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千年の雪 [Sennen no Yuki] #1

Millennium Snow, Vol. 1

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Seventeen-year-old Chiyuki Matsuoka was born with heart problems, and her doctors say she won't live to see the next snow. Toya is an 18-year-old vampire who hates blood and refuses to make the traditional partnership with a human, whose life-giving blood would keep them both alive for a thousand years.

Chiyuki makes the most of the time she has left, even though things aren't that exciting--until she comes across a reluctant vampire late one chilly night. Can Chiyuki teach Touya to feel a passion for life, even as her own is ending?

209 pages, Paperback

First published April 3, 2001

About the author

Bisco Hatori

50 books1,441 followers
Name (in native language): 葉鳥ビスコ

Bisco Hatori is a Japanese manga artist. Bisco Hatori is a pseudonym; she states that the name has special meaning to her. She has worked for such magazines as LaLa. Her manga debut was A Moment of Romance in LaLa DX. Her first series was Millennium Snow. However, the comedy Ouran High School Host Club is her breakout hit.

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Displaying 1 - 30 of 193 reviews
Profile Image for XxTainaxX Curvy and Nerdy.
1,486 reviews487 followers
March 26, 2017
Re-read. It's very insta love on Chiyuki's part but I don't think this was intended to be a long series right from the start. Toya is the broody hero intent on being alone and Satsuki adds a little humor and competition to the mix. Chiyuki doesn't strike me as the brightest bulb in the pack but she is sweet and well intentioned. The series introduction was cute if you don't over analyze everything. The art was true to the artist's style with the long limbs and the sprinkle of side commentary. A nice little interlude from regular books.
Profile Image for Sarah.
1 review1 follower
September 7, 2008
This book is bad.

I'm really not picky with my manga - I'll read just about anything. I just love manga. My obsession began with Fushigi Yugi and is branching out into many different directions, one of which is the more macabre world of vampires and the supernatural. So I thought that I would try Millennium Snow.

I was very disappointed. The art is beautiful, if a bit disproportional at times. However, the book gives you no time to invest in the characters emotionally. From the first time that Chiyuki talks to Toya she's offering her blood to him, to form a partnership for a thousand years - and did I mention that was on page fourteen?

I understand that the character is supposed to have a heart condition, but I just find the interaction between Chiyuki and Toya to be complete implausible. I don't believe, even if she were dying, that a woman would offer to help anyone that was as offensive and rude to her as Toya is. Perhaps that is naive of me.

The entire book is set at a breakneck pace, as if the author knew where she was going and was trying to get there as fast as humanly possible. As a result, the story suffered. The book would have been a lot better if we had been given the opportunity to get to know Chiyuki better before she met Toya, if she hadn't 'almost died' on page 36 prompting Toya (for some unknown reason) to give her blood to heal her, if somehow Chiyuki hadn't magically enrolled Toya in school on page 46...
Profile Image for Sesana.
5,733 reviews337 followers
April 26, 2012
I've really liked Ouran High School Host Club, so I decided to try this, one of Bisco Hatori's earlier works. You can most tell that it's earlier from comparing the art. Millenium Snow's is crude and lacks detail compared with Ouran. It's still pretty good, though. The story is stronger. I like the concept of vampires used here, that they're weak without blood (but won't die) and that they normally take care of that need by finding a human partner. The human will let the vampire drink from them on a regular basis, and in will live as long as their vampire partner does in return. This is appealing to the heroine, Chiyuki, since she has a heart condition and isn't expected to live much longer. Toya, a vampire who doesn't want to drink blood at all, isn't sold on the idea. I did end up liking the characters, and I'm interested to see where this story is going. I'm not exactly sold on the romance yet, though.
Profile Image for Sara.
1,201 reviews57 followers
May 15, 2015
Chiyuki (the name means a thousand snows) is a teenager with a heart condition. She may not live to see the next snow. Toya is a vampire who will live a thousand years but he's hesitant to confer immortality on anyone, including Chiyuki.

Sounded like an interesting manga story. Unfortunately, it didn't work for me. I think it was too young for me. I enjoy some of the teen manga but this was just too silly. I did not feel like the characters were acting as expected. Their actions from panel to panel puzzled me and did not ring true.

