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Auctioned #2


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Stranded is the second book in The Auctioned Series. Before you read further, you should read Auctioned. ​

“You have my word, Gray. I will get you off this island, and I will bring you home.”

It was supposed to be an easy in-and-out job. Nothing Darius Quinn hadn’t done before. But this job had something none of the others did: Gray Nolan.

​Like Murphy’s Law advised, anything that could go wrong, would. A mission to save one hometown favorite son was turning into a quest to rescue thirteen traumatized young men against odds so steep, he’d need an oxygen mask to scale them. ​

Facing new dangers and an uncertain future, Darius keeps Gray close and is soon forced to accept that this has become much more than an assignment. For a man whose reputation was built on being ice-cold under pressure, Darius is beginning to discover how good it feels to burn.

259 pages, Kindle Edition

First published January 29, 2019

About the author

Cara Dee

88 books3,801 followers

I'm often stoically silent or, if the topic interests me, a chronic rambler. In other words, I can discuss writing forever and ever. Fiction, in particular. The love story—while a huge draw and constantly present—is secondary for me, because there's so much more to writing romance fiction than just making two (or more) people fall in love and have hot sex. There's a world to build, characters to develop, interests to create, and a topic or two to research thoroughly. Every book is a challenge for me, an opportunity to learn something new, and a puzzle to piece together. I want my characters to come to life, and the only way I know to do that is to give them substance—passions, history, goals, quirks, and strong opinions—and to let them evolve. Additionally, I want my men and women to be relatable. That means allowing room for everyday problems and, for lack of a better word, flaws. My characters will never be perfect.

Wait…this was supposed to be about me, not my writing.

I'm a writey person who loves to write. Always wanderlusting, twitterpating, kinking, and geeking. There's time for hockey and cupcakes, too. But mostly, I just love to write.

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Displaying 1 - 30 of 275 reviews
Profile Image for Judith.
724 reviews2,870 followers
January 27, 2019

Book 2 of 5.

I didn't realize there were so many books in this series when I read Auctioned but I'm totally into this story.I actually didn't find this one quite so harrowing as book one.That's not to say it's sunshine and roses because it still has a gritty feel to it and things that happened were realistic for the story arc.

One chapter of Gray's story might be over with the demise of the kidnappers but he,the other boys,and Darius still have a long road ahead of them.Cara Dee tackled the boys emotions perfectly as they struggled to cope with being free.

I absolutely loved that this was from Darius's POV, after getting Gray's in book one and it's official....I'm a bit in love with Darius....hot damn....i love an angry man who can't resist a cute boy .He's fast becoming a favourite character of mine.I loved being inside his head.And the poor guy can fight it all he wants but you can feel him falling for Gray.Not really a romance yet but it's going to be pretty explosive when it does happen.I'm not a massive fan of an age gap but these two are just so good together.The banter,the sexiness,and Darius getting all protective and possessive over Gray had me swooning.

Bring on the next one....I'm more than ready.


An Arc of Stranded was kindly provided to DirtyBooksObsession in exchange for an honest review.

This review is posted on DirtyBooksObsession

dbo vid

June 11, 2024
4.5***** stars

This is so heartbreaking to read but I just can’t stop…

“I can’t even defend myself. Ninety percent of the time, I wanna hide under the covers with you as my bodyguard. The other ten percent of the time, that’s what I’m doing.”

“Just—never stop fighting,” he managed to say. “Any of you. You have everything to live for. It’s how we honor those who aren’t with us today.”

Auctioned Series

Book 1 - Auctioned - 4.25 stars
Book 2 - Stranded - 4.5 stars
Book 3 - Deserted - 4.25 stars
Book 4 - Played - tbr
Book 5 - Finished
Book 6 - Prepared
Profile Image for Jewel.
1,871 reviews272 followers
April 23, 2020
--------Original Review 28 Jan 2019-------
4.5 Stars

Stranded is book 2 in Cara Dee's 8392 series that began with Auctioned. A few things to be aware of are - this book is not a stand alone. There will be 5 books all told before Gray and Darius get their HEA. Also, the story deals with some difficult subjects; human and drug trafficking, surviving severe trauma, and PTSD. It's not an easy read, nor is it meant to be.

