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Lock Every Door

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"The Bartholomew is an apartment building of terrifying secrets. You'll find startling twists and alarming surprises down every dark hallway. It's too late to lock the doors--the horror is already inside. My favorite thriller of the year!"
--R.L. Stine, author of Goosebumps

No visitors. No nights spent away from the apartment. No disturbing the other residents, all of whom are rich or famous or both. These are the only rules for Jules Larsen's new job as an apartment sitter at the Bartholomew, one of Manhattan's most high-profile and mysterious buildings. Recently heartbroken and just plain broke, Jules is taken in by the splendor of her surroundings and accepts the terms, ready to leave her past life behind.

As she gets to know the residents and staff of the Bartholomew, Jules finds herself drawn to fellow apartment sitter Ingrid, who comfortingly reminds her of the sister she lost eight years ago. When Ingrid confides that the Bartholomew is not what it seems and the dark history hidden beneath its gleaming facade is starting to frighten her, Jules brushes it off as a harmless ghost story...until the next day, when Ingrid disappears.

Searching for the truth about Ingrid's disappearance, Jules digs deeper into the Bartholomew's sordid past and into the secrets kept within its walls. What she discovers pits Jules against the clock as she races to unmask a killer, expose the building's hidden past, and escape the Bartholomew before her temporary status becomes permanent.

368 pages, Paperback

First published July 2, 2019

About the author

Riley Sager

18 books42.6k followers
Riley Sager is the New York Times bestselling author of eight novels, most recently THE ONLY ONE LEFT and THE HOUSE ACROSS THE LAKE. His first thriller, FINAL GIRLS, won the ITW Thriller Award for Best Hardcover Novel and has been published in more than thirty-five countries. His latest novel, MIDDLE OF THE NIGHT, will be published in June.

A native of Pennsylvania, he now lives in Princeton, New Jersey. When he's not writing, he enjoys reading, cooking and going to the movies as much as possible. His favorite film is "Rear Window." Or maybe "Jaws." But probably, if he's being honest, "Mary Poppins."

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Profile Image for megs_bookrack.
1,894 reviews12.6k followers
July 20, 2024

Lock Every Door follows New Yorker, Jules, who after losing her job and live-in boyfriend all in one day, needs a fresh start.

Forced to crash on her best friend's couch until she can find a place of her own, Jules is beyond desperate to improve her situation.

Determined to get back on her feet, no matter what, Jules discovers an opportunity in a very traditional place, the Classifieds section of her local newspaper.

The post reads, Apartment Sitter Wanted , and happens to be for a unit located in The Bartholomew, one of the most prestigious apartment buildings in New York City.

Jules cannot believe her luck when she receives notification that they actually want to interview her for the appointment.

Once inside the building, she is blown away. Pristine living quarters, breathtaking views and a handsome man living across the hall, what's not to love?

In addition to all of those perks, Jules will receive $12,000 to live in the apartment for just 3-months. It sounds too good to be true, right? Might there be any other requirements?

Yes, indeed there are other stipulations, and that's where things start to get sketchy.

Jules is told she will not be allowed any visitors, she cannot spend even one night away and she absolutely cannot bother the other tenants. In fact, any interaction is a no-no.

Her best friend, Chloe, tries to warn her off, but Jules doesn't see any other options. This is it.

So, nagging reservations aside, she moves in.

I freaking loved this book so much. I cannot even describe how much fun this was for me. It basically has everything I desire in a story and then some.

Sager's writing sucks you in from the very first moment and the atmosphere he creates is always intense. At this point, it's safe to conclude that I will buy every single book he ever writes.

The setting of the Bartholomew was absolutely brilliant. A gothic nightmare set in the heart of a bustling city.

The history surrounding the building, the other tenants, the odd rules; it was all so compelling.

There were scenes, reading late into the night, when I was legit terrified. Without giving anything away, let's just say I have never been so fearful of something as unimposing as a dumbwaiter.

Ultimately, the plot went in a direction I never would have expected. It was bizarre and so flipping good. This has a real film noir quality to it. Hitchcock, himself, would be impressed.

This was my most anticipated thriller of 2019 and it did not disappoint for a moment. I loved every minute of reading Lock Every Door!

Thank you so much, PENGUIN GROUP Dutton, for providing me with a copy to read and review. I cannot even express my level of gratitude.

Profile Image for Chelsea Humphrey.
1,487 reviews82.2k followers
October 11, 2022
"It certainly doesn't feel cursed. Or haunted. Or any other menacing label you could put on an apartment building. It's comfortable, spacious and, other than the wallpaper, nicely decorated. It's easy to see why Nick and Greta choose to live here. I would certainly stay longer than three months if I could afford to. Which makes it all the stranger that Ingrid chose to leave."

Muahahahaha. Mr. "Sager" has done it again folks. I'm always wary picking up the forecasted blockbusters of the year, but I'll be darned if this isn't his best novel to date, which is saying a lot as I adored The Last Time I Lied. Lock Every Door feels like the author's signature style, but each of his books has a different vibe, in my opinion. Final Girls was horrific slasher, The Last Time I Lied was a campy YA, and Lock Every Door has a grown up, classic chiller feel, with an updated twist on the locked room trope, which is one of my personal favorite plots. Obviously I had high hopes for this book; with a cover that stunning how could you not? And hello, have you read the blurb? Wow! I'm so pleased that I found this to be another winner from the author, and I cannot wait for you to read it as well, friends.