I appreciated the author's funny notes in the sidebars and there was a short interesting tale of two teenage girls and their friendship at the end. The author has written Ouran High School Host Club which I've heard so much about, mainly positive. This predates that series so perhaps the author is more inexperienced with her writing in this series.

I don't think I will be pursuing the rest of this manga series.
Profile Image for Jody Mena.
445 reviews8 followers
June 1, 2015
What a sweet story! Pure fluff, with some drama thrown in for spice, the epitome of shoujo, complete with a swooning heroine and an injured kitten. Yes, it doesn’t get much more cliché, but sometimes you just need a pure romance story – and if there are vampires and werewolves involved, all the better! The artwork for this manga was quite beautiful. Though I’ve never really been comfortable with the way Hatori Bisco draws humans (heads too small for bodies and eyes too big for heads), I love the way the perspectives and close-ups are drawn in this manga, it’s expertly done! The characters are great, Chiyuki is typically yasashii, but she’s slightly rough around the edges at times and quite determined while still remaining gentle. An excellent heroine. Toya makes a good hero for this story as well, or rather a somewhat tsundere anti-hero, since he’s always pushing Chiyuki away with his attitude. And then Satsuki makes a perfect rival, since he’s cool and amicable, yet with a shady, conflicted side and a sick grandmother to make him a sympathetic character. Excellent setup for a love triangle! Too bad this story is only two volumes long, such a plot has potential for a lot more books! As for the bonus story at the end, it was very sad, but I felt like it was too contrived to really take seriously. No matter what kind of setup about a stillborn twin the manga-ka wants to stage, it was obviously a not-so-thinly-veiled metaphor for a short lesbian affair between school-girls. I think it would have been much sweeter, and much less forced, if they had dispensed with all the mystical stuff and just let it be shoujo-ai. As it was, it was a cute little short story, but nothing special. However, I’m glad the main story has another volume to go yet, I’m looking forward to seeing how things will resolve in the next book!
Profile Image for Jennifer.
667 reviews23 followers
April 18, 2009
The premise of the manga is appealing--vampires must choose a human to be their source, granting them near-immportality. But the vampire Toya hates the idea of cursing anyone with immortality...until he meets Chiyuki, who has a disease that will kill her soon. Will Toya overcome his angst to keep Chiyuki by his side? Can Chiyuki convince him she wants to be his forever?

In execution, it's more silly and played for laughs than dramatic, in the style of many Japanese manga that are goofy and comedic until the climax when everything gets quite serious. I appreciate the execution in some ways but was kind of hoping for a little more romance more quickly.
Profile Image for Victoria ✮⋆˙.
1,065 reviews104 followers
April 14, 2019
I enjoyed this quite a lot tbh! I’m pretty hyped to read the next 3 volumes soon
Profile Image for Lizzie RoseShine.
703 reviews8 followers
January 9, 2022
There was a girl name chiyuki who have a weak heart who meet the vampire dude name touya n his assistant bat name yami-maru. Touya help chiyuki to come back to life. Next day, she's still alive n touya feel relieved about it n decided to take care of her. There's new character blondy name satsuki n his personality is almost like tamaki ( Ouran high host club) - the author fav character - second lead - satsuki. Satsuki secret revealed to be werewolf n he have grandma who found him when he was a baby. There also have bonus story - about two girls - one of the girl have a boy inside of her who fall in love with her friend Midori.
This entire review has been hidden because of spoilers.
Profile Image for Yukino.
1,064 reviews
July 6, 2016

La trama mi piace molto. Lei ha una malattia incurabile e lui è un vampiro solitario, perchè dovrebbe cercare la sua compagna per la vita tra gli umani e farla diventare vampira. Però ha paura di legarsi. ha paura di perdere la persona amata e di soffrire per millenni interi. Quindi preferisce stare da solo. Ma incontra appunto lei. E quando un girno è stata male, lui le dona un pò del suo sangue e lei si riprende, tanto che ritorna a scuola. E non chiedetemi come, riesce ad inscrivere anche lui. Questa cosa l'ho trovata assurda...va bene la licenza poetica..però dai un minimo di coerenza!
In alcuni punti mi prende molto, ma l'ho trovato acerbo e scritto male (che poi può essere una cattiva traduzione) infatti alcune frasi perdono quel pathos che dovrebbero avere.