Stranded picks up right where Auctioned left off and though Darius has helped some of the boys to escape their captivity, they are by no means out of danger and they have to face that danger before they get rescued. Understandably, there's a lot of anger and uncertainty, and so many feelings of guilt for those that didn't make it.

Being only book 2 of 5, we can be sure that the story is really only just beginning. Gray and the other boys are only just figuring out they are really free, but are they really? Trauma will often make us prisoners of our own experiences and the boys have such a long road ahead of them. Darius, too, actually. He's a man that's seen too much in his life and no matter how many people he successfully brings home, he's haunted by those he couldn't save along with what happened to those he could.

There's still not really any romance, and I don't think there should be, really. That's going to have to wait until Gray and Darius start to heal and for Gray to learn that he isn't weak. There is some sex, though, and hints of what's to come and it felt right.

Unlike Auctioned, Stranded does end on a bit of a cliffhanger, but not an unexpected one. I look forward to the continuation of Gray and Darius's story.

Recommended -- with caution, due to possible triggers.

ARC of Stranded was generously provided by the author, in exchange for an honest review.
Profile Image for Cadiva.
3,754 reviews379 followers
January 22, 2019
Well that was harsh. And, annoyingly for me as I really don't like to wait, the full story still isn't over.

This serial is brilliantly executed, the intense feelings and attention to detail which give the reader insight into what is going on in Gray and Darius' heads is simply stunning.

It's not an easy read, it's not really an enjoyable read either, although the same stirrings of attraction and emotions between the two are given much greater prominence in book two.

But we're still not into romance territory yet by a long stretch and there were times when reading this that I wanted to either throw my Kindle at the wall or kick something incredibly hard.

There are casualties, there had to be, it wouldn't have been anywhere near as relatable or real without any loss of life. But when they come, it doesn't stop the visceral punch to the gut and the feeling of absolute hopelessness.

I hated what happened in this book and that's a true testament to Cara Dee's talent that I kept on reading regardless and will now wait with high anticipation for the next book in this series.

I really hope it isn't a long wait!

#ARC kindly received from the author in return for an honest and unbiased review.
Profile Image for Renée.
1,107 reviews380 followers
May 23, 2020
Reread to prep for Book 3

"Remember the yacht...we pretended we were somewhere else? Just you and me?"
As if Darius could forget. He pressed a kiss to Gray's forehead. "Where do you wanna be?"
"Right here."

Stranded was a difficult read, but not nearly as hard as Book 1. The torture is over, but their story is far from over. The group of boys who've been through hell, and their rescuers, are trying to make their way home.

Other enemies make themselves quickly known, in the middle of drug trafficking in the Caribbean, and there is more loss to be had.

I noticed that this is Book 2 of FIVE, so I was bracing for the slow rollout after that. And while this story isn't easy, it did progress the way I figured it would.

I loved that this installment was told entirely in Darius's POV, as opposed to Gray's from Book 1. I loved being inside his head. He's a badass!

And he is growing quite attached to Gray, though he doesn't know why.

There's much more story to come, but I liked this book a lot. The friendship and sensuality that our MCs exude was palpable.

This one does end on a bit of a cliffhanger, though it wasn't anything that had me throwing my Kindle.

I can't wait for Book 3!
Profile Image for Ky.
589 reviews81 followers
January 31, 2019
Darius and Gray's story is becoming more and more interesting!

In Stranded, Darius and the survivors from Auctioned are trying to build a story that would ensure their safety once they get back to the real world along with as much normalcy as possible. The plan included them spending some time on a deserted island and then making their way back to civilization. Of course there were unexpected elements thrown in their way and not everyone was lucky enough to get off that island...

There were emotional scenes throughout the book and mainly near the end. Gray struggled a lot emotionally, as was normal after everything he went through, and he had serious self esteem issues. Darius was near him as much as possible and he did his best to help him.

I don't think there's romance between them yet but there is definitely affection and a weird situation of "I can't lose sight of you for too long". Everything points to a future for those two, but with three more books it's going to take some time. The connection is there though and their interactions were the best parts of the book.

If you've read any of Cara Dee's books before you know she has a thing for visiting her old characters. There was a parade of them here and I loved every second of it!