I'm not going to give a ton of info about the plot here (tsk tsk), because you want to be surprised, but I will say that I loved the storytelling format used in this book. I'm always game for a countdown, and from the very first page we get a snippet of NOW, followed by a travel backwards in time to a week prior, and from there we are mostly catching back up to the NOW, with a few present tense moments sprinkled between days. This gives the book a growing sense of dread, and what starts as a slow burn quickly turns into a manic frenzy of page turning.

This is a plot about missing girls, about status, and about where that privilege can take you. Aside from being a compulsive mystery, and one that I didn't have all figured out before the reveal (happy dance!), Lock Every Door spends a good bit of time investigating grief, loneliness, and how easily we judge those who appear, at first glance, to be a burden on society. I'll stop there, but I really enjoyed and appreciated how the author handled these timely topics and took this story deeper than just an average, pulse-pounding thriller.

Eek, I want to say more, but to do so would make me such a bad friend. Do yourself a favor-go in blind, hang on to your butts, and let Sager take you on another devilishly fun thrill ride. If you missed the chance at snagging an early copy via the publisher, please mark this on your summer TBR for July. Purchase it, borrow it from the library, whatever you have to do, just do it!

*Many thanks to the publisher for providing my review copy.
Profile Image for Meredith (Trying to catch up!).
877 reviews13.9k followers
July 28, 2019
Are you f*cking kidding me?!

Unpopular opinion below! I originally wrote a long and detailed review discussing all of my issues with this book. However, I don't want to ruin the experience for other readers who might enjoy this book, so I have cut it down to the main points below.

The Good: High level of tension and suspense.

The Bad: Everything else!

Overall: One big convoluted mess.

Believability: Nothing is believable. NOTHING.
The Protagonist: To put it kindly, she is not the brightest bulb. Yet, she is the one to put the pieces of the mystery together?
The Mystery: Beyond ridiculous.
The narrative: All telling, no seeing.
The ending: I have no words.

I tried to dive in and be entertained, but my inner critic would not shut up. I was rolling my eyes so much that it hurt! So much does not add up and I was ready for Jules to die so I wouldn’t have to continue reading about her stupid choices. I am glad this nightmare is over.

Profile Image for Emily (Books with Emily Fox on Youtube).
602 reviews66.8k followers
September 5, 2020
Moral of the story:

Look at me reading all three books from this author within a month...

At the beginning I thought this was going to be my favorite book out of the three but the ending twist made it my least favorite.

An apartment sitting job with a very generous salary seems to good to be true for our main character. Mysterious residents, creepy wallpaper and disappearances...

Personally I felt like the way the main character was piecing things together was pretty unbelievable and left me unsatisfied. It had potential but the ending will be a hit or miss depending on your taste.

(2.5?) Can't really recommend.

Reviews of all his books: https://youtu.be/SAd1t5LZqus
Profile Image for  Teodora .
435 reviews2,254 followers
January 8, 2024
4.45/5 ⭐

Full review on my Blog: The Dacian She-Wolf 🐺

I would like to thank NetGalley and Ebury Press (Fiction) for a free, electronic ARC of this novel received in exchange for an honest review!


me: *has the constant anxiety of unlocked doors*

this book: "Lock Every Door"

me: :') that's my type of book :')


My first experience with Riley Sager’s books and I’m already a fan. As I’ve already said, I have the weird Romanian fear of unlocked doors. Simply every single door that has direct contact with the outer world has to be locked. Simple as that.

About this book. Yeah, well, it’s great. I have a very good overall opinion about it and I am very happy that I had the opportunity to read it earlier as planned.
( more here for the rest of the educative opinion )

( Book-styled)
Profile Image for Cindy.
473 reviews127k followers
October 9, 2020
I was engaged while listening to this book; it's an easy and simple read that helps as a palate cleanser in-between more dense stories. I found this thriller to be too slow for my tastes though, and since I was able to predict several things that were revealed, the slow burn ended up not having much payoff for me. There's potential for a deeper exploration of classism and financial inequality, but it's very on-the-nose to the point where the antagonists become cartoonish.
Profile Image for Nilufer Ozmekik.
2,681 reviews53.9k followers
August 2, 2022
Three lalalaa here comes unpopular review alarm, I can hear the ominous soundtrack in my head like Jaws’s approaching, nanana, disappointing, I got so excited, cleared my night to date with this book, but I didn’t like what I got at the end and my husband laughs at me when he is binge watching Stranger Things( at least one of us is happy) stars!!!

Oh boy, I usually love Riley Sager’s writing style. I enjoyed “ Final Girls” and literally devoured “Last time I lied” ( as soon as I finished I got my stomach pumped to get rid of eaten pages  )

I still enjoyed the writing and characterization of heroine, Jules ( not my favorite name choice but I shouldn’t judge a person from her or his unpopular name) a real survivor, suffering from two big tragedies in her life ( losing her parents in a fire and her missing sister who might be kidnapped or killed), jobless, penniless, homeless after being cheated by her scumbag boyfriend and left his place.

