I have given it an extra star for holding my attention throughout, but the whole thing felt misguided.

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Profile Image for Miranda Reads.
1,589 reviews163k followers
December 9, 2020
I have read my way through 315 books to bring you my Top 10 Books of the Year (video) .

Now you know that this one made the cut, check out my video review to see the others!

(Ps. This one is technically going to be published next year but it was so good, I let it slide)

4.5 stars

All these years, I've been telling people she was sick.
Look who was right after all.
Rose Gold spent nearly two decades of her life believing she was sick.

A chromosomal abnormality is what her mother (Patty Watts) said but what Rose Gold was actually diagnosed with was always shrouded in mystery.

That is...until her mom installed the internet and Rose Gold did a little digging for the first time in her life.
It's Rose Gold's fault I went to prison, but she's not the only one to blame.
Patty was safely behind bars for five years and when she's released, Rose Gold is there to pick her up.

The community is shocked. Absolutely shocked.

But...Rose Gold didn't spend all that time idle.
I smiled at her, teeth exposed. About time I let her see the ugly side of Rose Gold.
After all...who could possibly suspect dearest darling Rose Gold?
Ahhh! This one was really good!

I could tell from the cover that I was going to be wholly and completely sucked into this one.

I loved the way Rose Gold and Patty circled each other, each testing out the boundaries and figuring out how life has changed in the past few years.

The two of them really carried the book. Part of me wanted more extremes (especially with the basement!) and the other part was supremely satisfied with the way it turned out.

I also was really intrigued and impressed by how well the flashbacks fit into the story.

The smoothly inserted just enough information to keep you going while withholding enough to make you read ever faster.

Right away you know the book is setting you up for a big finish and let me assure you - it did not disappoint!
"You deserve every rotten thing you got."
With thanks to author and the publisher for a free copy in exchange for an honest review. All quotes come from an uncorrected proof and are subject to change upon publication

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Profile Image for MarilynW.
1,511 reviews3,711 followers
February 13, 2022
Oh my gosh, what a entertainingly wicked book. Rose Gold's mom, Patty, apparently suffers from Munchausen syndrome by proxy and has spent five years in prison for her brutal treatment of Rose Gold. On her release from prison, Rose Gold, with new baby in tow, picks Patty up from prison and allows her to move into her new home. Patty knows this home well because it was her childhood home where horrible things happened and a place Patty hoped to never see again.

This story is told from both the viewpoint of Patty and of Rose Gold and very quickly, the reader is faced with deciding which woman might be more mentally damaged. This is a story of an epic battle of wills and it's fun, although at times gross, watching to see which woman is going to come out as the winner.

Published March 17th 2020

Thank you to Park Row/HarperCollins and Edelweiss for this ARC.
Profile Image for megs_bookrack.
1,893 reviews12.6k followers
September 24, 2024
Five years ago, Patty Watts was arrested and charged with poisoning her only child, Rose Gold.

A alleged case of Munchausen Syndrome by Proxy, Patty was said to have been abusing Rose Gold for years.

As a late teenager, Rose Gold, whose body had suffered permanent damage stemming from the abuse, confessed some secrets to a neighborhood friend. After that, the adults around her finally put the pieces of the puzzle together.

Ultimately, Rose Gold testified against her Mother in court and Patty was subsequently sentenced to prison. As you can imagine, this led to an estranged relationship.

Darling Rose Gold follows Patty's perspective after she is released from prison and follows Rose Gold after her Mother is prosecuted, up through the present day.

On the day Patty is released, Rose Gold is there to pick her up at the prison gates. It seems during the interim of her time away they have begun the process of healing their relationship.

Rose Gold is now a mother herself, of little Adam, and has purchased her own home. Since Patty has nowhere else to go, it is decided that she will move in with them until she can get back on her feet.

This book is full of messed up twists, and keeps its intensity throughout, as the varying timelines come closer and closer to merging.

I love this type of format. I always end up racing through quickly in order to get to that climatic scene at the end.

About mid-way through I knew hoped I knew where this was going. It went exactly there and I was stoked.

A revenge story is one of my favorite tropes of all time. This one satisfied me in that regard and was full of masterful manipulation.

I have often mentioned that I love a strong long-game and this story had that in spades.

Well played, Wrobel.

There were definitely parts that made me uncomfortable, particularly the focus on Rose Gold's ruined teeth, but I understand where the author was coming from in framing it that way.

Rose Gold and Patty definitely shared one of the most f*ed up relationships I have ever read. It's also one I will remember for a long time.

Thank you so much to the publisher, Berkley Publishing Group, for providing me with a copy of this to read and review.

I really enjoyed it and am looking forward to more from Stephanie Wrobel.
Profile Image for Maureen ( NOT RECEIVING NOTIFICATIONS).
1,596 reviews7,002 followers
November 15, 2019
**4.5 stars **

“I will hurt you for this. I don't know how yet, but give me time. A day will come when you think yourself safe and happy, and suddenly your joy will turn to ashes in your mouth, and you'll know the debt is paid.”
― George R.R. Martin, A Clash of Kings

Let me say straight off the bat that neither of our protagonists - mother Patty Watts, and daughter Rose Gold Watts are in the least bit likeable, but are they readable? Hell yes!

Rose Gold spent nearly two decades of her life believing she was ill - a chromosomal abnormality is how mother Patty described it, but when Patty has the Internet installed, Rose Gold begins researching her illness and soon comes to the conclusion that her darling mother is also the person responsible for her illnesses!

With the help of Rose Gold’s testimony, Patty is convicted of aggressive child abuse and put behind bars for 5 years.