There are so many loose ends at the end of the book that are promises for interesting events in the next books. I didn't have an issue with anything being left unfinished because I know we'll get answers at some point in the future.

The book can't be read as a standalone and it ends in a cliffhanger of sorts. I saw it coming a mile away though and the page right after the end of the last chapter - which is a sentence from the next book "Deserted" - went a long way to reassure me that everything will be okay.

*An ARC of this book was kindly provided to me in exchange for an honest review. *
Profile Image for Fabi.
1,031 reviews157 followers
February 1, 2019
If you've read book 1 the first thing you need to know is that this one is not as dark.. Cara Dee still doesn't pull her punches in this one, but it's not as horrific as the book 1 was for me.

These must be read in order.. Book 2 picks up exactly where #1 left off. I won't describe the plot because - no spoilers from me.

The boys have so much more to go through. :-( This one is more sad.

PS. I still have the "knucklehead" issue and add "boy" to that. That dynamic doesn't work for me in a romance.
Profile Image for ☆ cal’s spooky szn ☆.
641 reviews256 followers
March 21, 2021
I need the book 3 now!! This is just amazing. After the events of the previous book, I was expecting for things to lie low a bit. But it didn’t. The way these characters struggle is an example of excellent writing. It felt real, hurtful, and hopeful all at the same time.
Profile Image for Karen.
1,860 reviews88 followers
February 8, 2019
4.5 stars rounded down because still no 1/2 stars here on GR. Full review to follow soonish...

Remember the yacht...remember...

Darius and Gray along with a dozen or so other terrified but brave young men fighting to stay alive...to escape what for them was a ship of horrors...well they made it off of that yacht to an island and they're safe or at least safer and now here in 'Stranded' the second book in a 5 book series that will see us following Darius and Gray on their journey to what I refuse to believe will be anything other than a solid and well deserved HEA.

'Auctioned' saw us following the story through Gray's eyes but this time around we get to see things through Darius's mind as he struggles with his growing attachment to Gray. Things aren't a case of black and white for Darius. He's struggling with his need to be close to Gray...to never be too far away from him for any amount of time as Gray seeks him out because for Gray...Darius is shelter from the storm, near him is the only place where Gray truly feels safe and for Gray this creates it's own complication as he struggles with his fear of not being able to care for himself...to protect himself.

While the danger in 'Auctioned' was from the outside world...drug runners, human slavers...here in 'Stranded' Gray and the other men rescued by Darius are forced to begin the struggle against the damage done to their psyches following their ordeal and as they all begin to go their separate way only time is going to tell how badly the damage done to each of them has been.

Once again we're left standing at the edge of a very steep cliff as we watch the group begin to drift apart...as they start to go their separate ways returning to their lives.

While 'Stranded' picked up right where 'Auctioned' left off, it held it's own very different tone. The characters in 'Auctioned' have gone from victims to survivors...to people beginning to reclaim their lives and preparing to move on...but, what remains to be seen is how much easier said than done will this be for all of them...

There are no simple and quick solutions in the real world for a story like this and I'm sure it's not going to be any different here. As Darius wages an internal struggle between his own feelings and what he believes the other boys and especially Gray are dealing with, he also struggles with Gray on a more personal level to find a balance between what Gray wants and what he feels Gray can handle. It's a fine line and one that neither man is truly objective about.

While 'Stranded' very much continues the struggle against real world events for Darius, Gray and the rest of these boys it also contains the beginnings of a very psychological and emotional struggle that each of these survivors will need to face on their own terms in order to once again regain control of their lives. But it's Darius and Gray who are the true focus of this series and it's their journey this series is built on

I could wrap this up by saying "I loved this and this and this about the book but really what it came down to was 'I loved the book' just like the first one and truthfully I don't see that changing any time soon."


An ARC of 'Stranded' was graciously provided by the author in exchange for an honest review.
Profile Image for Ellie.
612 reviews58 followers
April 16, 2024
April 2024 - 4.5 stars

Solid, just like I remembered it.

Narrated by Troy Duran, whose narration I enjoyed a lot and thought he was the perfect voice for Darius.

Looking forward to book 3 and quite annoyed there's no audio.

April 2023 - 4.5 stars

An action-packed and emotionally engaging book, a great addition to the Auctioned series.

