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The Old Guard

The Old Guard, vol. 2: Force Multiplied

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Six-thousand-year-old Andromache "Andy" of Scythia, Nicolo "Nicky" of Genoa, Yusuf "Joe" al-Kaysani, and twenty-seven-year-old Nile return to the fight in the critically acclaimed mini-series by New York Times bestselling creators GREG RUCKA and LEANDRO FERNANDEZ!

When you've waged war as long as Andy and her squad, you've gotten your hands more than bloody. Now, the day has come to confront the sins of the past. But as Nile struggles to make peace with the team, the last person Andy expected ever to see again returns to challenge not only what Andy believes in, but what the team is willing to fight for.


128 pages, Paperback

First published September 16, 2020

About the author

Greg Rucka

1,375 books1,858 followers
Greg Rucka, is an American comic book writer and novelist, known for his work on such comics as Action Comics, Batwoman: Detective Comics, and the miniseries Superman: World of New Krypton for DC Comics, and for novels such as his Queen & Country series.

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Displaying 1 - 30 of 383 reviews
Profile Image for Anne.
4,388 reviews70.2k followers
March 10, 2022
I liked Force Mulitplied even better than I did the first volume, Opening Fire.
And before anyone asks, yes, I liked it much better than the movie. <--which was very good!


Speaking of the movie, if you watched it, then you're already going to know some of what happens here. I mean it doesn't happen in the same way because the spoilery changes they made in the movie don't apply to the comic. But some of the characters that show up? Well, you already kind of knew more about them than you would have.


It doesn't matter.
The main thing is that it's got a great plot and it expounds on the mythos of these immortals.
I'm still not at all in love with the art but the story is good enough that I just overlook the way some of the faces seem to be occasionally made out of rubber.

Overall, I thought this was an excellent comic. If you like the 1st one, I'll bet you like this one.
Profile Image for Tina Haigler.
310 reviews111 followers
December 19, 2020
While this volume was good, I have to admit, I liked the first one better. I did like the plot, and the additional characters brought in, however the ending kind of ruined it for me. I was left feeling jolted at the sudden change in personalities. It really just felt like the last 5 pages or so were way out of character. Regardless I did get what I asked for--sort of--because we definitely get to see Andy's past, but she's not the only character I care about. I would like to see the others' pasts as well. This is supposed to be a trilogy but I think it would be better with 5+ volumes--one focusing on each character's past would be nice--and quite frankly I think Andy's past would fill a volume by itself easy. Also what happened to Lykos? He was there and then he wasn't. Rude. I will go on to read the next volume simply because I'm not a quitter, but I have a feeling that even if it's good, I'm not going to like where the story is headed.
Profile Image for exploraDora.
594 reviews304 followers
July 21, 2020
***3 stars***

Ugh, I'm soooo annoyed and disappointed with this issue 🙄

I couldn't wait to finish reading vol 1 so I could get on with this one, hoping I'd get some answers. Well, I didn't. Instead I got a story that was way too short and uneventful.

And part 3 will probably come out in a few years. Damn.
Profile Image for Paul.
2,236 reviews20 followers
December 4, 2020
I enjoyed this volume even more than the first. Great stuff.

You know, I only read these because my wife expressed an interest in watching the movie version and I always prefer to read the book first but now I’m worried about watching the movie in case it craps all over the books...
Profile Image for Khurram.
2,004 reviews6,673 followers
November 9, 2023
A great story. I loved this one even more than the first volume. I really enjoyed the themes of sins of the past, atonement, betrayal, and redemption. Two sides, each with a different purpose.

The character development is great as well. I thought the artwork was good in the last issue, but I really prefer it in this one. It is still dark in the right mood of the story but more detailed.

I really like that the Guard are trying to find their purpose, but where there is light, there is darkness. This is a great action-packed, dark tail that is definitely not for younger readers in both language and artwork. Especially after the last page, I need to read the next volume. I am sure the guard will definitely not just fade away.
Profile Image for Rod Brown.
6,383 reviews234 followers
October 17, 2020
Loses energy from the first volume, maybe because some major elements were spoiled for me since they had been pulled into the first movie which I saw a few months ago, or maybe because it is the more serious middle chapter in a trilogy. While well executed, it now seems to be covering ground the Highlander movies and TV series have churned up pretty well.
Profile Image for Tony.
181 reviews40 followers
October 29, 2023
Ok, it’s not especially original or deep, and yes the art is a bit rough in places, but I still really enjoyed this - both the story and the concept. Just as good as vol 1.
Profile Image for Lashaan Balasingam.
1,456 reviews4,619 followers
October 7, 2020
Although it explores Andromache "Andy" of Scythia's past, this volume seemed to have much less substance than it could've had. The concept of immortality doesn't feel as innovative as it first was but there's enough world-building to make it interesting as the story explores how these characters with their "gift/curse" can either decide to do good or bad.