On her release, Patty hopes to take over where she left off, that is to gain control over her daughter’s life just like she always did. Rose Gold has other ideas though - she’s happy to let her mother move in with her, but she has her own secret agenda. Who’s going to win this battle of two truly sick and damaged individuals? Well hold on tight, cos you’re in for a riveting read discovering where it all ends.

How terrifying it was to have two such strong and devious protagonists, each with their own agenda, and both utterly vengeful individuals - this, together with a terrific plot, makes it an unforgettable and compelling read!

* Thank you to Netgalley and Penguin UK Michael Joseph for my ARC. I have given an honest unbiased review in exchange *
Profile Image for Nilufer Ozmekik.
2,680 reviews53.9k followers
October 14, 2022
OH NNOOOOO!!! This is too nasty, disturbing, agitating and creepy! This is totally sick, insane, dark, edgy! CARRIE MEETS HULU’S “ACT” SHOW! And I LOVED IT LOVED IT LOVED IT! Who cares if I’m not normal! I loved those brilliant, ultra evil genius brain cells of the author. If I ever have plastic surgery, I will demand to have that kind of batshit crazy brain cells so I can enjoy more creepier, nail destroyer, body hair lifter, and scary stories. As a result: I can happily give 5 gazillion stars without thinking a second and say 2020 will be exciting year to read such amazing thriller books!!!!

I’m writing this review hid under the couch, hands shaking, breathing heavy, praying God get those mother and daughter away from me and at least for 2 two hours my husband still thinks we’re playing “ hide and seek”! He still couldn’t find me (Or he acts like that because I can hear his laugh and soccer critics’ nonsense comments so he might have taken the control of the TV and finised my last bottle of Chardonnay! Dammit! I’m so scared to leave my hiding place!!! Oh no, am I smelling Italian takeout! That’s it! I left my book and took the cannoli! Luckily I don’t intend to poison my husband as a punishment like these sweet and lovely villanelles did on the book!)

Okay, nmmmmm, yes this pad thai and papaya salad is excellent…Okay let’s start again! Argggkk (Don’t worry, this painful sound is coming from my husband because I’m sitting on him when I’m writing this review! I might have gained a few pounds. Who counts the calories anyway when you’re tasting multiple amazing French wines!)

When I’m writing this review in the meantime, I’m formulating a letter to Ryan Murphy stop working AHS and advise him to produce this story and give the leading role PATTY to Jessica Lange. She was my dreamy villanelle! When I read the parts of Patty especially her snapping to her daughter at the jail, I only saw her face on my head and I started screaming, dropped the book but luckily I caught my Chardonnay glass so nothing has gone wasted!

So our terrifying mother PATTY, abuse victim, her own brother killed himself, turned into a monster (or she was baby monster but she has grown up to be wilder version of herself), poisoned her daughter for years and isolated her from outer world, made her believe she has been a victim of unidentified rare disease. When she got convicted by her own daughter’s testifying against her, her poor daughter Rose Gold was suffering from being underweighted, hairless, having rotting teeth, looking like malnourished ten year old boy.

The story has so many resemblances with Hulu TV series “Act” like daughter’s turning against her mother at the court, the neighborhood friend’s efforts with her make up products to help her feel better. Even Joey King who was acting as sick girl suffered from her mother’s secret madness named “Gypsy Rose”

But thankfully we’re not stuck at the past story of those two characters because the book is focused on after life of Rose Gold and her reborn from her ashes after she sent her mother to the prison and took her freedom back. But as trauma victim, she did have no friend. Even her online boyfriend did not want to talk with her face to face in real life. And as soon as she found out her father was not dead… Well, this story had also no quite happy father-daughter gathering ending. So neglected, lonely and broken Rose Gold needs her revenge to move on! I think she gets her first big step to the dark side after her mother’s denying her sins! (Darth Vader’s theme song Imperial March begins to play nananana!)

Then five years later, PATTY the MOTHER DEAREST ( mash-up of One Flew Over Cuckoo’s Nest Nurse Ratched, Carrie’s mother Margaret White and combination of all evil Meryl Streep characters!) gets out of the prison to live with her daughter and her grandson ( What? Rose Gold had a baby ? As we consider her ancestral characteristics: pure baby could be also Rosemary’s baby!) at her own childhood house. (SURPRISE! SURPSIE! HER DAUGHTER DEAREST bought mother’s childhood house she has been suffered from parents’ abuses for years! Evil laugh comes from Rose Gold!)

So THE MOTHER and DAUGHTER’s revengeful adventure begins. Which one will poison the other? Which one is more intelligent at mind games? Who is the father of the child? Could be Patty innocent? Of course not, I hit my hand to write this silly question! SO LET THE MIND GAMES BEGIN!

I’m not gonna give spoilers but I’m giving my SLAP CONTEST RESULTS FOR THIS BOOK:
PATTY (incarnated Lucifer’s mother) 5 gazillion punches, 3 million slaps

Billy Gillespie (asshole father) 3 million punches, convicted to watch Travolta’s Battlefield Earth 4 million times without restroom break)

Alex ( asshole worse best friend) 3 million slaps and permanent epilation of her eyebrows!

So yes, I love this Kill Bill quote : “I roared and I rampaged and I got bloody satisfaction”!

Special thanks to NetGalley and Berkley for sharing this devious ARC COPY with me in exchange my ugly honest review!

Profile Image for Meredith (Trying to catch up!).
877 reviews13.9k followers
October 29, 2019
Mother vs Daughter. Crazy vs Crazier. Who will win in the end?

Darling Rose Gold is a psychological thriller about an extremely dark and twisted mother-daughter relationship.

