레진코믹스에서 연재 당시 전 연령 BL랭킹 TOP1을 기록하며 웹툰 독자들과 BL마니아들의 인기를 끌었던 『그 끝에 있는 것』이 드디어 아르테팝에서 단행본으로 출간됐다. 웹툰『그 끝에 있는 것』은 완결이 된 지 일 년이 되어가지만 여전히 레진코믹스 전 연령 BL랭킹 TOP3을 유지하며 큰 인기를 끌고 있는 작품이다. 한국뿐만 아니라 미국, 중국, 일본에서 연재하며 연재된 국가에서 모두 높은 순위를 유지하고 있다. 또한『그 끝에 있는 것』을 원작으로 한 러브시뮬레이션 게임이 제작될 정도이니 작품의 재미와 인기를 가늠해 볼 수 있을 것이다.
『그 끝에 있는 것』은 한국 BL장르의 발전을 볼 수 있는 작품이다. 한국을 배경으로 한 한국 정서가 녹여져있는 애절한 스토리와 수려하고 세련된 작화는 한국형 Boys Love의 장점이 무엇인지 확실히 보여준다. 책을 펼치는 순간, 방황하는 아름다운 남자들의 애절한 사랑 이야기가 보는 독자들에게 긴 여운을 남겨줄 것이다.
I'm sorry, but what on earth is this? I haven't read a good yaoi in such a long time, my god. Although I have just read the first volume, I have a feeling that I will enjoy it. Though conceptually not groundbreaking, it is brimming with the emotions and longing that I look for in stories. It's hurting, sorrowful, and up to this point, great.
Mmh. I've heard such good things about this that now I can't help but feel a bit disappointed. It's not that this was bad or anything, but I didn't feel like it comes even close to my favorites. Also I'm not a huge fan of the art. The faces all look very similar and the colors are so "soft" that it's even hard to tell people apart by their hair sometimes. I still enjoyed reading it and I'll continue following the rest of the story as the next chapters come out but not with the same excitement I have for other manhwas.
Reread from last year, and I feel so much ineffectual frustration at the fate of the original Han Siwon - yeah, the mystery gets solved at the end and the villain is exposed, but unlike Taemin, he never gets a second chance, no one seems to care (I shudder when I think of min woojin watching the video and feeling bored - sociopathic tendencies right there)
Idk, recently with the spate of fastwear novels and admittedly over the top face slapping that occurs in Far East Asian BL rebirth novels, I expected more? I mean, we get the latter OTT smackdowns through Taemin being something of a BAMF...but god, how I ache when I think of the spirit of Han Siwon, who was pure canonfodder in the story. He shouldn't have been switched to Taemin's dying body when he had no will to live and very little understanding that he had been given a new lease on life.
Part of me actually would have preferred an alternate timeline where the original Han Siwon wakes up and transitions into a BAMF, whether through rebirth, post coma or transmigration.
And while the art was glorious, Min Woojin honestly pissed me off: his manipulation, his hypocrisy, his sociopathic nature. I admit, I'm super easy when it comes to pretty art but oh god, the characterization,and plot development upon rereading this makes me so disappointed; the loss of potential, what it could have been. There's a plot gimmick and a vision the author has, but the execution is highly flawed and its not given the treatment it deserves.
The more I think about it, the more I would have liked Han Siwon in Taemin's body to survive following a coma instead and Min Woojin having to deal with that fallout and regret that the man he loved had changed/is gone forever. Its harsh and angsty but I find Woojin doesn't really develop whatsoever through this story. He gets the one person he obsessed with all his life, despite initial abandonment them and there is no growth with how he treats the world or his own character.
Sure, Taemin gets a happyish ending of sorts (loving parents and a lover, I guess) but jeez, why does Woojin as the male lead have to suck so bad? Why does the original Han Siwon turn into a effing plot device to progress the story, especially when his suffering forms the basis of the plot. Its cruel and aaargh, so frustrated right now.
Once you get over the beautiful art which earned the 2 stars in this review, the characterization and story and treatment of themes such as suicide, rape and bullying is incredibly flawed and feels more like it was used for shock value and popcorn entertainment twists than actually growth in the story. I just, can't.