Il primo capitolino poi del loro incontro..è velocissimo. Giuro. Non si ha il tempo di entrare nella storia che già succede tutto.

Inutile poi la storiella finale..è un extra con una novella con altri personaggi. Non ne capisco il senso. Mah..

Nell'insieme non è male. E' romantico e divertente. Però non mi convince del tutto. Sarà che sono abituata ad altri mangaka di ben altro livello, almeno per me. Essendo però il suo primo manga, le concedo un pò di margine. Vediamo come procede. Spero nel secondo.
This entire review has been hidden because of spoilers.
Profile Image for Holly Letson.
3,778 reviews524 followers
April 10, 2015
So, this series was originally going to be a "One-Shot" (1-volume) manga. That means that this volume does pretty much make sense on its' own. However, it did get continued into a series instead, so the story is actually a few volumes longer.
Chiyuki has heart problems, and is spending her life mostly in hospitals. Then, she meets a vampire and offers to become his mate, since she feels they have much in common. She doesn't think he'll give a second thought. But, he offers her some of his blood, and her heart issues are somewhat gone. She has a second chance at a somewhat "normal" life. She returns to school, and even tricks him into enrolling into her school. But, a love rival appears to keep things interesting....and, he's a werewolf. Throw a bat that speaks improper Engrish into the mix as well, and you have quite the interesting story.
Profile Image for Starbubbles.
1,522 reviews122 followers
February 7, 2022
2007: I just love this series. I just wish there was more than just two books. Sadness.

Anyway, it's a lovely story about a girl (Chiyuki) with heart troubles who meets a boy (Toya) who turns out to be a vampire. But this is no ordinary vampire, he doesn't drink blood! Why? When he drinks that persons blood, they will together live for 1000 years. But will he change his mind as he grows closer to Chiyuki? Will he let her fall into the hands of a werewolf named Satsuki? Will Toya be able to save Chiyuki from her heart troubles? Find out in this volume of Millennium Snow!

With a plot line like that, how can you not love these characters?
Profile Image for Maddy.
Author 6 books18 followers
July 17, 2018
(This review is for both volumes 1 and 2 of this series and contains spoilers for both; fair warning).

I picked up these two volumes of manga from my local used book store because I recognized the author’s name. As other Anime/Manga fans might know, this short series is written by Bisco Hatori, the mangka who also brought us Ouran High School Host Club. Millennium Snow was a short paranormal romance/comedy that she wrote before her most popular series.

Essentially, this is a better written manga version of Twilight. There’s a vampire, Toya, who is a character who guards his emotions behind a temper and a werewolf, Satsuki, who is upbeat and popular among his human classmates who know nothing of his supernatural secret. Chiyuki is a pretty typical shojo heroine, but with serious health problems which threaten her life. There are also many comical elements in this manga which is very much Hatori’s style, reminiscent at points of Host Club (though this series is older, I read Host Club first).

One complaint that I saw on Goodreads and agreed with was that the pacing of the first volume is incredibly odd. It reads much more as the middle of a series rather than a beginning. I felt like I had skipped volume 1 and gone to volume 3 or 4 without any context. The main reason I felt this way was that, Chiyuki was already offering her blood to Toya despite the fact they just met and he is incredibly rude to her. Their relationship didn’t really make any sense to me until volume 2, honestly, since they had time to know each other.

Similar to when I read Twilight (in high school to see what the big deal was, since it was like the biggest thing then), I preferred the werewolf to the vampire; Edward seemed boring and Toya was a jerk vs. Jacob who seemed decent until the end (yikes) and Satsuki seems genuinely sweet, if not a little stupid (he got the most laughs out of me, to his credit, and I have reason to believe that he was an earlier version of Ouran‘s Tamaki since their personalities are somewhat similar in their ridiculousness). However, its obvious that Chiyuki is going to end up with Toya, since the whole theme of the story is about her wanting to live as long as she can so she can see as many winters’ snows as her health will allow. Toya is the only one who has the power to save her life; if he bites her, they’ll live 1,000 years together as vampires. So sorry, Satsuki, looks like you won’t likely win in this story either.