5 years ago, 23-year-old Rose Gold Watt’s mother, Patty, was convicted for aggravated child abuse. Patty, who has Munchausen by Proxy, abused her daughter for years. Under her mother’s care, Rose Gold became violently ill, suffering from malnutrition and a host of other ailments as a result of her mother's abuse.

Patty served 5 years in prison, and with her release date looming, Rose Gold wants to reconcile. However, Rose Gold’s suffering has taken its toll. While she has recovered physically, mentally she is far from healed. Mother and daughter seem to try to repair their relationship, but underneath the surface of their reconciliation, they are playing an underhanded game of cat and mouse which results in pure insanity!

I found the subject matter of this book to be fascinating--I couldn’t put it down! It is fast-paced, entertaining, and easy to read. Split between Patty and Rose Gold’s POV’s, two sick minds reveal the motives and the consequences of abuse. Both are unreliable narrators and both are unlikable and deranged in their own unique ways. I found their voices to be flat and cold, and while this type of narrative style might not work in another book, it works in this one. Both Rose Gold and Patty are nonchalant about their actions, which made them even more fascinating to read about. They do some crazy things, don’t think about them, and then move onto their next act of insanity. I highly recommend for those who are looking for a good dose of craziness!

I received an ARC of this book from Edelweiss and the publisher in exchange for an honest review.
Profile Image for Chelsea Humphrey.
1,487 reviews82.2k followers
October 20, 2022
"Most people don't like holding on to anger. They feel it crushing and consuming them, so they let it go. They try to forget the ways they've been wronged. But some of us cannot forget and will never forgive. We keep our axes sharp, ready to grind. We hold pleas for mercy between our teeth like jawbreakers. They say a grudge is a heavy thing to carry. Good thing we're extra strong."

Saddle up and buckle in folks, we have a new popcorn thriller on the horizon! True, this book isn't released in the US until March of 2020, but when approached with the opportunity to read an early copy of a novel that sounds suspiciously like a fictionalized account of the DeeDee Blanchard and Gypsy Rose story, what's a girl to do? I had the pleasure of buddy reading this one with Dennis of @scaredstraightreads , and we're both proud to announce that we fully endorse reading this book.

Darling Rose Gold is less of a mystery and more claustrophobic psychological suspense, which I found myself surprisingly grateful for. If you read the synopsis for this book, then you probably have an inkling of the epic flaming drama that will ensue at the end, but the beauty of this tale is basking in the satisfying conclusion of revenge. We know from the beginning that Patty Watts has concluded her 5 year sentence after being convicted of poisoning her daughter Rose Gold for the majority of her life, and that RG has seemingly forgiven her mother and decided to take her back in upon her prison release. What we don't know are all of the things that have happened in those 5 years that Patty and RG have been apart, as well as Patty's horrific upbringing and childhood secrets. These things unfold in dual perspectives, flipping flawlessly between past and present.

If you're looking for a fast paced and engrossing tale of suspense that's sole job is to provide the entertainment factor, look no further. Seriously, Darling Rose Gold is the type of breezy read that, given the time, a reader could complete in a single sitting. While I found most of the outcomes fairly predictable, mainly due to the nature of this type of story, it didn't inhibit my enjoyment factor in the slightest. Whether you are lounging on the beach or curled up next to the fireplace with a cuppa, Darling Rose Gold is the type of read that will be enjoyed regardless of the season.

*Many thanks to the publisher for providing my review copy.
Profile Image for Susanne.
1,174 reviews38.4k followers
October 16, 2019
5 Sick and Seriously Twisted Stars!
Now that’s my Kind of Read!

Mothers and Daughters - talk about relationships that are never easy!

Most, however don’t involve mothers who constantly lie and cause extreme harm to their daughters, complicating things just a tad.

Whatever the problem might be, a Good Dose of PRISON is sure to shake things up a bit!

Just ask Rose Gold. She sure is excited for her mom Patty to be released from the slammer after 5 long years. In fact, she almost seems.. gleeful. As for Patty, she sure is a piece of work and she can’t wait to be with Rose after all that time.

Perhaps this is a case of be careful what you wish for? Only time will tell for Patty and Rose Gold!

Be Prepared to be Sucked into an Insanely wild read. I honestly wasn’t sure who or what to believe as I dove into “Darling Rose Gold” by Stephanie Wrobel. All I knew was that I simply could not get enough and did not want it to end. This is a Must-Read if I do say so myself!

This was another fabulous buddy read with Kaceey!

Thank you to Elisha at Berkley Publishing Group and to Stephanie Wrobel for this arc.

Published on Goodreads on 10.13.19.
Profile Image for Deanna .
722 reviews13k followers
April 30, 2020
4.5 Stars!!!

My reviews can also be seen at: https://deesradreadsandreviews.wordpr...

A plucked from the headlines gripping read!

The story opens as Patty Watts aka “Poisonous Patty” is being released from prison after serving five years for aggravated child abuse. Patty has always maintained that she is innocent. She doesn’t blame Rose Gold even though her daughter testified against her. Instead, she blames the prosecutor, the jury, and the reporters who just wanted their story. If she did all of those terrible things to her daughter why would Rose Gold offer to pick her up today?

Patty waits outside the prison for Rose Gold who is late picking her up. Eventually, Patty sees her old maroon van headed towards her. She is excited to see her now twenty-three-year-old daughter. She is also excited about seeing the other passenger in the van.

Patty needs to find someplace to live and also needs to find a job. She hopes that Rose Gold will offer to let her stay with her. Rose Gold tells Patty that she’s recently bought a house and that her mother is welcome to stay. Patty is suprised and has trouble hiding her shock when she sees where they'll be living.

Patty wants things to return to the way they used to be, but Rose Gold has other ideas.

Have they really forgiven each other? Who is telling the truth now?