This entire review has been hidden because of spoilers.
Well this manga was an angst feast, but still good. I can't believe that his twin brother piece of sh*t did all this and had his brother being raped and filmed while he was, all bcs he was jealous that he was smarter than him and others always talked about him in a good way. The poor boy also committed suicide for it, and then while not knowing that the other guy had taken the body of his twin as reincarnation and that his real brother wasn't anymore there, but dead for good, he still tried to ruin him again. Thank the gods the uke had the seme to protect him. I loved that guy, and they made a real good couple, and also if I can't forget about the rape, it technically never happened to our uke, bcs the body was of that other guy. I liked also to see the flashbacks about the uke and seme childhood friendship(kind of) and how the seme always cared for him also being afar, and understood it was him only by looking at his eyes and seeing his way of staring. He really loved him. It wasn't a bad story, but like I said there was abuse (both the MCs' pasts were full of abuse by beating from their parents), and there was rape, bullism and all other drama, but the finale was worth it, also if I still wished the author had told us something more about their lives.
I have no idea why and how I completed it. It was very problematic but then again I spend two hours on this so it has to have something good in it right?
This was easily a 4 star read up until the last few chapters, and it is painful to not be able to rate it such when it really could have been there. Kind of disappointed.
Lovely art. Interesting couple with the right kind of elements for me; seme being bigger and taller than his uke, obsessive-possessive seme, feisty uke who's clueless in the ways of romancing another dude, a somewhat domineering seme who's also uber protective of is uke and etc. Apart from all that, I also enjoyed the slow burn 'twisted' romance and the the gay for you theme.
To other would-be/potential readers; don't expect sane romance in your Yaoi manga like ever! Cos it's the cray-cray love that makes it worth reading.
Awalnya males nulis review ini, tapi kayaknya saya butuh "pengingat" kalau-kalau saya lupa betapa saya benci salah seorang tokoh di cerita ini dan siapa tahu nanti ada cerita tambahan lagi.
Skor: 7.0 Belum bisa ngalahin Blood Bank sama sekali (tema steampunk-nya Blood Bank itu looohhh~~~ uuuurrrghhh~~~ sedaaaapppp sekaliiiihhh~~~ Manhwa yang bisa bikin si Gie ketagihan! Udah, udah. Ngalor-ngidul mulu! Elo lagi di review karya Haribo nih, Gie!)
Ending manhwa ini sempat ada twist yang lumayan bikin kaget. Namun, belum cukup untuk melenyapkan kekecewaan saya terhadap si adik kembar super jahat, berengsek, kekanakan, manusia gak berguna, dan orang-kayak-elo-mestinya-lenyap-ditelen-blackhole. Saya merasa si adik kembar super jahat dst dll dsb itu mestinya dapat hukuman yang setimpal. Dia udah bikin kakaknya sendiri mati bunuh diri dengan menabrakkan diri ke truk gara-gara video pelecehan seksualnya disebarin oleh adiknya sampai-sampai seisi sekolah nge-bully si kakak habis-habisan. Dan ini info tambahan super penting: si kakak mendapat pelecehan seksual (atau, boleh gue lepas bahasa sok-sok sopan gue ini dengan menyebut secara frontal bahwa itu gangrape? Sip. Si kakaknya ini di-gangrape, bukan sekadar pelecehan seksual) demi menolong si adik jahat.
Gue tau sih si Tae... Taemin? (Yaampun, baru aja maraton nih manhwa 2 hari belakangan, tapi gue udah lupa nama tokoh utamanya!! Nama korea emang susah diinget ya /alasan aja elo/) itu cowok berbudi luhur yang bisa memaafkan setiap kesalahan orang lain mungkin iblis juga bakal dia maafin setelah adu jotos beberapa saat, huh!. Ya tapi kesalahan setaraf si adik kembar berengsek dan mati-aja-elo-dimangsa-hiu itu manaaaaaa boleeeeeehhhh dimaafkaaaaan begituuuu saaaajaaaaaa!!! Bikin gue supeeeeerrr kecewaaaaaaaaargfgrfgarfagrfagraaggghhh!!! Kayaknya gue baru akan puas sepuas-puasnya jika rekaman suara pengakuan si adik kembar bahwa dia adalah penyebab bullying dan bunuh diri sang kakak tersebar ke seantero jagat raya (bukan cuma ke keluarga dan sekolahnya doang!), terus dia jadi bulan-bulanan masyarakat sedunia, terus dia jadi gila dan berkeliaran di jalan-jalan gelap, dan mendapat perlakuan kejam yang sama dengan yang menimpa kakaknya!