There is also a rather awkward story at the end of volume 2 where Toya has to save Chiyuki from her obsessive cousin, Kei who has had a crush on her since their childhood. Kei even went to America to become a heart doctor to fix Chiyuki’s condition. While those intentions are noble, he goes off the rails with jealousy when he sees Toya and Chiyuki together. Then he finds out that Toya is a vampire and he kidnaps Chiyuki “for her own good”. Fortunately, Toya is able to save her but I found that whole storyline really bizarre and just weird, not really funny. It also fell into the annoying shojo trope where all of the young male characters must find the heroine attractive and be in love with her even if it doesn’t make any sense at all. Toya and Satsuki are Chiyuki’s age, high school boys; their crushes on her make sense for the story, but Kei, who is introduced as an “older brother like” cousin shouldn’t have had a romance plot with Chiyuki- it was just entirely inappropriate.

My rating for these two books is 3.5 stars! Even with the Kei plot and the awkwardly paced beginning of the series, I found this series better than Twilight. Bisco Hatori is a true comedian and her unique style of comedy will delight readers. I would suggest this book for those who like manga, paranormal romance, vampires, werewolves, off-beat comedy, fans of Twilight or Ouran High School Host Club.
Profile Image for Yanet.
Author 6 books33 followers
January 29, 2020
so I have read all four books and I must say, I loved them! It was cute watching the two characters fight, Toya and Chiyuki. Toya being a vampire who doesn't want to drink blood and Chiyuki who has a heart condition and simply wants to live. At first Chiyuki wants Toya to save her but then falls in love with him, and him her. Also adding the want to be love triangle-turn good friend werewolf Satsuki. I loved this series. It was cute, funny and simply a goodread!
September 20, 2022
it’s ok! just a light story to pass the time :P. things are rlly fast paced (esp in the beginning w/ the way chiyuki wanted to be w/toya for a thousand yrs after knowing him for like, five minutes 💀💀) art style is funky and characs are very over the top and dramatic (not rlly a bad thing, just observations). the bat is the best character, hands down. 🦇
327 reviews12 followers
December 2, 2022
I am totally a sucker for a good vampire falls for human story, especially when they're all rawr and protective. Of course there needs to be the love triangle and what better choice for the rival. 😜
Profile Image for Orchid.
222 reviews73 followers
February 22, 2020
Review from my blog, The Haunting of Orchid Forsythia

The synopsis does NOT do the story justice, it just makes it sound cheezy and well just like a kinda blah story. My suggestion would be to completely bypass the synopsis and just give Millennium Snow a go.

I really liked how Millennium Snow began, were Chiyuki sees Touya fall off the roof the hospital (she actually thought that he had jumped to his doom). I thought it was an interesting way to start because from there you have Touya and Chiyuki thrust together (unwillingly on his part) and the beginnings of their blossoming friendship (maybe even more). Plus Touya has a bit of a barbed tongue.

I'm definitely looking forward to seeing were the story will go in the next volume, and to see how the characters will evolve. I've even already checked it out from the library so I can see what will happen between the two- I mean three- characters.

What I liked the most about Millenium Snow was that the story didn't beat-around the bush and drag along. I was especially glad to see that it didn't take the whole manga for Chiyuki to find out that Touya was a vampire, mainly since in the synopsis it plainly states the he is one.

Content-wise, Millennium Snow is a pretty squeaky clean read being as I don't recall any swearing or nudity. Although I did kind of speed through it over lunch one day, so I could be mistaken about the lack of swearing.

The one thing I loved most about Chiyuki was that even though she was very gravely ill, she never gave up and that she was just so full of life.

Touya was actually probably the most intersting character in the manga, with the fact that he was a lonely vampire who tried to keep everyone at a distance because he didn't want to be hurt when they would adventually die before him. He also made me laugh with how much he came to care about what happened to Chiyuki, especially when he wouldn't even admit it to himself that he liked her.

After having read Bisco Hatori's OHSHC series (okay, most of the series) Millennium Snow's art was just kind of weak, it lacked the attention to detail that her newer work has. But since it also happened to be her first manga it was easy to over look that (the artwork wasn't bad, just not nearly as good as Ouran High).