I was so excited to read this novel! I couldn’t wait to get my hands on it.

Although the story has some similarities to a true-life story, it is still very different. Even though I knew the story it was partially based on, I still really enjoyed this novel.

The story is told from both Patty and Rose Gold’s point of view alternating back and forth between past and present. We learn what happened in the years they lived together prior to Patty going to jail, what happened during the years they were apart, Patty’s past and childhood, and their time together once Patty is released.

I thought this was an entertaining and easy read although it does deal with some very disturbing topics. Some parts of the novel may be unbelievable but many things about the true story were hard to believe as well.

I flew through this novel taking very few breaks. I really didn’t like having to put it down. It may not be for everyone, but I thought it was a great read!!

I look forward to reading more from Stephanie Wrobel.

I'd like to thank the publisher for providing me with a copy of this novel. All opinions are my own.
Profile Image for Danielle.
998 reviews582 followers
June 25, 2020
So, this story was really close to the true Gypsy Rose Blanchard case. The author was apparently inspired by it? 🤷🏼‍♀️ I don’t know, that’s what the inter webs are saying (and we all know everything online is true 🤪😂). Anywho... a mother is sentenced to five years in prison for child abuse (munchausen by proxy). But her daughter (Rose Gold) forgives her and picks her up and brings her home (with her newborn) to live with them. 🤔🤫🙄 I’m not gonna go further- cause I don’t wanna spoil the crazy story for anyone. I’ll just say, I found it entertaining.
Profile Image for jessica.
2,591 reviews45k followers
April 10, 2020
i want to preface this with saying my reading standards are so much higher for mysteries/thrillers than for other genres. it takes A LOT to really surprise and thrill me, so books have to work hard to get a 5 star rating/review from me. and although i didnt find this to be an intense page-turner, i do think the story has its merits.

i think the concept is phenomenally creative. its a little bit sad, a little bit weird, and a whole of crazy. i just dont think this is set up in the most effective way. it begins exactly where the synopsis leaves off - RGs mom is released from being imprisoned for making her daughter sick for years. the problem is, the reader isnt given first hand exposure to the mothers actions. its presented as a history between the two characters. i would have LOVED for this to be split into two sections with part one being RG growing up sick, the reader doesnt know why, and then finally discovering the mom was behind it the entire time. and then leave part two for after the mom is released from prison. i think that would have been much more fun as a reader to discover the mystery behind the illness rather than what RG has in store for her mother upon her release. if that makes sense. i am probably ranting at this point. im not a writer - what do i know. lol.

regardless, this is a cool concept and definitely had potential, but didnt quite impress me as much i would have liked.

3 stars
Profile Image for Norma.
557 reviews13.5k followers
May 5, 2020
Compulsively readable, disturbingly fascinating, & an absolutely unputdownable psychological thriller!

DARLING ROSE GOLD by STEPHANIE WROBEL is one disturbing, dark, twisted, and original thriller that was quite the gripping book to read. I was immediately sucked into the narrative and could not put this book down.

STEPHANIE WROBEL delivers an interesting, fascinating, and well-written read here that offers quite the original and suspenseful plot with complex and dysfunctional characters. The story is told in alternating points of view between Rose Gold and her mother Patty. We get a firsthand look into both of their disturbing thought processes and what motivates each of them.

I wouldn’t say that I enjoyed or liked either one of our main characters here but they were definitely quite the entertaining pair though. I didn’t know which one of them to trust and who was playing who. I did have my suspicions though and I did puzzle together some of the story's plot points with the help of the author's subtle clues. But it didn’t disrupt the flow of the novel for me or how compelling this book was to read. I was getting a little bit fed up and disappointed with one of the characters actions though which did affect my total enjoyment for this novel. Hence the 4.5 star rating rounded down to 4 stars.

This was a Traveling Sisters read that I read in our group.

Norma’s Stats:
Cover: Suffocating, striking, suspenseful, eye-catching and a great representation to storyline. I’m absolutely in love with this beautiful cover!!
Title: A simple, intriguing, effective, and fitting representation to storyline.
Writing/Prose: Well-written, easy to follow, entertaining, engaging and readable.
Plot: Complex, dark, twisted, disturbing, fascinating, interesting, creepy, fast-paced, twisty, and entertaining.
Ending: An ending that didn’t really take me by surprise but regardless that I was expecting it I thought it was a thrilling resolution that I was totally satisfied with.
Overall: 4.5 Stars! I wouldn’t necessarily say that I had fun with this one but the characters and the storyline definitely made for an entertaining and compelling read. Would highly recommend!

Thank you so much to Elisha at Berkley Publishing and Simon and Schuster Canada for kindly sending me a copy of this book! I’m in love with this cover!!

Review can also be seen on Traveling Sisters Book Reviews blog:
Profile Image for Sumit RK.
1,040 reviews532 followers
April 1, 2020
The debt between a child and her mother could never be repaid, like running a foot race against someone fifteen miles ahead of you. What hope did you have of catching up?

Darling Rose Gold is one of those stories in which you are not sure what to trust and whom to believe. As a dark and disturbing psychological thriller, it delivers an interesting and fascinating experience with a brilliantly original plot and some complex characters. In a genre full of stories of husbands and wives, Wrobel explores one of the most complicated (and least explored) mother-daughter relationship.

For the first eighteen years of her life, Rose Gold Watts believed she was seriously ill. She was allergic to everything, used a wheelchair and practically lived at the hospital. Turns out her mom, Patty Watts, is poisoning her and is sentenced to prison. After serving five years in prison, Patty gets out with nowhere to go and the entire community is shocked when Rose Gold takes her in. Patty insists she's forgiven Rose Gold testifying against her. But some old wounds never truly heal.