You may feel like she’s damaged, she’s fragile, broken but not exactly! She’s brave (She saved an snob best seller writer and a cute dog from fire by putting her life at risk) fast thinker to stay afloat on water ( She accepts her new job as apartment sitter at the Bartholomew which is a real spooky place with the deaths from Spanish flu to suicide and murder.), so determined to find the truth about Ingrid who is also missing, reminds Jules of her sister, at the risk of losing her place at the apartment and violating her contract rules.

This book’s story development and a little part of the ending have quiet resemblances with “Rosemary’s baby”! At least the apartment management doesn’t hire young people to have sex with devil and have beautiful satanic children looking like Tom Ellis.
It also reminded me of TV series named “666 Park Avenue”( as you see the door number you may imagine what is about and as you see the cancellation after 13 episodes, this concept also didn’t work for TV, too. )

THE THINGS I LIKED: Heroine Jules, her fighting and surviving instincts, the slow beginning of story ( it might be called slow-burn thriller, but at the end thriller part burned itself ) which gives you goosebumps, quiet shivering, hooked you from the beginning and turning the pages faster as you can( be careful not to have paper cuts).

WHAT I DIDN’T LIKE: As soon as I read the revelation part which is not something so supernatural or satanic by the way, seemed like a little easy way out for me! Maybe I was waiting for more surprises, more twisty, edgy, terrifying, unforeseeable results. Because at the previous books of the author, I got all of them. But on this one, the ending was a little soft and regular. It didn’t shake me to my core( Lately several thriller books I read gave me this feeling maybe my pain threshold is in the maximum point so I want to read something more challenging!)

So beginning is great, middle of the still good but ending ERRRRRR: You gave the wrong answer and you disqualified!

As a summary, this book is above the average, descriptions, character analysis and development are well crafted, you may easily relate with the poor apartment sitters and their tragic lives. But I expected more from the author because of his brilliant past works. So thanks but no thanks, this is not my book, not my cup of tea( I only drink black coffee)! Let’s move to the other new releases!
Profile Image for Gabby.
1,534 reviews28.7k followers
June 1, 2020
Holy shit this book was intense and creepy. This is my third time reading a thriller from Riley Sager, and wow this book is great, it's my new favorite.

This story follows this girl Jules who is desperate for a job when she stumbles upon this too good to be true opportunity to live in this glamorous apartment building in New York and they will pay her to be a tenant there. Except for the building is said to be cursed / haunted / shady. But she desperately needs the money and she’s always wanted to live there since she was a little girl so it seems like a win/win situation. Until it’s not.

This book was creepy and it felt like a perfect mix of thriller of horror, which is something I love about all of Riley Sager’s books. They always have this haunting atmosphere and feel slightly paranormal or creepy, like someone is always watching the main character and I eat that shit up, I love it!!!

There were some truly creepy moments in this book that gave me chills?? I felt like I was in the apartment building because the descriptions were so vivid. Even though this is a typical “girl goes missing” thriller and we spend the majority of the book trying to figure out what happens to this girl, it was still so much more than that and it was such a fun but also disturbing read. The ending got a lot more dark than I was expecting it to.

I really enjoyed this book so much and if you’re a fan of thrillers with a touch of horror I highly recommend this! 🤗 I reread this book as an audiobook and it was just as fun to listen to, I enjoyed it so much.
Profile Image for Lisa of Troy.
772 reviews6,437 followers
August 23, 2024
This is what The Paris Apartment wanted to be!

Ahhhh! How refreshing! Riley Sager is back to writing decent books. Survive The Night and The House Across the Lake were laughably bad. However, The Last Time I Lied….um wow! It was one of the best thrillers that I have ever read!

Lock Every Door is also a riveting, engaging thriller. The prose is unpretentious and easy to read. This is a total page turner!

The characters are complex, and Sager really knows how to increase the suspense.

Everything is going along smoothly, and I would have rated this five stars until…..the end.

Although I didn’t guess the ending, I did not find it believable. How many times can you almost escape? Also, how do you not set off any alarms?

Are there any other good Riley Sager books that I am missing?

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Profile Image for j e w e l s.
315 reviews2,604 followers
July 2, 2019
game-of-thrones-font You know what that means, don’t you?

Writer Riley Sager OWNS July. For the third year in a row, Sager is set to drop another stunning thriller in July. As a die-hard Sager fan, I’m here to tell you it may just be his best yet! MERRY CHRISTMAS TO YOU. IN JULY.🎄

I don’t know how Riley Sager does it. Every book is better than his last! Lock Every Door is buttoned up tight and in ship shape, spic-n-span order for your thrilling pleasure!

As in Final Girls and The Last Time I Lied, we have a lovable heroine trying to get out of the jam of a lifetime. You will be rooting Jules on as she tries like crazy to figure out what thaaaaaa hellllll is going on. First thing in the story, she answers a Craigslist ad to work as an apartment sitter in the exclusive Bartholemew building right across from Central Park in NYC. She is to be paid $1000 per week to live in this gorgeous Gothic building. Just as long as she follows a few simple rules. YIKES. The rules are a bit strict, but our Jules is desperate for moolah and feels she’s got nothin to lose. Sooooooo…..Oh, boy.