The artwork remains constant with the style first introduced in the first volume, with a relatively monochromatic and rough art style. There's very little detail to the world or characters but it works.

Yours truly,

Lashaan | Blogger and Book Reviewer
Official blog: https://bookidote.com/
Profile Image for Chris Thompson.
804 reviews14 followers
July 22, 2020
After watching the lackluster Netflix film, I went back and reread the first volume and then the first four issues of this one before tackling the final issue. Rucka’s writing was much sharper in the first volume - wittier and more playful, and also more thought-provoking. Had he approached the movie like that, it could have been more fun.

Force Multiplied introduces us to an immortal character, Noriko (Quynh in the movie), from Andy’s past. And she’s pissed because she’s spent the last five hundred years drowning over and over. This volume is at its best when Andy and Noriko reunite.

This isn’t quite as good as volume one, but it’s still good (and the art seems better). There are some questionable moments, particularly towards the end. I thought it was tough to believe in the movie when Copley reveals that people Andy has saved turned out to later make important contributions to society (in the movie, one person apparently prevents nuclear annihilation?), and Rucka plugs that into this volume.

But it is the final third of the last issue that is really questionable. First, Nile discovers that Andy used to own slaves thousands of years ago, during the Mesopotamian era. It’s worth noting that slavery during the ancient civilizations was not at all like American slavery, which was race-based and far more cruel. Yet Nile becomes enraged, and suddenly roles are reversed and Andy grows depressed while Nile takes over the role of leader, casting Andy aside as though she is now worthless. And in the meantime, Nicky and Joe, who have known her for hundreds of years, and Booker, who Andy just rescued from a horrible fate from Noriko, and Copley, who has discovered the good things Andy’s actions have accomplished, all say nothing and leave her behind to follow Nile. It’s as if their combined life experiences leave them with very little wisdom or loyalty or even character. And it sets up what will likely be a showdown between Andy and Noriko versus all of the others.

What I thought was an overall strong volume ends by deflating any excitement I have for what will be the final volume of the series. I really hope Rucka doesn’t blow it.
This entire review has been hidden because of spoilers.
Profile Image for Rahma.
266 reviews77 followers
November 2, 2020
”Here’s the thing about power: People who have it believe they deserve it. And so they believe those who don’t deserve whatever happens to them.
People who have power will do anything to keep it. And they’ll do whatever they can to convince you you’re better off that way.”
Profile Image for Sahitya.
1,123 reviews240 followers
September 29, 2020
While the first graphic novel was so exciting and full of action, this sequel was much more contemplative and had quite a lot of depth. We really get to know a lot about Andy’s past and how she has had to survive for millennia, and how that has changed her heart. Her story, especially after being reunited with Noriko and her reaction to it really broke my heart. Her loneliness and particularly the last scene really hit me hard. Noriko on the other hand is hardened by her experiences and is ready to burn it all down - and frankly when you listen to the points she makes, it almost makes you wanna believe her.

The art style was interesting as usual, and I particularly loved the ancient war panels and the one’s on the water. All the stabbing scenes looked pretty cool too (never thought I’d say that lol 😂). But ultimately I feel the strength of this series is in the characters and the dialogue, which were both excellent. I’m really enjoying the refreshing contrast that Nile brings to the team, who are all pretty ancient and cynical and maybe even given up on some things, and I can’t wait to see what happens in the finale.
Profile Image for Robert.
3,733 reviews26 followers
August 25, 2020
better than the first installment till the last 10 pages went it went full SJW and decided to judge a person older than the pyramids by 20th century morality.
Profile Image for Mark.
1,496 reviews169 followers
January 7, 2021
This is a fairytale of blood and bullets
It is the story of two women and three men that cannot die.
their name are Andy, Nicky, Joe, Booker and Nile.
Nile Joined them and Booker left them.
This is what happens next.

This is a story about long lives, loneliness, love and violence.
Once there was only Andy and then Andy met Noriko, lost Noriko at sea.
This is the story about what happens when Noriko returns and what this does with Andy.

Some people complain about how Andy ends this episode being different or unlike Andy, living more than 7 thousand years makes your emotional live far different than anybody can imagine. Andy gets hurt by Noriko's revenge but not in a physical way.

This middle episode does set things up for the next episode The Old Guard: Fade Away.

It is an excellent middle episode that shines more of a light on the motives of the people that live so long and sadly Nile being a product of our times things she knows it all and is easiest to manipulate.