The story is told from both Patty and Rose Gold’s point of view alternating back and forth between past and present. Apart from an intense look at a dysfunctional mother-daughter relationship, it is also a tale of manipulation and revenge. With alternating POVs, Patty and her daughter, Rose Gold reveal the motives and it is left to the readers to figure out who is manipulating whom. The fact that it’s based on a true story makes it much creepier.

The story unfolds in layers, explaining the motivations of each character and makes the readers wanting to know more. We learn what happened with each character in the intervening 5 years, Patty’s past, and their time together once Patty is released. The story revolves mostly around Patty and Rose Gold but supporting characters also leaves a mark. The dysfunctional relationship between this mother & daughter and the resulting friction between them is intense. It’s like watching a live explosive and never knowing when it’s going to explode. A dangerous game of cat and mouse develops between them with no way of knowing who will win in the end. The fast pacing, the tense setting, and the twisted characters create a really captivating story.

Overall, Darling Rose Gold is an entertaining and engrossing thriller. If you like reading dark psychological thrillers,this one is highly recommended.

Many thanks to the publishers Berkley, Penguin Publishing Group and Edelweiss for the ARC.
Profile Image for Kaceey.
1,297 reviews4,069 followers
October 13, 2019
Finally!! My search is over! The five star thriller I‘ve been searching for!

Oh how I love dysfunctional characters and all their human frailties. And folks, this book is chocked full of them! It was like a mad-cap competition to see who was more unstable.

Rose Gold had a rough childhood, to say the least. Always quite ill, ushered from one doctor to another...one hospital to the next. And never getting any answers.

Patty Watts. A single mother raising her daughter Rose Gold on her own. She has dedicated her life to help her daughter heal. Right up to the point when Rose turns on her, reporting her to the authorities. She now finds herself behind bars for aggravated child abuse! NOOO! 😱 Inconceivable! After all she’s done and sacrificed for Rose Gold? This is unthinkable!

Now, after five years Patty is released from prison. Time to reunite with her daughter and heal old wounds. Or… get revenge.🤷🏻♀️ But maybe Rose Gold isn’t exactly ready to welcome mommy dearest home with open arms.

I can sum this entire read up with one word...WOW! These characters took crazy to a whole new level. And so many questions to be answered.
Who’s the wronged one here? Who’s off their rocker!? Who will come out on top? Well... just pick this little gem up and dig in!

Stephanie Wrobel writes an enticing unputdownable thriller that will have you seriously questioning your own sanity by the end! Did I mention this is a debut! Hats off Ms. Wrobel! I can’t wait to see what you cook up next!

A buddy read with Susanne! Enjoy the ride! We sure did!

A huge thank you to Elisha at Berkley Publishing for an advanced copy.
Profile Image for ReadAlongWithSue ★⋆. ࿐࿔.
2,838 reviews402 followers
January 30, 2020
This is definitely going into my top 10 this year on the creepiest, page turning mind twisting edge of my seat reads!

A mothers and daughters relationship is a complicated one. If anyone has a daughter there are going to be some rocky moments. But forget that! That’s a piece of cake!
Meet Rose Gold and her Mother Patty. I don’t know who is worse. When she grew, did she learn from her mother?

As the blurb says, Rose Gold grew up believing there was something wrong with her. The surgeries she had to go through, feeding tubes, losing weight. And using a wheelchair.
But her mother lied.

I know right.....hard to comprehend.

Her mother spends time in prison while in the mean time Rose Gold is growing up, getting older, having a mind of her own.

Now Patty is being released from Prison.
And Rose Gold takes her in. Rose has purchased a house. A house her mother is very familiar with.

The relationship is not only dysfunctional it’s darn right toxic but the toxicity is bubbling underground.

Rose Gold now has a son.

Enough about the story. It has so many layers to this than an onion.

It made me feel compulsively wanting to keep reading. I’m sure my heart at times was pumping fast, I gasped for sure in plenty of pages.
I couldn’t stop talking to my husband each time I put the book down, it got to where HE was asking me “what’s happening now?!”

I’ve got so many annotations in this book (page stickers) for what made me gasp, be shocked, evilness, and the time she first met up with her long lost dad, the results of that. The twisted mindsets. The friend Phil she knows online who text each other and eventually meet up.

The chapters have headings between Rose Gold and Patty. Sometimes with dates.

I was swayed in disliking the mother to wondering what the heck.....about the daughter.

This is a debut novel. And going by this book I’ve just read, I’m going to be first in line for her next book that’s for sure.

This book is by Michael Joseph an imprint of Penguin books who kindly sent me this book early.
It’s release is March 2020 and I urge you to preorder this, you won’t be disappointed.

There’s a huge discussion going on about this book on Penguins forum. Lots to talk about and lots of peoples POV.

A 10/10 book for me.
Profile Image for JanB.
1,249 reviews3,722 followers
May 3, 2020
Once again I find myself an outlier.

The story opens with mother Patty’s release from prison, where she’s spent the last 5 years for aggravated child abuse. Patty had fooled countless doctors that Rose Gold was deathly ill, but it turns out Patty suffers from Munchausen by proxy and all of Rose’s illnesses were caused by Patty herself.

But let’s let bygones be bygones, right? With her newborn son, Rose picks up Patty on the day she’s released from prison and brings her to live with her in the house she just bought, the house of horrors where Patty grew up.

Has Patty turned a new leaf? Has Rose Gold forgiven her mother and is ready to start over? Told in alternating points of view we are privy to a dangerous cat and mouse game. But who is the cat and who is the mouse? Lightly inspired by the true story of Gypsy Rose and her mother DeeDee Blanchard, this book takes a twisted story and turns it into something even more devious.