She should’ve paid attention to those rules! Just like a roach motel, those who enter The Bartholomew never leave The Bartholomew.

The premise reminds me of An Anonymous Girl, but Sager has a style all his own. He manages to keep the tone light and fun, almost Scooby doo-like, with all the “kids” out to solve a crime in their Mystery Machine Van. I really enjoy this aspect!

It is a creepy and addictive read. As usual, Sager approaches the “over-the-top” believability factor, but, for some reason, with Sager, you just let it slide. It is so much more fun just to go along with him! I love the NYC setting and the characters to root for. Of course, a satisfying ending for us! All in all, a fantastic beach read!

Thanks very much to Netgalley for letting me read and review the advance copy. This is my REAL OPINION!
Profile Image for Holly  B (slower pace!).
893 reviews2,479 followers
October 5, 2019
Is it over-the-top craziness?.... yep

Is it addictive and entertaining?... absolutely!

Did I feel like I was right next to Jules with my heart-pounding along with her?.... I was practically holding her hand!

Who is Jules, you might ask? She is the ever so curious protagonist who becomes an amateur sleuth when her stay at the ever so famous Bartholomew Apartment building begins to uncover its unsettling past. The buildings deep, dark secrets begin to surface, bubbling over. It's Gothic structure is over a hundred-years old and some disturbing articles have been written about it.

Could she have made a mistake choosing to live here? The Gargoyle outside her window stood tall and ominous.  It didn't creep Jules out though, she thought it was like "a protector standing guard."  She doesn't realize it quite yet, but she will need a protector!

I was completely drawn into this highly entertaining and unpredictable tale of the Bartholomew's dark past with its observing walls and quirky, wealthy residents. I just had to find out what happened to the other missing apartment sitters.

I DARE NOT say more.... just read it for yourself and you can hold Jules hand as she tries to plan her escape!

Buddy read - Thanks for entertaining me with all your wild predictions along the way Kendall! Of course none of them were as wild as what actually happened!!

This one is sure to stir up some discussions! Don't miss it. OUT on July 2,2019.

Thanks to the publisher / NG for my copy to review.

Profile Image for Felicia.
254 reviews980 followers
May 16, 2019
Ho. Lee. Chit.

What a page-turner. I found myself awake until the sun came up, frantically turning the pages to get to the end because ...


I LOOOOOVED Final Girls. That may be because I have a special connection to it that I'm positive nobody cares about but either way, I thought it was superb.

I LIKED The Last Time I Lied.

I LOATHED everytime I had to pick up Lock Every Door.

Much like Sager's previous works, this is a slow burn, taking it's time leading you to a combustible conclusion. This ending, however, didn't even singe my eyebrows.

The characters, especially the main character, are annoying and unrealistic.

This book has no idea what it wants to be. Is it a ghost story? A murder mystery? By the end, did I even care? No. No I didn't.

The ending twist is contrived at best.

I can't even tell you why the author chose the title.

2 ⭐⭐ because, well, I don't really know.

*** I was provided an ARC copy from Penguin-Random House First to Read program in exchange for an honest review. ***

P.S. this program is closing down in June and I want to cry although after this review I doubt they'd ever give me another ARC.
Profile Image for jessica.
2,591 reviews45k followers
January 14, 2020
what i really appreciate about RSs writing is he knows how to create a thrilling story without inducing nightmares as a side-effect. i will totally own up to be a massive wimp, so i like the opportunity of being able to read a spooky story without my over-active imagination getting the best of me.

and although this didnt scare me, i did quietly whisper ‘what the heck?!’ so many times throughout this. i mean, the last third is so, so, so bizarre. thrilling, but bizarre. i dont even know how RS came up with the idea because its totally out in left field. but it really worked with the mood and atmosphere of the story.

this was a lot of fun to read and cant wait to pick up the next RS book!

3.5 stars
Profile Image for bruna.
119 reviews2,199 followers
July 2, 2024
★ 2 stars

⤹ ┊ Lock Every Door revolves around Jules Larsen, a twenty-something who desperately needs a fresh start — she just lost her job, broke up with her cheating boyfriend, and to make things even worse, she has no place to live. her run of bad luck comes to an end (or so she thinks) when she lands a job as an ‘apartment sitter’ at the Bartholomew, a prestigious and glamorous building in Manhattan. Jules will get paid one thousand dollars every week for three months to basically just live there and “do nothing” besides following a few strict rules. she’s not allowed to have visitors, post pictures of the building on any social media, speak to other residents (unless spoken to), talk about what happens inside the building, and she must spend every night in her apartment. even with those strange rules, Jules finds herself accepting right away without thinking twice since she thinks the job opportunity seems perfect... but soon enough she’s going to discover the dark secrets of the Bartholomew and realize that nothing is quite as perfect as it seems.

thriller is one of my go-to genres, but honestly, i feel like it’s more fitting to say that it was one of my go-to genres because i genuinely can’t even remember the last time i read a good thriller that really left me satisfied. i keep reading disappointing thrillers one after another and, needless to say, it’s been an exhausting ride. that’s the reason why i’m not reading much of this genre lately. but when i saw glowing reviews for this book and people saying how amazing it was, i thought to myself “let’s give it a try, maybe this one is actually good and interesting.spoiler alert: it is not. it’s the exact opposite of these things.