An excellent new story and I do hope we get this installment filmed shortly, the first movie by Netflix was quite enjoyable. So is this comic.
Profile Image for nadia | notabookshelf.
385 reviews196 followers
August 17, 2020
what can i say except Heavens Bless This Series

you know how like, all of us have that One trope that literally just fuels the spirit and makes life worth living? the trope that you can read hundreds of variations of and never get tired? yeah well. for me it's immortality. for fucking sure.

and so like, when you give me immortal gays and lesbians that have no fucking idea what the fuck they're even doing on this goddamned earth, of fucking course i'm gonna be all over this shit. literally am so grateful to be living at the same time as this comic series, thank you netflix for making a movie and forcing me to seek out the source material for i will forever be craving more and more content about these immortal idiots🖤
Profile Image for James.
2,471 reviews67 followers
July 23, 2020
4.25 stars. I loved all the back story of Andy from thousands of years ago. So intriguing. The team is out doing jobs saving folks as usual when a new player pops up. Andy and the crew know her all to well. We learn what happened to her and it’s pretty F’ing tragic. This has changed her. She has a completely different ideology than everyone else. When she shows up, it rocks Andy to her core as they had a long history together. All of this seems to have brung Andy to a tipping point, not knowing if she can continue on. Then of course this ends on a crazy cliffhanger. Dammit man!! Now I have to wait who knows how long for part 3. Nooooooooo.......
Profile Image for Shannon Appelcline.
Author 25 books150 followers
November 2, 2020
This book starts off rough. It's been three years since Rucka has bothered to do anything with The Old Guard and we're suddenly dumped into a caper with characters we barely remember and a plot that doesn't make much sense. Fortunately, by the halfway point, it's gained a lot of depth, and we're seeing real stories about the consequences of immortality — even if almost all of the cast remains ciphers. Still, it's very enjoyable through the end (and the characterization is made up for by the few who get central spotlight).

Which makes it a pity that Rucka has decided on just one more volume to complete his made-for-TV comic book.
Profile Image for Siria.
2,074 reviews1,675 followers
October 12, 2020
A step up from the first volume: the dialogue's not quite as clunky, and while the art's still ugly, it's not quite as aggressively ugly and there's less of the gratuitous "hey, tits!" I liked that there was more background given for Andy, though there's of course a limit to how much depth you can give characters in the space of a slim graphic novel. I'm not sure how much I bought the climactic/cliffhanger twist, but I'm far more invested in the movie characterisations so whatever. (For a variety of reasons, what happens here can't be the plot of what happens in the movie sequel which, please Netflix and global public health situations willing, we will get at some point.)

(A small but significant cause of cringe, given Nicky's backstory and the contemporary and longstanding association of Crusading/medievalist imagery with the far right: having his clothing emblazoned with a large red cross while he's in a fight? Yeesh.)
Profile Image for Elizabeth A.
1,981 reviews111 followers
December 16, 2020
Sometimes you just can't get rid of your ex. This is the middle volume of this comic series, and the bloody violence continues. I liked getting Andy's backstory - but this installment has some preachy overtones. You cannot judge historical events by today's morality. We can all agree that awful things are awful, but most people die and don't live long enough to be taken to task by generations 1000 years or so later. Well, if you are kinda immortal you do, and those sections are cheap shots IMO. Can you imagine living for 6000 years? What would your take on humanity be?
Profile Image for Lauren Stoolfire.
4,201 reviews287 followers
February 9, 2021
The Old Guard, Book Two: Force Multiplied by Greg Rucka is a great continuation and I can't wait to see what's next. Here's to hoping that Book Three: Fade Away will be coming soon - and Tales Through Time as well. I'm not sure how I feel yet about the very, very end of this though. That said I'm really invested in these characters. I'm also a big fan of the Netflix movie adaptation, so my fingers are crossed for what's next on that from as well.
Profile Image for Adam.
621 reviews19 followers
March 2, 2021
You can pass on this one. A new character is introduced that's meant to "turn the whole story on it's head" and frankly we deserve better. It's a fairly preachy book with middling art and it's a long set up for what looks to be the 3rd and final installment in this series.
Again, premise is interesting. Rucka is a good writer. This should be a better book, but it doesn't go looking for answers and it doesn't seem interested in larger questions.
Profile Image for Richard.
1,020 reviews446 followers
February 4, 2022
The first book in the series lacked a compelling villain, but that all changes here with the introduction of Noriko. Her motivation and history with Andromache is exciting and tragic in equal measure, which makes this volume super enjoyable. Rucka kills it again! He just needs to be a little more prompt with his releases!
Profile Image for Kim Lockhart.
1,193 reviews160 followers
May 29, 2024
That was intense! I need vol 3, but it might not ever get made?!? Ahhhhhhhh! This is like Tynion's Nice House on the Lake. Leaving the story unfinished drives me crazy.