This review contains mild spoilers for book 1 of the Auctioned series. Spoiler tags are for this book.

Representation: 40+ MC

In this instalment, we switch to Darius' POV. He does have a different voice to Gray in the previous book, and I think he was the right protagonist for it. The tone is also less detached, Darius doesn't suffer from the same trauma as the boys, but he certainly has his own issues and they're an important part of the story. He allows us to have more of a birdseye view of what's going on, which really works with the action in this instalment. It also really cements him as a sweet character and believable love interest for Gray.

We start off right at the close of the previous book. Their plan leaves them, as the title might imply, stranded on an island.

Just over half the book is spent in that survival setting, before

This one is sad, and a bit difficult to read in the best of ways. Their plight is engaging and the content is heavy. Especially when

I will admit that I sometimes lost track of some of our cast members. , who came up a few times in the last book, kind of disappears into the background here and when he was mentioned towards the end, I was like oh yeah, him, I wonder what he's been doing all this time!

The ending was fabulous. Cara Dee builds up to it slowly, and it works so well even though It isn't quite a cliffhanger, but if you were able to read up to there and not immediately start the next book, well, you're stronger than I was.

Sexual content: Explicit but not OTT in frequency.

◆◆◆◈◇ - Auctioned
◆◆◆◆◈ - Stranded
◆◆◆◆◆ - Deserted
◆◆◆◈◇ - Played
◆◆◆◈◇ - Finished
◇◇◇◇◇ - Prepared
Profile Image for Niinii.
287 reviews
September 6, 2019
This book was too over the top for me. I wish the author had stopped at human trafficking... But since there will apparently be 5 books in the series, I guess she just wants to drag it out. Also, nothing really happens in the first half of the book.. So yeah.
Profile Image for Linda ~ they got the mustard out! ~.
1,760 reviews129 followers
July 1, 2023
I was a bit disappointed in this one, ngl. It was still good, but I felt like it was a bit scattered. First, I didn't really like getting Darius's POV. It didn't provide much new info about Darius, other than a few vague hints here and there about his past, and it just removed me from what Gray was going through. Second, the time spent on the island felt like filler, and aside from one instance of action, there wasn't much going on with it. And then And the apparent size of this slave smuggling operation is so ridiculously ginormous that if our one or two MCs end up taking it down, that would be unbelievably stupid.

When the boys finally make it back home, the POV switch to Darius was even more jarring since I wanted to be following Gray. I feel like even a dual POV would have been better than only getting this from Darius's perspective. Then there was an absolute onslaught of new names and people showing up for a few pages here and there, and again, I had no way of really caring about any of it since I couldn't keep track of everyone, who they were, who they were related to and why they were there. Even with Darius's own family, I didn't feel any great depth to their relationships.

Oh, and I didn't care much for the "knucklehead" nickname in the last book, but it really started grating here. It's dismissive, not endearing.

I'm still going to read the next one, and hopefully that's an improvement. 🤞🏼
Profile Image for BevS.
2,811 reviews2 followers
February 7, 2019
minions celebrating (2)

4.5 stars from me. Sorry readers, this is still a romance-free zone, and certainly NOT a standalone, you must read Auctioned beforehand to get the background to the story; what it is however is GAY FICTION at it's finest, although as with other series I've read recently, romance will definitely be making an appearance sooner or later I suspect [the signs are already there...]. The storyline is obviously still too harrowing at the moment for romance to even be considered [I freely admit to blubbing 😢], and one of the best pieces of news I had before reading this one was to discover that there will be 5 stories in total featuring Gray and Darius; I have to admit Gray is one of my most favourite characters of recent times.

Darius and his brother Ryan have managed to rescue most of the Lost and Found boys thank goodness, although not without interference from drug cartel members, keen to start a turf war with the traffickers; now the real work begins...to ensure the guys don't fall victim to their awful memories and fears. Counsellors will be needed, patience is of paramount importance, and complete acceptance and understanding of the unholy anger that most of the guys will experience at some stage has to be a given. As with most PTSD sufferers, and I include certain members of the armed forces and rescue services under that umbrella term, the saying 'time heals all wounds' is trite and arguable at best, but nonetheless quite true...pain and anger do lessen in time.