(Iya, gue jahat emang! Benci banget gue sama orang yang playing victim kayak dia! Padahal dia gak pernah berusaha melakukan apa-apa sekuat tenaga untuk mencapai segala prestasi yang dicapai kakaknya atau setidaknya berusaha membuat dirinya diakui entah di hal apa yang tidak bisa dilakukan sang kakak, tapi seenaknya menyalahkan si kakak atas semuanya!)
Mungkin kekecewaan saya yang sedalam samudera dan seluas angkasa luar ini akan sedikiiiit terobati jika saja Haribo membuat cerita tambahan dari sudut pandang si kakak kembar (yang asli, bukan yang jiwanya sudah berganti dengan Taemin). Emang sih, si kakak kembar--namanya siapa? Eeerr... cek dulu: Han Siwon!--bukan orang yang bener-bener baik, dia gak perhatian sama adiknya sendiri sampai-sampai gak tahu adiknya udah terlanjur kayak gitu. Tapi seenggaknya jangan dibikin dia kayak tokoh sampingan gak penting yang cuma sesekali dikasih liat dalam flashback dooong... Mana flashback-nya kebanyakan cuma bagian rape dan bullying doang pulaaaaa... Kasiaaaaan huhuhuhuuu... Saya kepengen ngeliat adegan-adegan Han Siwon (yang asli) berbahagia meski cuma beberapa panel. Saya mohon....
Mengesampingkan konflik saudara kembar Han Siwon dan Han Jiwook (eh, bener kan ini nama si adik kembar? Ah, sebodo amat kalo salah~), saya lumayan suka dengan kedua tokoh utama kita! (Iya, dua saudara kembar itu bukan tokoh utama meski jadi poin pertama yang saya bahas di review ini) Taemin (yang nantinya jadi Han Siwon) dan Min Woojin (Min Siwoon)!!! gak usah ditanya, saya ngecek nama mereka bener atau gak sebelum diketik Sebenernya mereka potensial sekali jadi reversible couple kalau aja Taemin masih dalam tubuh aslinya, secaraaaaa dua-duanya manly sekali!! Ufufufufu~~~ Sayang, Taemin udah pindah ke tubuh Siwon yang ringkih, jadinya ketauan deh siapa uke siapa seme, dan kurang enak diliat juga kalau di-reverse.
Cerita mereka berdua lumayan menyentuh dan saya suka (sebelum akhirnya cerita beralih ke konflik saudara kembar yang merusak mood si Gie dengan mudahnya). Saya sukaaaaaaa Woojin yang tergila-gila dengan Taemin! Sampai-sampai saya sempet nganggep nih orang udah gila! Dibutakan oleh cinta! Bisa-bisanya dia ngenalin bahwa jiwa Taemin ada di tubuh Siwon! Sasuga! Itu baru namanya kekuatan cinta!
Taemin (mengesampingkan bisa-bisanya dia memaafkan si adik kembar dengan mudah) juga tokoh menyenangkan karena sifat pekerja kerasnya. Saya suka. Dia tahu bahwa hidup ini berat, makanya dia harus bertahan meski harus merangkak-rangkak demi menjalani hidup. 12 tahun dia hidup sendiri, banting tulang, gak sekolah (saya sempet merasa lucu pas dia tahu sekolah ternyata gak semanis bayangannya, tugaaaas, ujiaaaaan, guru killeeeerr!! Selamat, itulah yang namanya sekolah!), untung akhirnya dia dapat akhir cerita yang indah~~!
Aaaah... saya tetep kepengen si adik kembar dijatuhi azab dari langit! Kena karma! Mati ditelen blackhole! Dicabik-cabik hiu di laut! Disetrum gerombolan belut listrik! Mati menderita karena gatal-gatal yang gak pernah hilang meski digaruk (PS: Ini konon salah satu sumpah serapah di Irlandia)! Pokoknya, dia harus menderitaaaaa secara fisik dan mental!!