the promise of this book is intriguing and judging by its synopsis i did think it had a lot of potential, but unfortunately, the story lacks any redeeming qualities and the execution leaves much to be desired. everything was just poorly written and badly executed.

starting with the protagonist, she was absolutely infuriating and painfully stupid. it’s not news that main characters in thrillers are, for the majority of time, incapable of using their brains to make logical or rational decisions. sure, i can see why that happens, if the characters were super clever from the get go, the story would be pointless, right? right. but even so, i couldn’t help but feel annoyed and bothered by Jules and her dumb decision-making. this lady truly got on my nerves. how can someone be so painfully stupid, pathetic and naive? geez. the opportunity of having a job (if we can call it that) that pays a thousand dollars every week is very tempting and i don’t judge her considering the option because i, too, wouldn’t let that opportunity pass, especially if i was in her place, but the whole thing was obviously too good to be true. the red flags were there from the very beginning and, as much as i would love that amount of money, i personally wouldn’t take the risk and play blind since i can be very paranoid and i’m not that insane. our main character, on the other hand, proved to be insane though; she ignored all the red flags and just accepted the offer without even questioning a thing. look, i’m not saying she should’ve refused the job — as i said earlier, the plot would literally be nonexistent if she had done that and this is fictional, after all. however, i think it was kind of unrealistic the fact that she didn’t show any suspicion at first even though all the signs were literally shoved in her face. Jules’ best friend, Chloe (god bless her, the only sane person in this book), tried to knock some sense into her and warned about how things seemed off, but she just brushed it off so easily and didn’t show a single hint of fear or wariness. like, i know you are desperate for the money and all, but come on girl... you seriously can’t be that gullible! [she can. and she is.]

and to the surprise of absolutely no one, Jules proceeded to be the most dumb and irritating person throughout the rest of the book. making the stupidest and unsafest decisions, minding everyone’s business but her own, and proving more than once that she had a low level of intelligence. i wasn’t a fan of her character and i did not like the way she was written. Jules was unlikable from beginning to end and in my opinion she didn’t have any endearing qualities, which is a sad thing, but it’s not much of a surprise to me given the fact that sometimes male authors don’t know how to write compelling and authentic female characters. who’s shocked? not me, that’s for sure.

the story itself, like i said, doesn’t have any redeeming qualities. i really don’t want to be be bitter but i genuinely can’t think of anything positive to say about it. as a whole, it’s slow, weak, and dull. i am not exaggerating when i say that not even fifty pages in and i was already disliking every single aspect of it. the only reason why i didn’t give up is because i believed that i would get invested at some point, but as you can easily guess, i never did. i should’ve dnfed it halfway through when i realized that things weren’t getting better and not waste more of my time, but i decided to make it to the end since i still had a little bit of hope that the plot twist would make all my suffering worth it. and oh boy... i couldn’t be more wrong.

the twist was sort of wild, and in some way, unpredictable; but i am not saying that in a good way. that’s not, by any means, a compliment, so don’t take the wrong impression. as a thriller lover, i adore a plot twist that is extremely hard to predict (i mean, duh) but i must say that that alone is not enough. do you know what else i need? a twist that is amazing and makes a bit of sense. i feel like a few thriller authors think that only making their twists very unpredictable will leave us satisfied, but eh, not exactly. in addition, we need something well-thought-out and, if it’s not too much to ask, a tad believable/realistic. sadly, i don’t feel like Riley gave us that here, not even close. what he came up with was ridiculous to say the least. i liked a little the creepy vibes (that explains the 2 stars) but generally speaking, i couldn’t find the outcome super believable and enjoyable. such a shame... this book had several interesting directions it could have taken — or at least i’m generous to think it had — and yet, the author ended up possibly choosing the worst one.

Riley Sager offered a bland, tedious story that didn’t live up to its hype. if you are looking for a mind-blowing and captivating thriller read, then i do not recommend Lock Every Door because it is none of these things, sorry. it was my first book by this author and i couldn’t help but feel extremely disappointed.

. ݁ ˖ 𓂃 ⟡ 𓂃 ˖ ݁ . 𓂃 ⟡ 𓂃 . ݁ ˖ 𓂃 ⟡ 𓂃 . ݁ ˖

݁ ·˚🖇️ ⊹ ⌇ pre–read.
⤿ started on may 1, 2024.

people say thrillers are perfect to cure reading slumps and i hope they are right because i just want to be free from this slump... i’m literally desperate at this point. 😩
Profile Image for Debra.
2,826 reviews35.9k followers
July 9, 2019
Rules, Rules, Rules- YOU MUST OBEY THE RULES. They are simple rules really - do not disturb the other residents at the Bartholomew, no overnight visitors and you must spend every night in your apartment. With added questions thrown in about drinking, smoking, family, etc.