Book 3, Deserted, follows on at some stage from this one. Bring it on!!
Profile Image for Antisocial Recluse.
2,713 reviews
June 16, 2020

The worst part of reading ARC’s for a series is waiting for the next! I really like the way Cara is drawing out this story, following the events with Darius and Gray from start to finish. After defeating the kidnappers, the fight for freedom isn’t completely over. I would have been happy with less death and violence in this volume but getting rescued isn’t any easier than the escape. Cara Dee keeps the tension high with a struggle for survival on an island, waiting to be found andhopefully by the right people. Darius and Gray grow closer as Darius finally realizes what a hold Gray has on him but he’s wary of what the future will bring. None of the younger men and boys realize the hardest fight will come once they get home with so many brutal memories in tow. Darius has dealt with PTSD and his greatest fear is losing Gray to it.

The narrative is incredibly gripping and the depictions of reactions amid the aftermath of so much trauma is realistic, frightening and heartbreaking. It also ends in a cliffhanger, which I know some readers will hate. Personally, I don’t mind rereading a book in preparation for the next release but others might like to collect the volumes to read all at once. Characters from the Camassia Cove series are present of course, since they’re all connected friends and family. It’s not sex heavy but there is a hot scene or two, and the romance elements come through in Darius’s observations and thoughts about Gray. I’m also not sure if book three, Deserted, will be the last or not but it sounds like more adventure and suspense. There’s not a Cara Dee (mm) that I haven’t liked or loved, so if you haven’t read her books yet you have time to catch up with the rest of the residents of Camassia Cove.
Profile Image for Rae (semi-hiatus).
515 reviews131 followers
February 12, 2023
That cliffy *sniffle*

I do like that I knew the cliffy was coming a good 30% (maybe more) in advance and that it fit the character and the plot. Unfortunately it didn’t leave off with a HFN like Book 1 so that was a bummer 🥺.

This was amazing. The resilience of Gray is astounding. He’s so freaking strong and he doesn’t see that and I wanna cry. And then Jonas omg 😭. Cara Dee likes ripping my heart out.

This book shows the subtleties of PTSD when someone has recently escaped a traumatic experience. I loved how we saw how fear and your own mind can fight hard against survival instincts. Ugh. Beautiful heartbreaking book. Just like the first.

I was really skeptical when I saw this series had 5 books about 1 couple but now I understand. The stories that are taking place are needed and well planned out. Best I can relate it to is The Mindfuck series, lots of books but each one is important, interesting, and necessary. While these books might be dark, the overarching themes are resilience and strength, love and compassion. 💛