Still a great read, tho. Examination of how we've tried to sanitize cruelty over the ages.
Profile Image for Kogiopsis.
791 reviews1,595 followers
September 26, 2020
Ooh man, just skimming over the other reviews showed me this volume is... controversial.

First things first: I do find it jarring to return to the comic art after watching the Netflix movie. The casting and cinematography was just so good and I find this art kind of... uh... ugly. A lot of the more dramatic expressions, in particular, come off almost as caricatures of emotion designed to be uncomfortable to the eye, and while I can sort of see the pairing of that art style with this storyline making sense, it isn't my jam. Also, movie!Andromache's short hair makes way more sense than comic!Andromache's long locks. (And I'm gay for Charlize Theron with ripped arms and an axe, but really who isn't?)

I have mixed feelings on the plot of this installment. It's not too much of a spoiler to say that it centers around the return of Noriko, long believed dead by the other immortals. (I mean, if you watched the movie you know this, so...) Her characterization is... mm. On the one hand, she lived in a constant cycle of drowning for centuries, and frankly that would drive anyone out of their mind. On the other hand, she's got a bit of manic pixie behavior going on in her body language/mannerisms and in how she talks, and it didn't feel quite right somehow. I think Rucka is walking a fine line to make her a character both pitied and feared, but it didn't come off with as much nuance as I would wish for.

I do find it weirdly comforting to realize that the plot of a second movie (if we get one, which I'm rooting for) will basically have to be completely different. This volume definitely has second book syndrome - it's clearly a bridge to a third installment rather than a story arc that stands on its own, and there are a LOT of elements which will have to change in any film adaptation; my hope is that those changes will keep the movie from feeling similarly like just a connecting piece. I'd especially like to see more exploration of the experience of morality across time - what does it feel like to literally live long enough to see yourself become the villain, and how do you reconcile a desire to do good with the realization that you have done so much harm? That's a truly fascinating angle on immortality, and fascinating angles on immortality are what this series does. (There's obviously plenty of room for that in the third volume as well.)

I'm kind of sad that this series has a definitive end point after V3, because I find this cast and concept so engaging, but that also has me hoping that we're pointed towards a satisfying, tightly written and well-planned finale. Fingers crossed it won't take too long to get here!
Profile Image for Bandit.
4,800 reviews540 followers
June 1, 2021
No idea if Netflix is going to make a sequel to the movie adaptation of book one. It probably will and it might very well be as underwhelming as the first one and inferior to the books, so I’m jumping ahead and continuing this adventure as it was meant to be enjoyed, as a graphic novel.
Book two features an awesome new character, Noriko, a fellow immortal and Andromache’s former lover, believed to have died at sea centuries ago. This is the teaser at the end of the movie, for reference.
So if you thought the series was great and just needed more killer ladies, well…there you go. Mind you, Noriko has spent centuries trapped in a waking nightmare, which has done no favors for her general disposition, and subsequently her attitude is quite at odds with the essentially altruistic mentality of the gang. A separation like that also does no favors for romance, so this isn’t going to be one of those teary reunions. This is going to be…deadly.
It’ll also send Andromache into a personal tailspin, something possibly centuries delayed. So that’s all very interesting and creates some terrific drama, setting up the scenery for the final showdown. Combine that with the consistently excellent art and you get a very enjoyable and fun read. Can’t wait to read book three. Recommended.

This and more at https://advancetheplot.weebly.com/
Profile Image for Julie.
997 reviews278 followers
August 24, 2020
I liked this more than the first volume, I think: now that everybody's introduced, you can better sink your teeth into things like Andy's ennui and depression, plus the rest of the team still working through the repercussions from the first volume, plus the anchoring relationship and drama of Andy/Noriko is just so good. It also devoted far more time to backstory flashbacks for the two women, which was great and helped build them out further, whereas the first volume came across as more rushed since it had to establish so much in so few pages.

The ending to this one was genuinely pretty saddening and surprising, and just made me v excited/hopeful that Netflix will go ahead and greenlight the next two movies, because I really want to see this on the screen already!!

Profile Image for Lucy .
203 reviews33 followers
August 17, 2023
I think they really scuppered themselves by having immortal characters and then setting it exclusively in the modern day.

Now we can't have complex stories spanning hundreds of years because Nile is only 27 and they don't have the balls to write 50, 100 years in the future.

So instead, we have a pretty small-scope tale about what if the x-men only had a healing factor. . It just feels like such a crying shame.

Also DO NOT buy that the guard make subtle changes which butterfly into large good acts. And this makes them heroes because someone almost unrelated to them did something good many years later? In 10 issues they have not saved a SINGLE person even incidentally, and they have killed dozens and dozens of henchmen. Pull the other one
Displaying 1 - 30 of 383 reviews

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