Reeling from a recent breakup, Jules has been sleeping on her best friend’s couch, when she sees the ad for an apartment sitter on Craigslist, she applies for the job. After answering some background questions, she is hired as and can't believe her luck, getting paid a lot of money to live in such a beautiful and grand building. She shrugs off her best friends doubts and concerns and moves and makes friends with another apartment sitter named Ingrid. Who cares about the building’s creepy history, money is money, right? But soon Jules begins to hear strange noises at night and Ingrid alludes to the fact that the Bartholomew may not be what it seems...and then Ingrid goes missing. Ever hear the adage "If it seems too good to be true, it usually is." My first thought was why would a building which houses celebrities and wealthy people advertise on craigslist and not some ritzy house-sitting company????? Hmm…. now I know! While searching for her missing friend, Jules begins to learn more about the Bartholomew and its dark history.

I was fully engaged in this book and found it to have moments of dread and suspense. He piqued my curiosity right away and held it for most of the book. This became a real page turner for me. I had several theories and guesses about what was going to happen and I did not see that ending coming. I'll be honest, the ending was a little bit of a letdown for me. Having said that, I still found this to be a fast read which sucked me in and kept my attention.

Profile Image for Barbie.
109 reviews343 followers
July 1, 2019

My thoughts in a nutshell
I had high hopes for this one, and it doesn't live up to my expectation. I'm not saying that it was a bad book, but it isn't a 5 stars read like his other book (The Last Time I Lied). I still like it.

The story is about…
Skip over this point if you don't like the sneak peek.
... an old apartment where strange things start to happen.
No visitors. Too strict rules. People have gone missing. It is a nightmare.
Jules Larsen's new job is in here. She will be an apartment sitter. What will happen to her? Nobody knows.

What impressed me
Lock Every Door is a slow-paced novel. I adored the slow build-up situation because it gave me enough tension and I couldn't put it down.
Every so often, life offers you a reset button. When it does, you need to press it as hard as you can.

My favorite impression of the book was the old apartment atmosphere. It was intense and creepy. I felt like I was there but I don't want to be there, in a spooky, old house.
Never take anything you haven't earned, my father used to say. You always end up paying for it one way or another.

I admire the two-time line idea. It was so good when the two lines meet and things turn out.
All of the characters were fucked up. In the first half of the book, I knew who the "villain" is. It wasn't a surprise to me, but I didn't know what was going to happen.
One time is an anomaly. Two times is a coincidence. Three times is proof.

I'm relieved because Sager does not choose that plot twist. If you have read it, you know what I mean.

So, the final solution was excellent! It is so disturbing for me. I can read a book about gory or gruesome parts without me feeling sick, but there is one thing that makes me uncomfortable.

The writing style was captivating. Riley Sager is a brilliant thriller expert. He knows how to maintain stress.

What I don't like
I don't connect to the main protagonist Jules. She was so dumb sometimes and I don't really understand what her motive was. Why does she do stupid things? Okay, she was broke. In my opinion, money is not as important as her life. I hate this cliché when the character sacrifices his/her life because they don't have enough cash. WTF? Why is it better? She will be dead, and that's all about her money. Soooo sooo feeble-minded.
There was some occasion that were hard to believe or just superficial.

Make a conclusion
Overall, it will be a divisive novel because it is slow, and the twist won't work for everyone.
I gave it 4 stars. I like the gothic mood, and I couldn't put it down. It was a great page-turner.
I say that if you like a slow-moving but very atmospheric thriller, I highly recommend it. I don't think it was a horror. I didn't feel any fear.
Profile Image for Matthew.
1,221 reviews9,742 followers
October 30, 2019
This has been, by far, my favorite Riley Sager book so far!

While some of the plot ended up being familiar from other stories I have seen/read, that is pretty normal for most books. Throughout novels these days, there are lot of retellings of similar plots lines, it just depends on how you tell it. In the case of this particular thrilling and creepy plot twist, I was quite impressed.

If I could sum up why this is a 5-star book in 1 sentence: I could not stop for the last 1/5 of this book.

COULD NOT STOP! I was riveted by the climax and resolution of this book. It is the most riveted I have been in a long time! Whether there we any other negatives to detract from my review of this book (and there really were not), the end was enough to make up for anything else.

The book was suspenseful, creepy, thrilling, and mysterious. Great characters with plenty of development in what was a relatively short book. And, as mentioned above, I loved the ending and I DID NOT SEE IT COMING! My guesses were not even close. I love a book where when you finally get to the resolution, you are like “OH DANG!”

I highly recommend this to all who love creepy, twisted mysteries – I don’t think you will be disappointed!
Profile Image for Melanie.
1,245 reviews101k followers
July 31, 2019

ARC acquired at Book Expo in exchange for an honest review.

“The twelfth floor is special”

Lock Every Door is about a girl name Jules, who wakes up in a hospital after being hit by a car. She is twenty-five, recently single, and very much struggling with money. But then she gets an opportunity to apartment sit in a very rich and exclusive complex in Manhattan.

All of the floors in the apartment complex have four units, except for the twelfth floor, which only has two, and one of those units happen to be the one that needs apartment sitting. Basically, our main character, Jules, will earn 4,000 a month, for three months, but no one is allowed in the apartment besides herself, and she is also expected to not get close to any of the other tenants, since they are mostly high profile celebrities who value their privacy.

Jules accepts, without question, even though the secrecy does give her a strange vibe. The new endeavor also takes a strange twist when the author of the book that she and her sister (who has been missing for almost a decade) obsessed over, Heart of the Dreamer, lives in the apartment complex. But Jules quickly befriends a couple other apartment sitters, who seem to know more information about this too good to be true offer they have all accepted.