Final Verdict: Millennium Snow is a sweet, light romantic comedy with just a dash of seriousness. In short, loved it.

Millennium Snow 1 earns 4 out of 5 pineapples.
Profile Image for Shazza Maddog.
1,194 reviews3 followers
October 8, 2014
Chiyuki is a teenager who is dying of a heart condition. Toya is a teenage vampire who refuses to make a bond with a human. Satsuki is a werewolf, who just wants to live a normal life.

In a high school romance somewhat familiar to those who've watched Being Human or read Twilight, the storyline revolves around these three characters and how they learn about each other, forming a typical triangle for teenage stories.

Listed as Hatori's first original manga, it has it's charms. Chiyuki is trying to make sense of her impending death, as well as Toya's off-again, on-again attraction to her, and Satsuki's desire to be normal.

As usual in Hatori's manga, there's a separate storyline, Egoist Club, at the end of the first. This story was very bittersweet, about a pair of girls who were best friends, only one of them has a strange little secret, she's haunted, more or less, by her twin brother, who died in childbirth.

When something bad happens to the twin girl, she goes into a coma, while her brother takes over her body and lives in her stead.

I won't be going out of my way to get the rest of this series, but if I run across it, I'd be happy to read it.
Profile Image for Treasure.
576 reviews20 followers
January 16, 2010
Chiyuki has a congenital heart problem that will most likely kill her before the next snow (her 18th). When she encounters 18 year old Toya, she discovers that he is a vampire unwilling to drink human blood, as he fears developing relationships with people who will die long before his 1,000 years are up. Apparently, vampires develop relationships with the person they get blood from, rather than kill them.... or something. Then, of course, he saves her mid-heart attack and the relationship and all its problems starts from there.
When male rival Satsuki enters the picture, it is no surprise that he turns out to be a werewolf! Initially I thought this was a total Twilight copy, but in fact it was published long before Ms. Meyer came along. So far, full of drama and sooo good!
December 14, 2012
A terminally ill girl meets a vampire who could save her life and make her live a thousand years just by drinking her blood. Unfortunately for her, he doesn't want to. If I remember right, this series is very brief, and I can see why. As a vampire romance (or werewolf romance, if you count the guy who shows up later in this volume), it's not very good. The supernatural stuff isn't very prominent, and the romance didn't prompt any fangirl feelings on my part.

(Originally posted on A Library Girl's Familiar Diversions.)
Profile Image for Shannon.
212 reviews6 followers
February 1, 2010
Its a little hard to say whether or not I like this series as I've yet to get into it too deeply. So far I don't see it being Hatori's best work. Ouran High School Host Club felt a lot more fully realized. The biggest drawback is that all the characters are changing TOO quickly. I think a little more time could have been taken to establish relationships and personalities. That being said, the concept is interesting. It was cute and funny. You could see a lot of Hatori's writing personality in it. I'd keep reading it, but I probably wouldn't buy the mangas at full price.
Profile Image for Laura.
1,983 reviews69 followers
September 16, 2018
I'm not super impressed with this story. Some potential, but overall kinda forcing myself to read it. Maybe it's because this is one of Bisco's earlier works? And that extra story at the end was just weird and kinda disappointing cuz looks like could be wlw but really her twin brother "possessing" her.
Profile Image for Laura.
1,177 reviews15 followers
February 21, 2011
OMG. I am not the target audience for this. Appears like there will be some sort of love triangle between a vampire, a human girl, and a werewolf. The only redeeming part is the vampire's little bat sidekick. He's cute. And says "were-woof".
Profile Image for Naomi.
54 reviews
February 4, 2024
haha I read this 2 summers ago? I think? wow has it rly been that long? anyway cora lent it to me and it was fun :)
Profile Image for Madeline.
322 reviews
June 5, 2023
Ouran was my first shoujo manga (man that was a long time ago) and I was feeling like starting a classic shoujo that wasn't too long so I went for this one! I got the first two vols from the library. (I'm planning on finding a scanslation to read the third and fourth vols) On a separate note, the copy I read was printed in 2007- it was so thick because it had such quality paper *sobs thinking about the italy prints I own*

tbh it was pretty clear that this was an earlier work of Hatori's, but it still ate in some bits. Sometimes the panels had trouble visually making sense- more so the stuff that had a lot of movement. The images had a lot less detail and were more basic as compared to when she improved later on in ouran. It is so totally a Bisco Hatori work though, she has a very clear style.