I realized I haven’t mentioned Darius at all in either of my reviews. He’s so great, holy shit! I was worried about codependency considering his role in everything but it’s not like that at all. He’s a hero and builds up Gray when he needs to and backs off when Gray needs to trust himself. Solid partner all around. I love this couple so much.
Profile Image for Papie.
782 reviews166 followers
March 17, 2024
Another crazy roller coaster of action and emotions. I love Darius and Gray, and every single one of the other boys.
Profile Image for Qin.
535 reviews44 followers
February 1, 2019
I had (not so great) hopes that this follow-up would address the very many issues that downgraded the first instalment while deepening the wholesale plot and adding more layers to the utterly formulaic Gray and Darius. Too bad Mrs Dee, no doubt comforted by the numerous, extravagantly raving reviews of Auctioned on GR and Amazon and other platforms, decided to go on plodding with as little psychological truth and dramatic realism and true grit as she demonstrated in the launching vehicle of this series. Not only here is the angst between the leads so utterly fabricated as to ring hollow after a hundred pages - an extremely grievous charge inasmuch as the romance between Gray and Darius shows no signs of even budding while the macrostructure revolving around the criminal intrigue remains as stubbornly vague and undocumented as ever, leaving the thusly bereaved reader with nothing more roborative to propel his interest forward than endless harping on the events from the previous book and rather unproductive grumbling about the poor lads still under the thumb of the criminal circle. Even the dialogue smacked strongly of stopgap in its proneness to idle chat and its partiality towards filler and lousy generalizations. A book ought to have a message to deliver, if only in plot evolution, and not be self-indulgent as here. At this point, one might question: what of the lurid contents which delight so many of my GR fellows? My answer shall be clear-cut: those are merely smoke and mirrors. Between those covers, contrary to popular belief, a severe judge can only find danger lite and kidnapping for the faint of heart and PTSD designed to please those whose exposition to life's risks never extend beyond a distracted glance at Wikipedia, as virtually everything is glossed over instead of being narrated step-by-step with the kind of atmospheric writing in the absence of which trauma and suffering and degradation at the hands of predators and sexual exploitation are nothing but vacuous concepts brandished around as so many artificial props by an author whose stomach does not suffer edgy materials or whose literary chops are nigh insufficient to dabble into the miasma of dark sexuality in cinematographic detail. Mrs Dee obviously ignores how much writing should be an experimental process in the course of which one's talent grows and deepens for the sheer enjoyment of the reader; it is my strong feeling that the creation of those two novels did not teach her one thing. We are now told that the entire arc will number five books; this in my mind makes two or three too much, and if their quality declines as steadily as it does between the first two, I can safely predict that the leads' romance and their long-delayed HEA (if not a consolidated HFN) will be unadulterated cheese under a thin, purely make-believe veneer of danger. I shall no longer bother with Mrs Dee's diluted soda marketed as vinegar.
Profile Image for AussieMum.
1,386 reviews49 followers
March 17, 2019
I was so engrossed in book 1 that I didn’t even stop to think it was written solely from Grey’s POV. So when I picked up this one and was automatically In Darius’ head I was blown away. Whereas Auctioned was heartbreaking and hard to read at times, this one definitely brings in the emotional side. But in Darius’ head we see how emotionally and physically exhausting his job has been. The toll it’s taken. And being in his head is exhausting, in the most intriguing way. The way he strategises, he plans, all mixed up with his feelings for Grey and the need to secure safety for the remaining boys he’s helped to rescue. He never stops thinking. He is always trying to be 2, 3, 4 steps ahead of the bad guys. I loved it. Was cheering for him, for them all. Even when unthinkable things happened.

And amid the complexity of their situation, the beginning of a relationship, a friendship, more maybe...it’s going to be a long road.
Profile Image for Denise C.
781 reviews160 followers
June 14, 2022
3.75 Stars

The author really doesn't pull any punches in this series 🥺😢 The grief and losses make it so much more real and harsh, but that doesn't make it hurt any less. I wish all the boys could've made it 😣

This still isn't really a romance, although Darius and Gray have developed an unhealthy dependence on each other that is undoubtedly going to get worse before it gets better. Both of them, but especially Gray, have so much trauma to work through and it's going to hurt 🥺

I feel like I'm missing a lot of background history and context regarding who all of the characters are. It feels like I'm supposed to already know the history between Ryan and Darius and all about the rescue missions they've been on together, but barely anything is explained. I quickly lost track of who the hell all of the countless characters were, which was frustrating and annoying. Is it really necessary to make all of your series so intertwined? 🙄

I'm interested to see how the relationship between Darius and Gray progresses and I hope that we see all of the boys again.

Book 1: Auctioned → 4 Stars
Book 2: Stranded → 3.75 Stars
Book 3: Deserted → 3.75 Stars
Book 4: Played → did not read
Book 5: Finished → did not read
Profile Image for Maze the Amateur Reader.
92 reviews26 followers
January 2, 2021
"If there’s one thing I’ve learned these past few weeks, it’s that I don’t have to be stuck on an island to be stranded."

This book was full of drama that will make you want to cry. My heart bleed for Gray and for the other survivors, I almost dnf because they keep dying and I'm quite fond of them especially Jonas but I'm glad I didn't. This book was good just like the 1st book, if not better.

"Until we see each other again, be well, Dare. You’re still my hero.

My heart ached for Darius and Gray. We got to learn more about Darius in this book and that made me sympathize with him more. It was not as dark as the first one but there were still intense scenes and this one was more heavy, angsty and emotionally exhausting. It was equally well-written, there were overdramatic moments but Cara Dee's writing draws you in and makes you want to keep reading.