There’s been a lot of hype and my expectations were high. I was expecting an in-depth exploration of Munchausens syndrome and it’s effects. Unfortunately I found it simply written, so much so that I checked to see if it was YA. It’s not. It would make a quick easy beach read if you can completely suspend disbelief and get past cheesy dialogue. To name them would be spoilers, but my eyes were rolling at the many plot holes that I couldn’t get past.

2.5 disappointed stars

* I received a digital copy of the book from Edelweiss in exchange for an honest review.
Profile Image for BernLuvsBooks .
949 reviews5,053 followers
March 29, 2020
5 Sick and Twisted Mother-Daughter Relationship Stars

Rose Gold spent nearly 2 decades of her life believing she suffered from a chromosomal abnormality that kept her debilitated. She suffered from chronic pain, debilitating dizziness that kept her bound to a wheelchair, unexplained nausea that necessitated a feeding tube and hair loss that prompted a shaved head. Rose Gold was completely dependent on her mother, Patty, who was her sole caretaker. Unfortunately, as Rose Gold grew older she also realized that her mother was responsible for her illness.

With the help of Rose Gold’s testimony, Patty was convicted put behind bars for 5 years. Rose Gold tries to move on her life, on her own for the first time ever without her mother controlling her every move.

Upon her release, Patty is ready to pick up where she left off with her darling Rose Gold and her new grandson. Even better, Rose Gold welcomes her with open arms...or does she???

Oh, what a tangled web of secrets and deceit these two women weave! This story was twisted and I enjoyed every bit of it. It was a perfect case study for the age old "nature vs nurture" debate. Did these women ever stand a chance at normalcy given their upbringings or were they straight out of the pages of a book entitled "How to Raise a Sociopath"?

This was a dark tale of revenge and retribution. Munchausen by Proxy plays a small part here but don't be fooled - this is not a simple story of a cruel mother and her victim daughter. The real star is the dysfunctional and toxic relationship between this mother-daughter duo. Ultimately, this is a tale that will have you trying to figure out who is the the real monster as you quickly see that nothing is as clear cut as it seems.

I loved the sinister psychological journey this book took me on. I binged it in one day - unable to tear myself away from the disturbing tale.

Thank you to Stephanie Wrobel, Berkley Publishing, NetGalley and Edelweiss for providing me with advance copies of this book due out on March 17, 2020.
Profile Image for Felicia.
254 reviews980 followers
September 23, 2019
This story and it's characters have more layers than the filtering on my selfies.

"Most people don't like holding onto anger. They feel it crushing and consuming them, so they let it go. They try to forget the ways they've been wronged.

But some of us cannot forget and will never forgive. We keep our axes sharp, ready to grind. We hold pleas for mercy between our teeth like jawbreakers.

They say a grudge is a heavy thing to carry.

Good thing we're extra strong."

This is a story about revenge.

Yes, Munchausen by Proxy is a featured aspect of this book, however, at it's heart, this is a tale of retribution.

With alternating POVs, Patty and her daughter, Rose Gold, the reader is tasked with trying to figure out who is manipulating who, all the while questioning the reliability of both narrators.

This is a fast read with a unique plot penned flawlessly by author Stephanie Wrobel.

I have but one issue with this book. Many aspects of this story are clearly based on the infamous case of Gypsy Rose Blanchard, down to the minutest of details. This turned me off a bit for a number of reasons, one being that I don't think it's ethical to expound on the tragedy that is someone else's life without their explicit consent.

** I won this book in a Goodreads Giveaway (free is affordable!). All opinions are my own **
Profile Image for Julie .
4,166 reviews38.2k followers
December 6, 2020
Darling Rose Gold by Stephanie Wrobel is a 2020 Berkley publication.

Crazy, unhinged mind trip!!

Rose Gold Watts' testimony against her mother, Patty, for keeping her sick for the duration of her childhood, due to Munchausen Syndrome, helped send Patty to prison.

Rose, has a sheltered, and skewed view of things after all she's gone through. She's not only damaged physically, but mentally and emotionally, as well.

Rose is now a parent herself, to a little boy named Adam. She purchases the home her mother grew up in, and now that Patty is out of prison, Rose insists she come stay with her.

Thus, begins an incredible, insane, tightly wound, cat and mouse game between mother and daughter as they attempt to stay one foot in front of the other with their own diabolical plans.

This story is a non-stop roller coaster of suspense. It’s an edge of your seat psychological thriller, with a constant feeling of dread, that toys with one’s mind and emotions at the same time. The dual narration is splendidly done and paints a vivid portrait of Rose Gold and Patty Watts.

There are nuanced undercurrents that examine the mother and daughter bonds, "Nature vs. Nurture', and challenges the reader to determine who to believe, trust, or feel empathy towards.
These connotations require the reader to look beyond the suspense elements, at something deeper and more complex than what appears on the surface.

The novel is well executed, effective, and left me feeling conflicted and unsettled.

This might be one of my favorite novels of suspense for 2020- plus, it gets an extra star for being a debut novel!

*Note: I listened to parts of this book on audio- and the narration is very well done- especially Patty’s role.

4.5 stars
Profile Image for Lindsay L.
763 reviews1,464 followers
January 30, 2020
5 mind blowing stars!

Oh my!! What a deliciously dark and twisty tale!

Rose Gold’s mother, Patty, was sentenced to 5 years in prison for abusing Rose Gold for eighteen years by poisoning her and making her appear critically ill. When Patty is released, Rose Gold is there to pick her up from prison along with her two month old son. Rose Gold knows her mother has no one to turn to and feels she has paid her dues for her crime. But, has Patty moved on from her controlling and deceitful ways? Will Rose Gold’s son be her next victim?