You quickly meet many of the residents of this apartment, but when one goes missing, you will start to question it all, right along side Jules. And my favorite part of this story, was getting to know all of the players in this game and trying to piece together their probable motives. And honestly? I really loved reading the twists and turns, right up until the very end, sadly.

I didn’t like the end of this book, which I feel like is a very unpopular opinion. I just feel like it took a lot of inspiration from a very famous, award winning movie. I can’t tell you which movie, without completely spoiling the twist, but it was just too apparent for my liking and honestly just really ruined the ending for me.

Overall, this was a fun reading experience for the most part. This was my second book by the author, and I feel like he has a very captivating writing style that not only keeps you on your toes with guessing, but makes it almost impossible to not read his book in one sitting, because you never want to put it down.

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Content and Trigger Warnings: talk of being cheated on in the past, talk of loss of a loved one in the past, self-harm (fire + hand), talk of past suicide, talk of cancer, and murder.

[EXTRA:] Holy moly, Lock Every Door is going to be adapted!

Buddy read with Becky & Madison Mary! ❤
Profile Image for ELLIAS (elliasreads).
508 reviews41k followers
July 9, 2019


UPDATE : JULY 9th, 2019.


H O L Y S H I T.

It’s 5 AM.

I have to be up in a couple hours for work. But I don’t care. This book took a 180 turn and it was so unexpected and I loved it.

Full review to come.
Need sleep.

American Horror sounds just about right with this. 😉

Good night.
Profile Image for Dr. Appu Sasidharan (Dasfill).
1,358 reviews3,397 followers
June 10, 2022
2019 - One of the best thrillers I have read this year.
2022 - One of the best thrillers I have read this year in the last three years.

Please don't miss the opportunity to read this book if you love to read thrillers.
Profile Image for JanB.
1,249 reviews3,721 followers
July 10, 2019
Just when I’d given up hope on finding a fun summer thriller, along comes this book!

Jules is having a string of bad luck and finds herself without a home and job, little money in her bank account, and no family to lean on for support. She answers an ad for an apartment sitter at The Bartholomew, an exclusive luxurious apartment building in NYC. The pay to stay in this fancy apartment? $1K a week. She can’t believe her stroke of good luck when she is hired. Apparently Jules forgot the adage that if it sounds too good to be true, it is too good to be true.

There are a few rules: no visitors, no nights away from the apartment, no talking to or otherwise bothering the wealthy residents, and no posts on social media. Desperate for money, Jules agrees.

Soon, she begins hearing strange noises and tales of mysterious deaths and hauntings. When an apartment sitter Jules befriends goes missing, she discovers this wasn’t the first sitter to mysteriously disappear, and she goes in search for answers. Answers that turn out to be far more sinister than she could have imagined.

This is a Riley Sager book, so It’s not a spoiler to say there are twists and turns in this creepy, gothic suspense tale where the Bartholomew becomes a character itself. The palpable sense of eeriness with Jules all alone in the world up against some creepy neighbors in a gothic apartment building gave me a Rosemary’s Baby vibe.

Jules is a strong, relatable, and engaging character. The toggling between past and present builds the tension to a fever pitch. I listened to the audiobook and the narrator was excellent. It was so engaging that I listened to the entire book in 2 days. Love it or hate it, I didn’t see the end coming, and it blew me away

I wasn’t a huge fan of the author’s first two books but after seeing glowing reviews for this book from readers who felt the same way, I took a chance and I’m so glad I did. This was a buddy read with Marialyce and one we both loved. Highly recommended for fans of gothic suspense.

For our duo review of this and other books please visit https://yayareadslotsofbooks.wordpres...
Profile Image for Kaceey.
1,298 reviews4,070 followers
June 26, 2019
Jules Larsen is down on her luck. She just lost her job and her boyfriend all in one day. Now, with no new jobs on the horizon, staying on her friends couch may be more permanent than she anticipated.

That is, until the opportunity of a lifetime falls into her lap! Stay at the Bartholomew apartment building in New York City. One of the most famous landmarks with a dark, mysterious history behind it. And…She’ll be paid twelve thousand dollars to apartment sit! Seriously! How could she say no!?

Ahhh, not so fast - there are rules! One of which include no guests...period! Do not interact with the residents. And you must spend every night in your assigned apartment. Ok! Easy peasy!

If something looks too good to be true.....

I’ve been a bit hit and miss with Riley Sager’s books. I absolutely loved Final Girls, but his next release The Last Time I Lied missed the mark for me.

Riley Sager's newest release is an addictive thriller that is a little dark and even spooky at times. I was so caught up in the “one more chapter” mode that I kept reading beyond our buddy read goals.

If only it would’ve stayed on the same path all the way through! ☹️
The ending veered off in a direction that just didn’t seem to mesh with the theme of the first two thirds of the book. I wish I could say I came away loving it, but I didn’t. Not quite. For me, one star sadly fell away for the ending. But as always...that’s just me!

A spooky fun buddy read with Susanne!

Thank you to NetGalley, Penguin Group Dutton and Riley Sager for an ARC to read and review.
Profile Image for emma.
2,246 reviews74.2k followers
November 23, 2020
Always trust your judgment.