Este webtoon se ha convertido en uno de mis favoritos, y lo único que hago es pensar en él. Lo he leído en tres días y no sabéis cuanto lo echo de menos. Ojalá mi querida Haribo nos regalara más de estos preciosos protagonistas, porque de verdad que ellos se han quedado con todo mi corazón. La historia, los personajes, las ilustraciones, todo es una pasada. Esta mujer ha creado una obra de arte 💘.
wow. this was not what I expected it to be at all. really impressive for a manhwa. less cheesy than 95.9% of those, for sure. color palette, dialogue and character design were especially on point. not to mention that it was addicting as hell and I finished the entire thing in one sitting. it was fun.
Update: 3/19/20 Ahh~ Once again. Just so in love with Taemin and Woojin. UGHH!! but as always I also really wish something just as awful had happened to the brother. Ohhhh!!!!! How I wish something horrible had happened. I hope what's his face, the one that watched while the original Siwon was raped makes him, the one that really ripped his picture, finally pay for what he did. FUCK! I hate him so much. ------------------- Update: 9/29/19 Still a top favorite. An absolutely wonderful story and spectacular pull at my feels. lol. But also still feel the brother should have been absolutely destroyed. A taste of his own medicine for the things he put his brother through. For the MURDER of his own twin....
Though now I appreciate more Taemin's attitude of "You're not even worth the time it takes to think about you" --------------- Ughh!! Every time I read this I can't help but just feel so flabbergasted at the dumb ass idea the brother had over Siwon. Like, he really was a fucking dumbass. How was it Siwon's fault that he was insecure?! It's a favorite but every time I really wish he had died in some horrible way. Not that it matters to Taemin, but like.. for the real brother. For the real Siwon I wish that dumbass had paid dearly for what he did to him.
Okay but what’s with that ending?! Yes there’s a point to it—nobody is the villain, nobody is the hero. Did Jiwook’s inner conflict get resolved? Does he repent? We will never know. What did that evil dude (forgot his name) do afterwards? We will never know. What’s between him and Siwoon whatsoever, we will never know. What happens between the two brothers after that, we will never know. What’s with that mother’s picture and what happens to her, we’ll never know! Taemin’s reaction about his brother’s crime too, was thoroughly disappointing and trivial. All we know is that Taemin and his boy lived happily ever after, and that’s for the romantic side of the story. Okay but what about the other unresolved issues? The loose ends to be tied? Nope. Though I’m giving it 4 stars for the good flow of events, the ‘not so open’ plot, and the well thought-out character development (even though I have a strong feeling that such a strongly-built self-esteem like that of Siwon’s wouldn’t easily drive him to suicide, not to mention, to want to die so desperately.)
Finalmente uno shounen-ai costruito bene (anche se ha le sue piccole pecche, ma quelle ce l’hanno tutti). I personaggi sono tutti ben fatti, non solo i protagonisti, e la trama è abbastanza complessa e intricata. Non tutto gira attorno al romance, anzi ce n’è ben poco, ne avrei apprezzato un pochino di più: pare come se ci sia qualcosa di incompiuto su questo lato. Però non è essenziale allo sviluppo della storia, quindi questa può definirsi completa lo stesso. Il mistero è rende la lettura molto intrigante nella prima parte, ma avrei apprezzato che questo venisse svelato a poco a poco piuttosto che vedermi le rivelazioni tutte insieme in un unico paio di capitoli. Ma la parte forte resta il rapporto tra i protagonisti, il modo in cui si rincontrano pur dopo che il protagonista ha cambiato corpo e viene riconosciuto subito, perché tra loro c’è questo legame indissolubile di amicizia e protezione che presto si trasforma in qualcosa di più. Unica cosa: il protagonista ha un incidente e invece di morire si reincarna nel corpo di un ragazzo che ha tentato il suicidio. Nessuno si è fatto domande sul perché ciò è successo. Ok la storia non si incentra su questo e non sviluppa il suo lato paranormale, ma comunque sarebbe una reazione normale cercare di sapere perché. Ci sono quindi questi aspetti poco sviluppati, mentre tutto il resto è stato esposto al meglio, specie come ho detto il rapporto tra i personaggi, che è la parte migliore.