I inhaled this book barely coming up for air. This is an outstanding debut! The writing grabbed me from page one and kept me gripped and fully invested until the very last sentence. The suspense is thick, each chapter left me on edge and anxious.

The story unfolds in a dual narrative through Rose Gold and Patty’s perspectives. These characters were done to perfection! I was fascinated by their thoughts and decisions, trying to figure out what their ultimate goals were.

This book is not an easy read. There are plenty of disturbing and unsettling scenes, but the writing is so addictive and engrossing that it is impossible to put down.

This was a Traveling Sisters read that lead to some fantastic discussion. We highly recommend!! Thank you to Simon & Schuster Canada for sending us our physical review copies!

Expected date of publication: March 27, 2020
Profile Image for Liz.
2,467 reviews3,347 followers
February 19, 2020
Having just decided not to read any psychological thrillers for a while, I still had this in my queue. But no worries. This mother - daughter duel definitely kept my interest. Rose Gold spent her entire childhood ill. Five years ago, her mother was sent to prison, based on Rose’s testimony that her mother was poisoning her. My initial thoughts were that this was a Manchausen by proxy situation although that’s never mentioned. (I didn’t realize the story is based on a real life mother daughter duo.). Surprisingly, when her mother is released from prison, Rose Gold allows her to come live with her and her baby.

We get the expected back and forth between the two. Both of them come across as twisted, damaged souls seeking revenge. Yet, at other times, they also both come across as very sorry, sad individuals. Kudos to Wrobel for creating such interesting individuals that while certifiably bonkers also aren’t the typical insane cliches.

This isn’t a fast paced book. But the back and forth of these two warped women definitely worked to keep my attention. The book, while definitely a psychological thriller, also came across as very poignant to me. These two were both just so screwed up.

My thanks to netgalley and Berkley Publishing for an advance copy of this book.
Profile Image for Holly  B (slower pace!).
893 reviews2,479 followers
January 30, 2020
Dark, complex and plenty of unlikeable characters to hate on...

Munchausen syndrome by proxy is such a fascinating and disturbing disorder. There are many real-life cases that have made headlines. I'm not familiar with the details of any of them, but have seen news reports.

The mommy from hell in this one is Patty Watts. She has been released from prison after five years for abusing her daughter, Rose-Gold Watts. They have decided to move in together and see how it goes....Rose Gold has a forgiving heart.

Alternating POV from Patty and Rose-Gold take us into their disturbed thoughts and motivations. All the creepy vibes.

I didn't know who to believe or trust. Both narrators seemed unreliable and
crazy as hell
. I definitely had an uncomfortable feeling while reading.

Patty vs. Rose-Gold 
.... read it to find out who holds the cards now.

Recommend if you enjoy these types of mommy dearest stories that will shock you and have you wondering what,why, and how.

Thanks to Berkley for my review copy! This one is out March 2020.
Profile Image for Tammy.
573 reviews476 followers
March 26, 2020
I’m in the minority on this one. Munchausen Syndrome by Proxy is a horrifying affliction in which a child is made ill by the mother’s narcissistic need for attention and sympathy. Seemingly based upon the story of Dee Dee and Gypsy Blancharde, I didn’t find this novel to be entertaining. I’m not opposed to unlikable characters but this made want to take a shower after reading it. It is chillingly unpleasant.
Profile Image for David Putnam.
Author 19 books1,850 followers
March 26, 2020
I wanted to like this book the writing craft is above average. It took a while for me to drop into the book. When I did I found that the story wasn't one I enjoyed. I'm sure this is just a taste issue and others might enjoy it. Its a tough topic to pull off, the abuse of a child. I also thought there might be a motivation issue, (MAR, Motivation, Action, Reaction) in how one of the main characters picked her mother up at the prison after what had transpired. There wasn't any motivation in why she picked her mother up. And instead of being mysterious unanswered question--for me--it was more like the elephant in the room everyone was ignoring.
I would definitely give this author another try and will pick up the next book.

Profile Image for Barbara (NOT RECEIVING NOTIFICATIONS!).
1,584 reviews1,142 followers
January 5, 2024
I listened to the audible production of “Darling Rose Gold” by Stephanie Wrobel, narrated by Megan Dodds and Jill Winternitz. Both narrators are perfect for the characters.

The story is creepy. Author Stephanie Wrobel explores the mental illness Munchausen by proxy and how it shapes the victim of the abuse. What Wrobel found entrancing is that a parent, most likely the mother, is the perpetrator of the abuse, which generally begins when the child is an infant and easy prey.

In Wrobel’s story she gets into the mind of the mother, in this case Patty, and the daughter, Rose Gold. Both Patty and Rose Gold tell their stories in alternating chapters, with Patty’s story being “now” and Rose Gold’s in the past. Rose Gold tells us the decades of abuse and how her. Mother did it. Patty, who is crazy to everyone but herself, tells us how she was wronged. She was an attentive parent who cared deeply for her child.

Neither characters are likable. At first one feels sorry for Rose Gold, but as the story continues, Rose Gold has some issues herself. Even taking into consideration what happened to Rose Gold, it’s difficult to continue to feel sorry for her.

This is a diabolical read. Patty is a piece of work. Rose Gold sees the world in a “bent” way. Given what happened to her, one doesn’t expect Rose Gold to be innocent and sweet. Yet, what she becomes makes this a thriller of a story! I look forward to Wrobel’s next novel.
Profile Image for Jaidee.
674 reviews1,404 followers
December 6, 2023
2.5 "might have been...but very readable" stars !!!

Darling Rose Gold is one of those books that is very readable and sort of hard to put down. It is at its core a cat and mouse game between mother and daughter who are both highly dysfunctional individuals that put their own needs before the other's. Who will dominate the other within a story of mutual abuse and manipulation ?