I love the intensity of the story and the characters and the author effectively narrate their struggle to survive after being rescued. They survived, Gray survived but the scars remained. And I'm not too bothered with the cliffhanger since the third book was already out I wish that one ends with a HEA...
Profile Image for Starr (AKA Starrfish) Rivers.
1,142 reviews378 followers
August 12, 2021
Ah Darius...

I'm so happy you got your own voice in your own book. I enjoy your POV so much more than Gray's (no offense, Gray, I like you, but no where near as much as Dare).

Give me an older (43 I think), muscly, tall, HAF alpha male any day!! I love the way he thinks. I love how he's sooooo MALE!!

Fluttery sighs...
Profile Image for Alex.
342 reviews31 followers
March 22, 2019
Well... That was emotional!
I knew it would be but damn...


It was less dark than the first one as we witnessed everything these boys had to endured.
No. Now it's the aftermath. The devastating reality of everything that happened to them...

In the first book we had only Gray PoV and in this one we only have Darius's, and let me tell you, I was not prepared.... So intense and tortured and complex and so profoundly good!
We follow them right where the first book ended.
They are free but not saved yet.. Stranded on an island waiting for the rescue and facing still another enemy.

Gray... He broke my heart, so much.
The way the trauma is described is really something.
Cara Dee is very good with that topic. She can make you feel everything and it's not pretty but it is real.
The relationship is evolving but from the start we can see that they are not there yet. So much trauma, so much baggages...
I read that there will be 5 books in total for Gray and Darius and I WILL BE THERE FOR ALL OF THEM!
Now, excuse me I have to go cry some more...

Profile Image for Jo * Smut-Dickted *.
2,038 reviews499 followers
February 19, 2019
I love the idea of the series and it started strong but this one had so much telling - it mitigated the feelings I had for the other boys completely. The whole thing is human trafficking yet we really never see much of anything other than consensual sorts of sex between the MC's. This had lots and lots of potential. Unlike the previous series where the focus is on the emotions and the aftermath - such that it was ok not to have too many details this one suffered for it. I'm sure some will feel that just the descriptions of how people looked (bloody, bruised, crying) are enough for them but I felt like it just wasn't far enough to deliver the emotional impact I so wanted. Still I was engrossed and could not put it down easily - it turned out to be a good thing I had a 16 hour flight to read it on!
Profile Image for Chris.
2,070 reviews
February 3, 2019
Wow .. this was intense ! Extremely well written, highlighting the emotions and and trauma that these poor boys / men went through. I didn’t put this down and was desperately urging the bond between Grey & Darius. I could see the conclusion coming like writing on the wall and I’m looking forward to book 3. No doubt further issues will unfold- thank god this is fictional... although sadly, a hint of reality sinks in.
Profile Image for Annery.
947 reviews154 followers
January 31, 2023
This is a book/series that definitely needs to be read sequentially. Any perspicacious reader can figure out in very broad strokes what's happened to the characters but without reading the first book appreciation for the development of the romance/relationship that the author is laying out for the MC is much diminished and why would you do that to yourself?

This part of the story is narrated from Darius' POV and it was good to be in his head. We get tantalizing glimpses behind the armor, an armor which Gray unwittingly and without trying has chinked more than once.

One could say that in and of itself this volume isn't a romance but being as it is not meant to be a standalone but rather part of a greater whole I think it works. We get the realities of the kidnaped once they are first returned to the bosom of their families, the emotional rollercoasters. Of particular interest to us are Gray and Darius.

Darius' usual coping mechanisms after missions like these aren't working and Gray despite the tight embrace of family & friends (folks from the CCU) needs something else/more. They seek solace in each other but no declarations are exchanged (smart choice by the author) and no promises made. However the seeds of something that was planted in bk.1 are growing and I'll be happy to give them time and watch them flourish in the next books.

Profile Image for Stellaria.
310 reviews27 followers
July 21, 2020
5 stars!

What a great continuation of the story!

I loved how the relationship between Darius and Gray evolved and became even stronger after everything that they have been through, especially Gray. The author added another important theme to the equation and even though the book ended with a cliffhanger, it was believable and the most logical outcome. Every other ending would have seemed superficial and unbelievable. PTSD is a serious state of mind that needs time and a lot of patience to be dealt with.

And again, great writing and great job making both of the main characters even more complex than they were in the first book.
Displaying 1 - 30 of 275 reviews

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