I had to physically hold myself down after I read the final chapter.It was so satisfying yet not enough.I want to see more of their relationship after the big showdown.
Summary from lezin:
After a car accident, Taemin finds himself in the body of Siwon, a victim of bullying at school. No longer a pushover, he starts standing up for himself but then meets Woojin, an old friend from the past. Somehow, Woojin immediately picks up Tamin's 'scent' from Siwon. What happened between these two in the past and how will it affect their future?
This is not just a love story between two childhood friends.It's also focuses a lot on reveng and family issues.On physical abuses and how it can affect someone.
This comic is very heavy.It's got bullying, physical violence,rape and suicide.I would not reccomend it to anyone who can't handle aleverything mentioned above.But if you are able to read stories with these elements, you can't miss out on this one.
-Liket all the Min being the heir thing plot twist; in that moment I didn´t see it coming, but looking backwards it seems rather obbvious now. -Hated the antagonist; the brother was so boring, too jealous and a filled-envy person that only wanted to be superior to his twin and to humilliate him, even if alll this one wanted was to get along with his brother, and ends up being brutally raped instead. -Didn´t like that Woojing was chilling about his soon-to-be-lover being almost raped (even if he knew Taemin was never in danger bc he had planed it all) by a guy he hired. -I liked their interactions as a couple, and taking into account that romantic relations are badly represented in manhwa (even if better than in manhwa) it is a good compliment.
Fue una relectura super bella a decir verdad. No recordaba ciertas cosas que eran importante para la trama y que ahora tuvieron mas sentido en esta secunda oportunidad y que también quedarán bien recordadas.
No es una historia magnifica, ni de las mejores que leí pero si una historia llevadera, ligera con una estética increíble, los colores, los gestos, la manera de mostrar a los personajes con sus rasgos me hicieron recomendar a muchas personas esta historia y en esta oportunidad la volví a leer para recordar todo lo que sucedía en la misma.
Toca temas delicados, creo que con bastante respeto y también nos ayuda a comprender que hay que hacer frente y denunciar ciertas cuestiones. Decir basta y con ayuda de otras personas afrontarlas de la mejor manera posible.
I went blind with this one. I didn’t read the synopsis, thank god, so I was able to feel the anxiety Taemin had felt when he woke up in Siwon’s body.
The characters were a bit bland, I admit. Siwon’s brother’s problem was so fucking childish as shit. But the fact that Siwon had been able to redeem himself was so satisfying.
And between Siwon (Taemin) and Woojin... I was just disappointed because there weren’t enough— I mean, they’ve finally reunited and they love each other.
Except for the sudden end (eenggg... yeaaah of course I want more, I crave for more, pleaaaseeee...), this BL webtoon was great. Both MC had strong personality, and weakness too, that were explored and dealed in a gentle ways. I swoon for them.
The conflict actually quite deep; bullying, sexual harrashment, poverty, family issues. But nothing too graphic nor vulgar. The ending twist was surpraising too, even when the 'villain' got it too easy.
Nice art work. Neat paneling. Subtle color. Too short. :)
Even if all they ever did was kiss and grope it was still hot and I loved that there was a story and not just "Ahhh I'm horny fuck me already". The way Taemin fought back against those bullies and gave them the shock of their lives...my favorite part.
Me gustó... hasta que llegó el final. Like ¿? Fue muy abrupto y conveniente, sin mencionar que el rubio psicópata (no el protagonista jsjsjs, el otro rubio psicópata) no fue castigado por todas las cosas espantosas e imperdonables que hizo, and we don't stand that in my house.
DNF — 2⭐️ soltanto perché l’inizio era intrigante ma superata la metà si perde in capitoli focus su personaggi che, personalmente, tutto questo spazio non se lo meritavano; in più il rapporto tra i protagonisti entra in un loop inutile di scene che son tutte simili finché i pretesti di trama (sciocchi) secondari sbloccano qualcosa ma il mio interesse era già crollato quindi non l’ho continuato.