The issue I have with many of these psychological chick-lit thrillers is that the author puts cleverness and glibness above substance and increased understanding about very interesting and in this case hurtful conditions (Munchausen-by-proxy) The ending of this book is also very rushed and quite predictable.

This is far from the worst of psychological thrillers I have read but man oh man this could have and should have been so much better !

Thank you to Netgalley, the author and Simon and Schuster Publishing for an advanced copy e-book in exchange for a review. This is to be released in March 2020.
Profile Image for Elyse Walters.
4,010 reviews11.4k followers
November 27, 2019
“Darling Rose Gold”....is one of the new psychological thriller *It* books. We have them every year. Excitement for the newest thrilling-thriller.
“Rose Gold Darling”, won’t be released until March of 2020....but the early reviews were expressing ‘suspense-entertainment’ with words such as “dark, shocking, creepy, and unputdownable.
Being curious - I jumped on the OMG wagon.

My first dislike: ( as in a pet peeve dislike)....I’m not a fan of the ‘name’, “Rose Gold”. I’d never want to be called ‘Rose Gold’ any more than I would Dick.
The first creepy thing about this book is in the title.
Rose Gold ( fiction character), was very similar to the name Gypsy Rose
( the real character)
I wondered how in the world debut author, Stephanie Wrobel, could sleep at night, not acknowledging her inspiration for this book? Not a word about the true story.

As for the word ‘Darling’, in the Books’s title....
don’t get your hopes up. The youngest character, ( a two year old), was not even allowed to be a ‘darling’.

The small town was not darling either.
‘Deadwick’ is a small dreary town with old wretched houses and yards littered with knee-high weeds, spare tires, and fast food wrappers.

Rose Gold purchased a dreary house in Deadwick just three months before Patty was released from prison. HER MOTHER’S CHILDHOOD home!

Rose Gold picked Patty up from prison the day she was released. Never mind that it was Rose Gold’s testimony that sent Patty to prison in the first place.
Never mind that Rose Gold brought Patty home to live with her and baby Adam.
There were no baby photos of 2 year old Adam in the house anywhere.

Many reasons to be suspicious — however I guessed the ending the very first day that Patty was released from prison... within the first 10 minutes of reading this novel - when I knew immediately the only character I felt protective of was baby Adam.

This book is similar in theme...(munchausen by proxy), to the true story of Gypsy Rose and Dee Dee Blanchard, story.
....(there is an HBO documentary called “Mommy Dead and Dearest”).
I didn’t see any mention or plot-inspiration- reference from the author in this book.
Is the author an innocent victim or villain for not acknowledging Gypsy Rose and Dee Dee?
It bothered me.

As Rose Gold was touching and kissing baby Adam,
Patty noticed -on her first day out of prison- that Rose Gold cared more about the baby than her.
Patty says to herself: “We’ll have to fix that”.
Creepy was just getting started.
Creepy continues....
Painted on the ceiling in one of the rooms in the house were two giant lifelike ‘eyes’.

This story is about revenge, retaliation, with plenty of lies and manipulation.

Alternating points of view from Rose Gold and Patty...
I honestly wasn’t on the edge of my seat -
I saw the lies miles away - I saw ending twist ‘sooo’ early.

Personally I would’ve preferred a more in-depth character study of manipulation, control, and feelings of fear,....the fragility of turbulence that ‘lack-of-trust’, causes in relationships —rather than a purely suspense revenge driven plot.

I am reminded, however, just how dangerous & harrowing - some families can be.....and how profoundly disturbing a survivors tale can be.
March 24, 2020
Hot Twisted Diggity Dang!!! Now that is one twisted, complicated yet, captivating mother/daughter relationship. I loved it!!

Darling Rose Gold is pure gold here and is one exciting read. This was a highly anticipated Traveling Sisters group read. Once we started reading this story, we could not put it down until we finished. Those twisty turns kept us guessing and that final reveal is something to talk about.

Darling Rose Gold's subject matter is disturbing; however, Stephanie Wrobel explores the dynamics between mother Patty and daughter Rose after the abuse takes place. Patty returns home after spending time in jail for abusing Rose. Rose is no longer Patty's weak little daring, and she might be out for some sweet revenge. It's all about these fascinating unreliable, so unlikable and compelling characters and the dynamics between them. What made this fascinating for me was that we now see how Rose feels about her mother's abuse and how it all affected her. An exciting game develops between them that left me guessing who would come out the winner in this twisty story. The tension and suspense rise with each page, making this one quite the page-turner.

Now things do get disturbing here in the clever, layered twists and focusing on picking up one those clues makes this one an entertaining read. Things wrapped up well for me with the layered, convincing revelations. I highly recommend!!

I received a copy from the publisher

For more thoughts from the Traveling Sisters can be found here
Profile Image for Tina .
657 reviews1,461 followers
February 22, 2021
Yay to such a crazy yet entertaining debut psychological thriller!

Patty Watts is a mother like no other. It seems she suffers from "Munchausen Syndrome by Proxy." Her daughter, Rose Gold is her darling. She means the world to her. Yet Patty has just been released from prison after serving five years for poisoning Rose Gold.

The book begins with Rose Gold picking up Patty after her discharge. It seems she wants to give her a second chance. What is really going on here? Lots of twisty craziness.

I enjoyed the book. It was entertaining and the story flowed very easily. I can't help but wonder if the author got her inspiration for this book by the real life story of, "Gypsy Rose." She did not mention it anywhere though.

I'd like to kindly thank NetGalley and Simon and Schuster Canada for granting me access to this Advanced Reader Copy.
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