This can be read either a scathing indictment of the dumbassery within these pages or a pat on the back for myself since I knew I wouldn't enjoy this.

Pick your poison.

I've only read one other Riley Sager book, an ARC of Final Girls, and all I'll say is that that review is one of the ones I get worried when I get comment notifications on. Let's leave it at that.

(Also, can we talk about how Riley Sager was a faceless pseudonym writing female protagonists for a while and then was unveiled to be a dude? Not my favorite.)

My reading experience with this one probably wasn't as unpleasant, but it felt like a whole lot of nothing. No excitement, no investment in the characters, no admiration for the storyline/writing/setting/whatever.

Some of that comes from the fact that I spoiled myself for it (I have an unbelievable tendency to do that - I have seen 2 seasons of Love Island, for example, and learned who won before I even reached the halfway point), but more of that comes from this just...not working for me.

Bummer. But...I think I'll live.

Bottom line: Please remind me next time I go to pick up a Riley Sager book that past me, wise and all-knowing, said not to.


from time to time everyone should read a book they're pretty sure they're not going to like. for character development
Profile Image for KAS.
317 reviews3,124 followers
August 4, 2019

A Bizarre, Boring, Bust :(

If this was to have chilled and thrilled me, it failed.

I just did not connect with this “Hunh?” storyline, which seemed to veer off in strange directions. One dimensional characters only added to my disappointment.

I enjoyed my first read by this author, “ The Last Time I Lied,” so maybe my expectations were too high.

If you are a big fan of this author, you may very well love this one. There are mixed reviews ... more glowing than not.

2.5 stars rounded up as I did want to see it through to the end and find out how all this weirdness played out, although it was anticlimactic :(

This was an audiobook listen, which I want to thank my local library for providing.

Profile Image for Kim ~ It’s All About the Thrill.
684 reviews598 followers
October 5, 2019
I know...I am really late to the party on this one. Better late than never right?! What in the actual hell is going on at The Bartholomew? For the next 3 months this is home.........12A...home, hell, you decide!

Seriously, people there is some crazy stuff going on here. This was my second book by Sager (Final Girls is here begging to be read) and he is a master of atmospheric writing. Last time he took me to camp but this time we were on a dream trip to Manhattan! Not only Manhattan but the most prestigious building in the city- The Bartholomew.

I don't really know how to explain it, but this book really creeped me out. It was the perfect kick off for October for me as it just "felt" like a fall read. I can honestly say I had a feeling of anxiety the entire time I was reading this - it was like I was waiting for the other shoe to drop..and then it did. What a weird, twisted ending! Good thing I like weird and twisted endings! I was a very happy reader as I closed up this book. Enough about me, let's get on to this book!

Jules Larsen is having a bad week. She found out her live in boyfriend is cheating on her, she lost her job and she essentially had to move out of her apartment. So how lucky was it when she stumbled on an ad for an apartment sitter in Manhattan? What a lucky girl she is........until she is not....well I have heard of money making the world go around but wow! Wait until you meet the likes of the residents of The Bartholomew. It is almost like you need to be born into that building. It is so prestigious that it is hard to even buy an apartment there, it usually needs to be "willed" to you.

As Jules starts to feel isolated by the "rules" of the building- no visitors, no nights spent away from the building. She finds herself looking to the fellow residents for some human interaction. Good thing she has a gorgeous, friendly doctor living right next door. Is it just the isolation that is getting to her and she is slowly losing it? Or are the rumors true? Perhaps Jules will never get to leave?

I loved so much about this book...but especially the history of The Bartholomew had me riveted. It had a gothic feel and I wondered what kind of dark creepy stuff had really taken place between those walls. Were the residents just private because they were rich and entitled? Sooooo creepy but the details drew me in and would not let go. I never in a million years would have foreseen the ending of this book. Some things you can't keep out, even if you do lock every door!

Thank you so much to Peguin / Dutton for this ARC!
Profile Image for BernLuvsBooks .
949 reviews5,053 followers
March 15, 2020
Sometimes a dream come true can turn out to be your worst nightmare! 😱

This totally lived up to my expectations and the hype y'all! 🥰

I have been impatiently awaiting this book since I finished The Last Time I Lied (which I also loved!) last summer. Sager has become a summer staple for me and this book was without a doubt my most highly anticipated summer read. Thankfully, it did NOT disappoint. I devoured this book friends! I could not turn the pages fast enough. Sager always does such an amazing job of making his reader feel tense while reading. I trusted no one & my suspicion antenna was on high alert right along with Jules.

Jules Larsen gets the opportunity of a lifetime. It’s a dream come true kind of job - apartment sitting at the high-profile and ultra mysterious Bartholomew building in Manhattan. This was a building pulled straight out of her dreams or at the very least right out of the pages of the favorite book. Having recently lost her job and her boyfriend, this is exactly the turn of fortune she needs. Or is it?

For all its beauty, The Bartholomew has a creepy and mystic filled past and it seems like its apartment sitters have an alarming habit of simply disappearing. As Jules digs into the building’s past she uncovers much more than she bargained for. Can she make it out of The Bartholomew alive??? You’ll have to read this compulsive page-turner to find out!
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