I quite like the plot. I think Hatori said in the authors comments about how it was sopposed to be a one shot sitch with the first chapter. It would have ate if it were a one shot. completely and totally. I think this work just has trouble with actually keeping the plot going. Its trying to be a slow burn but it doesnt have the right flare or intrigue.

I look at susuki and see tamaki everytime crying face emoji.

I love it how every piece that explores vampires/werewolves have different aspects of them they change. For example: the twilight series (wow what a callback to my middle school days) having vampires sparkle in the light instead of dying; and apparently vampires in Millennium Snow just don't like it.

Profile Image for Sydney.
299 reviews
July 23, 2023
✨ 2 stars ✨

16th manga read for my 30 mangas in 30 days challenge

Millennium Snow by Bisco Hatori follows Chiyuki who suffers from chronic heart problems and is diagnosed by her doctors not to live much longer. One night she sees a boy jump from the roof of the hospital and rushes out to check on him. There she encounters Toya, a vampire reluctant to drink human blood and form a partnership with a human.

In this one world, a vampire partners with a human to drink their blood in exchange for extending both of their lives. Once Chiyuki learns about what partnering with Toya would do for her, she is adamant about forming such a connection with him. I think Chiyuki mistakes what Toya can do for her as love for him. There was no romantic chemistry between the two, just what Chiyuki thought was there so she could live to achieve her dreams and experience life outside the hospital.

There was also a short story at the end of volume one called A Romance of One Moment that I did not care for.

I will read volume two tomorrow to see if I will continue to read the series since I already own volume two. See you all tomorrow for another review, hopefully, a happier one!

tropes: vampires, chronic illness representation (heart problems), animal companion (the hero has a bat named Yamimaru), insta-love (heroine to hero), reluctant hero,
Profile Image for Beckiezra.
853 reviews12 followers
January 23, 2019
A bit of a rough start since it was a one off that was later serialized. The art is pleasant enough (I don’t love all the designs but faces are good at least), but backgrounds and tones aren’t much which means scenes can be a bit confusing. I’m interested in seeing where it goes, I hope it’s only 4 volumes because that’s all my library had. I definitely rolled my eyes a bit when the new boy was revealed, but I think this is older than Twilight so maybe it was a bit original at the time. The main three characters are interesting enough, their connection seems a bit forced, there wasn’t much development or build up to it, but I think the fault may be in how the first story was a stand alone and the later ones had to start from that awkward beginning. I do not love the bad grammar bat that is apparently everyone’s who writes the author favorite.

The extra story at the end was pretty random to include, it didn’t relate to the volume, it was just the author’s first manga and it was also a bit rough. Reading this volume makes me wonder if I’d enjoy the manga version of Ouran Host Club. The anime tickled me, but I don’t know if it’ll come across in her art and story telling style.
Profile Image for Kelli.
1,223 reviews16 followers
December 20, 2023
Who doesn’t love a good vampire romance?

I really appreciate Bisco Hatori as a storyteller—they weave such thoughtful and funny and all-around wholesome stories. Every tale they write has such a core cast of great characters, ones who have motivations and dreams. These stories are always so expansive and engaging.

This story is no exception.

I really like Hatori’s approach here. This story has such an agreeable blend of traditional vampire lore and shojo manga tropes. Right from the start, we’ve got a very compelling and complex narrative. More, their style of manga is so aesthetic and dynamic—I feel so immersed in any story they tell.

Definitely a great choice for fans of Hatori’s work and/or readers who enjoy a supernatural romance series~
Profile Image for Jason.
3,894 reviews26 followers
August 9, 2020
The setup is fairly familiar- reluctance older suitor caught up in some kind of emotional entanglement with someone younger because they have some kind of issue that makes them particularly vulnerable and the older suitor has some kind of resources that benefits the younger character. What's to LOVE about this is the art- I love the fine lines and lanky limbs. And the backup story about Shiki and Midori is BRILLIANT with a twist that a few of you, but probably not all of you (I didn't) will figure out before the end.
Displaying 1 - 30 of 193 reviews

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